diff COG/bac-genomics-scripts/prot_finder/binary_group_stats.pl @ 3:e42d30da7a74 draft

author dereeper
date Thu, 30 May 2024 11:52:25 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/COG/bac-genomics-scripts/prot_finder/binary_group_stats.pl	Thu May 30 11:52:25 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+# POD #
+=head1 NAME
+C<binary_group_stats.pl> - categorize binary matrix rows according to
+column groups
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<perl binary_group_stats.pl -i binary_matrix.tsv -g group_file.tsv
+-p E<gt> overall_stats.tsv>
+Categorize rows of a delimited TEXT input B<binary> matrix (option
+B<-i>) according to column group affiliations. All fields of the binary
+matrix need to be filled with either a B<0> indicating absence or a
+B<1> indicating presence, i.e. all rows need to have the same number of
+columns. Use option B<-d> to set the delimiter of the input matrix,
+default is set to tab-delimited/separated matrices.
+The group affiliations of the columns are intended to get overall
+presence/absence statistics for groups of columns and not simply
+single columns of the matrix. Percentage inclusion (option
+B<-cut_i>) and exclusion (option B<-cut_e>) cutoffs can be set to
+define how strict the presence/absence of column groups within a row
+are defined. Of course groups can also hold only single column
+headers to get single column statistics. Group affiliations are
+defined in a mandatory B<tab-delimited> group input file (option
+B<-g>), including the column headers from the input binary matrix,
+with B<minimal two> and B<maximal four> groups.
+The script was designed to handle a presence/absence query protein
+binary matrix from a C<prot_finder.pl> protein homolog search in
+bacterial genomes with a subsequent C<prot_binary_matrix.pl> run to
+create the matrix. But, any binary matrix can be used for
+C<binary_group_stats.pl>, optionally beforehand transposed with
+C<transpose_matrix.pl>. However, column headers in the first row and
+row headers in the first column are B<mandatory> for the input
+binary matrix. Only alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore (_),
+dash (-), and period (.) characters are allowed for the B<column
+headers> and B<group names> in the group file (option B<-g>) to
+avoid downstream problems with the operating/file system. As a
+consequence, also no whitespaces are allowed in these! Additionally,
+B<column headers>, B<row headers>, and B<group names> need to be
+<binary_group_stats.pl> is based upon
+L<C<po2group_stats.pl>|/po2group_stats>, which does the same thing
+for genomes in an ortholog/paralog output matrix from a
+To explain the logic behind the categorization, the following
+annotation for example groups will be used. A following '1'
+exemplifies a group column presence count in a respective row E<gt>=
+the rounded inclusion cutoff, a '0' a group column presence count
+E<lt>= the rounded exclusion cutoff. The presence and absence of
+rows for the column group affiliations are structured in different
+categories depending on the number of groups. For B<two groups>
+(e.g. A and B) there are five categories: 'A specific' (A:B = 1:0),
+'B specific' (0:1), 'cutoff core' (1:1), 'underrepresented' (0:0),
+and 'unspecific'. Unspecific rows have a column presence count for
+at least B<one> group outside the cutoffs (exclusion cutoff E<lt>
+column presence count E<lt> inclusion cutoff) and thus cannot be
+categorized. The respective row headers of these 'unspecific' rows
+will only be printed to a final result file with option B<-u>.
+Overall stats for all categories are printed to C<STDOUT> in a final
+tab-delimited output matrix.
+B<Three groups> (A, B, and C) have the following nine categories: 'A
+specific' (A:B:C = 1:0:0), 'B specific' (0:1:0), 'C specific'
+(0:0:1), 'A absent' (0:1:1), 'B absent' (1:0:1), 'C absent' (1:1:0),
+'cutoff core' (1:1:1), 'underrepresented' (0:0:0), and 'unspecific'.
+B<Four groups> (A, B, C, and D) are classified in 17 categories: 'A
+specific' (A:B:C:D = 1:0:0:0), 'B specific' (0:1:0:0), 'C specific'
+(0:0:1:0), 'D specific' (0:0:0:1), 'A-B specific' (1:1:0:0), 'A-C
+specific' (1:0:1:0), 'A-D specific' (1:0:0:1), 'B-C specific'
+(0:1:1:0), 'B-D specific' (0:1:0:1), 'C-D specific' (0:0:1:1), 'A
+absent' (0:1:1:1), 'B absent' (1:0:1:1), 'C absent' (1:1:0:1), 'D
+absent' (1:1:1:0), 'cutoff core' (1:1:1:1), 'underrepresented'
+(0:0:0:0), and 'unspecific'.
+The resulting B<group> presence/absence (according to the cutoffs)
+can also be printed to a group binary matrix (option B<-b>) in the
+result directory (option B<-r>), excluding the 'unspecific'
+category. Since the categories are the logics underlying venn
+diagrams, you can also plot the results in a venn diagram using the
+group binary matrix (option B<-p>). The 'underrepresented' category
+is exempt from the venn diagram, because it is outside of venn
+diagram logics.
+For an illustration of the logics have a look at the example venn
+diagrams in the L<C<po2group_stats.pl>|/po2group_stats> folder
+There are two optional categories (which are only considered for the
+final print outs and in the final stats matrix, not for the group
+binary matrix and the venn diagram): 'strict core' (option B<-co>)
+for rows where B<all> columns have a presence '1'. Of course all the
+'strict core' rows are also included in the 'cutoff core' category
+('strict core' is identical to 'cutoff core' with B<-cut_i> 1 and
+B<-cut_e> 0). Option B<-s> activates the detection of
+'singleton/column-specific' rows with a '1' in only B<one> column.
+Depending on the cutoffs and number of columns in the groups,
+category 'underrepresented' includes most of these singletons.
+Each row header is printed in the respective category output file in
+the result directory. The number of row headers in the category
+result files are the same as listed in the venn diagram and the
+final stats matrix. Groups with only a single column header will
+have the same result as the respective 'singleton' category (with
+option B<-s>).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 Mandatory options
+=over 20
+=item B<-i>=I<str>, B<-input>=I<str>
+Input delimited TEXT binary matrix (e.g. *.tsv, *.csv, or *.txt),
+see option B<-d>
+=item B<-g>=I<str>, B<-groups_file>=I<str>
+Tab-delimited file with group affiliation for the columns from the
+input binary matrix with B<minimal two> and B<maximal four> groups
+(easiest to create in a spreadsheet software and save in
+tab-separated format). B<All> column headers from the input binary
+matrix need to be included. Column headers and group names can only
+include alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore (_), dash (-), and
+period (.) characters (no whitespaces allowed either). Example
+format with two column headers in group A, three in group B and D,
+and one in group C:
+=head2 Optional options
+=over 20
+=item B<-h>, B<-help>
+Help (perldoc POD)
+=item B<-d>=I<str>, B<-delimiter>=I<str>
+Set delimiter of input binary matrix (e.g. comma ',', single
+space ' ' etc.) [default = tab-delimited/separated]
+=item B<-r>=I<str>, B<-result_dir>=I<str>
+Path to result folder [default = inclusion and exclusion percentage
+cutoff, './results_i#_e#']
+=item B<-cut_i>=I<float>, B<-cut_inclusion>=I<float>
+Percentage inclusion cutoff for column presence counts in a group
+per row, has to be E<gt> 0 and E<lt>= 1. Cutoff will be rounded
+according to the column header number in each group and has to be
+E<gt> the rounded exclusion cutoff in this group. [default = 0.9]
+=item B<-cut_e>=I<float>, B<-cut_exclusion>=I<float>
+Percentage exclusion cutoff, has to be E<gt>= 0 and E<lt> 1. Rounded
+cutoff has to be E<lt> rounded inclusion cutoff. [default = 0.1]
+=item B<-b>, B<-binary_group_matrix>
+Print a group binary matrix with the presence/absence column group
+results according to the cutoffs (excluding 'unspecific' category
+=item B<-p>, B<-plot_venn>
+Plot venn diagram from the group binary matrix (except 'unspecific'
+and 'underrepresented' categories) with function C<venn> from B<R>
+package B<gplots>, requires option B<-b>
+=item B<-co>, B<-core_strict>
+Include 'strict core' category in output for rows where B<all>
+columns have a '1'
+=item B<-s>, B<-singletons>
+Include singleton/column-specific rows for each column header in the
+output, activates also overall column header presence ('1') counts
+in final stats matrix for columns with singletons
+=item B<-u>, B<-unspecific>
+Include 'unspecific' category in output
+=item B<-a>, B<-all_column_presence_overall>
+Report overall presence counts for all column headers (appended to
+the final stats matrix), also those without singletons; will include
+all overall column header presence counts without option B<-s>
+=item B<-v>, B<-version>
+Print version number to C<STDERR>
+=head1 OUTPUT
+=over 20
+=item C<STDOUT>
+The tab-delimited final stats matrix is printed to C<STDOUT>.
+Redirect or pipe into another tool as needed.
+=item F<./results_i#_e#>
+All output files are stored in a results folder
+=item F<./results_i#_e#/[*_specific|*_absent|cutoff_core|underrepresented]_rows.txt>
+Files including the row headers for rows in non-optional categories
+=item (F<./results_i#_e#/[*_singletons|strict_core|unspecific]_rows.txt>)
+Optional category output files with the respective row headers
+=item (F<./results_i#_e#/binary_matrix.tsv>)
+Tab-delimited binary matrix of group presence/absence results
+according to cutoffs (excluding 'unspecific' rows)
+=item (F<./results_i#_e#/venn_diagram.pdf>)
+Venn diagram for non-optional categories (except 'unspecific' and
+'underrepresented' categories)
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=item C<perl binary_group_stats.pl -i binary_matrix_transposed.csv -g group_file.tsv -d , -r result_dir -cut_i 0.7 -cut_e 0.2 -b -p -co -s -u -a E<gt> overall_stats.tsv>
+=item B<Statistical computing language L<R|http://www.r-project.org/>>
+C<Rscript> is needed to plot the venn diagram with option B<-p>,
+tested with version 3.2.2
+=item B<L<gplots|https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gplots/index.html>>
+Package needed for B<R> to plot the venn diagram with function
+C<venn>. Tested with B<gplots> version 2.17.0.
+=head1 VERSION
+ 0.1                                                       06-06-2016
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ Andreas Leimbach                               aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 (GPLv3) of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# MAIN #
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use autodie;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+my $Cmdline = "$0 @ARGV"; # used call command
+### Get the options with Getopt::Long
+my $Binary_Matrix_File; # binary input matrix
+my $Groups_File; # tab-separated file with group affiliation for the input binary matrix column headers
+my $Delimiter = "\t"; # set delimiter/separator of input matrix
+my $Result_Dir; # path to results folder; default is set below to '"./results_i".$Inclusion_Cutoff."c".$Exclusion_Cutoff'
+my $Inclusion_Cutoff = 0.9; # inclusion percentage cutoff for column presence ('1') count per row (floating point number >0 && <=1)
+my $Exclusion_Cutoff = 0.1; # exclusion percentage cutoff (floating point number >=0 && <1)
+my $Opt_Group_Binary; # print resulting group binary matrix according to the group inclusion/exclusion results
+my $Opt_Venn; # create venn diagram with R package 'gplots' function 'venn'; requires $Opt_Group_Binary
+my $Opt_Strict_Core; # report also strict core, i.e. rows with presence in ALL columns of input binary matrix (identical to 'cutoff_core' with inclusion and exclusion cutoffs of 1 and 0 resp.)
+my $Opt_Singletons; # report also singletons for each column header (outside of the group classifications)
+my $Opt_Unspecific; # report also group-unspecific rows ('exclusion < row_group_column-presence_count < inclusion' for any group)
+my $Opt_Columns_Overall; # report overall row presence counts also for column headers without singletons
+my $VERSION = 0.1;
+my ($Opt_Version, $Opt_Help);
+GetOptions ('input=s' => \$Binary_Matrix_File,
+            'groups_file=s' => \$Groups_File,
+            'delimiter=s' => \$Delimiter,
+            'result_dir=s' => \$Result_Dir,
+            'cut_inclusion=f' => \$Inclusion_Cutoff,
+            'cut_exclusion=f' => \$Exclusion_Cutoff,
+            'binary_group_matrix' => \$Opt_Group_Binary,
+            'plot_venn' => \$Opt_Venn,
+            'core_strict' => \$Opt_Strict_Core,
+            'singletons' => \$Opt_Singletons,
+            'unspecific' => \$Opt_Unspecific,
+            'all_column_presence_overall' => \$Opt_Columns_Overall,
+            'version' => \$Opt_Version,
+            'help|?' => \$Opt_Help)
+            or pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitval => 2);
+### Run perldoc on POD and enforce mandatory options
+pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($Opt_Help);
+die "$0 $VERSION\n" if ($Opt_Version);
+if (!$Binary_Matrix_File || !$Groups_File) {
+    my $warning = "\n### Fatal error: Mandatory options '-i' or '-g' or their arguments are missing!\n";
+    pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -message => $warning, -exitval => 2);
+if (($Inclusion_Cutoff <= 0 || $Inclusion_Cutoff > 1) || ($Exclusion_Cutoff < 0 || $Exclusion_Cutoff >= 1)) {
+    my $warning = "\n### Fatal error:\nInclusion (0 < '-cut_i' <= 1) or exclusion (0 <= '-cut_e' < 1) cutoff(s) not chosen correctly!\n";
+    pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -message => $warning, -exitval => 2);
+print STDERR "Script call command: $Cmdline\n"; # print call command after '-h|-v'
+if ($Opt_Venn && !$Opt_Group_Binary) {
+    warn "Option '-p' to draw the venn diagram set, but not it's required option '-b' for the output group binary matrix. Forcing option '-b'!\n";
+    $Opt_Group_Binary = 1;
+### Parse column headers (from the input binary matrix) in groups file
+print STDERR "Parsing group file '$Groups_File' "; # run status of script
+open (my $Groups_File_Fh, "<", "$Groups_File");
+my @Group_Names; # store group name column order
+my %Column_Header_Groups; # hash of hash with group name as key, internal hash with resp. input binary matrix column header anonymous array (key 'column_headers'), or calculated integer inclusion/exclusion cutoffs (key 'inclusion' etc.)
+while (<$Groups_File_Fh>) {
+    chomp;
+    next if (/^\s*$/); # skip empty lines
+    # check groups file header and get group names
+    if ($. == 1) { # header of groups file (first line)
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nGroups file '$Groups_File' does not have a correctly formatted header line with at least TWO and maximal FOUR tab-separated group name columns (without other whitespaces)!\n" if (!/^\S+\t\S+\t?\S*\t?\S*$/);
+        foreach my $group_name (split(/\t/)) {
+            check_file_system_conformity($group_name, 'group names'); # subroutine to check string only contains alphanumeric '0-9a-zA-Z', underscore '_', dash '-', and period '.' characters
+            die "\n### Fatal error:\nGroup name '$group_name' is not unique in the group file '$Groups_File'! Please choose unique names for the groups in the group file!\n" if (grep {/$group_name/} @Group_Names);
+            push (@Group_Names, $group_name); # store groups array
+        }
+        next; # skip header line for subsequent code
+    }
+    # parse input binary matrix column headers in groups file
+    die "\n### Fatal error:\nLine '$.' in the groups file '$Groups_File' does not have the correct format with maximal four tab-separated column header names from the input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' according to the groups (without other whitespaces):\n$_\n" if (!/^\S*\t?\S*\t?\S*\t?\S*$/);
+    my $column = -1; # group file column counter to associate input binary matrix column header to correct group (@Group_Names array zero-based, thus start with '-1')
+    foreach my $column_header (split(/\t/)) {
+        $column++;
+        next if ($column_header =~ /^$/); # skip empty columns in group file, in case the groups have uneven column header numbers
+        warn "\n### Warning:\nInput binary matrix column header '$column_header' in the group file has a binary ('0' or '1') instead of an alphanumeric string, sure this is a column header? The matrix needs to have mandatory row and column headers, see help with '-h'!\n" if ($column_header =~ /^(0|1)$/);
+        check_file_system_conformity($column_header, 'column headers'); # subroutine
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nInput binary matrix column header '$column_header' is not unique in the group file '$Groups_File', but needs to be in the group file and the input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File'! The group file needs to contain all of the column headers from the input binary matrix and vice versa. Make sure the strings correspond exactly (also lower/uppercase) to the header of the matrix!\n\n" if (check_column_header_in_groups($column_header)); # subroutine to check if a column header is present in %Column_Header_Groups
+        push (@{ $Column_Header_Groups{$Group_Names[$column]}->{'column_headers'} }, $column_header); # push into anonymous array in hash of hash
+    }
+close $Groups_File_Fh;
+print STDERR "with ", scalar map(@{ $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'column_headers'} }, keys %Column_Header_Groups), " input binary matrix column headers ...\n"; # run status of script
+foreach (@Group_Names) {
+    die "\n### Fatal error:\nGroup '$_' does not contain an element, please add a suitable input binary matrix column header or remove the group from the group file '$Groups_File'!\n" if (!$Column_Header_Groups{$_});
+### Round inclusion and exclusion count cutoffs for each group
+foreach (sort keys %Column_Header_Groups) {
+    $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'inclusion'} = int((scalar @{ $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'column_headers'} } * $Inclusion_Cutoff) + 0.5); # round positive number half up to integer ((s)printf rounds half to even), see e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/178539/how-do-you-round-a-floating-point-number-in-perl
+    print STDERR "Group '$_' with ", scalar @{ $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'column_headers'} }, " input binary matrix column headers has a rounded inclusion cutoff of $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'inclusion'} column header(s) and ";
+    $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'exclusion'} = int((scalar @{ $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'column_headers'} } * $Exclusion_Cutoff) + 0.5);
+    print STDERR "an exclusion cutoff of $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'exclusion'} column header(s)!\n";
+    die "\n### Fatal error:\nThe rounded inclusion cutoff has to be greater than the exclusion cutoff for all groups, please choose appropriate cutoffs!\n" if ($Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'inclusion'} <= $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'exclusion'});
+### Create result folder
+if (!$Result_Dir) { # can't give default before 'GetOptions' in case cutoffs are set by the user
+    $Result_Dir = "./results_i".$Inclusion_Cutoff."_e".$Exclusion_Cutoff;
+} else {
+    $Result_Dir =~ s/\/$//; # get rid of a potential '/' at the end of $Result_Dir path
+if (-e $Result_Dir) {
+    empty_dir($Result_Dir); # subroutine to empty a directory with user interaction
+} else {
+    mkdir $Result_Dir;
+### Parse rows in input binary matrix
+print STDERR "Parsing input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' ...\n"; # run status of script
+open (my $Binary_Matrix_Fh, "<", "$Binary_Matrix_File");
+my @Column_Headers; # store input binary matrix column header order
+my %Row_Header_Groups; # hash of hash with row header as key (first column of each row) and internal hash with column header as key and '1' for presence ('0' absence is not stored)
+while (<$Binary_Matrix_Fh>) {
+    chomp;
+    next if (/^\s*$/); # skip empty lines
+    die "\n### Fatal error:\nSet delimiter/separator '$Delimiter' (option '-d') not found in line '$.' of the input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File', sure the correct one is set?\n" if ($_ !~ /$Delimiter/);
+    # check input binary matrix file header and get column header names
+    if ($. == 1) { # header of input binary matrix file (first line)
+        my (undef, @headers) = split(/$Delimiter/); # get rid of first line row header
+        foreach my $column_header (@headers) {
+            die "\n### Fatal error:\nColumn header '$column_header' is present in the input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' but not in the groups file '$Groups_File'. However, the group file needs to contain all of the column headers from the matrix and vice versa. Make sure the strings correspond exactly (also lower/uppercase) to the matrix header!\n" unless (check_column_header_in_groups($column_header)); # subroutine to check if a column header is present in %Column_Header_Groups
+            push (@Column_Headers, $column_header);
+        }
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nNot the same amount of input binary matrix column headers in the group file '$Groups_File' and matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File', but the group file needs to contain all of the column headers in the matrix and vice versa!\n" if (@Column_Headers != map(@{ $Column_Header_Groups{$_}->{'column_headers'} }, keys %Column_Header_Groups));
+        next; # skip header line of input binary matrix for subsequent code
+    }
+    # parse input binary matrix
+    my ($row_header, @presence_absence) = split(/$Delimiter/);
+    die "\n### Fatal error:\nInput binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' row '$row_header' doesn't have the same amount of columns as overall column headers, however the matrix needs to be filled/consistent in every row!\n" unless (@Column_Headers == @presence_absence);
+    die "\n### Fatal error:\nInput binary matrix row header '$row_header' is not unique in the input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File', however all row headers need to be unique!\n" if ($Row_Header_Groups{$row_header});
+    warn "\n### Warning:\nLine number '$.' of the binary input matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' has a binary ('0' or '1') row header instead of an alphanumeric string, sure this is a row header? The matrix needs to have mandatory row and column headers, see help with '-h'!\n\n" if ($row_header =~ /^(0|1)$/);
+    my $column = -1; # column counter to associate presence/absence field to correct column header (@Column_Headers array zero-based, thus start with '-1')
+    foreach (@presence_absence) {
+        $column++;
+        die "\n###Fatal error:\nThere's an empty field in the input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' in row '$row_header', column '$column+2'. This shouldn't happen, as all the fields of the BINARY matrix should either have a '0' indicating absence or a '1' indicating presence!\n" if (/^$/);
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nThe input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' contains a field with '$_' in row/line '$.', column '$column+2', instead of the mandatory binary '0' indicating absence or '1' indicating presence!\n" if (!/^(0|1)$/);
+        next if (!$_); # skip absence columns in binary input matrix (indicated by '0'), have to skip after '$column++' otherwise column won't fit
+        $Row_Header_Groups{$row_header}{$Column_Headers[$column]} = $_; # store presence ('1') in hash of hash
+    }
+close $Binary_Matrix_Fh;
+### Calculate column stats from input binary matrix according to the group cutoffs, categorize the results and print to result files
+print STDERR "Calculating column stats from the input binary matrix according to the group cutoffs ...\n"; # run status of script
+# open result file for group binary matrix and print header
+my $Group_Binary_Matrix_File; # filename needed also for venn diagram R script below
+my $Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh;
+if ($Opt_Group_Binary) {
+    $Group_Binary_Matrix_File = "$Result_Dir/group_binary_matrix.tsv";
+    open ($Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh, ">", "$Group_Binary_Matrix_File");
+    print $Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh join("\t", @Group_Names), "\n"; # print header for group binary matrix
+my %Count_Group_Pres_Abs; # hash of hash to store presence count and output filehandle for each category ('core', 'group-specific' etc.)
+foreach my $row_header (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %Row_Header_Groups) {
+    my %present_row_columns; # hash of array to store input binary matrix columns of a group with PRESENCE ('1') in the current row for cutoff tests and print outs
+    # 'strict_core' category row, if ALL columns present in row (with option '-co')
+    if ($Opt_Strict_Core && keys %{$Row_Header_Groups{$row_header}} == @Column_Headers) {
+        $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'strict_core'}->{'presence_count'}++;
+        open_result_file("$Result_Dir/strict_core_rows.txt", 'strict_core') if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'strict_core'}->{'fh'}); # subroutine to open result file and store fh (if not opened yet)
+        print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'strict_core'}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n"; # block around fh needed if not a simple string variable (or glob)
+    }
+    # count and save number of columns with presence ('1') for the current $row_header with their corresponding group affiliation
+    foreach my $group (@Group_Names) {
+        foreach my $column_header (@{ $Column_Header_Groups{$group}->{'column_headers'} }) {
+            if ($Row_Header_Groups{$row_header}->{$column_header}) { # $column_header with presence in current $row_header
+                push(@{ $present_row_columns{$group} }, $column_header); # push into anonymous array in hash
+                # 'singleton' category row if only ONE column with presence (with option '-s')
+                if ($Opt_Singletons && keys %{$Row_Header_Groups{$row_header}} == 1) {
+                    $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$column_header}->{'presence_count'}++; # here: category = $column_header
+                    open_result_file("$Result_Dir/$column_header\_singletons.txt", $column_header) if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$column_header}->{'fh'}); # subroutine
+                    print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$column_header}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # filter column presence counts of the groups in this row according to inclusion-/exclusion-cutoffs
+    my @row_included_groups; # array for groups with number of present column in this row >= the inclusion cutoff
+    my @row_excluded_groups; # array for groups with column presence <= the exclusion cutoff
+    my @row_unspec_groups; # array for unspecific groups with 'exclusion < column_presence_count < inclusion'
+    foreach my $group (@Group_Names) {
+        if ($present_row_columns{$group}) { # only run if group has a column presence in this row (otherwise undefined ARRAY reference)
+            if (@{ $present_row_columns{$group} } >= $Column_Header_Groups{$group}->{'inclusion'}) {
+                push(@row_included_groups, $group);
+            } elsif (@{ $present_row_columns{$group} } <= $Column_Header_Groups{$group}->{'exclusion'}) {
+                push(@row_excluded_groups, $group);
+            } elsif (@{ $present_row_columns{$group} } > $Column_Header_Groups{$group}->{'exclusion'} && @{ $present_row_columns{$group} } < $Column_Header_Groups{$group}->{'inclusion'}) {
+                push(@row_unspec_groups, $group);
+            }
+        } else { # $present_row_columns{$group} == 0 for group (undef anonymous array), i.e. always <= exclusion
+            push(@row_excluded_groups, $group);
+        }
+    }
+    # 'unspecific' category row if at least ONE group present in '@row_unspec_groups'
+    # no further categorization, i.e. skip rest of logics
+    if (@row_unspec_groups) {
+        $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'unspecific'}->{'presence_count'}++;
+        if ($Opt_Unspecific) { # print only to output file with option '-u'
+            open_result_file("$Result_Dir/unspecific_rows.txt", 'unspecific') if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'unspecific'}->{'fh'}); # subroutine
+            print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'unspecific'}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n";
+        }
+        next; # skip to next $row_header, because now unspec and not suitable for any further categories
+    }
+    # print group binary matrix (in contrast to rows in category 'unspecific' above, 'underrepresented' rows below not skipped because package 'venn' can handle a row with only zeros in the group binary matrix)
+    if ($Opt_Group_Binary) {
+        my $i = 0;
+        foreach my $group (@Group_Names) {
+            $i++;
+            print $Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh "1" if (grep {/$group/} @row_included_groups);
+            print $Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh "0" if (grep {/$group/} @row_excluded_groups);
+            print $Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh "\t" if ($i < @Group_Names);
+        }
+        print $Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh "\n";
+    }
+    # 'cutoff_core' category row if ALL groups >= inclusion (includes 'strict_core' rows where ALL columns are present in the row)
+    # 2 groups A/B [2 inclus :0 exclus], 3 groups A/B/C [3:0], 4 groups A/B/C/D [4:0]
+    if (@row_included_groups == @Group_Names && @row_excluded_groups == 0) {
+        $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'cutoff_core'}->{'presence_count'}++;
+        open_result_file("$Result_Dir/cutoff_core_rows.txt", 'cutoff_core') if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'cutoff_core'}->{'fh'}); # subroutine
+        print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'cutoff_core'}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n";
+    # 'underrepresented' category row if ALL groups <= exclusion_cutoff (depending on the cutoffs and number of columns in the groups will include most singletons)
+    # 2 groups [0:2], 3 [0:3], 4 [0:4]
+    } elsif (@row_included_groups == 0 && @row_excluded_groups == @Group_Names) {
+        $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'underrepresented'}->{'presence_count'}++;
+        open_result_file("$Result_Dir/underrepresented_rows.txt", 'underrepresented') if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'underrepresented'}->{'fh'}); # subroutine
+        print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{'underrepresented'}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n";
+    # 'group-specific' category row if only ONE group >= inclusion_cutoff
+    # 2 groups [1:1], 3 [1:2], 4 [1:3]
+    } elsif (@row_included_groups == 1 && @row_excluded_groups == @Group_Names - 1) {
+        $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_included_groups[0]_specific"}->{'presence_count'}++; # only one element in array thus [0]
+        open_result_file("$Result_Dir/$row_included_groups[0]_specific_rows.txt", "$row_included_groups[0]_specific") if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_included_groups[0]_specific"}->{'fh'}); # subroutine
+        print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_included_groups[0]_specific"}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n";
+    # 'group-absent' category row if ONE group <= exclusion_cutoff (only for 3 and 4 groups)
+    # 3 groups (A+B not C [2:1], A+C not B, and B+C not A) and 4 groups (A+B+C not D [3:1], A+B+D not C, A+C+D not B, B+C+D not A)
+    } elsif (@Group_Names >= 3 && (@row_included_groups == @Group_Names - 1 && @row_excluded_groups == 1)) {
+        $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_excluded_groups[0]_absent"}->{'presence_count'}++;
+        open_result_file("$Result_Dir/$row_excluded_groups[0]_absent_rows.txt", "$row_excluded_groups[0]_absent") if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_excluded_groups[0]_absent"}->{'fh'}); # subroutine
+        print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_excluded_groups[0]_absent"}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n";
+    # 'two group-specific' category row if TWO groups >= inclusion_cutoff (only for 4 groups)
+    # 4 groups (B+D not A or C [2:2], B+C not A or D, A+D not B or C, A+C not B or D, A+B not C or D, C+D not A or B)
+    } elsif (@Group_Names == 4 && (@row_included_groups == @row_excluded_groups)) {
+        $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_included_groups[0]-$row_included_groups[1]_specific"}->{'presence_count'}++;
+        open_result_file("$Result_Dir/$row_included_groups[0]-$row_included_groups[1]_specific_rows.txt", "$row_included_groups[0]-$row_included_groups[1]_specific") if (!$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_included_groups[0]-$row_included_groups[1]_specific"}->{'fh'}); # subroutine
+        print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{"$row_included_groups[0]-$row_included_groups[1]_specific"}->{'fh'} } "$row_header\n";
+    } else {
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nNo category logic test fits for row '$row_header', which shouldn't happen. Have you smuggled only one or five groups into the groups file '$Groups_File' (which also shouldn't be possible)? The script can handle only two, three, or four groups please edit the input!\n"; # shouldn't happen, since regex in group file parse checks for minimally two and maximally four tab-separated group names and all category logics should be covered
+    }
+### Close all output files
+close $Group_Binary_Matrix_Fh if ($Opt_Group_Binary);
+map { close $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$_}->{'fh'} } keys %Count_Group_Pres_Abs;
+### Plot the venn diagram with R package 'gplots' function 'venn'
+if ($Opt_Venn) {
+    my $tmp_r_script = "$Result_Dir/tmp_venn.R"; # filename of the R script
+    my $venn_diagram_name = "$Result_Dir/venn_diagram.pdf"; # filename of the output PDF histogram
+    print STDERR "Drawing venn diagram (option '-p') '$venn_diagram_name' ...\n"; # run status of script
+    open (my $r_fh, ">", "$tmp_r_script");
+    select $r_fh; # select fh for standard print/f output
+    print "#!/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave\n"; # header of R script
+    print "suppressMessages(library(gplots))\n"; # load library 'gplots' for function 'venn' and suppress STDOUT message from loading
+    print "group_binary_matrix <- read.table(\"$Group_Binary_Matrix_File\", header=TRUE, sep=\"\\t\")\n";
+    print "pdf(\"$venn_diagram_name\")\n";
+    print "venn(group_binary_matrix)\n"; # create the venn diagram
+    print "out <- dev.off()\n"; # write histogram to PDF and suppress STDOUT output by diverting it
+    select STDOUT; # change standard print/f output back to STDOUT
+    close $r_fh;
+    # execute tmp R script with 'Rscript'
+    system("Rscript $tmp_r_script") == 0 or die "### Fatal error:\nPlotting the venn diagram didn't work. Either statistical programming language 'R' or the required R package 'gplots' is not installed, not in global \$PATH, or something wrong with the group binary matrix '$Group_Binary_Matrix_File' or the temporary R script '$tmp_r_script', which runs the drawing of the venn diagram. Function 'venn' of the 'gplots' package is required and needs to be installed!\n";
+    unlink $tmp_r_script;
+### Count overall category rows, and plausibility check for above logics
+my $Total_Category_Rows = 0;
+foreach my $category (keys %Count_Group_Pres_Abs) { # can't use a map in case of optionally strict_core, singletons categories (which overlap non-optional categories)
+    next if ($category =~ /strict_core/ || grep {$category eq $_} @Column_Headers); # skip optional 'strict_core' (option '-co') or singleton ('-s') categories
+    $Total_Category_Rows += $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$category}->{'presence_count'};
+die "\n### Fatal error:\nResulting categories don't include all present rows, this shouldn't happen!\n" if (keys %Row_Header_Groups != $Total_Category_Rows); # is this really always the case?
+### Print final output stats matrix
+print STDERR "Finished printing output files to result directory '$Result_Dir', printing final stats matrix to STDOUT ...\n"; # run status of script
+print "# category\tpresence_count\n"; # header for matrix
+print "total_rows\t", scalar keys %Row_Header_Groups, "\n";
+foreach my $category (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %Count_Group_Pres_Abs) {
+    print "$category";
+    if (grep {$category eq $_} @Column_Headers) { # print overall presence counts for column headers with singletons (option '-s')
+        print " overall_presence\t", scalar grep($Row_Header_Groups{$_}->{$category} , keys %Row_Header_Groups), "\n";
+        print "$category singletons"; # include category "key word" singleton for category stats below
+    }
+    print "\t$Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$category}->{'presence_count'}\n";
+# print out overall presence counts for all columns even without singletons (option '-a')
+if ($Opt_Columns_Overall) {
+    foreach my $column_header (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} @Column_Headers) {
+        next if (grep {$column_header eq $_} keys %Count_Group_Pres_Abs); # skip column headers with singletons (option '-s'), already printed above
+        print "$column_header overall_presence\t", scalar grep($Row_Header_Groups{$_}->{$column_header} , keys %Row_Header_Groups), "\n";
+    }
+### Subroutine to check if a column header is present in hash %Column_Header_Groups (hash filled from the $Groups_File)
+sub check_column_header_in_groups {
+    my $column_header = shift;
+    foreach my $group (keys %Column_Header_Groups) {
+        return 1 if (grep {$_ eq $column_header} @{ $Column_Header_Groups{$group}->{'column_headers'} });
+    }
+    return; # return 'undef'
+### Subroutine to check if a string adheres to file system conformity, esp. for filenames
+sub check_file_system_conformity {
+    my ($string, $type) = @_;
+    die "\n\n### Fatal error:\nOnly alphanumeric '0-9a-zA-Z', underscore '_', dash '-', and period '.' characters allowed for $type to avoid operating/file system problems. Thus, please adapt '$string' in the group file '$Groups_File' and if necessary also in the input binary matrix '$Binary_Matrix_File' accordingly!\n" if ($string !~ /^[\w_\-\.]+$/);
+    return 1;
+### Subroutine to empty a directory with user interaction
+sub empty_dir {
+    my $dir = shift;
+    print STDERR "\nDirectory '$dir' already exists! You can use either option '-r' to set a different output result directory name, or do you want to replace the directory and all its contents [y|n]? ";
+    my $user_ask = <STDIN>;
+    if ($user_ask =~ /y/i) {
+        unlink glob "$dir/*"; # remove all files in results directory
+    } else {
+        die "\nScript abborted!\n";
+    }
+    return 1;
+### Open a result file and print the header
+sub open_result_file {
+    my ($filename, $category) = @_;
+    open ($Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$category}->{'fh'}, ">", "$filename"); # store filehandle in hash of hash
+    print { $Count_Group_Pres_Abs{$category}->{'fh'} } "# row_header\n"; # block around fh needed if not a simple string variable (or glob)
+    return 1;