diff COG/bac-genomics-scripts/sample_fastx-txt/sample_fastx-txt.pl @ 3:e42d30da7a74 draft

author dereeper
date Thu, 30 May 2024 11:52:25 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/COG/bac-genomics-scripts/sample_fastx-txt/sample_fastx-txt.pl	Thu May 30 11:52:25 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+# POD #
+=head1 NAME
+C<sample_fastx-txt.pl> - random subsampling of FASTA, FASTQ, or TEXT files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<perl sample_fastx-txt.pl -i infile.fasta -n 100 E<gt> subsample.fasta>
+C<zcat reads.fastq.gz | perl sample_fastx-txt.pl -i - -n 100000
+E<gt> subsample.fastq>
+Randomly subsample FASTA, FASTQ, and TEXT files.
+Empty lines in the input files will be skipped and not included in
+sampling. Format TEXT assumes one entry per single line. FASTQ
+format assumes B<four> lines per read, if this is not the case run
+the FASTQ file through L<C<fastx_fix.pl>|/fastx_fix> or use Heng
+Li's L<C<seqtk seq>|https://github.com/lh3/seqtk>:
+C<seqtk seq -l 0 infile.fq E<gt> outfile.fq>
+The file type is detected automatically. However, if automatic
+detection fails, TEXT format is assumed. As a last resort, you can
+set the file type manually with option B<-f>.
+This script is an implementation of the I<reservoir sampling>
+algorithm (or I<Algorithm R (3.4.2)>) described in Donald Knuth's
+L<I<The Art of Computer Programming>|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_Computer_Programming>.
+It is designed to randomly pull a small sample size from a
+(potential) huge input file of indeterminate size, which
+(potentially) doesn't fit into main memory. The beauty of reservoir
+sampling is that it requires only one pass through the input file.
+The memory consumption of the algorithm is proportional to the
+sample size, thus large sample sizes will consume lots of memory as
+the whole sample will be held in memory. On the other hand, the size
+of the initial file is irrelevant.
+An alternative tool, which is a lot faster, is C<seqtk sample> from
+the L<I<seqtk toolkit>|https://github.com/lh3/seqtk>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 Mandatory options
+=over 20
+=item B<-i>=I<str>, B<-input>=I<str>
+Input FASTA/Q or TEXT file, or piped C<STDIN> (-)
+=item B<-n>=I<int>, B<-num>=I<int>
+Number of entries/reads to subsample
+=head2 Optional options
+=over 20
+=item B<-h>, B<-help>
+Help (perldoc POD)
+=item B<-f>=I<fasta|fastq|text>, B<-file_type>=I<fasta|fastq|text>
+Set the file type manually
+=item B<-s>=I<int>, B<-seed>=I<int>
+Set starting random seed. For B<paired-end> read data use the B<same
+random seed> for both FASTQ files with option B<-s> to retain
+pairing (see L<"EXAMPLES"> below).
+=item B<-t>=I<int>, B<-title_skip>=I<int>
+Skip the specified number of header lines in TEXT files before
+subsampling and append them again afterwards. If you want to get rid
+of the header as well, pipe the subsample output to
+L<C<sed>|https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html> (see
+C<man sed> and L<"EXAMPLES"> below).
+=item B<-v>, B<-version>
+Print version number to C<STDERR>
+=head1 OUTPUT
+=over 20
+=item C<STDOUT>
+The subsample of the input file is printed to C<STDOUT>. Redirect or
+pipe into another tool as needed.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=item C<perl sample_fastx-txt.pl -i read-pair_1.fq -n 1000000 -s 123
+E<gt> sub-pair_1.fq>
+=item C<perl sample_fastx-txt.pl -i read-pair_2.fq -n 1000000 -s 123
+E<gt> sub-pair_2.fq>
+=item C<perl sample_fastx-txt.pl -i infile.txt -n 100 -f text -t 3
+E<gt> subsample.txt>
+=item C<perl sample_fastx-txt.pl -i infile.txt -n 350 -t 2 | sed
+'1,2d' E<gt> sub_no-header.txt>
+=head1 VERSION
+ 0.1                                                       18-11-2014
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ Andreas Leimbach                               aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de
+I got the idea for reservoir sampling from Sean Eddy's keynote at
+the Janelia meeting on L<I<High Throughput Sequencing for
+which he posted in his blog
+L<I<Cryptogenomicon>|http://cryptogenomicon.wordpress.com/>. The
+article>|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reservoir_sampling> and the
+implementation helped a lot, as well.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 (GPLv3) of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# MAIN #
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use autodie;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+### Get options with Getopt::Long
+my $Input_File; # input file to subsample from
+my $Sample_Num; # number of sequence entries/reads/lines to sample
+my $File_Type; # set file type; otherwise detect file type by file extension, or by looking at the first line of the file if input is piped from STDIN
+my $Seed; # give starting seed number for 'rand' to make results repeatable; also needed for paired FASTA/Q files
+my $Title_Skip; # optionally skip given number of header lines of TEXT files
+my $VERSION = 0.1;
+my ($Opt_Version, $Opt_Help);
+GetOptions ('input=s' => \$Input_File,
+            'num=i' => \$Sample_Num,
+            'file_type=s' => \$File_Type,
+            'seed=i' => \$Seed,
+            'title_skip=i' => \$Title_Skip,
+            'version' => \$Opt_Version,
+            'help|?' => \$Opt_Help);
+### Run perldoc on POD
+pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($Opt_Help);
+die "$0 $VERSION\n" if ($Opt_Version);
+if (!$Input_File || !$Sample_Num) {
+    my $warning = "\n### Fatal error: Options '-i' or '-n' or their arguments are missing!\n";
+    pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -message => $warning, -exitval => 2);
+die "\n### Fatal error:\nUnknown file type '$File_Type' given with option '-f'. Please choose from either 'fasta', 'fastq', or 'text'!\n" if ($File_Type && $File_Type !~ /(fasta|fastq|text)/i);
+### Pipe input from STDIN or open input file
+my $Input_Fh;
+if ($Input_File eq '-') { # file input via STDIN
+    $Input_Fh = *STDIN; # capture typeglob of STDIN
+} else { # input via input file
+    open ($Input_Fh, "<", "$Input_File");
+    get_file_type('ext') if (!$File_Type); # subroutine to determine file type; mode 'ext' (extension) for input files
+### Reservoir sampling
+my @Rsvr_Array; # sample reservoir (array for TEXT files, array-in-array for FASTA/Q files)
+my @Title; # store header for TEXT files to append to the file later on, see option flag '-title_skip'
+my $Next_Fasta_ID; # for multi-line FASTA input files to store next entry header/ID line while parsing in subroutine 'get_fastx_entry'
+# 1. fill reservoir
+while (<$Input_Fh>) {
+    if (/^\s*$/) { # skip empty lines in input
+        warn "\n### FASTQ file includes empty lines, which is unusual. Sampling FASTQ reads might fail so check the output file afterwards if the script didn't quit with a fatal error. However, consider running the input FASTQ file through 'fix_fastx.pl'!\n\n" if ($File_Type =~ /fastq/i);
+        next;
+    }
+    chomp;
+    get_file_type('stdin', $_) if (!$File_Type && $Input_File eq '-' && $. == 1); # subroutine to determine file type; mode 'stdin' piped input with first line of file
+    warn "\n### Ignoring option '-t|-title_skip' as it has no effect on FASTA/Q files! Use the option only for TEXT files!\n\n" if($Title_Skip && $File_Type !~ /text/i && $. == 1);
+    # FASTA file
+    if ($File_Type =~ /fasta/i) {
+        $_ = get_fastx_entry($_); # subroutine to read one FASTA sequence entry (seq in multi-line or not), returns anonymous array
+    # FASTQ file
+    } elsif ($File_Type =~ /fastq/i) {
+        $_ = get_fastx_entry($_); # subroutine to read one FASTQ read composed of FOUR mandatory lines, returns reference to array
+    # "single-line" TEXT file
+    } elsif ($File_Type =~ /text/i) {
+        warn "\n### Sure this is a TEXT file? The first line suspiciously looks like a FASTA ID/header line:\n$_\nBut, proceeding with file type 'text' ...\n\n" if ($. == 1 && $_ =~ /^>.*/);
+        warn "\n### Sure this is a TEXT file? The first line suspiciously looks like a FASTQ sequence ID line:\n$_\nBut, proceeding with file type 'text' ...\n\n" if ($. == 1 && $_ =~ /^@.+/);
+        if ($Title_Skip) { # skip possible header lines of TEXT file
+            while ($Title_Skip) {
+                push(@Title, $_); # store header line
+                chomp($_ = <$Input_Fh>);
+                $Title_Skip--;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    push(@Rsvr_Array, $_); # fill reservoir
+    last if (@Rsvr_Array == $Sample_Num); # reservoir is filled
+die "\n### Fatal error:\nInsufficient records in input for sample size '$Sample_Num'!\n" if (@Rsvr_Array < $Sample_Num);
+# 2. randomly replace elements in the reservoir with a decreasing probability
+srand($Seed) if ($Seed); # force seed value
+while (<$Input_Fh>) {
+    if (/^\s*$/) {
+        warn "\n### FASTQ file includes empty lines, which is unusual. Sampling FASTQ reads might fail so check the output file afterwards if the script didn't quit with a fatal error. However, consider running the input FASTQ file through 'fix_fastx.pl'!\n\n" if ($File_Type =~ /fastq/i);
+        next;
+    }
+    my $rand_num = int(rand($.)); # choose an integer between 0 and eof-1; inclusive because array zero-based
+    # replace elements in reservoir array
+    if ($rand_num < @Rsvr_Array) {
+        chomp;
+        # FASTA file
+        if ($File_Type =~ /fasta/i) {
+            $_ = get_fastx_entry($_); # subroutine
+        # FASTQ file
+        } elsif ($File_Type =~ /fastq/i) {
+            $_ = get_fastx_entry($_); # subroutine
+        }
+        $Rsvr_Array[$rand_num] = $_; # TEXT files are single-line based
+    } elsif ($rand_num >= @Rsvr_Array) { # skip residual entry/read lines of FASTA/Q files
+        if ($File_Type =~ /fasta/i) {
+            get_fastx_entry($_); # subroutine without storing returning anonymous array (to skip FASTA multi-line seq)
+        } elsif ($File_Type =~ /fastq/i) { # skip second, third, and fourth line of FASTQ file
+            <$Input_Fh>; <$Input_Fh>; <$Input_Fh>;
+        }
+    }
+close $Input_Fh;
+### Print subsample to STDOUT
+if (@Title) { # put header back in TEXT output
+    foreach (@Title) {
+        print "$_\n";
+    }
+foreach (@Rsvr_Array) {
+    if ($File_Type =~ /fast/i) { # for both FASTA/Q file types
+        foreach (@$_) { # de-reference array-ref for iteration
+            print "$_\n";
+        }
+    # single-line TEXT file
+    } else {
+        print "$_\n";
+    }
+# Subroutines #
+### Get sequence entries/reads from FASTA/Q file
+sub get_fastx_entry {
+    my $line = shift;
+    # possible multi-line seq in FASTA
+    if ($File_Type =~ /fasta/i) {
+        my ($seq, $header);
+        if ($. == 1) { # first line of file
+            die "\n### Fatal error:\nNot a FASTA input file, first line of file should be a FASTA ID/header line and start with a '>':\n$line\n" if ($line !~ /^>/);
+            $header = $line;
+        } elsif ($Next_Fasta_ID) {
+            $header = $Next_Fasta_ID;
+            $seq = $line;
+        }
+        while (<$Input_Fh>) {
+            chomp;
+            $Next_Fasta_ID = $_ if (/^>/); # store ID/header for next seq entry
+            return [$header, $seq] if (/^>/); # return anonymous array with current header and seq
+            $seq .= $_; # concatenate multi-line seq
+        }
+        return [$header, $seq] if eof;
+    # FASTQ: FOUR lines for each FASTQ read (seq-ID, sequence, qual-ID [optional], qual)
+    } elsif ($File_Type =~ /fastq/i) {
+        my @fastq_read;
+        # read name/ID, line 1
+        my $seq_id = $line;
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nThis read doesn't have a sequence identifier/read name according to FASTQ specs, it should begin with a '\@':\n$seq_id\n" if ($seq_id !~ /^@.+/);
+        push(@fastq_read, $seq_id);
+        $seq_id =~ s/^@//; # remove '@' to make comparable to $qual_id
+        # sequence, line 2
+        chomp (my $seq = <$Input_Fh>);
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nRead '$seq_id' has a whitespace in its sequence, which is not allowed according to FASTQ specs:\n$seq\n" if ($seq =~ /\s+/);
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nRead '$seq_id' has a IUPAC degenerate base (except for 'N') or non-nucleotide character in its sequence, which is not allowed according to FASTQ specs:\n$seq\n" if ($seq =~ /[^acgtun]/i);
+        push(@fastq_read, $seq);
+        # optional quality ID, line 3
+        chomp (my $qual_id = <$Input_Fh>);
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nThe optional sequence identifier/read name for the quality line of read '$seq_id' is not according to FASTQ specs, it should begin with a '+':\n$qual_id\n" if ($qual_id !~ /^\+/);
+        push(@fastq_read, $qual_id);
+        $qual_id =~ s/^\+//; # if optional ID is present check if equal to $seq_id in line 1
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nThe sequence identifier/read name of read '$seq_id' doesn't fit to the optional ID in the quality line:\n$qual_id\n" if ($qual_id && $qual_id ne $seq_id);
+        # quality, line 4
+        chomp (my $qual = <$Input_Fh>);
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nRead '$seq_id' has a whitespace in its quality values, which is not allowed according to FASTQ specs:\n$qual\n" if ($qual =~ /\s+/);
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nRead '$seq_id' has a non-ASCII character in its quality values, which is not allowed according to FASTQ specs:\n$qual\n" if ($qual =~ /[^[:ascii]]/);
+        die "\n### Fatal error:\nThe quality line of read '$seq_id' doesn't have the same number of symbols as letters in the sequence:\n$seq\n$qual\n" if (length $qual != length $seq);
+        push(@fastq_read, $qual);
+        return \@fastq_read; # return array-ref
+    }
+### Determine file type (FASTA, FASTQ, or TEXT)
+sub get_file_type {
+    my ($mode, $line) = @_; # mode either 'ext' or 'stdin' ('stdin' needs first line of input file)
+    # determine file type via file extension
+    if ($mode eq 'ext') {
+        if ($Input_File =~ /.+\.(fa|fas|fasta|ffn|fna|frn|fsa)$/) { # use "|fsa)(\.gz)*$" if unzip inside script
+            $File_Type = 'fasta';
+        } elsif ($Input_File =~ /.+\.(fastq|fq)$/) {
+            $File_Type = 'fastq';
+        } else {
+            $File_Type = 'text';
+        }
+    # determine by looking at first line of file
+    } elsif ($mode eq 'stdin') {
+        if ($line =~ /^>.*/) {
+            $File_Type = 'fasta';
+        } elsif ($line =~ /^@.+/) {
+            $File_Type = 'fastq';
+        } else {
+            $File_Type = 'text';
+        }
+    }
+    print STDERR "Detected file type: $File_Type\n";
+    return 1;