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view COG/bac-genomics-scripts/cdd2cog/ @ 15:dbde253606c5 draft default tip
author | dereeper |
date | Wed, 11 Dec 2024 08:25:06 +0000 |
parents | e42d30da7a74 |
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#!/usr/bin/perl ####### # POD # ####### =pod =head1 NAME C<> - assign COG categories to protein sequences =head1 SYNOPSIS C<perl -r rps-blast.out -c cddid.tbl -f fun.txt -w whog> =head1 DESCRIPTION The script assigns COG (L<cluster of orthologous groups|>) categories to proteins. For this purpose, the query proteins need to be blasted with RPS-BLAST+ (L<Reverse Position-Specific BLAST|>) against NCBI's Conserved Domain Database (L<CDD|>). Use L<C<>|/cds_extractor> beforehand to extract multi-fasta protein files from GENBANK or EMBL files. Both tab-delimited RPS-BLAST+ outformats, B<-outfmt 6> and B<-outfmt 7>, can be processed by C<>. By default, RPS-BLAST+ hits for each query protein are filtered for the best hit (lowest e-value). Use option B<-a|all_hits> to assign COGs to all BLAST hits and e.g. do a downstream filtering in a spreadsheet application. Results are written to tab-delimited files in the F<./results> folder, overall assignment statistics are printed to C<STDOUT>. Several files are needed from NCBI's FTP server to run the RPS-BLAST+ and C<>: =over =item 1.) L<CDD|> More information about the files in the CDD FTP archive can be found in the respective F<README> file. =item 1.1.) F<cddid.tbl.gz> The file needs to be unpacked: C<gunzip cddid.tbl.gz> Contains summary information about the CD models in a tab-delimited format. The columns are: PSSM-Id, CD accession (e.g. COG#), CD short name, CD description, and PSSM (position-specific scoring matrices) length. =item 1.2.) F<./little_endian/Cog_LE.tar.gz> Unpack and untar via: C<tar xvfz Cog_LE.tar.gz> Preformatted RPS-BLAST+ database of the CDD COG distribution for Intel CPUs and Unix/Windows architectures. =item 2.) L<COG|> Read F<readme> for more information about the respective files in the COG FTP archive. =item 2.1.) F<fun.txt> One-letter functional classification used in the COG database. =item 2.2.) F<whog> Name, description, and corresponding functional classification of each COG. =back =head1 OPTIONS =head2 Mandatory options =over 20 =item B<-r>=I<str>, B<-rps_report>=I<str> Path to RPS-BLAST+ report/output, outfmt 6 or 7 =item B<-c>=I<str>, B<-cddid>=I<str> Path to CDD's F<cddid.tbl> file =item B<-f>=I<str>, B<-fun>=I<str> Path to COG's F<fun.txt> file =item B<-w>=I<str>, B<-whog>=I<str> Path to COG's F<whog> file =back =head2 Optional options =over 20 =item B<-h>, B<-help> Help (perldoc POD) =item B<-a>, B<-all_hits> Don't filter RPS-BLAST+ output for the best hit, rather assign COGs to all hits =item B<-v>, B<-version> Print version number to C<STDERR> =back =head1 OUTPUT =over 20 =item C<STDOUT> Overall assignment statistics =item F<./results> All tab-delimited output files are stored in this result folder =item F<rps-blast_cog.txt> COG assignments concatenated to the RPS-BLAST+ results for filtering =item F<protein-id_cog.txt> Slimmed down F<rps-blast_cog.txt> only including query id (first BLAST report column), COGs, and functional categories =item F<cog_stats.txt> Assignment counts for each used COG =item F<func_stats.txt> Assignment counts for single-letter functional categories =back =head1 EXAMPLES =head2 RPS-BLAST+ =over =item C<rpsblast -query protein.fasta -db Cog -out rps-blast.out -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt 6> =item C<rpsblast -query protein.fasta -db Cog -out rps-blast.out -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt '7 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qcovs'> =back =head2 C<> =over =item C<perl -r rps-blast.out -c cddid.tbl -f fun.txt -w whog -a> =back =head1 VERSION 0.2 update: 2017-02-16 0.1 2013-08-01 =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Leimbach aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I got the idea for using NCBI's CDD PSSMs for COG assignment from JGI's L<IMG/ER annotation system|>, which employes the same technique. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 (GPLv3) of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see L<>. =cut ######## # MAIN # ######## use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; ### Get the options with Getopt::Long my $Rps_Report; # path to the rps-blast report/output my $CDDid_File; # path to the CDD 'cddid.tbl' file my $Fun_File; # path to the COG 'fun' file my $Whog_File; # path to the COG 'whog' file my $Opt_All_Hits; # give all blast hits for a query, not just the best (lowest evalue) my $VERSION = 0.1; my ($Opt_Version, $Opt_Help); GetOptions ('rps_report=s' => \$Rps_Report, 'cddid=s' => \$CDDid_File, 'fun=s' => \$Fun_File, 'whog=s' => \$Whog_File, 'all_hits' => \$Opt_All_Hits, 'version' => \$Opt_Version, 'help|?' => \$Opt_Help); ### Run perldoc on POD pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($Opt_Help); die "$0 $VERSION\n" if ($Opt_Version); if (!$Rps_Report || !$CDDid_File || !$Fun_File || !$Whog_File) { my $warning = "\n### Fatal error: Option(s) or arguments for '-r', '-c', '-f', or '-w' are missing!\n"; pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -message => $warning, -exitval => 2); } ### Parse the 'cddid.tbl', 'fun.txt' and 'whog' file contents and store info in hash structures my (%CDDid, %Fun, %Whog); # global hashes parse_cdd_cog(); # subroutine ### Create results directory for output files my $Out_Dir = './results/'; if (-e $Out_Dir) { print "###Directory '$Out_Dir' already exists! Replace the directory and all its contents [y|n]? "; my $user_ask = <STDIN>; if ($user_ask =~ /y/i) { unlink glob "$Out_Dir*"; # remove all files in results directory rmdir $Out_Dir; # remove the empty directory } else { die "Script abborted!\n"; } } mkdir $Out_Dir or die "Can't create directory \"$Out_Dir\": $!\n"; ### Parse the rps-blast report/output file and assign COGs my %Cog_Stats; # store the total number of query protein hits for each COG, written to '$Cogstats_Out' below my $Blast_Out = 'rps-blast_cog.txt'; # output file for COG assignments appended to RPS-BLAST results open (my $Blast_Out_Fh, ">", "$Out_Dir"."$Blast_Out"); print $Blast_Out_Fh "query id\tsubject id\t% identity\talignment length\tmismatches\tgap opens\tq. start\tq. end\ts. start\ts. end\tevalue\tbit score\tCOG#\tfunctional categories\t\t\t\t\tCOG protein description\n"; # header for $Blast_Out my $Locus_Cog = "protein-id_cog.txt"; # slimmed down $Blast_Out only including locus_tags, COGs, and functional categories open (my $Locus_Cog_Fh, ">", "$Out_Dir"."$Locus_Cog"); print "Parsing RPS-BLAST report ...\n"; # status message my $Skip = ''; # only keep best blast hit per query (lowest e-value), except option 'all_hits' is given open (my $Rps_Report_Fh, "<", "$Rps_Report"); while (<$Rps_Report_Fh>) { if (/^#/) { # skip comment lines in blast report for BLAST+ "outfmt 7" next; } chomp; my @line = split(/\t/, $_); # split tab-separated RPS-BLAST report if ($Skip eq $line[0] && !$Opt_All_Hits) { # only keep best blast hit per query, only if option 'all_hits' is NOT set # $line[0] is query id, and should be locus_tag or specific ID from multi-fasta protein query file next; } $Skip = $line[0]; my $pssm_id = $1 if $line[1] =~ /CDD\|(\d+)/; # get PSSM-Id from the subject hit my $cog = $CDDid{$pssm_id}; # get the COG# according to the PSSM-Id as listed in 'cddid.tbl' print "COG: $cog \n"; $Cog_Stats{$cog}++; # increment hit-number for specific COG ### Collect functional categories stats my @functions = split('', $Whog{$cog}->{'function'}); # split the single-letter functional categories to count them and join them as tab-separated below foreach (@functions) { $Fun{$_}->{'count'}++; # increment hit-number for specific functional category } ### Print to result files my $functions = join("\t", @functions); # join functional categories tab-separated print $Locus_Cog_Fh "$line[0]\t$cog\t$functions\n"; # locus_tag\tCOG\tfunctional categories $functions .= "\t" x (5 - @functions); # add additional tabs for COGs with fewer than five functions (which is the maximum number) print $Blast_Out_Fh "$_\t$cog\t$functions\t$Whog{$cog}->{'desc'}\n"; # $_ = RPS-BLAST line } close $Rps_Report_Fh; close $Blast_Out_Fh; close $Locus_Cog_Fh; ### Total COG and functional categories stats print "Writing assignment statistic files in '$Out_Dir' folder ...\n"; # status message my $Cogstats_Out = 'cog_stats.txt'; # output file for assignment numbers for each COG open (my $Cog_Stats_Fh, ">", "$Out_Dir"."$Cogstats_Out"); my $prot_stats = 0; # store total number of query proteins, which have a COG assignment foreach my $cog (sort keys %Cog_Stats) { print $Cog_Stats_Fh "$cog\t$Whog{$cog}->{'desc'}\t$Cog_Stats{$cog}\n"; # COG protein descriptions stored in %Whog $prot_stats += $Cog_Stats{$cog}; # sum up total COG assignments } close $Cog_Stats_Fh; my $Funcstats_Out = 'func_stats.txt'; # output file for assignment numbers for each functional category open (my $Func_Stats_Fh, ">", "$Out_Dir"."$Funcstats_Out"); my $func_cats = 0; # store total number of assigned functional categories foreach my $func (sort keys %Fun) { print $Func_Stats_Fh "$func\t$Fun{$func}->{'desc'}\t$Fun{$func}->{'count'}\n"; $func_cats += $Fun{$func}->{'count'}; # sum up total functional category assignments } close $Func_Stats_Fh; ### State which files were created and print overall statistics print "\n############################################################################\n"; print "The following tab-delimited files were created in the '$Out_Dir' directory:\n"; print "- $Blast_Out: COG assignments concatenated to the RPS-BLAST results for filtering\n"; print "- $Locus_Cog: Slimmed down '$Blast_Out' only including query id (first BLAST report column), COGs, and functional categories\n"; print "- $Cogstats_Out: COG assignment counts\n"; print "- $Funcstats_Out: Functional category assignment counts\n"; print "##############################################################################\n"; print "Overall assignment statistics:\n"; print "~ Total query proteins categorized into COGs: $prot_stats\n"; print "~ Total COGs used for the query proteins [of ", scalar keys %CDDid, " overall]: ", scalar keys %Cog_Stats, "\n"; print "~ Total number of assigned functional categories: $func_cats\n"; print "~ Total functional categories used for the query proteins [of ", scalar keys %Fun, " overall]: ", scalar grep ($Fun{$_}->{'count'} > 0, keys %Fun), "\n\n"; # grep for functional categories with a count > 0 to get the ones with assigned query proteins exit; ############### # Subroutines # ############### ### Subroutine to parse the 'cddid.tbl', 'fun' and 'whog' file contents and store in hash structures sub parse_cdd_cog { ### 'cddid.tbl' open (my $cddid_fh, "<", "$CDDid_File"); print "\nParsing CDDs '$CDDid_File' file ...\n"; # status message while (<$cddid_fh>) { chomp; my @line = split(/\t/, $_); # split line at the tabs if ($line[1] =~ /^COG\d{4}$/) { # search for COG CD accessions in cddid $CDDid{$line[0]} = $line[1]; # hash to store info; $line[0] = PSSM-Id } } close $cddid_fh; ### 'fun.txt' open (my $fun_fh, "<", "$Fun_File"); print "Parsing COGs '$Fun_File' file ...\n"; # status message while (<$fun_fh>) { chomp; $_ =~ s/^\s*|\s+$//g; # get rid of all leading and trailing whitespaces if (/^\[(\w)\]\s*(.+)$/) { $Fun{$1} = {'desc' => $2, 'count' => 0}; # anonymous hash in hash # $1 = single-letter functional category, $2 = description of functional category # count used to find functional categories not present in the query proteins for final overall assignment statistics } } close $fun_fh; ### 'whog' open (my $whog_fh, "<", "$Whog_File"); print "Parsing COGs '$Whog_File' file ...\n"; # status message while (<$whog_fh>) { chomp; $_ =~ s/^\s*|\s+$//g; # get rid of all leading and trailing whitespaces if (/^\[(\w+)\]\s*(COG\d{4})\s+(.+)$/) { $Whog{$2} = {'function' => $1, 'desc' => $3}; # anonymous hash in hash # $1 = single-letter functional categories, maximal five per COG (only COG5032 with five) # $2 = COG#, $3 = COG protein description } } close $whog_fh; return 1; }