Mercurial > repos > dereeper > pgap
view PGAP-1.2.1/ @ 1:6d3580552457 draft
author | dereeper |
date | Thu, 24 Jun 2021 14:53:55 +0000 |
parents | 83e62a1aeeeb |
children |
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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my %optionHash=qw(); my $inprefix=""; my $outprefix=""; my $indir=""; my $outdir=""; my @inList; my @outList; GetOptions(\%optionHash,"inprefix:s","outprefix:s","indir:s","outdir:s","help|h!"); if(scalar(keys %optionHash)==0){ &print_usage(""); } if(exists($optionHash{"h"}) or exists($optionHash{"help"}) ){ &print_usage(""); } if( exists($optionHash{"inprefix"} ) ){ $inprefix = $optionHash{"inprefix"}; @inList=split(/\+/,$inprefix); }else{ &print_usage("--inprefix should be provided!"); } if( exists($optionHash{"outprefix"} ) ){ $outprefix = $optionHash{"outprefix"}; @outList=split(/\+/,$outprefix); } if( exists($optionHash{"indir"} ) ){ $indir = $optionHash{"indir"}; }else{ &print_usage("--indir should be provided!"); } if( exists($optionHash{"outdir"} ) ){ $outdir = $optionHash{"outdir"}; }else{ &print_usage("--outdir should be provided!"); } if( $inprefix eq "" or $indir eq "" or $outdir eq "" ){ &print_usage(""); } if( scalar(@outList) >0 and scalar(@outList) != scalar(@inList) ){ &print_usage("If outprefix was provided, the name number should be identical with inprefix"); } system("mkdir -p $outdir"); foreach my $idx (0 .. (scalar(@inList) -1) ){ my $inname = $inList[$idx]; my $feature_table = $indir."/".$inname."_feature_table.txt"; my $faa = $indir."/".$inname."_protein.faa"; my $fna = $indir."/".$inname."_genomic.fna"; my %genePositionHash; my %genomeSequenceHash; my %geneAnnotationHash; my %gene2genomeHash; my %genefaaHash; my $count=0; my $outname; if($outprefix eq ""){ my @tmp=split(/\./,$inname); $outname = $tmp[0]; }else{ $outname = $outList[$idx]; } # check file if( ! -e $feature_table){ print "$feature_table was not found!\n"; print "$inname was skipped!\n"; next; } if( ! -e $faa){ print "$faa was not found!\n"; print "$inname was skipped!\n"; next; } if( ! -e $fna){ print "$fna was not found!\n"; print "$inname was skipped!\n"; next; } # read feature &read_feature($feature_table,\%geneAnnotationHash,\%genePositionHash,\%gene2genomeHash); # get genome sequence &read_genomeSequence($fna,\%genomeSequenceHash); # get faa &read_faa($faa,\%genefaaHash); # extract nuc and output open(PEP,">$outdir/$outname.pep"); open(NUC,">$outdir/$outname.nuc"); open(FUN,">$outdir/$outname.function"); foreach my $mygene (keys %genePositionHash){ if( (!exists( $geneAnnotationHash{$mygene})) or (!exists($gene2genomeHash{$mygene})) or (!exists($genefaaHash{$mygene})) or (!exists($genomeSequenceHash{$gene2genomeHash{$mygene}})) ){ print $inname . "\t" . $mygene . "\t" . "skipped for insufficient data!\n"; next; } my $nuc = &getSeq($genePositionHash{$mygene}, $genomeSequenceHash{$gene2genomeHash{$mygene}} ); if( $nuc eq ""){ print $inname . "\t" . $mygene . "\t" . "skipped for insufficient data!\n"; next; } print PEP ">$mygene\n$genefaaHash{$mygene}\n"; print NUC ">$mygene\n$nuc\n"; print FUN "$mygene\t-\t$geneAnnotationHash{$mygene}\n"; $count++; } close(PEP); close(NUC); close(FUN); print $inname . " -> $outname: $count genes were extracted in total.\n"; } sub getSeq(){ (my $pos,my $genomeSeq)=@_; my @tmp=split(/\|/,$pos); if( $tmp[1]> length($genomeSeq) ){ return ""; } my $seq = substr($genomeSeq,$tmp[0]-1,$tmp[1]-$tmp[0]+1); if($tmp[2] eq "-"){ $seq = &rcseq($seq); } return $seq; } sub rcseq(){ (my $seq)=@_; $seq=uc($seq); $_=$seq; tr/ACGT/TGCA/; $seq = $_; return reverse($_); } sub read_faa(){ (my $infile, my $seqHash)=@_; my $seq=""; my $name=""; my @content; open(F,$infile); @content=<F>; close(F); chomp(@content); for (my $line = 0; $line < @content; $line++) { if($content[$line] =~/^>/ ){ if($name ne ""){ $$seqHash{$name}=$seq; } my @tmp=split(/\s+/,$content[$line]); @tmp=split(/\./,$tmp[0]); $name=substr($tmp[0], 1, length($tmp[0])-1); $seq=""; }else{ $seq = $seq . $content[$line]; } } $$seqHash{$name}=$seq; } sub read_genomeSequence(){ (my $infile,my $seqHash)=@_; my $seq=""; my $name=""; my @content; open(F,$infile); @content=<F>; close(F); chomp(@content); for (my $line = 0; $line < @content; $line++) { if($content[$line] =~/^>/ ){ if($name ne ""){ $$seqHash{$name}=$seq; } my @tmp=split(/\s+/,$content[$line]); $name=substr($tmp[0], 1, length($tmp[0])-1); $seq=""; }else{ $seq = $seq . $content[$line]; } } $$seqHash{$name}=$seq; } sub read_feature(){ (my $infile, my $annHash,my $posHash,my $gene2genomeHash)=@_; my @content; open(F,$infile); @content=<F>; close(F); chomp(@content); for (my $line = 1; $line < @content - 1; $line=$line+1) { my @row=split(/\t/,$content[$line]); my @nextrow=split(/\t/,$content[$line+1]); if($row[1] ne "protein_coding"){ next; } # in case if( $row[7]."|".$row[8]."|".$row[9] ne $nextrow[7]."|".$nextrow[8]."|".$nextrow[9]){ next; } # print $nextrow[10]."\n"; # print $row[7]."|".$row[8]."|".$row[9]."\n"; my @tmp=split(/\./,$nextrow[10]); my $geneName = $tmp[0]; $$annHash{$geneName}=$nextrow[13]; $$posHash{$geneName}=$row[7]."|".$row[8]."|".$row[9]; $$gene2genomeHash{$geneName}=$row[6]; } } sub print_usage(){ my $message=shift; my @usage=qq( Version: 2016042201 Usage: perl [options] Options: --inprefix String The prefix of the input files, such as GCF_000007545.1_ASM754v1 If two or more strains were provided, please join their prefixs with "+" Such as GCF_000007545.1_ASM754v1+GCF_000008105.1_ASM810v1+GCF_000711315.1_ASM71131v1 --indir String The directory of those input files --outprefix String The prefix for the output files. If a value "ty2" was provided, the output files would be: ty2.nuc, ty2.pep, and ty2.function If two or more strains were provided, please join their prefixs with "+" If the prefix was not provided, the assembly value would be used as the prefix, such as GCF_000007545 --outdir String The directory for the output files Note: 1. Before converting data with this script, please prepare *feature_table.txt, *genomic.fna and *protein.faa files for each strain. 2. This script was designed for NCBI new format data only. If part of your data is in the old format, please use the or script to convert the data. ); print join("\n",@usage)."\n"; print $message."\n"; exit; }