Mercurial > repos > dereeper > pgap
view PGAP-1.2.1/ @ 8:86de4251345f draft
author | dereeper |
date | Fri, 25 Jun 2021 20:00:00 +0000 |
parents | 83e62a1aeeeb |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; my %opt; getopts('N:I:O:',\%opt); my @usage=qq( Version: 2016042201 Usage: perl [options] Options: -N String Input the strain nickname -I String Input file directory -O String Output file directory ); if (!scalar(keys %opt)) { print join("\n",@usage)."\n"; exit; } my $prefix; if (exists($opt{"N"})) { $prefix=$opt{"N"} }else { print "-N could not be empty!"; print join("\n",@usage)."\n"; exit; } my $output; if (exists($opt{"O"})) { $output=$opt{"O"}; }else { print "-O could not be empty!"; print join("\n",@usage)."\n"; exit; } my $input; if (exists($opt{"I"})) { $input=$opt{"I"}; }else { print "-I could not be empty!"; print join("\n",@usage)."\n"; exit; } my $sp; my $line; my @row; my @tmp; my %hash; my $flag; my $file; my $list; my @list; my $pttlost; my $gi; if ((-e $output) and ((-d $output))) { }else { mkdir($output); } if ($input!~/\/$/) { $input=$input."/"; } if ($output!~/\/$/) { $output=$output."/"; } opendir(DIR,"$input") || die "The input directory ( $input ) is not exists!\n"; @list=grep(/faa$/,readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); $_=join("\t",@list); s/.faa//g; @list=split(/\t/,$_); open(PEP,">$output$prefix.pep"); open(NUC,">$output$prefix.nuc"); open(FUN,">$output$prefix.function"); foreach $list (@list) { %hash=(); if (!(-e $input.$list.".faa")) { print $input.$list.".faa is not exists!\n$list.faa, $list.ffn and $list.ptt are skipped!\n"; next; } if (!(-e $input.$list.".ffn")) { print $input.$list.".ffn is not exists!\n$list.faa, $list.ffn and $list.ptt are skipped!\n"; next; } if (!(-e $input.$list.".ptt")) { open(F,$input.$list.".faa"); @_=<F>; close(F); @_=grep(/^>/,@_); if (scalar(@_)>1) { print $input.$list.".ptt is not exists!\n"; print "There are more than 1 sequence in $list.faa and $list.ffn, So $list.faa, $list.ffn and $list.ptt are skipped!\n"; next; } $pttlost=1; }else { $pttlost=0; } $file=$input.$list.".faa"; open(F,$file) or die "could not open $file"; while ($line=<F>) { if ($line=~/^>/) { @row=split(/\|/,$line); print PEP ">$row[1]\n"; if ($pttlost ==1) { $gi=$row[1]; } }else { print PEP $line; } } close(F); if ($pttlost ==1) { print FUN "$gi\t-\thypothetical protein\n"; }else { $file=$input.$list.".ptt"; open(F,"$file") or die "could not open $file"; $_=<F>; $_=<F>; $_=<F>; while ($line=<F>) { chomp($line); @row=split(/\t/,$line); print FUN $row[3]."\t".$row[7]."\t".$row[8]."\n"; @tmp=split(/\.\./,$row[0]); if ($row[1] eq "+") { $hash{$tmp[0]."-".$tmp[@tmp-1]}=$row[3]; }else { $hash{"c".$tmp[@tmp-1]."-".$tmp[0]}=$row[3]; } } close(F); } $file=$input.$list.".ffn"; open(F,"$file") or die "could not open $file";; while ($line=<F>) { if ($line=~/^>/) { if ($pttlost==1) { print NUC ">$gi\n"; $flag=1; }else { my $key=&getKey($line); if (exists($hash{$key})) { $flag=1; print NUC ">$hash{$key}\n"; }else { $flag=0; } } }else { if ($flag) { print NUC $line; } } } close(F); } close(PEP); close(NUC); close(FUN); sub getKey() { (my $line)=@_; my @tmp; my $strand; chomp($line); @tmp=split(/ /,$line); @tmp=split(/\:/,$tmp[0]); if($tmp[@tmp-1]=~/c/) { $strand="-"; }else { $strand="+"; } $_=$tmp[@tmp-1]; s/c//g; s/ //g; @tmp=split(/\,|-/,$_); @tmp=sort{$a<=>$b} @tmp; if($strand eq "-") { return "c".$tmp[@tmp-1]."-".$tmp[0]; }else { return $tmp[0]."-".$tmp[@tmp-1]; } }