view PGAP-1.2.1/Statistics/ @ 3:bbb2c473664c draft

author dereeper
date Thu, 24 Jun 2021 15:08:13 +0000 (2021-06-24)
parents 83e62a1aeeeb
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line source
package Statistics::Distributions;

use strict;
use constant PI => 3.1415926536;
use constant SIGNIFICANT => 5; # number of significant digits to be returned

require Exporter;

@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT_OK = qw(chisqrdistr tdistr fdistr udistr uprob chisqrprob tprob fprob);
$VERSION = '1.02';

# Preloaded methods go here.
sub chisqrdistr { # Percentage points  X^2(x^2,n)
	my ($n, $p) = @_;
	if ($n <= 0 || abs($n) - abs(int($n)) != 0) {
		die "Invalid n: $n\n"; # degree of freedom
	if ($p <= 0 || $p > 1) {
		die "Invalid p: $p\n"; 
	return precision_string(_subchisqr($n, $p));

sub udistr { # Percentage points   N(0,1^2)
	my ($p) = (@_);
	if ($p > 1 || $p <= 0) {
		die "Invalid p: $p\n";
	return precision_string(_subu($p));

sub tdistr { # Percentage points   t(x,n)
	my ($n, $p) = @_;
	if ($n <= 0 || abs($n) - abs(int($n)) != 0) {
		die "Invalid n: $n\n";
	if ($p <= 0 || $p >= 1) {
		die "Invalid p: $p\n";
	return precision_string(_subt($n, $p));

sub fdistr { # Percentage points  F(x,n1,n2)
	my ($n, $m, $p) = @_;
	if (($n<=0) || ((abs($n)-(abs(int($n))))!=0)) {
		die "Invalid n: $n\n"; # first degree of freedom
	if (($m<=0) || ((abs($m)-(abs(int($m))))!=0)) {
		die "Invalid m: $m\n"; # second degree of freedom
	if (($p<=0) || ($p>1)) {
		die "Invalid p: $p\n";
	return precision_string(_subf($n, $m, $p));

sub uprob { # Upper probability   N(0,1^2)
	my ($x) = @_;
	return precision_string(_subuprob($x));

sub chisqrprob { # Upper probability   X^2(x^2,n)
	my ($n,$x) = @_;
	if (($n <= 0) || ((abs($n) - (abs(int($n)))) != 0)) {
		die "Invalid n: $n\n"; # degree of freedom
	return precision_string(_subchisqrprob($n, $x));

sub tprob { # Upper probability   t(x,n)
	my ($n, $x) = @_;
	if (($n <= 0) || ((abs($n) - abs(int($n))) !=0)) {
		die "Invalid n: $n\n"; # degree of freedom
	return precision_string(_subtprob($n, $x));

sub fprob { # Upper probability   F(x,n1,n2)
	my ($n, $m, $x) = @_;
	if (($n<=0) || ((abs($n)-(abs(int($n))))!=0)) {
		die "Invalid n: $n\n"; # first degree of freedom
	if (($m<=0) || ((abs($m)-(abs(int($m))))!=0)) {
		die "Invalid m: $m\n"; # second degree of freedom
	return precision_string(_subfprob($n, $m, $x));

sub _subfprob {
	my ($n, $m, $x) = @_;
	my $p;

	if ($x<=0) {
	} elsif ($m % 2 == 0) {
		my $z = $m / ($m + $n * $x);
		my $a = 1;
		for (my $i = $m - 2; $i >= 2; $i -= 2) {
			$a = 1 + ($n + $i - 2) / $i * $z * $a;
		$p = 1 - ((1 - $z) ** ($n / 2) * $a);
	} elsif ($n % 2 == 0) {
		my $z = $n * $x / ($m + $n * $x);
		my $a = 1;
		for (my $i = $n - 2; $i >= 2; $i -= 2) {
			$a = 1 + ($m + $i - 2) / $i * $z * $a;
		$p = (1 - $z) ** ($m / 2) * $a;
	} else {
		my $y = atan2(sqrt($n * $x / $m), 1);
		my $z = sin($y) ** 2;
		my $a = ($n == 1) ? 0 : 1;
		for (my $i = $n - 2; $i >= 3; $i -= 2) {
			$a = 1 + ($m + $i - 2) / $i * $z * $a;
		my $b = PI;
		for (my $i = 2; $i <= $m - 1; $i += 2) {
			$b *= ($i - 1) / $i;
		my $p1 = 2 / $b * sin($y) * cos($y) ** $m * $a;

		$z = cos($y) ** 2;
		$a = ($m == 1) ? 0 : 1;
		for (my $i = $m-2; $i >= 3; $i -= 2) {
			$a = 1 + ($i - 1) / $i * $z * $a;
		$p = max(0, $p1 + 1 - 2 * $y / PI
			- 2 / PI * sin($y) * cos($y) * $a);
	return $p;

sub _subchisqrprob {
	my ($n,$x) = @_;
	my $p;

	if ($x <= 0) {
		$p = 1;
	} elsif ($n > 100) {
		$p = _subuprob((($x / $n) ** (1/3)
				- (1 - 2/9/$n)) / sqrt(2/9/$n));
	} elsif ($x > 400) {
		$p = 0;
	} else {   
		my ($a, $i, $i1);
		if (($n % 2) != 0) {
			$p = 2 * _subuprob(sqrt($x));
			$a = sqrt(2/PI) * exp(-$x/2) / sqrt($x);
			$i1 = 1;
		} else {
			$p = $a = exp(-$x/2);
			$i1 = 2;

		for ($i = $i1; $i <= ($n-2); $i += 2) {
			$a *= $x / $i;
			$p += $a;
	return $p;

sub _subu {
	my ($p) = @_;
	my $y = -log(4 * $p * (1 - $p));
	my $x = sqrt(
		$y * (1.570796288
		  + $y * (.03706987906
		  	+ $y * (-.8364353589E-3
			  + $y *(-.2250947176E-3
			  	+ $y * (.6841218299E-5
				  + $y * (0.5824238515E-5
					+ $y * (-.104527497E-5
					  + $y * (.8360937017E-7
						+ $y * (-.3231081277E-8
						  + $y * (.3657763036E-10
							+ $y *.6936233982E-12)))))))))));
	$x = -$x if ($p>.5);
	return $x;

sub _subuprob {
	my ($x) = @_;
	my $p = 0; # if ($absx > 100)
	my $absx = abs($x);

	if ($absx < 1.9) {
		$p = (1 +
			$absx * (.049867347
			  + $absx * (.0211410061
			  	+ $absx * (.0032776263
				  + $absx * (.0000380036
					+ $absx * (.0000488906
					  + $absx * .000005383)))))) ** -16/2;
	} elsif ($absx <= 100) {
		for (my $i = 18; $i >= 1; $i--) {
			$p = $i / ($absx + $p);
		$p = exp(-.5 * $absx * $absx) 
			/ sqrt(2 * PI) / ($absx + $p);

	$p = 1 - $p if ($x<0);
	return $p;

sub _subt {
	my ($n, $p) = @_;

	if ($p >= 1 || $p <= 0) {
		die "Invalid p: $p\n";

	if ($p == 0.5) {
		return 0;
	} elsif ($p < 0.5) {
		return - _subt($n, 1 - $p);

	my $u = _subu($p);
	my $u2 = $u ** 2;

	my $a = ($u2 + 1) / 4;
	my $b = ((5 * $u2 + 16) * $u2 + 3) / 96;
	my $c = (((3 * $u2 + 19) * $u2 + 17) * $u2 - 15) / 384;
	my $d = ((((79 * $u2 + 776) * $u2 + 1482) * $u2 - 1920) * $u2 - 945) 
				/ 92160;
	my $e = (((((27 * $u2 + 339) * $u2 + 930) * $u2 - 1782) * $u2 - 765) * $u2
			+ 17955) / 368640;

	my $x = $u * (1 + ($a + ($b + ($c + ($d + $e / $n) / $n) / $n) / $n) / $n);

	if ($n <= log10($p) ** 2 + 3) {
		my $round;
		do { 
			my $p1 = _subtprob($n, $x);
			my $n1 = $n + 1;
			my $delta = ($p1 - $p) 
				/ exp(($n1 * log($n1 / ($n + $x * $x)) 
					+ log($n/$n1/2/PI) - 1 
					+ (1/$n1 - 1/$n) / 6) / 2);
			$x += $delta;
			$round = sprintf("%.".abs(int(log10(abs $x)-4))."f",$delta);
		} while (($x) && ($round != 0));
	return $x;

sub _subtprob {
	my ($n, $x) = @_;

	my ($a,$b);
	my $w = atan2($x / sqrt($n), 1);
	my $z = cos($w) ** 2;
	my $y = 1;

	for (my $i = $n-2; $i >= 2; $i -= 2) {
		$y = 1 + ($i-1) / $i * $z * $y;

	if ($n % 2 == 0) {
		$a = sin($w)/2;
		$b = .5;
	} else {
		$a = ($n == 1) ? 0 : sin($w)*cos($w)/PI;
		$b= .5 + $w/PI;
	return max(0, 1 - $b - $a * $y);

sub _subf {
	my ($n, $m, $p) = @_;
	my $x;

	if ($p >= 1 || $p <= 0) {
		die "Invalid p: $p\n";

	if ($p == 1) {
		$x = 0;
	} elsif ($m == 1) {
		$x = 1 / (_subt($n, 0.5 - $p / 2) ** 2);
	} elsif ($n == 1) {
		$x = _subt($m, $p/2) ** 2;
	} elsif ($m == 2) {
		my $u = _subchisqr($m, 1 - $p);
		my $a = $m - 2;
		$x = 1 / ($u / $m * (1 +
			(($u - $a) / 2 +
				(((4 * $u - 11 * $a) * $u + $a * (7 * $m - 10)) / 24 +
					(((2 * $u - 10 * $a) * $u + $a * (17 * $m - 26)) * $u
						- $a * $a * (9 * $m - 6)
	} elsif ($n > $m) {
		$x = 1 / _subf2($m, $n, 1 - $p)
	} else {
		$x = _subf2($n, $m, $p)
	return $x;

sub _subf2 {
	my ($n, $m, $p) = @_;
	my $u = _subchisqr($n, $p);
	my $n2 = $n - 2;
	my $x = $u / $n * 
		(1 + 
			(($u - $n2) / 2 + 
				(((4 * $u - 11 * $n2) * $u + $n2 * (7 * $n - 10)) / 24 + 
					(((2 * $u - 10 * $n2) * $u + $n2 * (17 * $n - 26)) * $u 
						- $n2 * $n2 * (9 * $n - 6)) / 48 / $m) / $m) / $m);
	my $delta;
	do {
		my $z = exp(
			(($n+$m) * log(($n+$m) / ($n * $x + $m)) 
				+ ($n - 2) * log($x)
				+ log($n * $m / ($n+$m))
				- log(4 * PI)
				- (1/$n  + 1/$m - 1/($n+$m))/6
		$delta = (_subfprob($n, $m, $x) - $p) / $z;
		$x += $delta;
	} while (abs($delta)>3e-4);
	return $x;

sub _subchisqr {
	my ($n, $p) = @_;
	my $x;

	if (($p > 1) || ($p <= 0)) {
		die "Invalid p: $p\n";
	} elsif ($p == 1){
		$x = 0;
	} elsif ($n == 1) {
		$x = _subu($p / 2) ** 2;
	} elsif ($n == 2) {
		$x = -2 * log($p);
	} else {
		my $u = _subu($p);
		my $u2 = $u * $u;

		$x = max(0, $n + sqrt(2 * $n) * $u 
			+ 2/3 * ($u2 - 1)
			+ $u * ($u2 - 7) / 9 / sqrt(2 * $n)
			- 2/405 / $n * ($u2 * (3 *$u2 + 7) - 16));

		if ($n <= 100) {
			my ($x0, $p1, $z);
			do {
				$x0 = $x;
				if ($x < 0) {
					$p1 = 1;
				} elsif ($n>100) {
					$p1 = _subuprob((($x / $n)**(1/3) - (1 - 2/9/$n))
						/ sqrt(2/9/$n));
				} elsif ($x>400) {
					$p1 = 0;
				} else {
					my ($i0, $a);
					if (($n % 2) != 0) {
						$p1 = 2 * _subuprob(sqrt($x));
						$a = sqrt(2/PI) * exp(-$x/2) / sqrt($x);
						$i0 = 1;
					} else {
						$p1 = $a = exp(-$x/2);
						$i0 = 2;

					for (my $i = $i0; $i <= $n-2; $i += 2) {
						$a *= $x / $i;
						$p1 += $a;
				$z = exp((($n-1) * log($x/$n) - log(4*PI*$x) 
					+ $n - $x - 1/$n/6) / 2);
				$x += ($p1 - $p) / $z;
				$x = sprintf("%.5f", $x);
			} while (($n < 31) && (abs($x0 - $x) > 1e-4));
	return $x;

sub log10 {
	my $n = shift;
	return log($n) / log(10);
sub max {
	my $max = shift;
	my $next;
	while (@_) {
		$next = shift;
		$max = $next if ($next > $max);
	return $max;

sub min {
	my $min = shift;
	my $next;
	while (@_) {
		$next = shift;
		$min = $next if ($next < $min);
	return $min;

sub precision {
	my ($x) = @_;
	return abs int(log10(abs $x) - SIGNIFICANT);

sub precision_string {
	my ($x) = @_;
	if ($x) {
		return sprintf "%." . precision($x) . "f", $x;
	} else {
		return "0";

# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.

# Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 NAME

Statistics::Distributions - Perl module for calculating critical values and upper probabilities of common statistical distributions


  use Statistics::Distributions;

  $chis=Statistics::Distributions::chisqrdistr (2,.05);
  print "Chi-squared-crit (2 degrees of freedom, 95th percentile "
       ."= 0.05 level) = $chis\n";
  $u=Statistics::Distributions::udistr (.05);
  print "u-crit (95th percentile = 0.05 level) = $u\n";
  $t=Statistics::Distributions::tdistr (1,.005);
  print "t-crit (1 degree of freedom, 99.5th percentile = 0.005 level) "
       ."= $t\n";
  $f=Statistics::Distributions::fdistr (1,3,.01);
  print "F-crit (1 degree of freedom in numerator, 3 degrees of freedom "
       ."in denominator, 99th percentile = 0.01 level) = $f\n";
  $uprob=Statistics::Distributions::uprob (-0.85);
  print "upper probability of the u distribution (u = -0.85): Q(u) "
       ."= 1-G(u) = $uprob\n";
  $chisprob=Statistics::Distributions::chisqrprob (3,6.25);
  print "upper probability of the chi-square distribution (3 degrees "
       ."of freedom, chi-squared = 6.25): Q = 1-G = $chisprob\n";
  $tprob=Statistics::Distributions::tprob (3,6.251);
  print "upper probability of the t distribution (3 degrees of "
       ."freedom, t = 6.251): Q = 1-G = $tprob\n";
  $fprob=Statistics::Distributions::fprob (3,5,.625);
  print "upper probability of the F distribution (3 degrees of freedom "
       ."in numerator, 5 degrees of freedom in denominator, F = 6.25): "
       ."Q = 1-G = $fprob\n";


This Perl module calculates percentage points (5 significant digits) of the u (standard normal) distribution, the student's t distribution, the chi-square distribution and the F distribution. It can also calculate the upper probability (5 significant digits) of the u (standard normal), the chi-square, the t and the F distribution.
These critical values are needed to perform statistical tests, like the u test, the t test, the F test and the chi-squared test, and to calculate confidence intervals.

If you are interested in more precise algorithms you could look at:
 StatLib: ; 
 Applied Statistics Algorithms by Griffiths, P. and Hill, I.D., Ellis Horwood: Chichester (1985)

=head1 BUGS 

This final version 1.02 has been released after more than one year without a bug report on the previous version 0.07.
Nevertheless, if you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform the author. 


See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules. 


The latest version of this module is available from the Distribution Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Please visit to find a CPAN site near you or see .

=head1 AUTHOR

Michael Kospach <>

Nice formating, simplification and bug repair by Matthias Trautner Kromann <>


Copyright 2003 Michael Kospach. All rights reserved. 

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

=head1 SEE ALSO

Statistics::ChiSquare, Statistics::Table::t, Statistics::Table::F, perl(1).
