diff RaGOO/ragoo_utilities/utilities.py @ 13:b9a3aeb162ab draft default tip

author dereeper
date Mon, 26 Jul 2021 18:22:37 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RaGOO/ragoo_utilities/utilities.py	Mon Jul 26 18:22:37 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import time
+import subprocess
+import operator
+from ragoo_utilities.SeqReader import SeqReader
+""" A collection of various helper functions"""
+complements = str.maketrans("ACGTNURYSWKMBVDHacgtnuryswkmbvdh", "TGCANAYRSWMKVBHDtgcanayrswmkvbhd")
+def reverse_complement(seq):
+    """
+    Reverse complement a nucleotide sequence.
+    :param seq: Sequence to be reverse complemented
+    :return: A reverse complemented sequence
+    """
+    return seq.translate(complements)[::-1]
+def run(cmnd):
+    """ Run command and report status. """
+    log('Running : %s' % cmnd)
+    if subprocess.call(cmnd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') != 0:
+        raise RuntimeError('Failed : %s ' % cmnd)
+def log(message):
+    """ Log messages to standard output. """
+    print(time.ctime() + ' --- ' + message, flush=True)
+def read_contigs(in_file):
+    d = dict()
+    x = SeqReader(in_file)
+    for header, seq in x.parse_fasta():
+        d[header.replace('>', '').split(' ')[0]] = seq
+    return d
+def read_gz_contigs(in_file):
+    d = dict()
+    x = SeqReader(in_file)
+    for header, seq in x.parse_gzip_fasta():
+        d[header.replace('>', '').split(' ')[0]] = seq
+    return d
+def binary_search(query, numbers, left, right):
+    """
+    The contents of this method are either influenced by or directly copied from "Assemblytics_uniq_anchor.py"
+    written by Maria Nattestad. The original script can be found here:
+    https://github.com/MariaNattestad/Assemblytics
+    And the publication associated with Maria's work is here:
+    Nattestad, Maria, and Michael C. Schatz. "Assemblytics: a
+    web analytics tool for the detection of variants from an
+    assembly." Bioinformatics 32.19 (2016): 3021-3023.
+    """
+    #  Returns index of the matching element or the first element to the right
+    if left >= right:
+        return right
+    mid = (right + left) // 2
+    if query == numbers[mid]:
+        return mid
+    elif query < numbers[mid]:
+        return binary_search(query, numbers, left, mid)
+    else:  # if query > numbers[mid]:
+        return binary_search(query, numbers, mid + 1, right)
+def summarize_planesweep(lines, unique_length_required, keep_small_uniques=False):
+    """
+    The contents of this method are either influenced by or directly copied from "Assemblytics_uniq_anchor.py"
+    written by Maria Nattestad. The original script can be found here:
+    https://github.com/MariaNattestad/Assemblytics
+    And the publication associated with Maria's work is here:
+    Nattestad, Maria, and Michael C. Schatz. "Assemblytics: a
+    web analytics tool for the detection of variants from an
+    assembly." Bioinformatics 32.19 (2016): 3021-3023.
+    """
+    alignments_to_keep = []
+    # print len(lines)
+    # If no alignments:
+    if len(lines) == 0:
+        return []
+    # If only one alignment:
+    if len(lines) == 1:
+        if keep_small_uniques == True or abs(lines[0][1] - lines[0][0]) >= unique_length_required:
+            return [0]
+        else:
+            return []
+    starts_and_stops = []
+    for query_min, query_max in lines:
+        # print query_min, query_max
+        starts_and_stops.append((query_min, "start"))
+        starts_and_stops.append((query_max, "stop"))
+    sorted_starts_and_stops = sorted(starts_and_stops, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+    current_coverage = 0
+    last_position = -1
+    sorted_unique_intervals_left = []
+    sorted_unique_intervals_right = []
+    for pos, change in sorted_starts_and_stops:
+        if current_coverage == 1:
+            # sorted_unique_intervals.append((last_position,pos))
+            sorted_unique_intervals_left.append(last_position)
+            sorted_unique_intervals_right.append(pos)
+        if change == "start":
+            current_coverage += 1
+        else:
+            current_coverage -= 1
+        last_position = pos
+    linecounter = 0
+    for query_min, query_max in lines:
+        i = binary_search(query_min, sorted_unique_intervals_left, 0, len(sorted_unique_intervals_left))
+        exact_match = False
+        if sorted_unique_intervals_left[i] == query_min and sorted_unique_intervals_right[i] == query_max:
+            exact_match = True
+        sum_uniq = 0
+        while i < len(sorted_unique_intervals_left) and sorted_unique_intervals_left[i] >= query_min and \
+                        sorted_unique_intervals_right[i] <= query_max:
+            sum_uniq += sorted_unique_intervals_right[i] - sorted_unique_intervals_left[i]
+            i += 1
+        # print query_min,query_max,sum_uniq
+        if sum_uniq >= unique_length_required:
+            alignments_to_keep.append(linecounter)
+        elif keep_small_uniques == True and exact_match == True:
+            alignments_to_keep.append(linecounter)
+            # print "Keeping small alignment:", query_min, query_max
+            # print sorted_unique_intervals_left[i-1],sorted_unique_intervals_right[i-1]
+        linecounter += 1
+    return alignments_to_keep