view GetHaplotypesFromPhasedVCF/getHaplotypesFromPhasedVCF.xml @ 11:15b23cdde685 draft

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author dereeper
date Fri, 20 Apr 2018 09:04:25 -0400
parents c6640c49fd01
children 88748d846a20
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<tool id="getHaplotypesFromPhasedVCF" name="Get Haplotypes From Phased VCF" version="2.0.0">
    <description>Get Haplotypes From Phased VCF</description>

	<requirement type="binary">perl</requirement>
        <exit_code range="1:" />
    <command interpreter="perl"> $input $output_label &amp;&amp; mv ${output_label}.distinct_haplotypes.txt $output_distinct &amp;&amp; mv ${output_label}.haplo.fas $output_haplo
        <param type="data" name="input" format="vcf" label="Phased VCF" />
        <param type="text" name="output_label" label="Output_label" value='Haplotypes' />
        <data name="output_distinct" format="txt" label="${output_label}.distinct_haplotypes.txt"/>
        <data name="output_haplo" format="fasta" label="${output_label}.haplo.fas"/>
            <param name="input" value="getHaplotypesFromPhasedVCF-input.vcf"/>
            <output name="output_distinct" file="getHaplotypesFromPhasedVCF-result.distinct_haplotypes.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="0"/>
            <output name="output_haplo" file="getHaplotypesFromPhasedVCF-result.haplo.fas" compare="sim_size" delta="0"/>

.. class:: infomark

**Authors** Dereeper Alexis (, IRD, South Green platform

 | **Please cite** "SNiPlay3: a web-based application for exploration and large scale analyses of genomic variations", **Dereeper A. et al.**, Nucl. Acids Res. (1 july 2015) 43 (W1).

.. class:: infomark

**Galaxy integration** Provided by Southgreen & Andres Gwendoline (Institut Français de Bioinformatique) & Marcon Valentin (IFB & INRA)

.. class:: infomark

**Support** For any questions about Galaxy integration, please send an e-mail to


Get Haplotypes From Phased VCF


    | Get Haplotype from phased VCF

Input file

VCF file
        Phased VCF file


Output file basename
        Prefix for the output VCF file

Output files

Text file
        File describing haplotypes

Fasta file
        Fasta file with haplotypes


Working example

Input file

VCF file


        #FILTER=&lt;ID=LowQual,Description="Low quality">
        #FORMAT=&lt;ID=AD,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed">
        CHROM   POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  AZUCENA
	Chr1    4299    .       G       A       .       PASS    AR2=1;DR2=1;AF=0.168    GT:DS:GP        0|0:0:1,0,0    


Output name -> haplotypes

Output files







                <!-- [HELP] As DOI or BibTex entry -->
        <citation type="bibtex">@article{Dereeper03062015,
        author = {Dereeper, Alexis and Homa, Felix and Andres, Gwendoline and Sempere, Guilhem and Sarah, Gautier and Hueber, Yann and Dufayard, Jean-François and Ruiz, Manuel},
        title = {SNiPlay3: a web-based application for exploration and large scale analyses of genomic variations},
        year = {2015},
        doi = {10.1093/nar/gkv351},
        abstract ={SNiPlay is a web-based tool for detection, management and analysis of genetic variants including both single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and InDels. Version 3 now extends functionalities in order to easily manage and exploit SNPs derived from next generation sequencing technologies, such as GBS (genotyping by sequencing), WGRS (whole gre-sequencing) and RNA-Seq technologies. Based on the standard VCF (variant call format) format, the application offers an intuitive interface for filtering and comparing polymorphisms using user-defined sets of individuals and then establishing a reliable genotyping data matrix for further analyses. Namely, in addition to the various scaled-up analyses allowed by the application (genomic annotation of SNP, diversity analysis, haplotype reconstruction and network, linkage disequilibrium), SNiPlay3 proposes new modules for GWAS (genome-wide association studies), population stratification, distance tree analysis and visualization of SNP density. Additionally, we developed a suite of Galaxy wrappers for each step of the SNiPlay3 process, so that the complete pipeline can also be deployed on a Galaxy instance using the Galaxy ToolShed procedure and then be computed as a Galaxy workflow. SNiPlay is accessible at},
        URL = {},
        eprint = {},
        journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}


