diff column_maker.py @ 9:6595517c2dd8 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/column_maker commit fe76077775aaca531f6a563fdfcbd73fbf1528e7
author iuc
date Thu, 28 Jul 2022 15:28:30 +0000
parents 02026300aa45
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/column_maker.py	Tue Mar 09 18:33:10 2021 +0000
+++ b/column_maker.py	Thu Jul 28 15:28:30 2022 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-This tool takes a tab-delimited textfile as input and creates another column in
-the file which is the result of a computation performed on every row in the
-original file. The tool will skip over invalid lines within the file,
-informing the user about the number of lines skipped.
+This tool takes a tab-delimited textfile as input and creates new columns in
+the file which are the result of a computation performed on every row in the
+original file. The tool will skip over empty and comment (starting with a #)
+lines within the file. It does not change the formatting of any original,
+retained columns.
 import argparse
-import json
+import enum
 import re
 import sys
 # Functions that may be used in the compute expression
@@ -20,143 +21,371 @@
-from numpy import format_float_positional  # noqa: F401
+from numpy import format_float_positional
+class Mode(enum.Enum):
+    APPEND = ''
+    INSERT = 'I'
+    REPLACE = 'R'
+def from_str(s, to_type):
+    if to_type is list:
+        return [part.strip(' ') for part in s.split(',')]
+    else:
+        return to_type(s)
+def to_str(obj):
+    if type(obj) is list:
+        return ','.join([to_str(i) for i in obj])
+    if args.avoid_scientific_notation and type(obj) is float:
+        return format_float_positional(obj)
+    return str(obj)
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('input', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="input file")
-parser.add_argument('output', type=argparse.FileType('wt'), help="output file")
-parser.add_argument('cond', nargs='?', type=str, help="expression")
-parser.add_argument('columns', nargs='?', type=int, help="number of columns")
-parser.add_argument('column_types', nargs='?', type=str, help="comma separated list of column types")
-parser.add_argument('--round', action="store_true",
-                    help="round result")
-parser.add_argument('--avoid_scientific_notation', action="store_true",
-                    help="avoid scientific notation")
-parser.add_argument('--header_new_column_name', default=None, type=str,
-                    help="First line of input is a header line with column "
-                         "names and this should become the name of the new "
-                         "column")
-parser.add_argument('--load_json', default=None, type=argparse.FileType('r'),
-                    help="overwrite parsed arguments from json file")
+parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='input file')
+parser.add_argument('output', type=str, help='output file')
+    '-t', '--column-types', nargs='?', required=True,
+    help='A comma-separated list of column types in the input file'
+    '--avoid-scientific-notation', action='store_true',
+    help='avoid scientific notation'
+    '--header', action='store_true',
+    help='The input has a header line with column names. '
+         'Actions must specify names of newly calculated columns.'
+    '--fail-on-non-existent-columns', action='store_true',
+    help='If an action references a column number that is not existent '
+         'when the expression gets computed, the default behavior is to treat '
+         'this as a case of rows for which the expression cannot be computed. '
+         'The behavior of the tool will then depend on which of the '
+         'non-computable switches is in effect. With this flag, in contrast, '
+         'the tool will fail directly upon encountering a non-existing column.'
+non_computable = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+non_computable.add_argument('--fail-on-non-computable', action='store_true')
+non_computable.add_argument('--skip-non-computable', action='store_true')
+non_computable.add_argument('--keep-non-computable', action='store_true')
+non_computable.add_argument('--non-computable-blank', action='store_true')
+group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    '-a', '--actions', nargs='*', type=str,
+    help='One or more action(s) of the format EXPR;[COL_ADD_SPEC];[COL_NAME]'
+    '-f', '--file', type=str,
+    help='File to read actions from (mutually exclusive with -a)'
 args = parser.parse_args()
-argparse_dict = vars(args)
-if args.load_json:
-    json_dict = json.load(args.load_json)
-    argparse_dict.update(json_dict)
-fh = argparse_dict['input']
-out = argparse_dict['output']
-expr = argparse_dict['cond']
-round_result = argparse_dict['round']
-avoid_scientific_notation = argparse_dict['avoid_scientific_notation']
+if not args.column_types:
+    with open(args.input) as fh:
+        if not fh.readline():
+            # Generally, the input must have at least one column to be
+            # considered tabular, but empty files are ok and should produce
+            # empty output.
+            with open(args.output, 'w') as out:
+                pass
+            sys.exit()
+        sys.exit(
+            "Missing column types. "
+            "In Galaxy, click the pencil icon on the history item and "
+            "select the Auto-detect option to correct it.  "
+            "This tool can only be used with tab-delimited data."
+        )
-if argparse_dict['header_new_column_name'] is not None:
-    header_line = fh.readline().strip('\n')
-    out.write(
-        '{0}\t{1}\n'.format(
-            header_line, argparse_dict['header_new_column_name']
-        )
-    )
-    in_columns = int(argparse_dict['columns'])
-    if in_columns < 1:
-        # To be considered tabular, data must have at least one column.
-        raise ValueError
-except Exception:
-    if not fh.readline():
-        # empty file content is ok and should produce empty output
-        out.close()
-        sys.exit()
-    sys.exit("Missing or invalid 'columns' metadata value, click the pencil icon in the history item and select the Auto-detect option to correct it.  This tool can only be used with tab-delimited data.")
+in_column_types = [t.strip() for t in args.column_types.split(',')]
+in_columns = len(in_column_types)
+# Prepare initial column variable names and type cast representations
+# for column data types
+cols, type_casts = [], []
+for n, col_type in enumerate(in_column_types, start=1):
+    col_name = "c%d" % n
+    cols.append(col_name)
+col_str = ', '.join(cols)    # 'c1, c2, c3, c4'
+# Define lambda for type-casting of original row fields
-    in_column_types = argparse_dict['column_types'].split(',')
-except Exception:
-    sys.exit("Missing or invalid 'column_types' metadata value, click the pencil icon in the history item and select the Auto-detect option to correct it.  This tool can only be used with tab-delimited data.")
-if len(in_column_types) != in_columns:
-    sys.exit("The 'columns' metadata setting does not conform to the 'column_types' metadata setting, click the pencil icon in the history item and select the Auto-detect option to correct it.  This tool can only be used with tab-delimited data.")
+    cast_types = eval(
+        'lambda fields: [from_str(s, t) for s, t in zip(fields, [%s])]'
+        % args.column_types
+    )
+except Exception as e:
+    sys.exit(
+        'While parsing column types, the following problem occured: "%s"'
+        % e
+    )
-operators = 'is|not|or|and'
-builtin_and_math_functions = 'abs|all|any|bin|chr|cmp|complex|divmod|float|bool|hex|int|len|long|max|min|oct|ord|pow|range|reversed|round|sorted|str|sum|type|unichr|unicode|log|log10|exp|sqrt|ceil|floor'
-string_and_list_methods = [name for name in dir('') + dir([]) if not name.startswith('_')]
-whitelist = r"^([c0-9\+\-\*\/\(\)\.\'\"><=,:! ]|%s|%s|%s)*$" % (operators, builtin_and_math_functions, '|'.join(string_and_list_methods))
-if not re.compile(whitelist).match(expr):
-    sys.exit("Invalid expression")
-if avoid_scientific_notation:
-    expr = "format_float_positional(%s)" % expr
+# Get and parse actions
+if args.file:
+    actions = []
+    with open(args.file) as i:
+        for line in i:
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line:
+                actions.append(line)
+    actions = args.actions
-# Prepare the column variable names and wrappers for column data types
-cols, type_casts = [], []
-for col in range(1, in_columns + 1):
-    col_name = "c%d" % col
-    cols.append(col_name)
-    col_type = in_column_types[col - 1].strip()
-    if not round_result and col_type == 'int':
-        col_type = 'float'
-    type_cast = "%s(%s)" % (col_type, col_name)
-    type_casts.append(type_cast)
+# each action must be a full data row manipulation instruction of the form:
+# where EXPR is the actual expression to compute on the row,
+# COL_ADD_SPEC consists of a column index and a mode identifier for how the
+# new column should be added.
+# Examples: 3I (insert new col before current column 3),
+# 2R (replace current column 2 with new column);
+# a missing COL_ADD_SPEC is interpreted as mode A (append new column at the
+# end of the row).
+# COL_NAME is required with the --header option and specifies the name of the
+# new column; without --header, any COL_NAME gets ignored.
+operators = 'is|not|or|and'
+builtin_and_math_functions = (
+    'abs|all|any|ascii|bin|bool|chr|complex|divmod|float|format|hex|int|len|'
+    'list|map|max|min|oct|ord|pow|range|reversed|round|set|sorted|str|sum|type|'
+    'log|log10|exp|sqrt|ceil|floor'
+imported_numpy_function = 'format_float_positional'
+string_and_list_methods = [
+    name for name in dir('') + dir([]) if not name.startswith('_')
+whitelist = r"^([c0-9\+\-\*\/\(\)\.\'\"><=,:! ]|%s|%s|%s|%s)*$" % (
+    operators,
+    builtin_and_math_functions,
+    imported_numpy_function,
+    '|'.join(string_and_list_methods)
+valid_pat = re.compile(whitelist)
+ops = []
+num_cols = in_columns
+for ac in actions:
+    try:
+        expr_string, col_add_spec, new_col_name = ac.split(';')
+    except ValueError:
+        sys.exit(
+            'Invalid Action: "%s".  '
+            'Required format: EXPR;[COL_ADD_SPEC];[COL_NAME]' % ac
+        )
+    if not valid_pat.match(expr_string):
+        sys.exit('Invalid expression: "%s"' % expr_string)
+    try:
+        expr_lambda = eval('lambda %s: %s' % (col_str, expr_string))
+    except Exception as e:
+        if str(e).startswith('invalid syntax'):
+            sys.exit(
+                'Expression "%s" caused a syntax error during parsing.'
+                % expr_string
+            )
+        else:
+            sys.exit(
+                'While parsing expression "%s" the following problem occured: '
+                '"%s"' % (expr_string, str(e))
+            )
+    try:
+        new_col_idx = int(col_add_spec[:-1] or '0') - 1
+    except ValueError:
+        sys.exit(
+            'COL_ADD_SPECS need to start with a (1-based) column index. '
+            'Could not parse a column index from "%s"' % col_add_spec
+        )
+    try:
+        mode = Mode(col_add_spec[-1:])
+    except ValueError:
+        sys.exit(
+            'COL_ADD_SPECS need to end in a single-character mode identifier '
+            '("I", or "R"), or be empty (for Append mode).  '
+            'Could not parse a valid identifier from "%s"' % col_add_spec
+        )
+    if mode is Mode.REPLACE:
+        if new_col_idx < 0 or new_col_idx >= num_cols:
+            sys.exit(
+                'Cannot replace the contents of column %d as specified by '
+                'action "%s".  No such column at this point of the '
+                'computation' % (new_col_idx + 1, ac)
+            )
+    if not new_col_name and args.header:
+        sys.exit(
+            'A name is required for any new columns when using an existing '
+            'header line (--header option), but found none in action: '
+            '"%s"' % ac
+        )
+    # Successfully parsed the instruction
+    # Store the expression lambda, the index and name of the new column, and
+    # the original string representation of the expression (for use in
+    # potential later error messages).
+    ops.append([expr_lambda, new_col_idx, mode, new_col_name, expr_string])
+    if mode is Mode.APPEND or mode is Mode.INSERT:
+        # If the current expression results in an additional column,
+        # we need to handle the new field in subsequent lambda functions.
+        num_cols += 1
+        col_str += ', c%d' % num_cols
-col_str = ', '.join(cols)    # 'c1, c2, c3, c4'
-type_cast_str = ', '.join(type_casts)  # 'str(c1), int(c2), int(c3), str(c4)'
-assign = "%s = line.split('\\t')" % col_str
-if len(cols) == 1:
-    # Single column, unpacking by assignment won't work
-    assign += '[0]'
-wrap = "%s = %s" % (col_str, type_cast_str)
+# ready to start parsing the input file
+    'Computing %d new columns with instructions %s'
+    % (num_cols - in_columns, actions)
 skipped_lines = 0
 first_invalid_line = 0
 invalid_line = None
-lines_kept = 0
+lines_computed = 0
 total_lines = 0
+non_existent_col_pat = re.compile(r"name 'c\d+' is not defined")
+with open(args.input, encoding='utf-8') as fh, \
+     open(args.output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as out:
+    if args.header:
+        # compute new header line from original
+        header_cols = fh.readline().strip('\n').split('\t')
+        for _, col_idx, mode, col_name, _ in ops:
+            if mode is Mode.INSERT:
+                header_cols.insert(col_idx, col_name)
+            elif mode is Mode.REPLACE:
+                header_cols[col_idx] = col_name
+            else:
+                header_cols.append(col_name)
+        out.write('\t'.join(header_cols) + '\n')
-# Read input file, skipping invalid lines, and perform computation that will result in a new column
-code = '''
-for i, line in enumerate(fh):
-    total_lines += 1
-    line = line.rstrip('\\r\\n')
-    if not line or line.startswith('#'):
-        skipped_lines += 1
-        if not invalid_line:
-            first_invalid_line = i + 1
-            invalid_line = line
-        continue
-    try:
-        %s
-        %s
-        new_val = %s
-        if round_result:
-            new_val = int(round(new_val))
-        new_line = line + '\\t' + str(new_val) + "\\n"
-        out.write(new_line)
-        lines_kept += 1
-    except Exception:
-        skipped_lines += 1
-        if not invalid_line:
-            first_invalid_line = i + 1
-            invalid_line = line
-''' % (assign, wrap, expr)
+    # read data, skipping empty and comment lines, and perform computations
+    # that will result in new columns
+    for i, line in enumerate(fh):
+        total_lines += 1
+        line = line.rstrip('\n')
+        if not line or line.startswith('#'):
+            skipped_lines += 1
+            if not invalid_line:
+                first_invalid_line = i + 1
+                invalid_line = line
+            continue
+        fields = line.split('\t')
+        if len(fields) == in_columns:
+            try:
+                typed_fields = cast_types(fields)
+            except ValueError as e:
+                sys.exit(
+                    'Failed to convert some of the columns in line #%d to their '
+                    'expected types.  The error was: "%s" for the line: "%s"'
+                    % (i, str(e), line)
+                )
+        else:
+            # A "suspicious" line with less or more fields than expected
+            # Type-casting for it might fail or not, but it is pointless to
+            # even try because subsequent computation of any expression will
+            # fail anyway as expression lambdas expect a fixed number of
+            # arguments.
+            # Lets pass in a copy of the original string fields, let
+            # the computation of the first expression fail, then have that
+            # situation handled according to the non-computable settings in
+            # effect.
+            typed_fields = fields[:]
+        for fun, col_idx, mode, col_name, ex in ops:
+            try:
+                try:
+                    new_val = fun(*typed_fields)
+                except NameError as e:
+                    # Python 3.10+ would have the problematic name
+                    # available as e.name
+                    if non_existent_col_pat.fullmatch(str(e)) and (
+                        not args.fail_on_non_existent_columns
+                    ):
+                        # Looks like a reference to a non-existent column
+                        # and we are not supposed to fail on it directly.
+                        # Reraise and have it handled as a non-computable
+                        # row.
+                        raise
+                    # NameErrors are not row-specific, but indicate a
+                    # general problem with the user-supplied expression.
+                    sys.exit(
+                        'While parsing expression "%s" the following '
+                        'problem occured: "%s"' % (ex, str(e))
+                    )
+            except Exception as e:
+                if args.skip_non_computable:
+                    # log that a line got skipped, then stop computing
+                    # for this line
+                    skipped_lines += 1
+                    if not invalid_line:
+                        first_invalid_line = i + 1
+                        invalid_line = line
+                    break
+                if args.keep_non_computable:
+                    # write the original line unchanged and stop computing
+                    # for this line
+                    out.write(line + '\n')
+                    break
+                if args.non_computable_blank:
+                    new_val = ''
+                elif args.non_computable_default is not None:
+                    new_val = args.non_computable_default
+                else:
+                    # --fail_on_non_computable
+                    # (which is default behavior, too)
+                    sys.exit(
+                        'Could not compute a new column value using "%s" on '
+                        'line #%d: "%s".  Error was "%s"'
+                        % (ex, i, line, str(e))
+                    )
+            if mode is Mode.INSERT:
+                fields.insert(col_idx, new_val)
+                typed_fields.insert(col_idx, new_val)
+            elif mode is Mode.REPLACE:
+                if col_idx > len(fields):
+                    # Intentionally allow "replacing" one column beyond
+                    # current fields since this can be used to fix
+                    # short lines in the input.
+                    sys.exit(
+                        'Cannot replace column #%d in line with %d columns: '
+                        '"%s"' % (col_idx + 1, len(fields), line)
+                    )
+                fields[col_idx:col_idx + 1] = [new_val]
+                typed_fields[col_idx:col_idx + 1] = [new_val]
+            else:
+                fields.append(new_val)
+                typed_fields.append(new_val)
+        else:
+            fields = [to_str(field) for field in fields]
+            out.write('\t'.join(fields) + '\n')
+            lines_computed += 1
-valid_expr = True
-    exec(code)
-except Exception as e:
-    if str(e).startswith('invalid syntax'):
-        valid_expr = False
-        sys.exit('Expression "%s" likely invalid. See tool tips, syntax and examples.' % expr)
-    else:
-        sys.exit(str(e))
-    out.close()
-if valid_expr:
-    valid_lines = total_lines - skipped_lines
-    print('Creating column %d with expression %s' % (in_columns + 1, expr))
-    if valid_lines > 0:
-        print('kept %4.2f%% of %d lines.' % (100.0 * lines_kept / valid_lines,
-                                             total_lines))
-    else:
-        print('Possible invalid expression "%s" or non-existent column referenced. See tool tips, syntax and examples.' % expr)
-    if skipped_lines > 0:
-        print('Skipped %d invalid lines starting at line #%d: "%s"' %
-              (skipped_lines, first_invalid_line, invalid_line))
+valid_lines = total_lines - skipped_lines
+if valid_lines > 0:
+    print(
+        'Computed new column values for %4.2f%% of %d lines written.'
+        % (100.0 * lines_computed / valid_lines, valid_lines)
+    )
+elif args.fail_on_non_existent_columns:
+    # Warn the user that there could be an issue with an expression.
+    print(
+        'Could not compute a new column for any input row!  '
+        'Please check your expression(s) "%s" for problems.'
+        % actions
+    )
+    # Same, but the problem could also be a reference to a non-existent
+    # column.
+    print(
+        'Could not compute a new column for any input row!  '
+        'Please check your expression(s) "%s" for references to non-existent '
+        'columns or other problems.'
+        % actions
+    )
+if skipped_lines > 0:
+    print('Skipped %d invalid lines starting at line #%d: "%s"' %
+          (skipped_lines, first_invalid_line, invalid_line))
+if lines_computed < valid_lines:
+    print(
+        'Rewrote %d lines unmodified because computation of a new value failed'
+        % (valid_lines - lines_computed)
+    )