view data_manager/ @ 0:0a3a6f862104 draft

planemo upload for repository commit 704060ebdf7399ecce9e0e8bd7262727fe750c27-dirty
author devteam
date Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:48:12 -0400
children 8ff92bd7e2a3
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Dan Blankenberg

import sys
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
import optparse
import urllib2
import subprocess
import datetime
from os.path import basename
from json import loads, dumps
from xml.etree.ElementTree import tostring

import logging
_log_name = __name__
if _log_name == '__builtin__':
    _log_name = ''
log = logging.getLogger( _log_name )

# Get the Data from the Galaxy Project rsync server
RSYNC_CMD = 'rsync'
RSYNC_SERVER = "rsync://"
LOCATION_DIR = "location"
INDEX_DIR = "indexes"

# Pull the Tool Data Table files from github
# FIXME: These files should be accessible from the rsync server directly.
                                  'test':"" }

# Replace data table source entries with local temporary location

# Some basic Caching, so we don't have to reload and download everything every time
CACHE_TIME = datetime.timedelta( minutes=10 )

# Entries will not be selected by default

# Exclude data managers without 'path' column or that are in the manual exclude list
# TODO: Make additional handler actions available for tables that can't fit into the the basic
# "take the value of path" as a dir and copy contents.
# e.g. mafs. Although this maf table is goofy and doesn't have path defined in <table> def,
# but it does exit in the .loc.

# --- These methods are called by/within the Galaxy Application

def exec_before_job( app, inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool=None, **kwd ):
    # Look for any data tables that haven't been defined for this data manager before and dynamically add them to Galaxy
    param_dict = dict( **param_dict )
    param_dict['data_table_entries'] = param_dict.get( 'data_table_entries', [] )
    if not isinstance( param_dict['data_table_entries'], list ):
        param_dict['data_table_entries'] = [param_dict['data_table_entries']]
    param_dict['data_table_entries'] = ",".join( param_dict['data_table_entries'] )
    if tool:
        tool_shed_repository = tool.tool_shed_repository
        tool_shed_repository = None
    tdtm = None
    data_manager = app.data_managers.get_manager( tool.data_manager_id, None )
    data_table_entries = get_data_table_entries( param_dict )
    data_tables = load_data_tables_from_url( data_table_class=app.tool_data_tables.__class__ ).get( 'data_tables' )
    for data_table_name, entries in data_table_entries.iteritems():
        #get data table managed by this data Manager
        has_data_table = app.tool_data_tables.get_tables().get( data_table_name )
        if has_data_table:
            has_data_table = bool( has_data_table.get_filename_for_source( data_manager, None ) )
        if not has_data_table:
            if tdtm is None:
                from import data_table_manager
                tdtm = data_table_manager.ToolDataTableManager( app )
                target_dir, tool_path, relative_target_dir = tdtm.get_target_install_dir( tool_shed_repository )
            #Dynamically add this data table
            log.debug( "Attempting to dynamically create a missing Tool Data Table named %s." % data_table_name )
            data_table = data_tables[data_table_name]
            repo_info = tdtm.generate_repository_info_elem_from_repository( tool_shed_repository, parent_elem=None )
            if repo_info is not None:
                repo_info = tostring( repo_info )
            tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            tmp_file.write( get_new_xml_definition( app, data_table, data_manager, repo_info, target_dir ) )
            app.tool_data_tables.add_new_entries_from_config_file(, None, app.config.shed_tool_data_table_config, persist=True )

def galaxy_code_get_available_data_tables( trans ):
    #list of data tables
    found_tables = get_available_tables( trans )
    rval = map( lambda x: ( ( x, x, DEFAULT_SELECTED ) ), found_tables )
    return rval

def galaxy_code_get_available_data_tables_entries( trans, dbkey, data_table_names ):
    #available entries, optionally filtered by dbkey and table names
    if dbkey in [ None, '', '?' ]:
        dbkey = None
    if data_table_names in [ None, '', '?' ]:
        data_table_names = None
    found_tables = get_available_tables_for_dbkey( trans, dbkey, data_table_names )
    dbkey_text = '(%s) ' % ( dbkey ) if dbkey else ''
    rval = map( lambda x: ( "%s%s" % ( dbkey_text, x[0] ), dumps( dict( name=x[0].split( ': ' )[0], entry=x[1] ) ).encode( 'base64' ).rstrip(), DEFAULT_SELECTED ), found_tables.items() )
    return rval

# --- End Galaxy called Methods ---

def rsync_urljoin( base, url ):
    # urlparse.urljoin doesn't work correctly for our use-case
    # probably because it doesn't recognize the rsync scheme
    base = base.rstrip( '/' )
    url = url.lstrip( '/' )
    return "%s/%s" % ( base, url )

def rsync_list_dir( server, dir=None, skip_names=[] ):
    #drwxr-xr-x          50 2014/05/16 20:58:11 .
    if dir:
        dir = rsync_urljoin( server, dir )
        dir = server
    rsync_response = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    rsync_stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    rsync_cmd = [ RSYNC_CMD, '--list-only', dir ]
    return_code = rsync_cmd, stdout=rsync_response, stderr=rsync_stderr )
    if return_code:
        msg = "stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s" % (, )
        raise Exception( 'Failed to execute rsync command (%s), returncode=%s. Rsync_output:\n%s' % (  rsync_cmd, return_code, msg ) )
    rval = {}
    for line in rsync_response:
        perms, line = line.split( None, 1 )
        line = line.strip()
        size, line = line.split( None, 1 )
        line = line.strip()
        date, line = line.split( None, 1 )
        line = line.strip()
        time, line = line.split( None, 1 )
        name = line.strip()
        if name in skip_names:
        size = line.strip()
        rval[ name ] = dict( name=name, permissions=perms, bytes=size, date=date, time=time )
    return rval

def rsync_sync_to_dir( source, target ):
    rsync_response = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    rsync_stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    rsync_cmd = [ RSYNC_CMD, '-avzP', source, target ]
    return_code = rsync_cmd, stdout=rsync_response, stderr=rsync_stderr )
    if return_code:
        msg = "stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s" % (, )
        raise Exception( 'Failed to execute rsync command (%s), returncode=%s. Rsync_output:\n%s' % (  rsync_cmd, return_code, msg ) )
    return return_code

def data_table_needs_refresh( cached_data_table, url ):
    if cached_data_table is None:
        return True, {}
    if - cached_data_table.get( 'time_loaded' ) > CACHE_TIME:
        data_table_text = urllib2.urlopen( url ).read()
        if cached_data_table.get( 'data_table_text', None ) != data_table_text:
            return True, {'data_table_text':data_table_text}
        loc_file_attrs = rsync_list_dir( RSYNC_SERVER, LOCATION_DIR )
        if cached_data_table.get( 'loc_file_attrs', None ) !=  loc_file_attrs:
            return True, {'loc_file_attrs':loc_file_attrs}
    return False, {}

def load_data_tables_from_url( url=None, site='main', data_table_class=None  ):
    if not url:
        url = TOOL_DATA_TABLE_CONF_XML_URLS.get( site, None )
    assert url, ValueError( 'You must provide either a URL or a site=name.' )
    cached_data_table = TOOL_DATA_TABLES_LOADED_BY_URL.get( url, None )
    refresh, attribs = data_table_needs_refresh( cached_data_table, url )
    if refresh:
        data_table_text = attribs.get( 'data_table_text' )or urllib2.urlopen( url ).read()
        loc_file_attrs = attribs.get( 'loc_file_attrs' ) or rsync_list_dir( RSYNC_SERVER, LOCATION_DIR )
        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='rsync_g2_' )
        tmp_loc_dir = os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'location' )
        os.mkdir( tmp_loc_dir )
        rsync_sync_to_dir( rsync_urljoin( RSYNC_SERVER, LOCATION_DIR ), os.path.abspath( tmp_loc_dir ) )
        new_data_table_text = data_table_text.replace( TOOL_DATA_TABLE_CONF_XML_REPLACE_SOURCE, TOOL_DATA_TABLE_CONF_XML_REPLACE_TARGET % ( tmp_loc_dir ) )
        data_table_fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_dir, prefix='rysnc_data_manager_data_table_conf_' )
        data_table_fh.write( new_data_table_text )
        tmp_data_dir = os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'tool-data' )
        os.mkdir( tmp_data_dir )
        data_tables = data_table_class( tmp_data_dir, )
        for name, data_table in data_tables.data_tables.items():
            if name in EXCLUDE_DATA_TABLES or not data_table_has_path_column( data_table ):
                log.debug( 'Removing data table "%s" because it is excluded by name or does not have a defined "path" column.', name )
                del data_tables.data_tables[name]
        cached_data_table = { 'data_tables': data_tables, 'tmp_dir': tmp_dir, 'data_table_text': data_table_text, 'tmp_loc_dir': tmp_loc_dir, 'loc_file_attrs': loc_file_attrs, 'time_loaded': }
        TOOL_DATA_TABLES_LOADED_BY_URL[ url ] = cached_data_table
        #delete the files
        cleanup_before_exit( tmp_dir )
    return cached_data_table

def data_table_has_path_column( data_table ):
    col_names = data_table.get_column_name_list()
    for name in PATH_COLUMN_NAMES:
        if name in col_names:
            return True
    return False

def get_available_tables( trans ):
    #list of data tables
    data_tables = load_data_tables_from_url( )
    return data_tables.get( 'data_tables' ).get_tables().keys()

def get_new_xml_definition( app, data_table, data_manager, repo_info=None, location_file_dir=None ):
    sub_dict = { 'table_name':, 'comment_char': '', 'columns': '', 'file_path': '' }
    sub_dict.update( data_manager.get_tool_shed_repository_info_dict() )
    if data_table.comment_char:
        sub_dict['comment_char'] = 'comment_char="%s"' % ( data_table.comment_char )
    for i, name in enumerate( data_table.get_column_name_list() ):
        if name is not None:
            sub_dict['columns'] = "%s\n%s" % ( sub_dict['columns'], '<column name="%s" index="%s" />' % ( name, i ) )
    location_file_dir = location_file_dir or app.config.galaxy_data_manager_data_path
    for filename in data_table.filenames.keys():
        sub_dict['file_path'] = basename( filename )
        sub_dict['file_path'] = os.path.join( location_file_dir, sub_dict['file_path'] ) #os.path.abspath?
        if not os.path.exists( sub_dict['file_path'] ):
            # Create empty file
            open( sub_dict['file_path'], 'wb+' ).close()
    sub_dict[ 'repo_info' ] = repo_info or ''
    return """
            <tables><table name="%(table_name)s" %(comment_char)s>
                <file path="%(file_path)s" />
           """ % sub_dict

def get_available_tables_for_dbkey( trans, dbkey, data_table_names ):
    my_data_tables =
    data_tables = load_data_tables_from_url( )
    rval = {}
    for name, data_table in data_tables.get( 'data_tables' ).get_tables().iteritems():
        if ( not data_table_names or name in data_table_names ): #name in my_data_tables.keys() and 
            #TODO: check that columns are similiar
            if not dbkey:
                entry_getter = data_table.get_named_fields_list()
                entry_getter = data_table.get_entries( 'dbkey', dbkey, None, default=[] )
            for entry in entry_getter:
                 name = "%s: %s" % (, dumps( entry ) )
                 rval[name] = entry
    return rval

def split_path_all( path ):
    rval = []
    path = path.rstrip( '/' )
    while True:
        head, tail = os.path.split( path )
        if tail:
            rval.append( tail )
            path = head
        elif head:
            rval.append( head )
    return rval 

def get_data_for_path( path, data_root_dir ):
    # We list dir with a /, but copy data without
    # listing with / gives a . entry when its a dir
    # cloning without the / will copy that whole directory into the target, 
    # instead of just that target's contents
    if path.startswith( GALAXY_DATA_CANONICAL_PATH ):
        path = path[ len( GALAXY_DATA_CANONICAL_PATH ):]
    make_path = path
    rsync_source = rsync_urljoin( rsync_urljoin( RSYNC_SERVER, INDEX_DIR ), path )
    if rsync_source.endswith( '/' ):
        rsync_source = rsync_source[:-1]
        dir_list = rsync_list_dir( rsync_source + "/" )
    except Exception, e:
        dir_list = None
    while not dir_list or '.' not in dir_list:
        head, tail = os.path.split( make_path )
        if not head:
            head = tail
        make_path = head
        rsync_source = rsync_urljoin( rsync_urljoin( RSYNC_SERVER, INDEX_DIR ), head ) #if we error here, likely due to a connection issue
        if rsync_source.endswith( '/' ):
            rsync_source = rsync_source[:-1]
        dir_list = rsync_list_dir( rsync_source + "/" )
    split_path = split_path_all( make_path )
    target_path = data_root_dir
    for p in split_path[:-1]:
        target_path = os.path.join( target_path, p )
        if not os.path.exists( target_path ):
            os.mkdir( target_path )
    rsync_sync_to_dir( rsync_source, target_path )
    return path

def get_data_and_munge_path( data_table_name, data_table_entry, data_root_dir ):
    path_cols = []
    for key, value in data_table_entry.iteritems():
        if key in PATH_COLUMN_NAMES:
            path_cols.append( ( key, value ) )
    found_data = False
    if path_cols:
        for col_name, value in path_cols:
            if value.startswith( GALAXY_DATA_CANONICAL_PATH ):
                data_table_entry[col_name] = get_data_for_path( value, data_root_dir )
                found_data = True
                print 'unable to determine location of rsync data for', data_table_name, data_table_entry
    return data_table_entry

def fulfill_data_table_entries( data_table_entries, data_manager_dict, data_root_dir ):
    for data_table_name, entries in data_table_entries.iteritems():
        for entry in entries:
            entry = get_data_and_munge_path( data_table_name, entry, data_root_dir )
            _add_data_table_entry( data_manager_dict, data_table_name, entry )
    return data_manager_dict

def _add_data_table_entry( data_manager_dict, data_table_name, data_table_entry ):
    data_manager_dict['data_tables'] = data_manager_dict.get( 'data_tables', {} )
    data_manager_dict['data_tables'][data_table_name] = data_manager_dict['data_tables'].get( data_table_name, [] )
    data_manager_dict['data_tables'][data_table_name].append( data_table_entry )
    return data_manager_dict

def cleanup_before_exit( tmp_dir ):
    if tmp_dir and os.path.exists( tmp_dir ):
        shutil.rmtree( tmp_dir )

def get_data_table_entries( params ):
    rval = {}
    data_table_entries = params.get( 'data_table_entries', None )
    if data_table_entries :
        for entry_text in data_table_entries.split( ',' ):
            entry_text = entry_text.strip().decode( 'base64' )
            entry_dict = loads( entry_text )
            data_table_name = entry_dict['name']
            data_table_entry = entry_dict['entry']
            rval[ data_table_name ] = rval.get( data_table_name, [] )
            rval[ data_table_name ].append( data_table_entry )
    return rval

def main():
    #Parse Command Line
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    filename = args[0]
    params = loads( open( filename ).read() )
    target_directory = params[ 'output_data' ][0]['extra_files_path']
    os.mkdir( target_directory )
    data_manager_dict = {}
    data_table_entries = get_data_table_entries( params['param_dict'] )
    # Populate the data Tables
    data_manager_dict = fulfill_data_table_entries( data_table_entries, data_manager_dict, target_directory )
    #save info to json file
    open( filename, 'wb' ).write( dumps( data_manager_dict ) )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()