diff lastz_paired_reads_wrapper.py @ 0:96825cee5c25 draft

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author devteam
date Mon, 26 Nov 2012 09:48:27 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lastz_paired_reads_wrapper.py	Mon Nov 26 09:48:27 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Runs Lastz paired read alignment process
+Written for Lastz v. 1.02.00.
+# Author(s): based on various scripts written by Bob Harris (rsharris@bx.psu.edu),
+# then tweaked to this form by Greg Von Kuster (greg@bx.psu.edu)
+This tool takes the following input:
+a. A collection of 454 paired end reads ( a fasta file )
+b. A linker sequence ( a very small fasta file )
+c. A reference genome ( nob, 2bit or fasta )
+and uses the following process:
+1. Split reads into mates:  the input to this step is the read file XXX.fasta, and the output is three
+   files; XXX.short.fasta, XXX.long.fasta and XXX.mapping.  The mapping file records the information necessary
+   to convert mate coordinates back into the original read, which is needed later in the process.
+2. Align short mates to the reference: this runs lastz against every chromosome.  The input is XXX.short.fasta
+   and the reference genome, and the output is a SAM file, XXX.short.sam.
+3. Align long mates to the reference: this runs lastz against every chromosome.  The input is XXX.long.fasta
+   and the reference genome, and the output is a SAM file, XXX.long.sam.
+4. Combine, and convert mate coordinates back to read coordinates.  The input is XXX.mapping, XXX.short.sam and
+   XXX.long.sam, and the output is XXX.sam.
+usage: lastz_paired_reads_wrapper.py [options]
+    --ref_name: The reference name to change all output matches to
+    --ref_source: The reference is cached or from the history
+    --source_select: Use pre-set or cached reference file
+    --input1: The name of the reference file if using history or reference base name if using cached
+    --input2: The reads file to align
+    --input3: The sequencing linker file
+    --input4: The base quality score 454 file
+    --ref_sequences: The number of sequences in the reference file if using one from history 
+    --output: The name of the output file
+    --lastz_seqs_file_dir: Directory of local lastz_seqs.loc file
+import optparse, os, subprocess, shutil, sys, tempfile, time
+from string import maketrans
+from galaxy import eggs
+import pkg_resources
+pkg_resources.require( 'bx-python' )
+from bx.seq.twobit import *
+from bx.seq.fasta import FastaReader
+from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch
+from galaxy.util import string_as_bool
+# Column indexes for SAM required fields
+# SAM bit-encoded flags
+BAM_FPAIRED      =    1    # the read is paired in sequencing, no matter whether it is mapped in a pair
+BAM_FPROPER_PAIR =    2    # the read is mapped in a proper pair
+BAM_FUNMAP       =    4    # the read itself is unmapped; conflictive with BAM_FPROPER_PAIR
+BAM_FMUNMAP      =    8    # the mate is unmapped
+BAM_FREVERSE     =   16    # the read is mapped to the reverse strand
+BAM_FMREVERSE    =   32    # the mate is mapped to the reverse strand
+BAM_FREAD1       =   64    # this is read1
+BAM_FREAD2       =  128    # this is read2
+BAM_FSECONDARY   =  256    # not primary alignment
+BAM_FQCFAIL      =  512    # QC failure
+BAM_FDUP         = 1024    # optical or PCR duplicate
+# Keep track of all created temporary files so they can be deleted
+global tmp_file_names
+tmp_file_names = []
+# The values in the skipped_lines dict are tuples consisting of:
+# - the number of skipped lines for that error
+# If not a sequence error:
+# - the 1st line number on which the error was found
+# - the text of the 1st line on which the error was found
+# If a sequence error:
+# - The number of the sequence in the file
+# - the sequence name on which the error occurred
+# We may need to improve dealing with file position and text as
+# much of it comes from temporary files that are created from the
+# inputs, and not the inputs themselves, so this could be confusing
+# to the user.
+global skipped_lines
+skipped_lines = dict( bad_interval=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      inconsistent_read_lengths=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      inconsistent_reads=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      inconsistent_sizes=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      missing_mate=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      missing_quals=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      missing_seq=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      multiple_seqs=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      no_header=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      num_fields=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      reads_paired=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      sam_flag=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      sam_headers=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      sam_min_columns=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      two_mate_names=( 0, 0, '' ),
+                      wrong_seq_len=( 0, 0, '' ) )
+global total_skipped_lines
+total_skipped_lines = 0
+def stop_err( msg ):
+    sys.stderr.write( "%s" % msg )
+    sys.exit()
+def skip_line( error_key, position, text ):
+    if not skipped_lines[ error_key ][2]:
+        skipped_lines[ error_key ][1] = position
+        skipped_lines[ error_key ][2] = text
+    skipped_lines[ error_key ][0] += 1
+    total_skipped_lines += 1
+def get_tmp_file_name( dir=None, suffix=None ):
+    """
+    Return a unique temporary file name that can be managed.  The
+    file must be manually removed after use.
+    """
+    if dir and suffix:
+        tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp( dir=dir, suffix=suffix )
+    elif dir:
+        tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp( dir=dir )
+    elif suffix:
+        tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix=suffix )
+    os.close( tmp_fd )
+    tmp_file_names.append( tmp_name )
+    return tmp_name
+def run_command( command ):
+    proc = subprocess.Popen( args=command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, )
+    proc.wait()
+    stderr = proc.stderr.read()
+    proc.wait()
+    if stderr:
+        stop_err( stderr )
+def split_paired_reads( input2, combined_linker_file_name ):
+    """
+    Given a fasta file of allegedly paired end reads ( input2 ), and a list of intervals
+    showing where the linker is on each read ( combined_linker_file_name ), split the reads into left and right
+    halves.
+    The input intervals look like this.  Note that they may include multiple intervals for the same read
+    ( which should overlap ), and we use the union of them as the linker interval.  Non-overlaps are
+    reported to the user, and those reads are not processed.  Starts are origin zero.
+        #name     strand start len size
+        FG3OYDA05FTEES +   219  42 283
+        FG3OYDA05FVOLL +   263  41 416
+        FG3OYDA05FFL7J +    81  42 421
+        FG3OYDA05FOQWE +    55  42 332
+        FG3OYDA05FV4DW +   297  42 388
+        FG3OYDA05FWAQV +   325  42 419
+        FG3OYDA05FVLGA +    90  42 367
+        FG3OYDA05FWJ71 +    58  42 276
+    The output gives each half-sequence on a separate line, like this.  This allows easy sorting of the
+    sequences by length, after the fact.
+    """
+    # Bob says these should be hard-coded.
+    seq_len_lower_threshold = 17
+    short_mate_cutoff = 50
+    # We need to pass the name of this file back to the caller.
+    tmp_mates_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='mates.txt' )
+    mates_file = file( tmp_mates_file_name, "w+b" )
+    # Read the linker intervals
+    combined_linker_file = file( combined_linker_file_name, "rb" )
+    read_to_linker_dict = {}
+    i = 0
+    for i, line in enumerate( combined_linker_file ):
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith( "#" ):
+            continue
+        if line.find( '#' ) >= 0:
+            line = line.split( "#", 1 )[0].rstrip()
+        fields = line.split()
+        if len( fields ) != 4:
+            skip_line( 'num_fields', i+1, line )
+            continue
+        name, start, length, size = fields
+        start = int( start )
+        length = int( length )
+        size = int( size )
+        end = start + length
+        if end > size:
+            skip_line[ 'bad_interval' ] += 1
+            continue
+        if name not in read_to_linker_dict:
+            read_to_linker_dict[ name ] = ( start, end, size )
+            continue
+        if read_to_linker_dict[ name ] == None:
+            # Read previously marked as non-overlapping intervals, so skip this sequence - see below
+            continue
+        ( s, e, sz ) = read_to_linker_dict[ name ]
+        if sz != size:
+            skip_line( 'inconsistent_sizes', i+1, name )
+            continue
+        if s > end or e < start:
+            # Non-overlapping intervals, so skip this sequence
+            read_to_linker_dict[ name ] = None
+            continue
+        read_to_linker_dict[ name ] = ( min( s, start ), max( e, end ), size )
+    combined_linker_file.close()
+    # We need to pass the name of this file back to the caller.
+    tmp_mates_mapping_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='mates.mapping' )
+    mates_mapping_file = file( tmp_mates_mapping_file_name, 'w+b' )
+    # Process the sequences
+    seqs = 0
+    fasta_reader = FastaReader( file( input2, 'rb' ) )
+    while True:
+        seq = fasta_reader.next()
+        if not seq:
+            break
+        seqs += 1
+        if seq.name not in read_to_linker_dict:
+            if seq.length > seq_len_lower_threshold:
+                mates_file.write( "%-3d %s   %s\n" % ( seq.length, seq.name, seq.text ) )
+            read_to_linker_dict[ seq.name ] = ""
+            continue
+        if read_to_linker_dict[ seq.name ] == "":
+            skip_line( 'multiple_seqs', seqs, seq.name )
+            continue
+        if read_to_linker_dict[ seq.name ] == None:
+            # Read previously marked as non-overlapping intervals, so skip this sequence - see above
+            continue
+        ( start, end, size ) = read_to_linker_dict[ seq.name ]
+        if seq.length != size:
+            skip_line( 'wrong_seq_len', seqs, seq.name )
+            continue
+        left = seq.text[ :start ]
+        right = seq.text[ end: ]
+        left_is_small = len( left ) <= seq_len_lower_threshold
+        right_is_small = len( right ) <= seq_len_lower_threshold
+        if left_is_small and right_is_small:
+            continue
+        if not left_is_small:
+            mates_file.write( "%-3d %s %s\n" % ( len( left ), seq.name + "_L", left ) )
+            mates_mapping_file.write( "%s %s %s %s\n" % ( seq.name + "_L", seq.name, 0, size - start ) )
+        if not right_is_small:
+            mates_file.write( "%-3d %s %s\n" % ( len( right ), seq.name + "_R", right ) )
+            mates_mapping_file.write( "%s %s %s %s\n" % ( seq.name + "_R", seq.name, end, 0 ) )
+        read_to_linker_dict[ seq.name ] = ""
+    combined_linker_file.close()
+    mates_file.close()
+    mates_mapping_file.close()
+    # Create temporary files for short and long mates
+    tmp_mates_short_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='mates.short' )
+    tmp_mates_long_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='mates.long' )
+    tmp_mates_short = open( tmp_mates_short_file_name, 'w+b' )
+    tmp_mates_long = open( tmp_mates_long_file_name, 'w+b' )
+    i = 0
+    for i, line in enumerate( file( tmp_mates_file_name, 'rb' ) ):
+        fields = line.split()
+        seq_len = int( fields[0] )
+        seq_name = fields[1]
+        seq_text = fields[2]
+        if seq_len <= short_mate_cutoff:
+            tmp_mates_short.write( ">%s\n%s\n" % ( seq_name, seq_text ) )
+        else:
+            tmp_mates_long.write( ">%s\n%s\n" % ( seq_name, seq_text ) )
+    tmp_mates_short.close()
+    tmp_mates_long.close()
+    return tmp_mates_mapping_file_name, tmp_mates_file_name, tmp_mates_short_file_name, tmp_mates_long_file_name
+def align_mates( input1, ref_source, ref_name, ref_sequences, tmp_mates_short_file_name, tmp_mates_long_file_name ):
+    tmp_align_file_names = []
+    if ref_source == 'history':
+        # Reference is a fasta dataset from the history
+        # Create temporary files to contain the output from lastz executions
+        tmp_short_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='short_out' )
+        tmp_align_file_names.append( tmp_short_file_name )
+        tmp_long_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='long_out' )
+        tmp_align_file_names.append( tmp_long_file_name )
+        seqs = 0
+        fasta_reader = FastaReader( open( input1 ) )
+        while True:
+            # Read the next sequence from the reference dataset.  Note that if the reference contains
+            # a small number of chromosomes this loop is ok, but in many cases the genome has a bunch
+            # of small straggler scaffolds and contigs and it is a computational waste to do each one
+            # of these in its own run.  There is an I/O down side to running by subsets (even if they are
+            # one sequence per subset), compared to splitting the reference into sizes of 250 mb.  With
+            # the subset action, lastz still has to read and parse the entire file for every run (this
+            # is true for fasta, but for .2bit files it can access each sequence directly within the file,
+            # so the overhead is minimal).
+            """
+            :> output_file  (this creates the output file, empty)
+            while there are more sequences to align
+                find the next sequences that add up to 250M, put their names in farf.names
+                lastz ${refFile}[subset=farf.names][multi][unmask] ${matesPath}/${matesFile} ... 
+                  >> output_file
+            """
+            seq = fasta_reader.next()
+            if not seq:
+                break
+            seqs += 1
+            # Create a temporary file to contain the current sequence as input to lastz.
+            # We're doing this a bit differently here since we could be generating a huge
+            # number of temporary files.
+            tmp_in_fd, tmp_in_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix='seq_%d_in' % seqs )
+            tmp_in_file = os.fdopen( tmp_in_fd, 'w+b' )
+            tmp_in_file.write( '>%s\n%s\n' % ( seq.name, seq.text ) )
+            tmp_in_file.close()
+            # Align short mates
+            command = 'lastz %s[unmask]%s %s ' % ( tmp_in_file_name, ref_name, tmp_mates_short_file_name )
+            command += 'Z=1 --seed=1111111011111 --notrans --maxwordcount=90% --match=1,3 O=1 E=3 X=15 K=10 Y=12 L=18 --ambiguousn --noytrim --identity=95 --coverage=80 --continuity=95 --format=softsam- '
+            command += '>> %s' % tmp_short_file_name
+            run_command( command )
+            # Align long mates
+            command = 'lastz %s[unmask]%s %s ' % ( tmp_in_file_name, ref_name, tmp_mates_long_file_name )
+            command += 'Z=15 W=13 --notrans --exact=18 --maxwordcount=90% --match=1,3 O=1 E=3 Y=10 L=18 --ambiguousn --noytrim --identity=95 --coverage=90 --continuity=95 --format=softsam- '
+            command += '>> %s' % tmp_long_file_name
+            run_command( command )
+            # Remove the temporary file that contains the current sequence
+            os.remove( tmp_in_file_name )
+    else:
+        # Reference is a locally cached 2bit file, split lastz calls across number of chroms in 2bit file
+        tbf = TwoBitFile( open( input1, 'rb' ) )
+        for chrom in tbf.keys():
+            # Align short mates
+            tmp_short_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='short_vs_%s' % chrom )
+            tmp_align_file_names.append( tmp_short_file_name )
+            command = 'lastz %s/%s[unmask]%s %s ' % ( input1, chrom, ref_name, tmp_mates_short_file_name )
+            command += 'Z=1 --seed=1111111011111 --notrans --maxwordcount=90% --match=1,3 O=1 E=3 X=15 K=10 Y=12 L=18 --ambiguousn --noytrim --identity=95 --coverage=80 --continuity=95 --format=softsam- '
+            command += '> %s' % tmp_short_file_name
+            run_command( command )
+            # Align long mates
+            tmp_long_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='long_vs_%s' % chrom )
+            tmp_align_file_names.append( tmp_long_file_name )
+            command = 'lastz %s/%s[unmask]%s %s ' % ( input1, chrom, ref_name, tmp_mates_long_file_name )
+            command += 'Z=15 W=13 --notrans --exact=18 --maxwordcount=90% --match=1,3 O=1 E=3 Y=10 L=18 --ambiguousn --noytrim --identity=95 --coverage=90 --continuity=95 --format=softsam- '
+            command += '> %s' % tmp_long_file_name
+            run_command( command )
+    return tmp_align_file_names
+def paired_mate_unmapper( input2, input4, tmp_mates_mapping_file_name, tmp_align_file_name_list, output ):
+    """
+    Given a SAM file corresponding to alignments of *subsegments* of paired 'reads' to a reference sequence,
+    convert the positions on the subsegments to positions on the reads.  Also (optionally) add quality values.
+    The input file is in SAM format, as shown below.  Each line represents the alignment of a part of a read
+    to a reference sequence.  Read pairs are indicated by suffixes in their names.  Normally, the suffixes _L
+    and _R indicate the left and right mates of reads (this can be overridden with the --left and --right
+    options).  Reads that were not mates have no suffix.
+        (SAM header lines omitted)
+        F2YP0BU02G7LK5_R 16 chr21 15557360 255 40M          * 0 0 ATTTTATTCTCTTTGAAGCAATTGTGAATGGGAGTTTACT           *
+        F2YP0BU02HXV58_L 16 chr21 15952091 255 40M6S        * 0 0 GCAAATTGTGCTGCTTTAAACATGCGTGTGCAAGTATCTTtttcat     *
+        F2YP0BU02HREML_R 0  chr21 16386077 255 33M5S        * 0 0 CCAAAGTTCTGGGATTACAGGCGTGAGCCATCGcgccc             *
+        F2YP0BU02IOF1F_L 0  chr21 17567321 255 7S28M        * 0 0 taaagagAAGAATTCTCAACCCAGAATTTCATATC                *
+        F2YP0BU02IKX84_R 16 chr21 18491628 255 22M1D18M9S   * 0 0 GTCTCTACCAAAAAATACAAAAATTAGCCGGGCGTGGTGGcatgtctgt  *
+        F2YP0BU02GW5VA_L 16 chr21 20255344 255 6S32M        * 0 0 caagaaCAAACACATTCAAAAGCTAGTAGAAGGCAAGA             *
+        F2YP0BU02JIMJ4_R 0  chr21 22383051 255 19M          * 0 0 CCCTTTATCATTTTTTATT                                *
+        F2YP0BU02IXZGF_L 16 chr21 23094798 255 13M1I18M     * 0 0 GCAAGCTCCACTTCCCGGGTTCACGCCATTCT                   *
+        F2YP0BU02IODR5_L 0  chr21 30935325 255 37M          * 0 0 GAAATAAAGGGTATTCAATTAGGAAAAGAGGAAGTCA              *
+        F2YP0BU02IMZBL_L 16 chr21 31603486 255 28M1D1M      * 0 0 ATACAAAAATTAGCCGGGCACAGTGGCAG                      *
+        F2YP0BU02JA9PR_L 16 chr21 31677159 255 23M          * 0 0 CACACCTGTAACCCCAGCACTTT                            *
+        F2YP0BU02HKC61_R 0  chr21 31678718 255 40M          * 0 0 CACTGCACTCCAGCCTGGGTGACAAAGCAAGACTCTGTCT           *
+        F2YP0BU02HKC61_R 0  chr21 31678718 255 40M          * 0 0 CACTGCACTCCAGCCTGGGTGACAAAGCAAGACTCTGTCT           *
+        F2YP0BU02HVA88   16 chr21 31703558 255 1M1D35M8S    * 0 0 TGGGATTACAGGCGTGAGCTACCACACCCAGCCAGAgttcaaat       *
+        F2YP0BU02JDCF1_L 0  chr21 31816600 255 38M          * 0 0 AGGAGAATCGCTTGAACCCAGGAGGCAGAGGTTGCGGT             *
+        F2YP0BU02GZ1GO_R 0  chr21 33360122 255 6S38M        * 0 0 cctagaCTTCACACACACACACACACACACACACACACACACAC       *
+        F2YP0BU02FX387_L 16 chr22 14786201 255 26M          * 0 0 TGGATGAAGCTGGAAACCATCATTCT                         *
+        F2YP0BU02IF2NE_R 0  chr22 16960842 255 40M10S       * 0 0 TGGCATGCACCTGTAGTCTCAGCTACTTGGGAGGCTGAGGtgggaggatc *
+        F2YP0BU02F4TVA   0  chr22 19200522 255 49M          * 0 0 CCTGGGAGGCGGAGGTTGCAGTGAGCCGAGATCACGCCATTGCACTCCA  *
+        F2YP0BU02HKC61_R 16 chr22 29516998 255 8S32M        * 0 0 agacagagTCTTGCTTTGTCACCCAGGCTGGAGTGCAGTG           *
+        F2YP0BU02FS4EM_R 0  chr22 30159364 255 29M          * 0 0 CTCCTGCCTCAGCCTCCCGAGTAGTTGGG                      *
+        F2YP0BU02G197P_L 0  chr22 32044496 255 40M10S       * 0 0 TTGTTGGACATTTGGGTTGGTTCCAAGTCTTTGCTATTGTgaataatgcc *
+        F2YP0BU02FIING   16 chr22 45959944 255 3M1I11M1I26M * 0 0 AGCTATGGTACTGGCTATGAAAGCAGACACATAGACCAATGG         *
+        F2YP0BU02GUB9L_L 16 chr22 49198404 255 16M1I20M     * 0 0 CACCACGCTCGGCTAATTTTTGTATTTTTAGTAGAGA              *
+    The user must provide a mapping file (which might better be called an unmapping file).  This file is usually
+    created by split_paired_reads, and tells us how to map the subsegments back to original coordinates in a single
+    read (this means the left and right mates were part of a single read).  The mapping file contains four columns.
+    The first two give the mates's name (including the suffix) and the read name.  The last two columns describe how
+    much of the full original sequence is missing from the mate.  For example, in the read below, the left mate is
+    missing 63 on the right (42 for the linker and 21 for the right half).  The right mate is missing 339 on the left.
+        right half: CTCCTGCCTCAGCCTCCCGAG
+        mate_name        read_name      offset_to_start offset_from_end
+        F2YP0BU02FS4EM_L F2YP0BU02FS4EM         0              71
+        F2YP0BU02FS4EM_R F2YP0BU02FS4EM       339               0
+    The user can also specify a quality scores file, which should look something like this.  Quality values are presumed
+    to be PHRED scores, written in space-delimited decimal.
+        >F2YP0BU02FS4EM
+        38 38 38 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 38 21 21 21 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 33
+        32 32 40 40 40 21 21 18 18 21 34 34 31 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 32 32 32 32 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 34 34 35
+        31 31 28 28 33 33 33 36 36 36 17 17 17 19 26 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 33 34
+        34 34 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 33 33 34 34 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 26 26 26 26 26 40 40 38 38 37 35 33
+        36 40 19 17 17 17 17 19 19 23 30 20 20 20 23 35 40 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
+        39 40 34 20 27 27 35 39 40 37 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 34 34 35 39 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 36 36 32 32 28 28 29 30 36 40 30 26
+        26 26 34 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39
+        40 39 35 34 34 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 35 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 36 40 40 40 40
+        39 39 39 39 30 30 28 35 35 39 40 40 40 40 40 35 35 35
+        >F2YP0BU02G197P
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 26 26 26 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 34 34 34 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 34 34 34 34 40 40 40 40 34 34 34 34 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 34 34 34 34 40 40 40 40 39 39 25 25 26 39 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        33 33 33 33 40 35 21 21 21 30 38 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 35 30 30 30 40
+        40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
+        40 40 40 39 39 39 40 40
+        >F2YP0BU02FIING
+        32 32 32 25 25 25 25 24 25 30 31 30 27 27 27 28 28 21 19 19 13 13 13 14 19
+        19 17 19 16 16 25 28 22 21 17 17 18 25 24 25 25 25
+    The output file is also SAM:
+        (SAM header lines omitted)
+        F2YP0BU02HXV58 145 chr21 15952091 255 226H40M6S      * 0 0 GCAAATTGTGCTGCTTTAAACATGCGTGTGCAAGTATCTTtttcat     AA===DDDDAAAAD???:::ABBBBBAAA:888ECF;F>>>?8??@
+        F2YP0BU02IOF1F 129 chr21 17567321 255 7S28M409H      * 0 0 taaagagAAGAATTCTCAACCCAGAATTTCATATC                4100<<A>4113:<EFGGGFFFHHHHHHDFFFFED
+        F2YP0BU02IKX84 81  chr21 18491628 255 22M1D18M9S341H * 0 0 GTCTCTACCAAAAAATACAAAAATTAGCCGGGCGTGGTGGcatgtctgt  ;;;=7@.55------?2?11112GGB=CCCCDIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHII
+        F2YP0BU02JIMJ4 65  chr21 22383051 255 208H19M        * 0 0 CCCTTTATCATTTTTTATT                                555544E?GE113344I22
+        F2YP0BU02IXZGF 145 chr21 23094798 255 291H13M1I18M   * 0 0 GCAAGCTCCACTTCCCGGGTTCACGCCATTCT                   IIIIIIIIIIIGG;;;GGHIIIIIGGGIIIII
+        F2YP0BU02IODR5 129 chr21 30935325 255 37M154H        * 0 0 GAAATAAAGGGTATTCAATTAGGAAAAGAGGAAGTCA              6...7/--..,30;9<<>@BFFFAAAAHIIIIIH@@@
+        F2YP0BU02IMZBL 145 chr21 31603486 255 342H28M1D1M    * 0 0 ATACAAAAATTAGCCGGGCACAGTGGCAG                      BB1552222<<>9==8;;?AA=??A???A
+        F2YP0BU02JA9PR 145 chr21 31677159 255 229H23M        * 0 0 CACACCTGTAACCCCAGCACTTT                            IIIIIIIIIIICCCCIIIIIHHH
+        F2YP0BU02HKC61 65  chr21 31678718 255 300H40M        * 0 0 CACTGCACTCCAGCCTGGGTGACAAAGCAAGACTCTGTCT           AA@BD:::==AAA@A?8888:<90004<>>?><<<<4442
+        F2YP0BU02HKC61 65  chr21 31678718 255 300H40M        * 0 0 CACTGCACTCCAGCCTGGGTGACAAAGCAAGACTCTGTCT           AA@BD:::==AAA@A?8888:<90004<>>?><<<<4442
+        F2YP0BU02HVA88 16  chr21 31703558 255 1M1D35M8S      * 0 0 TGGGATTACAGGCGTGAGCTACCACACCCAGCCAGAgttcaaat       >8888DFFHHGFHHHH@@?@?DDC96666HIIIFFFFFFFFFFF
+        F2YP0BU02FX387 145 chr22 14786201 255 201H26M        * 0 0 TGGATGAAGCTGGAAACCATCATTCT                         IIHHHHHHHHHHHHHFFFFFFFFFFF
+        F2YP0BU02IF2NE 65  chr22 16960842 255 209H40M10S     * 0 0 TGGCATGCACCTGTAGTCTCAGCTACTTGGGAGGCTGAGGtgggaggatc BAAADDDDFDDDDDDBBA889<A?4444000@<>AA?9444;;8>77<7-
+        F2YP0BU02HKC61 81  chr22 29516998 255 8S32M300H      * 0 0 agacagagTCTTGCTTTGTCACCCAGGCTGGAGTGCAGTG           2444<<<<>?>><40009<:8888?A@AAA==:::DB@AA
+        F2YP0BU02FS4EM 65  chr22 30159364 255 339H29M        * 0 0 CTCCTGCCTCAGCCTCCCGAGTAGTTGGG                      IIIIHHEIIIIHHHH??=DDHIIIIIDDD
+        F2YP0BU02FIING 16  chr22 45959944 255 3M1I11M1I26M   * 0 0 AGCTATGGTACTGGCTATGAAAGCAGACACATAGACCAATGG         :::9:32267=:114244/...446==<<<?@?:9::::AAA
+        F2YP0BU02GUB9L 145 chr22 49198404 255 176H16M1I20M   * 0 0 CACCACGCTCGGCTAATTTTTGTATTTTTAGTAGAGA              IIIIIIIIIHAAC;<</////@4F5778;IIIIIIII
+    """
+    left_suffix       = "_L"
+    right_suffix      = "_R"
+    # Read the mapping
+    mate_to_read_dict = {}
+    i = 0
+    for i, line in enumerate( file( tmp_mates_mapping_file_name, 'rb' ) ):
+        line = line.strip()
+        if not line.startswith( "#" ):
+            fields = line.split()
+            if len( fields ) != 4:
+                skip_line( "num_fields", i+1, line )
+                continue
+            mate_name, read_name, s_offset, e_offset = fields
+            if mate_name in mate_to_read_dict:
+                skip_line( 'two_mate_names', i+1, mate_name )
+                continue
+            mate_to_read_dict[ mate_name ] = ( read_name, int( s_offset ), int( e_offset ) )
+    # Read sequence data
+    read_to_nucs_dict = {}
+    seqs = 0
+    fasta_reader = FastaReader( file( input2, 'rb' ) )
+    while True:
+        seq = fasta_reader.next()
+        if not seq:
+            break
+        seqs += 1
+        seq_text_upper = seq.text.upper()
+        if seq.name in read_to_nucs_dict:
+            if seq_text_upper != read_to_nucs_dict[ seq.name ]:
+                skip_line( 'inconsistent_reads', seqs, seq.name )
+                continue
+        read_to_nucs_dict[ seq.name ] = seq_text_upper
+    # Read quality data
+    def quality_sequences( f ):
+        seq_name  = None
+        seq_quals = None
+        line_number = 0
+        for line in f:
+            line_number += 1
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line.startswith( ">" ):
+                if seq_name != None:
+                    yield ( seq_name, seq_quals, seq_line )
+                seq_name  = sequence_name( line )
+                seq_line  = line_number
+                seq_quals = []
+            elif seq_name is None:
+                skip_line( 'no_header', line_number, line )
+                continue
+            else:
+                seq_quals += [ int( q ) for q in line.split() ]
+        if seq_name is not None:
+            yield ( seq_name, seq_quals, seq_line )
+    def sequence_name( s ):
+        s = s[ 1: ].strip()
+        if not s:
+            return ""
+        else:
+            return s.split()[ 0 ]
+    read_to_quals_dict = {}
+    # TODO: should we use Dan's fastaNamedReader here?
+    for seq_name, quals, line_number in quality_sequences( file( input4 ) ):
+        quals = samify_phred_scores( quals )
+        if seq_name in read_to_quals_dict:
+            if quals != read_to_quals_dict[ seq_name ]:
+                skip_line( 'inconsistent_reads', line_number, seq_name )
+            continue
+        if len( quals ) != len( read_to_nucs_dict[ seq_name ] ):
+            skip_line( 'inconsistent_read_lengths', line_number, seq_name )
+            continue
+        read_to_quals_dict[ seq_name ] = quals
+    # process the SAM file
+    tmp_align_file_names = ' '.join( tmp_align_file_name_list )
+    combined_chrom_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='combined_chrom' )
+    command = 'cat %s | grep -v "^@" | sort -k 1 > %s' % ( tmp_align_file_names, combined_chrom_file_name )
+    run_command( command )
+    fout = file( output, 'w+b' )
+    has_non_header = False
+    i = 0
+    for i, line in enumerate( file( combined_chrom_file_name, 'rb' ) ):
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith( "@" ):
+            if has_non_header:
+                skip_line( 'sam_headers', i+1, line )
+                continue
+            fout.write( "%s\n" % line )
+            continue
+        has_non_header = True
+        fields = line.split()
+        num_fields = len( fields )
+        if num_fields < SAM_MIN_COLUMNS:
+            skip_line( 'sam_min_columns', i+1, line )
+            continue
+        # Set flags for mates
+        try:
+            flag = int( fields[ SAM_FLAG_COLUMN ] )
+        except ValueError:
+            skip_line( 'sam_flag', i+1, line )
+            continue
+        if not( flag & ( BAM_FPAIRED + BAM_FREAD1 + BAM_FREAD2 ) == 0 ):
+            skip_line( 'reads_paired', i+1, line )
+            continue
+        mate_name = fields[ SAM_QNAME_COLUMN ]
+        unmap_it = False
+        half = None
+        if mate_name.endswith( left_suffix ):
+            flag += BAM_FPAIRED + BAM_FREAD2
+            fields[ SAM_FLAG_COLUMN ] = "%d" % flag
+            unmap_it = True
+            half = "L"
+        elif mate_name.endswith( right_suffix ):
+            flag += BAM_FPAIRED + BAM_FREAD1
+            fields[ SAM_FLAG_COLUMN ] = "%d" % flag
+            unmap_it = True
+            half = "R"
+        on_plus_strand = ( flag & BAM_FREVERSE == 0 )
+        # Convert position from mate to read by adding clipping to cigar
+        if not unmap_it:
+            read_name = mate_name
+        else:
+            try:
+                read_name, s_offset, e_offset = mate_to_read_dict[ mate_name ]
+            except KeyError:
+                skip_line( 'missing_mate', i+1, mate_name )
+                continue
+            cigar = fields[ SAM_CIGAR_COLUMN ]
+            cigar_prefix = None
+            cigar_suffix = None
+            if half == "L": 
+                if on_plus_strand:
+                    if s_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_prefix = ( s_offset, "S" )
+                    if e_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_suffix = ( e_offset, "H" )
+                else:
+                    if e_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_prefix = ( e_offset, "H" )
+                    if s_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_suffix = ( s_offset, "S" )
+            elif half == "R": 
+                if on_plus_strand:
+                    if s_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_prefix = ( s_offset, "H" )
+                    if e_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_suffix = ( e_offset, "S" )
+                else:
+                    if e_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_prefix = ( e_offset, "S" )
+                    if s_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_suffix = ( s_offset, "H" )
+            else:               
+                if on_plus_strand:
+                    if s_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_prefix = ( s_offset, "S" )
+                    if e_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_suffix = ( e_offset, "S" )
+                else:
+                    if e_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_prefix = ( e_offset, "S" )
+                    if s_offset > 0:
+                        cigar_suffix = ( s_offset, "S" )
+            if cigar_prefix != None:
+                count, op = cigar_prefix
+                cigar = prefix_cigar( "%d%s" % ( count, op ), cigar )
+                if op == "S":
+                    refPos = int( fields[ SAM_POS_COLUMN ] ) - count
+                    fields[ SAM_POS_COLUMN ] = "%d" % refPos
+            if cigar_suffix != None:
+                count, op = cigar_suffix
+                cigar = suffix_cigar( cigar,"%d%s" % ( count, op) )
+            fields[ SAM_QNAME_COLUMN ] = read_name
+            fields[ SAM_CIGAR_COLUMN ] = cigar
+        # Fetch sequence and quality values, and flip/clip them
+        if read_name not in read_to_nucs_dict:
+            skip_line( 'missing_seq', i+1, read_name )
+            continue
+        nucs = read_to_nucs_dict[ read_name ]
+        if not on_plus_strand:
+            nucs = reverse_complement( nucs )
+        quals = None
+        if read_to_quals_dict != None:
+            if read_name not in read_to_quals_dict:
+                skip_line( 'missing_quals', i+1, read_name )
+                continue
+            quals = read_to_quals_dict[ read_name ]
+            if not on_plus_strand:
+                quals = reverse_string( quals )
+        cigar = split_cigar( fields[ SAM_CIGAR_COLUMN ] )
+        nucs, quals = clip_for_cigar( cigar, nucs, quals )
+        fields[ SAM_SEQ_COLUMN ] = nucs
+        if quals != None:
+            fields[ SAM_QUAL_COLUMN ] = quals
+        # Output the line
+        fout.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join( fields ) )
+    fout.close()
+def prefix_cigar( prefix, cigar ):
+    ix = 0
+    while cigar[ ix ].isdigit():
+        ix += 1
+    if cigar[ ix ] != prefix[ -1 ]:
+        return prefix + cigar
+    count = int( prefix[ :-1 ] ) + int( cigar[ :ix ] )
+    return "%d%s%s" % ( count, prefix[ -1 ], cigar[ ix+1: ] )
+def suffix_cigar( cigar, suffix ):
+    if cigar[ -1 ] != suffix[ -1 ]:
+        return cigar + suffix
+    ix = len( cigar ) - 2
+    while cigar[ix].isdigit():
+        ix -= 1
+    ix += 1
+    count = int( cigar[ ix:-1 ] ) + int( suffix[ :-1 ] )
+    return "%s%d%s" % ( cigar[ :ix ], count, suffix[ -1 ] )
+def split_cigar( text ):
+    fields = []
+    field  = []
+    for ch in text:
+        if ch not in "MIDHS":
+            field += ch
+            continue
+        if field == []:
+            raise ValueError
+        fields += [ ( int( "".join( field ) ), ch ) ]
+        field = []
+    if field != []:
+        raise ValueError
+    return fields
+def clip_for_cigar( cigar, nucs, quals ):
+    # Hard clip prefix
+    count, op = cigar[0]
+    if op == "H":
+        nucs = nucs[ count: ]
+        if quals != None:
+            quals = quals[ count: ]
+        count, op = cigar[ 1 ]
+    # Soft clip prefix
+    if op == "S":
+        nucs = nucs[ :count ].lower() + nucs[ count: ]
+    # Hard clip suffix
+    count,op = cigar[ -1 ]
+    if op == "H":
+        nucs = nucs[ :-count ]
+        if quals != None:
+            quals = quals[ :-count ]
+        count, op = cigar[ -2 ]
+    # Soft clip suffix
+    if op == "S":
+        nucs = nucs[ :-count ] + nucs[ -count: ].lower()
+    return nucs, quals
+def samify_phred_scores( quals ):
+    """
+    Convert a decimal list of phred base-quality scores to a sam quality string.
+    Note that if a quality is outside the dynamic range of sam's ability to
+    represent it, we clip the value to the max allowed.  SAM quality scores
+    range from chr(33) to chr(126).
+    """
+    if min( quals ) >= 0 and max( quals ) <= 126-33:
+        return "".join( [ chr( 33 + q ) for q in quals ] )
+    else:
+        return "".join( [ chr( max( 33, min( 126, 33+q ) ) ) for q in quals ] )
+def reverse_complement( nucs ):
+    complementMap = maketrans( "ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca" )
+    return nucs[ ::-1 ].translate( complementMap )
+def reverse_string( s ):
+    return s[ ::-1 ]
+def __main__():
+    # Parse command line
+    # input1: a reference genome ( 2bit or fasta )
+    # input2: a collection of 454 paired end reads ( a fasta file )
+    # input3: a linker sequence ( a very small fasta file )
+    # input4: a base quality score 454 file ( qual454 )
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option( '', '--ref_name', dest='ref_name', help='The reference name to change all output matches to' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--ref_source', dest='ref_source', help='The reference is cached or from the history' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--ref_sequences', dest='ref_sequences', help='Number of sequences in the reference dataset' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--source_select', dest='source_select', help='Use pre-set or cached reference file' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--input1', dest='input1', help='The name of the reference file if using history or reference base name if using cached' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--input2', dest='input2', help='The 454 reads file to align' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--input3', dest='input3', help='The sequencing linker file' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--input4', dest='input4', help='The base quality score 454 file' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--output', dest='output', help='The output file' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--lastz_seqs_file_dir', dest='lastz_seqs_file_dir', help='Directory of local lastz_seqs.loc file' )
+    ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args()
+    # output version # of tool
+    try:
+        tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        tmp_stdout = open( tmp, 'wb' )
+        proc = subprocess.Popen( args='lastz -v', shell=True, stdout=tmp_stdout )
+        tmp_stdout.close()
+        returncode = proc.wait()
+        stdout = None
+        for line in open( tmp_stdout.name, 'rb' ):
+            if line.lower().find( 'version' ) >= 0:
+                stdout = line.strip()
+                break
+        if stdout:
+            sys.stdout.write( '%s\n' % stdout )
+        else:
+            raise Exception
+    except:
+        sys.stdout.write( 'Could not determine Lastz version\n' )
+    if options.ref_name:
+        ref_name = '[nickname=%s]' % options.ref_name
+    else:
+        ref_name = ''
+    if options.ref_source == 'history':
+        # Reference is a fasta dataset from the history
+        try:
+            # Ensure there is at least 1 sequence in the dataset ( this may not be necessary ).
+            error_msg = "The reference dataset is missing metadata, click the pencil icon in the history item and 'auto-detect' the metadata attributes."
+            ref_sequences = int( options.ref_sequences )
+            if ref_sequences < 1:
+                stop_err( error_msg )
+        except:
+            stop_err( error_msg )
+    else:
+        ref_sequences = 0
+    tmp_w12_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='vs_linker.W12' )
+    tmp_T1_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='vs_linker.T1' )
+    # Run lastz twice ( with different options ) on the linker sequence and paired end reads,
+    # looking for the linker ( each run finds some the other doesn't )
+    command = 'lastz %s %s W=12 --notrans --exact=18 --match=1,3 O=1 E=3 Y=10 L=18 --ambiguousn --coverage=85 --format=general-:name2,zstart2+,length2,size2 > %s' % \
+        ( options.input3, options.input2, tmp_w12_name )
+    run_command( command )
+    command = 'lastz %s %s T=1 --match=1,2 O=1 E=2 X=15 K=10 Y=15 L=18 --ambiguousn --coverage=85 --format=general-:name2,zstart2+,length2,size2 > %s' % \
+        ( options.input3, options.input2, tmp_T1_name )
+    run_command( command )
+    # Combine the alignment output from the two lastz runs
+    tmp_combined_linker_file_name = get_tmp_file_name( suffix='vs_linker' )
+    command = 'cat %s %s | sort -u > %s' % ( tmp_w12_name, tmp_T1_name, tmp_combined_linker_file_name )
+    run_command( command )
+    # Use the alignment info to split reads into left and right mates
+    tmp_mates_mapping_file_name, tmp_mates_file_name, tmp_mates_short_file_name, tmp_mates_long_file_name = split_paired_reads( options.input2, tmp_combined_linker_file_name )
+    # Align mates to the reference - tmp_align_file_names is a list of file names created by align_mates()
+    tmp_align_file_name_list = align_mates( options.input1, options.ref_source, ref_name, ref_sequences, tmp_mates_short_file_name, tmp_mates_long_file_name )
+    # Combine and convert mate coordinates back to read coordinates
+    paired_mate_unmapper( options.input2, options.input4, tmp_mates_mapping_file_name, tmp_align_file_name_list, options.output )
+    # Delete all temporary files
+    for file_name in tmp_file_names:
+        os.remove( file_name )
+    # Handle any invalid lines in the input data
+    if total_skipped_lines:
+        msgs = dict( bad_interval="Bad interval in line",
+                     inconsistent_read_lengths="Inconsistent read/quality lengths for seq #",
+                     inconsistent_reads="Inconsistent reads for seq #",
+                     inconsistent_sizes="Inconsistent sizes for seq #",
+                     missing_mate="Mapping file does not include mate on line",
+                     missing_quals="Missing quality values for name on line",
+                     missing_seq="Missing sequence for name on line",
+                     multiple_seqs="Multiple names for seq #",
+                     no_header="First quality sequence has no header",
+                     num_fields="Must have 4 fields in line",
+                     reads_paired="SAM flag indicates reads already paired on line",
+                     sam_flag="Bad SAM flag on line",
+                     sam_headers="SAM headers on line",
+                     sam_min_columns="Need 11 columns on line",
+                     two_mate_names="Mate name already seen, line",
+                     wrong_seq_len="Size differs from length of seq #" )
+        print "Skipped %d invalid lines: "
+        msg = ""
+        for k, v in skipped_lines.items():
+            if v[0]:
+                # v[0] is the number of times the error occurred
+                # v[1] is the position of the line or sequence in the file
+                # v[2] is the name of the sequence or the text of the line
+                msg += "(%d)%s %d:%s. " % ( v[0], msgs[k], v[1], v[2] )
+        print msg
+if __name__=="__main__": __main__()