diff tools/ncbi_blast_plus/blastxml_to_tabular.py @ 13:623f727cdff1 draft

Uploaded v0.1.00, uses BLAST+ 2.2.29, allows custom column selection for tabular output - including taxonomy fields.
author peterjc
date Fri, 14 Mar 2014 07:40:46 -0400
parents 4c4a0da938ff
children 2fe07f50a41e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/tools/ncbi_blast_plus/blastxml_to_tabular.py	Tue Jan 21 13:37:01 2014 -0500
+++ b/tools/ncbi_blast_plus/blastxml_to_tabular.py	Fri Mar 14 07:40:46 2014 -0400
@@ -62,9 +62,11 @@
 import sys
 import re
+import os
+from optparse import OptionParser
 if "-v" in sys.argv or "--version" in sys.argv:
-    print "v0.0.22"
+    print "v0.1.00"
 if sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 5 ):
@@ -81,34 +83,55 @@
     sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
-#Parse Command Line
-    in_file, out_file, out_fmt = sys.argv[1:]
-    stop_err("Expect 3 arguments: input BLAST XML file, output tabular file, out format (std or ext)")
+if len(sys.argv) == 4 and sys.argv[3] in ["std", "x22", "ext"]:
+    #False positive if user really has a BLAST XML file called 'std' or 'ext'...
+    stop_err("ERROR: The script API has changed, sorry.")
+usage = """usage: %prog [options] blastxml[,...]
+Convert one (or more) BLAST XML files into a single tabular file.
+The columns option can be 'std' (standard 12 columns), 'ext'
+(extended 25 columns), or a list of BLAST+ column names like
+'qseqid,sseqid,pident' (space or comma separated).
+parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', default=None, help='output filename (defaults to stdout)', metavar="FILE")
+parser.add_option("-c", "--columns", dest="columns", default='std', help="[std|ext|col1,col2,...] standard 12 columns, extended 25 columns, or list of column names")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+colnames = 'qseqid,sseqid,pident,length,mismatch,gapopen,qstart,qend,sstart,send,evalue,bitscore,sallseqid,score,nident,positive,gaps,ppos,qframe,sframe,qseq,sseq,qlen,slen,salltitles'.split(',')
+if len(args) < 1:
+    stop_err("ERROR: No BLASTXML input files given; run with --help to see options.")
+out_fmt = options.columns
 if out_fmt == "std":
     extended = False
+    cols = None
 elif out_fmt == "x22":
     stop_err("Format argument x22 has been replaced with ext (extended 25 columns)")
 elif out_fmt == "ext":
     extended = True
+    cols = None
-    stop_err("Format argument should be std (12 column) or ext (extended 25 columns), not: %r" % out_fmt)
+    cols = out_fmt.replace(" ", ",").split(",") #Allow space or comma separated
+    #Remove any blank entries due to trailing comma,
+    #or annoying "None" dummy value from Galaxy if no columns
+    cols = [c for c in cols if c and c != "None"]
+    extra = set(cols).difference(colnames)
+    if extra:
+        stop_err("These are not recognised column names: %s" % ",".join(sorted(extra)))
+    del extra
+    assert set(colnames).issuperset(cols), cols
+    if not cols:
+        stop_err("No columns selected!")
+    extended = max(colnames.index(c) for c in cols) >= 12 #Do we need any higher columns?
+del out_fmt
-# get an iterable
-    context = ElementTree.iterparse(in_file, events=("start", "end"))
-    stop_err("Invalid data format.")
-# turn it into an iterator
-context = iter(context)
-# get the root element
-    event, root = context.next()
-    stop_err( "Invalid data format." )
+for in_file in args:
+    if not os.path.isfile(in_file):
+        stop_err("Input BLAST XML file not found: %s" % in_file)
 re_default_query_id = re.compile("^Query_\d+$")
@@ -122,156 +145,187 @@
 assert not re_default_subject_id.match("TheSubject_1")
-outfile = open(out_file, 'w')
-blast_program = None
-for event, elem in context:
-    if event == "end" and elem.tag == "BlastOutput_program":
-        blast_program = elem.text
-    # for every <Iteration> tag
-    if event == "end" and elem.tag == "Iteration":
-        #Expecting either this, from BLAST 2.2.25+ using FASTA vs FASTA
-        # <Iteration_query-ID>sp|Q9BS26|ERP44_HUMAN</Iteration_query-ID>
-        # <Iteration_query-def>Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ERP44 PE=1 SV=1</Iteration_query-def>
-        # <Iteration_query-len>406</Iteration_query-len>
-        # <Iteration_hits></Iteration_hits>
-        #
-        #Or, from BLAST 2.2.24+ run online
-        # <Iteration_query-ID>Query_1</Iteration_query-ID>
-        # <Iteration_query-def>Sample</Iteration_query-def>
-        # <Iteration_query-len>516</Iteration_query-len>
-        # <Iteration_hits>...
-        qseqid = elem.findtext("Iteration_query-ID")
-        if re_default_query_id.match(qseqid):
-            #Place holder ID, take the first word of the query definition
-            qseqid = elem.findtext("Iteration_query-def").split(None,1)[0]
-        qlen = int(elem.findtext("Iteration_query-len"))
-        # for every <Hit> within <Iteration>
-        for hit in elem.findall("Iteration_hits/Hit"):
-            #Expecting either this,
-            # <Hit_id>gi|3024260|sp|P56514.1|OPSD_BUFBU</Hit_id>
-            # <Hit_def>RecName: Full=Rhodopsin</Hit_def>
-            # <Hit_accession>P56514</Hit_accession>
-            #or,
-            # <Hit_id>Subject_1</Hit_id>
-            # <Hit_def>gi|57163783|ref|NP_001009242.1| rhodopsin [Felis catus]</Hit_def>
-            # <Hit_accession>Subject_1</Hit_accession>
+def convert(blastxml_filename, output_handle):
+    blast_program = None
+    # get an iterable
+    try: 
+        context = ElementTree.iterparse(in_file, events=("start", "end"))
+    except:
+        stop_err("Invalid data format.")
+    # turn it into an iterator
+    context = iter(context)
+    # get the root element
+    try:
+        event, root = context.next()
+    except:
+        stop_err( "Invalid data format." )
+    for event, elem in context:
+        if event == "end" and elem.tag == "BlastOutput_program":
+            blast_program = elem.text
+        # for every <Iteration> tag
+        if event == "end" and elem.tag == "Iteration":
+            #Expecting either this, from BLAST 2.2.25+ using FASTA vs FASTA
+            # <Iteration_query-ID>sp|Q9BS26|ERP44_HUMAN</Iteration_query-ID>
+            # <Iteration_query-def>Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ERP44 PE=1 SV=1</Iteration_query-def>
+            # <Iteration_query-len>406</Iteration_query-len>
+            # <Iteration_hits></Iteration_hits>
-            #apparently depending on the parse_deflines switch
-            #
-            #Or, with BLAST 2.2.28+ can get this,
-            # <Hit_id>gnl|BL_ORD_ID|2</Hit_id>
-            # <Hit_def>chrIII gi|240255695|ref|NC_003074.8| Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 3, complete sequence</Hit_def>
-            # <Hit_accession>2</Hit_accession>
-            sseqid = hit.findtext("Hit_id").split(None,1)[0]
-            hit_def = sseqid + " " + hit.findtext("Hit_def")
-            if re_default_subject_id.match(sseqid) \
-            and sseqid == hit.findtext("Hit_accession"):
-                #Place holder ID, take the first word of the subject definition
-                hit_def = hit.findtext("Hit_def")
-                sseqid = hit_def.split(None,1)[0]
-            if sseqid.startswith("gnl|BL_ORD_ID|") \
-            and sseqid == "gnl|BL_ORD_ID|" + hit.findtext("Hit_accession"):
-                #Alternative place holder ID, again take the first word of hit_def
-                hit_def = hit.findtext("Hit_def")
-                sseqid = hit_def.split(None,1)[0]
-            # for every <Hsp> within <Hit>
-            for hsp in hit.findall("Hit_hsps/Hsp"):
-                nident = hsp.findtext("Hsp_identity")
-                length = hsp.findtext("Hsp_align-len")
-                pident = "%0.2f" % (100*float(nident)/float(length))
+            #Or, from BLAST 2.2.24+ run online
+            # <Iteration_query-ID>Query_1</Iteration_query-ID>
+            # <Iteration_query-def>Sample</Iteration_query-def>
+            # <Iteration_query-len>516</Iteration_query-len>
+            # <Iteration_hits>...
+            qseqid = elem.findtext("Iteration_query-ID")
+            if re_default_query_id.match(qseqid):
+                #Place holder ID, take the first word of the query definition
+                qseqid = elem.findtext("Iteration_query-def").split(None,1)[0]
+            qlen = int(elem.findtext("Iteration_query-len"))
-                q_seq = hsp.findtext("Hsp_qseq")
-                h_seq = hsp.findtext("Hsp_hseq")
-                m_seq = hsp.findtext("Hsp_midline")
-                assert len(q_seq) == len(h_seq) == len(m_seq) == int(length)
-                gapopen = str(len(q_seq.replace('-', ' ').split())-1  + \
-                              len(h_seq.replace('-', ' ').split())-1)
+            # for every <Hit> within <Iteration>
+            for hit in elem.findall("Iteration_hits/Hit"):
+                #Expecting either this,
+                # <Hit_id>gi|3024260|sp|P56514.1|OPSD_BUFBU</Hit_id>
+                # <Hit_def>RecName: Full=Rhodopsin</Hit_def>
+                # <Hit_accession>P56514</Hit_accession>
+                #or,
+                # <Hit_id>Subject_1</Hit_id>
+                # <Hit_def>gi|57163783|ref|NP_001009242.1| rhodopsin [Felis catus]</Hit_def>
+                # <Hit_accession>Subject_1</Hit_accession>
+                #
+                #apparently depending on the parse_deflines switch
+                #
+                #Or, with a local database not using -parse_seqids can get this,
+                # <Hit_id>gnl|BL_ORD_ID|2</Hit_id>
+                # <Hit_def>chrIII gi|240255695|ref|NC_003074.8| Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 3, complete sequence</Hit_def>
+                # <Hit_accession>2</Hit_accession>
+                sseqid = hit.findtext("Hit_id").split(None,1)[0]
+                hit_def = sseqid + " " + hit.findtext("Hit_def")
+                if re_default_subject_id.match(sseqid) \
+                and sseqid == hit.findtext("Hit_accession"):
+                    #Place holder ID, take the first word of the subject definition
+                    hit_def = hit.findtext("Hit_def")
+                    sseqid = hit_def.split(None,1)[0]
+                if sseqid.startswith("gnl|BL_ORD_ID|") \
+                and sseqid == "gnl|BL_ORD_ID|" + hit.findtext("Hit_accession"):
+                    #Alternative place holder ID, again take the first word of hit_def
+                    hit_def = hit.findtext("Hit_def")
+                    sseqid = hit_def.split(None,1)[0]
+                # for every <Hsp> within <Hit>
+                for hsp in hit.findall("Hit_hsps/Hsp"):
+                    nident = hsp.findtext("Hsp_identity")
+                    length = hsp.findtext("Hsp_align-len")
+                    pident = "%0.2f" % (100*float(nident)/float(length))
+                    q_seq = hsp.findtext("Hsp_qseq")
+                    h_seq = hsp.findtext("Hsp_hseq")
+                    m_seq = hsp.findtext("Hsp_midline")
+                    assert len(q_seq) == len(h_seq) == len(m_seq) == int(length)
+                    gapopen = str(len(q_seq.replace('-', ' ').split())-1  + \
+                                  len(h_seq.replace('-', ' ').split())-1)
+                    mismatch = m_seq.count(' ') + m_seq.count('+') \
+                             - q_seq.count('-') - h_seq.count('-')
+                    #TODO - Remove this alternative mismatch calculation and test
+                    #once satisifed there are no problems
+                    expected_mismatch = len(q_seq) \
+                                      - sum(1 for q,h in zip(q_seq, h_seq) \
+                                            if q == h or q == "-" or h == "-")
+                    xx = sum(1 for q,h in zip(q_seq, h_seq) if q=="X" and h=="X")
+                    if not (expected_mismatch - q_seq.count("X") <= int(mismatch) <= expected_mismatch + xx):
+                        stop_err("%s vs %s mismatches, expected %i <= %i <= %i" \
+                                 % (qseqid, sseqid, expected_mismatch - q_seq.count("X"),
+                                    int(mismatch), expected_mismatch))
-                mismatch = m_seq.count(' ') + m_seq.count('+') \
-                         - q_seq.count('-') - h_seq.count('-')
-                #TODO - Remove this alternative mismatch calculation and test
-                #once satisifed there are no problems
-                expected_mismatch = len(q_seq) \
-                                  - sum(1 for q,h in zip(q_seq, h_seq) \
-                                        if q == h or q == "-" or h == "-")
-                xx = sum(1 for q,h in zip(q_seq, h_seq) if q=="X" and h=="X")
-                if not (expected_mismatch - q_seq.count("X") <= int(mismatch) <= expected_mismatch + xx):
-                    stop_err("%s vs %s mismatches, expected %i <= %i <= %i" \
-                             % (qseqid, sseqid, expected_mismatch - q_seq.count("X"),
-                                int(mismatch), expected_mismatch))
+                    #TODO - Remove this alternative identity calculation and test
+                    #once satisifed there are no problems
+                    expected_identity = sum(1 for q,h in zip(q_seq, h_seq) if q == h)
+                    if not (expected_identity - xx <= int(nident) <= expected_identity + q_seq.count("X")):
+                        stop_err("%s vs %s identities, expected %i <= %i <= %i" \
+                                 % (qseqid, sseqid, expected_identity, int(nident),
+                                    expected_identity + q_seq.count("X")))
-                #TODO - Remove this alternative identity calculation and test
-                #once satisifed there are no problems
-                expected_identity = sum(1 for q,h in zip(q_seq, h_seq) if q == h)
-                if not (expected_identity - xx <= int(nident) <= expected_identity + q_seq.count("X")):
-                    stop_err("%s vs %s identities, expected %i <= %i <= %i" \
-                             % (qseqid, sseqid, expected_identity, int(nident),
-                                expected_identity + q_seq.count("X")))
+                    evalue = hsp.findtext("Hsp_evalue")
+                    if evalue == "0":
+                        evalue = "0.0"
+                    else:
+                        evalue = "%0.0e" % float(evalue)
+                    bitscore = float(hsp.findtext("Hsp_bit-score"))
+                    if bitscore < 100:
+                        #Seems to show one decimal place for lower scores
+                        bitscore = "%0.1f" % bitscore
+                    else:
+                        #Note BLAST does not round to nearest int, it truncates
+                        bitscore = "%i" % bitscore
-                evalue = hsp.findtext("Hsp_evalue")
-                if evalue == "0":
-                    evalue = "0.0"
-                else:
-                    evalue = "%0.0e" % float(evalue)
-                bitscore = float(hsp.findtext("Hsp_bit-score"))
-                if bitscore < 100:
-                    #Seems to show one decimal place for lower scores
-                    bitscore = "%0.1f" % bitscore
-                else:
-                    #Note BLAST does not round to nearest int, it truncates
-                    bitscore = "%i" % bitscore
+                    values = [qseqid,
+                              sseqid,
+                              pident,
+                              length, #hsp.findtext("Hsp_align-len")
+                              str(mismatch),
+                              gapopen,
+                              hsp.findtext("Hsp_query-from"), #qstart,
+                              hsp.findtext("Hsp_query-to"), #qend,
+                              hsp.findtext("Hsp_hit-from"), #sstart,
+                              hsp.findtext("Hsp_hit-to"), #send,
+                              evalue, #hsp.findtext("Hsp_evalue") in scientific notation
+                              bitscore, #hsp.findtext("Hsp_bit-score") rounded
+                              ]
-                values = [qseqid,
-                          sseqid,
-                          pident,
-                          length, #hsp.findtext("Hsp_align-len")
-                          str(mismatch),
-                          gapopen,
-                          hsp.findtext("Hsp_query-from"), #qstart,
-                          hsp.findtext("Hsp_query-to"), #qend,
-                          hsp.findtext("Hsp_hit-from"), #sstart,
-                          hsp.findtext("Hsp_hit-to"), #send,
-                          evalue, #hsp.findtext("Hsp_evalue") in scientific notation
-                          bitscore, #hsp.findtext("Hsp_bit-score") rounded
-                          ]
+                    if extended:
+                        try:
+                            sallseqid = ";".join(name.split(None,1)[0] for name in hit_def.split(" >"))
+                            salltitles = "<>".join(name.split(None,1)[1] for name in hit_def.split(" >"))
+                        except IndexError as e:
+                            stop_err("Problem splitting multuple hits?\n%r\n--> %s" % (hit_def, e))
+                        #print hit_def, "-->", sallseqid
+                        positive = hsp.findtext("Hsp_positive")
+                        ppos = "%0.2f" % (100*float(positive)/float(length))
+                        qframe = hsp.findtext("Hsp_query-frame")
+                        sframe = hsp.findtext("Hsp_hit-frame")
+                        if blast_program == "blastp":
+                            #Probably a bug in BLASTP that they use 0 or 1 depending on format
+                            if qframe == "0": qframe = "1"
+                            if sframe == "0": sframe = "1"
+                        slen = int(hit.findtext("Hit_len"))
+                        values.extend([sallseqid,
+                                       hsp.findtext("Hsp_score"), #score,
+                                       nident,
+                                       positive,
+                                       hsp.findtext("Hsp_gaps"), #gaps,
+                                       ppos,
+                                       qframe,
+                                       sframe,
+                                       #NOTE - for blastp, XML shows original seq, tabular uses XXX masking
+                                       q_seq,
+                                       h_seq,
+                                       str(qlen),
+                                       str(slen),
+                                       salltitles,
+                                       ])
+                    if cols:
+                        #Only a subset of the columns are needed
+                        values = [values[colnames.index(c)] for c in cols]
+                    #print "\t".join(values) 
+                    outfile.write("\t".join(values) + "\n")
+            # prevents ElementTree from growing large datastructure
+            root.clear()
+            elem.clear()
-                if extended:
-                    try:
-                        sallseqid = ";".join(name.split(None,1)[0] for name in hit_def.split(" >"))
-                        salltitles = "<>".join(name.split(None,1)[1] for name in hit_def.split(" >"))
-                    except IndexError as e:
-                        stop_err("Problem splitting multuple hits?\n%r\n--> %s" % (hit_def, e))
-                    #print hit_def, "-->", sallseqid
-                    positive = hsp.findtext("Hsp_positive")
-                    ppos = "%0.2f" % (100*float(positive)/float(length))
-                    qframe = hsp.findtext("Hsp_query-frame")
-                    sframe = hsp.findtext("Hsp_hit-frame")
-                    if blast_program == "blastp":
-                        #Probably a bug in BLASTP that they use 0 or 1 depending on format
-                        if qframe == "0": qframe = "1"
-                        if sframe == "0": sframe = "1"
-                    slen = int(hit.findtext("Hit_len"))
-                    values.extend([sallseqid,
-                                   hsp.findtext("Hsp_score"), #score,
-                                   nident,
-                                   positive,
-                                   hsp.findtext("Hsp_gaps"), #gaps,
-                                   ppos,
-                                   qframe,
-                                   sframe,
-                                   #NOTE - for blastp, XML shows original seq, tabular uses XXX masking
-                                   q_seq,
-                                   h_seq,
-                                   str(qlen),
-                                   str(slen),
-                                   salltitles,
-                                   ])
-                #print "\t".join(values) 
-                outfile.write("\t".join(values) + "\n")
-        # prevents ElementTree from growing large datastructure
-        root.clear()
-        elem.clear()
+if options.output:
+    outfile = open(options.output, "w")
+    outfile = sys.stdout
+for in_file in args:
+    blast_program = None
+    convert(in_file, outfile)
+if options.output:
+    outfile.close()
+    #Using stdout
+    pass