view tools/ncbi_blast_plus/ncbi_blastp_wrapper.xml @ 14:2fe07f50a41e draft

Uploaded v0.1.01 - Requires blastdbd datatype (blast_datatypes v0.0.19). Support for makeprofiledb to create protein domain databases and use them in RPS-BLAST and RPS-TBLASTN. Tools now support GI and SeqID filters, and embed the citations.
author peterjc
date Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:59:16 -0500
parents 623f727cdff1
children c16c30e9ad5b
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="ncbi_blastp_wrapper" name="NCBI BLAST+ blastp" version="0.1.01">
    <description>Search protein database with protein query sequence(s)</description>
    <!-- If job splitting is enabled, break up the query file into parts -->
    <parallelism method="multi" split_inputs="query" split_mode="to_size" split_size="1000" merge_outputs="output1" />
        <token name="@BINARY@">blastp</token>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
## The command is a Cheetah template which allows some Python based syntax.
## Lines starting hash hash are comments. Galaxy will turn newlines into spaces
-query "$query"
-task $blast_type
-evalue $evalue_cutoff
#if $adv_opts.adv_opts_selector=="advanced":
-matrix $adv_opts.matrix
##Ungapped disabled for now - see comments below
## End of advanced options:
#end if

    <expand macro="stdio" />

        <param name="query" type="data" format="fasta" label="Protein query sequence(s)"/> 

        <expand macro="input_conditional_protein_db" />

        <param name="blast_type" type="select" display="radio" label="Type of BLAST">
            <option value="blastp">blastp - Traditional BLASTP to compare a protein query to a protein database</option>
            <option value="blastp-short">blastp-short - BLASTP optimized for queries shorter than 30 residues</option>
        <expand macro="input_evalue" />
        <expand macro="input_out_format" />
        <expand macro="advanced_options">
            <!-- Could use a select (yes, no, other) where other allows setting 'window locut hicut' -->
            <expand macro="input_filter_query_default_false" />
            <expand macro="input_scoring_matrix" />
            <expand macro="input_max_hits" />
            <expand macro="input_word_size" />
            Can't use '-ungapped' on its own, error back is:
            Composition-adjusted searched are not supported with an ungapped search, please add -comp_based_stats F or do a gapped search
            Tried using '-ungapped -comp_based_stats F' and blastp crashed with 'Attempt to access NULL pointer.'
            <param name="ungapped" type="boolean" label="Perform ungapped alignment only?" truevalue="-ungapped -comp_based_stats F" falsevalue="" checked="false" />
            <expand macro="input_parse_deflines" />
            <expand macro="advanced_optional_id_files" />
        <data name="output1" format="tabular" label="${blast_type.value} $ vs @ON_DB_SUBJECT@">
            <expand macro="output_change_format" />
            <param name="query" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
            <param name="subject" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="database" value="" />
            <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
            <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
            <param name="out_format" value="5" />
            <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced" />
            <param name="filter_query" value="False" />
            <param name="matrix" value="BLOSUM62" />
            <param name="max_hits" value="0" />
            <param name="word_size" value="0" />
            <param name="parse_deflines" value="True" />
            <output name="output1" file="blastp_four_human_vs_rhodopsin.xml" ftype="blastxml" />
            <param name="query" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
            <param name="subject" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="database" value="" />
            <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
            <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
            <param name="out_format" value="6" />
            <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced" />
            <param name="filter_query" value="False" />
            <param name="matrix" value="BLOSUM62" />
            <param name="max_hits" value="0" />
            <param name="word_size" value="0" />
            <param name="parse_deflines" value="True" />
            <output name="output1" file="blastp_four_human_vs_rhodopsin.tabular" ftype="tabular" />
            <param name="query" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
            <param name="subject" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="database" value="" />
            <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
            <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
            <param name="out_format" value="ext" />
            <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced" />
            <param name="filter_query" value="False" />
            <param name="matrix" value="BLOSUM62" />
            <param name="max_hits" value="0" />
            <param name="word_size" value="0" />
            <param name="parse_deflines" value="True" />
            <output name="output1" file="blastp_four_human_vs_rhodopsin_ext.tabular" ftype="tabular" />
            <param name="query" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
            <param name="subject" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="database" value="" />
            <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
            <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
            <param name="out_format" value="6" />
            <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="basic" />
            <output name="output1" file="blastp_rhodopsin_vs_four_human.tabular" ftype="tabular" />

**What it does**

Search a *protein database* using a *protein query*,
using the NCBI BLAST+ blastp command line tool.






If you use this Galaxy tool in work leading to a scientific publication please
cite the following papers:

    <expand macro="blast_citations" />    