view retrieve_fasta_from_NCBI.xml @ 3:a9d8f69d59fb draft

planemo upload for repository commit b6de14061c479f0418cd89e26d6f5ac26e565a07
author drosofff
date Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:27:31 -0500
parents befdb392fece
children 64f45c5e94a0
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="retrieve_fasta_from_NCBI" name="Retrieve FASTA from NCBI" version="0.9.4">
      python '$__tool_directory__'/
      -i "$queryString"
      -d $dbname
      -o '$outfilename'
      -l '$logfile'

    <param name="queryString" type="text" size="5x80" area="True" value="txid10239[orgn] NOT txid131567[orgn] AND complete[all] NOT partial[title] NOT phage[title]" label="Query to NCBI in entrez format" help="exemple:'Drosophila melanogaster[Organism] AND Gcn5[Title]">
        <valid initial="string.printable">
          <remove value="&quot;"/>
          <remove value="\"/>
        <mapping initial="none">
          <add source="&quot;" target="\&quot;"/>
          <add source="\" target="\\"/>
    <param name="dbname" type="select" label="NCBI database">
      <option value="nuccore">Nucleotide</option>
      <option value="protein">Protein</option>
    <data name="outfilename" format="fasta" label="${} (${dbname.value_label}) with queryString '${queryString.value}'" />
    <data format="txt" name="logfile" label="${}: log"/>
        <param name="queryString" value="9629650[gi]" />
        <param name="dbname" value="nuccore" />
        <output name="outfilename" ftype="fasta" file="output.fa" />
        <!--  <output name="logfile" ftype="txt" file="log.txt" />  log.txt changes with timestamp. removed to pass the  test -->
**What it does**

This tool retrieves nucleotide/peptide sequences from the corresponding NCBI database for a given entrez query.

The tool is preset with "txid10239[orgn] NOT txid131567[orgn] AND complete NOT partial[title] NOT phage[title]" for metaVisitor use purpose

See `Entrez help`_ for explanation of query formats

Be sure to use the appropriate NCBI query syntax. Always use [] to specify the search fields.

Note that the tool may fail in case of interrupted connexion with the NCBI database (see the log dataset)


This Galaxy tool has been adapted from the galaxy tool `get_fasta_from_taxon`_.

It is Copyright © 2014-2015 `CNRS and University Pierre et Marie Curie`_ and is released under the `MIT license`_.

.. _Entrez help:
.. _get_fasta_from_taxon:
.. _CNRS and University Pierre et Marie Curie:
.. _MIT license:

      <citation type="doi">10.1186/1471-2105-14-73</citation>