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author | ecology |
date | Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:51:15 +0000 |
parents | 4de886e6300d |
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#Julia script ############################### ## DIVAndrun analsysis ## ############################### import Pkg; using Pkg Pkg.status() ### Import packages using DIVAnd using Dates using Printf # Getting the arguments from the command line args = ARGS # Import data if length(args) < 4 error("This tool needs at least 4 arguments") else netcdf_data = args[1] longmin = parse(Float64, args[2]) longmax = parse(Float64, args[3]) latmin = parse(Float64, args[4]) latmax = parse(Float64, args[5]) startdate = args[6] # yyyy,mm,dd enddate = args[7] varname = args[8] selmin = parse(Float64, args[9]) selmax = parse(Float64, args[10]) bathname = args[11] end ## This script will create a climatology: # 1. ODV data reading. # 2. Extraction of bathymetry and creation of mask # 3. Data download from other sources and duplicate removal. # 4. Quality control. # 5. Parameter optimisation. # 6. Spatio-temporal interpolation with DIVAnd. ### Configuration # Define the horizontal, vertical (depth levels) and temporal resolutions. # Select the variable of interest dx, dy = 0.125, 0.125 lonr = longmin:dx:longmax latr = latmin:dy:latmax # Convert string in date startdate = Date(startdate, "yyyy-mm-dd") # extract year month day startyear = year(startdate) startmonth = month(startdate) startday = day(startdate) # Convert string in date enddate = Date(enddate, "yyyy-mm-dd") # extract year month day endyear = year(enddate) endmonth = month(enddate) endday = day(enddate) timerange = [Date(startyear, startmonth, startday),Date(endyear, endmonth, endday)]; depthr = [0.,5., 10., 15., 20., 25., 30., 40., 50., 66, 75, 85, 100, 112, 125, 135, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200, 1250, 1300, 1350, 1400, 1450, 1500, 1600, 1750, 1850, 2000]; depthr = [0.,10.,20.]; varname = varname yearlist = [1900:2023]; monthlist = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]]; # We create here the variable TS (for "tDataset(netcdf_data,"r")ime selector"), which allows us to work with the observations corresponding to each period of interest. TS = DIVAnd.TimeSelectorYearListMonthList(yearlist,monthlist); @show TS; figdir = "outputs/" if ~(isdir(figdir)) mkdir(figdir) else @info("Figure directory already exists") end ### 1. Read your ODV file # Adapt the datadir and datafile values. # The example is based on a sub-setting of the Mediterranean Sea aggregated dataset. # The dataset has been extracted around the Adriatic Sea and exported to a netCDF using Ocean Data datadir = "../data" datafile = netcdf_data # Then you can read the full file: @time obsval,obslon,obslat,obsdepth,obstime,obsid = NCODV.load(Float64, datafile, "Water body $(varname)"); # Check the extremal values of the observations checkobs((obslon,obslat,obsdepth,obstime),obsval,obsid) ### 2. Extract the bathymetry # It is used to delimit the domain where the interpolation is performed. ## 2.1 Choice of bathymetry # Modify bathname according to the resolution required. @time bx,by,b = load_bath(bathname,true,lonr,latr); ## 2.2 Create mask # False for sea # True for land mask = falses(size(b,1),size(b,2),length(depthr)) for k = 1:length(depthr) for j = 1:size(b,2) for i = 1:size(b,1) mask[i,j,k] = b[i,j] >= depthr[k] end end end @show size(mask) ### 3. Quality control # We check the salinity value. # Adapt the criteria to your region and variable. sel = (obsval .<= selmax) .& (obsval .>= selmin); obsval = obsval[sel] obslon = obslon[sel] obslat = obslat[sel] obsdepth = obsdepth[sel] obstime = obstime[sel] obsid = obsid[sel]; ### 4. Analysis parameters # Correlation lengths and noise-to-signal ratio # We will use the function diva3D for the calculations. # With this function, the correlation length has to be defined in meters, not in degrees. sz = (length(lonr),length(latr),length(depthr)); lenx = fill(100_000.,sz) # 100 km leny = fill(100_000.,sz) # 100 km lenz = fill(25.,sz); # 25 m len = (lenx, leny, lenz); epsilon2 = 0.1; ### Output file name outputdir = "outputs_netcdf/" if !isdir(outputdir) mkpath(outputdir) end filename = joinpath(outputdir, "Water_body_$(replace(varname," "=>"_")).nc") ### 7. Analysis # Remove the result file before running the analysis, otherwise you'll get the message if isfile(filename) rm(filename) # delete the previous analysis @info "Removing file $filename" end ## 7.1 Plotting function # Define a plotting function that will be applied for each time index and depth level. # All the figures will be saved in a selected directory. function plotres(timeindex,sel,fit,erri) tmp = copy(fit) nx,ny,nz = size(tmp) for i in 1:nz figure("Additional-Data") ax = subplot(1,1,1) ax.tick_params("both",labelsize=6) ylim(39.0, 46.0); xlim(11.5, 20.0); title("Depth: (timeindex)", fontsize=6) pcolor(lonr.-dx/2.,latr.-dy/2, permutedims(tmp[:,:,i], [2,1]); vmin = 33, vmax = 40) colorbar(extend="both", orientation="vertical", shrink=0.8).ax.tick_params(labelsize=8) contourf(bx,by,permutedims(b,[2,1]), levels = [-1e5,0],colors = [[.5,.5,.5]]) aspectratio = 1/cos(mean(latr) * pi/180) gca().set_aspect(aspectratio) figname = varname * @sprintf("_%02d",i) * @sprintf("_%03d.png",timeindex) plt.savefig(joinpath(figdir, figname), dpi=600, bbox_inches="tight"); plt.close_figs() end end ## 7.2 Create the gridded fields using diva3d # Here only the noise-to-signal ratio is estimated. # Set fitcorrlen to true to also optimise the correlation length. @time dbinfo = DIVAnd.diva3d((lonr,latr,depthr,TS), (obslon,obslat,obsdepth,obstime), obsval, len, epsilon2, filename,varname, bathname=bathname, fitcorrlen = false, niter_e = 2, surfextend = true ); # Save the observation metadata in the NetCDF file. DIVAnd.saveobs(filename,(obslon,obslat,obsdepth,obstime),obsid);