view test-data/annotemp/attributes_ceamarc_env.txt @ 1:a652b7bc6322 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 61182ba790bdeeb98750403b869051ccad1a736c
author ecology
date Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:56:08 +0000
parents ad96b20423cf
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attributeName	attributeDefinition	class	unit	dateTimeFormatString	missingValueCode	missingValueCodeExplanation
long	Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point 	numeric	degree	""	-9999	no data available
lat	Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point.	numeric	degree	""	-9999	no data available
Carbo	Percentage of biogenic carbonate	numeric	percent	""	-9999	no data available
Grav	Percentage of gravel in the seabed	numeric	percent	""	-9999	no data available
Maxbearing	Maximum current bearing	numeric	radian	""	-9999	no data available
Maxmagnit	Maximum current magnitude	numeric	meterPerSecond	""	-9999	no data available
Meancurmag	Mean current magnitude	numeric	meterPerSecond	""	-9999	no data available
Meansal	Mean salinity of the sea	numeric	PSU	""	-9999	no data available
Meantheta	Mean temperature of the sea	numeric	degreeCelsius	""	-9999	no data available
Mud	Percentage of mud in the seabed	numeric	percent	""	-9999	no data available
Prof	Depth of the sea 	numeric	meter	""	-9999	no data available
Rugosity	Rugosity of the seabed 	numeric	dimensionless	""	-9999	no data available
Sand	Percentage of sand in the seabed 	numeric	percent	""	-9999	no data available
Seaice_prod	Seaice production in meter per year	numeric	meterPerYear	""	-9999	no data available
Sili	Percentage of biogenic silica in the seabed 	numeric	percent	""	-9999	no data available
Slope	Slope of the seabed 	numeric	degree	""	-9999	no data available
Standcurmag	Current magnitude standard deviation 	numeric	meterPerSecond	""	-9999	no data available
Standsal	Salinity standard deviation	numeric	PSU	""	-9999	no data available
Standtheta	Temperature standard deviation	numeric	degreeCelsius	""	-9999	no data available