view gdal_macros.xml @ 1:caeb65a2ba87 draft

planemo upload for repository commit e533a16994d9f0cbab9c5c854db3ac896e07b6e2
author ecology
date Wed, 27 Feb 2019 14:14:36 -0500
parents ce7826d49a5c
children 8bb34fcc119a
line wrap: on
line source

    <token name="@VERSION@">2.4.0</token>  
    <xml name="gdal_requirements">
            <requirement type="package" version="@VERSION@">gdal</requirement>
            <requirement type="package" version="3.7.1">geos</requirement>

    <xml name="gdal_advanced_params_select">
        <param name="advanced" type="select" label="Specify advanced parameters">
            <option value="simple" selected="true">No, use program defaults.</option>
            <option value="advanced">Yes, see full parameter list.</option>
        <when value="simple">

    <xml name="gdal_param_te">
        <conditional name="condi_te">
            <param name="te" type="select" label="Georeferenced extents of output file" help="-te xmin ymin xmax ymax">
                <option value="no_te" selected="true">Don't use the -te option</option>
                <option value="te">Use the -te option</option>
            <when value="no_te">
            <when value="te">
                <param name="xmin" type="float" label="xmin" value="0" min="0" help="In target SRS by default, or in the SRS specified with -te_srs"/>
                <param name="ymin" type="float" label="ymin" value="0" min="0" help="In target SRS by default, or in the SRS specified with -te_srs"/>
                <param name="xmax" type="float" label="xmax" value="0" min="0" help="In target SRS by default, or in the SRS specified with -te_srs"/>
                <param name="ymax" type="float" label="ymax" value="0" min="0" help="In target SRS by default, or in the SRS specified with -te_srs"/>

    <xml name="gdal_param_r">
        <conditional name="condi_resample">
            <param label="Use a resampling method" help="-r resampling algorithm" name="resample" type="select">
                <option value="no_resampling" selected="true">Don't use a resampling method</option>
                <option value="resampling">Use a resampling method, option -r</option>
            <when value="resampling">
                <param name="r" type="select" label="Reseampling algorithm" >
                    <option value="nearest" selected="true"/>
                    <option value="bilinear"/>
                    <option value="cubic"/>
                    <option value="cubicspline"/>
                    <option value="lanczos"/>
                    <option value="average"/>
                    <option value="mode"/>
                    <option value="max"/>
                    <option value="min"/>
                    <option value="med">Median resampling</option>
                    <option value="q1">First quartile resampling</option>
                    <option value="q2">Third quartile resampling</option>
            <when value="no_resampling">

    <xml name="gdal_param_tr">
        <conditional name="condi_tr">
            <param name="tr" type="select" label="Set the ouput file resolution" help="-tr xres yres. Set output file resolution (in target georeferenced units)"> 
                <option value="no_tr" selected="true">Don't use the -tr option</option>
                <option value="tr">Use the -tr option</option>
            <when value="no_tr">
            <when value="tr">
                <param name="xres" type="float" label="xres" value="0" min="0"/>
                <param name="yres" type="float" label="yres" value="0" min="0"/>

    <xml name="gdal_param_b">
        <param name="b" type="text" label="Select an input band band for output" help="eg : -b band -b 1 -b 2 -b 3. Bands are numbered from 1. Multiple -b switches may be used to select a set of input bands to write to the output file, or to reorder bands." value=""/>

    <xml name="gdal_param_tap">
        <param name="tap" label="Align the coordinates" help="-tap Target Aligned Pixel, align the coordinates of the extent of the output file to the values of the -tr, such that the aligned extent includes the minimum extent" type="boolean" truevalue="-tap" falsevalue="" checked="false" />

    <xml name="gdal_param_separate">
        <param name="separate" type="boolean" truevalue="-separate" falsevalue="" checked="false" label="Place each input file into a separate band" help="-separate. In that case, only the first band of each dataset will be placed into a new band. Contrary to the default mode, it is not required that all bands have the same datatype" />

    <xml name="gdal_param_a_srs">
        <param name="a_srs" type="text" label="Override the projection for the output file" help="-a_srs srs_def. The srs_def may be any of the usual GDAL/OGR forms, complete WKT, PROJ.4, EPSG:n or a file containing the WKT. No reprojection is done" value="" />

    <xml name="gdal_param_stats">
        <param name="stats" type="boolean" truevalue="-stats" falsevalue="" checked="false" label="Force (re)computation of statistics"  help="-stats. Read and display image statistics. Force computation if no statistics are in an image."/>
    <xml name="gdal_param_norat">
        <param name="norat" type="boolean" truevalue="-norat" falsevalue="" checked="false" help="-norat. Do not copy source RAT into destination dataset." label="Suppress printing of raster attribute table."/>

    <xml name="gdal_param_of">
        <param name="of" type="select" label="Output format -of" value="Gtiff" help="Select the output format. The default is GeoTIFF (GTiff). A short list of raster formats is currently enable in GalaxyE : GTiff, netCDF and VRT.">
            <option value="GTiff">GTiff</option>
            <option value="netCDF">Network Common Data Format - netCDF</option>
            <option value="VRT">GDAL Virtual - VRT</option>

    <xml name="gdal_param_co">
        <param name="co" type="text" label="Pass a creation option to the output format driver" help="-co NAME=VALUE. eg : COMPRESS=JPEG" value="" />

    <xml name="gdal_param_ot">
        <param name="ot" type="select" label="Datatype of the output bands" help="-ot Datatype">
            <option value="byte">Byte</option>
            <option value="int16">Int16</option>
            <option value="uint16">UInt16</option>
            <option value="uint32">UInt32</option>
            <option value="int32">Int32</option>
            <option value="float32">Float32</option>
            <option value="float64">Float64</option>
            <option value="cint16">CInt16</option>
            <option value="cint32">CInt32</option>
            <option value="cfloat32">CFloat32</option>
            <option value="cfloat64">CFloat64</option>
            <option value="" selected="true">Select a datatype for the output bands (default)</option>

<!-- need to upgrade gdal version to use
    <xml name="gdal_param_oo">
        <param name="oo" type="text" label="-oo NAME=VALUE" value="" />

    <xml name="gdal_input_raster_multiple">
        <param type="data" name="input" format="gtiff,tiff,netcdf,VRT,txt,xml" help="Formats currently supported are : GTiff, netCDF and VRT" label="Gdal supported input file" multiple="true"/>

    <xml name="gdal_output_change_format">
        <data name="output" format="GTiff" label="${on_string}.${of}">
                <when input="of" value="GTiff" format="tiff"/>
                <when input="of" value="netCDF" format="netcdf"/>
                <when input="of" value="VRT" format="txt"/>

    <xml name="gdal_citation">
            <citation type="bibtex">
                title = {{GDAL/OGR} Geospatial Data Abstraction software Library},
                author = {{GDAL/OGR contributors}},
                organization = {Open Source Geospatial Foundation},
                year = {2018},
                url = {},