diff obisindicators.r @ 0:1fcd81d65467 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyecology/tools-ecology/tree/master/tools/obisindicators commit b377ff767e3051f301c2f02cfe3e1a17b285ede4
author ecology
date Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:33:52 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/obisindicators.r	Thu Jan 18 09:33:52 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+##    Mapping alpha and beta diversity   ##
+#####Packages : obisindicators
+#               dplyr
+#               sf
+#               ggplot2
+#               rnaturalearth
+#               rnaturalearthdata
+#               viridis
+#               dggridr
+## remotes::install_github("r-barnes/dggridR")
+#####Load arguments
+args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+# url for the S2 subset
+if (length(args) < 4) {
+    stop("This tool needs at least 4 argument : longitude, latitude, species and number of records")
+}else {
+    raster <- args[1]
+    hr <- args[2]
+    sep <- as.character(args[3])
+    longitude <- as.numeric(args[4])
+    latitude <- as.numeric(args[5])
+    spe <- as.numeric(args[6])
+    rec <- as.numeric(args[7])
+    crs <- as.numeric(args[8])
+    reso <- as.numeric(args[9])
+    source(args[10])
+    source(args[11])
+    source(args[12])
+if (hr == "false") {
+  hr <- FALSE
+}else {
+  hr <- TRUE
+if (sep == "t") {
+   sep <- "\t"
+if (crs == "0") {
+   crs <- "+proj=robin +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
+#####Import data
+occ <- read.table(raster, sep = sep, dec = ".", header = hr, fill = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8") # occ_1M OR occ_SAtlantic
+occ <- na.omit(occ)
+#Get biological occurrences
+#Use the 1 million records subsampled from the full OBIS dataset
+colnames(occ)[longitude] <- c("decimalLongitude")
+colnames(occ)[latitude] <- c("decimalLatitude")
+colnames(occ)[spe] <- c("species")
+colnames(occ)[rec] <- c("records")
+#Create a discrete global grid
+#Create an ISEA discrete global grid of resolution 9 using the dggridR package:
+dggs <- dggridR::dgconstruct(projection = "ISEA", topology = "HEXAGON", res = reso)
+#Then assign cell numbers to the occurrence data
+occ$cell <- dggridR::dgGEO_to_SEQNUM(dggs, occ$decimalLongitude, occ$decimalLatitude)[["seqnum"]]
+#Calculate indicators
+#The following function calculates the number of records, species richness, Simpson index, Shannon index, Hurlbert index (n = 50), and Hill numbers for each cell.
+#Perform the calculation on species level data
+idx <- calc_indicators(occ)
+write.table(idx, file = "Index.csv", sep = ",", dec = ".", na = " ", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
+#add cell geometries to the indicators table (idx)
+grid_idx <- sf::st_wrap_dateline(dggridR::dgcellstogrid(dggs, idx$cell))
+colnames(grid_idx) <- c("cell", "geometry")
+grid <- dplyr::left_join(grid_idx,
+    idx,
+    by = "cell")
+#Plot maps of indicators
+#Let’s look at the resulting indicators in map form.
+#Indice ES(50)
+es_50_map <- gmap_indicator(grid, "es", label = "ES(50)", crs = crs)
+es_50 <- ggplot2::ggsave("ES_50.png", es_50_map, scale = 0.38, width = 12, height = 7, units = "in", dpi = 300, limitsize = TRUE)
+# Shannon index
+shannon_map <- gmap_indicator(grid, "shannon", label = "Shannon index", crs = crs)
+shannon <- ggplot2::ggsave("Shannon_index.png", shannon_map, scale = 0.38, width = 12, height = 7, units = "in", dpi = 300, limitsize = TRUE)
+# Number of records, log10 scale, Geographic projection
+records_map <- gmap_indicator(grid, "n", label = "# of records", trans = "log10", crs = crs)
+records <- ggplot2::ggsave("Records.png", records_map, scale = 0.38, width = 12, height = 7, units = "in", dpi = 300, limitsize = TRUE)
+# Simpson index
+simpson_map <- gmap_indicator(grid, "simpson", label = "Simpson index", crs = crs)
+simpson <- ggplot2::ggsave("Simpson_index.png", simpson_map, scale = 0.38, width = 12, height = 7, units = "in", dpi = 300, limitsize = TRUE)
+# maxp
+maxp_map <- gmap_indicator(grid, "maxp", label = "maxp index", crs = crs)
+maxp <- ggplot2::ggsave("Maxp.png", maxp_map, scale = 0.38, width = 12, height = 7, units = "in", dpi = 300, limitsize = TRUE)