- Galaxy multiqc wrapper
Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report
-MultiQC searches a given directory for analysis logs and compiles a HTML report. It's a general use tool, perfect for summarising the output from numerous bioinformatics tools.
- -- Installation
Requirements: pkg-config
-Conda recipe: A conda recipe exists in bioconda repository. If you have a recent Galaxy release, the packages installation is not mandatory.
- -- Prevent displaying MultiQC webpage as gibberish
For Galaxy to display MultiQC's HTML output properly, you need to either:
- Deactivate the sanitize_all_html option in galaxy.ini (sanitize_all_html = False), or -
- Whitelist the tool in "Manage Display Whitelist" after installing -
- History
-- --
-- v1.0.0.0 Update to multiQC 1.0, add additional supported tools
-- v0.6: Initial public release
- Citation
Created by EnginesOn company
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