view w4mcorcov_calc.R @ 0:23f9fad4edfc draft

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author eschen42
date Mon, 16 Oct 2017 14:56:52 -0400
children 0c2ad44b6c9c
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# center with 'colMeans()' - ref:
center_colmeans <- function(x) {
  xcenter = colMeans(x)
  x - rep(xcenter,, ncol(x)))

#### OPLS-DA
algoC <- "nipals"

do_detail_plot <- function(x_dataMatrix, x_predictor, x_is_match, x_algorithm, x_prefix, x_show_labels, x_progress = print, x_env) {
  off <- function(x) if (x_show_labels) x else 0
  salience_lookup <- x_env$salience_lookup
  salient_rcv_lookup <- x_env$salient_rcv_lookup
  # x_progress("head(salience_df): ", head(salience_df))
  # x_progress("head(salience): ", head(salience))
  if (x_is_match && ncol(x_dataMatrix) > 0 && length(unique(x_predictor))> 1) {
    my_oplsda <- opls(
        x      = x_dataMatrix
      , y      = x_predictor
      , algoC  = x_algorithm
      , predI  = 1
      , orthoI = if (ncol(x_dataMatrix) > 1) 1 else 0
      , printL = FALSE
      , plotL  = FALSE
    my_oplsda_suppLs_y_levels <- levels(as.factor(my_oplsda@suppLs$y))
    fctr_lvl_1 <- my_oplsda_suppLs_y_levels[1]
    fctr_lvl_2 <- my_oplsda_suppLs_y_levels[2]
    my_cor_vs_cov <- cor_vs_cov(
        matrix_x = x_dataMatrix
      , ropls_x  = my_oplsda
    , {
        min_x <- min(covariance)
        max_x <- max(covariance)
        lim_x <- max(sapply(X=c(min_x, max_x), FUN=abs))
        covariance <- covariance / lim_x
        lim_x <- 1.2
        main_label <- sprintf("%s for levels %s versus %s", x_prefix, fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2)
        # print("main_label")
        # print(main_label)
        main_cex <- min(1.0, 46.0/nchar(main_label))
        # "It is generally accepted that a variable should be selected if vj>1, [27–29],
        #   but a proper threshold between 0.83 and 1.21 can yield more relevant variables according to [28]."
        #   (Mehmood 2012 doi:10.1186/1748-7188-6-27)
        vipco <- pmax(0, pmin(1,(vip4p-0.83)/(1.21-0.83)))
        alpha <- 0.1 + 0.4 * vipco
        red  <- as.numeric(correlation < 0) * vipco
        blue <- as.numeric(correlation > 0) * vipco
        minus_cor <- -correlation
        minus_cov <- -covariance
        # cex <- salience_lookup(feature = names(minus_cor))
        # cex <- 0.25 + (1.25 * cex / max(cex))
        cex <- 0.75
          y = minus_cor
        , x = minus_cov
        , type="p"
        , xlim=c(-lim_x, lim_x + off(0.1))
        , ylim=c(-1.0 - off(0.1), 1.0)
        , xlab = sprintf("relative covariance(feature,t1)")
        , ylab = sprintf("correlation(feature,t1)")
        , main = main_label
        , cex.main = main_cex
        , cex = cex
        , pch = 16
        , col = rgb(blue = blue, red = red, green = 0, alpha = alpha)
        low_x <- -0.7 * lim_x
        high_x <- 0.7 * lim_x
        text(x = low_x, y = -0.15, labels =  fctr_lvl_1)
        text(x = high_x, y = 0.15, labels =  fctr_lvl_2)
        if (x_show_labels) {
            y = minus_cor - 0.013
          , x = minus_cov + 0.020
          , cex = 0.3
          , labels = tsv1$featureID
          , col = rgb(blue = blue, red = red, green = 0, alpha = 0.2 + 0.8 * alpha)
          , srt = -30 # slant 30 degrees downward
          , adj = 0   # left-justified
    typeVc <- c("correlation",      # 1
                "outlier",          # 2
                "overview",         # 3
                "permutation",      # 4
                "predict-train",    # 5
                "predict-test",     # 6
                "summary",          # 7 = c(2,3,4,9)
                "x-loading",        # 8
                "x-score",          # 9
                "x-variance",       # 10
                "xy-score",         # 11
                "xy-weight"         # 12
               )                    # [c(3,8,9)] # [c(4,3,8,9)]
    if ( length(my_oplsda@orthoVipVn) > 0 ) {
      my_typevc <- typeVc[c(9,3,8)]
    } else {
      my_typevc <- c("(dummy)","overview","(dummy)")
    for (my_type in my_typevc) {
      if (my_type %in% typeVc) {
        # print(sprintf("plotting type %s", my_type))
          x            = my_oplsda
        , typeVc       = my_type
        , parCexN      = 0.4
        , parDevNewL   = FALSE
        , parLayL      = TRUE
        , parEllipsesL = TRUE
      } else {
        # print("plotting dummy graph")
        plot(x=1, y=1, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", type="n")
        text(x=1, y=1, labels="no orthogonal projection is possible")
    return (my_cor_vs_cov)
  } else {
    # x_progress(sprintf("x_is_match = %s, ncol(x_dataMatrix) = %d, length(unique(x_predictor)) = %d",x_is_match, ncol(x_dataMatrix), length(unique(x_predictor))))
    return (NULL)

# S-PLOT and OPLS reference: Wiklund_2008 doi:10.1021/ac0713510
corcov_calc <- function(calc_env, failure_action = stop, progress_action = function(x){}, corcov_tsv_action = function(t){}, salience_tsv_action = function(t){}) {
  if ( ! is.environment(calc_env) ) {
    failure_action("corcov_calc: fatal error - 'calc_env' is not an environment")
    return ( FALSE )
  if ( ! is.function(corcov_tsv_action) ) {
    failure_action("corcov_calc: fatal error - 'corcov_tsv_action' is not a function")
    return ( FALSE )
  if ( ! is.function(salience_tsv_action) ) {
    failure_action("salience_calc: fatal error - 'salience_tsv_action' is not a function")
    return ( FALSE )

  # extract parameters from the environment
  vrbl_metadata <- calc_env$vrbl_metadata
  vrbl_metadata_names <- vrbl_metadata[,1]
  smpl_metadata <- calc_env$smpl_metadata
  data_matrix <- calc_env$data_matrix
  pairSigFeatOnly <- calc_env$pairSigFeatOnly
  facC <- calc_env$facC
  tesC <- calc_env$tesC
  # extract the levels from the environment
  originalLevCSV <- levCSV <- calc_env$levCSV
  # matchingC is one of { "none", "wildcard", "regex" }
  matchingC <- calc_env$matchingC
  labelFeatures <- calc_env$labelFeatures

  # arg/env checking
  if (!(facC %in% names(smpl_metadata))) {
    failure_action(sprintf("bad parameter!  Factor name '%s' not found in sampleMetadata", facC))
    return ( FALSE )

  # calculate salience_df as data.frame(feature, max_level, max_median, max_rcv, mean_median, salience, salient_rcv)
  salience_df <- calc_env$salience_df <- w4msalience(
    data_matrix    = data_matrix
  , sample_class   = smpl_metadata[,facC]
  , failure_action = failure_action
    my_df <- data.frame(
      featureID    = salience_df$feature
    , salientLevel = salience_df$max_level
    , salientRCV   = salience_df$salient_rcv
    , salience     = salience_df$salience
  salience             <- salience_df$salience
  names(salience)      <- salience_df$feature
  salience_lookup      <- calc_env$salience_lookup <- function(feature) unname(salience[feature])
  salient_rcv          <- salience_df$salient_rcv
  names(salient_rcv)   <- salience_df$feature
  salient_rcv_lookup   <- calc_env$salient_rcv_lookup <- function(feature) unname(salient_rcv[feature])
  salient_level        <- salience_df$max_level
  names(salient_level) <- salience_df$feature
  salient_level_lookup <- calc_env$salient_level_lookup <- function(feature) unname(salient_level[feature])
  # transform wildcards to regexen
  if (matchingC == "wildcard") {
    # strsplit(x = "hello,wild,world", split = ",")
    levCSV <- gsub("[.]", "[.]", levCSV)
    levCSV <- strsplit(x = levCSV, split = ",")
    levCSV <- sapply(levCSV, utils::glob2rx, trim.tail = FALSE)
    levCSV <- paste(levCSV, collapse = ",")
  # function to determine whether level is a member of levCSV
  isLevelSelected <- function(lvl) {
    matchFun <- if (matchingC != "none") grepl else `==`
        f = "||"
      , x = sapply(
              X = strsplit(
                    x = levCSV
                  , split = ","
                  , fixed = TRUE
            , FUN = matchFun
            , lvl

  # transpose matrix because ropls matrix is the transpose of XCMS matrix
  # Wiklund_2008 centers and pareto-scales data before OPLS-DA S-plot
  # center
  cdm <- center_colmeans(t(data_matrix))
  # pareto-scale
  my_scale <- sqrt(apply(cdm, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE))
  scdm <- sweep(cdm, 2, my_scale, "/")

  # pattern to match column names like k10_kruskal_k4.k3_sig
  col_pattern <- sprintf('^%s_%s_(.*)[.](.*)_sig$', facC, tesC)
  # column name like k10_kruskal_sig
  intersample_sig_col  <- sprintf('%s_%s_sig', facC, tesC)
  # get the facC column from sampleMetadata, dropping to one dimension
  smpl_metadata_facC <- smpl_metadata[,facC]

  # allocate a slot in the environment for the contrast_list, each element of which will be a data.frame with this structure:
  #   - feature ID
  #   - value1
  #   - value2
  #   - Wiklund_2008 correlation
  #   - Wiklund_2008 covariance
  #   - Wiklund_2008 VIP
  calc_env$contrast_list <- list()

  did_plot <- FALSE
  if (tesC != "none") {
    # for each column name, extract the parts of the name matched by 'col_pattern', if any
    the_colnames <- colnames(vrbl_metadata)
    if ( ! Reduce( f = "||", x = grepl(tesC, the_colnames) ) ) {
      failure_action(sprintf("bad parameter!  variableMetadata must contain results of W4M Univariate test '%s'.", tesC))
      return ( FALSE )
    col_matches <- lapply(
      X = the_colnames,
      FUN = function(x) {
        regmatches( x, regexec(col_pattern, x) )[[1]]
    ## first contrast each selected level with all other levels combined into one "super-level" ##
    # process columns matching the pattern
    level_union <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(col_matches)) {
      col_match <- col_matches[[i]]
      if (length(col_match) > 0) {
        # it's an actual match; extract the pieces, e.g., k10_kruskal_k4.k3_sig
        vrbl_metadata_col <- col_match[1]               # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  # Column name
        fctr_lvl_1        <- col_match[2]               #             ^^         # Factor-level 1
        fctr_lvl_2        <- col_match[3]               #                ^^      # Factor-level 2
        # only process this column if both factors are members of lvlCSV
        is_match <- isLevelSelected(fctr_lvl_1) && isLevelSelected(fctr_lvl_2)
        if (is_match) {
          level_union <- c(level_union, col_match[2], col_match[3])
    level_union <- unique(sort(level_union))
    overall_significant <- 1 == vrbl_metadata[,intersample_sig_col]
    if ( length(level_union) > 1 ) {
      chosen_samples <- smpl_metadata_facC %in% level_union
      chosen_facC <- as.character(smpl_metadata_facC[chosen_samples])
      col_selector <- vrbl_metadata_names[ overall_significant ]
      my_matrix <- scdm[ chosen_samples, col_selector, drop = FALSE ]
      fctr_lvl_2 <- "other"
      for ( fctr_lvl_1 in level_union[1:length(level_union)] ) {
        progress_action(sprintf("calculating/plotting contrast of %s vs. %s", fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2))
        predictor <- sapply( X = chosen_facC, FUN = function(fac) if ( fac == fctr_lvl_1 ) fctr_lvl_1 else fctr_lvl_2 )
        my_cor_cov <- do_detail_plot(
          x_dataMatrix  = my_matrix
        , x_predictor   = predictor
        , x_is_match    = is_match
        , x_algorithm   = algoC
        , x_prefix      = if (pairSigFeatOnly) "Significantly contrasting features" else "Significant features"
        , x_show_labels = labelFeatures
        , x_progress    = progress_action
        , x_env         = calc_env
        if ( is.null(my_cor_cov) ) {
          progress_action("NOTHING TO PLOT.")
        } else {
          tsv <- my_cor_cov$tsv1
          # tsv$salientLevel <- salient_level_lookup(tsv$featureID)
          # tsv$salientRCV   <- salient_rcv_lookup(tsv$featureID)
          # tsv$salience     <- salience_lookup(tsv$featureID)
          tsv["level1Level2Sig"] <- vrbl_metadata[ match(tsv$featureID, vrbl_metadata_names), vrbl_metadata_col ] 
          did_plot <- TRUE

    ## next, contrast each selected level with each of the other levels individually ##
    # process columns matching the pattern
    for (i in 1:length(col_matches)) {
      # for each potential match of the pattern
      col_match <- col_matches[[i]]
      if (length(col_match) > 0) {
        # it's an actual match; extract the pieces, e.g., k10_kruskal_k4.k3_sig
        vrbl_metadata_col <- col_match[1]               # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  # Column name
        fctr_lvl_1        <- col_match[2]               #             ^^         # Factor-level 1
        fctr_lvl_2        <- col_match[3]               #                ^^      # Factor-level 2
        # only process this column if both factors are members of lvlCSV
        is_match <- isLevelSelected(fctr_lvl_1) && isLevelSelected(fctr_lvl_2)
        progress_action(sprintf("calculating/plotting contrast of %s vs. %s", fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2))
        # TODO delete next line displaying currently-processed column
        # cat(sprintf("%s %s %s %s\n", vrbl_metadata_col, fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2, is_match))
        # choose only samples with one of the two factors for this column
        chosen_samples <- smpl_metadata_facC %in% c(fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2)
        predictor <- smpl_metadata_facC[chosen_samples]
        # extract only the significantly-varying features and the chosen samples
        fully_significant   <- 1 == vrbl_metadata[,vrbl_metadata_col] * vrbl_metadata[,intersample_sig_col]
        col_selector <- vrbl_metadata_names[ if ( pairSigFeatOnly ) fully_significant else overall_significant ]
        my_matrix <- scdm[ chosen_samples, col_selector, drop = FALSE ]
        my_cor_cov <- do_detail_plot(
          x_dataMatrix  = my_matrix
        , x_predictor   = predictor
        , x_is_match    = is_match
        , x_algorithm   = algoC
        , x_prefix      = if (pairSigFeatOnly) "Significantly contrasting features" else "Significant features"
        , x_show_labels = labelFeatures
        , x_progress    = progress_action
        , x_env         = calc_env
        if ( is.null(my_cor_cov) ) {
          progress_action("NOTHING TO PLOT.")
        } else {
          tsv <- my_cor_cov$tsv1
          # tsv$salientLevel <- salient_level_lookup(tsv$featureID)
          # tsv$salientRCV   <- salient_rcv_lookup(tsv$featureID)
          # tsv$salience     <- salience_lookup(tsv$featureID)
          tsv["level1Level2Sig"] <- vrbl_metadata[ match(tsv$featureID, vrbl_metadata_names), vrbl_metadata_col ] 
          did_plot <- TRUE
  } else { # tesC == "none"
    level_union <- unique(sort(smpl_metadata_facC))
    if ( length(level_union) > 1 ) {
      ## pass 1 - contrast each selected level with all other levels combined into one "super-level" ##
      completed <- c()
        X = level_union
      , FUN = function(x) { 
          fctr_lvl_1 <- x[1]
          fctr_lvl_2 <- {
            if ( fctr_lvl_1 %in% completed )
            # strF(completed)
            completed <<- c(completed, fctr_lvl_1)
            setdiff(level_union, fctr_lvl_1)
          chosen_samples <- smpl_metadata_facC %in% c(fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2)
          fctr_lvl_2 <- "other"
          # print( sprintf("sum(chosen_samples) %d, factor_level_2 %s", sum(chosen_samples), fctr_lvl_2) )
          progress_action(sprintf("calculating/plotting contrast of %s vs. %s", fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2))
          if (length(unique(chosen_samples)) < 1) {
            progress_action("NOTHING TO PLOT...")
          } else {
            chosen_facC <- as.character(smpl_metadata_facC[chosen_samples])
            predictor <- sapply( X = chosen_facC, FUN = function(fac) if ( fac == fctr_lvl_1 ) fctr_lvl_1 else fctr_lvl_2 )
            my_matrix <- scdm[ chosen_samples, , drop = FALSE ]
            # only process this column if both factors are members of lvlCSV
            is_match <- isLevelSelected(fctr_lvl_1)
            my_cor_cov <- do_detail_plot(
              x_dataMatrix  = my_matrix
            , x_predictor   = predictor
            , x_is_match    = is_match
            , x_algorithm   = algoC
            , x_prefix      = "Features"
            , x_show_labels = labelFeatures
            , x_progress    = progress_action
            , x_env         = calc_env
            if ( is.null(my_cor_cov) ) {
              progress_action("NOTHING TO PLOT")
            } else {
              tsv <- my_cor_cov$tsv1
              # tsv$salientLevel <- salient_level_lookup(tsv$featureID)
              # tsv$salientRCV   <- salient_rcv_lookup(tsv$featureID)
              # tsv$salience     <- salience_lookup(tsv$featureID)
              did_plot <<- TRUE
          "dummy" # need to return a value; otherwise combn fails with an error
      ## pass 2 - contrast each selected level with each of the other levels individually ##
      completed <- c()
        x = level_union
      , m = 2
      , FUN = function(x) { 
          fctr_lvl_1 <- x[1]
          fctr_lvl_2 <- x[2]
          chosen_samples <- smpl_metadata_facC %in% c(fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2)
          # print( sprintf("sum(chosen_samples) %d, factor_level_2 %s", sum(chosen_samples), fctr_lvl_2) )
          progress_action(sprintf("calculating/plotting contrast of %s vs. %s", fctr_lvl_1, fctr_lvl_2))
          if (length(unique(chosen_samples)) < 1) {
            progress_action("NOTHING TO PLOT...")
          } else {
            chosen_facC <- as.character(smpl_metadata_facC[chosen_samples])
            predictor <- chosen_facC
            my_matrix <- scdm[ chosen_samples, , drop = FALSE ]
            # only process this column if both factors are members of lvlCSV
            is_match <- isLevelSelected(fctr_lvl_1) && isLevelSelected(fctr_lvl_2)
            my_cor_cov <- do_detail_plot(
              x_dataMatrix  = my_matrix
            , x_predictor   = predictor
            , x_is_match    = is_match
            , x_algorithm   = algoC
            , x_prefix      = "Features"
            , x_show_labels = labelFeatures
            , x_progress    = progress_action
            , x_env         = calc_env
            if ( is.null(my_cor_cov) ) {
              progress_action("NOTHING TO PLOT")
            } else {
              tsv <- my_cor_cov$tsv1
              # tsv$salientLevel <- salient_level_lookup(tsv$featureID)
              # tsv$salientRCV   <- salient_rcv_lookup(tsv$featureID)
              # tsv$salience     <- salience_lookup(tsv$featureID)
              did_plot <<- TRUE
          "dummy" # need to return a value; otherwise combn fails with an error
    } else {
      progress_action("NOTHING TO PLOT....")
  if (!did_plot) {
    failure_action(sprintf("bad parameter!  sampleMetadata must have at least two levels of factor '%s' matching '%s'", facC, originalLevCSV))
    return ( FALSE )
  return ( TRUE )

# Calculate data for correlation-versus-covariance plot
#   Adapted from:
#     Wiklund_2008 doi:10.1021/ac0713510
#     Galindo_Prieto_2014 doi:10.1002/cem.2627
cor_vs_cov <- function(matrix_x, ropls_x) {
  x_class <- class(ropls_x)
  if ( !( as.character(x_class) == "opls" ) ) { # || !( attr(class(x_class),"package") == "ropls" ) ) 
    stop( "cor_vs_cov: Expected ropls_x to be of class ropls::opls but instead it was of class ", as.character(x_class) )
  result <- list()
  # suppLs$algoC - Character: algorithm used - "svd" for singular value decomposition; "nipals" for NIPALS
  if ( ropls_x@suppLs$algoC == "nipals") {
    # Equations (1) and (2) from *Supplement to* Wiklund 2008, doi:10.1021/ac0713510
    mag <- function(one_dimensional) sqrt(sum(one_dimensional * one_dimensional))
    mag_xi <- sapply(X = 1:ncol(matrix_x), FUN = function(x) mag(matrix_x[,x]))
    score_matrix <- ropls_x@scoreMN
    score_matrix_transposed <- t(score_matrix)
    score_matrix_magnitude <- mag(score_matrix)
    result$covariance <- score_matrix_transposed %*% matrix_x / ( score_matrix_magnitude * score_matrix_magnitude )
    result$correlation <- score_matrix_transposed %*% matrix_x / ( score_matrix_magnitude * mag_xi )
  } else {
    # WARNING - untested code - I don't have test data to exercise this branch
    # Equations (1) and (2) from Wiklund 2008, doi:10.1021/ac0713510
    # scoreMN - Numerical matrix of x scores (T; dimensions: nrow(x) x predI) X = TP' + E; Y = TC' + F
    score_matrix <- ropls_x@scoreMN
    score_matrix_transposed <- t(score_matrix)
    cov_divisor <- nrow(matrix_x) - 1
    result$covariance <- sapply(
      X = 1:ncol(matrix_x)
    , FUN = function(x) score_matrix_transposed %*% matrix_x[,x] / cov_divisor
    score_sd <- sapply(
      X = 1:ncol(score_matrix)
      , FUN = function(x) sd(score_matrix[,x])
    # xSdVn - Numerical vector: variable standard deviations of the 'x' matrix
    xSdVn <- ropls_x@xSdVn
    result$correlation <- sapply(
      X = 1:ncol(matrix_x)
    , FUN = function(x) {
        ( score_matrix_transposed / score_sd ) %*% ( matrix_x[,x] / (xSdVn[x] * cov_divisor) )
  result$correlation <- result$correlation[1,,drop = TRUE]
  result$covariance  <- result$covariance[1,,drop = TRUE]

  # Variant 4 of Variable Influence on Projection for OPLS from Galindo_Prieto_2014
  #    Length = number of features; labels = feature identifiers.  (The same is true for $correlation and $covariance.)
  result$vip4p     <- as.numeric(ropls_x@vipVn)
  result$vip4o     <- as.numeric(ropls_x@orthoVipVn)
  # get the level names
  level_names      <- sort(levels(as.factor(ropls_x@suppLs$y)))
  feature_count    <- length(ropls_x@vipVn)
  result$level1    <- = level_names[1], times = feature_count)
  result$level2    <- = level_names[2], times = feature_count)
  # print(sprintf("sd(covariance) = %f; sd(correlation) = %f", sd(result$covariance), sd(result$correlation)))
  superresult <- list()
  if (length(result$vip4o) == 0) result$vip4o <- NA
  superresult$tsv1 <- data.frame(
    featureID           = names(ropls_x@vipVn)
  , factorLevel1        = result$level1
  , factorLevel2        = result$level2
  , correlation         = result$correlation
  , covariance          = result$covariance
  , vip4p               = result$vip4p
  , vip4o               = result$vip4o
  , row.names           = NULL
  rownames(superresult$tsv1) <- superresult$tsv1$featureID
  superresult$covariance <- result$covariance
  superresult$correlation <- result$correlation
  superresult$vip4p <- result$vip4p
  superresult$vip4o <- result$vip4o
  superresult$details <- result
  # #print(superresult$tsv1)
  result$superresult <- superresult
  # Include thise in case future consumers of this routine want to use it in currently unanticipated ways
  result$oplsda    <- ropls_x          
  result$predictor <- ropls_x@suppLs$y   # in case future consumers of this routine want to use it in currently unanticipated ways
  return (superresult)