diff vkmz.py @ 6:35b984684450 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/HegemanLab/VKMZ commit 5ef8d2b36eb35ff5aad5d5e9b78c38405fc95c1a
author eslerm
date Tue, 10 Jul 2018 17:58:35 -0400
parents 04079c34452a
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/vkmz.py	Thu May 31 12:06:20 2018 -0400
+++ b/vkmz.py	Tue Jul 10 17:58:35 2018 -0400
@@ -1,297 +1,30 @@
-based on the BMRB compound database which can be found at:
+import argparse
+import csv
+import math
 import re
-import argparse
-import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import csv
-import numpy as np
-import math
-import pandas as pd
-from plotly import __version__
-import plotly.offline as py
-import plotly.graph_objs as go
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 inputSubparser = parser.add_subparsers(help='Select input type:', dest='input-type')
 parse_tsv = inputSubparser.add_parser('tsv', help='Use tabular data as input.')
 parse_tsv.add_argument('--input', '-i', required=True, help='Path to tabular file. Must include columns: sample ID, mz, polarity, intensity, & retention time.')
-parse_tsv.add_argument('--no-plot', '-np', action='store_true', help='Disable plot generation.')
 parse_xcms = inputSubparser.add_parser('xcms', help='Use XCMS data as input.')
-parse_xcms.add_argument('--data-matrix', '-xd', required=True, nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to XCMS dataMatrix file.')
-parse_xcms.add_argument('--sample-metadata', '-xs', required=True, nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to XCMS sampleMetadata file.')
-parse_xcms.add_argument('--variable-metadata', '-xv', required=True, nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to XCMS variableMetadata file.')
-parse_xcms.add_argument('--no-plot', '-n', action='store_true', help='Disable plot generation.')
-parse_plot = inputSubparser.add_parser('plot', help='Only plot data.')
-parse_plot.add_argument('--input', '-i', required=True, nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to VKMZ generated tabular file.')
+parse_xcms.add_argument('--data-matrix', '-xd', required=True, nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to XCMS data matrix file.')
+parse_xcms.add_argument('--sample-metadata', '-xs', required=True, nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to XCMS sample metadata file.')
+parse_xcms.add_argument('--variable-metadata', '-xv', required=True, nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to XCMS variable metadata file.')
 for inputSubparser in [parse_tsv, parse_xcms]:
   inputSubparser.add_argument('--output',   '-o', nargs='?', type=str, required=True, help='Specify output file path.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--error',    '-e', nargs='?', type=float, required=True, help='Mass error of mass spectrometer in PPM')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--database', '-d', nargs='?', default='databases/bmrb-light.tsv', help='Select database.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--directory', nargs='?', default='', type=str, help='Define directory of tool.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--polarity', '-p', choices=['positive','negative'], help='Force polarity mode. Ignore variables in input file.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--no-adjustment', '-na', action='store_true', help='Use flag to turn off polarity based mass adjustment. This flag should always be used if reprocessing data generated by VKMZ.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--unique', '-u', action='store_true', help='Set flag to only output features which have a single match.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--multiprocessing', '-m', action='store_true', help='Set flag to turn on multiprocessing.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--plottype', '-t', nargs='?', default='scatter-2d', choices=['scatter-2d', 'scatter-3d'], help='Select plot type.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--size',     '-s', nargs='?', default=5, type=int, help='Set maxium size of plot symbols.')
-  inputSubparser.add_argument('--size-algorithm', '-a', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, choices=[0,1], help="Symbol size algorithm selector. Algorithm 0 sets all symbols to the maxium size. Algorithm 2 determines a features symbol size by it's log intensity.")
+  inputSubparser.add_argument('--error',    '-e', nargs='?', type=float, required=True, help='Mass error of mass spectrometer in parts-per-million.')
+  inputSubparser.add_argument('--database', '-db', nargs='?', default='databases/bmrb-light.tsv', help='Select database of known formula masses.')
+  inputSubparser.add_argument('--directory','-dir', nargs='?', default='', type=str, help='Define path of tool directory. Assumes relative path if unset.')
+  inputSubparser.add_argument('--polarity', '-p', choices=['positive','negative'], help='Force polarity mode to positive or negative. Overrides variables in input file.')
+  inputSubparser.add_argument('--neutral',  '-n', action='store_true', help='Set neutral flag if masses in input data are neutral. No mass adjustmnet will be made.')
+  inputSubparser.add_argument('--unique',   '-u', action='store_true', help='Set flag to remove features with multiple predictions.')
 args = parser.parse_args()
-vkInputType = getattr(args, "input-type")
-# read inputs, arguments and define globals
-vkError = getattr(args, "error")
-vkPolarity = getattr(args, "polarity")
-vkUnique = getattr(args, "unique")
-vkMultiprocessing = getattr(args, "multiprocessing")
-vkNoAdjustment = getattr(args, "no_adjustment")
-vkDatabaseFile = getattr(args, "database")
-vkDirectory = getattr(args, "directory")
-vkMass = []
-vkFormula = []
-  with open(vkDirectory+vkDatabaseFile, 'r') as tsv:
-    next(tsv) # skip first row
-    for row in tsv:
-      mass, formula = row.split()
-      vkMass.append(mass)
-      vkFormula.append(formula)
-except ValueError:
-  print('The %s database could not be loaded.' % vkDatabaseFile)
-vkMaxIndex = len(vkMass)-1
-vkOutput = getattr(args, "output")
-vkPlotType = getattr(args, 'plottype')
-vkSize = getattr(args, 'size')
-vkSizeAlgo = getattr(args, 'size_algorithm')
-# control predictions
-def forecaster(vkInput):
-  if vkMultiprocessing:
-    try:
-      pool = Pool()
-      vkOutputList = pool.map(featurePrediction, vkInput)
-    except Exception as e:
-      print("Error during multirpocessing: "+str(e))
-    finally:
-      pool.close()
-      pool.join()
-  else:
-    vkOutputList = map(featurePrediction, vkInput)
-  vkOutputList = [x for x in vkOutputList if x is not None]
-  return(vkOutputList)
-# predict feature formulas and creates output list
-def featurePrediction(feature):
-  if vkNoAdjustment:
-    mass = feature[2]
-  else:
-    mass = adjust(feature[2], feature[1]) # mz & polarity
-  uncertainty = mass * vkError / 1e6
-  prediction = predict(mass, uncertainty, 0, vkMaxIndex)
-  if prediction != -1:
-    feature[2] = mass
-    predictions = predictNeighbors(mass, uncertainty, prediction)
-    if vkUnique and len(predictions) > 1:
-      return
-    feature.append(predictions) # feature[5]
-    predictionClosest = predictions[0]
-    formula = predictionClosest[1]
-    formulaList = re.findall('[A-Z][a-z]?|[0-9]+', formula)
-    formulaDictionary = {'C':0,'H':0,'O':0,'N':0}
-    i = 0;
-    while i < len(formulaList):
-      if formulaList[i] in formulaDictionary:
-        # if there is only one of this element
-        if i+1 == len(formulaList) or formulaList[i+1].isalpha():
-          formulaDictionary[formulaList[i]] = 1
-        else:
-          formulaDictionary[formulaList[i]] = formulaList[i+1]
-          i+=1
-      i+=1
-    predictionClosest.append(formulaDictionary)
-    hc = float(formulaDictionary['H'])/float(formulaDictionary['C'])
-    oc = float(formulaDictionary['O'])/float(formulaDictionary['C'])
-    nc = float(formulaDictionary['N'])/float(formulaDictionary['C'])
-    predictionClosestDelta = feature[5][0][2]
-    feature += [predictionClosestDelta, hc, oc, nc]
-    return(feature)
-# adjust charged mass to a neutral mass
-def adjust(mass, polarity):
-  # value to adjust by
-  proton = 1.007276
-  if polarity == 'positive':
-    mass += proton
-  elif polarity == 'negative':
-    mass -= proton
-  return mass
+# store input constants
+INPUT_TYPE = getattr(args, "input-type")
+POLARITY = getattr(args, "polarity")
-# Binary search to match observed mass to known mass within error
-# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree
-def predict(mass, uncertainty, left, right):
-  mid = ((right - left) / 2) + left
-  if left <= mid <= right and mid <= vkMaxIndex:
-    delta = float(vkMass[mid]) - mass
-    if uncertainty >= abs(delta):
-      return mid
-    elif uncertainty < delta:
-      return predict(mass, uncertainty, left, mid-1)
-    else:
-      return predict(mass, uncertainty, mid+1, right)
-  return -1
-def plotData(vkData):
-  if vkSizeAlgo == 0:
-    for row in vkData:
-      row.append(vkSize)
-  else:
-    max_intensity = 0.0
-    for row in vkData:
-      intensity = row[4]
-      if intensity > max_intensity:
-        max_intensity = intensity   
-    alpha = vkSize/math.log(max_intensity+1)
-    for row in vkData:
-      intensity = row[4]
-      row.append(alpha*math.log(intensity+1))
-  return vkData
-# find and sort known masses within error limit of observed mass
-def predictNeighbors(mass, uncertainty, prediction):
-  i = 0
-  neighbors = [[vkMass[prediction],vkFormula[prediction],(float(vkMass[prediction])-mass)],]
-  while prediction+i+1 <= vkMaxIndex:
-    neighbor = prediction+i+1
-    delta = float(vkMass[neighbor])-mass
-    if uncertainty >= abs(delta):
-      neighbors.append([vkMass[neighbor],vkFormula[neighbor],delta])
-      i += 1
-    else:
-      break
-  i = 0
-  while prediction+i-1 >= 0:
-    neighbor = prediction+i-1
-    delta = float(vkMass[neighbor])-mass
-    if uncertainty >= abs(delta):
-      neighbors.append([vkMass[neighbor],vkFormula[neighbor],(float(vkMass[neighbor])-mass)])
-      i -= 1
-    else:
-      break
-  neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key = (lambda delta: abs(delta[2])))
-  return neighbors
-# write output file
-def saveForcast(vkOutputList):
-  try: 
-    with open(vkOutput+'.tsv', 'w') as f: 
-      f.writelines(str("sample_id\tpolarity\tmz\tretention_time\tintensity\tpredictions\tdelta\tH:C\tO:C\tN:C\tsymbol_size") + '\n')
-      for feature in vkOutputList:
-        f.writelines(feature[0]+'\t'+feature[1]+'\t'+str(feature[2])+'\t'+str(feature[3])+'\t'+str(feature[4])+'\t'+str(feature[5])+'\t'+str(feature[6])+'\t'+str(feature[7])+'\t'+str(feature[8])+'\t'+str(feature[9])+'\t'+str(feature[10])+'\t'+'\n')
-  except ValueError:
-    print('"%s" could not be saved.' % filename)
-def plotRatios(vkData):
-  max_rt = 0
-  max_hc = 0
-  max_oc = 0
-  max_nc = 0
-  for row in vkData:
-    if row[3] > max_rt:
-      max_rt = row[3]
-    if row[7] > max_hc:
-      max_hc = row[7]
-    if row[8] > max_oc:
-      max_oc = row[8]
-    if row[9] > max_nc:
-      max_nc = row[9]
-  labels = ['sampleID', 'polarity', 'mz', 'rt', 'intensity', 'predictions', 'delta', 'hc', 'oc', 'nc', 'symbol_size']
-  df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(vkData, columns=labels)
-  sampleIDs = df.sampleID.unique()
-  data = []
-  menus = []
-  i = 0
-  for sampleID in sampleIDs:
-    dfSample = df.loc[df['sampleID'] == sampleID]
-    size = dfSample.symbol_size
-    trace = go.Scatter(
-      x = dfSample.oc,
-      y = dfSample.hc,
-      text = dfSample.predictions.apply(lambda x: "Prediction: "+str(x[0][1])+"<br>mz: " +str(x[0][0])+"<br>Delta: "+str(x[0][2])),
-      line = dict(width = 0.5),
-      mode = 'markers',
-      marker = dict(
-        size = size,
-        sizemode = "area",
-        color = dfSample.rt,
-        colorscale = 'Viridis',
-        cmin = 0,
-        cmax = max_rt,
-        colorbar=dict(title='Retention Time (s)'),
-        line = dict(width = 0.5),
-        showscale = True
-      ),
-      opacity = 0.8
-    )
-    data.append(trace)
-    vision = []
-    j = 0
-    while j < len(sampleIDs):
-      if j != i:
-        vision.append(False)
-      else:
-        vision.append(True)
-      j += 1
-    menu = dict(
-      method = 'update',
-      label = sampleID,
-      args = [{'visible': vision}, {'title': sampleID}]
-    )
-    menus.append(menu)
-    i += 1
-  updatemenus = list([
-    dict(
-      active = -1,
-      buttons = menus
-    )
-  ])
-  layout = go.Layout(
-    title = "Van Krevelen Diagram",
-    showlegend = False,
-    xaxis = dict(
-      title = 'Oxygen to Carbon Ratio',
-      zeroline = False,
-      gridcolor = 'rgb(183,183,183)',
-      showline = True,
-      range = [0, max_oc]
-    ),
-    yaxis = dict(
-      title = 'Hydrogen to Carbon Ratio',
-      zeroline = False,
-      gridcolor = 'rgb(183,183,183)',
-      showline = True,
-      range = [0, max_hc]
-    ),
-    margin = dict(r=0, b=100, l=100, t=100),
-    updatemenus = updatemenus
-  )     
-  fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
-  py.plot(fig, auto_open=False, show_link=False, filename=vkOutput+'.html')
 def polaritySanitizer(sample_polarity):
   if sample_polarity.lower() in {'positive','pos','+'}:
     sample_polarity = 'positive'
@@ -302,9 +35,9 @@
     raise ValueError
   return sample_polarity
-# main
-if vkInputType == "tsv":
-  vkInput = []
+# read input
+vkInput = [] # each element is a feature from input
+if INPUT_TYPE == "tsv":
   tsvFile = getattr(args, "input")
     with open(tsvFile, 'r') as f:
@@ -314,12 +47,7 @@
   except ValueError:
     print('The %s data file could not be read.' % tsvFile)
-  vkData = forecaster(vkInput)
-  vkData = plotData(vkData)
-  saveForcast(vkData)
-  plotRatios(vkData)
-elif vkInputType == "xcms":
-  vkInput = []
+else: # INPUT_TYPE == "xcms"
   xcmsSampleMetadataFile = getattr(args, "sample_metadata")
     polarity = {}
@@ -328,8 +56,8 @@
       next(xcmsSampleMetadata, None) # skip header
       for row in xcmsSampleMetadata:
         sample = row[0]
-        if vkPolarity:
-          polarity[sample] = vkPolarity
+        if POLARITY:
+          polarity[sample] = POLARITY
           sample_polarity = polaritySanitizer(row[2])
           polarity[sample] = sample_polarity
@@ -382,20 +110,130 @@
   except ValueError:
     print('The %s data file could not be read.' % xcmsDataMatrixFile)
-  vkData = forecaster(vkInput)
-  vkData = plotData(vkData)
-  saveForcast(vkData)
-  plotRatios(vkData)
-  vkData = []
-  tsvPlotvFile = getattr(args, "input")
-  try:
-    with open(tsvPlotFile, 'r') as f:
-      next(f) # skip header line
-      plotData = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
-      for row in plotData:
-        vkData.append([row[0],row[1],float(row[2]),float(row[3]),float(row[4]),list(row[4]),float(row[5]),float(row[6]),float(row[7]),float(row[8])])
+# store||generate remaining constants
+OUTPUT = getattr(args, "output")
+MASS_ERROR = getattr(args, "error")
+UNIQUE = getattr(args, "unique")
+NEUTRAL = getattr(args, "neutral")
+DATABASE = getattr(args, "database")
+DIRECTORY = getattr(args, "directory")
+MASS = []
+  with open(DIRECTORY+DATABASE, 'r') as tsv:
+    for row in tsv:
+      mass, formula = row.split()
+      MASS.append(mass)
+      FORMULA.append(formula)
+except ValueError:
+  print('The %s database could not be loaded.' % DATABASE)
+# adjust charged mass to a neutral mass
+def adjust(mass, polarity):
+  # value to adjust by
+  proton = 1.007276
+  if polarity == 'positive':
+    mass -= proton
+  else: # sanitized to negative
+    mass += proton
+  return mass
+# binary search to match a neutral mass to known mass within error
+def predict(mass, uncertainty, left, right):
+  mid = ((right - left) / 2) + left
+  if left <= mid <= right and mid <= MAX_MASS_INDEX:
+    delta = float(MASS[mid]) - mass
+    if uncertainty >= abs(delta):
+      return mid
+    elif uncertainty < delta:
+      return predict(mass, uncertainty, left, mid-1)
+    else:
+      return predict(mass, uncertainty, mid+1, right)
+  return -1
+# find and rank predictions which are adjacent to the index of an intial prediction
+def predictNeighbors(mass, uncertainty, prediction):
+  i = 0
+  neighbors = [[MASS[prediction],FORMULA[prediction],(float(MASS[prediction])-mass)],]
+  while prediction+i+1 <= MAX_MASS_INDEX:
+    neighbor = prediction+i+1
+    delta = float(MASS[neighbor])-mass
+    if uncertainty >= abs(delta):
+      neighbors.append([MASS[neighbor],FORMULA[neighbor],delta])
+      i += 1
+    else:
+      break
+  i = 0
+  while prediction+i-1 >= 0:
+    neighbor = prediction+i-1
+    delta = float(MASS[neighbor])-mass
+    if uncertainty >= abs(delta):
+      neighbors.append([MASS[neighbor],FORMULA[neighbor],(float(MASS[neighbor])-mass)])
+      i -= 1
+    else:
+      break
+  neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key = (lambda delta: abs(delta[2])))
+  return neighbors
+# predict formulas by the mass of a feature
+def featurePrediction(feature):
+  if NEUTRAL:
+    mass = feature[2]
+  else:
+    mass = adjust(feature[2], feature[1]) # mz & polarity
+  uncertainty = mass * MASS_ERROR / 1e6
+  prediction = predict(mass, uncertainty, 0, MAX_MASS_INDEX)
+  if prediction != -1: # else feature if forgotten
+    predictions = predictNeighbors(mass, uncertainty, prediction)
+    if UNIQUE and len(predictions) > 1:
+      return
+    feature.append(predictions) # feature[5]
+    formula = predictions[0][1] # formula of prediction with lowest abs(delta)
+    formulaList = re.findall('[A-Z][a-z]?|[0-9]+', formula)
+    formulaDictionary = {'C':0,'H':0,'O':0,'N':0} # other elements are easy to add
+    i = 0;
+    while i < len(formulaList):
+      if formulaList[i] in formulaDictionary:
+        # if there is only one of this element
+        if i+1 == len(formulaList) or formulaList[i+1].isalpha():
+          formulaDictionary[formulaList[i]] = 1
+        else:
+          formulaDictionary[formulaList[i]] = formulaList[i+1]
+          i+=1
+      i+=1
+    hc = float(formulaDictionary['H'])/float(formulaDictionary['C'])
+    oc = float(formulaDictionary['O'])/float(formulaDictionary['C'])
+    nc = float(formulaDictionary['N'])/float(formulaDictionary['C'])
+    feature += [hc, oc, nc] # feature[6], [7], [8]
+    return(feature)
+# write output file
+def write(vkData):
+  json = ''
+  try: 
+    # write tabular file and generate json for html output
+    with open(OUTPUT+'.tsv', 'w') as f: 
+      f.writelines(str("sample_id\tpolarity\tmz\trt\tintensity\tpredictions\thc\toc\tnc") + '\n')
+      for feature in vkData:
+        f.writelines(feature[0]+'\t'+feature[1]+'\t'+str(feature[2])+'\t'+str(feature[3])+'\t'+str(feature[4])+'\t'+str(feature[5])+'\t'+str(feature[6])+'\t'+str(feature[7])+'\t'+str(feature[8])+'\n')
+        json += '{sample_id:\''+str(feature[0])+'\', polarity:\''+str(feature[1])+'\', mz:'+str(feature[2])+', rt:'+str(feature[3])+', intensity:'+str(feature[4])+', predictions:'+str(feature[5])+', hc:'+str(feature[6])+', oc:'+str(feature[7])+', nc:'+str(feature[8])+'},'
+    json = json[:-1] # remove final comma
+    # write html
+    try:
+      with open(DIRECTORY+'d3.html', 'r') as template, open(OUTPUT+'.html', 'w') as f:
+       for line in template:
+         line = re.sub('^var data.*$', 'var data = ['+json+']', line, flags=re.M)
+         f.write(line)
+    except ValueError:
+      print('"%s" could not be read or "%s" could not be written' % template, f)
   except ValueError:
-    print('The %s data file could not be read.' % tsvFile)
-  plotRatios(vkData)
+    print('"%s" could not be saved.' % filename)
+# main
+vkData = map(featurePrediction, vkInput)
+vkData = [x for x in vkData if x is not None]
+# sort by intensity so D3 draws largest symbols first
+vkData.sort(key=lambda x: x[4], reverse=True)