# HG changeset patch
# User eslerm
# Date 1545331260 18000
# Node ID 797bbf003bd4a9ae5fa7e71ec173a15fe67efd3e
# Parent  b3055eaa7c9c6ab7ba58b25a007d69299caf869a
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/HegemanLab/VKMZ commit 722cd42705f87f2dc11aa6984ae0836ad4ca41a6-dirty

diff -r b3055eaa7c9c -r 797bbf003bd4 vkmz.xml
--- a/vkmz.xml	Thu Dec 20 13:36:56 2018 -0500
+++ b/vkmz.xml	Thu Dec 20 13:41:00 2018 -0500
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
         <option value="positive">Positive</option>
       <param name="neutral" label="Disable polarity based mass adjustment" type="boolean" truevalue="True" help="Use this option if data contains neutral masses." />
-      <param name="alternate" label="Keep feature's with more than one prediction" type="boolean" truevalue="False" help="Keeping features with multiple predictions raises the false discovery rate." />
+      <param name="alternate" label="Keep features with more than one prediction" type="boolean" truevalue="True" help="Keeping features with multiple predictions raises the false discovery rate." />
       <param name="impute_charge" label="Impute Charge" type="boolean" truevalue="True" help="If impute data in annotated with charge information, features with no (null) charge valeus are removed. Setting Impute Charge to True imputes a charge for all of these features instead." />
     <section name="prediction" title="Prediction Options" expanded="true">