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view biosigner_wrapper.R @ 3:fa80bd02055f draft default tip
planemo upload for repository commit 23d58cfd97411ad5d272971896914ce99e30b0ab
author | ethevenot |
date | Tue, 06 Jun 2017 11:44:00 -0400 |
parents | b2414be87d4b |
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#!/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave --no-site-file library(batch) ## parseCommandArgs argVc <- unlist(parseCommandArgs(evaluate=FALSE)) ##------------------------------ ## Initializing ##------------------------------ ## options ##-------- strAsFacL <- options()$stringsAsFactors options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ## libraries ##---------- suppressMessages(library(biosigner)) if(packageVersion("biosigner") < "1.0.0") stop("Please use 'biosigner' versions of 1.0.0 and above") if(packageVersion("ropls") < "1.4.0") stop("Please use 'ropls' versions of 1.4.0 and above") ## constants ##---------- modNamC <- "Biosigner" ## module name topEnvC <- environment() flgC <- "\n" ## functions ##---------- flgF <- function(tesC, envC = topEnvC, txtC = NA) { ## management of warning and error messages tesL <- eval(parse(text = tesC), envir = envC) if(!tesL) { sink(NULL) stpTxtC <- ifelse(, paste0(tesC, " is FALSE"), txtC) stop(stpTxtC, call. = FALSE) } } ## flgF ## log file ##--------- sink(argVc["information"]) cat("\nStart of the '", modNamC, "' Galaxy module call: ", format(Sys.time(), "%a %d %b %Y %X"), "\n", sep="") ## arguments ##---------- xMN <- t(as.matrix(read.table(argVc["dataMatrix_in"], check.names = FALSE, header = TRUE, row.names = 1, sep = "\t"))) samDF <- read.table(argVc["sampleMetadata_in"], check.names = FALSE, header = TRUE, row.names = 1, sep = "\t") flgF("identical(rownames(xMN), rownames(samDF))", txtC = "Sample names (or number) in the data matrix (first row) and sample metadata (first column) are not identical; use the 'Check Format' module in the 'Quality Control' section") varDF <- read.table(argVc["variableMetadata_in"], check.names = FALSE, header = TRUE, row.names = 1, sep = "\t") flgF("identical(colnames(xMN), rownames(varDF))", txtC = "Variable names (or number) in the data matrix (first column) and sample metadata (first column) are not identical; use the 'Check Format' module in the 'Quality Control' section") flgF("argVc['respC'] %in% colnames(samDF)", txtC = paste0("Class argument (", argVc['respC'], ") must be either none or one of the column names (first row) of your sample metadata")) respVc <- samDF[, argVc["respC"]] flgF("mode(respVc) == 'character'", txtC = paste0("'", argVc['respC'], "' column of sampleMetadata does not contain only characters")) respFc <- factor(respVc) flgF("length(levels(respFc)) == 2", txtC = paste0("'", argVc['respC'], "' column of sampleMetadata does not contain only 2 types of characters (e.g., 'case' and 'control')")) tierMaxC <- ifelse("tierC" %in% names(argVc), argVc["tierC"], "S") pvalN <- ifelse("pvalN" %in% names(argVc), as.numeric(argVc["pvalN"]), 0.05) ##------------------------------ ## Computation and plot ##------------------------------ sink() optWrnN <- options()$warn options(warn = -1) if("seedI" %in% names(argVc) && argVc["seedI"] != "0") set.seed(as.integer(argVc["seedI"])) bsnLs <- biosign(x = xMN, y = respFc, methodVc = ifelse("methodC" %in% names(argVc), argVc["methodC"], "all"), bootI = ifelse("bootI" %in% names(argVc), as.numeric(argVc["bootI"]), 50), pvalN = pvalN, printL = FALSE, plotL = FALSE, .sinkC = argVc["information"]) if("seedI" %in% names(argVc) && argVc["seedI"] != "0") set.seed(NULL) tierMC <- bsnLs@tierMC if(!is.null(tierMC)) { plot(bsnLs, tierMaxC = tierMaxC, file.pdfC = "figure_tier.pdf", .sinkC = argVc["information"]) file.rename("figure_tier.pdf", argVc["figure_tier"]) plot(bsnLs, tierMaxC = tierMaxC, typeC = "boxplot", file.pdfC = "figure_boxplot.pdf", .sinkC = argVc["information"]) file.rename("figure_boxplot.pdf", argVc["figure_boxplot"]) } else { pdf(argVc["figure_tier"]) plot(1, bty = "n", type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "") text(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]), labels = "No significant variable to display") pdf(argVc["figure_boxplot"]) plot(1, bty = "n", type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "") text(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]), labels = "No significant variable to display") } options(warn = optWrnN) ##------------------------------ ## Print ##------------------------------ sink(argVc["information"], append = TRUE) tierFullVc <- c("S", LETTERS[1:5]) tierVc <- tierFullVc[1:which(tierFullVc == tierMaxC)] if(sum(tierMC %in% tierVc)) { cat("\nSignificant features from '", paste(tierVc, collapse = "', '"), "' tiers:\n", sep = "") print(tierMC[apply(tierMC, 1, function(rowVc) sum(rowVc %in% tierVc) > 0), , drop = FALSE]) cat("\nAccuracy:\n") print(round(getAccuracyMN(bsnLs), 3)) } else cat("\nNo significant variable found for any classifier\n") ##------------------------------ ## Ending ##------------------------------ ## Saving ##------- if(!is.null(tierMC)) { tierDF <- data.frame(tier = sapply(rownames(varDF), function(varC) { varTirVc <- tierMC[varC, ] varTirVc <- names(varTirVc)[varTirVc %in% tierVc] paste(varTirVc, collapse = "|") }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(tierDF) <- paste(argVc["respC"], colnames(tierDF), paste(tierVc, collapse = ""), sep = "_") varDF <-, tierDF) } ## variableMetadata varDF <- = rownames(varDF), varDF) write.table(varDF, file = argVc["variableMetadata_out"], quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") ## Closing ##-------- cat("\nEnd of '", modNamC, "' Galaxy module call: ", as.character(Sys.time()), "\n", sep = "") cat("\n\n\n============================================================================") cat("\nAdditional information about the call:\n") cat("\n1) Parameters:\n") print(cbind(value = argVc)) cat("\n2) Session Info:\n") sessioninfo <- sessionInfo() cat(sessioninfo$R.version$version.string,"\n") cat("Main packages:\n") for (pkg in names(sessioninfo$otherPkgs)) { cat(paste(pkg,packageVersion(pkg)),"\t") }; cat("\n") cat("Other loaded packages:\n") for (pkg in names(sessioninfo$loadedOnly)) { cat(paste(pkg,packageVersion(pkg)),"\t") }; cat("\n") cat("============================================================================\n") sink() options(stringsAsFactors = strAsFacL) rm(list = ls())