comparison @ 32:1edc869cd008 draft

Uploaded 20170607
author fabio
date Wed, 07 Jun 2017 18:01:57 -0400
children d65de900967e
equal deleted inserted replaced
31:9cb5e4f12ce5 32:1edc869cd008
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import json
3 import optparse
4 import urllib
5 import os.path
6 import os
7 from operator import itemgetter
8 import tarfile
10 __version__ = "1.0.0"
11 CHUNK_SIZE = 2**20 #1mb
12 VALID_CHARS = '.-()[]0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '
15 def splitext(path):
16 for ext in ['.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2']:
17 if path.endswith(ext):
18 path, ext = path[:-len(ext)], path[-len(ext):]
19 break
20 else:
21 path, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
22 return path, ext[1:]
25 def chunk_write( source_stream, target_stream, source_method = "read", target_method="write" ):
26 source_method = getattr( source_stream, source_method )
27 target_method = getattr( target_stream, target_method )
28 while True:
29 chunk = source_method( CHUNK_SIZE )
30 if chunk:
31 target_method( chunk )
32 else:
33 break
36 def deconstruct_multi_filename( multi_filename ):
37 keys = [ 'primary', 'id', 'name', 'visible', 'file_type' ]
38 return ( dict( zip( keys, multi_filename.split('_') ) ) )
41 def construct_multi_filename( id, name, file_type ):
42 """ Implementation of *Number of Output datasets cannot be determined until tool run* from documentation_.
43 .. _documentation:
44 """
45 filename = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % ( 'primary', id, name, 'visible', file_type )
46 return filename
49 def download_from_query( query_data, target_output_filename ):
50 """ Download file from the json data and write it to target_output_filename.
51 """
52 query_url = query_data.get( 'url' )
53 query_file_type = query_data.get( 'extension' )
54 query_stream = urllib.urlopen( query_url )
55 output_stream = open( target_output_filename, 'wb' )
56 chunk_write( query_stream, output_stream )
57 query_stream.close()
58 output_stream.close()
60 def store_file_from_archive( file_object, target_output_filename, isString=False ):
61 """ Store file after extracting from archive and organize them as a collection using the structure
62 (collection-name)_(file-name).ext as file name
63 """
64 output_stream = open( target_output_filename, 'wb' )
65 #chunk_write(, output_stream )
66 if not isString:
67 output_stream.write(
68 else:
69 output_stream.write(file_object)
70 output_stream.close()
73 def download_extra_data( query_ext_data, base_path ):
74 """ Download any extra data defined in the JSON.
75 NOTE: the "path" value is a relative path to the file on our
76 file system. This is slightly dangerous and we should make every effort
77 to avoid a malicious absolute path to write the file elsewhere on the
78 filesystem.
79 """
80 for ext_data in query_ext_data:
81 if not os.path.exists( base_path ):
82 os.mkdir( base_path )
83 query_stream = urllib.urlopen( ext_data.get( 'url' ) )
84 ext_path = ext_data.get( 'path' )
85 os.makedirs( os.path.normpath( '/'.join( [ base_path, os.path.dirname( ext_path ) ] ) ) )
86 output_stream = open( os.path.normpath( '/'.join( [ base_path, ext_path ] ) ), 'wb' )
87 chunk_write( query_stream, output_stream )
88 query_stream.close()
89 output_stream.close()
92 def metadata_to_json( dataset_id, metadata, filename, ds_type='dataset', primary=False):
93 """ Return line separated JSON """
94 meta_dict = dict( type = ds_type,
95 ext = metadata.get( 'extension' ),
96 filename = filename,
97 name = metadata.get( 'name' ),
98 metadata = metadata.get( 'metadata', {} ) )
99 if metadata.get( 'extra_data', None ):
100 meta_dict[ 'extra_files' ] = '_'.join( [ filename, 'files' ] )
101 if primary:
102 meta_dict[ 'base_dataset_id' ] = dataset_id
103 else:
104 meta_dict[ 'dataset_id' ] = dataset_id
105 return "%s\n" % json.dumps( meta_dict )
108 def walk_on_archive(target_output_filename, check_ext, archive_name, appdata_path, db_key="?"):
109 archive_name = archive_name.replace("_", "-").replace(".", "-")
110 with target_output_filename, check_ext ) as tf:
111 for entry in tf:
112 if entry.isfile():
113 fileobj = tf.extractfile( entry )
114 # reserve the underscore for the collection searator
115 filename = os.path.basename( ).replace("_", "-")
116 extension = splitext( filename )[1]
117 # pattern: (?P<identifier_0>[^_]+)_(?P<identifier_1>[^_]+)_(?P<ext>[^_]+)_(?P<dbkey>[^_]+)
118 if (len(extension) > 0):
119 filename = (filename[0:len(filename)-(len(extension)+1)]).replace(".", "-") + "." + extension + "_" + extension
120 else:
121 extension = "auto"
122 filename_with_collection_prefix = archive_name + "_" + filename + "_" + db_key
123 target_entry_output_filename = os.path.join(appdata_path, filename_with_collection_prefix)
124 store_file_from_archive( fileobj, target_entry_output_filename )
125 return True
128 def download_files_and_write_metadata(query_item, json_params, output_base_path, metadata_parameter_file, primary, appdata_path, options, args):
129 """ Main work function that operates on the JSON representation of
130 one dataset and its metadata. Returns True.
131 """
132 dataset_url, output_filename, \
133 extra_files_path, file_name, \
134 ext, out_data_name, \
135 hda_id, dataset_id = set_up_config_values(json_params)
136 extension = query_item.get( 'extension' )
137 url = query_item.get( 'url' )
138 filename = query_item.get( 'name' )
140 check_ext = ""
141 if ( url.endswith( "gz" ) ):
142 check_ext = "r:gz"
143 elif ( url.endswith( "bz2" ) ):
144 check_ext = "r:bz2"
145 elif ( url.endswith( "tar" ) ):
146 check_ext = "r:"
147 isArchive = bool( check_ext and check_ext.strip() )
149 extra_data = query_item.get( 'extra_data', None )
150 if primary:
151 filename = ''.join( c in VALID_CHARS and c or '-' for c in filename )
152 name = construct_multi_filename( hda_id, filename, extension )
153 target_output_filename = os.path.normpath( '/'.join( [ output_base_path, name ] ) )
154 if isArchive is False:
155 metadata_parameter_file.write( metadata_to_json( dataset_id, query_item,
156 target_output_filename,
157 ds_type='new_primary_dataset',
158 primary=primary) )
159 else:
160 target_output_filename = output_filename
161 if isArchive is False:
162 metadata_parameter_file.write( metadata_to_json( dataset_id, query_item,
163 target_output_filename,
164 ds_type='dataset',
165 primary=primary) )
167 if isArchive is False:
168 download_from_query( query_item, target_output_filename )
169 else:
170 target_output_path = os.path.join(appdata_path, filename)
171 download_from_query( query_item, target_output_path )
172 if extra_data:
173 extra_files_path = ''.join( [ target_output_filename, 'files' ] )
174 download_extra_data( extra_data, extra_files_path )
176 """ the following code handles archives and decompress them in a collection """
177 if ( isArchive ):
178 db_key = "?"
179 archive_metadata = query_item.get( 'metadata', None )
180 if archive_metadata is not None:
181 try:
182 db_key = archive_metadata.get( 'db_key' )
183 except:
184 pass
185 walk_on_archive(target_output_path, check_ext, filename, appdata_path, db_key)
187 return True
190 def set_up_config_values(json_params):
191 """ Parse json_params file and return a tuple of necessary configuration
192 values.
193 """
194 datasource_params = json_params.get( 'param_dict' )
195 dataset_url = datasource_params.get( 'URL' )
196 output_filename = datasource_params.get( 'output1', None )
197 output_data = json_params.get( 'output_data' )
198 extra_files_path, file_name, ext, out_data_name, hda_id, dataset_id = \
199 itemgetter('extra_files_path', 'file_name', 'ext', 'out_data_name', 'hda_id', 'dataset_id')(output_data[0])
200 return (dataset_url, output_filename,
201 extra_files_path, file_name,
202 ext, out_data_name,
203 hda_id, dataset_id)
206 def download_from_json_data( options, args ):
207 """ Parse the returned JSON data and download files. Write metadata
208 to flat JSON file.
209 """
210 output_base_path = options.path
211 appdata_path = options.appdata
212 if not os.path.exists(appdata_path):
213 os.makedirs(appdata_path)
215 # read tool job configuration file and parse parameters we need
216 json_params = json.loads( open( options.json_param_file, 'r' ).read() )
217 print("json_params: "+str(json_params))
219 dataset_url, output_filename, \
220 extra_files_path, file_name, \
221 ext, out_data_name, \
222 hda_id, dataset_id = set_up_config_values(json_params)
223 # line separated JSON file to contain all dataset metadata
224 metadata_parameter_file = open( json_params['job_config']['TOOL_PROVIDED_JOB_METADATA_FILE'], 'wb' )
226 # get JSON response from data source
227 # TODO: make sure response is not enormous
228 query_params = json.loads(urllib.urlopen( dataset_url ).read())
229 # download and write files
230 primary = False
231 #primary = True
232 # query_item, hda_id, output_base_path, dataset_id
233 for query_item in query_params:
234 if isinstance( query_item, list ):
235 # TODO: do something with the nested list as a collection
236 for query_subitem in query_item:
237 primary = download_files_and_write_metadata(query_subitem, json_params, output_base_path,
238 metadata_parameter_file, primary, appdata_path, options, args)
240 elif isinstance( query_item, dict ):
241 primary = download_files_and_write_metadata(query_item, json_params, output_base_path,
242 metadata_parameter_file, primary, appdata_path, options, args)
243 metadata_parameter_file.close()
245 def __main__():
246 """ Read the JSON return from a data source. Parse each line and request
247 the data, download to "newfilepath", and write metadata.
249 Schema
250 ------
252 [ {"url":"http://url_of_file",
253 "name":"encode WigData",
254 "extension":"wig",
255 "metadata":{"db_key":"hg19"},
256 "extra_data":[ {"url":"http://url_of_ext_file",
257 "path":"rel/path/to/ext_file"}
258 ]
259 }
260 ]
262 """
263 # Parse the command line options
264 usage = "Usage: max_size --json_param_file filename [options]"
265 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = usage)
266 parser.add_option("-j", "--json_param_file", type="string",
267 action="store", dest="json_param_file", help="json schema return data")
268 parser.add_option("-p", "--path", type="string",
269 action="store", dest="path", help="new file path")
270 parser.add_option("-a", "--appdata", type="string",
271 action="store", dest="appdata", help="appdata folder name")
272 parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version",
273 default=False, help="display version and exit")
275 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
276 if options.version:
277 print __version__
278 else:
279 download_from_json_data( options, args )
282 if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()