diff Contra/contra.py @ 0:7564f3b1e675

author fcaramia
date Thu, 13 Sep 2012 02:31:43 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Contra/contra.py	Thu Sep 13 02:31:43 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Richard Lupat & Jason Li.
+# > Source License <
+# This file is part of CONTRA.
+#    CONTRA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    CONTRA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with CONTRA.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Last Updated : 23 July 2012 16:43PM
+import os
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import shlex
+from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
+from scripts.assign_bin_number_v2 import *
+from scripts.average_count import *
+from scripts.cn_apply_threshold import *
+from scripts.convert_gene_coordinate import *
+from scripts.convert_targeted_regions import *
+from scripts.split_chromosome import *
+from scripts.vcf_out import *
+from scripts.get_chr_length import *
+from scripts.count_libsize import *
+from scripts.target_breakdown import *
+#Absolute Path
+scriptPath = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
+class Params:
+	"""
+	Class for top-level system parameters
+	"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		# command-line option definition
+		self.parser = OptionParser()
+		self.parser.add_option("-t", "--target", 
+			help="Target region definition file [REQUIRED] [BED Format]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="target")
+		self.parser.add_option("-s", "--test", 
+			help="Alignment file for the test sample [REQUIRED] [BAM/SAM]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="test")	
+		self.parser.add_option("-c", "--control", 
+			help="Alignment file for the control sample [REQUIRED] [BAM/SAM]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="control") 
+		self.parser.add_option("-f", "--fasta", 
+			help="Reference Genome [REQUIRED][FASTA]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="fasta")
+		self.parser.add_option("-o", "--outFolder", 
+			help="the output folder path name to store the output of analysis [REQUIRED]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="outFolder") 
+		self.parser.add_option("--numBin", 
+			help="Numbers of bins to group regions. User can specify multiple experiments with different number of bins (comma separated) [20]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="numBin", default="20") 
+		self.parser.add_option("--minReadDepth", 
+			help="The threshold for minimum read depth for each bases [10]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="minReadDepth", default=10) 
+		self.parser.add_option("--minNBases",
+			help="The threshold for minimum number of bases for each target regions [10]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="minNBases", default= 10) 
+		self.parser.add_option("--sam", 
+			help="If the specified, test and control sample are in SAM [False]",
+			action="store_true", dest="sam", default="False") 
+		self.parser.add_option("--bed",
+			help="if specified, control will be in BED format [False]",
+			action="store_true", dest = "bedInput", default="False")
+		self.parser.add_option("--pval", 
+			help="The p-value threshold for filtering [0.05]. Applies to Adjusted P-Value.",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="pval", default=0.05) 
+		self.parser.add_option("--sampleName", 
+			help ="The name to be appended to the front of default output name ['']",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="sampleName", default='')
+		self.parser.add_option("--nomultimapped", 
+			help="The option to remove multi-mapped reads [False]",
+			action="store_true", dest="nomultimapped",default="False")	
+		self.parser.add_option("-p", "--plot", 
+			help="Plots log-ratio distribution for each bin [False]", 
+			action="store_true", dest="plot", default="False")
+		self.parser.add_option("--minExon",
+			help="Minimum number of Exons in one bin (if less than this, bin that contains small number of exons"
+				+"will be moved to the adjacent bins) [2000] ",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="minExon", default="2000")
+		self.parser.add_option("--minControlRdForCall",
+			help="Minimum control readdepth for call [5]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="minControl", default="5")
+		self.parser.add_option("--minTestRdForCall",
+			help="Minimum test readdepth for call [0]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="minTest", default="0")
+		self.parser.add_option("--minAvgForCall",
+			help="Minimum average coverage for call [20]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="minAvg", default="20")
+		self.parser.add_option("--maxRegionSize",
+			help="Maximum Region Size in target region (for breaking large region into smaller region. By default, maxRegionSize 0 means no breakdown) [0]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="maxRegionSize", default="0") 
+		self.parser.add_option("--targetRegionSize",
+			help="Target Region Size for breakdown (if maxRegionSize is non zero) [200]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="targetRegionSize", default="200")
+		self.parser.add_option("-l", "--largeDeletion",
+                        help="if specified, CONTRA will run large deletion analysis (CBS). User must have DNAcopy R-library installed to run the analysis. [False]",
+                        action="store_true", dest = "large", default="False")
+		self.parser.add_option("--smallSegment",
+			help="CBS segment size for calling large variations [1]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="smallSegment", default="1")
+		self.parser.add_option("--largeSegment",
+			help="CBS segment size for calling large variations [25]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="largeSegment", default="25")
+		self.parser.add_option("--lrCallStart",
+			help="Log ratios start range that will be used to call CNV [-0.3]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="lrs", default="-0.3")
+		self.parser.add_option("--lrCallEnd",
+			help="Log ratios end range that will be used to call CNV [0.3]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="lre", default="0.3")
+		self.parser.add_option("--passSize", 
+			help="Size of exons that passed the p-value threshold compare to the original exon size [0.35]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="passSize", default="0.35")
+		# required parameters list
+		self.ERRORLIST = []
+		# change system parameters based on any command line
+		(options, args) = self.parser.parse_args()
+		if options.target:
+			self.TARGET = options.target
+		else:
+			#self.parser.print_help()
+			#self.parser.error("--target not supplied")
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("target")
+		if options.test:
+			self.TEST = options.test
+		else:
+			#self.parser.error("--test not supplied")
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("test")
+		if options.control:
+			self.CONTROL = options.control
+		else:
+			#self.parser.error("--control not supplied")
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("control")
+		if options.fasta:
+			self.FASTA = options.fasta
+		else:
+			#self.parser.error("--fasta not supplied")
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("fasta")
+		if options.outFolder:
+			self.OUTFOLDER = options.outFolder
+		else:
+			#self.parser.error("--outFolder not supplied")
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("outfolder")
+		if len(self.ERRORLIST) != 0:
+			self.parser.print_help()
+			self.parser.error("Missing required parameters")	
+		if options.numBin:
+			binsNumber = options.numBin.split(",")
+			try:
+				self.NUMBIN = [int(j) for j in binsNumber]
+			except:
+				self.NUMBIN = [20]
+		if options.minReadDepth:
+			self.MINREADDEPTH = int(options.minReadDepth)
+		if options.minNBases:
+			self.MINNBASES = int(options.minNBases)
+		if options.sam:
+			self.SAM = str(options.sam)
+		if options.pval:
+			self.PVAL = options.pval
+		if options.sampleName:
+			self.SAMPLENAME = options.sampleName
+		else:
+			self.SAMPLENAME = 'No-SampleName'
+		if options.nomultimapped:
+			self.NOMULTIMAPPED = str(options.nomultimapped)
+		if options.plot:
+			self.PLOT = str(options.plot)
+		if options.bedInput:
+			self.BEDINPUT = options.bedInput
+		if options.minExon:
+			self.MINEXON	= int(options.minExon)
+		if options.minControl:
+			self.MINCONTROL = options.minControl
+		if options.minTest:
+			self.MINTEST = options.minTest
+		if options.minAvg:
+			self.MINAVG  = options.minAvg
+		if options.maxRegionSize:
+			self.MAXREGIONSIZE = int(options.maxRegionSize)
+		if options.targetRegionSize:
+			self.TARGETREGIONSIZE = int(options.targetRegionSize)
+		if options.large:
+			self.LARGE	= str(options.large)
+		if options.smallSegment:
+			self.SMALLSEGMENT = options.smallSegment
+		if options.largeSegment:
+			self.LARGESEGMENT = options.largeSegment
+		if options.lre:
+			self.LRE	= options.lre
+		if options.lrs:
+			self.LRS	= options.lrs
+		if options.passSize:
+			self.PASSSIZE	= options.passSize
+	def repeat(self):
+		# params test
+		print "target		:", self.TARGET
+		print "test		:", self.TEST
+		print "control		:", self.CONTROL
+		print "fasta		:", self.FASTA
+		print "outfolder	:", self.OUTFOLDER
+		print "numBin		:", self.NUMBIN
+		print "minreaddepth	:", self.MINREADDEPTH
+		print "minNBases	:", self.MINNBASES
+		print "sam		:", self.SAM
+		print "pval		:", self.PVAL
+		print "sampleName	:", self.SAMPLENAME
+		print "nomultimapped	:", self.NOMULTIMAPPED
+		print "plot		:", self.PLOT
+		print "bedInput		:", self.BEDINPUT
+		print "minExon		:", self.MINEXON
+		print "largeDeletion	:", self.LARGE
+def checkOutputFolder(outF):
+	print "Creating Output Folder :",
+	if outF[len(outF)-1] == "/":
+		outF = outF[:len(outF)-1]
+	try:
+		os.mkdir(outF)
+	except:
+		print "cannot create folder '%s'" %outF
+		print "if folder already exist, please specify other folder"
+		sys.exit(1)
+	try:
+		os.mkdir(outF+"/table")
+		os.mkdir(outF+"/plot")
+		os.mkdir(outF+"/buf")
+		os.mkdir(outF+"/buf/ctrData/")
+		os.mkdir(outF+"/buf/testData/")
+	except:
+		sys.exit(1)
+	print " Done."
+	return outF
+def countTotalReads3(params, folder):
+	tempFileName    = folder + "/temp.txt"
+        tempReadFile    = open(tempFileName, "w")
+	libsize		= get_libsize(params.BEDINPUT)
+	tempReadFile.write(libsize)
+        #tempReadFile.write(params.CONTROLREADCOUNT)
+        tempReadFile.close()
+def countTotalReads(params, folder):
+	if 'testData' in folder:
+		inF = params.TEST
+	else:
+		inF = params.CONTROL
+	# Get Total ReadCount
+	getreadcount = os.system("samtools view %s | wc -l > %s/temp.txt" %(inF,folder))
+def samToBam(samfile, bamfile):
+	args = shlex.split("samtools view -bS %s -o %s" %(samfile, bamfile))
+	samtobam = subprocess.call(args)
+	return bamfile
+def removeMultiMapped(inF, newBAM):
+        # Get New BAM Files with mapping quality > 0
+        args = shlex.split("samtools view -bq 1 %s -o %s" %(inF, newBAM))
+	removeMM = subprocess.call(args)
+        print "Multi mapped reads removed. "
+def convertBamSimple(params, folder, targetList, genomeFile):
+	if 'testData' in folder:
+                inF = params.TEST
+                print "Converting TEST Sample... "
+        else:
+                inF = params.CONTROL
+                print "Converting CONTROL Sample... "
+	#Copy file to working folder
+	os.system("cp %s %s" %(inF, folder+"sample.BEDGRAPH"))
+	# Split Bedgraph by its chromosomes
+        splitByChromosome(folder)
+        # Slice the coverage files to only cover the targeted regions
+        print "Getting targeted regions DOC..."
+        convertGeneCoordinate(targetList, folder)
+	libsize = str(get_libsize(folder+"geneRefCoverage2.txt"))
+	tempLibSize = open(folder + "/temp.txt", "w")
+	tempLibSize.write(libsize)
+	tempLibSize.close()
+	print "Targeted regions pre-processing: Done"
+def convertBam(params, folder, targetList, genomeFile):
+	if 'testData' in folder:
+		inF = params.TEST
+		print "Converting TEST Sample... "
+	else:
+		inF = params.CONTROL
+		print "Converting CONTROL Sample... "
+	# Convert BAM Files to BEDGRAPH
+	bedgraph = folder + "sample.BEDGRAPH"
+	args = shlex.split("genomeCoverageBed -ibam %s -bga -g %s" %(inF, genomeFile))
+	#output = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+	iOutFile = open(bedgraph, "w")
+	#iOutFile.write(output)
+	output	= subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = iOutFile).wait()
+	iOutFile.close()
+	# Split Bedgraph by its chromosomes
+	splitByChromosome(folder)
+	# Slice the coverage files to only cover the targeted regions
+	print "Getting targeted regions DOC..."
+	convertGeneCoordinate(targetList, folder)
+        libsize = str(get_libsize(folder+"geneRefCoverage2.txt"))
+	tempLibSize = open(folder + "temp.txt", "w")
+	tempLibSize.write(libsize)
+	tempLibSize.close()
+	print "Targeted regions pre-processing: Done"		
+def analysisPerBin(params, num_bin, outFolder, targetList):
+	import shutil
+	bufLoc = outFolder + "/buf"
+	# Assign bin number to the median and average file
+	numBin = assignBin(num_bin, bufLoc+"/average.txt", bufLoc+"/bin", targetList, params.MINEXON)
+	#copy bin_boundary to plot folder
+	#outBounFile = os.path.join(outFolder,  "plot", "bin_boundary"+str(num_bin))
+	#curBounFile = os.path.join(bufLoc, "bin" + str(num_bin) + ".boundaries.txt")
+	#shutil.copy(curBounFile, outBounFile)
+	print "Significance Test ...  "
+	rScriptName = os.path.join(scriptPath, "scripts", "cn_analysis.v3.R")
+	args = shlex.split("Rscript %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" 
+		%(rScriptName, num_bin, params.MINREADDEPTH, params.MINNBASES, outFolder, params.SAMPLENAME,params.PLOT, numBin, params.MINCONTROL, params.MINTEST, params.MINAVG))
+	rscr = subprocess.call(args)
+	print "Generating Output Files ... "
+	# Analysis of CNV
+	tNameList = os.listdir(outFolder+"/table/")
+	if num_bin > 1:
+		tNameId = str(num_bin) + "bins"
+	else:
+		tNameId = str(num_bin) + "bin"
+        for tName in tNameList:
+		if tNameId in tName:
+			break
+        if "CNATable" in tName:
+		tName = tName[:len(tName)-4]
+		tableName = outFolder + "/table/" + tName
+		bufTable  = bufLoc + "/" + tName
+		applyThreshold(tableName, bufTable, params.PVAL, 100000) #params.MAXGAP = 100000
+		# Large Region CBS
+		if (params.LARGE != "False"):
+		  rScriptName2 = os.path.join(scriptPath, "scripts", "large_region_cbs.R")
+		  args = shlex.split("Rscript %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s"
+			%(rScriptName2, tableName+".txt", params.SMALLSEGMENT, params.LARGESEGMENT, params.PVAL, params.PASSSIZE, params.LRS, params.LRE, bufLoc))
+		  rscr2 = subprocess.call(args)
+		# Generate the DNA sequence (for VCF file)
+		bedFile  = bufTable + ".BED"
+		bedFasta = bufTable + ".fastaOut.txt"
+		fastaFile = params.FASTA
+		args = shlex.split("fastaFromBed -fi %s -bed %s -fo %s -name"
+				%(fastaFile, bedFile, bedFasta))
+		fastaBED = subprocess.call(args)
+		# Write VCF
+		print  "Creating VCF file ... "
+		vcfFile = tableName + ".vcf"
+		vcf_out(bedFasta, vcfFile)
+		print "%s created. " %(vcfFile)
+        else:
+		print "Table not found"
+def removeTempFolder(tempFolderPath):
+	import shutil
+	shutil.rmtree(tempFolderPath)
+	print "Temp Folder Removed"
+def main():
+	# option handling
+	params = Params()
+	params.repeat()
+	# output folder handling
+	outFolder = checkOutputFolder(params.OUTFOLDER)
+	bufLoc = outFolder + "/buf"
+	# convert target file
+	sorted_target = os.path.join(bufLoc, "target.BED")
+	os.system("sort -k1,1 -k2n %s > %s" %(params.TARGET, sorted_target))	
+	# target breakdown
+	if params.MAXREGIONSIZE > 0:
+		new_target = os.path.join(bufLoc, "target_breakdown.BED")
+		target_breakdown(sorted_target, params.MAXREGIONSIZE, params.TARGETREGIONSIZE, new_target)
+		sorted_target = new_target
+	targetList = convertTarget(sorted_target)
+	# convert sam to bam if -sam specified
+	if (params.SAM == "True"):
+		print "Pre-processing SAM files"
+		test_bam = bufLoc + "/test.BAM"
+		ctr_bam  = bufLoc + "/control.BAM"
+		samTest = Process(target= samToBam, args=(params.TEST, test_bam))
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+			samCtr = Process(target= samToBam, args=(params.CONTROL, ctr_bam))
+		samTest.start()
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+			samCtr.start()
+		samTest.join()
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+			samCtr.join()
+		params.TEST = test_bam
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+			params.CONTROL = ctr_bam
+	# remove multi mapped reads if --nomultimapped is specified
+	if (params.NOMULTIMAPPED == "True"):
+		print "Removing multi-mapped reads"
+		test_bam = bufLoc + "/test_reliable.BAM"
+                ctr_bam  = bufLoc + "/control_reliable.BAM"
+                bamTest = Process(target= removeMultiMapped, args=(params.TEST, test_bam))
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+                	bamCtr = Process(target= removeMultiMapped, args=(params.CONTROL, ctr_bam))
+                bamTest.start()
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+	                bamCtr.start()
+                bamTest.join()
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+	                bamCtr.join()
+                params.TEST = test_bam
+		if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+	                params.CONTROL = ctr_bam
+	# Get Chromosome Length
+	genomeFile = bufLoc + '/sample.Genome'
+	get_genome(params.TEST, genomeFile)
+	# spawn bam converting scripts
+	pTest = Process(target= convertBam, 
+			args=(params, bufLoc+'/testData/', targetList, genomeFile))
+	if params.BEDINPUT == "False":
+		cTest = Process(target= convertBam, 
+			args=(params, bufLoc+'/ctrData/' , targetList, genomeFile))
+	else:
+		cTest = Process(target= convertBamSimple,
+			args=(params, bufLoc+'/ctrData/', targetList, genomeFile))
+	# start the processes
+	pTest.start()
+	cTest.start()
+	# wait for all the processes to finish before continuing
+	pTest.join()
+	cTest.join()
+	# Get the read depth count from temporary folder
+	for folder in [bufLoc+'/testData/', bufLoc+'/ctrData/']:	
+		if 'testData' in folder:
+			t1 = int(file.readlines(open(folder+"temp.txt"))[0].strip("\n"))
+		else:
+			n1 = int(file.readlines(open(folder+"temp.txt"))[0].strip("\n"))
+	print "Test file read depth 	= ", t1
+	print "Control file read depth 	= ", n1
+	print "Pre-processing Completed. "
+	# Get the Average of the Log Ratio	
+	print "Getting the Log Ratio ... "
+	testListName = bufLoc + '/testData/geneRefCoverage.txt'
+	controlListName = bufLoc + '/ctrData/geneRefCoverage.txt'
+	avOut = bufLoc + "/average.txt"
+	averageCount(testListName, controlListName, avOut, t1, n1, params.MINREADDEPTH, params.MINNBASES)	
+	# Analysis. [Bin, significance test, large deletion, vcf output] 	
+	print "Binning ... "
+	binProc = []
+	for numBin in params.NUMBIN:	
+		binProc.append(Process(target= analysisPerBin, args=(params,numBin,outFolder,targetList)))
+	for proc in binProc:
+		proc.start()
+	for proc in binProc:
+		proc.join()
+	# Removed Temp Folder 
+	removeTempFolder(bufLoc)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()
+	print "Done... "