# HG changeset patch
# User fgiacomoni
# Date 1480944724 18000
# Node ID e3d43b8c987b25f6b491d95d5fbae3bb2a7b2543
Init repository with last tool-bank-golm-lib_search master version
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b MANUAL_INSTALL.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MANUAL_INSTALL.txt Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+## ****** MON_MODULE environnemnt : ****** ##
+# version 1.0 XX.XX.2016 G Cretin / F Giacomoni / Y Guitton
+## --- PERL compilator / libraries : --- ##
+$ perl -v
+This is perl, v5.18.2 built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
+# libs CORE PERL :
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use FindBin ;
+# libs CPAN PERL :
+$ perl -e 'use SOAP::Lite +trace => [qw (debug)] ;'
+$ perl -e 'use Excel::Writer::XLSX ;'
+$ perl -e 'use JSON ;'
+$ perl -e 'use HTML::Template ;'
+# libs pfem PERL :
+use lib::golm_ws_api qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::msp qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::output qw( :ALL ) ;
+## --- R bin and Packages : --- ##
+No interaction with R
+## --- Binary dependencies --- ##
+## --- Config : --- ##
+## --- XML HELP PART --- ##
+## --- DATASETS --- ##
+## --- ??? COMMENTS ??? --- ##
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b README.md
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.md Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Golm Metabolome Database search spectrum for Galaxy
+[![bioconda-badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/install%20with-bioconda-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](http://bioconda.github.io) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/workflow4metabolomics/tool-bank-golm-lib_search.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/workflow4metabolomics/tool-bank-golm-lib_search)
+Our project
+The [Workflow4Metabolomics](http://workflow4metabolomics.org), W4M in short, is a French infrastructure offering software tool processing, analyzing and annotating metabolomics data. It is based on the Galaxy platform.
+Golm Metabolome Database search spectrum
+Tool using the Golm Library Search WS.
+Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research. Whether on the free public server or your own instance, you can perform, reproduce, and share complete analyses.
+Homepage: [https://galaxyproject.org/](https://galaxyproject.org/)
+Dependencies using Conda
+[Conda](http://conda.pydata.org/) is package manager that among many other things can be used to manage Python packages.
+#To install miniconda2
+#To install the tool dependencies using conda:
+conda install perl-soap-lite perl-list-moreutils perl-json perl-html-template
+#To set an environment:
+conda create -n tool-bank-golm-lib_search perl-soap-lite perl-list-moreutils perl-json perl-html-template`
+#To activate the environment:
+. activate tool-bank-golm-lib_search
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/workflow4metabolomics/tool-bank-golm-lib_search.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/workflow4metabolomics/tool-bank-golm-lib_search)
+Test and Deploy with Confidence. Easily sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI and you'll be testing your code in minutes!
+Historic contributors
+ - Yann Guitton @yguitton - [LABERCA - Laboratory of Food Contaminants and Residue Analysis](http://www.laberca.org/) - Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique - France
+ - Gabriel Cretin - [French Metabolomics and Fluxomics Infrastructure (MetaboHUB)](http://www.metabohub.fr/en) - [La plateforme "Exploration du Métabolisme" (PFEM, Clermont-Ferrand)](http://www6.clermont.inra.fr/plateforme_exploration_metabolisme)
+ - Franck Giacomoni @fgiacomoni - [French Metabolomics and Fluxomics Infrastructure (MetaboHUB)](http://www.metabohub.fr/en) - [La plateforme "Exploration du Métabolisme" (PFEM, Clermont-Ferrand)](http://www6.clermont.inra.fr/plateforme_exploration_metabolisme)
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b conf_golm.cfg
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/conf_golm.cfg Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+## Conf file for golm_ws_lib_search.pl script
+## Version of
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b golm_out.tmpl
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/golm_out.tmpl Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Golm Search Results
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b golm_ws_lib_search.pl
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/golm_ws_lib_search.pl Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+## script : XXX.pl
+# Included modules and versions
+## Perl modules
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use FindBin ; ## Allows you to locate the directory of original perl script
+## Specific Perl Modules (PFEM)
+use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
+my $binPath = $FindBin::Bin ;
+use JSON ;
+## Dedicate Perl Modules PFEM
+use lib::golm_ws_api qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::msp qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::output qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::conf qw( :ALL ) ;
+## Initialized values
+my ($OptHelp,$ri,$riWindow,$gcColumn,$inputFile,$inputMasses) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($maxHits,$mzRes,$maxIons,$threshold,$relative,$noise_threshold) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) = (undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($excel_file,$html_file,$html_template,$json_file,$csv_file) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my (@hits, @ojson) = ( () , () ) ;
+my $encoded_spectra ;
+## if you put no arguments, function help is started
+if (!@ARGV){ &help ; }
+&GetOptions (
+ "help|h" => \$OptHelp, # HELP
+ "inputFile:s" => \$inputFile,
+ "inputMasses:s" => \$inputMasses,
+ "ri:i" => \$ri,
+ "riWindow:i" => \$riWindow,
+ "gcColumn:s" => \$gcColumn,
+ "maxHits:i" => \$maxHits,
+ "mzRes:i" => \$mzRes,
+ "maxIons:i" => \$maxIons,
+ #"noiseThreshold:f" => \$noise_threshold,
+ "JaccardDistanceThreshold:f" => \$JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+ "s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold:f" => \$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ "DotproductDistanceThreshold:f" => \$DotproductDistanceThreshold,
+ "HammingDistanceThreshold:f" => \$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+ "EuclideanDistanceThreshold:f" => \$EuclideanDistanceThreshold,
+ "relative:s" => \$relative,
+ "output_xls:s" => \$excel_file,
+ "output_html:s" => \$html_file,
+ "output_json:s" => \$json_file,
+ "output_tabular:s" => \$csv_file,
+ ) ;
+ die "maxHits must be >= 0\n" unless ($maxHits >= 0) ;
+ die "mzRes must be >= 0 \n" unless ($mzRes >= 0) ;
+ die "maxIons must be >= 0\n" unless ($maxIons >= 0) ;
+ #die "noiseThreshold must be > 0\n" unless ($noise_threshold > 0) ;
+## if you put the option -help or -h function help is started
+if(defined($OptHelp)){ &help ; }
+if( (!defined ($inputFile)) and (!defined($inputMasses) )){ warn "The input data is not defined (File or mass/intensity list AS string)\n" ; &help ; }
+## Create module objects ###
+my $oapi = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+my $omsp = lib::msp->new() ;
+my $o_output = lib::output->new() ;
+my $oConf = lib::conf->new() ;
+## -------------- Conf file ------------------------ :
+my ( $CONF ) = ( undef ) ;
+foreach my $conf ( <$binPath/*.cfg> ) {
+ $CONF = $oConf->as_conf($conf) ;
+## -------------- HTML template file ------------------------ :
+$html_template = <$binPath/golm_out.tmpl> ;
+$CONF->{'HTML_TEMPLATE'} = $html_template ;
+## -------------- Retrieve values from conf file ------------------------ :
+my $ws_url = $CONF->{'WS_URL'} ;
+my $ws_proxy = $CONF->{'WS_PROXY'} ;
+my $default_ri = $CONF->{'RI'} ;
+my $default_ri_window = $CONF->{'RI_WINDOW'} ;
+my $default_gc_column = $CONF->{'GC_COLUMN'} ;
+my $default_entries = $CONF->{'DEFAULT_ENTRIES'} ;
+my $analyte_ref = $CONF->{'ANALYTE_REF'} ;
+my $metabolite_ref = $CONF->{'METABOLITE_REF'} ;
+my $spectrum_ref = $CONF->{'SPECTRUM_REF'} ;
+############# -------------- Test the Golm web service -------------- ############# :
+$oapi->test_query_golm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+############# -------------- Parse the .msp file -------------- ############# :
+my $ref_mzs_res ;
+my $ref_ints_res ;
+## Case when masses are entered manually
+if (defined $inputMasses && !defined $inputFile) {
+ ## Retrieve masses from msp file
+ $ref_mzs_res = $omsp->get_masses_from_string($inputMasses, $mzRes) ;
+ ## Retrieve intensities from msp file
+ $ref_ints_res = $omsp->get_intensities_from_string($inputMasses) ;
+ ## Sorting intensities
+ my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+ #************************
+ # Noise threshold: uncomment if it is not managed in MetaMS
+ #************************
+ ## Apply noise threshold
+ #my ($mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold) = $omsp->keep_ions_above_threshold($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) ;
+ #************************
+ ## Keep a limited number of ions according to $maxIons
+ if($maxIons > 0){
+ ## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+ #$ref_mzs_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+ #$ref_ints_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+ ## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+ $ref_mzs_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+ $ref_ints_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+ }
+ ## Remove redundant masses
+ my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+ ## Relative intensity
+ my $relative_ints_res = undef ;
+ if ($relative eq "true") {
+ my @relative_ints = map { ($_ * 100)/@$ints_res_sorted[0] } @$ints_res_sorted ;
+ $relative_ints_res = \@relative_ints ;
+ }
+ ## Encode spectra
+ if (defined $relative_ints_res) {
+ $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query($mzs_res_sorted, $relative_ints_res) ;
+ }
+ else { $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) ; }
+## Case with the msp file
+elsif (defined $inputFile and -e $inputFile and !defined $inputMasses and defined $mzRes and defined $maxIons and defined $maxHits) {
+ unless (-f $inputFile) { croak "$inputFile is not a file" ; }
+ unless (-s $inputFile) { croak "$inputFile is empty" ; }
+ ## Get masses and their intensities
+ $ref_mzs_res = $omsp->get_mzs($inputFile, $mzRes) ;
+ $ref_ints_res = $omsp->get_intensities($inputFile, $maxIons) ;
+ ## Sorting intensities
+ my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+ #************************
+ # Noise threshold: uncomment if it is not managed in MetaMS
+ #************************
+ ## Apply noise threshold if exists
+ #my ($mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold) = $omsp->keep_ions_above_threshold($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) ;
+ #************************
+ ## Keep only $maxIons ions
+ if($maxIons > 0){
+ ## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+ #$ref_mzs_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+ #$ref_ints_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+ ## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+ $mzs_res_sorted = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+ $ints_res_sorted = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+ }
+ ## Remove redundant masses
+ my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = (undef,undef) ;
+ my @uniq_total_masses = () ;
+ my @uniq_total_intensities = () ;
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$mzs_res_sorted && $i<@$ints_res_sorted ; $i++) {
+ ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants(@$mzs_res_sorted[$i], @$ints_res_sorted[$i]) ;
+ push (@uniq_total_masses , $uniq_masses) ;
+ push (@uniq_total_intensities, $uniq_intensities) ;
+ }
+ ## Relative intensity
+ my $relative_ints_res = undef ;
+ if ($relative eq "true") {
+ $relative_ints_res = $omsp->apply_relative_intensity(\@uniq_total_intensities) ;
+ }
+ ## Encode spectra
+ if (defined $relative_ints_res) {
+ $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query(\@uniq_total_masses, $relative_ints_res) ;
+ }
+ else { $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query(\@uniq_total_masses, \@uniq_total_intensities) ; }
+elsif (!defined $maxHits or !defined $maxIons or !defined $mzRes) { croak "Parameters mzRes or maxIons or maxHits are undefined\n"; }
+elsif (!-f $inputFile) { croak "$inputFile does not exist" ; }
+############# -------------- Send queries to Golm -------------- ############# :
+my $limited_hits ;
+foreach my $spectrum (@$encoded_spectra){
+ ($limited_hits) = $oapi->LibrarySearch ($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+ $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ $DotproductDistanceThreshold,
+ $HammingDistanceThreshold,
+ $EuclideanDistanceThreshold,
+ $ws_url, $ws_proxy,
+ $default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) ;
+ push (@hits , $limited_hits) ;
+############# -------------- Build outputs -------------- ############# :
+my $jsons_obj = $o_output->build_json_res_object(\@hits) ;
+#$o_output->write_json_skel(\$json_file, $jsons_obj) ;
+# Build the ajax data source for html view
+#my $ajax = $o_output->write_ajax_data_source($jsons_obj) ;
+my $tbody_entries = $o_output->add_entries_to_tbody_object($jsons_obj,$analyte_ref,$metabolite_ref,$spectrum_ref) ;
+$o_output->write_html_body($jsons_obj, $tbody_entries, $html_file, $html_template, $default_entries, $jsons_obj) ;
+$o_output->excel_like_output($excel_file, $jsons_obj) ;
+$o_output->write_csv($csv_file , $jsons_obj) ;
+# Help subroutine called with -h option
+# number of arguments : 0
+# Argument(s) :
+# Return : 1
+sub help {
+ print STDERR "
+# golm_ws_lib_search.pl is a script to use SOAP Golm webservice and send specific queries about spectra searches.
+# Input : a list of masses (m/z) and their intensities.
+# Authors : Gabriel Cretin / Franck Giacomoni / Yann Guitton
+# Emails : franck.giacomoni\@clermont.inra.fr
+# gabriel.cretin\@clermont.inra.fr
+# yann.guitton\@oniris-nantes.fr
+# Version : 1.2
+# Created : 03/06/2016
+# Updated : 28/11/2016
+ golm_ws_lib_search.pl -help OR
+ golm_ws_lib_search.pl
+ -spectraFile [.msp file]
+ -spectraMasses [masses + intensities of an ion: 'mz1 int1 mz2 int2 mzx intx...']
+ -ri [Rentention Index: float or integer]
+ -riWindow [Retention Index Window: 1500 or the value of your choice]
+ -gcColumn [AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition: 'VAR5' or 'MDN35' or 'None']
+ -maxHits [Maximum hits per queried spectra: integer >= 1 (100 for all of them)]
+ -mzRes [Number of digits after the decimal point for m/z values: integer (0 if none)]
+ -maxIons [Number of m/z per spectra you want to keep for the queries, default 0 for all detected ions]
+ -noiseThreshold [Ions having intensity values less than this value are ignored]
+ -JaccardDistanceThreshold...............[
+ -s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold......[ Threshold for each score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 (perfect match) < threshlold <= 1 (mismatch) ]
+ -DotproductDistanceThreshold............[
+ -EuclideanDistanceThreshold.............[
+ -HammingDistanceThreshold[Threshold for hamming score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 - perfect match to higher values indicating a mismatch]
+ -relative [Transforms absolute intensities in the msp file into relative intensities: (intensity * 100)/ max(intensitiess), otherwise, leave them absolute: true or false]
+ -output_xls [name of the xls file in output: string]
+ -output_html [name of the html file in output: string]
+ -output_json [name of the json file in output: string]
+ -output_tabular [name of the csv file in output: string]
+ exit(1);
+## END of script
+=head1 NAME
+ golm_ws_lib_search.pl -- script to send GC-MS spectra queries to Golm Metabolome Database (GMD)
+=head1 USAGE
+ golm_ws_lib_search.pl -help OR
+ golm_ws_lib_search.pl
+ -spectraFile [.msp file]
+ -spectraMasses [masses + intensities of an ion: 'mz1 int1 mz2 int2 mzx intx...']
+ -ri [Rentention Index: float or integer]
+ -riWindow [Retention Index Window: 1500 or the value of your choice]
+ -gcColumn [AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition: 'VAR5' or 'MDN35' or 'None']
+ -maxHits [Maximum hits per queried spectra: integer >= 1 (100 for all of them)]
+ -mzRes [Number of digits after the decimal point for m/z values: integer (0 if none)]
+ -maxIons [Number of m/z per spectra you want to keep for the queries, default 0 for all detected ions]
+ -noiseThreshold [Ions having intensity values less than this value are ignored]
+ -JaccardDistanceThreshold...............[
+ -s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold......[ Threshold for each score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 (perfect match) < threshlold <= 1 (mismatch) ]
+ -DotproductDistanceThreshold............[
+ -EuclideanDistanceThreshold.............[
+ -HammingDistanceThreshold[Threshold for hamming score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 - perfect match to higher values indicating a mismatch]
+ -relative [Transforms absolute intensities in the msp file into relative intensities: (intensity * 100)/ max(intensitiess), otherwise, leave them absolute: true or false]
+ -output_xls [name of the xls file in output: string]
+ -output_html [name of the html file in output: string]
+ -output_json [name of the json file in output: string]
+ -output_tabular [name of the csv file in output: string]
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This script sends GC-MS EI spectra from an msp file given in argument to Golm Database, and presents results on a web interface.
+This main program is a ...
+=over 4
+=item B
+=item B
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gabriel Cretin Egabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE
+Franck Giacomoni Efranck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.0 : 03 / 06 / 2016
+version 1.1 : 24 / 06 / 2016
+version 1.2 : 28 / 11 / 2016
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b golm_ws_lib_search.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/golm_ws_lib_search.xml Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ : GC-MS Mass Spectral Database.
+ NO
+ VAR5
+ MDN35
+ NO
+ input_type['choice'] == "YES"
+ input_type['choice'] == "YES"
+ input_type['choice'] == "YES"
+ input_type['choice'] == "NO"
+ input_type['choice'] == "NO"
+ input_type['choice'] == "NO"
+ 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu813
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b lib/conf.pm
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/conf.pm Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+package lib::conf ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0" ;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter) ;
+our @EXPORT = qw( as_conf get_value_from_conf check_path_and_file ) ;
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( as_conf get_value_from_conf )] ) ;
+=head1 NAME
+conf - A module for manage pfem conf file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use conf ;
+ my $object = conf->new() ;
+This module does manage conf file (extract all or selected fields)
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+ ## Description : new
+ ## Input : $self
+ ## Ouput : bless $self ;
+ ## Usage : new() ;
+## START of SUB
+sub new {
+ ## Variables
+ my $self={};
+ bless($self) ;
+ return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD as_conf
+ ## Description : permet de creer l'object conf a partir d'un fichier de conf de type KEY=VALUE
+ ## Input : $file
+ ## Ouput : $oConf (a hash)
+ ## Usage : my ( $oConf ) = as_conf( $file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub as_conf {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $file, $separator ) = @_ ;
+# if (!defined $separator) { $separator = ';' } ## set separator to ;
+ if ( !defined $file ) { croak "Can't create object with an none defined file\n" ; }
+ my %Conf = () ; ## Hash devant contenir l'ensemble des parametres locaux
+ if (-e $file) {
+ open (CFG, "<$file") or die "Can't open $file\n" ;
+ while () {
+ chomp $_ ;
+ if ( $_ =~ /^#(.*)/) { next ; }
+ my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2) ;
+ if (defined $separator) {
+ if ( $value=~/$separator/ ) { ## is a list to split
+ my @tmp = split(/$separator/ , $value) ;
+ $Conf{$key} = \@tmp ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $Conf{$key} = $value ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(CFG) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Can't create object with an none existing file\n" ;
+ }
+ return ( \%Conf ) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD as_conf_list
+ ## Description : permet de charger une liste txt en array
+ ## Input : $file
+ ## Output : elements
+ ## Usage : my ( elements ) = as_conf_list( $conf_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub as_conf_list {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $file ) = @_ ;
+ my @elements = () ;
+ if ( !defined $file ) { croak "Can't create object with an none defined file\n" ; }
+ if (-e $file) {
+ open (CFG, "<$file") or die "Can't open $file\n" ;
+ while () {
+ chomp $_ ;
+ if ( $_ =~ /^#(.*)/) { next ; }
+ elsif ($_ =~/^(.*)/) { if (defined $1) { push (@elements, $1) ; } }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Can't create object with an none existing file\n" ;
+ }
+ return(\@elements) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_value_from_conf
+ ## Description : permet de retourner une valeur du hash de conf a partir d'une key
+ ## Input : $oConf, $Key
+ ## Ouput : $Value
+ ## Usage : my ( $Value ) = get_value_from_conf( $oConf, $Key ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_value_from_conf {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $oConf, $Key ) = @_ ;
+ my $Value = undef ;
+ if ( defined $oConf ) {
+ if ( defined $oConf->{$Key} ) {
+ $Value = $oConf->{$Key} ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Can't manage value with undefined object\n" ;
+ }
+ return($Value) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_value_from_conf
+ ## Description : permet de retourner une valeur du hash de conf a partir d'une key
+ ## Input : $oConf, $Key
+ ## Ouput : $Value
+ ## Usage : my ( $Value ) = get_value_from_conf( $oConf, $Key ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub split_value_from_conf {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $oConf, $Key, $sep ) = @_ ;
+ my $value = undef ;
+ my @values = () ;
+ if ( defined $oConf ) {
+ if ( defined $oConf->{$Key} ) {
+ $value = $oConf->{$Key} ;
+ @values = split ( /$sep/, $value) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Can't manage value with undefined object\n" ;
+ }
+ return(\@values) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD check_path_and_file
+ ## Description : permet de verifier les path et la presence des exe decrits dans le file conf. Bloque le script en cas de probleme
+ ## Input : $oConfs
+ ## Ouput : NA
+ ## Usage : &get_value_from_conf( $oConf ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub check_path_and_file {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $oConfs ) = @_ ;
+ foreach my $conf ( keys %{ $oConfs } ) {
+ if ( $conf =~ /^FILE/ ) {
+ if ( -e $oConfs->{$conf} ) {
+ if ( -s $oConfs->{$conf} ) { next ; }
+ else { carp "[Warning] : The size of file $oConfs->{$conf} is null\n" ; }
+ }
+ else {
+ carp "[Warning] : The file $oConfs->{$conf} doesn't exist\n" ;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $conf =~ /^PATH/ ) {
+ if ( -d $oConfs->{$conf} ) { next ; }
+ else { carp "[Warning] : The dir $oConfs->{$conf} doesn't exist\n" ; }
+ }
+ else { next ; }
+ }
+ return ;
+## END of SUB
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc conf.pm
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is as_conf get_value_from_conf
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Franck Giacomoni Efranck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : 10 / 02 / 2013
+version 2 : ??
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b lib/golm_ws_api.pm
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/golm_ws_api.pm Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+package lib::golm_ws_api ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+#use SOAP::Lite +trace => [qw (debug)];
+use SOAP::Lite ;
+use JSON ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw( connectWSlibrarySearchGolm LibrarySearch test_query_golm filter_scores_golm_results filter_replica_results);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( connectWSlibrarySearchGolm LibrarySearch test_query_golm filter_scores_golm_results filter_replica_results)] );
+=head1 NAME
+My::Module - An example module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use My::Module;
+ my $object = My::Module->new();
+ print $object->as_string;
+This module does not really exist, it
+was made for the sole purpose of
+demonstrating how POD works.
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+ ## Description : new
+ ## Input : $self
+ ## Ouput : bless $self ;
+ ## Usage : new() ;
+sub new {
+ ## Variables
+ my $self={};
+ bless($self) ;
+ return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD connectWSlibrarySearchGolm
+ ## Description : create a soap object throught the webservice LibrarySearch of Golm.
+ ## Input : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+ ## Ouput : $soap ;
+ ## Usage : my $soap = connectWSlibrarySearchGolm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+sub connectWSlibrarySearchGolm() {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_ ;
+ my $osoap = SOAP::Lite
+ -> soapversion('1.2')
+ -> envprefix('soap12')
+ -> readable(1)
+ -> uri( $ws_url )
+ -> proxy( $ws_proxy."/" )
+ -> on_fault(sub { my($soap, $res) = @_;
+ eval { die ref $res ? $res->faultstring : $soap->transport->status, "\n"};
+ return ref $res ? $res : new SOAP::SOM ;
+ });
+ return ($osoap);
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD test_query_golm
+ ## Description : send a test request (default given on ws website) to golm database.
+ ## Input : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+ ## Ouput : $soap ;
+ ## Usage : my $soap = test_query_golm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+sub test_query_golm() {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_ ;
+ my $soap = SOAP::Lite
+ -> uri($ws_url)
+ -> on_action( sub { join '/', $ws_proxy, $_[1] } )
+ -> proxy($ws_proxy, timeout => 500);
+ # Setting Content-Type myself
+ my $http_request = $soap
+ ->{'_transport'}
+ ->{'_proxy'}
+ ->{'_http_request'};
+ $http_request->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
+ my $method = SOAP::Data->name('LibrarySearch')
+ ->attr({xmlns => $ws_proxy."/"});
+ my @params = (
+ SOAP::Data->name('ri' => 1898),
+ SOAP::Data->name('riWindow' => 5),
+ SOAP::Data->name('AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition' => 'VAR5'),
+ SOAP::Data->name('spectrum' => "70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140 1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4 177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23 230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318 1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1" ) );
+ my $som = $soap->call($method => @params);
+ die $som->faultstring if ($som->fault);
+ ## Get the hits + status of the query
+ my $results = $som->result->{Results} ;
+ my $status = $som->result->{Status} ;
+ if ($status eq 'success' && $results ne '') {
+ print "\n\n\nThe test request succeeded - Golm Service available.\n\n\n" ;
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ else { croak "\n\n\nSomething went wrong with the test request. Status delivered by Golm = ".$status."\n\n" ; }
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD LibrarySearch
+ ## Description : Matches a single user submitted GC-EI mass spectrum against the Golm Metabolome Database (GMD).
+ ## A limited amount of hits can be kept according to the maxHits value and after them being filtered by $filter value
+ ## Input : $osoap, $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits
+ ## Ouput : \@limited_hits, \@json_res
+ ## Usage : ($limited_hits,$json_res) = LibrarySearch($osoap, $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits) ;
+sub LibrarySearch() {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,
+ $HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold, $ws_url, $ws_proxy, $default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) = @_ ;
+ #init in case :
+ $ri = $default_ri if ( !defined $ri ) ;
+ $riWindow = $default_ri_window if ( !defined $riWindow ) ;
+ $gcColumn = $default_gc_column if ( !defined $gcColumn ) ;
+ my $result ;
+ my @filtered_limited_res = () ;
+ my @json_res ;
+ if ( defined $spectrum ){
+ if ( $spectrum ne '' ) {
+ my $soap = SOAP::Lite
+ -> uri($ws_url)
+ -> on_action( sub { join '/', $ws_proxy, $_[1] } )
+ -> proxy($ws_proxy);
+ # Setting Content-Type myself
+ my $http_request = $soap
+ ->{'_transport'}
+ ->{'_proxy'}
+ ->{'_http_request'};
+ $http_request->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
+ my $method = SOAP::Data->name('LibrarySearch')
+ ->attr({xmlns => $ws_proxy."/"});
+ my @params = (
+ SOAP::Data->name('ri' => $ri),
+ SOAP::Data->name('riWindow' => $riWindow),
+ SOAP::Data->name('AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition' => $gcColumn),
+ SOAP::Data->name('spectrum' => $spectrum) ) ;
+ my $som = $soap->call($method => @params);
+ die $som->faultstring if ($som->fault);
+ ## Get the hits + status of the query
+ my $results = $som->result->{Results} ;
+ my $status = $som->result->{Status} ;
+ ## Limitate number of hits returned according to user's $maxHit
+ ## and filter hits on specific values with thresholds
+ my @results = @$results ;
+ ### Return all hits
+ my $oapi = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+ if ($maxHits == 100 && $status eq 'success') {
+ my $filtered_res = $oapi->filter_scores_golm_results(\@results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+ if(!@$filtered_res){ push (@$filtered_res , "no results") ; }
+ return ($filtered_res) ;
+ }
+ elsif ($maxHits < 100 && $maxHits > 0 && $status eq 'success'){
+ my $filtered_res_before_hits_limited = $oapi->filter_scores_golm_results(\@results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+ if (@$filtered_res_before_hits_limited) {
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<$maxHits ; $i++) {
+ push (@filtered_limited_res , @$filtered_res_before_hits_limited[$i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!@$filtered_res_before_hits_limited){ push (@filtered_limited_res , "no results") ; }
+ }
+ return (\@filtered_limited_res) ;
+ }
+ else { carp "No match returned from Golm for the query.\n" }
+ }
+ else { carp "The spectrum for query is empty, Golm soap will stop.\n" ; }
+ }
+ else { carp "The spectrum for query is undef, Golm soap will stop.\n" ; }
+ return \@filtered_limited_res ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD filter_scores_golm_results
+ ## Description : filter golm's hits by distance scores
+ ## Input : $results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ ## $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold
+ ## Ouput : \@filtered_res ;
+ ## Usage : my ($filtered_res) = filter_scores_golm_results($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ ## $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+sub filter_scores_golm_results() {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) = @_ ;
+ my @results = @$results ;
+ my @filtered_res = () ;
+ foreach my $res (@results){
+ if ($res->{'JaccardDistance'} <= $JaccardDistanceThreshold && $res->{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} <= $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold
+ && $res->{'DotproductDistance' } <= $DotproductDistanceThreshold && $res->{'HammingDistance'} <= $HammingDistanceThreshold &&
+ $res->{'EuclideanDistance' } <= $EuclideanDistanceThreshold) {
+ push (@filtered_res , $res) ;
+ }
+ }
+ my $oapi = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+ my $sorted_analytes = $oapi->filter_replica_results(\@filtered_res) ;
+ return $sorted_analytes ;
+=head2 METHOD _filter_replica_results
+ ## Description : remove replicated hits, keep the ones with the lowest dot product distance
+ ## Input : $results
+ ## Ouput : \@clean_res ;
+ ## Usage : my ($clean_res) = filter_replica_results($results) ;
+sub filter_replica_results() {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($results) = @_ ;
+ my %seen ;
+ my @sortAnalytes = grep { !$seen{$_->{'analyteName'}}++ } sort { $a->{'DotproductDistance'} <=> $b->{'DotproductDistance'} } @$results ;
+ return \@sortAnalytes ;
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc golm_ws_api.pm
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is connectWSlibrarySearchGolm LibrarySearch test_query_golm filter_scores_golm_results filter_replica_results
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Franck Giacomoni Efranck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE
+Gabriel Cretin Egabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : 03 / 06 / 2016
+version 2 : 24 / 06 / 2016
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b lib/msp.pm
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/msp.pm Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+package lib::msp ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw( get_mzs get_intensities get_masses_from_string get_intensities_from_string keep_only_max_masses keep_only_max_intensities encode_spectrum_for_query sorting_descending_intensities round_num apply_relative_intensity remove_redundants);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( get_mzs get_intensities get_masses_from_string get_intensities_from_string keep_only_max_masses keep_only_max_intensities encode_spectrum_for_query sorting_descending_intensities round_num apply_relative_intensity remove_redundants)] );
+=head1 NAME
+My::Module - An example module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use My::Module;
+ my $object = My::Module->new();
+ print $object->as_string;
+This module does not really exist, it
+was made for the sole purpose of
+demonstrating how POD works.
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+ ## Description : new
+ ## Input : $self
+ ## Ouput : bless $self ;
+ ## Usage : new() ;
+sub new {
+ ## Variables
+ my $self={};
+ bless($self) ;
+ return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_mzs
+ ## Description : parse msp file and get mzs
+ ## Input : $msp_file, $mzRes, $maxIon
+ ## Output : \@total_spectra_mzs
+ ## Usage : my ( $mzs ) = get_mzs( $msp_file , $mzRes, $maxIon) ;
+ ## Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+## START of SUB
+sub get_mzs {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $msp_file, $mzRes ) = @_ ;
+ my @ions = () ;
+ my @temp_mzs = () ;
+ my @uniq_masses ;
+ my @mzs = ();
+ my @total_spectra_mzs = ();
+ my $mz ;
+ my $i = 0 ;
+ open (MSP , "<" , $msp_file) or die $! ;
+ {
+ local $/ = 'Name' ;
+ my @infos = () ;
+ # One line is : "Name -> Name" englobing a whole spectrum with all infos
+ while(my $line = ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ @infos = split (/\n/ , $line) ;
+ # Loop over all lines of a spectrum
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@infos ; $i++) {
+ # Detect spectrum lines only
+ if ($infos[$i] =~ /(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*;\s*/) {
+ @ions = split ( /;/ , $infos[$i] ) ;
+ # Retrieve mzs according to maxIons value
+ foreach my $ion (@ions) {
+ if ($ion =~ /^\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)$/) {
+ $mz = $1 ;
+ # Truncate/round mzs depending on $mzRes wanted
+ if ($mzRes == 0) {
+ my $mz_rounded = sprintf("%.".$mzRes."f", $mz) ;
+ push (@temp_mzs , $mz_rounded) ;
+ }
+ # Check that $mzRes is not greater than the number of digits after comma
+ elsif ($mzRes > 0) {
+ if ($mz !~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) { croak "*********\n\nYou are trying to specify $mzRes significant decimals, but one or more masses in the input file are unitary masses.\nYou should try again with mzRes = 0\n\n\n"; }
+ elsif($mzRes > length(( $mz =~ /.+\.(.*)/)[0] )) {
+ $mz = sprintf("%.".$mzRes."f" , $mz) ;
+ }
+ my $mz_rounded = _round_num($mz,$mzRes) ;
+ push (@temp_mzs , $$mz_rounded) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($line ne '') {
+ @{ $total_spectra_mzs[$i] } = @temp_mzs ;
+ $i++ ;
+ @temp_mzs = () ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print Dumper \@total_spectra_mzs ;
+ close (MSP) ;
+ return(\@total_spectra_mzs) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_intensities
+ ## Description : parse msp file and get intensities
+ ## Input : $msp_file, $maxIons
+ ## Output : \@total_spectra_intensities
+ ## Usage : my ( $intensities ) = get_mzs( $msp_file, $maxIons ) ;
+ ## Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+## START of SUB
+sub get_intensities {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $msp_file ) = @_ ;
+ my @ions = () ;
+ my @temp_intensities = () ;
+ my @intensities = () ;
+ my @total_spectra_intensities = ();
+ my $i = 0 ;
+ open (MSP , "<" , $msp_file) or die $! ;
+ {
+ local $/ = 'Name' ;
+ my @infos = () ;
+ # Extract spectrum
+ while(my $line = ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ @infos = split (/\n/ , $line) ;
+ #Detect spectrum
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@infos ; $i++) {
+ if ($infos[$i] =~ /(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*;\s*?/) {
+ @ions = split ( /;/ , $infos[$i] ) ;
+ # Retrieve intensities
+ foreach my $ion (@ions) {
+ if ($ion =~ /^\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)$/) {
+ my $intensity = $2 ;
+ push ( @temp_intensities , $intensity ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($line ne '') {
+ @{ $total_spectra_intensities[$i] } = @temp_intensities ;
+ $i++ ;
+ @temp_intensities = () ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close (MSP) ;
+ return(\@total_spectra_intensities) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_masses_from_string
+ ## Description : parse a spectrum string and get mzs and intensities
+ ## Input : $spectrum_string, $mzRes
+ ## Output : \@spectrum_intensities_mzs
+ ## Usage : my ( $spectrum_mzs ) = get_masses_from_string( $spectrum_string , $mzRes ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_masses_from_string {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $spectrum_string, $mzRes ) = @_ ;
+ my @intensities = () ;
+ my @mzs = () ;
+ if (defined $spectrum_string) {
+ if ($spectrum_string ne '') {
+ if ($spectrum_string =~ /\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*/ ) {
+ my @val = split (/\s+/ , $spectrum_string) ;
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@val ; $i++) {
+ if ($i%2 == 0) {
+ my $mz = $val[$i] ;
+ # Truncate/round mzs depending on $mzRes wanted
+ if ($mzRes == 0) {
+ $mz = int($mz) ;
+ push ( @mzs , $val[$i] ) ;
+ }
+ # Check that $mzRes is not greater than the number of digits after comma
+ elsif ($mzRes > 0) {
+ if($mzRes > length(( $mz =~ /.+\.(.*)/)[0] )) {
+ $mz = sprintf("%.".$mzRes."f" , $mz) ;
+ }
+ my $mz_rounded = _round_num($mz,$mzRes) ;
+ push ( @mzs , $$mz_rounded ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@mzs) ;
+ }
+ else { croak "Wrong format of the spectrum. See help\n" }
+ }
+ else { croak "Spectrum is empty, the service will stop\n" } ;
+ }
+ else { croak "Spectrum is not defined, service will stop\n" } ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_intensities_from_string
+ ## Description : parse a spectrum string and get intensities
+ ## Input : $spectrum_string
+ ## Output : \@spectrum_intensities
+ ## Usage : my ( $spectrum_intensities ) = get_intensities_from_string( $spectrum_string ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_intensities_from_string {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $spectrum_string ) = @_ ;
+ my @intensities = () ;
+ my @mzs = () ;
+ if (defined $spectrum_string) {
+ if ($spectrum_string ne '') {
+ if ($spectrum_string =~ /\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*/ ) {
+ my @val = split (/\s+/ , $spectrum_string) ;
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@val ; $i++) {
+ if ($i%2 != 0) {
+ my $int = $val[$i] ;
+ push ( @intensities , $int ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@intensities) ;
+ }
+ else { croak "Wrong format of the spectrum. See help\n" }
+ }
+ else { croak "Spectrum is empty, the service will stop\n" } ;
+ }
+ else { croak "Spectrum is not defined, service will stop\n" } ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD sorting_descending_intensities
+ ## Description : sort mzs and intensities arrays by descending intensity values
+ ## Input : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+ ## Output : \@mzs_res, \@ints_res
+ ## Usage : my ( \@mzs_res, \@ints_res ) = sorting_descending_intensities( $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub sorting_descending_intensities {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res ) = @_ ;
+ my @mzs_res = () ;
+ my @ints_res = () ;
+ if ( defined $ref_mzs_res && defined $ref_ints_res ) {
+ if ( (scalar @$ref_mzs_res) != 0 && (scalar @$ref_ints_res) != 0 ) {
+ @mzs_res = @$ref_mzs_res ;
+ @ints_res = @$ref_ints_res ;
+ # Case when we have only one array of masses (input is a string of masses and not a file)
+ if ( ref(@$ref_ints_res[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+ my @sorted_indices = sort { $ints_res[$b] <=> $ints_res[$a] } 0..$#ints_res;
+ @$_ = @{$_}[@sorted_indices] for \(@mzs_res, @ints_res);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Sorting ions by decreasing intensity values
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@ints_res ; $i++) {
+ my @sorted_indices = sort { @{$ints_res[$i]}[$b] <=> @{$ints_res[$i]}[$a] } 0..$#{$ints_res[$i]};
+ @$_ = @{$_}[@sorted_indices] for \(@{$ints_res[$i]},@{$mzs_res[$i]});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { carp "Cannot sort intensities, mzs or intensities are empty" ; return (\@mzs_res, \@ints_res) ; }
+ }
+ else { carp "Cannot sort intensities, mzs or intensities are undef" ; return (\@mzs_res, \@ints_res) ; }
+ return (\@mzs_res, \@ints_res) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD keep_only_max_masses
+ ## Description : keep only $maxIons masses
+ ## Input : $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons
+ ## Output : \@mzs
+ ## Usage : my ( $mzs ) = keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub keep_only_max_masses {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $ref_mzs_res, $maxIons ) = @_ ;
+ my @mzs = () ;
+ my @tot_mzs = () ;
+ if ( ref(@$ref_mzs_res[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+ my $i = 0 ;
+ while (scalar @tot_mzs < $maxIons && $i < @$ref_mzs_res){
+ push (@tot_mzs , $$ref_mzs_res[$i++]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$ref_mzs_res ; $i++) {
+ my $j = 0 ;
+ while (scalar @mzs < $maxIons && $j < @$ref_mzs_res[$i]){
+ push (@mzs , $ref_mzs_res->[$i][$j++]) ;
+ }
+ push (@tot_mzs , \@mzs) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@tot_mzs) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD keep_only_max_intensities
+ ## Description : keep only $maxIons intensities
+ ## Input : $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons
+ ## Output : \@ints
+ ## Usage : my ( $ints ) = keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub keep_only_max_intensities {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $ref_ints_res, $maxIons ) = @_ ;
+ my @ints = () ;
+ my @tot_ints = () ;
+ if ( ref(@$ref_ints_res[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+ my $i = 0 ;
+ while (scalar @tot_ints < $maxIons && $i < @$ref_ints_res){
+ push (@tot_ints , $$ref_ints_res[$i++]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$ref_ints_res ; $i++) {
+ my $j = 0 ;
+ while (scalar @ints < $maxIons && $j < @$ref_ints_res[$i]){
+ push (@ints , $ref_ints_res->[$i][$j++]) ;
+ }
+ push (@tot_ints , \@ints) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@tot_ints) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD encode_spectrum_for_query
+ ## Description : get mzs and intensities values and generate the spectra strings formatted for the WS query (html)
+ ## Input : $mzs, $intensities
+ ## Output : \@encoded_spectra
+ ## Usage : my ( $encoded_spectra ) = get_spectra( $mzs, $intensities ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub encode_spectrum_for_query {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $mzs, $intensities ) = @_ ;
+ my @encoded_spectra = () ;
+ my $spectrum = "" ;
+ my $k = 0 ;
+ #print Dumper $mzs ;
+ if ( defined $mzs && defined $intensities ) {
+ if ( @$mzs && @$intensities ) {
+ # Case when we have only one array of masses (input is a string of masses and not a file)
+ if ( ref(@$mzs[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i< @$mzs ; $i++) {
+ $spectrum = $spectrum . @$mzs[$i] . " " . @$intensities[$i] . " ";
+ }
+ push ( @encoded_spectra , $spectrum ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i< @$mzs ; $i++) {
+ for ( my $j=0 ; $j< @{ @$mzs[$i] } ; $j++ ) {
+ $spectrum = $spectrum . $$mzs[$i][$j] . " " . $$intensities[$i][$j] . " ";
+ }
+ $encoded_spectra[$k] = $spectrum ;
+ $k++ ;
+ $spectrum = '' ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { carp "Cannot encode spectrum, mzs and intensities arrays are empty" ; return \@encoded_spectra ; }
+ }
+ else { carp "Cannot encode spectrum, mzs and intensities are undef" ; return \@encoded_spectra ; }
+ return \@encoded_spectra ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD round_num
+ ## Description : round a number by the sended decimal
+ ## Input : $number, $decimal
+ ## Output : $round_num
+ ## Usage : my ( $round_num ) = round_num( $number, $decimal ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub _round_num {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my ( $number, $decimal ) = @_ ;
+ my $round_num = 0 ;
+ if ( ( defined $decimal ) and ( $decimal > 0 ) and ( defined $number ) and ( $number > 0 ) ) {
+ $round_num = sprintf("%.".$decimal."f", $number); ## a rounding is used : 5.3 -> 5 and 5.5 -> 6
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Can't round any number : missing value or decimal\n" ;
+ }
+ return(\$round_num) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD apply_relative_intensity
+ ## Description : transform absolute intensities into relative intensities
+ ## Input : $intensities
+ ## Output : \@intensities
+ ## Usage : my ( $intensities ) = apply_relative_intensity( $intensities ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub apply_relative_intensity {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($intensities) = @_ ;
+ my @intensities = @$intensities ;
+ my @relative_intensities ;
+ foreach my $ints (@intensities) {
+ my @relative_ints = map { ($_ * 100)/@$ints[0] } @$ints ;
+ push (@relative_intensities , \@relative_ints) ;
+ }
+ return \@relative_intensities ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD remove_redundants
+ ## Description : removes ions with redundant masses
+ ## Input : $masses $intensities
+ ## Output : \@intensities
+ ## Usage : my ( $uniq_masses, $uniq_intensities ) = remove_redundants( $masses, $intensities ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub remove_redundants {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($masses, $intensities) = @_ ;
+ my %uniq = () ;
+ my @uniq_intensities = () ;
+ ## Create hash with key = mass and value = intensity
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$masses ; $i++) {
+ $uniq{ @$masses[$i] } = @$intensities[$i] ;
+ }
+ ## Remove redundant masses
+ my @uniq_masses = uniq(@$masses) ;
+ ## Keep intensities corresponding to uniq masses
+ foreach my $mass (@uniq_masses) {
+ push (@uniq_intensities , $uniq{ $mass }) ;
+ }
+ return (\@uniq_masses , \@uniq_intensities) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD keep_ions_above_threshold
+ ## Description : keep only ions which intensities are above the threshold
+ ## Input : $mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $noiseThreshold
+ ## Output : $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold
+ ## Usage : my ( $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold ) = keep_ions_above_threshold( $mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $noiseThreshold ) ;
+## START of SUB
+#sub keep_ions_above_threshold {
+# ## Retrieve Values
+# my $self = shift ;
+# my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $noiseThreshold) = @_ ;
+# my (@mzs_res_noise_threshold, @ints_res_noise_threshold) = ( (),() ) ;
+# my (@mzs_res_noise_threshold_temp, @ints_res_noise_threshold_temp) = ( (),() ) ;
+# my $i = 0 ;
+# my $j = 0 ;
+# # Case when we have only one array of masses (input is a string of masses and not a file)
+# if ( ref(@$mzs_res_sorted[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+# while( @$ints_res_sorted[$i] > $noiseThreshold && $i < scalar @$mzs_res_sorted) {
+# push ( @mzs_res_noise_threshold , @$mzs_res_sorted[$i] ) ;
+# push ( @ints_res_noise_threshold , @$ints_res_sorted[$i] ) ;
+# $i++ ;
+# }
+# }
+# else {
+# while( $i < @$ints_res_sorted ) {
+# while( $$ints_res_sorted[$i][$j] > $noiseThreshold && $j < scalar @$ints_res_sorted[$i]) {
+# push ( @mzs_res_noise_threshold_temp , $$mzs_res_sorted[$i][$j] ) ;
+# push ( @ints_res_noise_threshold_temp , $$ints_res_sorted[$i][$j] ) ;
+# $j++ ;
+# }
+# push ( @mzs_res_noise_threshold , \@mzs_res_noise_threshold_temp ) ;
+# push ( @ints_res_noise_threshold , \@ints_res_noise_threshold_temp ) ;
+# $i++ ;
+# }
+# }
+# return (\@mzs_res_noise_threshold, \@ints_res_noise_threshold) ;
+## END of SUB
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc csv.pm
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is get_spectra
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gabriel Cretin Egabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : 03 / 06 / 2016
+version 2 : 24 / 06 / 2016
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b lib/output.pm
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/output.pm Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+package lib::output ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use HTML::Template ;
+use JSON ;
+use FindBin ;
+use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
+my $binPath = $FindBin::Bin ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(build_json_res_object excel_output write_html_body add_entries_to_tbody_object write_json_skel write_ajax_data_source excel_like_output);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw(build_json_res_object excel_output write_html_body add_entries_to_tbody_object write_json_skel write_ajax_data_source excel_like_output)] );
+=head1 NAME
+My::Module - An example module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use My::Module;
+ my $object = My::Module->new();
+ print $object->as_string;
+This module does not really exist, it
+was made for the sole purpose of
+demonstrating how POD works.
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+ ## Description : new
+ ## Input : $self
+ ## Ouput : bless $self ;
+ ## Usage : new() ;
+sub new {
+ ## Variables
+ my $self={};
+ bless($self) ;
+ return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD build_json_res_object
+ ## Description : build json from array of hits
+ ## Input : $results
+ ## Output : \@json_results
+ ## Usage : my ( \@json_results ) = build_json_res_object( $results ) ;
+ ## JSON structure: [
+# {
+# 'id' : 'int',
+# 'nb_hits' : int,
+# 'searchResults' : [
+# {
+# 'metaboliteID' : GUID
+# 'distance_scores' : {
+# 'EuclideanDistance' : float
+# 'DotproductDistance' : int
+# 'HammingDistance' : int
+# 'JaccardDistance' : int
+# 's12GowerLegendreDistance' : int
+# }
+# 'ri_infos' : {
+# 'ri' : float
+# 'riDiscrepancy' : float
+# }
+# 'analyte' : {
+# 'id' : GUID
+# 'name' : string
+# }
+# 'spectrum' : {
+# 'id' : GUID
+# 'name' : string
+# }
+# },
+# .
+# .
+# .
+# ]
+# }
+# .
+# .
+# .
+# ]
+## START of SUB
+sub build_json_res_object {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $results ) = @_ ;
+ my @json_results ;
+ my @array_results = @$results ;
+ my $nb_hits = 0 ;
+ my $i = 0 ;
+ my $spectrumID = 1 ;
+ ## Loop on each spectra
+ foreach my $res (@array_results) {
+ if (@$res[0] eq 'no results'){
+ my %hit_infos = () ;
+ $json_results[$i]{'id'} = $spectrumID++ ;
+ $json_results[$i]{'nb_hits'} = $nb_hits ;
+ $hit_infos{'metaboliteID'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'EuclideanDistance'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'DotproductDistance'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'HammingDistance'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'JaccardDistance'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'ri'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'riDiscrepancy'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'analyte'}{'id'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'analyte'}{'name'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'id'} = "" ;
+ $hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'name'} = "no results" ;
+ push ( @{ $json_results[$i]{'searchResults'} } , \%hit_infos );
+ }
+ else {
+ $nb_hits = scalar @$res;
+ $json_results[$i]{'id'} = $spectrumID++ ;
+ $json_results[$i]{'nb_hits'} = $nb_hits ;
+ ## Loop on each hit of a spectrum + build json
+ foreach my $href (@$res) {
+ if (!defined $href){
+ last ;
+ }
+ else {
+ my %hash_res = %$href ;
+ my %hit_infos = () ;
+ # Get rid of false results
+ if ($hash_res{'metaboliteID'} eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') {
+ --$json_results[$i]{'nb_hits'} ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $hit_infos{'metaboliteID'} = $hash_res{'metaboliteID'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'EuclideanDistance'} = $hash_res{'EuclideanDistance'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'DotproductDistance'} = $hash_res{'DotproductDistance'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'HammingDistance'} = $hash_res{'HammingDistance'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'JaccardDistance'} = $hash_res{'JaccardDistance'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} = $hash_res{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'ri'} = $hash_res{'ri'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'riDiscrepancy'} = $hash_res{'riDiscrepancy'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'analyte'}{'id'} = $hash_res{'analyteID'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'analyte'}{'name'} = $hash_res{'analyteName'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'id'} = $hash_res{'spectrumID'} ;
+ $hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'name'} = $hash_res{'spectrumName'} ;
+ push ( @{ $json_results[$i]{'searchResults'} } , \%hit_infos );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $i++ ;
+ }
+ return \@json_results ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD add_entries_to_tbody_object
+ ## Description : initialize and build the entries object needed by HTML::Template
+ ## Input : $results
+ ## Output : \@tbody_entries
+ ## Usage : my ( $tbody_entries ) = add_entries_to_tbody_object( $results ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub add_entries_to_tbody_object {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $results ) = @_ ;
+ my @tbody_entries = () ;
+ foreach my $href_grp (@$results) {
+ foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+ my %grp_res = () ;
+ ## Add hyperlinks
+ if ( $hit->{'spectrum'}{'name'} ne 'no results') {
+ %grp_res = (
+ ID => $href_grp->{id} ,
+ ANALYTE_NAME => $hit->{analyte}{name} ,
+ SPECTRUM_NAME => $hit->{spectrum}{name} ,
+ RI => $hit->{ri_infos}{ri} ,
+ RI_DISCREPANCY => $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy} ,
+ DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance} ,
+ EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance} ,
+ JACCARD_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance} ,
+ HAMMING_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance} ,
+ S12_GOWER_LEGENDRE_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance} ,
+ SPECTRUM_ID => $hit->{spectrum}{id} ,
+ METABOLITE_ID => $hit->{metaboliteID} ,
+ ANALYTE_ID => $hit->{analyte}{id},
+ ANALYTE_REF => 'http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/Analytes/'.$hit->{analyte}{id}.'.aspx',
+ SPECTRUM_REF => 'http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/Spectrums/'.$hit->{spectrum}{id}.'.aspx',
+ METABOLITE_REF => 'http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/Metabolites/'.$hit->{metaboliteID}.'.aspx',
+ ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ %grp_res = (
+ ID => $href_grp->{id} ,
+ ANALYTE_NAME => $hit->{analyte}{name} ,
+ SPECTRUM_NAME => $hit->{spectrum}{name} ,
+ RI => $hit->{ri_infos}{ri} ,
+ RI_DISCREPANCY => $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy} ,
+ DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance} ,
+ EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance} ,
+ JACCARD_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance} ,
+ HAMMING_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance} ,
+ S12_GOWER_LEGENDRE_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance} ,
+ SPECTRUM_ID => $hit->{spectrum}{id} ,
+ METABOLITE_ID => $hit->{metaboliteID} ,
+ ANALYTE_ID => $hit->{analyte}{id},
+ ANALYTE_REF => 'http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/',
+ SPECTRUM_REF => 'http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/',
+ METABOLITE_REF => 'http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/',
+ ) ;
+ }
+ push (@tbody_entries , \%grp_res) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return \@tbody_entries ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_html_body
+ ## Description : Write the html output file
+ ## Input : $results, $tbody_entries, $html_file, $html_template
+ ## Output : $html_file
+ ## Usage : $o_output->write_html_body( $results, $tbody_entries, $html_file, $html_template ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_html_body {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $results, $tbody_entries, $html_file_name, $html_template, $default_entries, $jsons_obj ) = @_ ;
+ if (defined $html_file_name){
+ open (HTML, '>', $html_file_name) or die "Failed to open filehandle: $!" ;
+ if (-e $html_template) {
+ my $ohtml = HTML::Template->new(filename => $html_template) ;
+# $ohtml->param( DATA => $jsons_obj ) ;
+ $ohtml->param( GROUPS => $tbody_entries ) ;
+ $ohtml->param( DEFAULT_ENTRIES => $default_entries ) ;
+ print HTML $ohtml->output ;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Problem about your html template: no html template available\n" ;
+ }
+ close (HTML) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Problem with the html output file: $html_file_name is not defined\n" ;
+ }
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD excel_output
+ ## Description : create an excel XLS output of the results
+ ## Input : $jsons, $excel_file
+ ## Output : excel file
+ ## Usage : $o_output->excel_output( $jsons, $excel_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+#sub excel_output {
+# ## Retrieve Values
+# my $self = shift ;
+# my ( $excel_file, $jsons ) = @_ ;
+# # Create a new workbook and add a worksheet
+# my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $excel_file ) ;
+# my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet() ;
+# my $i = 0 ;
+# # Create a format for the headings
+# my $format = $workbook->add_format() ;
+# $format->set_bold() ;
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 0, "Num Spectre" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 1, "Analyte Name" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 2, "Spectrum Name" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 3, "Retention Index" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 4, "RI Discrepancy" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 5, "DotproductDistance" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 6, "EuclideanDistance" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 7, "JaccardDistance" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 8, "HammingDistance" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 9, "s12GowerLegendreDistance" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 10, "Spectrum ID" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 11, "Metabolite ID" , $format);
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 12, "Analyte ID" , $format);
+# $i++;
+# foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons) {
+# foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 0, $href_grp->{id} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 1, $hit->{analyte}{name} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 2, $hit->{spectrum}{name} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 3, $hit->{ri_infos}{ri} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 4, $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 5, $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 6, $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 7, $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 8, $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 9, $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 10, $hit->{spectrum}{id} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 11, $hit->{metaboliteID} );
+# $worksheet->write( $i, 12, $hit->{analyte}{id});
+# $i++;
+# }
+# }
+# $workbook->close();
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD excel_like_output
+ ## Description : create an excel like output of the results
+ ## Input : $jsons, $excel_file
+ ## Output : excel file
+ ## Usage : $o_output->excel_like_output( $jsons, $excel_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub excel_like_output {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $excel_file, $jsons ) = @_ ;
+ open (OUT , ">" , $excel_file) or die "Error at opening file $excel_file" ;
+ print OUT "Num Spectre\tAnalyte Name\tSpectrum Name\tRetention Index\tRI Discrepancy\tDotproductDistance\tEuclideanDistance\tJaccardDistance\tHammingDistance\ts12GowerLegendreDistance\tSpectrum ID\tMetabolite ID\tAnalyte ID\n" ;
+ foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons) {
+ foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+ print OUT "$href_grp->{id}\t$hit->{analyte}{name}\t$hit->{spectrum}{name}\t$hit->{ri_infos}{ri}\t$hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance}\t$hit->{spectrum}{id}\t$hit->{metaboliteID}\t$hit->{analyte}{id}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close (OUT) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_json_skel
+ ## Description : prepare and write json output file
+ ## Input : $json_file, $scalar
+ ## Output : json file
+ ## Usage : $o_output->write_json_skel( $csv_file, $scalar ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_json_skel {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $json_file, $json_obj ) = @_ ;
+ my $utf8_encoded_json_text = encode_json $json_obj ;
+ open(JSON, '>:utf8', $$json_file) or die "Can't create the file $$json_file\n" ;
+ print JSON $utf8_encoded_json_text ;
+ close(JSON) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_csv
+ ## Description : write csv output file
+ ## Input : $xlsx_file, $csv_file
+ ## Output : csv file
+ ## Usage : $o_output->write_csv( $xlsx_file, $csv_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_csv {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $csv_file, $jsons ) = @_ ;
+ open (CSV , ">" , $csv_file) or die "Can't create the file $csv_file\n" ;
+ print CSV "\"Num Spectre\"\t\"Analyte Name\"\t\"Spectrum Name\"\t\"Retention Index\"\t\"RI Discrepancy\"\t\"DotproductDistance\"\t\"EuclideanDistance\"\t\"JaccardDistance\"\t\"HammingDistance\"\t\"s12GowerLegendreDistance\"\t\"Spectrum ID\"\t\"Metabolite ID\"\t\"Analyte ID\"\n" ;
+ foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons) {
+ foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+ print CSV "\"$href_grp->{id}\"\t\"$hit->{analyte}{name}\"\t\"$hit->{spectrum}{name}\"\t\"$hit->{ri_infos}{ri}\"\t\"$hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{spectrum}{id}\"\t\"$hit->{metaboliteID}\"\t\"$hit->{analyte}{id}\"\n" ;
+ }
+ }
+ close(CSV) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_ajax_data_source
+ ## Description : write csv output file
+ ## Input : $jsons_obj
+ ## Output :
+ ## Usage : $o_output->write_ajax_data_source( $jsons_obj ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_ajax_data_source {
+ ## Retrieve Values
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ( $jsons_obj ) = @_ ;
+ my %ajax = () ;
+ my $i = 0 ;
+ #open (AJAX,">ajax.txt") or die "ERROR at opening file" ;
+ foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons_obj) {
+ foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $href_grp->{id}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{spectrum}{name}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{analyte}{name}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{ri_infos}{ri}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{spectrum}{id}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{metaboliteID}) ;
+ push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{analyte}{ID}) ;
+ $i++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ my $ajax = encode_json \%ajax ;
+ return $ajax ;
+ #print AJAX $ajax ;
+#END of SUB
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc csv.pm
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is get_spectra
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gabriel Cretin Egabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE
+Franck Giacomoni Efranck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : ??
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b planemo_test.sh
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo_test.sh Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+planemo conda_init --conda_prefix /tmp/mc/
+planemo conda_install --conda_prefix /tmp/mc/ .
+planemo test --install_galaxy --conda_dependency_resolution --conda_prefix /tmp/mc/ --no_cleanup
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b t/data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 19
+73.0465 826983.38; 74.0481 70018.08; 75.0319 69475.73; 100.0573 37477.24; 103.0227 43054.28;
+116.0884 1433179.62; 117.0905 151975.23; 118.0869 53105.64; 128.0526 26404.77; 131.0359 22647.44;
+133.0438 22141.56; 147.0666 255488.28; 48.066 49965.66; 149.0551 37762.38; 190.1069 72568.23;
+191.1063 18017.34; 192.1023 6460.8; 207.0333 35435.81; 218.1028 30528.82;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b t/data/peakspectra_test.msp
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/data/peakspectra_test.msp Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 24.53
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.01
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 73.0465 57.7027030289; 74.0481 4.8855062564; 75.0319 4.847663826; 100.0573 2.6149715972; 103.0227 3.004109143;
+ 116.0884 100; 117.0905 10.6040602224; 118.0869 3.7054420297; 128.0526 1.8423908372; 131.0359 1.5802234196;
+ 133.0438 1.5449256807; 147.0666 17.8266754868; 148.066 3.4863501617; 149.0551 2.6348672192; 190.1069 5.0634427805;
+ 191.1063 1.257158541; 192.1023 0.4508018332; 207.0333 2.4725309728; 218.1028 2.1301461153;
+Name: Histidine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+39.022 16; 41.038 38; 41.039 12; 42.034 11; 43.041 7;
+54.034 169; 55.042 104; 56.049 999; 56.05 9; 66.032 166;
+66.033 34; 67.04 16; 68.048 86; 68.049 13; 69.044 41;
+81.044 469; 82.052 695; 83.059 999; 93.044 606; 95.06 112;
+110.07 999; 111.054 16; 112.086 2; 138.065 2; 156.074 999;
+Name: L-Alanine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+73.0465 826983.38; 74.0481 70018.08; 75.0319 69475.73; 100.0573 37477.24; 103.0227 43054.28;
+116.0884 1433179.62; 117.0905 151975.23; 118.0869 53105.64; 128.0526 26404.77; 131.0359 22647.44;
+133.0438 22141.56; 147.0666 255488.28; 48.066 49965.66; 149.0551 37762.38; 190.1069 72568.23;
+191.1063 18017.34; 192.1023 6460.8; 207.0333 35435.81; 218.1028 30528.82;
+Name: L-Leucine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+59.0317 111211.31; 73.0465 1904156.25; 73.0887 176802.89; 74.0478 172098.67; 75.034 126044.58;
+100.0578 148105.59; 102.0732 557823.12; 103.0737 58556.5; 116.0893 113683.96; 131.0348 50693.96;
+133.0477 79174.27; 142.1041 51780.19; 147.0656 486292; 148.0669 84540.63; 149.0594 53340.05;
+158.1362 4905104; 159.1367 769335.25; 159.1838 164298.34; 160.1347 213437.45; 170.0993 56866.69;
+218.1033 189619.22; 232.155 215419.53; 233.1535 69567.91; 260.1492 87687.36;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b t/golm_ws_LibrarySearch_test.t
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/golm_ws_LibrarySearch_test.t Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+#! perl
+use diagnostics;
+use warnings;
+no warnings qw/void/;
+use strict;
+no strict "refs" ;
+use Test::More qw( no_plan );
+use FindBin ;
+use Carp ;
+## Specific Modules
+use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
+my $binPath = $FindBin::Bin ;
+use lib::golm_ws_api_test qw( :ALL ) ;
+## To launch the right sequence : API, MSP...
+my $sequence = 'MSP' ;
+my $current_test = 1 ;
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+if ($sequence eq "API") {
+ ## testing api module of golm wrapper.
+ ## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ print "\n\t\t\t * * * * * * \n" ;
+ print "\t * * * - - - Test Golm API module - - - * * * \n\n" ;
+ ## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test test_query_golm with default parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( test_query_golmTest("http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de", "http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/webservices/wsLibrarySearch.asmx"),
+"Method \'test_query_golm\' Test Golm webservice with default spectrum");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+print "\n** Test $current_test connectWSlibrarySearchGolm with real uri and proxy **\n" ; $current_test++;
+isa_ok( connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest("http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de", "http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/webservices/wsLibrarySearch.asmx"), 'SOAP::Lite' );
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+# $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+# $EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column
+# Structure of res : @limited_hits = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ], @json_res = [ ojson1, ojson2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test LibrarySearch with a list of mzs, intensities and real search parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(LibrarySearchTest(1898, 5, "VAR5", "70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140 1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4 177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23 230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318 1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1",
+ 2, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5,"http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de", "http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/webservices/wsLibrarySearch.asmx",1500, 3000, "VAR5"),
+ [
+ {
+ 'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+ 'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+ 'HammingDistance' => 51,
+ 'ri' => '1899.05493',
+ 'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573764',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.2849162'
+ },
+ {
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.0041610254',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.238709673',
+ 'ri' => '1897.25439',
+ 'spectrumID' => 'd00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180',
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.367506444',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '0.745605469',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.007327365',
+ 'HammingDistance' => 37,
+ 'analyteID' => '6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a',
+ 'metaboliteID' => 'ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2'
+ }
+ ]
+ ,
+ "Method \'LibrarySearch\' returns a list of hits for a spectrum and parameters given in argument");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+# $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+# $EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test BUG LibrarySearch with a list of mzs, intensities and empty spectrum **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(LibrarySearchTest(1898, 5, "VAR5", "", 2, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5,"http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de", "http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/webservices/wsLibrarySearch.asmx",1500, 3000, "VAR5"),
+"Method \'LibrarySearch\' returns a list of hits for a spectrum and parameters given in argument");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+# $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+my $results = [
+ {
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.2849162',
+ 'ri' => '1899.05493',
+ 'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+ 'HammingDistance' => '51',
+ 'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+ 'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+ },
+ {
+ 'analyteName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-3]',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '0.745605469',
+ 'ri' => '1897.25439',
+ 'metaboliteID' => 'ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.835855663',
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.771266937',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.0228821356',
+ 'HammingDistance' => '718',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.007299051',
+ 'analyteID' => '6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a',
+ 'spectrumID' => '274f5578-3087-4c10-8a6c-6ffa6eb4bd6c'
+ }
+ ] ;
+print "\n** Test $current_test filter_scores_golm_results with results and thresholds **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(filter_scores_golm_resultsTest($results, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5),
+ [
+ {
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+ 'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+ 'ri' => '1899.05493',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+ 'HammingDistance' => 51,
+ 'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.2849162',
+ 'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157'
+ }
+ ],
+"Method \'filter_scores_golm_results\' returns results wich have distance scores under thresholds");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+# $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+$results = [
+ {
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+ 'ri' => '1899.05493',
+ 'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+ 'HammingDistance' => '51',
+ 'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+ 'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+ },
+ {
+ 'analyteName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-3]',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '0.745605469',
+ 'ri' => '1897.25439',
+ 'metaboliteID' => 'ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.835855663',
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.771266937',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.0228821356',
+ 'HammingDistance' => '718',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.007299051',
+ 'analyteID' => '6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a',
+ 'spectrumID' => '274f5578-3087-4c10-8a6c-6ffa6eb4bd6c'
+ }
+ ] ;
+print "\n** Test $current_test filter_scores_golm_results with results having too high distance scores **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(filter_scores_golm_resultsTest($results, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5),
+ [],
+"Method \'filter_scores_golm_results\' returns results wich have distance scores under thresholds");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $results
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+$results = [
+ {
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+ 'ri' => '1899.05493',
+ 'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+ 'HammingDistance' => '51',
+ 'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+ 'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+ },
+ {
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+ 'ri' => '1899.05493',
+ 'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+ 'HammingDistance' => '51',
+ 'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+ 'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.07376573671',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+ }
+ ] ;
+print "\n** Test $current_test filter_replica_results with real parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ {
+ 's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+ 'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+ 'ri' => '1899.05493',
+ 'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+ 'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+ 'HammingDistance' => '51',
+ 'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+ 'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+ 'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+ 'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+ 'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+ 'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+ }
+ ],
+"Method \'filter_replica_results\' returns results with unique spectra with lowest dotproduct");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+elsif ($sequence eq "MSP") {
+ ## testing msp module of golm wrapper.
+ ## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ print "\n\t\t\t * * * * * * \n" ;
+ print "\t * * * - - - Test MSP parsing module - - - * * * \n\n" ;
+ ## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file, $mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_mzs from a .msp file normal parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( get_mzsTest('./data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp',0),
+ [
+ [
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 100,
+ 103,
+ 116,
+ 117,
+ 118,
+ 128,
+ 131,
+ 133,
+ 147,
+ 48,
+ 149,
+ 190,
+ 191,
+ 192,
+ 207,
+ 218
+ ]
+ ],
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file, $mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_mzs from a .msp file: specific mzRes **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( get_mzsTest('./data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp',2),
+ [
+ [
+ '73.05',
+ '74.05',
+ '75.03',
+ '100.06',
+ '103.02',
+ '116.09',
+ '117.09',
+ '118.09',
+ '128.05',
+ '131.04',
+ '133.04',
+ '147.07',
+ '48.07',
+ '149.06',
+ '190.11',
+ '191.11',
+ '192.10',
+ '207.03',
+ '218.10'
+ ]
+ ],
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file ");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file, $mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_mzs from a .msp file: too big mzRes **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( get_mzsTest('./data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp',10),
+ [
+ [
+ '73.0465000000',
+ '74.0481000000',
+ '75.0319000000',
+ '100.0573000000',
+ '103.0227000000',
+ '116.0884000000',
+ '117.0905000000',
+ '118.0869000000',
+ '128.0526000000',
+ '131.0359000000',
+ '133.0438000000',
+ '147.0666000000',
+ '48.0660000000',
+ '149.0551000000',
+ '190.1069000000',
+ '191.1063000000',
+ '192.1023000000',
+ '207.0333000000',
+ '218.1028000000'
+ ]
+ ],
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file ");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_intensities from a .msp file **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ [
+ '826983.38',
+ '70018.08',
+ '69475.73',
+ '37477.24',
+ '43054.28',
+ '1433179.62',
+ '151975.23',
+ '53105.64',
+ '26404.77',
+ '22647.44',
+ '22141.56',
+ '255488.28',
+ '49965.66',
+ '37762.38',
+ '72568.23',
+ '18017.34',
+ '6460.8',
+ '35435.81',
+ '30528.82'
+ ]
+ ],
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $inputSpectra,$mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_masses_from_stringTest from string of mzs and intensities **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(get_masses_from_stringTest('70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100
+ 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140
+ 1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4
+ 177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23
+ 230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318
+ 1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1', 0),
+ [
+ '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '97', '98', '99', '100', '101', '102', '103', '104', '105', '106', '107', '111', '112', '113', '114', '115', '116', '117', '118', '119', '126', '127', '128', '129', '130', '131', '132', '133', '134', '135', '140', '141', '142', '143', '144', '145', '146', '147', '148', '149', '150', '151', '156', '157', '158', '159', '160', '161', '162', '163', '164', '168', '169', '170', '172', '173', '174', '175', '177', '186', '187', '189', '190', '191', '192', '193', '201', '202', '203', '204', '205', '206', '207', '208', '210', '214', '215', '216', '217', '218', '219', '220', '221', '222', '229', '230', '231', '232', '233', '234', '235', '243', '244', '245', '246', '247', '256', '262', '263', '269', '270', '274', '275', '277', '278', '291', '292', '293', '300', '305', '306', '307', '308', '318', '319', '320', '321', '322', '323', '343', '364', '365'
+ ],
+"Method \'get_masses_from_stringTest\' return an array containing all masses from a string");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $inputSpectra
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_intensities_from_stringTest from string of mzs and intensities **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(get_intensities_from_stringTest("70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100
+ 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140
+ 1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4
+ 177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23
+ 230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318
+ 1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1"),
+ [
+ '3', '3', '16', '999', '87', '78', '4', '5', '1', '6', '13', '4', '3', '4', '5', '4', '52', '4', '2', '2', '1', '4', '12', '16', '9', '116', '11', '26', '2', '1', '1', '1', '4', '11', '7', '5', '93', '9', '8', '1', '3', '3', '101', '19', '25', '4', '60', '8', '4', '1', '1', '4', '13', '2', '6', '1', '276', '44', '27', '3', '1', '1', '70', '12', '5', '148', '26', '7', '8', '1', '1', '2', '1', '3', '4', '1', '4', '4', '2', '1', '28', '7', '13', '2', '1', '5', '1', '3', '23', '162', '31', '16', '2', '2', '1', '2', '8', '88', '18', '8', '1', '6', '1', '23', '6', '11', '3', '4', '3', '1', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '1', '3', '1', '2', '1', '4', '1', '4', '1', '7', '2', '1', '1', '4', '1', '4', '1', '1', '122', '37', '17', '3', '1', '1', '2', '1'
+ ],
+"Method \'get_intensities_from_stringTest\' return an array containing all intensities from a string");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs,$intensities
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test encode_spectrum_for_query from mzs and intensities arrays **\n" ; $current_test++;
+my $mzs = [
+ [73,147,157,160,205,217,272,319,320],
+ [73,129,147,157,160,205,217,319,320]
+ ] ;
+my $intensities = [
+ [5764652,5244020,3561241,3454586,4437872,3601276,30900.41,5352581,3587208],
+ [5551756,3361335,5231997,3641748,3947240,4374348,3683153,5377373,3621938]
+ ];
+ '73 5764652 147 5244020 157 3561241 160 3454586 205 4437872 217 3601276 272 30900.41 319 5352581 320 3587208 ',
+ '73 5551756 129 3361335 147 5231997 157 3641748 160 3947240 205 4374348 217 3683153 319 5377373 320 3621938 ',
+"Method \'encode_spectrum_for_query\' return an array containing WS formatted spectrum strings");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs,$intensities
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test encode_spectrum_for_query from empty mzs and intensities arrays **\n" ; $current_test++;
+$mzs = [] ;
+$intensities = [];
+"Method \'encode_spectrum_for_query\' return an array containing WS formatted spectrum strings");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs,$intensities
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test encode_spectrum_for_query from undef mzs and intensities arrays **\n" ; $current_test++;
+"Method \'encode_spectrum_for_query\' return an array containing WS formatted spectrum strings");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test keep_only_max_masses from mzs arrays according to a max ions given in argument **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ '73', '147', '205', '160', '319', '103', '129', '117', '217', '74', '75', '157', '133', '89', '148', '320', '206', '189', '149', '105', '161', '131', '204', '229', '130', '218', '321', '72', '101', '207', '83', '143', '191', '100', '158', '104', '114', '231', '102', '118', '119', '134', '163', '216', '219', '115', '162', '190', '291', '82', '145', '221', '230', '77', '87', '116', '159', '201', '76', '84', '86', '88', '90', '99', '113', '132', '135', '142', '173', '175', '177', '233', '274', '277', '305', '307', '70', '71', '85', '127', '128', '150', '172', '203', '232', '234', '262', '322', '91', '97', '106', '144', '169', '186', '192', '208', '210', '215', '244', '246', '269', '292', '364', '81', '98', '107', '111', '112', '126', '140', '141', '146', '151', '156', '164', '168', '170', '174', '187', '193', '202', '214', '220', '222', '235', '243', '245', '247', '256', '263', '270', '275', '278', '293', '300', '306', '308', '318', '323', '343', '365'
+ ], 2),
+ [
+ '73',
+ '147'
+ ],
+"Method \'keep_only_max_masses\' return an array containing the number of masses to send to Golm");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test keep_only_max_intensities from intensity arrays according to a max ions given in argument **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ 999,276,162,148,122,116,101,93,88,87,78,70,60,52,44,37,31,28,27,26,26,25,23,23,19,18,17,16,16,16,13,13,13,12,12,11,11,11,9,9,8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ ], 2),
+ [
+ 999,
+ 276
+ ],
+"Method \'keep_only_max_intensities\' return an array containing the number of intensities to send to Golm");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities sort mzs and intensities arrays by descending intensity values **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ '70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','90','91','97','98','99','100','101','102','103','104','105','106','107','111','112','113','114','115','116','117','118','119','126','127','128','129','130','131','132','133','134','135','140','141','142','143','144','145','146','147','148','149','150','151','156','157','158','159','160','161','162','163','164','168','169','170','172','173','174','175','177','186','187','189','190','191','192','193','201','202','203','204','205','206','207','208','210','214','215','216','217','218','219','220','221','222','229','230','231','232','233','234','235','243','244','245','246','247','256','262','263','269','270','274','275','277','278','291','292','293','300','305','306','307','308','318','319','320','321','322','323','343','364','365'
+ ],
+ [
+ '3','3','16','999','87','78','4','5','1','6','13','4','3','4','5','4','52','4','2','2','1','4','12','16','9','116','11','26','2','1','1','1','4','11','7','5','93','9','8','1','3','3','101','19','25','4','60','8','4','1','1','4','13','2','6','1','276','44','27','3','1','1','70','12','5','148','26','7','8','1','1','2','1','3','4','1','4','4','2','1','28','7','13','2','1','5','1','3','23','162','31','16','2','2','1','2','8','88','18','8','1','6','1','23','6','11','3','4','3','1','1','2','1','2','1','1','3','1','2','1','4','1','4','1','7','2','1','1','4','1','4','1','1','122','37','17','3','1','1','2','1'
+ ]),
+ [
+ '73','147','205','160','319','103','129','117','217','74','75','157','133','89','148','320','206','189','149','105','161','131','204','229','130','218','321','72','101','207','83','143','191','100','158','104','114','231','102','118','119','134','163','216','219','115','162','190','291','82','145','221','230','77','87','116','159','201','76','84','86','88','90','99','113','132','135','142','173','175','177','233','274','277','305','307','70','71','85','127','128','150','172','203','232','234','262','322','91','97','106','144','169','186','192','208','210','215','244','246','269','292','364','81','98','107','111','112','126','140','141','146','151','156','164','168','170','174','187','193','202','214','220','222','235','243','245','247','256','263','270','275','278','293','300','306','308','318','323','343','365'
+ ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of mz sorted accordingly to the rearrangment of the ints array");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities sort mzs and intensities arrays by descending intensity values **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ '70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','90','91','97','98','99','100','101','102','103','104','105','106','107','111','112','113','114','115','116','117','118','119','126','127','128','129','130','131','132','133','134','135','140','141','142','143','144','145','146','147','148','149','150','151','156','157','158','159','160','161','162','163','164','168','169','170','172','173','174','175','177','186','187','189','190','191','192','193','201','202','203','204','205','206','207','208','210','214','215','216','217','218','219','220','221','222','229','230','231','232','233','234','235','243','244','245','246','247','256','262','263','269','270','274','275','277','278','291','292','293','300','305','306','307','308','318','319','320','321','322','323','343','364','365'
+ ],
+ [
+ '3','3','16','999','87','78','4','5','1','6','13','4','3','4','5','4','52','4','2','2','1','4','12','16','9','116','11','26','2','1','1','1','4','11','7','5','93','9','8','1','3','3','101','19','25','4','60','8','4','1','1','4','13','2','6','1','276','44','27','3','1','1','70','12','5','148','26','7','8','1','1','2','1','3','4','1','4','4','2','1','28','7','13','2','1','5','1','3','23','162','31','16','2','2','1','2','8','88','18','8','1','6','1','23','6','11','3','4','3','1','1','2','1','2','1','1','3','1','2','1','4','1','4','1','7','2','1','1','4','1','4','1','1','122','37','17','3','1','1','2','1'
+ ]),
+ [
+ 999,276,162,148,122,116,101,93,88,87,78,70,60,52,44,37,31,28,27,26,26,25,23,23,19,18,17,16,16,16,13,13,13,12,12,11,11,11,9,9,8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of ints sorted by descending intensity values");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities remove redundant masses **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ '70','71','71','73'
+ ],
+ [
+ '147','259','276','45'
+ ]),
+ [
+ '70','71','73'
+ ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of masses of non redundant ions");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities remove redundant masses **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ '70','71','71','73'
+ ],
+ [
+ '147','259','276','45'
+ ]),
+ [
+ '147','276','45'
+ ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of ints of non redundant ions");
+## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $uniq_total_intensities
+# Structure of res: [ [int1,int2,...] , ... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test apply_relative_intensity make intensities to relative **\n" ; $current_test++;
+ [
+ [
+ '1433179.62','826983.38','255488.28','151975.23','72568.23','70018.08','69475.73','53105.64','49965.66','43054.28','37762.38','37477.24','35435.81','30528.82','26404.77','22647.44','22141.56','18017.34','6460.8'
+ ]
+ ],
+ ),
+ [
+ [
+ '100','57.7027030289476','17.8266754867753','10.6040602224025','5.063442780466','4.88550625636164','4.84766382597598','3.7054420296599','3.48635016174735','3.00410914299772','2.63486721922546','2.61497159720985','2.47253097277507','2.13014611525107','1.84239083723504','1.58022341958784','1.54492568070428','1.25715854095106','0.450801833199386'
+ ]
+ ],
+"Method \'apply_relative_intensity\' return the arrays of relativ intensities");
+else {
+ croak "Can\'t launch any test : no sequence clearly defined !!!!\n" ;
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b t/lib/golm_ws_api_test.pm
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/lib/golm_ws_api_test.pm Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+package lib::golm_ws_api_test ;
+use diagnostics; # this gives you more debugging information
+use warnings; # this warns you of bad practices
+use strict; # this prevents silly errors
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw( keep_only_max_massesTest keep_only_max_intensitiesTest test_query_golmTest connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest LibrarySearchTest encode_spectrum_for_queryTest get_mzsTest get_intensitiesTest get_masses_from_stringTest get_intensities_from_stringTest sorting_descending_intensities1Test sorting_descending_intensities2Test remove_redundants1Test remove_redundants2Test filter_scores_golm_resultsTest filter_replica_resultsTest apply_relative_intensityTest);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( keep_only_max_massesTest keep_only_max_intensitiesTest test_query_golmTest connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest LibrarySearchTest encode_spectrum_for_queryTest get_mzsTest get_intensitiesTest get_masses_from_stringTest get_intensities_from_stringTest sorting_descending_intensities1Test sorting_descending_intensities2Test remove_redundants1Test remove_redundants2Test filter_scores_golm_resultsTest filter_replica_resultsTest apply_relative_intensityTest)] );
+use lib::golm_ws_api qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::msp qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::output qw( :ALL ) ;
+### Test API module ###
+sub test_query_golmTest {
+ my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_;
+ my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+ my ($status) = $oBih->test_query_golm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+ return ($status) ;
+sub connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest {
+ my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_ ;
+ my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+ my ($soap) = $oBih->connectWSlibrarySearchGolm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+ return ($soap) ;
+sub LibrarySearchTest {
+ my ($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+ $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+ $EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) = @_ ;
+ my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+ my ($limited_hits) =$oBih->LibrarySearch($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+ $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+ $EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) ;
+ return ($limited_hits) ;
+sub filter_scores_golm_resultsTest {
+ my ($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) = @_ ;
+ my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+ my ($filtered_res_before_hits_limited) = $oBih->filter_scores_golm_results($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+ $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+ return ($filtered_res_before_hits_limited) ;
+sub filter_replica_resultsTest {
+ my ($results) = @_ ;
+ my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+ my ($sortAnalytes) = $oBih->filter_replica_results($results) ;
+ return ($sortAnalytes) ;
+### Test MSP module ###
+sub get_mzsTest {
+ my ($inputSpectra, $mzRes) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my $mzs = $omsp->get_mzs ($inputSpectra, $mzRes) ;
+ return($mzs) ;
+sub get_intensitiesTest {
+ my ($inputSpectra) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my $intensities = $omsp->get_intensities($inputSpectra) ;
+ return($intensities) ;
+sub get_masses_from_stringTest {
+ my ($inputSpectra, $mzRes) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($ref_mzs_res) = $omsp->get_masses_from_string($inputSpectra, $mzRes) ;
+ return($ref_mzs_res) ;
+sub get_intensities_from_stringTest {
+ my ($inputSpectra) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($ref_ints_res) = $omsp->get_intensities_from_string($inputSpectra) ;
+ return($ref_ints_res) ;
+sub keep_only_max_massesTest {
+ my ($ref_mzs_res, $maxIons) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($mzs_res_sorted) = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses($ref_mzs_res, $maxIons) ;
+ return($mzs_res_sorted) ;
+sub keep_only_max_intensitiesTest {
+ my ($ref_ints_res, $maxIons) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities($ref_ints_res, $maxIons) ;
+ return($ints_res_sorted) ;
+sub sorting_descending_intensities1Test {
+ my ($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) ;
+ return($mzs_res_sorted) ;
+sub sorting_descending_intensities2Test {
+ my ($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) ;
+ return($ints_res_sorted) ;
+sub encode_spectrum_for_queryTest {
+ my ($mzs_res_sorted, $relative_ints_res) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query($mzs_res_sorted, $relative_ints_res) ;
+ return ($encoded_spectra) ;
+sub remove_redundants1Test {
+ my ($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res, $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+ return ($uniq_masses ) ;
+sub remove_redundants2Test {
+ my ($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res, $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+ return ($uniq_intensities) ;
+sub apply_relative_intensityTest {
+ my ($uniq_total_intensities) = @_;
+ my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+ my ($relative_ints_res) = $omsp->apply_relative_intensity($uniq_total_intensities) ;
+ return ($relative_ints_res) ;
+1 ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/KHanaoka_peakspectra.msp
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/KHanaoka_peakspectra.msp Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,995 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 21.716
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0034
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 34 1872; 36 4218; 37 39432; 38 76320; 39 394560;
+ 40 63368; 41 582144; 42 606848; 43 431680; 44 44888;
+ 45 499264; 46 17176; 47 15103; 49 2157; 50 3843;
+ 51 2281; 52 2201; 53 15926; 54 5466; 55 274496;
+ 56 14999; 60 2631168; 61 67568; 62 10726; 68 8040;
+ 69 45736; 70 23664; 71 72120; 73 877056; 74 33392;
+ 75 3772; 87 39608; 88 45784; 89 14154; 90 896;
+Name: Unknown 2
+DB.idx: -2
+rt: 3.513
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 49
+ 38 1882; 39 92080; 40 19592; 41 480832; 42 32344;
+ 43 236928; 44 9597; 50 1989; 51 6101; 52 3524;
+ 53 33960; 54 7422; 55 180224; 56 962752; 57 2366976;
+ 58 104656; 59 1985; 63 1022; 65 6145; 66 2078;
+ 67 18928; 68 3234; 69 57408; 70 19928; 71 145600;
+ 72 8488; 77 5033; 78 1226; 79 5690; 80 844;
+ 81 5024; 82 1579; 83 32352; 84 4554; 85 118632;
+ 86 8063; 93 979; 95 1734; 97 10545; 98 6114;
+ 99 106120; 100 8584; 111 2090; 112 72392; 113 45768;
+ 114 3665; 154 609; 155 9266; 156 1436;
+Name: Unknown 3
+DB.idx: -3
+rt: 23.84
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 54
+ 37 7073; 38 20224; 39 248384; 40 35488; 41 550912;
+ 42 136384; 43 525248; 44 31760; 45 194496; 46 8497;
+ 47 6316; 49 2397; 50 19512; 51 29464; 52 10230;
+ 53 63488; 54 19584; 55 630656; 56 186368; 57 1009344;
+ 58 51240; 59 165376; 60 333120; 61 23528; 62 4084;
+ 63 3412; 65 3729; 67 8115; 68 3773; 69 46152;
+ 70 45040; 71 9504; 73 576704; 74 555520; 75 51688;
+ 76 3653; 77 3575; 81 9534; 82 3455; 83 158144;
+ 84 9385; 87 64288; 88 5187; 97 16776; 98 6155;
+ 99 12940; 100 3073; 101 34232; 102 2837; 103 5049;
+ 104 2812; 115 1848; 117 3546; 132 1975;
+Name: Unknown 4
+DB.idx: -4
+rt: 24.238
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 45
+ 37 3606; 38 10762; 39 129176; 40 21632; 41 270080;
+ 42 135168; 43 183936; 44 14971; 45 164352; 46 5267;
+ 47 4082; 50 5846; 51 9314; 52 3492; 53 20872;
+ 54 7617; 55 156672; 56 91288; 57 100008; 58 6730;
+ 59 19280; 60 922752; 61 93328; 62 6487; 63 2150;
+ 65 2738; 67 4649; 68 5233; 69 31944; 70 30864;
+ 71 7478; 73 431168; 74 61272; 75 4651; 80 4459;
+ 83 10227; 87 129904; 97 4419; 98 4035; 99 8020;
+ 105 2057; 119 3784; 129 740; 159 4461; 160 722;
+Name: Unknown 5
+DB.idx: -5
+rt: 26.546
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 60
+ 33 3190; 36 2157; 37 34912; 38 84760; 39 481600;
+ 40 120640; 41 529984; 42 236608; 43 278784; 44 32992;
+ 45 97512; 46 5979; 47 8652; 49 10603; 50 58488;
+ 51 87648; 52 35960; 53 84160; 54 27776; 55 256192;
+ 56 78720; 57 27384; 58 46680; 59 3982; 61 25072;
+ 62 40008; 63 64536; 64 16117; 65 200256; 66 258688;
+ 67 431680; 68 56176; 69 148288; 70 82096; 71 41056;
+ 72 2862; 77 6989; 78 1293; 79 32568; 80 2950;
+ 81 9911; 82 14707; 83 45944; 84 51584; 85 4913;
+ 86 1722; 92 1862; 93 14284; 94 15111; 95 54368;
+ 97 862592; 98 107328; 99 331648; 100 23656; 101 2449;
+ 110 2377; 111 53768; 112 409600; 113 29776; 114 2942;
+Name: Unknown 6
+DB.idx: -6
+rt: 23.158
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 33
+ 37 3709; 38 9334; 39 84024; 40 11251; 41 150592;
+ 42 93848; 43 101920; 44 11079; 45 123480; 46 5126;
+ 47 3737; 49 1890; 50 8897; 51 9698; 52 3186;
+ 53 14335; 54 5375; 55 101248; 56 53168; 57 25432;
+ 59 11406; 60 799488; 61 38376; 62 3749; 69 4646;
+ 73 301120; 74 28576; 75 2881; 82 2492; 83 5137;
+ 85 7704; 87 18536; 101 1836;
+Name: Unknown 7
+DB.idx: -7
+rt: 19.993
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 36 1394; 37 3932; 38 2945; 39 5378; 41 12047;
+ 42 33232; 43 26448; 44 15855; 45 362368; 46 32080;
+ 47 19056; 52 2998; 53 16480; 54 4117; 55 106752;
+ 56 92184; 57 185152; 58 7053; 59 4947; 73 265024;
+ 74 395264; 75 16339; 76 1841; 82 2631; 98 2957;
+ 111 2197; 125 875;
+Name: Unknown 8
+DB.idx: -8
+rt: 4.668
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 39 14553; 41 74752; 43 64768; 53 5585; 54 1279;
+ 55 28176; 56 46888; 57 436096; 58 19080; 67 2983;
+ 69 7267; 70 16105; 83 10388; 84 2162; 85 8550;
+ 97 4523; 98 12271; 99 59848; 100 4446; 112 9866;
+ 113 24632; 114 2411;
+Name: Unknown 9
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 28.9
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 80
+ 38 2041; 39 21824; 40 3862; 41 26680; 50 5168;
+ 51 17928; 52 12583; 53 21744; 54 7217; 55 16912;
+ 62 3197; 63 10232; 64 3595; 65 19320; 66 7181;
+ 67 8744; 69 4683; 75 3127; 76 4791; 77 47392;
+ 78 18208; 79 21400; 80 3712; 81 6606; 82 6700;
+ 89 7684; 90 2474; 91 45592; 92 5991; 93 8375;
+ 94 8681; 95 4980; 102 3471; 103 15319; 104 8129;
+ 105 18232; 106 5607; 107 19808; 108 6860; 109 13748;
+ 110 8791; 111 963; 115 22480; 116 7709; 117 6544;
+ 118 2203; 119 4681; 120 2054; 121 11480; 122 14465;
+ 123 8295; 124 27224; 125 16150; 126 1652; 127 1341;
+ 128 2019; 129 1177; 131 10627; 132 6478; 133 7281;
+ 134 3523; 135 7740; 136 4765; 137 226240; 138 21248;
+ 139 3045; 145 1201; 146 1113; 147 3094; 148 2810;
+ 149 13988; 150 16373; 151 4172; 163 1728; 165 298048;
+ 166 33056; 167 3162; 180 146368; 181 17360; 182 1672;
+Name: Unknown 10
+DB.idx: -10
+rt: 2.849
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 37 6048; 38 14298; 39 118144; 40 16536; 41 272000;
+ 42 57408; 43 213120; 44 295360; 45 36480; 46 1465;
+ 49 1726; 50 8025; 51 7541; 52 1880; 53 14046;
+ 54 1655; 58 147968; 59 5947; 67 4409; 68 4135;
+ 69 4425; 71 56200; 72 3186; 85 3215; 86 11936;
+Name: Unknown 11
+DB.idx: -11
+rt: 6.723
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 37 2210; 38 6017; 39 72816; 40 13461; 41 186560;
+ 42 37888; 43 141184; 44 222336; 45 44008; 46 1502;
+ 50 3882; 51 5965; 52 1842; 53 11405; 54 7642;
+ 55 46736; 56 193536; 57 144448; 58 22184; 62 894;
+ 63 1293; 65 1737; 67 25712; 68 2222; 69 4923;
+ 70 4926; 71 26440; 72 44704; 79 1104; 81 4034;
+ 82 33808; 83 4260; 99 1780; 147 484; 191 902;
+Name: Unknown 12
+DB.idx: -12
+rt: 1.953
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0065
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 37 3720; 38 5789; 39 28424; 41 73920; 42 13373;
+ 43 158848; 58 35848; 72 40080;
+Name: Unknown 13
+DB.idx: -13
+rt: 4.782
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 41 34368; 43 42432; 56 27320; 57 150336; 58 7013;
+ 83 4728; 85 9035;
+Name: Unknown 14
+DB.idx: -14
+rt: 10.588
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 31
+ 39 11544; 41 60000; 42 17360; 43 118936; 53 3634;
+ 54 2904; 55 27056; 56 25136; 57 146624; 58 6761;
+ 67 2310; 68 1512; 69 10129; 70 16792; 71 70264;
+ 72 3728; 82 1182; 83 5513; 84 9898; 85 42608;
+ 86 3062; 97 2717; 98 7717; 99 7089; 112 4919;
+ 113 3748; 126 2028; 127 2674; 140 825; 141 1301;
+ 170 3720;
+Name: Unknown 15
+DB.idx: -15
+rt: 7.992
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 23
+ 38 1736; 39 9039; 50 5693; 51 14189; 52 4416;
+ 62 2017; 63 6048; 64 1123; 65 11223; 75 1482;
+ 76 1558; 77 11177; 78 9765; 79 5194; 89 3770;
+ 91 132032; 92 10149; 102 1284; 103 4419; 104 1544;
+ 105 6776; 106 43264; 107 3804;
+Name: Unknown 16
+DB.idx: -16
+rt: 16.683
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 39 14772; 41 68560; 43 134464; 53 5514; 55 58504;
+ 56 28656; 57 159168; 58 7931; 67 3523; 68 4232;
+ 69 15488; 70 17608; 71 89072; 72 5441; 82 2901;
+ 83 8639; 84 10619; 85 56416; 86 3768; 97 8520;
+ 98 8715; 99 12452; 111 12220; 112 6225; 113 5442;
+ 119 1376; 126 5067; 127 3392; 140 2307; 141 2569;
+ 154 950; 155 1577; 168 472; 169 708; 198 3045;
+Name: Unknown 17
+DB.idx: -17
+rt: 16.38
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 40
+ 39 34160; 40 6138; 41 109448; 42 33496; 43 83496;
+ 44 69088; 45 19776; 51 2691; 52 1221; 53 9752;
+ 54 18704; 55 71296; 56 76248; 57 126816; 58 9283;
+ 65 1878; 66 4223; 67 25792; 68 33632; 69 37000;
+ 70 40920; 71 17608; 72 8350; 79 3515; 80 1462;
+ 81 28424; 82 37216; 83 16656; 84 2080; 85 4034;
+ 86 2863; 93 1187; 95 25376; 96 22296; 97 3177;
+ 98 34064; 99 6522; 109 2835; 114 7796; 124 2334;
+Name: Unknown 18
+DB.idx: -18
+rt: 5.381
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 41 34408; 43 42304; 53 3276; 55 15674; 56 26008;
+ 57 117472; 58 5595; 70 26024; 71 40192; 72 2396;
+ 83 4371; 84 2377; 85 11524; 86 802; 98 2140;
+ 99 4718; 111 740; 113 5077; 126 886; 127 2427;
+Name: Unknown 19
+DB.idx: -19
+rt: 4.394
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 39 10361; 41 44416; 42 13187; 43 85768; 53 2911;
+ 54 1701; 55 16648; 56 26272; 57 110696; 58 5070;
+ 69 5872; 70 12230; 71 34152; 72 2270; 84 8617;
+ 85 24264; 86 1894; 98 4792; 99 5021; 112 2814;
+ 113 3471; 142 3451;
+Name: Unknown 20
+DB.idx: -20
+rt: 19.557
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 37 3209; 38 4074; 49 3525; 50 27640; 51 46568;
+ 52 11822; 62 2255; 63 3247; 74 9572; 75 4548;
+ 76 5382; 77 90872; 78 17768; 105 89216; 106 95392;
+ 107 7872;
+Name: Unknown 21
+DB.idx: -21
+rt: 11.592
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 39 7952; 50 1596; 51 3273; 52 2454; 53 15957;
+ 54 2589; 65 2043; 67 3647; 68 3085; 77 1941;
+ 79 3076; 81 92912; 82 21968; 83 3166; 94 4197;
+ 95 5232; 96 1879; 109 2305; 123 1243; 138 14140;
+ 139 1820;
+Name: Unknown 22
+DB.idx: -22
+rt: 24.776
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 49
+ 51 5620; 52 2313; 53 5500; 54 2315; 63 3863;
+ 64 1826; 65 6019; 71 5897; 75 4151; 77 15399;
+ 78 5301; 87 4978; 89 3421; 91 18488; 92 3718;
+ 93 3291; 102 1053; 103 5649; 104 2102; 105 5448;
+ 107 2846; 108 2902; 109 2332; 115 5500; 116 1713;
+ 118 886; 119 4235; 120 1420; 121 17848; 122 2276;
+ 123 3131; 124 4492; 131 2242; 132 1087; 133 2220;
+ 135 2926; 136 6281; 138 4514; 139 4815; 147 2648;
+ 148 2058; 149 11581; 151 26312; 152 2766; 163 2303;
+ 164 40024; 179 90880; 194 46480; 195 6487;
+Name: Unknown 23
+DB.idx: -23
+rt: 8.45
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 23
+ 38 1483; 39 8239; 50 3614; 51 8912; 52 4213;
+ 53 2464; 62 1935; 63 5169; 64 1029; 65 5895;
+ 75 940; 77 10457; 78 5636; 79 5533; 89 2326;
+ 91 81904; 92 6367; 102 1206; 103 5086; 104 1859;
+ 105 16704; 106 41288; 107 3724;
+Name: Unknown 24
+DB.idx: -24
+rt: 25.842
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 39 12410; 40 10566; 41 46840; 42 43904; 52 2085;
+ 54 2841; 56 12891; 84 17760; 85 81640; 86 4343;
+Name: Unknown 25
+DB.idx: -25
+rt: 26.056
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 43 81304; 103 12884; 115 4552; 116 5955; 145 9137;
+Name: Unknown 26
+DB.idx: -26
+rt: 3.843
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0087
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 38 1835; 42 11607; 43 79696; 50 1563; 86 10446;
+Name: Unknown 27
+DB.idx: -27
+rt: 9.852
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 39 6138; 50 3019; 51 6887; 52 3352; 53 1815;
+ 62 1297; 63 3326; 64 753; 65 4249; 77 7590;
+ 78 4234; 79 4066; 89 1741; 91 65696; 92 4933;
+ 102 738; 103 4221; 104 1766; 105 11618; 106 29768;
+ 107 2740;
+Name: Unknown 28
+DB.idx: -28
+rt: 29.257
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 43
+ 50 1560; 51 3939; 52 1900; 53 5159; 54 1552;
+ 63 2378; 64 837; 65 5695; 67 2492; 77 14606;
+ 78 2513; 79 4916; 80 857; 81 2376; 82 1542;
+ 93 2206; 103 3679; 105 2830; 107 13067; 108 1712;
+ 109 2690; 110 1684; 115 2052; 119 1321; 121 3621;
+ 122 2411; 123 2370; 124 3415; 125 2597; 131 1663;
+ 132 725; 133 1964; 134 1016; 135 5164; 137 30936;
+ 138 3092; 147 1652; 149 1787; 150 19712; 151 4238;
+ 165 62928; 166 7492; 180 28960;
+Name: Unknown 29
+DB.idx: -29
+rt: 26.144
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0074
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 38 2337; 39 11051; 50 5739; 51 8880; 52 4331;
+ 53 8428; 54 3462; 55 15005; 62 1926; 63 3848;
+ 64 1175; 65 3399; 66 3299; 67 6287; 77 18880;
+ 78 4517; 79 13610; 80 5054; 81 2230; 83 4516;
+ 84 14188; 90 5493; 91 4191; 97 11635; 98 2282;
+ 104 2662; 107 60776; 108 54456; 109 4797; 111 1486;
+ 112 5802; 115 3281; 117 3781; 118 908; 125 6112;
+ 132 1116; 188 1019; 191 985;
+Name: Unknown 30
+DB.idx: -30
+rt: 17.867
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 35 4639; 46 7262; 47 22936; 48 60160; 49 7160;
+ 50 2886; 58 4565; 59 6470; 61 18256; 75 2766;
+ 76 18432; 78 1057; 104 29560; 105 1895;
+Name: Unknown 31
+DB.idx: -31
+rt: 25.973
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 41 28496; 55 22256; 59 6531; 60 58688; 61 7993;
+ 69 8124; 73 40112; 82 1881; 83 3951; 84 10238;
+ 85 12244; 87 7988; 101 13275; 102 1160; 115 5232;
+Name: Unknown 32
+DB.idx: -32
+rt: 19.619
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 39 14229; 41 14217; 43 35160; 53 14937; 54 2412;
+ 65 4670; 66 4297; 67 3940; 79 19512; 80 2769;
+ 81 28664; 82 5358; 95 57960; 96 4155; 109 7871;
+ 123 1322; 124 13531; 125 1260;
+Name: Unknown 33
+DB.idx: -33
+rt: 22.402
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.006
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 44 42296; 70 7017; 71 8979; 79 1962; 80 1755;
+ 93 4507; 98 39760; 99 56784; 100 3779; 111 2335;
+ 119 7792; 121 1970; 125 1137; 139 1363; 147 673;
+Name: Unknown 34
+DB.idx: -34
+rt: 28.515
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 50 2269; 62 3056; 63 6916; 64 1946; 89 18608;
+ 90 22880; 116 4341; 117 53552; 118 5339;
+Name: Unknown 35
+DB.idx: -35
+rt: 4.775
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 69 5444; 70 23768; 71 52832; 72 2965; 126 1074;
+ 127 4587;
+Name: Unknown 36
+DB.idx: -36
+rt: 7.219
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 41 17176; 42 4879; 43 30632; 55 7590; 56 8917;
+ 57 38480; 69 3818; 70 4343; 71 16115; 84 2898;
+ 85 9044; 98 2134; 99 1512; 156 1027;
+Name: Unknown 37
+DB.idx: -37
+rt: 13.345
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0017
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 39 17976; 40 3467; 41 47816; 42 24024; 43 49144;
+ 44 40312; 53 4209; 54 4773; 55 33336; 56 35024;
+ 57 37888; 66 2428; 67 11226; 68 12265; 69 16368;
+ 71 5996; 72 4846; 79 1723; 80 680; 81 11740;
+ 82 11961; 84 22520; 85 8757; 86 1516; 95 5058;
+ 100 5463; 110 2871;
+Name: Unknown 38
+DB.idx: -38
+rt: 27.063
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0063
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 51 5174; 65 4246; 66 5253; 77 11846; 79 2398;
+ 94 33880; 95 5858; 107 2612; 138 9462; 140 867;
+Name: Unknown 39
+DB.idx: -39
+rt: 21.912
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 39 9636; 50 2343; 51 3866; 59 4179; 62 1702;
+ 63 4631; 64 1066; 65 10911; 89 3301; 90 1318;
+ 91 51232; 92 12645; 93 1543; 120 9697;
+Name: Unknown 40
+DB.idx: -40
+rt: 1.498
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 45 26104; 46 5607; 47 43288; 48 36400; 49 2787;
+ 50 1659;
+Name: Unknown 41
+DB.idx: -41
+rt: 18.086
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 36 911; 37 5429; 38 9361; 39 27504; 49 2115;
+ 50 2270; 51 1892; 67 3499; 95 40024; 96 42888;
+ 97 3395;
+Name: Unknown 42
+DB.idx: -42
+rt: 24.892
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 26
+ 81 4357; 95 3607; 105 6337; 115 4700; 116 1922;
+ 119 3438; 121 3594; 127 1115; 128 3306; 129 3640;
+ 130 1627; 131 3305; 133 2967; 135 1812; 141 2135;
+ 142 1502; 143 1152; 145 8727; 147 1270; 161 2684;
+ 177 5234; 189 2293; 205 56520; 206 8691; 220 13873;
+ 221 2351;
+Name: Unknown 43
+DB.idx: -43
+rt: 12.579
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 37 1799; 38 3387; 39 8567; 40 7659; 51 1924;
+ 52 3122; 53 6089; 64 878; 67 16624; 93 997;
+ 94 35032; 95 2468;
+Name: Unknown 44
+DB.idx: -44
+rt: 10.071
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 39 12839; 41 30672; 42 18152; 44 34336; 53 2802;
+ 54 2830; 55 22704; 57 21512; 67 3250; 68 5351;
+ 70 27640; 71 9362; 72 3849; 81 8571; 86 5921;
+ 96 4114;
+Name: Unknown 45
+DB.idx: -45
+rt: 2.188
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 96 4562; 133 2911; 147 766; 163 698; 177 1463;
+ 191 3532; 192 742; 193 1134; 207 33136; 208 6867;
+ 209 4144; 210 740;
+Name: Unknown 46
+DB.idx: -46
+rt: 14.466
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 37 1459; 38 3686; 39 16608; 40 13371; 42 26744;
+ 43 50560; 52 1546; 64 980; 66 1868; 67 2629;
+ 71 12140; 81 2669; 99 11946; 107 1547; 108 34872;
+ 109 2853;
+Name: Unknown 47
+DB.idx: -47
+rt: 24.704
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 79 30528; 80 2378; 81 7869; 94 16247; 95 21352;
+ 96 2629; 126 1075; 141 737;
+Name: Unknown 48
+DB.idx: -48
+rt: 16.188
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 43 29192; 55 12100; 61 1863; 69 4564; 70 19240;
+ 83 6685; 84 3528; 86 1738;
+Name: Unknown 49
+DB.idx: -49
+rt: 8.237
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 51 3259; 52 1484; 63 1588; 77 3548; 78 1889;
+ 79 1944; 91 25568; 92 1921; 103 2179; 105 5794;
+ 106 12575; 107 1248;
+Name: Unknown 50
+DB.idx: -50
+rt: 4.29
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 133 1343; 191 1011; 193 1365; 249 1016; 265 963;
+ 281 12752; 282 3876; 283 2537; 284 517;
+Name: Unknown 51
+DB.idx: -51
+rt: 17.78
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 52 1696; 53 2792; 80 1462; 107 3611; 108 4189;
+ 109 1052; 121 1735; 135 23536; 136 17616;
+Name: Unknown 52
+DB.idx: -52
+rt: 28.576
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 111 1438; 115 6066; 129 1234; 130 574; 157 13262;
+ 158 1058; 203 1428;
+Name: Unknown 53
+DB.idx: -53
+rt: 19.697
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 115 1113; 119 3192; 129 557; 131 980; 133 4324;
+ 134 545; 145 1057; 147 1344; 148 3390; 161 9384;
+ 162 1200; 175 4022; 176 713; 189 1990; 204 2239;
+Name: Unknown 54
+DB.idx: -54
+rt: 22.277
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0055
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 97 2002; 111 2281; 121 1602; 122 11413; 135 1459;
+ 163 855;
+Name: Unknown 55
+DB.idx: -55
+rt: 25.037
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 63 1645; 78 2339; 102 1443; 115 10100; 116 3482;
+ 117 8941; 118 1471; 146 6170;
+Name: Unknown 56
+DB.idx: -56
+rt: 24.521
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 79 4418; 82 2396; 93 1656; 95 4553; 121 2217;
+ 135 1090;
+Name: Unknown 57
+DB.idx: -57
+rt: 17.642
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0031
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 40 12239; 41 48240; 42 170752; 43 1050112; 44 63128;
+ 45 981120; 46 13665; 47 4240; 60 615296; 61 18096;
+ 62 2365;
+Name: Unknown 58
+DB.idx: -58
+rt: 22.351
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0047
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 37 1952; 38 4611; 39 39856; 41 79128; 43 83560;
+ 45 51584; 46 1644; 50 2408; 51 3006; 53 4166;
+ 56 13812; 57 40560; 59 9731; 60 205696; 61 12843;
+ 69 11923; 73 12374; 74 68192; 87 41184; 88 2306;
+Name: Unknown 59
+DB.idx: -59
+rt: 22.03
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0062
+Num Peaks: 61
+ 39 13005; 41 34264; 42 11634; 43 37080; 50 5331;
+ 51 12043; 52 1721; 53 4536; 54 2970; 55 31232;
+ 56 9950; 57 16290; 60 20024; 61 16568; 62 1699;
+ 63 3086; 67 4791; 68 3515; 69 14352; 70 22768;
+ 71 9947; 73 21328; 74 4113; 76 1322; 77 27760;
+ 78 3035; 79 4717; 80 1551; 81 4451; 83 9305;
+ 84 6416; 85 5005; 86 1450; 87 3712; 88 88736;
+ 89 9744; 90 1322; 93 2259; 95 3311; 97 5133;
+ 98 4219; 101 37952; 102 3782; 105 34064; 107 11003;
+ 111 2740; 115 7276; 116 804; 120 13630; 121 6901;
+ 129 2765; 130 594; 135 1151; 143 3783; 150 3400;
+ 155 12362; 156 1723; 157 12279; 158 1260; 171 2119;
+ 200 1081;
+Name: Unknown 60
+DB.idx: -60
+rt: 21.615
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 37 2468; 38 3897; 39 15295; 40 10917; 41 47960;
+ 42 82608; 56 24344; 85 8404; 86 22504;
+Name: Unknown 61
+DB.idx: -61
+rt: 20.758
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 42
+ 39 18176; 40 3544; 50 3758; 51 7312; 52 3858;
+ 53 19760; 54 2579; 55 12078; 63 2190; 65 6435;
+ 66 4340; 67 5796; 77 9162; 78 2388; 79 22352;
+ 80 3076; 81 30120; 82 4586; 91 8588; 92 1925;
+ 93 5393; 94 5565; 95 77904; 96 5878; 105 5389;
+ 107 4862; 109 14748; 110 6435; 111 1077; 119 3901;
+ 121 2542; 123 2060; 124 12074; 125 1292; 133 3238;
+ 134 1589; 135 3222; 147 2194; 161 6120; 162 1118;
+ 189 2584; 204 1822;
+Name: Unknown 62
+DB.idx: -62
+rt: 14.279
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 37 2286; 38 6848; 39 37688; 40 17184; 41 32216;
+ 42 66096; 50 1941; 51 4657; 52 5478; 53 6176;
+ 54 2729; 55 24008; 56 13932; 57 17896; 64 1421;
+ 66 1894; 67 3545; 68 8613; 69 10880; 70 10564;
+ 79 2710; 80 2884; 81 10650; 82 1429; 83 20576;
+ 84 4760; 107 2703; 108 63528; 109 5112;
+Name: Unknown 63
+DB.idx: -63
+rt: 13.721
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.005
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 55 35384; 70 28536; 71 8075; 83 3819; 97 7282;
+ 111 1038;
+Name: Unknown 64
+DB.idx: -64
+rt: 14.772
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 39 6245; 41 15062; 43 28056; 53 3100; 55 11772;
+ 58 4765; 67 4548; 68 3250; 69 8216; 83 3158;
+ 93 2876; 108 9761; 109 998; 111 4259; 126 1182;
+Name: Unknown 65
+DB.idx: -65
+rt: 9.773
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 73 23168; 191 721; 193 924; 249 730; 251 1089;
+ 267 8418; 268 2546; 269 1610;
+Name: Unknown 66
+DB.idx: -66
+rt: 16.107
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 38 1278; 39 5959; 52 1471; 54 1662; 66 1690;
+ 93 1097; 94 3286; 121 20656; 122 12555; 123 1097;
+Name: Unknown 67
+DB.idx: -67
+rt: 1.681
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 35 3223; 46 6771; 47 19032; 61 4652; 62 14718;
+Name: Unknown 68
+DB.idx: -68
+rt: 6.35
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 46 2304; 47 1915; 64 952; 79 4250; 94 7564;
+ 96 941;
+Name: Unknown 69
+DB.idx: -69
+rt: 28.54
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0082
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 50 1953; 51 2706; 77 5487; 105 4906; 122 4172;
+Name: Unknown 70
+DB.idx: -70
+rt: 10.331
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 67 2898; 68 3171; 79 1643; 80 535; 93 2551;
+ 121 693;
+Name: Unknown 71
+DB.idx: -71
+rt: 23.375
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0077
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 42 19992; 43 41728; 44 60024; 54 2760; 55 14966;
+ 59 55880; 83 29088; 84 5062; 104 3340; 111 1799;
+Name: Unknown 72
+DB.idx: -72
+rt: 19.431
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 43 37792; 55 8653; 59 3950; 71 8231; 87 9385;
+ 88 16616; 116 5629; 152 1533;
+Name: Unknown 73
+DB.idx: -73
+rt: 18.89
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 39 6634; 51 2112; 53 5332; 65 1901; 67 3706;
+ 68 2446; 79 2948; 81 21480; 82 2063; 110 3070;
+Name: Unknown 74
+DB.idx: -74
+rt: 16.621
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 42 16992; 52 1363; 80 1094; 81 3657; 121 3035;
+ 122 15381;
+Name: Unknown 75
+DB.idx: -75
+rt: 4.871
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 77 1933; 79 1479; 80 696; 91 2494; 92 2563;
+ 93 6290; 97 1340; 121 687;
+Name: Unknown 76
+DB.idx: -76
+rt: 26.543
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 34 873; 37 5160; 38 10876; 39 75120; 40 23392;
+ 41 168000; 42 216640; 43 194240; 44 19136; 49 1081;
+ 50 5031; 51 6820; 52 6564; 53 11846; 54 16062;
+ 55 113368; 56 45456; 58 20848; 68 8387; 70 70072;
+ 71 32624; 81 2986; 82 6637; 98 66552; 99 358784;
+ 100 22944; 101 1811;
+Name: Unknown 77
+DB.idx: -77
+rt: 21.336
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 57
+ 37 1762; 38 4149; 39 45912; 40 10100; 41 101384;
+ 42 24760; 43 188608; 44 11271; 45 14933; 49 1024;
+ 50 4455; 51 6470; 52 2867; 53 18296; 54 8838;
+ 55 58168; 56 122136; 57 50072; 58 99160; 59 14146;
+ 63 1062; 65 3140; 66 1321; 67 15114; 68 17552;
+ 69 37416; 70 22688; 71 226624; 72 20648; 77 3079;
+ 79 3851; 80 913; 81 11450; 82 6495; 83 3289;
+ 84 28784; 85 80680; 86 8077; 87 7288; 93 2543;
+ 95 116288; 96 9813; 97 18256; 99 4363; 100 6846;
+ 109 2516; 110 66224; 111 7536; 112 2475; 113 10898;
+ 114 832; 123 1617; 125 1099; 128 44704; 129 3917;
+ 140 733; 156 3370;
+Name: Unknown 78
+DB.idx: -78
+rt: 1.539
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 41 18320; 42 30264; 43 96280; 44 175872; 71 5191;
+Name: Unknown 79
+DB.idx: -79
+rt: 3.856
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.005
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 37 1496; 38 3323; 39 25816; 40 4451; 41 58112;
+ 42 18944; 44 131200; 45 17200; 50 2820; 51 2634;
+ 52 909; 53 4564; 55 9369; 57 56040; 58 51176;
+ 67 2231; 68 1267; 71 4428; 85 2075;
+Name: Unknown 80
+DB.idx: -80
+rt: 9.59
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 38 1147; 39 7072; 50 915; 53 3684; 57 91800;
+ 58 4287; 59 2754; 67 2405; 68 2017;
+Name: Unknown 81
+DB.idx: -81
+rt: 1.835
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 37 3251; 38 3725; 57 26000; 58 91472; 59 3480;
+Name: Unknown 82
+DB.idx: -82
+rt: 25.149
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0059
+Num Peaks: 55
+ 39 13048; 41 26008; 43 52064; 51 5166; 52 2079;
+ 53 6989; 55 18096; 60 42016; 61 5468; 63 2229;
+ 65 4990; 67 4048; 68 1801; 69 7099; 70 5910;
+ 71 6618; 73 24528; 77 13327; 78 3002; 79 13280;
+ 80 1774; 81 4542; 83 2732; 84 2345; 87 10928;
+ 88 5885; 91 14913; 93 9365; 95 7327; 96 1669;
+ 101 3775; 102 694; 105 8665; 107 11170; 109 4780;
+ 115 3417; 116 1690; 119 5552; 121 7269; 122 5696;
+ 129 1682; 131 2352; 133 5886; 134 1347; 135 10330;
+ 136 2725; 144 1203; 147 1465; 149 5619; 159 3219;
+ 162 2148; 163 737; 177 72744; 178 9094; 192 2312;
+Name: Unknown 83
+DB.idx: -83
+rt: 24.011
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0055
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 53 4710; 65 1762; 66 3244; 67 6272; 79 3060;
+ 80 899; 81 15255; 82 2946; 95 29704; 96 3518;
+ 97 4416; 98 5238; 104 1486; 111 3146; 123 1175;
+ 154 636;
+Name: Unknown 84
+DB.idx: -84
+rt: 25.326
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 38 2086; 39 7881; 52 2800; 53 4601; 55 11121;
+ 66 11622; 69 3875; 71 9009; 80 1160; 84 4865;
+ 94 22680; 97 5436; 109 17560; 111 2595; 126 20216;
+ 127 1557;
+Name: Unknown 85
+DB.idx: -85
+rt: 21.652
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0059
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 65 2127; 67 7430; 77 3782; 79 4142; 81 7575;
+ 91 4626; 93 2850; 94 1628; 95 4707; 107 3144;
+ 109 8172; 119 2064; 123 7560; 137 9572; 151 1039;
+ 152 8226; 153 922;
+Name: Unknown 86
+DB.idx: -86
+rt: 8.182
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0051
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 39 6052; 53 2158; 55 9398; 83 4878; 84 3889;
+Name: Unknown 87
+DB.idx: -87
+rt: 16.837
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 65 1470; 66 1131; 67 7522; 93 763; 95 4282;
+ 96 911; 109 1473; 124 2052;
+Name: Unknown 88
+DB.idx: -88
+rt: 5.355
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.006
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 38 1373; 39 7330; 63 771; 65 1045; 91 7439;
+ 92 4675;
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/input01_peakspectra_test.msp
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/input01_peakspectra_test.msp Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 24.53
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.01
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 73.0465 57.7027030289; 74.0481 4.8855062564; 75.0319 4.847663826; 100.0573 2.6149715972; 103.0227 3.004109143;
+ 116.0884 100; 117.0905 10.6040602224; 118.0869 3.7054420297; 128.0526 1.8423908372; 131.0359 1.5802234196;
+ 133.0438 1.5449256807; 147.0666 17.8266754868; 148.066 3.4863501617; 149.0551 2.6348672192; 190.1069 5.0634427805;
+ 191.1063 1.257158541; 192.1023 0.4508018332; 207.0333 2.4725309728; 218.1028 2.1301461153;
+Name: Histidine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+39.022 16; 41.038 38; 41.039 12; 42.034 11; 43.041 7;
+54.034 169; 55.042 104; 56.049 999; 56.05 9; 66.032 166;
+66.033 34; 67.04 16; 68.048 86; 68.049 13; 69.044 41;
+81.044 469; 82.052 695; 83.059 999; 93.044 606; 95.06 112;
+110.07 999; 111.054 16; 112.086 2; 138.065 2; 156.074 999;
+Name: L-Alanine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+73.0465 826983.38; 74.0481 70018.08; 75.0319 69475.73; 100.0573 37477.24; 103.0227 43054.28;
+116.0884 1433179.62; 117.0905 151975.23; 118.0869 53105.64; 128.0526 26404.77; 131.0359 22647.44;
+133.0438 22141.56; 147.0666 255488.28; 48.066 49965.66; 149.0551 37762.38; 190.1069 72568.23;
+191.1063 18017.34; 192.1023 6460.8; 207.0333 35435.81; 218.1028 30528.82;
+Name: L-Leucine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+59.0317 111211.31; 73.0465 1904156.25; 73.0887 176802.89; 74.0478 172098.67; 75.034 126044.58;
+100.0578 148105.59; 102.0732 557823.12; 103.0737 58556.5; 116.0893 113683.96; 131.0348 50693.96;
+133.0477 79174.27; 142.1041 51780.19; 147.0656 486292; 148.0669 84540.63; 149.0594 53340.05;
+158.1362 4905104; 159.1367 769335.25; 159.1838 164298.34; 160.1347 213437.45; 170.0993 56866.69;
+218.1033 189619.22; 232.155 215419.53; 233.1535 69567.91; 260.1492 87687.36;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/input03_peakspectra_full.msp
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/input03_peakspectra_full.msp Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,3757 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 160
+ 55 40314.09; 57 39666.66; 58 117253; 59 677577.6; 60 56097.84;
+ 61 173955.5; 62 11853.13; 63 19465.01; 66 37117.49; 70 85974.89;
+ 71 135751.7; 72 173308.6; 73 5335904; 74 1773116; 75 1130890;
+ 76 47236.83; 77 233307.3; 78 15697.65; 79 29390.93; 83 13286.93;
+ 85 80810.94; 87 91606.72; 88 10340.81; 91 57229.14; 93 20851.29;
+ 96 16237.26; 97 8766.646; 103 398350.4; 104 68853.35; 105 201451.8;
+ 106 25043.94; 107 131979.1; 108 11708.79; 109 27774.11; 112 14260.24;
+ 113 69933.57; 114 11544.05; 115 994961.7; 116 138815.4; 118 111185.6;
+ 119 465199.8; 120 75950.29; 121 387381.6; 122 34006.61; 123 124406.5;
+ 124 9676.763; 126 42647.79; 131 1217735; 132 195872.2; 133 2353792;
+ 134 439221.1; 135 1294353; 136 170966; 137 480564.7; 138 54602.24;
+ 139 37958.8; 143 16718.33; 145 100214.3; 146 15950; 147 3649214;
+ 148 807123.6; 149 521549.1; 150 60887.41; 151 1657276; 152 179564;
+ 153 108396.2; 161 60145.87; 162 11348.56; 163 248920.8; 164 48565.58;
+ 165 340817.3; 166 55741.57; 167 150228.6; 168 18083.43; 169 13815.75;
+ 175 65379.76; 176 59587.9; 177 324377.7; 178 76562.77; 179 298168.2;
+ 180 54267.2; 181 717115.2; 182 97851.98; 183 248922.2; 184 30285.29;
+ 185 19109.6; 189 987185.2; 190 214684.8; 191 2699204; 192 739378.4;
+ 193 2445972; 194 584608.1; 195 558411.3; 196 80516.16; 197 144499.9;
+ 198 19412.17; 199 11822.63; 205 1511283; 206 316598.7; 207 3009868;
+ 208 942554; 209 786295.1; 210 135996.4; 211 2270410; 212 428942.7;
+ 213 235514.7; 214 22584.48; 221 692183.1; 222 158001.2; 223 94198.75;
+ 224 21684.31; 225 2950784; 226 754932.4; 227 1010403; 228 156790.7;
+ 229 76590.65; 237 25770.03; 239 81222.09; 240 15526.31; 241 16938.92;
+ 252 39808.12; 253 356191.5; 254 78516.85; 255 380827.9; 256 78121.55;
+ 257 45404.27; 266 11011.84; 267 606684.1; 268 155373.1; 269 616047.6;
+ 270 133622; 271 74292.19; 272 12069.44; 282 14274.69; 283 3516256;
+ 284 1468884; 285 875615.8; 286 155002.1; 287 43266.43; 295 6946.443;
+ 297 24340.22; 298 621608.8; 299 7373908; 300 5241822; 301 4332284;
+ 302 1955755; 303 608978; 304 82828.24; 311 8346.149; 313 209749.8;
+ 314 4568441; 315 2678491; 316 1750448; 317 353801.2; 318 93147.38;
+ 373 7971.866; 386 8840.255; 387 41685.39; 388 13870.91; 389 7984.017;
+Name: Unknown 2
+DB.idx: -2
+rt: 10.01
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 88
+ 51 16703.25; 52 380867.6; 53 30163.21; 55 24586; 56 57029.79;
+ 57 43294.02; 58 100856.6; 59 547872.3; 60 143714.9; 61 127264.6;
+ 62 10866.54; 64 39271.45; 65 217460.8; 66 1439916; 67 119270.2;
+ 69 194498.4; 70 212451.6; 71 202159.5; 72 324006.9; 73 3794744;
+ 74 1691253; 75 1167727; 76 106912.9; 78 10671.04; 79 943499.4;
+ 80 82785.07; 84 16757.22; 85 161240.7; 86 85479.57; 87 711852.6;
+ 88 84652.09; 89 35860.14; 90 88682.02; 91 9738.906; 96 14737.86;
+ 98 15395.02; 99 1094075; 100 571740.3; 101 209874.3; 102 98311.56;
+ 103 205119.2; 104 31715.82; 106 17008.92; 113 247468.8; 114 144721.3;
+ 115 514764.7; 116 190587.5; 117 246094.2; 118 77297.08; 119 59302.23;
+ 120 8981.871; 127 43197.05; 130 1997238; 131 1739692; 132 1344230;
+ 133 653444; 134 117292.5; 139 27881.55; 140 8072.469; 141 9566.898;
+ 143 44248.63; 146 2075065; 147 7306894; 148 4217708; 149 2712131;
+ 150 324295.4; 151 82001.02; 155 22129; 156 45726.4; 157 453799.7;
+ 158 71340.59; 159 66603.2; 171 1297166; 172 236051.3; 173 2392999;
+ 174 418304.5; 175 204766.8; 176 22869.09; 188 46616.42; 189 6516182;
+ 190 2993190; 191 1521136; 192 180280; 193 35819.54; 204 233586;
+ 205 47698.42; 206 20693.09; 261 10577.43;
+Name: Unknown 3
+DB.idx: -3
+rt: 7.313
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 101
+ 51 42750.93; 52 1025838; 53 86530.71; 55 196456.5; 56 18800.46;
+ 57 93879.41; 58 505420.9; 59 1679327; 60 157994.8; 61 546446.8;
+ 62 35616.02; 63 19409.39; 65 16275.08; 66 3027299; 67 445668.3;
+ 68 18992.19; 70 213213.4; 71 216764.2; 72 715970.2; 73 6834824;
+ 74 3399371; 75 2971901; 76 298777.3; 77 164975.7; 80 42226.58;
+ 83 15302.38; 85 92162.77; 86 53559.22; 87 384494.5; 88 1564165;
+ 89 165859; 90 9247.229; 91 34426.75; 94 207444.3; 95 70690.09;
+ 97 10254.63; 99 75537.69; 101 916140; 102 243136.1; 103 513280.5;
+ 104 68468.77; 105 276402.8; 106 31803.74; 107 22613.68; 113 126415.5;
+ 114 19488.36; 115 803883.9; 116 156066.2; 117 5857676; 118 2769220;
+ 119 1306235; 120 83648.55; 121 13607.91; 129 1125112; 130 140583;
+ 131 2503998; 132 468547.8; 133 2740407; 134 531849.6; 135 284145;
+ 136 24168.53; 143 47468.67; 145 28005.67; 146 14408.39; 147 6951534;
+ 148 4359822; 149 3614727; 150 687263.9; 151 206463.4; 152 18166.45;
+ 159 29044.2; 163 56206.87; 164 10364.24; 175 1157058; 176 199145.6;
+ 177 98909.3; 178 11903.2; 190 4370774; 191 4483992; 192 2227634;
+ 193 955862; 194 120134.9; 195 23127.99; 203 676590.9; 204 127590.1;
+ 205 61858.45; 207 648665.7; 208 134963.2; 209 82395.32; 219 2341049;
+ 220 547041.8; 221 253571.4; 222 33657.27; 233 20839.98; 234 8492.729;
+ 247 14206.84; 279 16968.04; 295 122069.8; 296 37243.18; 307 42926.46;
+ 381 11955.62;
+Name: Unknown 4
+DB.idx: -4
+rt: 8.256
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 160
+ 51 15544.25; 52 16803.63; 55 53441.07; 56 33678.51; 57 54633.73;
+ 58 298804; 59 1688556; 60 290890.5; 61 200035.8; 62 31364.61;
+ 63 325610.8; 64 28198.39; 65 35804.7; 66 113370.7; 69 225895.6;
+ 70 149444.8; 71 119516.3; 72 612144.1; 73 6824414; 74 2992777;
+ 75 2947758; 76 328948.3; 77 3068195; 78 331168.2; 79 216143.3;
+ 80 14807.95; 81 640054.4; 82 25732.32; 83 18379.38; 84 38440.6;
+ 85 78381.27; 86 108955; 87 41567.7; 88 102278.1; 89 2533617;
+ 90 277669.8; 91 979516.8; 92 41237.56; 93 158281.3; 94 43795.83;
+ 95 210368.7; 96 242002.4; 97 13259.59; 98 12561.19; 99 370973;
+ 100 180365.3; 101 54351.18; 102 47535.65; 103 297040.5; 104 437640.7;
+ 105 70364.29; 106 27676.12; 107 36210.15; 108 19554.94; 109 50199.33;
+ 110 17158.08; 113 367847.4; 114 51187.64; 115 113682.6; 116 5027428;
+ 117 1220536; 118 518696.4; 119 482606.8; 120 628550.4; 121 72000.41;
+ 122 71569.77; 123 369282.1; 124 206758.1; 125 21604.95; 126 18394.58;
+ 127 13939.48; 130 401983; 131 601119.2; 132 225705.3; 133 670641.2;
+ 134 584091.2; 135 137302.4; 136 58583.5; 137 122720.7; 138 682878.9;
+ 139 284513.9; 140 45175.23; 141 65589.75; 142 615593.2; 143 81229.41;
+ 145 128954.2; 146 1190362; 147 3941121; 148 983227.2; 149 649941.5;
+ 150 125247.5; 151 555629; 152 87981.15; 153 49982.16; 154 9515.682;
+ 155 31943.46; 157 184165.2; 158 22939.12; 159 21293.77; 161 21940.57;
+ 162 50437.57; 163 286389; 164 48797.17; 165 793709.4; 166 952332.3;
+ 167 119436.9; 168 46130.29; 169 49890.19; 170 163653.8; 171 50751.48;
+ 172 46726.62; 173 34634; 175 29604.69; 176 230156; 177 88778.59;
+ 178 35563.6; 179 12437.59; 181 153184.2; 182 18371.13; 183 240456.3;
+ 184 38644.77; 185 405614.2; 186 44403.2; 187 14435.94; 188 240895.5;
+ 189 78239.02; 192 877607.7; 193 168591.4; 194 75941.66; 195 20027.38;
+ 197 18313.62; 199 1027987; 200 124777.2; 201 44061.01; 214 644915.2;
+ 215 751622.4; 216 119166.5; 235 649246.8; 236 127561.4; 237 58831.97;
+ 238 7573.286; 239 202222; 240 37528.22; 241 522758; 242 670149.8;
+ 243 138950.5; 244 56686.96; 248 10406.1; 249 103809.7; 250 21666.82;
+ 251 8921.024; 257 590330.8; 258 6094058; 259 3438753; 260 1872582;
+ 261 255746.8; 262 43484.01; 289 274997.4; 290 52693.08; 291 22786.63;
+Name: Unknown 5
+DB.idx: -5
+rt: 8.542
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 98
+ 52 62081.21; 55 55697.93; 56 29796.05; 57 74211.02; 58 449316.4;
+ 59 2914959; 60 296243.8; 61 180632.2; 62 11146.02; 63 9171.936;
+ 66 172736.9; 69 29328.25; 70 702289.8; 71 131871.1; 72 1283423;
+ 73 5925624; 74 1980207; 75 1673337; 76 131963.3; 77 78464.88;
+ 79 25605.54; 85 29566.95; 86 2475704; 87 263852; 88 264453.4;
+ 89 1781250; 90 163209.4; 91 79406.7; 93 15355.21; 95 14961.13;
+ 99 66579.95; 100 2016559; 101 213483; 102 313149.1; 103 1044158;
+ 104 136739; 105 183567.2; 106 22688.55; 107 14107.1; 109 11833.23;
+ 111 9685.134; 113 112100.1; 114 40559.51; 115 492383.6; 116 129163.7;
+ 117 572686.3; 118 203110; 119 788129.2; 120 113838.8; 121 63511.86;
+ 128 12051.16; 130 344234.9; 131 2536332; 132 1243314; 133 5051706;
+ 134 1756136; 135 992748.2; 136 93252.08; 137 22684.78; 142 13439.81;
+ 144 99864.2; 145 25639.7; 146 2415738; 147 6702283; 148 3959596;
+ 149 2880516; 150 386238.2; 151 105465.9; 158 122123.9; 159 19335.6;
+ 160 2546940; 161 460173.5; 162 1344808; 163 588221.3; 164 148286.5;
+ 165 45548.63; 174 915592.2; 175 180657.1; 176 81022.59; 188 194292.2;
+ 190 2089270; 191 410252.6; 192 188284.6; 193 20345.13; 205 2565197;
+ 206 552772.7; 207 259666.5; 208 30975.44; 220 3893704; 221 1120292;
+ 222 530669.2; 223 64232.17; 224 12979; 235 3529269; 236 994855.7;
+ 237 451465.7; 238 59777.43; 239 12321.41;
+Name: Unknown 6
+DB.idx: -6
+rt: 23.521
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 54 17196.38; 55 12555.62; 57 14165.06; 58 91372.95; 59 453023.1;
+ 60 33491.5; 61 28154.47; 68 6717.676; 69 15036.68; 70 25983.37;
+ 71 27718.69; 72 115849.3; 73 6189735; 74 1696830; 75 862684.2;
+ 76 31067.67; 77 18893.72; 80 7638.121; 82 43297.32; 83 11123.12;
+ 84 143297.4; 85 23521.99; 86 8876.3; 87 46024.56; 88 28229.48;
+ 89 901667.6; 90 78950.18; 91 41701.5; 94 10321.18; 98 17193.91;
+ 99 30818.37; 100 52274.68; 101 156757.3; 102 38523.01; 103 4443581;
+ 104 677063.2; 105 268854.3; 106 15402.49; 111 26863.67; 112 8089.81;
+ 113 73604.82; 114 65360.86; 115 103037.2; 116 42477.94; 117 1095237;
+ 118 107359.8; 119 90850.45; 120 8834.361; 125 8219.727; 126 42276.83;
+ 127 32603.11; 128 58151.7; 129 1597812; 130 188016.8; 131 517555.4;
+ 132 79042.65; 133 1142121; 134 135812.6; 135 64092.46; 140 24809.35;
+ 141 25505.67; 142 239385; 143 172936; 144 32522.57; 145 129081.8;
+ 146 28233.25; 147 4276055; 148 1022030; 149 655438.4; 150 73465.73;
+ 151 31381.49; 152 14515.14; 154 25149.92; 155 10733.57; 156 25692.7;
+ 157 204962.8; 158 60928.81; 159 51842.77; 161 36892.88; 162 8970.792;
+ 163 264753.7; 164 42436.69; 165 23769.93; 166 13312.27; 168 22682.57;
+ 169 12846.35; 170 17617.41; 171 13635.76; 172 877620.6; 173 909788.9;
+ 174 179836; 175 230898.2; 176 41990.63; 177 97479.74; 178 17338.28;
+ 179 11058.94; 180 40485.34; 181 7766.083; 182 14068.9; 184 13766.65;
+ 185 10394.3; 186 89396.13; 187 34406.93; 188 98409.88; 189 1877876;
+ 190 397253.9; 191 899974.8; 192 153985.8; 193 68177.75; 194 9559.919;
+ 196 20859.02; 198 43779.15; 199 10155.81; 200 43700; 201 588447;
+ 202 303861.8; 203 180381.5; 204 588323.3; 205 876413.1; 206 192806.8;
+ 207 147581; 208 23939.3; 209 10284.54; 210 8820.345; 214 123371.4;
+ 215 37501.14; 216 222598.2; 217 6148227; 218 3416804; 219 1787542;
+ 220 269150.9; 221 269589.1; 222 61690.3; 223 31772.53; 224 6642.827;
+ 226 6942.113; 227 7886.242; 228 32698.07; 229 62967.35; 230 156119;
+ 231 425785.3; 232 116716.9; 233 56069.52; 234 12799.67; 235 77076.8;
+ 236 15773.55; 237 11344.76; 240 52410.2; 241 13528.25; 242 62972.05;
+ 243 30472.86; 244 207598.6; 245 55782.63; 246 78134.3; 247 47764.64;
+ 248 19574.67; 249 8550.04; 254 29848.69; 255 9967.014; 256 241306.7;
+ 257 60134.08; 258 28027.32; 259 15384.7; 260 112682.5; 261 50024.56;
+ 262 147828.1; 263 391356.2; 264 92134.55; 265 46151.87; 266 8488.574;
+ 268 32417.15; 269 12377.92; 270 54070.7; 271 14421.45; 272 21847.28;
+ 274 27906.43; 275 47504.13; 276 145680.8; 277 2115080; 278 646166.9;
+ 279 308885.6; 280 60880.95; 281 14156.35; 286 22931.68; 287 8611.475;
+ 288 152840.9; 289 46079.77; 290 23693.53; 291 387375.8; 292 108665.3;
+ 293 62434.42; 294 14055.75; 300 48181.16; 301 14402.25; 302 133703.9;
+ 303 78643.71; 304 42015.86; 305 119337; 306 63631.8; 307 4609250;
+ 308 2100947; 309 1105231; 310 223412; 311 53409.84; 312 7981.965;
+ 314 14974.78; 316 10124.88; 317 7196.376; 318 146326.3; 319 104374;
+ 320 42257.07; 328 27561.26; 329 9145.691; 330 140159.7; 331 42538.47;
+ 332 82015.92; 333 184341.4; 334 327838.1; 335 397216.5; 336 133557.5;
+ 569 64584.29; 570 33215.11; 571 18131.62;
+Name: Unknown 7
+DB.idx: -7
+rt: 23.782
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 54 16538.67; 57 8611.748; 58 51372.88; 59 298368.2; 60 22916.16;
+ 61 15434.57; 70 14863.16; 71 9441.459; 72 60990.21; 73 6028811;
+ 74 1049537; 75 537009.6; 76 21675.44; 80 7464.67; 81 7494.025;
+ 82 65971.57; 84 76120.56; 85 14041.34; 87 21640.61; 88 14466.73;
+ 89 652583.8; 90 54023.49; 91 25769.93; 98 9956.599; 99 21065.51;
+ 100 56880.62; 101 101638.8; 102 25876.86; 103 3433002; 104 402380.4;
+ 105 185898.8; 106 14750.06; 110 11624.45; 111 20855.94; 113 62266.18;
+ 114 49041.55; 115 63069.04; 116 26577.44; 117 659478.4; 118 63281.06;
+ 119 56104.62; 126 23392.89; 127 27256.25; 128 41434.31; 129 1141911;
+ 130 130380.2; 131 334837.1; 132 51104.71; 133 497877.3; 134 69964.59;
+ 135 38851.64; 140 15091.34; 141 18661.87; 142 179092.6; 143 110735.7;
+ 144 23175.63; 145 74939.36; 146 13167.14; 147 3688670; 148 709787.2;
+ 149 452770.1; 150 50145.02; 151 22646.28; 152 13455.88; 154 18728.18;
+ 155 10825.12; 156 37090.22; 163 128521.3; 164 20082.37; 165 12361.42;
+ 166 14298.62; 168 30463.47; 169 13007.64; 170 51517.65; 171 14385.65;
+ 172 294484.1; 173 523475.6; 174 98828.24; 175 145960.6; 176 29336.64;
+ 177 38109.07; 178 8102.534; 180 32215.91; 181 8048.562; 182 16074.02;
+ 184 7967.816; 186 52458.23; 187 17986.83; 188 39105.4; 189 1007293;
+ 190 205728.2; 191 581415.8; 192 100664.9; 193 43680.58; 194 7864.015;
+ 196 37124.7; 197 9074.157; 198 107243.8; 199 16947.04; 200 27762.16;
+ 201 346560; 202 222344.7; 203 91136.27; 204 353781.8; 214 52131.48;
+ 215 23650.64; 216 114410; 217 6141466; 218 2589126; 219 1217804;
+ 220 168925.6; 221 194724; 222 44491.37; 223 22954.98; 228 26857.03;
+ 230 76141.59; 231 243941.8; 232 75416.27; 233 29373.01; 240 35722.21;
+ 241 10439.21; 242 26722.67; 243 31636.82; 244 209753.9; 245 104287.8;
+ 246 53570.27; 247 19904.41; 254 25049.46; 255 11013.72; 256 83605.45;
+ 257 22463.85; 260 44124.13; 261 15960.91; 262 558168.7; 263 332656.2;
+ 264 94171.55; 265 38341.07; 266 8510.17; 268 65036.29; 269 27901.09;
+ 270 46761.29; 271 12353.04; 272 29360.75; 275 26537.79; 276 56642.39;
+ 277 1422654; 278 411860; 279 195285.8; 280 39465.12; 281 9398.073;
+ 286 20771.7; 288 71295.41; 289 20194.79; 290 13665.71; 291 140192;
+ 292 39990.54; 293 19395.04; 300 77443.56; 301 18547.25; 302 53841.72;
+ 303 30027.45; 304 21798.92; 305 77839.84; 306 47205.17; 307 4063688;
+ 308 1452719; 309 739704; 310 146790.1; 311 34491.49; 314 9489.896;
+ 316 9351.634; 317 13367.72; 318 70088.02; 328 19564.3; 330 87616.63;
+ 331 28208.32; 332 36448.56; 333 180348.2; 334 192836.3; 335 233758;
+ 336 115683.5; 337 40684.62; 338 12683.89; 342 28168.5; 343 16352.28;
+ 344 42260.92; 345 23958.28; 346 15555.43; 350 101598.9; 351 29652.43;
+ 352 16409.9; 358 68397.96; 359 42462.54; 360 23050.96; 361 8604.764;
+ 364 1059178; 365 344232.5; 366 159476.9; 367 34864.41; 368 8842.32;
+ 374 19891.9; 376 105706.5; 377 33760.78; 378 16728.99; 389 7549.948;
+ 390 71200.85; 391 26716.26; 392 17813.89; 393 9473.643; 402 21018.48;
+ 403 8707.979; 404 13809.05; 405 7154.414; 420 17581.73; 421 7120.15;
+ 432 89051.77; 433 65785.3; 434 49555.45; 435 21106.96; 436 8931.001;
+ 448 31342.1; 449 13640.21; 450 8148.171;
+Name: Unknown 8
+DB.idx: -8
+rt: 22.001
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0063
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 73 4908673; 147 5025522; 273 5942964; 274 3752779; 347 3843372;
+ 375 3656316;
+Name: Unknown 9
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 24.53
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.01
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 73 5764652; 147 5244020; 157 3561241; 160 3454586; 205 4437872;
+ 217 3601276; 272 30900.41; 319 5352581; 320 3587208;
+Name: Unknown 10
+DB.idx: -10
+rt: 24.096
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.007
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 73 5551756; 129 3361335; 147 5231997; 157 3641748; 160 3947240;
+ 205 4374348; 217 3683153; 319 5377373; 320 3621938;
+Name: Unknown 11
+DB.idx: -11
+rt: 30.857
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 162
+ 55 209163.9; 56 27955.88; 57 81435.67; 58 27918.52; 59 45788.46;
+ 60 20037.37; 61 122152; 62 7999.333; 65 8959.052; 67 193397.5;
+ 68 24896.96; 69 257737.7; 70 27601.1; 71 47714.89; 72 117711.8;
+ 73 2497190; 74 227761.7; 75 2638229; 76 205146.2; 77 117064.3;
+ 79 86628.33; 80 12420.91; 81 245371.4; 82 29471.26; 83 166600.9;
+ 84 73313.11; 85 101048.6; 86 30447.95; 87 10812.81; 88 12533.62;
+ 89 49911.68; 91 25883.69; 93 75087.73; 94 10671.81; 95 245241.5;
+ 96 28357.49; 97 117408.5; 98 198309.9; 99 81239.8; 101 24044.45;
+ 105 49012.46; 107 47944.26; 108 6098.256; 109 92903.55; 110 13288.42;
+ 111 151875; 112 67354.07; 113 15910.06; 115 24483.02; 116 160248.4;
+ 117 5225698; 118 695639.2; 119 288926.7; 120 15160.26; 121 51535.56;
+ 122 6664.426; 123 34472.55; 124 5767.453; 125 28206.88; 126 15032.88;
+ 127 25132.4; 129 2761604; 130 367944.6; 131 611564.8; 132 430718.2;
+ 133 203045.4; 134 31010.54; 135 43664.27; 136 5739.698; 137 11954.87;
+ 139 16278.8; 140 14899.46; 141 7156.636; 143 320204.4; 144 39140.29;
+ 145 808069.8; 146 106724.9; 153 22051.65; 154 33487.31; 155 7961.481;
+ 157 48423.18; 159 127870.2; 163 13441.13; 167 30242.48; 168 20679.56;
+ 171 169185; 172 26802.85; 173 49931.98; 174 21631.62; 177 8363.178;
+ 181 18353.83; 182 9109.021; 185 364326.2; 186 52050.02; 187 132856.3;
+ 188 44164.41; 195 8732.531; 196 10386.77; 199 65223.74; 200 11456.51;
+ 201 417110.7; 202 73589.29; 203 21238.41; 209 12334; 210 19186.25;
+ 213 44156.17; 214 8948.098; 215 98182.21; 216 21433.18; 223 64089.79;
+ 224 14225.45; 227 81146.63; 228 15723.92; 229 56398.21; 230 19038;
+ 237 15073.93; 241 112647.8; 242 21311.26; 243 116369.1; 244 37862.24;
+ 245 10336.24; 247 10973.01; 255 70293.99; 256 16005.25; 257 231125.3;
+ 258 52503.98; 259 13751.73; 265 8957.13; 266 14089.55; 269 36357.32;
+ 270 8762.52; 271 104425.3; 272 23672.12; 283 51033.64; 284 11000.26;
+ 285 52722.37; 286 13549.35; 297 193236.2; 298 45806.18; 299 94487.06;
+ 300 24623.71; 311 51010.91; 312 13802.65; 313 258115.5; 314 63774.56;
+ 315 18283.11; 325 18237.29; 327 49421.9; 328 13799.44; 339 12591.33;
+ 340 33512.7; 341 3629600; 342 1131953; 343 296295.9; 344 48265.02;
+ 355 21033.21; 356 408272.9; 357 117149.7; 358 30165.79; 359 179121.8;
+ 360 48405.46; 361 12059.81;
+Name: Unknown 12
+DB.idx: -12
+rt: 14.951
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 62
+ 55 6812.075; 58 40120.12; 59 48124.42; 61 23162.41; 66 27562.85;
+ 70 12228.93; 71 9582.086; 72 33534.97; 73 2695540; 74 241505.2;
+ 75 182684.8; 76 13563.7; 80 7941.821; 84 38107.15; 85 11705.11;
+ 86 19974.66; 93 23651.14; 98 9006.365; 99 10465.29; 100 25758.25;
+ 108 25875.4; 110 10586.18; 112 59483.74; 113 10844.73; 114 27221.58;
+ 115 16470.08; 122 56597.94; 127 7154.637; 131 82997.43; 132 17023.02;
+ 133 106691.7; 134 15524.41; 139 8401.048; 140 147381.3; 141 26445.72;
+ 142 16580.9; 147 1184808; 148 182037.1; 149 118057.7; 150 13335.12;
+ 154 52797.08; 155 27663.84; 156 5118680; 157 887642.8; 158 274734.6;
+ 159 20813.61; 168 10444.18; 170 7751.918; 172 7560.306; 174 14948.61;
+ 186 8892.916; 214 121326.6; 215 24495.92; 216 10934.87; 228 26788.79;
+ 230 644118; 231 126613.2; 232 55314.81; 258 734178.3; 259 157119.7;
+ 260 65428.95; 261 8904.859;
+Name: Unknown 13
+DB.idx: -13
+rt: 25.955
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53 7014.362; 54 11191.39; 55 19552.89; 58 26742.24; 59 209808.8;
+ 60 17004.38; 61 30818.53; 69 37092.91; 70 16805.93; 71 8484.984;
+ 72 39439.11; 73 4938742; 74 552699.6; 75 412996; 76 31799.26;
+ 77 23679.47; 81 34211.95; 82 104629.4; 83 29149.95; 85 31137.71;
+ 86 13121.49; 87 13161.08; 88 7292.768; 89 466436.6; 90 40348.34;
+ 91 22198.72; 96 11027.28; 97 14381.73; 99 23289.15; 100 96037.42;
+ 101 67168.27; 102 40504.01; 103 693918.4; 104 66641.68; 105 108550.1;
+ 106 10596.67; 107 6888.602; 109 15374.71; 110 16286.97; 111 30137.61;
+ 112 11913.42; 113 41929.01; 114 43378.91; 115 35919; 116 39765.2;
+ 117 679944.8; 118 64601.96; 119 44130.38; 124 6196.905; 125 7104.764;
+ 126 27923.6; 127 41443.29; 128 36352.47; 129 784679.8; 130 465413.1;
+ 131 150715.3; 132 31292.61; 133 262084.4; 134 36263.97; 135 24508.6;
+ 138 18703.95; 139 18093.87; 140 17203.84; 141 19800.79; 142 71448.12;
+ 143 143166.2; 144 27221.49; 145 78541.68; 146 21928.43; 147 1743031;
+ 148 341710.7; 149 223222.4; 150 28450.81; 151 19550.77; 152 14611.81;
+ 153 26540.3; 154 18089.84; 155 51406.25; 156 19926.17; 157 2188184;
+ 158 372106; 159 139120; 160 362967.5; 161 329319; 162 46704.27;
+ 163 600403.8; 164 97562.74; 165 47848.07; 166 6749.085; 168 30638.96;
+ 169 428447.1; 170 257363.9; 171 61939.66; 172 60496.55; 173 46785.84;
+ 174 111644.8; 175 25386.5; 176 7065.863; 177 27477.97; 178 5772.652;
+ 180 26311.48; 181 18517.83; 182 22098.88; 183 25578.21; 184 12478.13;
+ 185 13237.98; 186 88718.34; 187 32307.64; 188 17364.71; 189 1588772;
+ 190 310894.8; 191 331482.5; 192 52820.55; 193 24030.19; 196 22846.57;
+ 197 10939.92; 198 22498.15; 199 8272.734; 200 15220.22; 201 80935.62;
+ 202 22605.64; 203 123138.1; 204 1098669; 205 757268.1; 206 185404.2;
+ 207 60587.04; 208 7878.045; 212 37517.27; 213 10061.36; 214 58277.71;
+ 215 64489.68; 216 72778.81; 217 3321525; 218 842924.3; 219 465929.1;
+ 220 75587.03; 221 61411.23; 222 14758.5; 223 6525.015; 226 5809.215;
+ 227 15054.25; 228 36417.01; 229 253158.2; 230 92028.1; 231 185284.1;
+ 232 86806.27; 233 88086.49; 234 28725.17; 235 49438.53; 236 10441.04;
+ 240 12879.69; 241 28221.08; 242 135305.5; 243 334448.5; 244 724080.1;
+ 245 207871.6; 246 91336.52; 247 228362.7; 248 72724.47; 249 26268.9;
+ 250 6111.394; 254 6181.196; 255 11531.6; 256 15147.81; 257 17645.81;
+ 258 30314.48; 259 60214.15; 260 42096.32; 261 16806.39; 262 44291.57;
+ 263 10718.39; 268 10692.2; 269 7260.441; 270 43386.62; 271 275795.1;
+ 272 74618.63; 273 32889.79; 274 33417.87; 275 17058.29; 276 16867.28;
+ 277 30060.1; 278 9925.037; 286 15016.08; 287 5940.147; 288 8624.327;
+ 289 14996.3; 290 6442.107; 291 44485.4; 292 13376.47; 293 7539.801;
+ 302 91283.32; 303 47811.05; 304 45186.15; 305 65166.84; 306 26963.58;
+ 317 19519.93; 318 17540.58; 319 835582.1; 320 248509.5; 321 119373.6;
+ 322 23554.03; 323 6801.498; 330 9280.445; 331 106657.8; 332 264057.5;
+ 333 100869.2; 334 41167.94; 335 11481.92; 337 6090.924; 344 5827.736;
+ 345 11820.09; 360 11257.01; 361 1007956; 362 328610.3; 363 155920.4;
+ 364 43003.3; 392 25934.38; 393 8556.562; 394 35475.5; 395 11972.35;
+ 396 6116.554; 450 7131.902; 451 12525.9;
+Name: Unknown 14
+DB.idx: -14
+rt: 26.582
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 8e-04
+Num Peaks: 147
+ 55 155533.2; 56 18507.41; 57 56105.04; 58 28687.2; 59 46650.46;
+ 60 18479.16; 61 111072.5; 62 7603.289; 65 7127.397; 67 166204.5;
+ 68 18062.02; 69 190162; 70 22764.05; 71 28760.39; 72 116045.9;
+ 73 2361374; 74 209916.4; 75 2491281; 76 196543.8; 77 112134;
+ 79 70133.67; 80 8696.265; 81 194020.5; 82 22278.09; 83 132449.7;
+ 84 64859.24; 85 91815.3; 86 28564.39; 87 10444.62; 88 11923.33;
+ 89 45474.77; 91 22677.45; 93 58521.19; 94 8097.786; 95 208107.5;
+ 96 21842.96; 97 87725.43; 98 150267; 99 70802.29; 101 23063.52;
+ 105 49889.5; 107 33182.35; 109 73201.91; 110 9285.328; 111 109165.3;
+ 112 49542.86; 113 13843.89; 115 20521.16; 116 135714.9; 117 4743520;
+ 118 595324; 119 248462; 120 12120.88; 121 36624.98; 123 25384.2;
+ 125 19302.3; 126 18789.19; 127 22588.69; 129 2305554; 130 288466.6;
+ 131 598255.9; 132 362620.7; 133 143205.2; 134 22946.91; 135 29684.95;
+ 137 8296.059; 139 19960.24; 140 13626.55; 141 5819.386; 143 254948;
+ 144 29707; 145 584976.9; 146 74602.55; 153 25309.3; 154 24257.49;
+ 155 6328.638; 157 48244.22; 159 96987.74; 167 15262.91; 168 12539.69;
+ 171 137330.8; 172 23025.46; 173 53565.43; 174 19842.3; 177 8129.946;
+ 181 9532.239; 182 14963.94; 185 260767.8; 186 41699.13; 187 117797;
+ 188 34108.04; 191 67438.27; 192 12192.51; 195 48835.05; 196 12215.35;
+ 199 47967.98; 200 8636.907; 201 294275; 202 51174.58; 203 15023.4;
+ 209 15177.99; 213 60868.78; 214 11102.76; 215 61809.73; 216 24410.61;
+ 227 80200.57; 228 15176.97; 229 106017.8; 230 25629.16; 237 6342.98;
+ 238 9215.649; 241 52693.22; 242 11678.14; 243 121974; 244 27608.6;
+ 245 7924.225; 255 36746.66; 256 8151.99; 257 97733.9; 258 22961.26;
+ 260 15635.55; 269 150222.9; 270 31401.28; 271 63708.51; 272 16206.49;
+ 283 46999.05; 284 10381; 285 186176.4; 286 45338.68; 287 12660.99;
+ 297 13179.23; 299 52583.54; 300 12214.01; 311 8385.19; 312 21295.75;
+ 313 3336360; 314 955690.7; 315 250811.6; 316 36723.21; 327 17015.88;
+ 328 230385.3; 329 60175.73; 330 16371.5; 331 138335.7; 332 34603.09;
+ 333 9617.081; 376 23182.79;
+Name: Unknown 15
+DB.idx: -15
+rt: 9.672
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 47
+ 55 16184.26; 58 15025.37; 59 78527.73; 60 15054.17; 61 15385.23;
+ 66 10291.86; 72 26871.11; 73 2370544; 74 245029; 75 175089;
+ 76 15196.17; 85 9988.354; 86 25533; 98 12881.66; 100 233858.5;
+ 104 28785.01; 112 16022.36; 114 29754.1; 128 75186.37; 130 47987.09;
+ 131 78243.05; 132 63295.49; 133 81941.2; 134 12229.02; 142 15746.89;
+ 144 4526017; 145 720059.1; 146 222193.9; 147 875522.6; 148 142778.5;
+ 149 91619.63; 150 10233.85; 156 47913.5; 157 49355.3; 163 28469.88;
+ 164 5375.023; 171 23214.9; 203 12115.45; 218 469279; 219 546435.1;
+ 220 119408.7; 221 43082.88; 246 32523.5; 247 36693.15; 248 9130.37;
+ 261 13714.82; 281 17367.95;
+Name: Unknown 16
+DB.idx: -16
+rt: 37.205
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 57 148445.4; 58 10026.93; 61 10379.79; 73 2111804; 74 183569.9;
+ 75 259797.5; 76 18182.73; 77 15228.93; 79 15467.76; 91 65157.25;
+ 92 5320.026; 105 58082.29; 106 6683.072; 107 11640.35; 115 39908.61;
+ 116 12208.3; 117 57622.93; 119 89892.52; 120 10007.1; 121 8607.028;
+ 127 8477.056; 128 35353.5; 129 58167.59; 131 40512.05; 133 50077.22;
+ 135 18961.74; 141 18162.43; 142 19711.16; 143 47444.79; 144 13056.66;
+ 145 41586.8; 146 11174.45; 147 549481.3; 148 82663.88; 149 61969.77;
+ 150 7758.31; 151 34482.55; 152 7617.264; 153 7472.194; 155 9461.159;
+ 159 24357.43; 161 39262.28; 162 8865.2; 163 111136.2; 164 18231.69;
+ 165 33327.79; 166 6535.833; 167 5558.004; 169 11627.98; 171 14056.05;
+ 173 42873.25; 174 12019.92; 175 126439.6; 176 18514.95; 177 162945.6;
+ 178 35729.34; 179 185629; 180 30824.69; 181 15826.56; 187 23905.68;
+ 188 7860.418; 189 211182; 190 55391.44; 191 530982.2; 192 92166.63;
+ 193 75322.62; 194 15745.29; 195 6766.175; 197 8594.076; 199 8397.627;
+ 201 31770.48; 202 23110.31; 203 240258.6; 204 61241.5; 205 374321.7;
+ 206 74502.35; 207 571131.2; 208 104600.8; 209 45965.56; 210 7181.948;
+ 213 6666.267; 215 42750.25; 216 25658.9; 217 164175.2; 218 100114.3;
+ 219 828436.1; 220 160609.5; 221 76721.32; 222 15565.78; 223 7638.624;
+ 227 8560.351; 228 7028.444; 229 32203.05; 230 13516.16; 231 167050.5;
+ 232 52792.74; 233 114732.8; 234 84033.8; 235 146725.5; 236 30219.37;
+ 237 17881.27; 239 6304.488; 241 30909.65; 242 6233.196; 243 12820.92;
+ 245 68970.16; 246 19609.56; 247 2099502; 248 484800.1; 249 213288.9;
+ 250 79937.49; 251 18041.77; 252 5788.657; 253 16871.72; 254 5225.636;
+ 255 5873.1; 256 29081.64; 261 99868.9; 262 103964.2; 263 428646.8;
+ 264 100315.2; 265 26578.32; 266 8541.952; 267 11920.24; 269 10581.22;
+ 271 6108.656; 278 7473.89; 279 20630.36; 280 9568.463; 281 24043.22;
+ 282 12013.26; 283 39618.21; 284 9050.964; 289 7926.019; 290 5266.922;
+ 291 15474.52; 292 8170.045; 293 29647.19; 294 11757.96; 295 16254.44;
+ 296 8292.497; 297 61514.55; 298 17913.02; 307 75838.97; 308 18689.83;
+ 309 79608.38; 310 20348.18; 311 148988.1; 312 38382.04; 313 11913.09;
+ 315 6943.129; 317 6104.628; 323 15016.48; 324 5621.693; 325 89787.26;
+ 326 26692.39; 327 25060.68; 328 6645.564; 333 10248.12; 335 11951.19;
+ 336 6429.217; 337 29437.16; 338 11601.07; 339 50034.74; 340 14533.18;
+ 349 504479.6; 350 136692.7; 351 33927.25; 352 11547.04; 353 148471.7;
+ 354 44883.16; 355 14905.37; 365 33700.06; 366 12054.27; 367 535065.9;
+ 368 156777.8; 369 48422.05; 370 14489.14; 371 41196.75; 372 13314.56;
+ 373 4736.74; 379 12894.22; 380 4388.634; 381 221141; 382 71766.41;
+ 383 121191.9; 384 35582.73; 385 16862.33; 386 5489.615; 393 34293.61;
+ 394 12697.46; 395 15527.03; 396 5878.513; 397 14504.33; 398 6091.072;
+ 399 77818.95; 400 25866.34; 401 9690.379; 407 15353.67; 408 5704.373;
+ 409 165023.5; 410 56745.73; 411 18223.78; 412 5262.866; 423 208536.4;
+ 424 102398.9; 425 35902.97; 426 10583.23; 427 35443.22; 428 13223.36;
+ 437 16822.06; 438 7748.247; 439 59509.95; 440 25832.89; 441 31022.44;
+ 442 9964.034; 453 12950.22; 454 5177.313; 455 4228586; 456 1988427;
+ 457 756209; 458 175995.3; 459 32050.18;
+Name: Unknown 17
+DB.idx: -17
+rt: 11.522
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 147
+ 52 20662.29; 55 7305.105; 57 8297; 58 18910.62; 59 45265.62;
+ 60 9815.964; 61 49893.02; 62 6197.997; 63 34978.36; 66 107432.3;
+ 67 148034.5; 68 34540.18; 70 21225.86; 71 12720.05; 72 118653.7;
+ 73 2085705; 74 235871.5; 75 559257; 76 47355.39; 77 945736.8;
+ 78 76276.04; 79 47029.44; 81 137931.2; 82 10621.96; 85 6233.202;
+ 86 55810.11; 88 9236.807; 90 100565.2; 92 9963.398; 93 18698.98;
+ 95 20366.04; 96 7553.355; 97 10336.33; 98 95262.64; 99 16008.33;
+ 100 62446.29; 101 16008.63; 102 35500.38; 104 20576.05; 105 15450.46;
+ 106 6546.832; 107 5288.614; 108 9240.915; 112 12044.22; 113 8524.502;
+ 114 23212.52; 115 12928.1; 116 17918.63; 117 82813.02; 118 13089;
+ 120 13403.37; 121 29866.07; 122 68476; 123 12122.19; 127 8653.571;
+ 128 20601.88; 130 28509.65; 131 110915.5; 132 32816.57; 134 15289.93;
+ 135 21017.03; 137 12706.4; 138 13771.63; 139 75648.46; 140 190688.9;
+ 141 62473.43; 142 18055.85; 143 541186.2; 144 89360.57; 145 27066.9;
+ 146 15482.98; 147 2398012; 148 476277.1; 149 237084.5; 150 29788.88;
+ 151 129083.6; 152 26183.48; 153 13570.5; 154 6103.895; 155 27933.71;
+ 159 7876.844; 162 17211.83; 163 131313.4; 164 364660.5; 165 46093.32;
+ 166 61494.8; 167 12889.71; 168 50987.07; 169 7868.971; 170 159450.8;
+ 171 106331; 172 31236.23; 173 11742.55; 174 49330.59; 175 9415.364;
+ 176 6560.327; 178 35965; 179 6087.981; 180 96234.77; 181 16012.45;
+ 182 180128.6; 183 21800.72; 184 17627.22; 186 23324.34; 187 16094;
+ 188 9270.273; 191 49265.55; 193 168872.2; 194 21214.06; 195 9731.194;
+ 200 9337.675; 201 21494.34; 208 50423.12; 209 84960.05; 210 20487.89;
+ 211 47864.76; 213 152433.8; 214 29300.57; 215 31930.42; 229 223898.1;
+ 230 50977.76; 231 20331.03; 252 13981.39; 255 9381.01; 259 22917.53;
+ 261 5252.089; 262 42745.26; 263 67905.97; 264 19549.76; 265 7362.073;
+ 267 171157.8; 268 32514.8; 269 14714.22; 277 205555.5; 278 146648.2;
+ 279 41707.63; 280 11735.32; 281 28007; 282 17471.82; 283 4151709;
+ 284 1040377; 285 438759.2; 286 61089.45; 287 11009.25; 297 10689.33;
+ 298 114685.8; 299 28712.91;
+Name: Unknown 18
+DB.idx: -18
+rt: 8.379
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 56 18181.18; 58 24418.42; 59 194031.6; 60 14918.64; 61 51080.48;
+ 62 4119.728; 70 20519.5; 72 108125.6; 73 3421202; 74 322452.1;
+ 75 447289.3; 76 34400; 84 42371.58; 86 106556.3; 87 41590.45;
+ 102 80230.45; 114 43023.49; 128 9656.388; 130 1975299; 144 657576.8;
+ 145 87689; 146 69978.01; 159 14205.47; 173 37142.35; 174 1446968;
+ 175 199474.6; 176 62839.43; 188 1464228; 189 214496.9; 203 151982.7;
+Name: Unknown 19
+DB.idx: -19
+rt: 25.317
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 218
+ 53 6327.663; 54 10527.35; 55 13544.15; 58 16143.72; 59 121639.6;
+ 60 9504.793; 61 18936.05; 68 4200.081; 69 22806.25; 70 11823.23;
+ 72 23042.08; 73 3334884; 74 317985.9; 75 259537.7; 76 19569.59;
+ 77 16416.57; 80 5203.065; 81 35419.03; 82 82372; 83 14876.08;
+ 84 4334.028; 85 13842.2; 86 9473.231; 87 7862.57; 88 4476.924;
+ 89 247648.1; 90 21251.83; 91 11857.88; 96 8079.38; 97 8063.298;
+ 99 16899.17; 100 41308.49; 101 38784.86; 102 23068.81; 103 374841.4;
+ 104 37899.95; 105 62378.61; 106 6827.026; 109 17501.31; 110 18529.88;
+ 111 19597.93; 112 7293.545; 113 23553.99; 114 26017.15; 115 23224.6;
+ 116 21963.49; 117 358992.2; 118 36748; 119 26607.24; 125 5481.392;
+ 126 16169.7; 127 25872.85; 128 23953.47; 129 462174.8; 130 258656.8;
+ 131 99622.73; 132 20301.21; 133 150924.5; 134 21393.06; 135 14647.53;
+ 138 12889.37; 139 17891.98; 140 12421.6; 141 14069.04; 142 52482.78;
+ 143 85698.16; 144 18771.5; 145 40000.2; 146 13597.13; 147 1179269;
+ 148 250926.4; 149 145094.9; 150 18481.47; 151 13469.92; 152 10577.13;
+ 153 28397.12; 154 13530.37; 155 46073.75; 156 14881.19; 157 1040352;
+ 158 183227.3; 159 62701.36; 160 186751.1; 161 165457.6; 162 25234.86;
+ 163 270533.5; 164 43604.68; 165 20963.74; 166 4868.449; 168 23017.11;
+ 169 420819.1; 170 238611.1; 171 53943.88; 172 35936.73; 173 26296.55;
+ 174 71251.27; 175 15891.19; 176 5772.687; 177 14148.73; 180 12022.86;
+ 181 15808.86; 182 12696.31; 183 26675.9; 184 10065.91; 185 8071.801;
+ 186 79712.48; 187 19033.18; 188 9928.066; 189 852896.3; 190 155960.5;
+ 191 227541.4; 192 39265.21; 193 16483.59; 196 14049.58; 197 8997.413;
+ 198 13168.41; 199 7642.726; 200 19729.29; 201 46470.39; 202 14598.69;
+ 203 70892.98; 204 542159.9; 205 374426.9; 206 89692.89; 207 30437.95;
+ 212 24112.63; 213 6931.857; 214 27075.01; 215 40617.21; 216 49630.11;
+ 217 2462528; 218 585692.4; 219 319328.6; 220 50675.91; 221 43639.2;
+ 222 11868.25; 223 4978.708; 227 16004.39; 228 26420.74; 229 148223.9;
+ 230 56643.21; 231 97196.52; 232 49082.57; 233 36296.48; 234 13020.73;
+ 235 14183.06; 239 5189.027; 240 6898.892; 241 30517.15; 242 93804.8;
+ 243 346211.2; 244 320938.3; 245 114127.6; 246 45853.14; 247 110074.3;
+ 248 42404.55; 249 14012.16; 250 3852.444; 254 3891.876; 255 10814.34;
+ 256 11013.41; 257 18887.55; 258 27649.39; 259 32011.38; 260 40330.49;
+ 261 12136.41; 262 27403.79; 263 7986.532; 268 4769.352; 270 23049.13;
+ 271 279177.8; 272 74387.62; 273 32413.08; 274 23687.32; 276 9530.077;
+ 286 11665.04; 287 5643.217; 288 5798.248; 289 14659.93; 290 9495.972;
+ 291 33432.36; 292 13260.26; 293 6628.802; 302 53991.06; 303 33012.99;
+ 304 25299.32; 305 47150.47; 306 19220.36; 317 16585.14; 318 15295.67;
+ 319 420805.2; 320 123064.4; 321 61211.62; 322 12174.93; 330 4613.333;
+ 331 98953.18; 332 228826.3; 333 87628.02; 334 36103.48; 335 9799.982;
+ 344 3878.535; 345 11134.87; 346 4435.043; 350 4943.901; 360 7705.489;
+ 361 1050390; 362 343469.9; 363 163123; 364 40738.41; 392 20373.58;
+ 393 7254.018; 394 22197.97; 395 7245.769; 450 5605.721; 451 12938.31;
+ 452 5814.685; 482 10720.24; 483 4371.642;
+Name: Unknown 20
+DB.idx: -20
+rt: 24.55
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53 15700.9; 54 15138.37; 55 284349.3; 56 15094.3; 57 27535.6;
+ 58 217797; 59 1093533; 60 94732.66; 61 64627.2; 62 5239.778;
+ 65 8032.772; 67 54818.89; 68 10886.31; 69 137603.3; 70 56858.4;
+ 71 40157.7; 72 220427.1; 74 2266675; 75 1548469; 76 79200.71;
+ 77 44340.12; 78 9157.023; 79 11347.89; 80 10224.35; 81 39462.35;
+ 82 84680.43; 83 1060213; 84 72040.98; 85 49575.05; 86 59808.81;
+ 87 60795.2; 88 67353.57; 89 2051509; 90 284720.3; 91 132339.2;
+ 92 7692.516; 94 5701.405; 95 8348.73; 96 164511.7; 97 189823;
+ 98 25812.68; 99 88144.98; 100 1176833; 101 366141.6; 102 204494;
+ 103 2570805; 104 489137.9; 105 1380622; 106 165181.3; 107 63584.27;
+ 109 12057.77; 110 16697.57; 111 89300.27; 112 26127.98; 113 146271.9;
+ 114 185420.9; 115 108297.7; 116 110700.5; 117 2746259; 118 566948.2;
+ 119 369508.8; 120 29657.56; 121 11761.21; 124 4824.999; 125 28492.96;
+ 126 82462.64; 127 192075.8; 128 94858.7; 129 3328544; 130 1296006;
+ 131 1103968; 132 192444.3; 133 1970554; 134 371045.4; 135 178625.8;
+ 136 19261.98; 137 6553.411; 138 36173.22; 139 21256.18; 140 34926.79;
+ 141 80483.67; 142 133351.1; 143 605992.2; 144 83366.27; 145 127849.9;
+ 146 56144.82; 148 2629245; 149 1973640; 150 332250.3; 151 111589.3;
+ 152 45901.78; 153 29831.55; 154 85054.72; 155 38386.9; 156 35705.15;
+ 158 1286424; 159 652872.8; 161 1472294; 162 481035.2; 163 742101.3;
+ 164 121343.2; 165 65885.38; 166 19651.72; 167 8307.268; 168 66210.69;
+ 169 420806.1; 170 108677.3; 171 55931.1; 172 293511.9; 173 182232.2;
+ 174 95526.34; 175 289251; 176 50114.85; 177 418893.3; 178 84957.59;
+ 180 56760.28; 181 11397.04; 182 200168.3; 183 39471.06; 184 31507.16;
+ 185 43291.04; 186 330113.9; 187 149058.6; 188 145118.2; 189 2056185;
+ 190 705034; 191 1044791; 192 211837; 193 89605.14; 194 17203.86;
+ 195 5213.868; 196 138015.9; 197 24885.18; 198 30597.81; 199 8931.417;
+ 200 89949.93; 201 898403.5; 202 216069.7; 203 279968.3; 204 1498439;
+ 206 2239142; 207 1413222; 208 233892.9; 209 48376.91; 210 145339;
+ 211 27126.57; 212 13493.85; 213 11192.21; 214 676022.4; 215 231580.3;
+ 216 184187.6; 218 1839851; 219 983021.1; 220 198015.3; 221 656973.4;
+ 222 159922.6; 223 87894.92; 224 16336.93; 225 5424.187; 226 12933.64;
+ 227 11826.12; 228 68238.38; 229 2247092; 230 976792.6; 231 589966.2;
+ 232 193623; 233 1141031; 234 338526.1; 235 591257.8; 236 117765.4;
+ 237 57623.25; 238 11017.91; 240 77101.28; 241 64152.64; 242 289424.7;
+ 243 261980.6; 244 298376; 245 276620.3; 246 240540.1; 247 174261.2;
+ 248 63734.14; 249 23772.95; 250 6300.767; 251 21318.49; 252 16811.44;
+ 253 15742.25; 254 34073.7; 255 10655.85; 256 61283.61; 257 26844.34;
+ 258 23703.78; 259 141384.7; 260 91217.81; 261 47527.35; 262 162290.7;
+ 263 44087.86; 264 20403.83; 265 119321.3; 266 30718.07; 267 17236.03;
+ 268 520783.4; 269 273007.1; 270 166417.9; 271 41804.75; 273 404823.5;
+ 274 435167.1; 275 175789.7; 276 72950.69; 277 1209634; 278 414857.7;
+ 279 198762; 284 62672.52; 285 35025.64; 286 33211.29; 287 10368.31;
+ 288 47022.67; 289 23239.31; 290 21351.36; 291 1071682; 292 362988.2;
+ 293 186205.8; 294 38966.44; 295 11052.18;
+Name: Unknown 21
+DB.idx: -21
+rt: 10.869
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 58 6392.718; 59 33749.57; 61 7098.332; 66 40777.23; 68 12902.42;
+ 70 34248.16; 72 28484.62; 73 1254372; 74 106558.4; 80 5467.112;
+ 84 4848.256; 85 7866.727; 98 5241.831; 106 5725.139; 107 4639.756;
+ 113 8813.209; 126 4447.887; 127 4702.755; 140 16610.17; 142 3274166;
+ 143 475247.3; 144 144751.1; 145 10409.22; 147 317461.5; 170 20447.59;
+ 175 15140.43; 216 196440.6; 244 22318.82;
+Name: Unknown 22
+DB.idx: -22
+rt: 28.524
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 148
+ 58 10290.67; 59 21879.33; 70 6086.132; 72 15225.46; 73 1503033;
+ 74 122628; 84 17907.37; 85 4335.471; 86 13188.7; 87 4243.778;
+ 98 9831.153; 99 8189.196; 100 96369.31; 101 11803.3; 102 5736.801;
+ 113 6685.078; 114 4184.125; 125 3890.906; 130 26580.23; 131 131802.2;
+ 132 27672.29; 133 42304.23; 141 17778.72; 147 664191.6; 148 104320.2;
+ 149 61366.88; 150 7543.648; 155 8403.521; 156 7392.297; 158 46953.8;
+ 159 8846.44; 167 6794.157; 168 3750.477; 170 5618.087; 171 58899.45;
+ 172 53491.42; 173 12544.06; 174 40070.57; 175 7211.982; 176 3476.451;
+ 181 3232.763; 182 8296.628; 184 8906.122; 188 9644.661; 195 7673.35;
+ 197 11432.67; 198 9040.643; 199 40064.79; 200 8908.288; 210 3862.265;
+ 213 7657.442; 224 15563.49; 225 6938.712; 226 4750.667; 227 3478.392;
+ 232 7560.497; 236 4265.289; 238 5846.586; 240 6552.756; 242 6397.771;
+ 245 15218.87; 246 5175.127; 251 7137.035; 252 19871.4; 253 8601.042;
+ 254 10729.09; 255 5498.387; 256 5624.85; 265 4871.409; 266 5683.089;
+ 267 15111.39; 268 8997.71; 269 5168.607; 279 18737.65; 280 5322.322;
+ 282 3837.915; 284 6122.648; 292 6717.25; 293 17116.49; 294 17062.24;
+ 295 21239.01; 296 8068.25; 297 5579.174; 298 12419.1; 308 31709.68;
+ 309 10796.29; 310 15513.28; 311 13675.21; 312 7025.852; 314 9662.907;
+ 323 4551.392; 324 15132.29; 325 15353.4; 326 93185.63; 327 30745.35;
+ 328 61396.6; 329 17156.32; 330 7856.286; 337 3635.078; 339 9510.999;
+ 340 9900.62; 341 26751.11; 342 13347.93; 343 6733.319; 351 74871.45;
+ 352 24175.44; 353 174296.6; 354 49172.59; 355 24283.62; 366 75921.87;
+ 367 643991; 368 226354.9; 369 178081.9; 370 49791.32; 371 18894.04;
+ 372 4432.237; 381 6318.237; 382 976720.4; 383 363389.9; 384 192708.5;
+ 385 48803.06; 386 14676.93; 387 3610.68; 399 6136.917; 400 7232.161;
+ 411 5518.715; 413 8737.939; 414 8824.286; 415 4759.408; 425 48532.79;
+ 426 17979.14; 427 13178.23; 428 4548.086; 439 4712.894; 440 5023.238;
+ 441 2813424; 442 1200687; 443 654945.4; 444 173466.3; 445 49729.8;
+ 446 9810.453; 455 124723; 456 2129412; 457 917588.8; 458 490996.4;
+ 459 137897.6; 460 40291.12; 461 9568.374;
+Name: Unknown 23
+DB.idx: -23
+rt: 7.126
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.004
+Num Peaks: 59
+ 56 11191.81; 57 8808.888; 58 97135.77; 59 365449.6; 60 29414.15;
+ 61 26886.13; 70 13782.66; 71 15260.4; 72 102123.3; 73 2172792;
+ 74 681099.1; 75 201030.7; 76 31793.52; 77 60359.18; 78 6073.672;
+ 84 15730.8; 86 10325.17; 89 631956.1; 90 51070.89; 91 24861.01;
+ 98 18243.4; 99 310027.7; 100 131856.3; 101 19580.59; 105 35063.87;
+ 106 5091.948; 107 5179.068; 114 41590.73; 115 236408.8; 116 31193.28;
+ 121 4643.262; 123 3387.866; 128 6906.682; 143 23459.86; 151 40012.59;
+ 152 16394.39; 153 6306.381; 155 35285.14; 158 187455.1; 159 27158.94;
+ 174 2762466; 175 353138.9; 176 129268.4; 177 10332.92; 178 27766.63;
+ 179 4880.62; 193 13495.72; 195 3380.597; 209 20585.23; 225 190962;
+ 226 40406.39; 227 23952.72; 228 4221.81; 248 4924.132; 252 13027.63;
+ 266 3974.917; 318 356513.2; 319 87855; 320 46069.5;
+Name: Unknown 24
+DB.idx: -24
+rt: 22.736
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0077
+Num Peaks: 147
+ 55 26954.19; 56 19749.96; 58 11697.82; 59 94651.74; 60 7465.147;
+ 61 11789.29; 69 155096.3; 70 8622.075; 72 16648.09; 73 2437644;
+ 74 212567.9; 75 241489.8; 76 18553.03; 81 23806.51; 83 16947.11;
+ 85 8914.339; 87 6147.002; 91 7300.961; 97 36800.47; 98 3392.011;
+ 99 19184.6; 101 153373.4; 102 16649.41; 103 260686.3; 104 24953.34;
+ 109 4448.04; 111 17724.29; 113 74395.85; 114 11450.76; 115 31465.38;
+ 116 91816.53; 117 157545.9; 118 17200.86; 119 20327.79; 125 5307.028;
+ 127 33795.66; 128 18643.7; 129 383557.5; 131 138975.7; 132 20237.33;
+ 133 231160.7; 134 31882.04; 135 18420.54; 139 4964.033; 141 16239.91;
+ 142 10421.81; 143 164224; 144 20632.06; 145 25597.23; 147 1895118;
+ 148 314707.8; 149 264465.3; 150 34052.14; 151 19660.71; 152 3515.713;
+ 153 13590.93; 154 6544.032; 155 70690.39; 156 11810.88; 159 79195.38;
+ 167 39311.43; 168 6085.776; 169 146102; 170 28208.27; 171 13077.96;
+ 173 12079.93; 174 22152.32; 175 34033.09; 176 5746.02; 177 44602.55;
+ 178 7709.693; 179 4662.9; 182 25846.58; 183 244915.2; 184 34717;
+ 185 16161.99; 189 369244; 190 69763.33; 191 1146177; 192 200638.3;
+ 193 94554.38; 194 11251.48; 203 286027.5; 204 377174.6; 205 158774.5;
+ 206 39027.09; 215 72674.02; 216 17192.02; 217 1894868; 218 871238.2;
+ 219 267372.4; 220 66393.44; 221 57480.37; 222 13772.3; 223 7593.921;
+ 229 70663.15; 230 38530.01; 231 106732; 232 25447.04; 233 28547.29;
+ 234 7935.006; 241 3271.881; 242 24525.04; 243 58654.41; 245 132107.3;
+ 246 56499.6; 255 16686.42; 256 7617.25; 257 334939.7; 258 72888.4;
+ 259 436802; 260 95737.94; 261 39178.1; 262 9176.33; 265 6610.303;
+ 271 34470.21; 272 118705.1; 273 86923.05; 291 24522.05; 292 10437.3;
+ 293 5294.164; 305 74481.16; 306 70192.65; 307 42804.71; 308 13727.75;
+ 317 15986.23; 318 10515.02; 331 57856.69; 332 53965.57; 333 21057.54;
+ 334 8295.569; 335 15116.34; 336 4527.462; 344 6175.042; 345 4274.958;
+ 347 37638.4; 348 25021.53; 349 66932.91; 350 20484.36; 351 10746.57;
+ 362 124222.4; 363 42466.45; 437 12551.5; 438 5421.411; 452 12778.18;
+ 453 5037.236; 454 3062.433;
+Name: Unknown 25
+DB.idx: -25
+rt: 10.493
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 96 14838.26; 100 70084.98; 102 326384; 158 2322256; 159 347966.4;
+ 160 97685.7; 170 27854.04; 232 108106.5; 233 28166.05; 234 10984.91;
+ 260 37202.02; 261 7990.255;
+Name: Unknown 26
+DB.idx: -26
+rt: 27.14
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 128
+ 55 5688.73; 58 7486.156; 59 45496.61; 60 3702.564; 61 6549.708;
+ 69 12052.34; 72 9834.967; 73 1537122; 74 128451.6; 81 7145.106;
+ 83 16280.54; 89 80629.21; 90 7628.19; 91 7502.856; 100 85740.71;
+ 101 15117.1; 102 12640.41; 103 62127.27; 104 6834.339; 105 14748.1;
+ 111 5787.63; 113 11751.29; 116 11146.15; 117 56379.39; 127 7091.204;
+ 128 7505.771; 129 128479.5; 130 22341.51; 131 38635.59; 132 15928.49;
+ 133 52379.85; 134 7962.051; 141 5821.097; 142 6279.515; 143 36858.15;
+ 145 7324.449; 147 513933.3; 148 144040.9; 149 58279.38; 150 8176.886;
+ 153 5143.493; 154 3198.32; 155 8557.892; 157 173060.5; 158 23841.73;
+ 159 15266.84; 161 12262.86; 163 17897.51; 164 3495.038; 168 3540.398;
+ 169 30179.27; 170 8245.919; 172 29164.42; 175 6783.768; 177 7122.214;
+ 180 5643.047; 182 9551.212; 187 5160.145; 188 5866.946; 189 297638.7;
+ 190 55387.29; 191 103189.2; 192 18972.72; 193 8052.571; 196 4904.114;
+ 203 32347.29; 204 2232669; 205 551369; 206 212863.2; 207 32973.37;
+ 214 5114.222; 215 11715.15; 216 7156.582; 217 480269.4; 218 124719.2;
+ 219 49130.2; 220 515727; 221 103702.8; 222 43792.78; 223 6078.246;
+ 227 2919.242; 228 2745.636; 229 45421.27; 230 24962.45; 231 20135.26;
+ 232 8929.083; 233 59560.69; 234 16462.45; 235 7106.515; 242 8558.153;
+ 243 33943.7; 244 17525.85; 245 10207.08; 246 5765.84; 247 5264.242;
+ 259 33921.07; 260 10285.55; 261 4367.066; 262 6077; 268 5708.684;
+ 270 9174.932; 271 6135.467; 272 3048.161; 291 19348.01; 292 6241.434;
+ 293 3698.962; 294 4666.951; 304 9142.102; 305 38476.42; 306 15024.02;
+ 317 8814.937; 319 689168.9; 320 200409.6; 321 101729.9; 322 19918.87;
+ 323 5191.699; 331 8400.39; 332 8085.24; 333 10091.29; 334 4083.607;
+ 344 4166.958; 358 5670.73; 360 2466.616; 361 12782.79; 362 4757.166;
+ 437 7779.225; 438 3202.642; 448 4198.613;
+Name: Unknown 27
+DB.idx: -27
+rt: 8.667
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.006
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 56 4049.901; 69 60461.1; 73 1530662; 91 27775.36; 126 3164.036;
+ 128 29799.14; 142 71668.63; 143 55910.37; 147 1336049; 152 36937.79;
+ 153 5250.852; 167 7322; 191 2039721; 192 384044.6; 193 179518.5;
+ 194 20738.95; 195 4540.323; 204 231041.7; 246 6683.29;
+Name: Unknown 28
+DB.idx: -28
+rt: 11.034
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 59 135166.3; 60 10503.28; 73 626348.1; 86 304343.5; 87 25751.24;
+ 88 11973.6; 100 150278.4; 101 20746.96; 102 8786.364; 113 6327.134;
+ 130 40559.21; 131 35045.55; 133 104483; 134 16110.86; 147 530837.9;
+ 148 83167.12; 149 53803.81; 172 16739.08; 174 1920908; 175 362110;
+ 176 159576.1; 177 19496.85; 178 3511.011; 188 10732.9; 202 6258.201;
+ 246 33855.84; 248 415465; 249 100342.4; 250 50613.83; 251 8639.188;
+ 252 2234.903; 276 129907.1; 277 33286.41; 278 16948.84; 279 3533.743;
+Name: Unknown 29
+DB.idx: -29
+rt: 23.849
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 55 12274.42; 83 51963.54; 86 8336.475; 107 4260.674; 157 533612.3;
+ 158 77956.26; 159 29933.97; 160 593001.4; 161 100227.1; 162 28692.33;
+ 205 945418.8; 206 191056.9; 207 83360.24; 208 10626.63; 210 19430.64;
+ 229 193062.4; 234 20576.33; 274 49018.02; 294 2345.025; 319 1741391;
+ 320 541294.4; 321 261829.6; 322 50181.88; 323 13370.03; 329 7698.52;
+ 373 4792.44; 388 3468.954; 419 6344.091; 494 10241.01; 495 3854.499;
+Name: Unknown 30
+DB.idx: -30
+rt: 6.905
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 49
+ 59 29324.6; 72 17706.61; 73 1150315; 74 92150.76; 77 151465.9;
+ 87 5353.624; 100 245139.3; 101 22797.03; 102 10063.96; 107 5488.979;
+ 115 26803.35; 121 10519.47; 123 5638.134; 131 145420.8; 132 30398.85;
+ 135 36272.14; 137 20218.12; 147 1624579; 148 266536.2; 149 181364.9;
+ 150 23724.78; 151 322738; 155 10059.36; 158 71400.67; 159 11198.14;
+ 168 39779.24; 169 7849.116; 174 452526.3; 175 73648.46; 176 35203.82;
+ 178 27580.04; 179 4171.598; 180 2896.606; 187 3653.5; 196 16336.65;
+ 197 2548.898; 224 43301.55; 226 3418.723; 246 8434.172; 250 8382.423;
+ 262 449277.7; 263 111789.8; 264 56365.23; 265 10205.08; 266 98267.01;
+ 267 23207.1; 268 12797.22; 316 36508.21; 317 9562.827;
+Name: Unknown 31
+DB.idx: -31
+rt: 24.188
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53 22166.43; 54 59618.54; 55 380849.8; 56 23167.19; 57 37207.4;
+ 58 278317; 59 1123734; 60 140681.9; 61 97662.02; 62 6321.43;
+ 63 4132.53; 65 11437.2; 66 9473.125; 67 121998.3; 68 30309.27;
+ 69 89979.54; 70 110968.8; 71 60166.65; 72 307695.5; 75 1416359;
+ 76 102123; 77 58583.52; 78 13021.17; 79 16703.76; 80 40101.98;
+ 81 42209.54; 82 266872.2; 83 1137899; 84 111778.3; 85 76724.56;
+ 86 246353.5; 87 93034.75; 88 99674.89; 90 320807.3; 91 154512.9;
+ 92 10337.22; 94 12963.01; 95 12177.7; 96 20954.91; 97 95009.83;
+ 98 42699.05; 99 137285.1; 100 785646.4; 101 455720.7; 102 347599.6;
+ 104 335445.8; 105 1572034; 106 300742.1; 107 123128.9; 108 9055.29;
+ 109 17244.49; 110 41340.16; 111 114308.1; 112 60435.39; 113 207732.1;
+ 114 567419.9; 115 283188.6; 116 142327; 118 706935.9; 119 481119.4;
+ 120 42829.11; 121 16379.42; 124 14297.71; 125 40059.46; 126 125252.2;
+ 127 266944.5; 128 273927.9; 130 1386017; 131 1091005; 132 249770.9;
+ 133 1532749; 134 388191.5; 135 220060.8; 136 24156.5; 137 9461.816;
+ 138 38439.8; 139 34653.12; 140 73487.24; 141 113095.6; 142 346134.1;
+ 143 700480.2; 144 127016.7; 145 257737; 146 71316.27; 150 446593.3;
+ 151 165225.4; 152 78396.34; 153 31801.81; 154 64873.43; 155 89553.62;
+ 158 1389669; 159 753140.1; 162 752531; 163 787756; 164 161171.2;
+ 165 82919.23; 166 34899.58; 167 15661.16; 168 123552.9; 169 221515.7;
+ 170 178122.1; 171 58746.24; 172 312997.8; 173 278411.2; 174 142284.7;
+ 175 355566.7; 176 72203.45; 177 214620.3; 178 51071.6; 179 31788.76;
+ 180 65307.77; 181 29269.57; 182 51174.39; 183 16294.92; 184 40436.75;
+ 185 47290.32; 186 379969.6; 187 103841; 188 90829.41; 190 765444.7;
+ 191 1177198; 192 323784.9; 193 144939.2; 194 26523.18; 195 17697.04;
+ 196 116166; 197 24092.97; 198 92827.23; 199 19359.64; 200 125443.9;
+ 201 976853.2; 202 294795.6; 203 352891.4; 204 1510369; 207 1375264;
+ 208 296428.4; 209 61926.84; 210 456173.1; 211 86216.93; 212 53865.62;
+ 213 21970.38; 214 137680.1; 215 304280.8; 216 957783.1; 219 1015639;
+ 220 217259.6; 221 797855; 222 233544.3; 223 130785.3; 224 27533.05;
+ 225 9100.731; 226 23653.76; 227 18828.04; 228 136603.8; 230 1008066;
+ 231 1156590; 232 572651.2; 233 689739.5; 234 437716.7; 235 131566.4;
+ 236 43460.65; 237 32709.29; 238 11843.35; 239 11742.45; 240 149931.1;
+ 241 81903.57; 242 133505.7; 243 265216.6; 244 572514.8; 245 227300.5;
+ 246 393989; 247 205805; 248 84628.58; 249 26021.65; 250 8758.605;
+ 251 4778.697; 252 8794.161; 253 49081.85; 254 100029.4; 255 37294.79;
+ 256 296897.2; 257 88092.71; 258 42908.18; 259 118504.4; 260 166891.5;
+ 261 76520.88; 262 671988.4; 263 182388.8; 264 82061.86; 265 171577.6;
+ 266 44874.74; 267 24405.72; 268 256304.5; 269 595178.7; 270 263411;
+ 271 96955.18; 272 62287.62; 274 1004473; 275 387111.2; 276 292850.9;
+ 277 1107616; 278 472092.8; 279 233695.2; 280 49264.33; 281 12830.16;
+ 284 37335.7; 285 10772.14; 286 101771.9; 287 25373.34; 288 37747.12;
+ 289 25751.86; 290 94209.69; 291 1207875; 292 521787.9; 293 312551.1;
+ 294 71337.39; 295 21152.03; 296 4524.459; 300 543673.4; 301 152549.2;
+ 302 187646.3; 303 73598.28; 304 109638.9;
+Name: Unknown 32
+DB.idx: -32
+rt: 11.957
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 59 30210.1; 60 3614.517; 61 5529.531; 73 806892.7; 74 69273.21;
+ 86 12009.67; 88 10048.73; 98 3477.394; 100 187431.9; 101 24283.61;
+ 102 7738.294; 114 34405.89; 116 78456.13; 132 25902.22; 141 6636.5;
+ 147 310679.1; 156 19144.12; 163 24319.03; 164 4104.832; 172 8226.528;
+ 188 263421.4; 189 70180.11; 190 27324.25; 203 9768.771; 204 1434222;
+ 205 280427.1; 206 126770.1; 216 50415.68; 218 807181.8; 219 154344.2;
+ 220 67083.88; 278 111563.1; 279 30565.81; 280 14133.6; 306 49674.48;
+Name: Unknown 33
+DB.idx: -33
+rt: 7.664
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.004
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 55 304598.4; 56 28408.26; 57 24024.69; 60 6271.599; 61 16587.16;
+ 62 1475.52; 72 1272022; 74 108479.1; 75 268599.3; 76 22917.99;
+ 85 8093.929; 86 17192.17; 87 20032.8; 92 2332.929; 102 15710.68;
+ 104 28385.86; 112 2895.894; 113 14671.22; 114 7965.432; 128 53634.86;
+ 130 70905.02; 131 71893.85; 146 57310.53; 156 80384.49; 157 79391.09;
+ 174 39958.63; 175 41828.91; 176 6507.455;
+Name: Unknown 34
+DB.idx: -34
+rt: 12.326
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 75
+ 51 2281.052; 54 3046.37; 56 11957.23; 58 21320.54; 63 7377.529;
+ 66 7315.686; 68 13290.67; 69 18348.8; 71 17524.57; 72 55274.63;
+ 77 79546.16; 78 7211.124; 80 7025.478; 81 15679.22; 82 9318.847;
+ 86 13196.54; 87 9366.633; 90 11714.2; 91 141671.8; 92 4800.334;
+ 94 2379.573; 95 9771.6; 96 4509.389; 98 9003.761; 102 6904.109;
+ 106 6187.704; 108 2793.134; 116 15701.56; 118 70761.62; 121 4438.032;
+ 122 7436.334; 123 33432.54; 124 3359.612; 126 4468.343; 136 5709.337;
+ 137 9028.692; 138 9441.877; 140 18307.54; 144 17165.28; 164 80221.65;
+ 165 7539.049; 166 3540.043; 167 5538.338; 168 15030.83; 170 6191.211;
+ 171 20672.15; 176 5100.221; 181 2370.232; 182 10233.6; 193 10286.44;
+ 194 3828.763; 196 4619.131; 197 4452.561; 210 106608.6; 213 210128.4;
+ 214 33480.57; 215 9357.038; 223 15921.41; 224 5608.886; 237 10977.49;
+ 238 2211.733; 239 40841.56; 240 26478.42; 241 5030.756; 243 11555.96;
+ 247 52223.2; 248 9775.745; 251 4977.834; 252 1968.741; 266 15354.26;
+ 267 1208241; 268 203900; 269 57143.62; 270 6728.622; 282 9294.283;
+Name: Unknown 35
+DB.idx: -35
+rt: 7.523
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 66 60300.84; 96 13838.54; 147 1196378; 149 139498.4; 161 60807.23;
+ 162 10497.59; 177 137636.4; 178 23082.49; 179 10539.97; 205 72763.71;
+Name: Unknown 36
+DB.idx: -36
+rt: 10.831
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 57 10677.94; 60 3808.223; 69 23843.16; 87 6447.72; 90 8086.392;
+ 100 57271.86; 102 29276.65; 128 9648.304; 130 42271.79; 132 16058.13;
+ 146 16810.54; 158 1185706; 159 170389.4; 160 49146.86; 218 239842.9;
+ 219 70804.78; 220 28384.61; 232 55408.1; 233 19816.92; 234 6713.646;
+ 260 12935.42;
+Name: Unknown 37
+DB.idx: -37
+rt: 30.287
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 176
+ 51 2519.961; 53 9435.38; 54 4590.698; 55 119551.2; 56 16077.22;
+ 57 24641.6; 58 8981.25; 60 6834; 61 42754.85; 62 3657.086;
+ 63 2238.196; 65 14928.9; 66 14893.5; 67 267004.3; 68 73433.81;
+ 69 134412.8; 70 18673.61; 71 13801.59; 72 34413.18; 73 760638.5;
+ 74 63877.46; 75 907649.6; 76 69219.3; 77 41506.28; 78 16551.59;
+ 79 138751; 80 50988.65; 81 291123.3; 82 125875.6; 83 108100.5;
+ 84 193669.4; 85 41391.37; 86 12126.73; 87 3364.546; 88 4611.016;
+ 91 65720.87; 92 16013.93; 93 93816.2; 94 46765.12; 95 202245.5;
+ 96 182446.1; 97 114772.9; 98 196457; 99 28071.35; 101 7823.349;
+ 105 37995.34; 106 9857.545; 107 55012.34; 108 33132.74; 109 100093.9;
+ 110 68969.96; 111 58527.45; 112 38464.99; 113 7738.239; 116 62777.26;
+ 117 1150514; 118 113246.1; 119 57040.03; 120 16407.56; 121 72242.14;
+ 122 22005.89; 123 61487.43; 124 47996.97; 125 21525.22; 126 9197.846;
+ 127 4295.109; 128 4141.87; 129 994785.7; 130 117448.5; 131 116900;
+ 132 34532.18; 133 50013.88; 134 49594.66; 135 56955.11; 136 13038.71;
+ 137 54649.39; 138 42871.61; 139 14291.32; 140 4010.723; 141 4752.745;
+ 142 6623.41; 143 78937.38; 144 12452.64; 145 194021.6; 146 26981.65;
+ 151 39029.12; 152 40070.67; 153 12006.6; 155 39884.54; 157 37333.48;
+ 159 29483.99; 161 18154.87; 162 8035.737; 164 8838.559; 165 24954.49;
+ 166 30677.53; 167 13568.18; 168 6521.496; 169 35405.28; 170 11681.11;
+ 171 56523.11; 172 20753.17; 173 28972.28; 175 12288.48; 176 4656.664;
+ 177 7137.223; 179 14932.21; 180 61560.11; 181 11635.54; 182 2794.281;
+ 183 81303.83; 184 13920.67; 185 128802.2; 186 27443.62; 187 23123.53;
+ 188 10688.41; 193 11684.22; 194 7826.186; 195 3678.807; 197 11554.87;
+ 198 3161.239; 199 163942.1; 200 31678.86; 201 32364.31; 208 12027.94;
+ 209 6492.128; 213 33573.3; 214 6955.408; 215 11537; 220 21341.68;
+ 221 37468.61; 222 89560.18; 223 16889.77; 225 7612.734; 226 2294.976;
+ 227 30995.69; 228 6716.967; 235 25674.18; 236 11177.49; 237 2740.201;
+ 239 6048.82; 241 36240.32; 242 8154.873; 243 12644.17; 246 14129.16;
+ 247 8177.809; 249 5815.888; 255 22881.36; 256 6673.63; 257 23636.81;
+ 264 121734.3; 265 24907.53; 266 2725.835; 269 8745.791; 270 2674.851;
+ 271 14664.48; 272 16887.86; 286 9222.122; 297 8127.543; 298 1979.683;
+ 311 25148.08; 312 5942.694; 323 7999.412; 324 2376.45; 325 4503.741;
+ 339 883010; 340 244213.1; 341 62148.59; 342 9342.962; 353 2691.047;
+ 354 52710; 355 15280.13; 356 4433.418; 357 50768.72; 358 13903.68;
+ 359 4100.845;
+Name: Unknown 38
+DB.idx: -38
+rt: 6.343
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 9e-04
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 56 18749.88; 58 1142422; 59 45081.7; 70 11294.33; 72 296089;
+ 86 140607.3; 87 40289.48; 100 884135.6; 101 53513.11; 115 1071334;
+ 116 79148.16;
+Name: Unknown 39
+DB.idx: -39
+rt: 10.744
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 50
+ 63 9612.556; 69 20415.58; 77 92519.26; 78 13428.97; 92 4389.201;
+ 94 5049.018; 96 31525.36; 99 14832.25; 106 2990.455; 110 5408.401;
+ 119 13851.38; 122 16771.51; 123 7618.352; 124 164868.2; 125 10959.01;
+ 126 2811.873; 136 10609.57; 138 5560.655; 139 6208.066; 152 3236.885;
+ 166 15904.04; 167 3164.009; 168 4350.182; 169 8089.298; 180 6533.328;
+ 189 77188.25; 196 1991.2; 200 6160.347; 208 15437.8; 210 4232.067;
+ 214 9283.193; 226 3815.472; 228 6842.793; 231 79752.88; 236 4029.19;
+ 238 252952.6; 239 37517.47; 240 10478.18; 242 112540.4; 243 15351.25;
+ 248 7710.047; 250 3590.507; 252 6452.998; 280 1137472; 281 206443.3;
+ 282 51880.42; 284 228433.4; 285 36904.24; 286 9804.616; 334 5421.84;
+Name: Unknown 40
+DB.idx: -40
+rt: 12.441
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 51
+ 56 11100.64; 57 123270.1; 58 10358.47; 59 38714.23; 60 9510.285;
+ 61 4973.786; 73 1100866; 74 96280.07; 84 7343.732; 85 6021.999;
+ 86 75139.33; 87 14274.56; 98 5671.346; 100 118391.3; 101 257111.4;
+ 102 27971.55; 112 8959.435; 114 21787.04; 115 12227.45; 117 257327.2;
+ 118 27006.29; 119 10145.04; 128 144670.2; 129 99669.6; 130 46121.83;
+ 131 52087.34; 132 54099.5; 133 49330.11; 134 8540.741; 147 295496.4;
+ 159 19931.89; 172 9978.641; 176 7100.608; 186 13166.44; 187 2622.829;
+ 188 6973.937; 202 108504.9; 203 69375.3; 218 584644.2; 219 676547.2;
+ 220 143202.9; 221 66378.04; 222 11118.88; 230 26393.95; 248 7476.28;
+ 291 320998.1; 292 210041.7; 293 74677.12; 294 25467.24; 295 5668.509;
+ 320 46059.88;
+Name: Unknown 41
+DB.idx: -41
+rt: 8.823
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 61 9982.991; 66 36051.75; 73 458616.9; 74 116033; 88 22972.54;
+ 101 13948.65; 115 32657.51; 117 193684.4; 118 20779.37; 130 45570.48;
+ 143 23597.37; 147 998807.5; 148 148016.1; 149 111219.6; 150 12037.27;
+ 177 26836.11; 178 4532.102; 191 219169; 192 39660.86; 193 18961.91;
+ 233 91654.7; 234 17043.29; 235 8423.09; 267 11506.71; 355 10240.35;
+Name: Unknown 42
+DB.idx: -42
+rt: 8.365
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 132 84793.07; 147 837645.1; 190 71295.46; 218 222889.9; 219 43961.65;
+Name: Unknown 43
+DB.idx: -43
+rt: 11.687
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 47
+ 56 6042.295; 57 12334.92; 63 7498.216; 66 9649.464; 69 16991.67;
+ 73 304456.8; 77 81115.31; 78 8579.297; 92 8954.223; 94 5914.784;
+ 96 40603.11; 110 3559.372; 112 3854.029; 119 13731.21; 122 29519.72;
+ 123 14628.76; 124 244868.1; 125 13054.67; 137 3750.017; 138 4010.119;
+ 139 8229.716; 165 5283.201; 166 8431.445; 168 7150.127; 169 10293.12;
+ 179 4224.042; 180 1986.571; 189 129266.1; 194 13606.97; 195 5540.659;
+ 196 4262.95; 214 21071.98; 236 5720.314; 238 813552.2; 239 117088.3;
+ 240 33156.59; 242 253267.1; 243 35101.43; 244 10865.78; 251 1456.841;
+ 294 603128.2; 295 114612.3; 296 29539.38; 297 3940.541; 298 61976.62;
+ 306 14497.51; 334 4646.427;
+Name: Unknown 44
+DB.idx: -44
+rt: 18.757
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.001
+Num Peaks: 62
+ 51 2438.085; 55 122454.7; 56 7740.666; 57 211586.2; 58 11650.15;
+ 65 7064.967; 67 55791.55; 68 5557.428; 69 124540.7; 70 10981.79;
+ 71 10469.07; 77 18768.9; 79 43435.3; 80 5977.305; 81 92840.07;
+ 82 60677.78; 83 122267.9; 84 28756.51; 85 11322.05; 91 25427.07;
+ 92 3397.097; 93 21050.74; 94 4033.923; 95 71347.16; 96 47553.56;
+ 97 783926.4; 98 72081.55; 99 28576.24; 107 18837.74; 108 4672.379;
+ 109 94070.01; 110 19925.21; 111 63257.02; 112 9586.445; 121 10934.92;
+ 122 4657.398; 123 202421.6; 124 48996.84; 125 34255.36; 126 4700.98;
+ 136 11733.28; 137 129611.6; 138 46124.28; 139 8792.376; 151 50472.57;
+ 152 11439.88; 165 30331.49; 166 8015.007; 167 4266.301; 178 8110.604;
+ 179 82354.19; 180 73786.02; 181 10846.06; 193 15731.71; 194 10088.98;
+ 235 10498.47; 236 8263.25; 249 10464.03; 250 2503.084; 277 10148.29;
+ 292 13250.33; 293 3193.92;
+Name: Unknown 45
+DB.idx: -45
+rt: 8.998
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 59 33754.05; 61 17605.96; 62 1422.375; 70 26784.73; 73 779078.7;
+ 75 205341.3; 76 16788.45; 102 48597.07; 128 6053.587; 144 506922.8;
+ 145 65977.54; 146 113582.6; 158 49904.54; 174 16350.82; 188 435418.2;
+ 189 61390.09; 202 203495.4; 203 31609.37; 215 13743.52;
+Name: Unknown 46
+DB.idx: -46
+rt: 17.214
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 65 5124.776; 73 513326; 86 5660.696; 91 27714.47; 92 3923.11;
+ 100 87979.34; 101 9090.542; 102 3999.509; 120 13991.85; 121 4421.907;
+ 132 15856.36; 176 10078.74; 177 17832.13; 178 3215.586; 192 459262.3;
+ 193 81472.2; 194 21795.11; 195 2648.121; 203 7329.705; 215 16232.63;
+ 217 291557; 218 750734.1; 219 157986.2; 220 63096.89; 266 48317.73;
+ 267 19251.45; 268 6393.691; 294 12106.91; 295 3185.788; 296 1185.322;
+Name: Unknown 47
+DB.idx: -47
+rt: 17.397
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 57 6501.434; 82 6671.959; 91 10181.7; 107 4401.897; 151 27410.84;
+ 152 4268.042; 166 2239.82; 167 5282.484; 177 12489.77; 178 2425.171;
+ 179 23747.83; 180 4229.872; 181 1942.233; 207 749299.6; 208 136540.6;
+ 209 36688.01; 210 4466.098; 252 1190.173; 263 10977.81; 264 2349.353;
+ 278 14732.18; 279 4194.667;
+Name: Unknown 48
+DB.idx: -48
+rt: 6.877
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 51 6313.983; 78 42322.47; 92 6224.053; 97 15466.55; 122 45066.39;
+ 136 22805.97; 138 4892.9; 152 721707.6; 153 94488.57; 154 29670.26;
+ 166 127247.4; 167 56729.34;
+Name: Unknown 49
+DB.idx: -49
+rt: 9.298
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 59
+ 73 709545.4; 77 30057.42; 100 35352.47; 121 2902.047; 130 23154.71;
+ 151 121158.4; 152 19362.03; 153 10848.38; 155 39757.97; 168 23336.4;
+ 174 26065.33; 176 2983.258; 178 11382.59; 179 3082.099; 193 16385.71;
+ 194 3679.238; 195 5565.477; 207 122029.3; 208 25952.22; 209 31708.16;
+ 210 6275.926; 221 594823.4; 222 130989.5; 223 72746.88; 224 13889.49;
+ 225 171639.1; 226 38021.54; 227 22566.65; 228 3257.956; 232 66063.92;
+ 233 16413.53; 234 8526.924; 236 2435.522; 237 2796.001; 239 7821.202;
+ 248 259116.2; 249 57976.02; 250 33880.99; 251 5382.728; 252 36328.54;
+ 253 10425.12; 254 5220.429; 266 2526.443; 270 7311.819; 279 5371.473;
+ 295 20334; 296 6072.743; 297 3565.169; 298 22942.25; 318 11127.77;
+ 324 1345.17; 336 238153.6; 337 76239.73; 338 42714.55; 339 10130;
+ 340 14986.22; 390 21552.22; 391 7608.563; 392 3829.472;
+Name: Unknown 50
+DB.idx: -50
+rt: 23.206
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 62
+ 55 17921.07; 81 7711.075; 83 43345.82; 109 4643.743; 127 3135.719;
+ 129 61295.54; 139 5233.631; 147 242307.3; 153 3296; 155 4514.371;
+ 163 19023.95; 164 4152.271; 169 6652.028; 182 2495.223; 199 2105.664;
+ 203 11469.18; 220 9748.231; 227 11312.75; 228 3043.038; 243 47808.12;
+ 244 12765.69; 245 687992.9; 246 144990.7; 247 62583.54; 248 10122.72;
+ 257 32658.5; 260 8060.378; 261 2647.718; 265 3768.962; 271 28540.66;
+ 272 8256.863; 292 20271.19; 293 7190.396; 294 3536.04; 317 14632.87;
+ 318 10852.77; 333 7746.303; 335 40945.64; 336 12796.59; 337 5856.543;
+ 338 1451.823; 360 1402.602; 361 7480.439; 362 3021.036; 388 1385.414;
+ 392 4525.059; 393 2040.64; 394 1399.522; 404 3318.605; 407 1790.367;
+ 423 2824.336; 433 1496.312; 435 5747.344; 436 2249.698; 449 1859.675;
+ 450 1425.581; 494 3900.699; 495 1680.072; 497 2309.943; 525 5661.279;
+ 526 2828.001; 527 1690.859;
+Name: Unknown 51
+DB.idx: -51
+rt: 6.532
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0048
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 59 49443.68; 60 5515.479; 61 13484.4; 62 1563.261; 73 651922;
+ 74 106225.9; 75 278525; 76 22565.16; 89 196567.6; 90 15909.56;
+ 92 5450.202; 104 163768; 106 5720.411; 107 3002.546; 110 2612.967;
+ 119 59416.54; 120 6876.647; 122 8140.648; 249 5523.324; 250 1733.781;
+ 265 10521.88; 266 3379.642; 281 42585.89; 282 12707.23;
+Name: Unknown 52
+DB.idx: -52
+rt: 22.7
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 50
+ 82 17678; 89 108519.9; 90 9767.907; 100 28215.51; 105 21831.54;
+ 106 2965.167; 112 3348.471; 126 6323.168; 130 109465.8; 138 2890.997;
+ 140 3057.434; 157 651705.6; 158 87331.6; 160 78173.05; 161 84756.64;
+ 162 12470.68; 163 166695.4; 164 26944.04; 165 13309.53; 172 15066.32;
+ 180 8613.086; 186 7309.707; 187 11546.98; 188 4351.025; 196 3536.912;
+ 198 5844.262; 200 3061.499; 201 19224.38; 202 4897.754; 214 16628.67;
+ 228 5541.113; 235 21534; 236 4179.124; 237 2194; 240 3319.68;
+ 244 211536.5; 247 61785.25; 248 17474.57; 249 6926.585; 268 4206.404;
+ 270 9528.18; 302 11922.25; 304 8689.945; 319 214856; 320 64811.9;
+ 321 31109.29; 330 2557.264; 337 2766.211; 392 3030.24; 394 3357.191;
+Name: Unknown 53
+DB.idx: -53
+rt: 6.969
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 63 5716.289; 111 11285.4; 127 7361.776; 144 139222.3; 145 16454.56;
+ 221 642591.5; 222 84619.16; 223 25590.36; 235 41035.78; 236 35936.92;
+ 237 6227.763; 239 32640.12; 240 4114.072;
+Name: Unknown 54
+DB.idx: -54
+rt: 7.432
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 112 2915.522; 127 3615.23; 173 30404.83; 221 526614; 222 117363.9;
+ 223 65222.63; 224 9917.43; 239 5161.334; 265 16682.49; 266 4394.723;
+Name: Unknown 55
+DB.idx: -55
+rt: 36.608
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 50 1331.544; 55 15286.18; 56 5031.091; 57 17682.14; 65 4548.69;
+ 70 19341.33; 71 35887.34; 76 7107.541; 82 4084.057; 83 14442.78;
+ 84 8224.904; 104 14646.23; 112 2680.001; 113 9427.489; 121 8527.579;
+ 122 7188.551; 123 2275.914; 149 519871.3; 150 51561.77; 151 6411.975;
+ 167 107808.3; 168 11214.3; 265 10873.12; 266 2281.098; 279 22168.01;
+ 280 3975.498; 295 8184.458; 296 2018.225;
+Name: Unknown 56
+DB.idx: -56
+rt: 9.097
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.005
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 77 23442.72; 147 300477; 151 16191.06; 166 6486.205; 168 2367.519;
+ 187 14557.88; 249 45478.93; 250 11613.43; 251 11339.37; 252 2569.279;
+ 265 64449.83; 266 16804.39; 267 14051.71; 281 482496.8; 282 135816.2;
+ 283 85925.8; 284 17526.62; 285 14512.33; 353 4369.34; 354 1634.601;
+ 369 139581.4; 370 50049.7; 371 32682.97; 372 7990.205; 373 2903.136;
+ 387 1791.579; 388 930.482;
+Name: Unknown 57
+DB.idx: -57
+rt: 28.326
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0017
+Num Peaks: 78
+ 73 373145.1; 103 35500.2; 129 44914.04; 133 43190.48; 143 15042.11;
+ 147 265979.3; 177 8521.043; 178 1823.236; 191 240190.3; 192 40315.54;
+ 193 18809.39; 194 3077.5; 203 5814.059; 204 127939.1; 215 6882.556;
+ 217 465553.8; 218 91746.34; 219 39284.44; 220 15892; 221 56657.21;
+ 222 14537.14; 223 7548.769; 228 2076.207; 239 2100.401; 243 13276.84;
+ 265 95773.98; 266 24512.21; 267 12680.42; 271 3710.972; 289 1658.92;
+ 291 27541.64; 292 10325.36; 293 12613.63; 294 4085.961; 295 2005.553;
+ 304 4668.127; 305 477551.3; 306 132037.1; 307 67552.26; 308 13958.8;
+ 317 4658.084; 318 258269; 319 121815.6; 320 48313.29; 343 12871.59;
+ 344 4743.573; 345 3646.61; 367 29996.74; 368 10746.37; 369 5991.225;
+ 370 1533.711; 380 944.7939; 392 2210.794; 393 20185.05; 394 7749.939;
+ 395 4477.048; 406 2068.536; 407 1883.158; 408 1002.041; 417 5103.653;
+ 418 2259.713; 419 10472.8; 420 3703.448; 432 53751.61; 433 41537.64;
+ 434 21370.33; 435 8233.21; 436 2374.724; 491 736.0081; 507 23402.32;
+ 508 10788.88; 509 6080.72; 510 2035.9; 522 1126.408; 612 4490.587;
+ 613 2666.391; 614 1444.489; 615 736.1281;
+Name: Unknown 58
+DB.idx: -58
+rt: 7.012
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 207 468305.2; 208 100791.7; 209 59097.68; 210 8839.05; 225 36605.2;
+ 226 6895.462; 227 4676.44; 247 12125.57; 248 2960.158; 279 13455.7;
+ 280 4670.316; 295 100584.2; 296 29821.43; 297 18040.33; 298 4258.911;
+ 313 2056.192;
+Name: Unknown 59
+DB.idx: -59
+rt: 11.56
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 56 10300.32; 80 5762.781; 84 24965.46; 94 1989.936; 124 49544.71;
+ 125 5005.607; 136 50585.04; 234 5123.804; 239 450469.1; 240 63440.7;
+ 241 22474.04; 254 9671.718;
+Name: Unknown 60
+DB.idx: -60
+rt: 14.361
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 32
+ 73 419254.6; 101 30371.6; 133 43260.17; 147 360389.9; 148 56473.2;
+ 149 45263.54; 171 13302.08; 175 39013.39; 176 7109.606; 177 5657.087;
+ 189 71549.56; 190 29874.63; 191 48771.54; 192 9630.41; 233 104418.7;
+ 234 20343.82; 235 9199.017; 245 70495.23; 246 14144.66; 247 7176.149;
+ 263 28929.34; 264 8071.418; 265 31428.64; 266 7399.792; 267 4501.608;
+ 306 10337.96; 307 36217.46; 308 10332.57; 309 5512.03; 335 23140.55;
+ 336 6938.341; 337 3465.241;
+Name: Unknown 61
+DB.idx: -61
+rt: 16.223
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 68 3355.112; 72 12471.92; 73 268165.8; 137 3643.619; 140 3033.232;
+ 142 393135.1; 143 49854.23; 144 15127.82; 186 264773.7; 187 38522.56;
+ 188 13046.13; 216 91955.12; 244 10331.05; 288 49138.81; 289 11335.4;
+ 290 5344.785;
+Name: Unknown 62
+DB.idx: -62
+rt: 10.049
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0083
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 50 1348.177; 77 127202.8; 105 202416.7; 135 256044.5; 136 36226.45;
+ 137 10614.85; 179 375456; 180 55561.72; 181 16987.29; 194 21098.12;
+ 195 3282.819; 248 11756.22;
+Name: Unknown 63
+DB.idx: -63
+rt: 40.924
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 44
+ 155 8022.566; 160 38742.07; 169 54253.52; 170 8681.098; 203 8779.889;
+ 204 254640.7; 205 55436.3; 206 22062.13; 217 104999.2; 227 3716.644;
+ 228 5169.744; 241 2852.619; 243 39261.63; 244 10887.91; 245 7097.885;
+ 271 42785.62; 272 10464.6; 305 19808.64; 317 4409.006; 318 3631.236;
+ 361 367003.1; 362 113209.2; 363 57852.83; 390 13052.07; 391 5349.984;
+ 392 2574.723; 435 1612.703; 436 844.2707; 448 8886.144; 449 4193.341;
+ 450 3400.381; 451 4839.973; 452 1694.667; 453 982.9862; 480 16601.98;
+ 481 7250.531; 482 4447.846; 539 1614.9; 540 756.0802; 566 1630.732;
+ 583 415.1015; 598 888.7051; 611 968.5102; 612 761.173;
+Name: Unknown 64
+DB.idx: -64
+rt: 42.902
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 189
+ 51 2824.152; 55 34389.6; 56 3869.805; 57 27444.19; 61 7824.271;
+ 62 950.8289; 65 7605.522; 67 62814.51; 68 5249.552; 69 48999.68;
+ 71 33212.99; 73 268941.3; 75 114206.1; 76 9398.04; 77 32455.66;
+ 78 13042.65; 79 79675.57; 80 10443.53; 81 124961.6; 82 13421.12;
+ 83 42936.43; 84 4251.157; 85 15366.34; 91 113472.2; 92 18956.52;
+ 93 93262.23; 94 16542.16; 95 154646; 96 15855.26; 97 36724.43;
+ 98 3188.785; 101 8700.962; 104 6971.901; 105 141476.7; 106 26971.01;
+ 107 116088.3; 108 24209.03; 109 90574.66; 110 10843.35; 111 27562.11;
+ 112 3858.821; 115 18671.47; 116 11867.99; 118 16868.95; 119 125902.8;
+ 120 57242.95; 121 135491.9; 122 22940.79; 123 42846.6; 124 5665.562;
+ 125 14168.32; 127 4978.759; 128 13075.13; 129 333069.5; 130 53768.05;
+ 131 84714.83; 132 27228.88; 133 88237.81; 134 28256.93; 135 75893.72;
+ 136 12569.94; 137 21583.09; 138 3296.802; 139 5822.08; 141 8015.877;
+ 142 10390.79; 143 72130.25; 144 21685.09; 145 143532.2; 146 39080.07;
+ 149 57099.29; 150 8746.731; 151 15434.18; 155 35992.13; 157 37158.16;
+ 158 17510.02; 159 98464.71; 160 69762.2; 161 94237.79; 162 23152.51;
+ 163 71221.65; 164 9718.153; 165 13843.2; 167 3798.149; 168 5679.33;
+ 169 14521.47; 170 4616.986; 171 27123.64; 172 12447.6; 173 51577.18;
+ 174 19299.03; 175 39476.94; 176 7617.286; 177 28388.29; 178 4520.781;
+ 179 10953.91; 180 1956.835; 181 10387.04; 182 8147.055; 185 28316.51;
+ 186 8210.399; 187 22134.57; 188 5840.864; 193 16182.82; 196 8348.061;
+ 197 12828.24; 198 3913.261; 199 31741.37; 200 15324.31; 201 33260.26;
+ 202 7087.044; 203 49997.91; 213 63036.22; 214 20061.2; 215 29171.84;
+ 216 7895.434; 219 31913.17; 220 7972.281; 227 17643.11; 228 16956.16;
+ 233 34320.34; 234 5934.988; 241 13242.13; 242 5822.797; 243 5441.44;
+ 245 21732.89; 246 15950.76; 247 79224.11; 248 15853.95; 249 12528.14;
+ 250 3308.904; 253 68672.88; 254 17548.36; 255 105775; 256 23063.76;
+ 259 22253.89; 260 14660.44; 261 6960.887; 275 26902.91; 281 73978.05;
+ 282 21091.73; 287 4018.651; 289 1860.751; 290 4126.06; 297 6734.834;
+ 298 2957.409; 301 23631.54; 311 8713.415; 312 3861.625; 326 20323.47;
+ 327 26762.19; 328 82076.62; 329 330424.6; 330 80482.27; 332 10711.67;
+ 339 13221.37; 340 16157.98; 341 52755.04; 346 9325.988; 351 829.188;
+ 353 175927; 354 49272.47; 367 13825.64; 368 351840.2; 369 102747.9;
+ 370 15400.04; 371 2087.772; 372 637.1484; 386 956.2086; 388 1602.626;
+ 405 16611.29; 418 1435.447; 425 2795.279; 426 1241.422; 427 527.5745;
+ 429 21625.65; 430 9263.003; 443 54653.82; 444 19942; 445 5772.24;
+ 446 1046.826; 458 157160.5; 459 60568.95; 460 15829.04; 461 3100.494;
+ 479 4374.831; 493 641.6541; 609 2113.976; 610 1186;
+Name: Unknown 65
+DB.idx: -65
+rt: 17.142
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 56 7238.208; 84 33343.27; 112 2986.418; 128 86786.27; 140 11246.01;
+ 156 59235.14; 204 42260.02; 214 5005.202; 230 49049.56; 246 312521.5;
+ 247 67191.62; 248 27495.06; 249 4428.913; 250 889.6786; 348 21373.56;
+Name: Unknown 66
+DB.idx: -66
+rt: 30.163
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 83
+ 51 3343.598; 53 6095.249; 54 4866.073; 55 34582.86; 60 3317.372;
+ 61 15028.25; 62 1538.798; 65 17418.05; 66 16867.67; 67 233904.7;
+ 68 57081.37; 69 41380.82; 75 308286; 76 22302.35; 77 46527.93;
+ 78 25957.31; 79 173023.5; 80 82007.6; 81 252060.8; 82 83486.64;
+ 83 34770.14; 85 10298.09; 91 58357.86; 92 15287.01; 93 90669.93;
+ 94 67913.27; 95 153247.9; 96 62165.56; 97 21924.12; 104 6220.495;
+ 105 29683.37; 106 11831.78; 107 59922.24; 108 40209.07; 109 68932.38;
+ 110 26971.69; 111 13831.33; 116 14495.81; 119 23732.93; 120 14003.8;
+ 121 74069.66; 122 30542.37; 123 29063.32; 124 15882.58; 125 11665.89;
+ 129 153986; 135 67333.84; 136 27111.74; 137 15016.69; 138 9544.909;
+ 139 8905.346; 150 59347.95; 151 11541.11; 152 7657.122; 153 6703.748;
+ 155 8109.385; 159 13751.49; 163 18563.16; 164 20627.37; 165 7851.157;
+ 166 7160.282; 167 4083.191; 171 13208.55; 173 15352.25; 177 11089.91;
+ 178 53076.81; 179 11979.12; 187 11449.13; 197 4273.314; 220 24615.63;
+ 227 5634.745; 234 10167.31; 239 5263.712; 245 7530.028; 261 3988.419;
+ 262 95425.55; 263 19617.72; 337 211533.3; 338 57119.59; 352 9581.621;
+ 353 2985.782; 355 10439.82; 356 2883;
+Name: Unknown 67
+DB.idx: -67
+rt: 9.931
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 166 4520.24; 236 9152.677; 249 24124.76; 250 7064.438; 251 6021.918;
+ 265 37952.27; 281 300722.5; 282 82736.87; 283 51924.52; 284 10125.96;
+ 369 72141.36; 370 27279.11; 371 17767.61; 372 4667.608;
+Name: Unknown 68
+DB.idx: -68
+rt: 20.112
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 67 13991.13; 97 8889.65; 141 4566.32; 147 298650.4; 149 45597.9;
+ 155 3178.675; 169 5708.902; 211 84592.73; 212 13164.12; 215 34275.86;
+ 216 7095.095; 228 6839.501; 229 148833.2; 230 33283.54; 256 3682.118;
+ 272 12153.85; 285 58972.89; 286 14267.33; 287 7809.285; 288 5276.97;
+ 289 2117.014; 295 1369.917; 300 11543.7; 346 8446.798; 354 799.6706;
+ 375 82159.39; 376 25517.11; 377 12188.62;
+Name: Unknown 69
+DB.idx: -69
+rt: 6.405
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 55
+ 51 1486.41; 54 1207.008; 55 9451.469; 60 6022.106; 62 1122.689;
+ 63 14984.57; 64 1475.609; 69 72217.96; 77 132119.4; 78 12525.86;
+ 81 34052.08; 89 56104.21; 91 73132.3; 92 5426.083; 96 18317.96;
+ 97 20193.84; 98 3919.49; 99 15899.48; 108 2351.313; 109 3002.642;
+ 110 8559.885; 114 15234.56; 119 37386.68; 120 4438.354; 121 24849.38;
+ 122 2522.564; 126 24143.26; 136 10075.4; 138 6618.592; 142 104961.1;
+ 155 4515.676; 166 3432.941; 167 15193.12; 168 4320.406; 169 92635.16;
+ 170 10900.38; 178 20347.01; 181 46865.87; 182 12996.33; 194 2975.441;
+ 195 8948.186; 197 25196; 198 57903.73; 199 4542.051; 208 80874.96;
+ 209 13005.66; 237 3816.43; 240 287091.7; 241 36594.48; 242 11696.44;
+ 263 11241.7; 264 9184.775; 309 70990.89; 310 11138.52; 311 2782.814;
+Name: Unknown 70
+DB.idx: -70
+rt: 8.428
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0073
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 51 2106.819; 65 3512.908; 78 7935.706; 122 7522.562; 163 77347.64;
+ 170 14578.42; 191 265439.8; 192 45235.71; 193 23402.21; 194 2777.375;
+ 234 15290.98;
+Name: Unknown 71
+DB.idx: -71
+rt: 30.672
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 200 6710.961; 202 262732.8; 203 51095.12; 291 35619.86; 292 10673.96;
+ 293 5715.705; 722 470.05;
+Name: Unknown 72
+DB.idx: -72
+rt: 21.769
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 7e-04
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 68 3105.405; 86 18822.68; 100 16018.61; 102 9078.767; 110 1651.752;
+ 112 3217.592; 114 4789.106; 126 5149.494; 127 4094.199; 128 15279.23;
+ 140 2697.875; 142 254923.8; 143 33590.29; 144 11000.11; 146 9457.212;
+ 172 14496.05; 174 150909.1; 175 25674.86; 176 13957.83; 186 6567.878;
+ 187 6141.263; 188 4126.918; 200 19187.79; 214 18202.21; 216 15580.94;
+ 241 3188.737; 258 16493.63; 259 14073.14; 260 3914.26; 315 4780.02;
+ 316 3237.525; 330 7894.422; 403 1800.582; 405 3154.439; 420 27329.19;
+ 421 11106.3; 422 6390.432; 423 1750.698;
+Name: Unknown 73
+DB.idx: -73
+rt: 10.408
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 84 24028.9; 86 34963.77; 112 4896.732; 114 18434.05; 140 3965.967;
+ 142 124510.5; 156 28515.13; 174 188177.8; 175 31844.43; 176 14104.77;
+ 180 4741.25; 186 253990.5; 187 34543.89; 188 12667.22; 200 5098.351;
+ 201 36430.59; 202 5965.112;
+Name: Unknown 74
+DB.idx: -74
+rt: 6.655
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 59 68325.16; 60 5529.677; 114 81421.74; 174 242926.6; 175 43854.71;
+ 176 19203.48; 188 51541.9;
+Name: Unknown 75
+DB.idx: -75
+rt: 17.682
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0058
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 84 9679.731; 94 2466.106; 170 2932.057; 184 7392.422; 191 259001.2;
+ 192 43426.69; 193 20655.35; 194 2971.448; 216 6401.062; 228 2071.376;
+ 232 13791.15; 246 4951.348; 247 8107.861; 332 4885.022; 348 14807.36;
+Name: Unknown 76
+DB.idx: -76
+rt: 9.023
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 51 2689.002; 53 13655.95; 55 61100.67; 56 14119.91; 57 129669;
+ 58 14495.01; 65 12545.07; 67 199267.7; 68 106959.9; 69 79415.45;
+ 78 4559.881; 79 36005.68; 81 75050.7; 82 103795; 83 35796.42;
+ 84 16800.41; 91 19583.76; 92 3137.29; 94 3857.525; 95 85411.91;
+ 97 230988.4; 98 22076.67; 99 17130.19; 107 6332.371; 108 1931.229;
+ 109 209244.5; 110 23539.55; 123 45053.07; 124 99444.57; 125 10432.02;
+ 130 139587.7; 136 8861.653; 137 71093.36; 138 24708.52; 141 20462.56;
+ 165 25439.19; 180 29754.29; 181 4385.85;
+Name: Unknown 77
+DB.idx: -77
+rt: 16.057
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 54 1186.295; 73 229231.5; 81 14561.46; 102 24586.1; 127 4013.561;
+ 130 27207.68; 147 213920.1; 185 100338.4; 186 15158.53; 187 4009.407;
+ 205 41206.85; 220 65003.69; 222 8442.782; 223 4745.478; 245 11656.21;
+ 291 15040.91; 292 151104.3; 293 42544.39; 294 19678.72; 295 4281.358;
+ 296 996.4216; 302 7236.094; 313 4673.534; 379 3023.92; 380 1370.45;
+ 381 783.242; 409 5192.773; 410 2138.901; 411 1062.25; 412 402.0372;
+Name: Unknown 78
+DB.idx: -78
+rt: 9.638
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0079
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 56 4777.51; 71 47077.41; 82 34582.51; 89 92889.24; 90 8702.297;
+ 99 15423.22; 101 31828.31; 110 43264.47; 115 26174.65; 117 225784.3;
+ 118 22321.47; 119 11053.96; 140 3922.907; 182 4640.249; 200 68386.23;
+ 202 6899.815; 216 70731.15;
+Name: Unknown 79
+DB.idx: -79
+rt: 8.41
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0061
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 92 5140.362; 125 5675.809; 136 8039.52; 137 10194.06; 150 35338.42;
+ 152 219500; 153 27643.48; 154 9702.635; 167 55251.62; 168 8782.651;
+ 250 3631.325;
+Name: Unknown 80
+DB.idx: -80
+rt: 15.542
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 56 7074.795; 142 11903.76; 191 215670.7; 192 38178.99; 193 18085.43;
+ 194 2097.093; 304 6302.235; 311 6080.827; 312 1956.059;
+Name: Unknown 81
+DB.idx: -81
+rt: 6.121
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 63 3352.261; 64 1420; 77 38477.31; 91 12302.77; 120 5888.584;
+ 121 3561.047; 122 2046.982; 136 3516.368; 138 2955.654; 148 75273.12;
+ 152 4087.414; 171 52980.61; 172 10363.43; 186 36849.93; 239 6879.539;
+ 289 214882.5; 290 29548.84;
+Name: Unknown 82
+DB.idx: -82
+rt: 8.625
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0053
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 65 3147.428; 67 28228.62; 77 46862.15; 78 7611.306; 92 3394.87;
+ 94 1566.752; 96 6653.324; 112 4530.582; 137 10890.86; 138 7483.119;
+ 155 14423.9; 168 22392.8; 181 6045.357; 211 207763.3; 212 22885.84;
+ 213 8944.154; 226 39736.29; 227 5370.882; 251 2616.249; 267 28335.74;
+ 268 8174.402; 339 1703.214; 355 26242.23; 356 9505.512; 357 6389;
+Name: Unknown 83
+DB.idx: -83
+rt: 14.897
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 32
+ 56 3690.827; 62 948.588; 63 1529.048; 69 11055.98; 101 10574.51;
+ 116 12090.78; 128 140991.3; 176 196712.1; 177 28854.96; 178 17962.91;
+ 179 2211.391; 188 9205.458; 189 44522.91; 191 40290.44; 202 13458.29;
+ 203 4851.282; 204 48005.98; 205 57792.41; 217 182457.9; 218 44014.47;
+ 219 36168.67; 237 3652.135; 250 13825.16; 251 2980.763; 252 2488.344;
+ 290 1352.355; 293 34810.18; 294 8794.864; 295 5236.918; 296 1024.095;
+ 517 799.4075; 518 530.9508;
+Name: Unknown 84
+DB.idx: -84
+rt: 5.811
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 59 117821.2; 60 10151.98; 61 4504.684; 70 8017.728; 86 126631.2;
+ 87 15188.48; 88 5276.248; 113 5091.422; 119 27293.53; 120 4276.161;
+ 121 2522.646; 130 25064.26; 146 196047.8; 162 12692.31; 164 3595.585;
+ 176 15167.07; 191 84655.74; 192 14281.4;
+Name: Unknown 85
+DB.idx: -85
+rt: 9.715
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 62 1040.9; 68 27917.56; 69 107578.5; 70 60280.95; 102 33685.62;
+ 116 139098.1; 158 194032.1; 159 42319.79; 186 16174.1;
+Name: Unknown 86
+DB.idx: -86
+rt: 14.663
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 51 1306.414; 57 14056.7; 64 1081.515; 91 13512.75; 92 1753.006;
+ 99 14055.41; 105 16195.67; 121 9580.296; 128 7338.547; 145 18918.79;
+ 177 38384.59; 178 6137.432; 205 189188.2; 206 30230.01; 220 51394;
+ 237 9402.477; 238 2430.475; 251 8149.89; 252 7744.84; 261 2496.68;
+Name: Unknown 87
+DB.idx: -87
+rt: 43.683
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 81 13783.92; 95 14024.18; 109 8030.763; 123 4804.933; 280 7135.218;
+ 311 182789.6; 312 46435.31; 313 12639.48; 338 3142.166; 353 5493.544;
+ 354 1983.882; 500 1186.892; 501 863.75; 577 5754.271; 578 2677.067;
+ 579 938.1328; 591 896.6154; 592 1438.39; 593 681.9513; 594 494.3428;
+Name: Unknown 88
+DB.idx: -88
+rt: 26.11
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 71
+ 54 1300.653; 55 15157.98; 56 2056.453; 61 8290.062; 62 622.0311;
+ 64 4011.049; 65 2659.596; 67 35539.26; 68 10313.92; 69 16652.12;
+ 75 168950.8; 76 14359.36; 79 18422.77; 80 7236.128; 81 38856.59;
+ 82 19036.26; 83 12880.19; 84 25121.06; 85 6556.077; 91 9051.396;
+ 92 2245.251; 93 12141.97; 94 7455.993; 95 26945; 96 23660.49;
+ 97 14975.37; 98 26466.12; 107 7645.226; 108 4337.84; 109 12681.22;
+ 110 10948.01; 111 7850.576; 112 5620; 117 164860.3; 118 15826.19;
+ 120 2343.161; 121 8875.94; 122 3497.155; 123 8308.266; 124 6342.892;
+ 125 3077.179; 129 138011.8; 136 2667.42; 137 8582.645; 138 5562.926;
+ 145 26099.9; 152 9689.437; 155 6177.301; 165 3288.708; 166 2265.853;
+ 171 8153.885; 179 2639.747; 185 16932.42; 187 4180.011; 194 12090.44;
+ 195 2516.165; 199 19018.52; 200 3966.852; 213 6064.048; 227 4754.45;
+ 236 14413.01; 237 2784.327; 297 830.2222; 311 120302.2; 312 30740.36;
+ 313 8826.368; 326 6309.563; 329 10230.42; 330 2890.992; 508 511.4513;
+ 509 286.1734;
+Name: Unknown 89
+DB.idx: -89
+rt: 9.042
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 52 4831.74; 54 13735.22; 86 17716.51; 96 179792.8; 116 22944.36;
+ 159 59459.16;
+Name: Unknown 90
+DB.idx: -90
+rt: 15.413
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 68 2868.507; 102 5173.027; 120 72331.9; 121 7921.487; 122 2946.536;
+ 128 19558.37; 130 61903.38; 158 30152.43; 175 159973.3; 176 21150.95;
+ 177 7665.417; 191 64097.29; 192 11440.87; 295 1453.114;
+Name: Unknown 91
+DB.idx: -91
+rt: 8.574
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 81 9558.919; 98 37595.36; 127 19570.93; 177 63927.43; 178 9961.296;
+ 179 5698.01; 187 11638.6; 200 5259.833; 219 47717.88; 232 148057;
+ 233 29521.56; 234 13358.22; 248 87050.79; 249 17370.52; 250 9193.54;
+Name: Unknown 92
+DB.idx: -92
+rt: 6.193
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0047
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 90 7309.933; 98 4031.882; 221 135297.4; 222 30805; 223 18391.53;
+ 224 3081.754; 249 16906.15; 250 4368.312; 251 4429.444; 252 1087.575;
+ 263 18331.92; 264 4746.142; 265 30971.52; 266 8154.6; 267 6876.156;
+ 281 146952.6; 282 39831.99; 283 26338.81; 284 5412.115;
+Name: Unknown 93
+DB.idx: -93
+rt: 11.466
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0067
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 64 1141.35; 189 153203.1; 190 32616.91; 292 114472; 293 30127.71;
+ 294 16166.3; 295 3605.89; 410 3288.31;
+Name: Unknown 94
+DB.idx: -94
+rt: 15.354
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 81 8809.375; 91 7148.585; 92 1255.666; 146 16183.36; 179 2498.133;
+ 185 69932.18; 186 9457.178; 187 3687.438; 263 140317.2; 264 32571.68;
+ 265 8889.471; 278 20361.52; 279 4408.12;
+Name: Unknown 95
+DB.idx: -95
+rt: 20.673
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 8e-04
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 112 2355.107; 114 4998.315; 128 6476.752; 139 9666.894; 140 2572.819;
+ 155 36143.79; 156 134607.3; 188 3544.343; 203 13300.39; 245 21631.83;
+ 272 2198.772; 362 2510.03; 410 333.5858;
+Name: Unknown 96
+DB.idx: -96
+rt: 41.266
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 44
+ 55 31005.33; 56 13212.61; 57 116249.5; 68 5382.429; 69 37625.67;
+ 70 19520.17; 71 133103.6; 81 12524.42; 82 12943.21; 83 35579.73;
+ 84 10666.74; 85 110191.7; 86 7491.732; 96 10432.38; 97 42171.29;
+ 98 9433.534; 99 38863.54; 110 7308.542; 111 24960.59; 112 7138.049;
+ 113 28544.4; 124 5142.761; 125 14445; 126 4938.291; 127 21040.03;
+ 138 3768.034; 139 7333.555; 140 4042.765; 141 17500.17; 153 4783.817;
+ 155 15079.2; 167 3072.012; 168 3530.689; 169 12778.66; 182 2203.753;
+ 224 1827.556; 225 6463.361; 239 5860.717; 295 2963.217; 309 2642.113;
+ 323 2554.042; 337 2480.698; 351 2356.702; 379 1310.107;
+Name: Unknown 97
+DB.idx: -97
+rt: 11.778
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 75 132697.2; 76 9974.778; 81 11268.73; 117 100577; 118 9399.432;
+ 128 5911.427; 187 3691.803; 215 85874.91; 216 15239.37; 249 4966.983;
+Name: Unknown 98
+DB.idx: -98
+rt: 9.127
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 85 7512.79; 89 24152.36; 110 6662.112; 172 9839.194; 195 3220.251;
+ 197 2766.731; 200 13835.85; 241 47812.24; 242 7891.778; 243 5082.525;
+ 256 3037.73;
+Name: Unknown 99
+DB.idx: -99
+rt: 7.898
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.001
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 77 48224.82; 120 12562.39; 121 4490.415; 124 5235.109; 137 6380.31;
+ 151 123701.5; 152 20178.26; 153 13595.39; 155 4735.642; 170 17712.23;
+ 171 12632.53; 178 4418.191; 244 128205.2; 245 21533.35; 246 10319.04;
+ 288 2517.236;
+Name: Unknown 100
+DB.idx: -100
+rt: 12.974
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0074
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 82 6102.946; 84 6425.438; 108 4376.101; 243 7626.853; 271 11820.71;
+ 357 6827.757; 358 2289.855; 372 1571.149; 373 122133.6; 374 40469.36;
+ 375 24239.96; 388 627.3907;
+Name: Unknown 101
+DB.idx: -101
+rt: 6.6
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.009
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 61 10546.08; 72 89046.18; 87 108275.5; 88 14788.53; 117 137540.5;
+ 118 14681.99; 173 19469.32;
+Name: Unknown 102
+DB.idx: -102
+rt: 10.247
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 57 6044.361; 88 6626.392; 98 8552.696; 108 1922.53; 116 113864.9;
+ 132 69718.82; 144 16159.34; 188 9794.946; 211 32998.59; 234 4429.471;
+ 324 1688.378; 397 300.0481; 415 2106.117; 416 1107.222; 417 894.6516;
+Name: Unknown 103
+DB.idx: -103
+rt: 15.898
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 179 10764.28; 180 1959.445; 207 112493.9; 208 20096.7; 209 6018.477;
+ 419 1188.026;
+Name: Unknown 104
+DB.idx: -104
+rt: 10.313
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 95 12637.15; 122 3585.345; 123 18658.53; 136 14192.21; 163 50954.49;
+ 164 8358.005; 170 11994.04; 173 14305.85; 177 20762.05; 191 55633.79;
+ 192 111221.9;
+Name: Unknown 105
+DB.idx: -105
+rt: 44.963
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 143
+ 51 1424.56; 78 8038.599; 91 11640.62; 92 2370.717; 96 5753.02;
+ 135 25041.21; 136 4284.32; 154 5548.558; 177 6238.057; 195 5534.625;
+ 197 10854.96; 198 2512.094; 207 110721.8; 208 24062.36; 209 16137.07;
+ 239 3078.258; 249 10544.43; 250 3216.627; 251 4193.482; 253 58978.03;
+ 254 15170.02; 255 9175.032; 265 10152.52; 266 4301.79; 267 13196.49;
+ 268 5036.854; 269 6412.322; 281 65469.32; 282 18492.38; 295 3775.41;
+ 296 1372.013; 311 3139.869; 313 3087.246; 315 6595.568; 325 14392.86;
+ 326 5454.002; 327 24080.14; 328 8591.303; 329 6791.272; 331 14583.77;
+ 332 5042.565; 339 1205.222; 341 47064.89; 342 16743.29; 343 11454.68;
+ 344 3762.803; 346 6929.028; 355 14197.5; 356 5539.797; 357 4441.254;
+ 359 4242.928; 360 1578.862; 370 1099.226; 371 874.889; 373 2495.596;
+ 383 1842.208; 384 1015.955; 385 1322.214; 386 547.8895; 387 2417.457;
+ 388 1314.251; 389 3500.876; 391 1498.61; 392 1800.763; 396 658.1388;
+ 398 432.4292; 399 3264.046; 400 1856.009; 401 3428.698; 402 1360.298;
+ 403 8633.641; 404 3513.792; 405 15523.46; 406 5982.717; 407 3527.927;
+ 408 1200.125; 410 565.0533; 413 935.2224; 414 540.05; 415 8296.315;
+ 416 3641.702; 417 3166.335; 418 1241.49; 419 734.6348; 429 19428.12;
+ 430 8530.656; 431 6643.167; 432 2111.429; 436 348.3265; 451 3861.788;
+ 452 1677.458; 453 1172.523; 454 477.0099; 455 1196.394; 461 589.3491;
+ 463 662.2908; 470 1777.192; 471 999.5651; 472 392.6541; 473 314.8534;
+ 474 230; 475 676.334; 476 402.0637; 477 2871.003; 478 1545.252;
+ 479 4088.415; 481 1435.916; 487 474.72; 489 665.0976; 491 1432.599;
+ 492 864.5985; 493 768.4384; 503 5401.178; 504 2854.029; 505 2147.894;
+ 506 1012.439; 507 682.5161; 527 564.0179; 529 1526.242; 530 796.2267;
+ 531 416.0884; 535 268.2154; 539 887.1429; 541 444.9146; 542 461.8781;
+ 543 270.3478; 544 569.0007; 545 344.3497; 551 490.2425; 552 301.25;
+ 553 4394.39; 554 2718.013; 565 493.3441; 566 434.0232; 577 291;
+ 601 260.0417; 603 527.1498; 604 249.3885; 606 235.409; 627 1809.455;
+ 628 936.3202; 629 838.0403; 641 225.3309;
+Name: Unknown 106
+DB.idx: -106
+rt: 39.53
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 44
+ 55 20567.45; 56 8922.402; 57 85383.44; 68 3846.962; 69 24592.61;
+ 70 13900.96; 71 106851.2; 81 9061.801; 82 9826.649; 83 23809.01;
+ 84 7319.647; 85 77985.91; 86 6062.077; 96 8097.93; 97 28809.23;
+ 98 6077.797; 99 29345.35; 110 4219.275; 111 17725.23; 112 4733.244;
+ 113 20914.59; 124 3676.364; 125 10525.79; 126 3752.926; 127 15880.2;
+ 138 2616.578; 139 4727.666; 140 2952.809; 141 12894.08; 155 10098;
+ 167 2226.992; 168 2123.223; 169 8350.734; 182 1867.949; 197 6695.053;
+ 225 4376.18; 239 3495.14; 323 1610.708; 337 1750.557; 351 1024.718;
+ 394 794.3386; 399 4776.642; 400 1622.755; 487 512.2404;
+Name: Unknown 107
+DB.idx: -107
+rt: 43.129
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 45
+ 55 23155.47; 56 10072.4; 57 88591.99; 68 5065.731; 69 29761.66;
+ 70 16043.01; 71 104594.4; 81 12552.48; 82 12445.83; 83 31323.47;
+ 84 9317.028; 85 79776.81; 86 5212.882; 96 10186.92; 97 34730.04;
+ 98 6403.045; 99 29905.5; 110 5822.654; 111 22106.3; 112 4980.75;
+ 113 21926.25; 124 4979.198; 125 12739.8; 126 4505.218; 127 18044.24;
+ 138 4163.058; 139 6116.258; 140 2977.054; 141 14539.7; 155 11384.44;
+ 167 3046.163; 168 2451.526; 169 9850.491; 182 1939.172; 225 5728.253;
+ 239 5510.629; 295 2464.02; 309 2417.298; 323 1973.272; 337 1798.835;
+ 351 1741.493; 379 1635.471; 393 1859.31; 623 784.8017; 625 424.0281;
+Name: Unknown 108
+DB.idx: -108
+rt: 24.576
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0089
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 108 5671.93; 179 67217.08; 239 5207.812; 280 94221.31; 281 22988.96;
+ 282 8804.404; 354 29862.58; 355 13954.24; 382 14686.33;
+Name: Unknown 109
+DB.idx: -109
+rt: 15.124
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 68 2719.779; 140 42178.42; 141 6048.189; 230 93575.84; 231 19418.16;
+ 304 8646.503;
+Name: Unknown 110
+DB.idx: -110
+rt: 35.794
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 85
+ 57 6711.627; 168 14479.58; 179 4591.008; 247 35253.44; 248 7531.439;
+ 249 4216.924; 250 2924.79; 261 2575.543; 263 11608.89; 264 3145.626;
+ 267 5030.291; 297 1029.364; 311 3649.479; 327 4422.582; 339 1356.829;
+ 353 3990.18; 354 1258.276; 367 9406.831; 368 2634.001; 371 770.3907;
+ 381 5147.333; 383 5685.641; 384 1728.265; 385 990.4215; 391 2788.381;
+ 392 867.725; 395 761.4707; 397 419.0078; 399 1278.103; 407 1512.817;
+ 409 1953.151; 410 793.0072; 411 444.3669; 423 2269.344; 424 1008.361;
+ 426 622.7151; 427 901.0035; 428 442.3378; 439 93561.52; 440 33582.47;
+ 441 10044.34; 453 389.8055; 455 90505.33; 456 36390.89; 457 12879.16;
+ 458 3182.069; 459 632.125; 481 600.0536; 482 765.9185; 483 13612.53;
+ 484 6177.677; 485 2173.535; 486 681.0214; 497 5830.877; 498 2707.512;
+ 499 1003.331; 500 478.5467; 503 1197.045; 504 603.5296; 511 1222.099;
+ 512 27982.92; 513 12886.1; 514 4668.673; 515 1365.76; 516 325.6433;
+ 517 2816.338; 518 15359.06; 519 5994.351; 520 1447.11; 521 571.006;
+ 536 439.85; 538 41700.05; 539 18529.63; 540 7471.677; 541 1981.192;
+ 542 512.6808; 550 200.0804; 592 593.1172; 593 226.1333; 606 498.0263;
+ 607 60937.27; 608 29633.01; 609 10674.43; 610 3273.793; 611 676.6805;
+Name: Unknown 111
+DB.idx: -111
+rt: 7.979
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 86 17463.92; 174 90064.45; 175 16231.28; 176 7492.105; 202 17951.06;
+Name: Unknown 112
+DB.idx: -112
+rt: 42.144
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 41
+ 55 19719.31; 56 8077.51; 57 73574.48; 68 3734.849; 69 24078.5;
+ 70 13529.86; 71 89391.71; 81 9921.309; 82 9582.688; 83 22590.84;
+ 84 7274.002; 85 70786.01; 96 8550.605; 97 28087.57; 98 6952.66;
+ 99 26421.71; 110 4756.01; 111 17119.59; 112 4526.576; 113 18738.68;
+ 124 3520.368; 125 10126.68; 126 3503.825; 127 14364.57; 138 2684.835;
+ 139 5401.666; 140 2871.482; 141 11953.14; 155 10190.46; 167 2341.9;
+ 168 1769.181; 169 7988.903; 225 5255.623; 239 3609.723; 295 2081.205;
+ 309 1800.309; 323 1414.451; 337 1558.481; 351 1579.55; 379 1832.948;
+ 436 680.9517;
+Name: Unknown 113
+DB.idx: -113
+rt: 15.724
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 100 42335.8; 114 12935.31; 115 87020.43; 116 11685.97; 143 33226.86;
+ 171 13812.78; 187 3352.993; 314 21387.49; 315 6068.415; 316 2926.91;
+ 329 34233.84; 330 10903.94;
+Name: Unknown 114
+DB.idx: -114
+rt: 6.014
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0091
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 59 34936.56; 86 10833.72; 100 47775.6; 137 11382.73; 168 3971.539;
+ 174 86696.22; 175 15744.25; 176 9046.284;
+Name: Unknown 115
+DB.idx: -115
+rt: 11.581
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0069
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 51 1707.279; 54 18045.49; 109 45920.57; 237 2389.204; 245 84641.76;
+ 246 16770.47; 247 8293.23;
+Name: Unknown 116
+DB.idx: -116
+rt: 22.613
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 197 12376.58; 225 8088.662; 271 9836.991; 287 79975.26; 288 19549.08;
+ 289 8439.712; 290 1584.698; 317 3133.125; 361 27781.92; 389 15730.65;
+ 390 4924.022; 391 3009.167; 435 1320.535; 436 594.928; 479 9644.688;
+ 480 4127.555; 481 2477.446; 482 726.3393; 483 334.7378;
+Name: Unknown 117
+DB.idx: -117
+rt: 14.038
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 70 39786.61; 232 77920.69; 233 16284.18; 234 7358.33; 239 3549.479;
+ 306 10448.37; 334 9925.475; 335 3278.662;
+Name: Unknown 118
+DB.idx: -118
+rt: 11.22
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0017
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 124 14846.58; 136 2423.037; 180 5012.063; 238 46288.66; 242 13825.65;
+ 252 1745.557; 294 76974.73; 295 16492.52; 296 3909.181; 298 11234.46;
+Name: Unknown 119
+DB.idx: -119
+rt: 37.342
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 56
+ 168 8265.257; 391 36135.05; 392 10582.94; 407 13564.64; 408 4373.577;
+ 411 4529.689; 412 1452.84; 413 352.0869; 426 3369.278; 437 4286.033;
+ 438 6532.348; 439 27177.78; 440 10843.72; 446 622.144; 447 2542.391;
+ 461 611.375; 482 682.6371; 489 604.6859; 490 354.0714; 503 9344.039;
+ 504 3445.405; 505 1001.405; 508 215.1907; 517 767.0182; 518 73593.09;
+ 519 28216.12; 520 7434.177; 521 1979.066; 533 145.7823; 534 1071.63;
+ 538 5252.885; 539 3026.827; 540 1005.218; 541 353.8985; 545 517;
+ 546 215.3389; 549 726.0592; 550 543.0029; 559 332.2041; 560 796.7341;
+ 561 386.4464; 565 200.0256; 592 260.0042; 607 1009.502; 608 423.4019;
+ 630 658.5601; 631 232.8176; 632 128.1988; 633 998.3121; 634 417.2189;
+ 635 241.059; 687 242.6802; 702 4366.098; 703 2297.439; 704 792.6442;
+ 705 315.0066;
+Name: Unknown 120
+DB.idx: -120
+rt: 40.438
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 55 17626.38; 56 7074.836; 57 65804.86; 68 3622.301; 69 21136.4;
+ 70 12562.8; 71 79912.32; 82 8402.071; 83 20979.76; 84 6364.391;
+ 85 65366.23; 96 7113.306; 97 23528.83; 98 5202.771; 99 23754.26;
+ 110 3899.04; 111 13796.89; 112 4519.791; 113 17470.15; 124 3295.972;
+ 125 8901.735; 126 3035.239; 127 12589.06; 138 1935.288; 139 4028.638;
+ 140 3010.151; 141 11648.87; 153 2202.685; 155 9183.978; 169 7217.274;
+ 239 3209.931; 295 1749.325; 309 1572.877; 323 1379.703; 337 1713.126;
+ 351 1640.476; 408 754.2759; 511 1350.103;
+Name: Unknown 121
+DB.idx: -121
+rt: 41.186
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 169 10280.43; 204 45071.8; 243 7115.269; 271 8609.078; 361 70550.84;
+ 362 21913.6; 411 514.5387; 566 396.8897; 598 378.9551; 611 274.3721;
+Name: Unknown 122
+DB.idx: -122
+rt: 19.829
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0073
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 215 6372.782; 217 70156.53; 289 1225.284; 317 2443.827; 395 1020.289;
+ 397 276.9423;
+Name: Unknown 123
+DB.idx: -123
+rt: 8.326
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 208 70133.98; 209 8516.228; 245 61434.27; 246 14636.04; 247 8559.985;
+ 266 1549.62;
+Name: Unknown 124
+DB.idx: -124
+rt: 37.303
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 55 13657.15; 56 7373.66; 57 56219.72; 69 16523.69; 70 9787.256;
+ 71 68069.54; 82 5592.25; 83 16818.48; 84 5836.355; 85 49326.06;
+ 96 4567.681; 97 17277.12; 98 4446.356; 99 20678.64; 110 2987.199;
+ 111 10644.66; 112 3291.337; 113 12850.01; 124 2274.984; 125 5817.791;
+ 126 2428.384; 127 9496.922; 138 1659.009; 140 1930.094; 141 7713.187;
+ 155 6004.125; 225 2154.073; 239 2245.141;
+Name: Unknown 125
+DB.idx: -125
+rt: 12.757
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 51 1195.043; 55 13943.56; 57 57614.24; 65 4918.123; 67 27190.16;
+ 68 3194.288; 69 12390.44; 79 16689.69; 80 3138.617; 81 12840.76;
+ 84 4027.37; 91 9303.391; 92 1501.415; 94 4637.403; 95 10079.46;
+ 97 67179.15; 98 11043.3; 99 14253.73; 102 9699.973; 107 11743.57;
+ 108 1779.161; 109 30674.57; 110 3420.786; 121 2988.431; 122 3055.155;
+ 123 4773.527; 124 4980.116;
+Name: Unknown 126
+DB.idx: -126
+rt: 44.259
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 55 15831.38; 56 6550.286; 57 54854.42; 68 3185; 69 18992.64;
+ 70 9196.013; 71 65869.17; 82 9187.653; 83 20781.18; 84 5063.696;
+ 85 49065.55; 97 21811.71; 98 4767.328; 99 19064.36; 110 3989.281;
+ 111 14121.04; 112 4172.222; 113 13610.04; 124 3112.261; 125 8326.565;
+ 126 2755.247; 127 10813.01; 138 2641.913; 139 3825.627; 140 1998.223;
+ 141 8311.195; 155 8067.458; 169 5910.334; 225 3107.042; 239 3411.182;
+ 295 1997.001; 323 1702.347; 337 1300.487; 351 1217.163; 379 1071.296;
+ 393 1334.628; 436 567.0007; 596 212.8062;
+Name: Unknown 127
+DB.idx: -127
+rt: 39.638
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 213 10006.39; 353 3606.577; 354 877.3817; 411 1385.003; 412 491.4433;
+ 425 1302.477; 426 618.0102; 497 59995.14; 498 26267.95; 499 10050.71;
+ 500 2385.8; 501 574.8312; 568 3488.251; 569 1813.351; 682 188.415;
+Name: Unknown 128
+DB.idx: -128
+rt: 12.341
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 99 58662.88; 120 5952.292; 155 45921.18; 169 25694.85; 195 11333.99;
+ 209 5608.495;
+Name: Unknown 129
+DB.idx: -129
+rt: 9.551
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 8e-04
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 221 56769.04; 222 12150.93; 223 7857.643; 225 37108.25; 226 7264.346;
+ 227 5282.022; 239 2952.021; 248 21037.3; 249 4926.968; 250 3157.982;
+ 252 3301.03; 336 11092.5; 337 3529.828; 338 2012.334;
+Name: Unknown 130
+DB.idx: -130
+rt: 15.661
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 98 5748.128; 167 1917.877; 197 9118.857; 198 1859.292; 247 62374.7;
+ 248 11633.37; 249 2870.703; 260 11471.78; 261 2770.552; 339 43406.16;
+ 340 11156.71; 411 678.208;
+Name: Unknown 131
+DB.idx: -131
+rt: 19.113
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 84 56155.92; 102 6100.45; 128 4416.039; 156 25525.64; 167 1978.979;
+ 168 2199.419; 249 2511.083; 338 2935.455; 362 7232.362; 584 181.0568;
+Name: Unknown 132
+DB.idx: -132
+rt: 28.745
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 117 55723.97; 327 29527.49; 328 7574.884; 329 2231; 345 5915.232;
+Name: Unknown 133
+DB.idx: -133
+rt: 9.618
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 77 26963.64; 107 2959.221; 151 40219.23; 152 6687.867; 153 5454.848;
+ 168 4146.776; 174 40363.23; 176 4292.142; 177 5873.004; 178 2917.139;
+ 180 3870.743; 192 55195.43; 194 4546.624; 195 2635.754; 198 3302.933;
+ 224 3899.037; 228 5603.416; 242 7229.268; 243 15566.44; 266 9201.909;
+ 316 7409.565; 360 2350.95;
+Name: Unknown 134
+DB.idx: -134
+rt: 13.983
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 86 9719.601; 155 11858.25; 174 24342.61; 218 54476.44; 248 10002.31;
+ 249 3143.653; 292 25093.4; 293 7249.972; 294 3321.59;
+Name: Unknown 135
+DB.idx: -135
+rt: 9.907
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0034
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 82 12120.01; 108 6660.177; 170 7734.353; 177 16009.73; 198 5431.334;
+ 252 12290.6; 267 53050.09; 268 9035.369;
+Name: Unknown 136
+DB.idx: -136
+rt: 33.943
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 26
+ 55 11629.91; 56 5085.835; 57 42443; 69 13551.81; 70 7995.534;
+ 71 52547.24; 82 4983.248; 83 11290.68; 84 4669.255; 85 39112.54;
+ 96 3626.351; 97 12664.8; 98 3396.82; 99 14378.4; 110 2546.002;
+ 111 7360.976; 112 2856.828; 113 11271.68; 124 1548.463; 125 3939.051;
+ 126 2447.932; 127 7150.145; 141 5883.016; 155 4504.547; 521 259.0016;
+ 536 432.2449;
+Name: Unknown 137
+DB.idx: -137
+rt: 12.997
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 55 8779.364; 69 12068.27; 71 24766.93; 83 51930.34; 96 3965.693;
+ 97 6850.471; 98 10043.35; 110 4006.761; 111 9180.919; 126 4275.003;
+ 145 52064.68; 161 21413.82; 162 21652.92; 218 41150.54; 236 2772.237;
+Name: Unknown 138
+DB.idx: -138
+rt: 24.414
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 299 51656.15; 436 701.925; 569 1628.621; 570 724.1667; 571 660.2827;
+Name: Unknown 139
+DB.idx: -139
+rt: 8.777
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 81 13308.34; 95 25426.74; 107 3394.722; 109 5301.725; 136 5549.929;
+ 137 50683.14; 138 5823.896;
+Name: Unknown 140
+DB.idx: -140
+rt: 7.702
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 59 40372.68; 69 20150.77; 70 24182.6; 89 49820.51; 98 8623.609;
+Name: Unknown 141
+DB.idx: -141
+rt: 38.652
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 169 9813.469; 243 5535.581; 271 7039.629; 361 49357.55; 362 15505.81;
+ 437 8999.513; 438 3121.764; 439 1908.98; 451 1947.961; 452 1045.569;
+ 453 557.4085; 788 379.1289;
+Name: Unknown 142
+DB.idx: -142
+rt: 29.832
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 55 9441.504; 56 5149.949; 57 42449.94; 69 11391.1; 70 7023.871;
+ 71 48847.57; 82 4124.913; 83 10409.99; 84 4558.891; 85 39902.82;
+ 96 3806.412; 97 10076.53; 98 3596.586; 99 12256.56; 110 2169.506;
+ 111 6178.728; 112 2287.009; 113 8507.175; 125 3362.8; 126 2029.331;
+ 127 6298.545; 141 5065.835; 155 3871.246; 202 11456.77;
+Name: Unknown 143
+DB.idx: -143
+rt: 32.712
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 119 7886.544; 325 46350.81; 326 13036.79; 327 3543.963; 381 728.2049;
+ 396 2427.238; 397 1045.803; 398 319.9474;
+Name: Unknown 144
+DB.idx: -144
+rt: 39.717
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 169 7461.313; 243 5315.171; 271 6248.326; 361 44871.84; 362 13734.69;
+ 480 2548.149; 481 1318.956; 482 755.3112; 510 315.8909; 517 258.8418;
+ 598 776.3672; 600 285.9058; 697 105.2807; 710 138.4091; 712 125.875;
+ 714 272.5713; 752 184.3879; 753 140.0645;
+Name: Unknown 145
+DB.idx: -145
+rt: 11.654
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0061
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 99 15755.54; 126 4269.059; 141 31489.03; 197 5474.32; 224 2830.112;
+ 260 7672.579; 266 5974.171; 324 903.4517; 364 40968.74;
+Name: Unknown 146
+DB.idx: -146
+rt: 20.864
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 50 491.4203; 57 9330.684; 71 11247.57; 85 8104.251; 178 1691.744;
+ 251 11140.52; 252 3234.403; 295 41811.89; 296 9623.127; 297 4654.451;
+ 310 3516.854; 313 1892.24;
+Name: Unknown 147
+DB.idx: -147
+rt: 22.426
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 84 4764.069; 168 2114.331; 174 37243.76; 175 7639.747; 176 2951.955;
+ 200 7791.088;
+Name: Unknown 148
+DB.idx: -148
+rt: 22.442
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0012
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 197 3430.296; 271 2783.267; 287 24911.1; 288 6014.564; 289 2517.81;
+ 361 6888.861; 362 2228.823; 389 4101.95; 391 903.7475; 479 3104.125;
+ 480 1189.291; 481 789.1022;
+Name: Unknown 149
+DB.idx: -149
+rt: 25.46
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 55 6422.118; 56 4464.87; 57 31124.67; 70 5761.673; 71 35583.52;
+ 85 25375.95; 97 6800.438; 113 5752.135; 125 1997.368; 127 3750.578;
+Name: Unknown 150
+DB.idx: -150
+rt: 17.007
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 70 19649; 102 4013.751; 142 35030.66; 168 2680.69; 292 5139.68;
+ 577 418.5956; 578 244.3333; 579 188.719;
+Name: Unknown 151
+DB.idx: -151
+rt: 26.89
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 221 34485.91; 222 8477.226; 223 4849.156; 281 11915.76; 282 4033.802;
+ 295 15023.18; 296 4601.248; 297 2800.418; 355 4065.4; 369 7441.417;
+ 370 2403.236; 371 1853.549; 372 690.4863; 402 874.0613; 473 177.3409;
+ 475 313.356; 489 258.3389; 517 226.8228;
+Name: Unknown 152
+DB.idx: -152
+rt: 29.448
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 404 14905.23; 405 5103.811; 406 1880.706; 434 33985.76; 435 11008.08;
+ 436 4407.102; 490 279.0909; 505 1154.763;
+Name: Unknown 153
+DB.idx: -153
+rt: 38.092
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0011
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 221 33197.98; 222 8980.827; 281 18225.58; 282 5487.475; 295 16300.25;
+ 296 5221.735; 297 3224.837; 355 5742.829; 369 11803.99; 370 3888.423;
+ 371 2730.473; 372 855.125; 461 438.68; 475 324.496; 535 247.381;
+Name: Unknown 154
+DB.idx: -154
+rt: 14.458
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0115
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 128 3714.594; 174 31494.76; 200 3954.721; 411 285.2578; 433 2171.885;
+Name: Unknown 155
+DB.idx: -155
+rt: 12.841
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 139 4956.247; 140 21280.85; 252 5679.129; 301 66870.25; 302 19976.82;
+ 303 8835.595; 350 12886.99; 351 4513.957; 352 1844.591; 355 6125.451;
+ 356 2299.609; 370 4876; 371 1625.876; 372 737.3967;
+Name: Unknown 156
+DB.idx: -156
+rt: 33.361
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 221 30167.25; 222 6937.506; 223 4094.93; 281 11876.54; 282 4175.857;
+ 295 13597.72; 296 4323.801; 297 2583.68; 355 4457.77; 369 9515.242;
+ 370 3799.084; 371 2234.379; 372 735.9073; 461 471.1488; 473 206.9454;
+ 475 348.5734; 501 230.025; 533 181.9299; 535 316.1662; 591 247.1951;
+ 592 167.875; 595 973.0592; 596 750.3325; 597 419.225; 681 219.0022;
+ 697 174.6808; 712 454.8188; 713 179.9032; 715 114.5806;
+Name: Unknown 157
+DB.idx: -157
+rt: 43.834
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 309 29698.77; 310 8023.004; 575 1051.975; 576 624.8533; 590 659.9453;
+ 613 289.2949;
+Name: Unknown 158
+DB.idx: -158
+rt: 9.246
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 136 18430.45; 164 14440.8; 165 8015.202; 192 18282.25; 258 28351.41;
+ 284 14761.94;
+Name: Unknown 159
+DB.idx: -159
+rt: 36.15
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0012
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 221 28010.1; 222 6340.582; 281 12507.37; 282 3911.197; 295 14431.55;
+ 296 4774.781; 297 2496.615; 355 4154.414; 369 9185.331; 370 3419.583;
+ 371 2349.379; 372 749.989; 461 316.881; 475 400.4738; 535 284.1296;
+Name: Unknown 160
+DB.idx: -160
+rt: 23.367
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 221 27729.54; 281 10330.14; 282 3440.258; 295 9599.48; 296 2836.107;
+ 355 2936.676; 369 4552.767; 370 1917.026; 371 1243.893; 372 459.4738;
+ 473 206.4083;
+Name: Unknown 161
+DB.idx: -161
+rt: 39.811
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 395 805.8658; 423 1322.018; 453 751.4978; 511 27438.89; 512 12221.51;
+ 567 514.6277; 582 1829.262; 583 823.4933; 584 512.2042;
+Name: Unknown 162
+DB.idx: -162
+rt: 19.452
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 140 2771.466; 214 5808.711; 228 5312.116; 233 7116.939; 261 4245.561;
+ 304 26530.01; 406 2256.273; 651 165.0417;
+Name: Unknown 163
+DB.idx: -163
+rt: 19.613
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0011
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 221 24400.86; 295 8202.048; 296 2365.808; 297 1712.416; 369 3693.675;
+ 370 1662.047; 371 1098.511; 372 403.946; 392 928.3082; 399 1146.214;
+ 407 5199.095; 408 1991.153; 436 2303.801;
+Name: Unknown 164
+DB.idx: -164
+rt: 29.069
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 237 14615.7; 238 3141.111; 294 23191.7; 295 5838.043; 296 1890.519;
+ 355 5456.67; 397 1953.019; 398 735.9525; 412 1829.822; 413 629.9601;
+Name: Unknown 165
+DB.idx: -165
+rt: 22.223
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 23
+ 94 4154.855; 250 1339.738; 251 2619.123; 252 998.1304; 296 2211.705;
+ 326 6549.406; 372 1166.38; 416 1690.192; 427 2595.027; 446 616.3158;
+ 458 13073.24; 459 3653.736; 460 1169.571; 486 727.4495; 533 1216.102;
+ 534 1036.768; 558 22619.84; 559 7347.45; 560 2931.078; 561 649.2549;
+ 573 9061.32; 574 2666.456; 575 1038.859;
+Name: Unknown 166
+DB.idx: -166
+rt: 27.024
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 318 22338.01; 507 870.0019; 508 447.1742; 509 515.9014; 612 251.4497;
+Name: Unknown 167
+DB.idx: -167
+rt: 14.29
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 54 1427.562; 84 17720.7; 128 7868.842; 142 8963.717; 145 21424.47;
+ 172 11812.69; 173 17235.93; 262 19226.88; 288 4804.486; 289 1680.89;
+Name: Unknown 168
+DB.idx: -168
+rt: 20.719
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 299 21365.12; 315 6079.953; 357 18576.6; 358 4921.271; 359 2642.287;
+ 370 2689.027; 371 1164.754; 372 548.7305; 373 1606.175; 387 2617.63;
+ 388 882.4174; 445 3879.977; 446 1403.513; 447 917.5326;
+Name: Unknown 169
+DB.idx: -169
+rt: 38.504
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 57 16969.23; 71 21352.56; 85 17062.62; 113 4459.308; 125 2140.176;
+ 127 3212.814; 595 208.875; 597 212.2986;
+Name: Unknown 170
+DB.idx: -170
+rt: 15.641
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 446 427.992; 447 20357.22; 448 7477.938; 449 4423.212; 450 1517.042;
+Name: Unknown 171
+DB.idx: -171
+rt: 38.044
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 57 15151.21; 71 20342.56; 85 14112; 97 7099.978; 125 2227.737;
+ 127 3040.444;
+Name: Unknown 172
+DB.idx: -172
+rt: 14.082
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 128 10724.88; 142 11449.8; 144 9590.369; 172 14592.78; 173 19040.79;
+Name: Unknown 173
+DB.idx: -173
+rt: 27.207
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 50 578.2676; 140 4046.414; 178 2996.325; 251 2261.323; 252 640.6545;
+ 266 1484.959; 295 6705.594; 296 1594.406; 311 2137.484; 339 18759.42;
+ 340 5472.788;
+Name: Unknown 174
+DB.idx: -174
+rt: 15.078
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 84 9680.027; 475 566.5785; 476 416.0479; 563 648.1023; 564 281.9828;
+Name: Unknown 175
+DB.idx: -175
+rt: 13.616
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0062
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 98 2558.886; 178 1746.413; 308 18285.3; 310 1968; 322 14050.13;
+ 323 6714.433; 324 2474.87;
+Name: Unknown 176
+DB.idx: -176
+rt: 34.852
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 369 17851.96; 370 5242.333; 371 1564.529; 372 491.92; 384 2941.841;
+ 385 964; 386 400.875; 387 4822.259; 388 1452.167;
+Name: Unknown 177
+DB.idx: -177
+rt: 19.277
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 235 17733.56; 236 3545.125; 250 2964.039; 279 4672.113; 326 1996.786;
+Name: Unknown 178
+DB.idx: -178
+rt: 18.217
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 101 8233.834; 127 3064.86; 245 9220.226; 289 1751.053; 306 14761.38;
+ 333 8174.411; 335 17075.32; 336 4891.141; 337 2674.734; 423 1912.916;
+Name: Unknown 179
+DB.idx: -179
+rt: 6.282
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 63 3313.863; 113 6692.337; 256 16954.66; 334 5704.149; 338 3133.605;
+ 388 1472.631;
+Name: Unknown 180
+DB.idx: -180
+rt: 18.32
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 116 16006.68; 132 12809.94; 141 10534.45; 188 12210.55; 264 1557.705;
+ 436 586.04;
+Name: Unknown 181
+DB.idx: -181
+rt: 30.05
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 55 11906.44; 56 3838.901; 57 5716.307; 69 13805.61; 70 5739.608;
+ 83 14580.82; 97 14498.86; 111 7513.246; 125 3702.703;
+Name: Unknown 182
+DB.idx: -182
+rt: 32.491
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 165 21207.51; 166 2978.482; 325 3454.618; 380 3920.464; 381 1312.952;
+Name: Unknown 183
+DB.idx: -183
+rt: 13.74
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 91 11143.45; 146 10782.75; 188 9457.898; 350 14291.33; 351 5025.495;
+ 352 3013.052; 540 236.1439;
+Name: Unknown 184
+DB.idx: -184
+rt: 8.964
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 112 2387.644; 122 10058.52; 139 5669.327; 166 10273.96; 167 2213.029;
+ 178 2534.952; 197 2931.316; 214 14175.09; 236 2187.043; 262 7028.609;
+ 411 403.4899; 426 420.1207;
+Name: Unknown 185
+DB.idx: -185
+rt: 10.35
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 178 5187.058; 194 2795.343; 220 13742.25; 294 2308.121; 339 6702.395;
+ 340 2313.026;
+Name: Unknown 186
+DB.idx: -186
+rt: 32.449
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 146 12873.2; 264 3010.392; 266 7055.751; 296 1141.252; 297 2588.576;
+ 411 4161.6; 412 1622.737; 413 1323.156; 414 430.0035;
+Name: Unknown 187
+DB.idx: -187
+rt: 26.27
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 57 8019.932; 97 12679.08; 109 3717.122; 123 6220.338; 124 1828.15;
+ 125 1549.455; 137 4283.483; 138 1568.006; 179 2873.354; 250 1648.802;
+Name: Unknown 188
+DB.idx: -188
+rt: 23.441
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 136 2309.787; 298 2718.62; 388 3084.857; 404 6609.13; 419 2183.498;
+ 494 11942.62; 495 4739.013; 496 2994.189; 497 1179.989;
+Name: Unknown 189
+DB.idx: -189
+rt: 9.765
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0075
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 56 5652.016; 112 15411.02; 166 3192.094; 227 3953.666; 392 2675.359;
+Name: Unknown 190
+DB.idx: -190
+rt: 20.368
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 167 1564.191; 239 4160.118; 282 2854.061; 284 6105.995; 326 6620.033;
+ 329 3561.496; 340 2135.185; 383 10654.58; 384 3334.759; 385 1307.265;
+ 386 343.8409; 398 440.769;
+Name: Unknown 191
+DB.idx: -191
+rt: 10.779
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 194 6886.107; 325 3111.371; 341 10438.88; 429 4742.698; 430 2229.645;
+ 431 1789.162;
+Name: Unknown 192
+DB.idx: -192
+rt: 28.303
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 159 7437.279; 272 10391.26; 302 7878.287; 443 2382.176; 445 715.0042;
+Name: Unknown 193
+DB.idx: -193
+rt: 13.582
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 92 3455.328; 128 11986.42; 188 4610.619; 374 6941.945; 415 2240.003;
+ 416 825.9276; 503 1939.85; 504 1085.219; 505 846.762; 506 432.5329;
+Name: Unknown 194
+DB.idx: -194
+rt: 22.542
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 180 6471.187; 252 1482.349; 295 6774.125; 296 2129.314; 297 1609.72;
+ 385 7288.323; 386 2592.33; 387 1684.348; 398 407.1663; 399 9991.34;
+ 400 3515.152; 401 1675.496; 414 9658.864; 415 3566.344; 416 1468.14;
+Name: Unknown 195
+DB.idx: -195
+rt: 38.301
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 427 388.1633; 515 2224.554; 516 1065.249; 543 477.6815; 557 707.6075;
+ 558 340.7556; 559 257.2607; 572 8836.252; 573 4347.003; 574 1996.645;
+ 575 708.992;
+Name: Unknown 196
+DB.idx: -196
+rt: 33.644
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 357 8412.376; 358 2777.392; 371 1634.802; 372 734.5198; 383 1483.159;
+ 386 832.0057; 411 1902.421; 412 623.6541; 413 418.5316; 424 5385.761;
+ 425 2187.729; 426 1162.51; 427 350.25; 473 265.1155; 474 211.4848;
+ 496 1453.676; 497 635.5919; 499 1017.578; 500 490.6355; 501 698.7028;
+ 502 201.7348; 564 226.0809; 589 1907.083; 590 1104.801; 591 673.7242;
+ 592 304.9774; 603 388.1542; 604 304.8829; 606 170.2785;
+Name: Unknown 197
+DB.idx: -197
+rt: 32.226
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 37
+ 84 7982.112; 373 4104.068; 374 4377.515; 386 492.3323; 398 220.7267;
+ 459 841.9011; 460 381.5938; 461 810.8901; 477 832.5057; 489 321.4727;
+ 490 191.382; 546 215.8817; 547 2108.099; 548 2793.779; 549 1617.926;
+ 550 721.2663; 551 4440.043; 552 2450.369; 553 1366.083; 563 275.3137;
+ 564 436.3233; 578 182.0066; 579 236.1184; 593 137.0357; 621 124.875;
+ 625 166.1315; 626 117.5684; 636 150.3813; 637 1190.111; 638 1403.621;
+ 639 825.042; 640 590.4747; 653 420.9878; 654 691.5622; 655 440.4208;
+ 656 259.3353; 657 98.675;
+Name: Unknown 198
+DB.idx: -198
+rt: 14.869
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.005
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 121 3042.64; 383 7729.474; 384 1216.542; 509 425.5; 510 260.4572;
+Name: Unknown 199
+DB.idx: -199
+rt: 40.626
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 497 7600.376; 498 3612.139; 499 1576.166; 500 403.3333; 567 456.7951;
+ 568 856.0225;
+Name: Unknown 200
+DB.idx: -200
+rt: 16.669
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 179 7626.734; 489 391.5063; 577 591.2825; 578 320.45; 579 222.6306;
+ 580 140.0496;
+Name: Unknown 201
+DB.idx: -201
+rt: 26.028
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0075
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 346 2507.681; 380 951.1539; 388 810.5355; 390 1630.56; 435 6675.536;
+ 436 2699.146;
+Name: Unknown 202
+DB.idx: -202
+rt: 24.754
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0012
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 449 6183.266; 450 2636.626; 451 1695.802; 539 2294.474; 540 1207.967;
+ 541 723.325;
+Name: Unknown 203
+DB.idx: -203
+rt: 33.137
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 459 5608.966; 460 1919.087; 461 696.0891; 509 298.9286; 527 267.3393;
+ 531 581.2727; 532 239.6983; 533 101.574;
+Name: Unknown 204
+DB.idx: -204
+rt: 38.757
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0059
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 483 4627.062; 484 2195.372; 485 919.7656; 651 160.6568; 682 248.67;
+ 684 99.93951;
+Name: Unknown 205
+DB.idx: -205
+rt: 39.018
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 381 1698.556; 423 4014.733; 424 1398.228; 425 511.0667; 438 2594.909;
+ 453 1266.663; 454 525.0721; 495 2020.844; 496 948.634; 509 280.2979;
+ 510 1671.527; 566 2156.198; 567 1212.356; 568 522.0008; 594 363.6;
+ 596 209.0132; 622 158.0702; 623 3296.06; 624 1555.497; 625 574.375;
+Name: Unknown 206
+DB.idx: -206
+rt: 38.238
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 585 2893.942; 586 1845.364; 587 850.4846; 588 453.8091; 600 843.53;
+ 602 218.2481;
+Name: Unknown 207
+DB.idx: -207
+rt: 17.623
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 335 2966.2; 567 241.4878; 568 201.4; 581 175.3603; 582 260.5872;
+ 583 1355.151; 584 741.6566; 585 661.088; 586 308.6; 587 198.8947;
+Name: Unknown 208
+DB.idx: -208
+rt: 35.564
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 427 2041.201; 428 1018.441; 484 2465.681; 485 839.0036; 486 429.9708;
+Name: Unknown 209
+DB.idx: -209
+rt: 33.996
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 399 1227.015; 400 510.0363; 427 424.7368; 439 2453.094; 440 1167.562;
+ 518 1242.667; 519 374.5; 538 1230.946; 539 613.037; 607 2298.21;
+ 608 1070.039; 609 492.3242; 610 296.2231;
+Name: Unknown 210
+DB.idx: -210
+rt: 16.117
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 236 2023.894; 489 390.0625; 490 214.1658; 577 680.7052; 578 384.0189;
+ 579 409.8596; 580 204.8817;
+Name: Unknown 211
+DB.idx: -211
+rt: 32.931
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 387 1358.494; 388 556.1494; 471 461.9257; 472 243.569; 475 285.5319;
+ 476 218; 561 771.6984; 562 552.4052; 563 227.9141; 565 1350.838;
+ 566 618.5446; 567 365.521; 651 349.0702; 652 248.6333; 653 215.2;
+ 667 217.4142; 668 158.0125;
+Name: Unknown 212
+DB.idx: -212
+rt: 40.051
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0053
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 463 877.0917; 637 972.4941; 638 556.1001; 639 348.1088; 640 145.5558;
+Name: Unknown 213
+DB.idx: -213
+rt: 20.203
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 475 691.2524; 476 261.9474; 489 253.9453; 490 247.6578; 563 341.0014;
+ 564 195.4412; 651 746.4568; 652 585.7028; 653 384.4198; 654 231.9013;
+ 655 104.375;
+Name: Unknown 214
+DB.idx: -214
+rt: 22.01
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 73 4867619; 147 4984192; 183 3295604; 211 3077243; 257 2938994;
+ 273 5937759; 274 3717373; 347 3818964; 363 3088772; 375 3610247;
+Name: Unknown 215
+DB.idx: -215
+rt: 22.913
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 91
+ 54 1669.518; 59 25304.6; 73 805399.2; 74 67554.14; 82 12432.37;
+ 89 54692.97; 90 5435.366; 100 13822.76; 101 8950.405; 102 4470.84;
+ 103 67508.93; 104 7114.675; 105 18387.71; 110 1791.062; 113 5646.001;
+ 114 8594.768; 117 96680.2; 126 3234.431; 127 4971.896; 128 4644.006;
+ 129 106204.2; 130 62321.91; 138 2930.224; 142 9042.895; 145 11654.32;
+ 147 229550; 155 3648.414; 157 429361.4; 158 70191.05; 159 22619.39;
+ 160 64232.09; 161 48952.89; 162 8946.293; 163 106139.9; 164 18911.1;
+ 165 8909.25; 168 4806.543; 172 7844.967; 174 16172.3; 180 2846.446;
+ 181 2790.135; 182 3102.579; 186 15340.03; 187 3720.387; 189 234892;
+ 190 44543.8; 196 2670.886; 198 3007.586; 200 2154.156; 201 12130.94;
+ 203 17339.76; 204 40003.12; 205 101067.6; 206 22032.41; 212 7268.24;
+ 214 7639.748; 216 14956.13; 217 117994.2; 219 31052.31; 228 5329.77;
+ 229 38388.52; 230 12591.61; 231 33000.94; 232 13011.07; 233 10777.33;
+ 234 4155.779; 242 3758.12; 243 8641.102; 244 73486.61; 246 10269;
+ 247 38663.96; 248 11543.33; 249 4451.1; 260 5362.548; 261 2799.453;
+ 262 9567.987; 270 4506.588; 271 8088.733; 272 3791.828; 302 17789;
+ 304 7504.411; 319 141033.8; 320 42404.35; 321 21381.03; 392 3792.25;
+ 393 1375.236; 394 11270.79; 395 3604.184; 450 1305.071; 451 1179.743;
+ 482 1355.876;
+Name: Unknown 216
+DB.idx: -216
+rt: 15.682
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 102 12458.86; 292 75081.41; 293 22417.12; 294 10866.27; 295 2052.985;
+ 380 1024.482; 409 2816.855; 410 1389.98; 411 640.8193;
+Name: Unknown 217
+DB.idx: -217
+rt: 15.938
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 221 41775.48; 222 9398.167; 223 5101.603; 239 2498.492; 295 9093.167;
+ 296 2754.133; 297 2046.626; 325 3261.083; 326 1497.267; 341 7261.793;
+ 355 6531.739; 356 2457.071; 357 1951.204; 517 338.6886;
+Name: Unknown 218
+DB.idx: -218
+rt: 18.298
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0092
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 155 3014.049; 197 4131.381; 221 39416.8; 222 7855.625; 436 569.5984;
+ 521 1127.21;
+Name: Unknown 219
+DB.idx: -219
+rt: 17.007
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0077
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 70 17214.53; 102 4166.58; 142 32919.01; 168 2578.035; 279 6545.651;
+ 292 4398.292; 577 380.1901; 578 265.4297; 580 198.0312;
+Name: Unknown 220
+DB.idx: -220
+rt: 33.703
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0063
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 56 3141.633; 88 4070.353; 285 5862.173; 339 32101.48; 340 8645.733;
+Name: Unknown 221
+DB.idx: -221
+rt: 38.728
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 355 8221.474; 356 3030.345; 357 2227.414; 429 8987.825; 430 3385.989;
+ 431 2342.817; 475 381.0909; 489 360.0817; 535 279.0435; 536 216.3214;
+ 577 457.8169; 578 173.1497; 651 118.125; 653 104.0385; 669 206.7222;
+Name: Unknown 222
+DB.idx: -222
+rt: 39.917
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 425 978.3674; 426 391.0833; 525 6323.961; 526 3087.344; 527 1221.038;
+ 528 406.7615; 581 261.0013; 596 510.7837;
+Name: Unknown 223
+DB.idx: -223
+rt: 38.455
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 469 3939.131; 470 1833.242; 471 577.3378; 472 219; 540 442.0665;
+ 765 149.1156;
+Name: Unknown 224
+DB.idx: -224
+rt: 20.203
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 401 877.028; 475 589.6746; 476 328.0155; 489 516.0085; 490 230.7812;
+ 563 437.1739; 564 229.76; 565 265.687; 651 891.2565; 652 619.0158;
+ 653 580.4464; 654 309.1607; 655 149.1481;
+Name: Unknown 225
+DB.idx: -225
+rt: 29.878
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 461 440.2596; 475 296; 563 233.7563; 651 231.5956; 652 157.1738;
+ 653 188.7604; 725 239.1565; 726 170.2; 727 136.2023;
+Name: Unknown 226
+DB.idx: -226
+rt: 24.524
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53 11783.33; 54 11020.14; 55 205167; 56 12638.78; 57 21788.73;
+ 58 168826.5; 59 940395.9; 60 76683.4; 61 52570.08; 65 6449.743;
+ 67 43796.72; 68 9115.149; 69 100838; 70 44353.51; 71 32983.28;
+ 72 178481.9; 73 5772654; 74 2229286; 75 1376570; 76 58790.15;
+ 77 34345.86; 78 7486.305; 80 8052.219; 81 34038.34; 82 67546.56;
+ 83 885517.3; 84 56824.02; 85 38566.21; 86 46360.32; 87 48830.96;
+ 88 56130.18; 89 2021046; 90 216881; 91 100321.1; 92 6094.793;
+ 96 122795.4; 97 149523.7; 98 21332.58; 99 70212.81; 100 1005866;
+ 101 288025.7; 102 157032.7; 103 2581977; 104 404643.1; 105 1200342;
+ 106 123313; 107 48933.38; 109 9884.495; 110 12901.1; 111 69069.81;
+ 112 21109.86; 113 115057.1; 114 151261.7; 115 86139.7; 116 85511.91;
+ 117 2746432; 118 446317.5; 119 288317.9; 120 26017.14; 121 9529.281;
+ 125 22258.49; 126 64941.39; 127 146652.1; 128 76020.27; 129 3338178;
+ 130 1127873; 131 941500.4; 132 154667.1; 133 1918607; 134 285396;
+ 135 139430.7; 136 15551.08; 137 5788.262; 138 27896.77; 139 15903.79;
+ 140 28655.95; 141 59662.67; 142 99647.98; 143 487526.2; 144 63261.13;
+ 145 100631.6; 146 43342.68; 147 5236168; 148 2605423; 149 1914248;
+ 150 255638.3; 151 86790.66; 152 35377.59; 153 22656.01; 154 65649.79;
+ 155 30312.92; 156 28483.02; 157 3555071; 158 1115364; 159 517982.5;
+ 160 3445634; 161 1323854; 162 384094.1; 163 621505.8; 164 95374.34;
+ 165 50961.07; 166 15093.19; 167 6194.125; 168 49899.19; 169 331829.2;
+ 170 88510.2; 171 42242.18; 172 237319.6; 173 144572.8; 174 75576.71;
+ 175 230007.8; 176 39834.49; 177 334591.7; 178 65419.8; 180 42867.54;
+ 181 10710.57; 182 153763.8; 183 29365.01; 184 24366.76; 185 34458.02;
+ 186 259638; 187 113200.5; 188 117635.6; 189 2034915; 190 579485.4;
+ 191 890009.7; 192 164682; 193 68269.62; 194 12778.75; 196 105374.6;
+ 197 18551.31; 198 24317.28; 199 7512.013; 200 70760.72; 201 741915.9;
+ 202 165939.8; 203 219462.2; 204 1372693; 205 4425274; 206 2209524;
+ 207 1263465; 208 176866.9; 209 37380.75; 210 109468; 211 21666.76;
+ 212 11061.49; 213 8745.725; 214 542791.8; 215 182913.9; 216 148232.9;
+ 217 3596926; 218 1675556; 219 816582.9; 220 146972.2; 221 551826;
+ 222 130229.3; 223 69264.3; 224 13340.38; 226 10722.91; 227 8910.001;
+ 228 53054.04; 229 2236296; 230 808216.1; 231 470072.9; 232 147569.4;
+ 233 975565.6; 234 261367; 235 476676.8; 236 94491.46; 237 45128.42;
+ 238 8376.489; 240 58901.27; 241 49929.64; 242 222392.3; 243 207258.7;
+ 244 228035; 245 208013.5; 246 190597.3; 247 132967.4; 248 48173.88;
+ 249 18497.95; 251 17010.34; 252 13230.57; 253 11219.39; 254 25363.89;
+ 255 9154.708; 256 48391.36; 257 22313.68; 258 19638.8; 259 112911.5;
+ 260 69331.24; 261 37662.54; 262 124999.7; 263 34193.5; 264 14452.09;
+ 265 91485.84; 266 24170.23; 267 12391.42; 268 421754.3; 269 210749.9;
+ 270 128920.4; 271 33913.01; 272 27008.56; 273 332395.3; 274 344577.8;
+ 275 139940; 276 56831.81; 277 1049365; 278 324210.4; 279 157667.5;
+ 284 47046.67; 285 28464.66; 286 26323.65; 287 8198.918; 288 38531.4;
+ 289 18232.31; 290 15966.97; 291 921219.4; 292 283178.6; 293 147239.3;
+ 523 9933.161; 524 5605.675; 539 7387.479;
+Name: Unknown 227
+DB.idx: -227
+rt: 24.204
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0053
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 73 5417464; 147 5151912; 156 60948.94; 251 3672.152; 319 5279892;
+ 353 4006.554; 382 4066.978;
+Name: Unknown 228
+DB.idx: -228
+rt: 42.91
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 51 21660.47; 53 19295.16; 55 293403; 56 22545.91; 57 233740.3;
+ 58 12137.08; 59 76554.38; 60 11197.12; 61 63171.55; 62 5002.837;
+ 65 60161; 66 10508.27; 67 559784.9; 68 41217.62; 69 447479;
+ 70 36465.11; 71 279015.6; 72 16701.88; 73 1948758; 74 168868;
+ 75 937014.6; 76 65739.71; 77 274644; 78 59467.8; 79 741008.3;
+ 80 77608.85; 81 1137004; 82 107280.9; 83 390568.3; 84 29135.01;
+ 85 114897.7; 86 7995.134; 87 7776.997; 89 32992.14; 90 4922.794;
+ 91 1017117; 92 163556.2; 93 833791.4; 94 149408.3; 95 1423109;
+ 96 123903.9; 97 313061.6; 98 24247.46; 99 26905.37; 101 72812.5;
+ 102 10743.97; 103 82005.52; 104 52748.07; 105 1270420; 106 250909.7;
+ 107 1109725; 108 205015; 109 836024.2; 110 87366.88; 111 243135.5;
+ 112 24268.9; 113 28224.69; 114 4051.565; 115 164382.8; 116 105917.8;
+ 117 490709.3; 118 159055.9; 119 1172560; 120 536858.8; 121 1248217;
+ 122 198166.9; 123 404091.2; 124 44620.02; 125 116396.6; 126 12895.96;
+ 127 44289.77; 128 115212.4; 129 2737851; 130 510575.7; 131 789787.9;
+ 132 262097.9; 133 842113.3; 134 231935.9; 135 683437.9; 136 107720.5;
+ 137 193093.4; 138 26179.99; 139 43074.88; 140 5213.331; 141 70512.03;
+ 142 93241.4; 143 680303.2; 144 204572.7; 145 1297542; 146 356936.8;
+ 147 770152.9; 148 287384; 149 542154.8; 150 75318.1; 151 140291.3;
+ 152 19739.45; 153 22593.22; 154 28632.33; 155 322426.4; 156 85808.98;
+ 157 357466; 158 170677.8; 159 887049.6; 160 688880.6; 161 838289.2;
+ 162 207851; 163 670800; 164 94297.88; 165 128778.7; 166 17661.19;
+ 167 26840.12; 168 47989.21; 169 130440.9; 170 37245.85; 171 248255.8;
+ 172 100684; 173 470697.6; 174 184299.2; 175 359716.2; 176 57474.72;
+ 177 270139.5; 178 39516.1; 179 106523.8; 180 16564.58; 181 95258.1;
+ 182 69291.92; 183 73697.9; 184 25625.28; 185 256573.8; 186 75014.84;
+ 187 191328; 188 55025.17; 189 299374.1; 190 53228.87; 191 166146;
+ 192 33891.07; 193 141743.7; 194 28881.84; 195 60363.63; 196 70076.06;
+ 197 106855.2; 198 32733.42; 199 289298; 200 139528.1; 201 290077.3;
+ 202 58291.8; 203 475206.4; 204 81544.53; 205 169872.8; 206 129530.7;
+ 210 10365.26; 211 31037.43; 212 21240.32; 213 606742.1; 214 180986.7;
+ 215 266876.5; 216 74135.76; 217 404203.5; 218 76722.23; 219 309981.8;
+ 220 66430.33; 221 32689.08; 223 11219.02; 224 5307.52; 225 17298.55;
+ 226 8607.489; 227 158870.5; 228 149116.2; 229 185389.7; 230 36613.35;
+ 231 108726.6; 232 24764.68; 233 312021.7; 234 58365.75; 235 27859.25;
+ 236 8308.132; 237 8523.009; 238 5341.264; 239 32021.09; 240 12182.36;
+ 241 129125.9; 242 42420.37; 243 50060.06; 244 18580.78; 245 191251.8;
+ 246 143249.1; 247 715372.4; 248 147018.8; 250 26722.16; 251 18415.74;
+ 252 4814.241; 255 959393.4; 256 216683.3; 257 60639.07; 258 18880.36;
+ 259 210160.1; 260 130718.2; 261 58047.51; 262 13722.84; 263 5600.292;
+ 269 26845.92; 270 7119.25; 271 27131.25; 272 12785.32; 273 153220.4;
+ 274 120195.7; 275 238146.8; 276 49932.79; 277 6561.73; 283 79181.26;
+ 284 28870.48; 285 24812.11; 286 17557.53; 287 33719.82; 288 14418.15;
+ 290 32980.12; 291 71539.11; 292 17690.5; 293 4924.66; 297 49016.94;
+ 298 20021.2; 299 50528.55; 300 41644.07;
+Name: Unknown 229
+DB.idx: -229
+rt: 22.103
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 52 7964.386; 53 36191.26; 54 14020.89; 55 54805.34; 56 8636.832;
+ 57 46080.16; 58 259881.3; 59 380960.6; 60 37360.56; 61 179251.8;
+ 62 13172.56; 63 8521.704; 65 21013.79; 66 29027.99; 67 1570782;
+ 68 187407.5; 69 609112.8; 70 139110.6; 71 107124.1; 72 681411.7;
+ 76 312480.2; 77 192938.5; 78 8176.15; 79 29319.37; 80 7392.082;
+ 81 38985.72; 82 39311.24; 83 88850.99; 84 16351.96; 85 98634.36;
+ 86 40864.74; 87 78104.97; 88 56173.63; 89 65409.55; 90 7024.941;
+ 91 24749.29; 95 98795.88; 96 25023.09; 97 375077.4; 98 61795.23;
+ 99 736909.7; 100 92271.68; 101 166783.2; 102 42420.6; 103 153243.9;
+ 104 20847.02; 105 96962.62; 106 11817.4; 107 8482.008; 108 6448.618;
+ 109 16699.97; 110 8531.622; 111 691687.3; 112 48054.68; 113 201753.9;
+ 114 51424.07; 115 737767; 116 314682.2; 117 483308; 118 68327.6;
+ 119 176312.2; 120 22331.64; 121 14320.01; 123 13372.57; 124 5807.574;
+ 125 32136.23; 126 44208.28; 127 70401.21; 128 24040.22; 130 393277.8;
+ 131 1490739; 132 379901.5; 134 416277.6; 135 301860.2; 136 28761.04;
+ 137 14954.53; 138 5358.365; 139 471933.9; 140 35443.91; 141 573644.6;
+ 142 104324.2; 143 1265608; 144 232331.3; 145 194682.1; 146 45129.7;
+ 150 553973.4; 151 319716.4; 152 34431.74; 153 19101.46; 154 20209.81;
+ 155 115269.8; 156 62570.21; 157 501108.8; 158 75549.2; 159 119385.9;
+ 161 156331.4; 162 73064.96; 163 907742.6; 164 191090.4; 165 90244.94;
+ 166 10766.8; 167 9917.463; 169 412719.5; 170 63890.23; 171 459087.5;
+ 172 59001.24; 173 269805.2; 174 47888.66; 175 249492.7; 176 44380.16;
+ 177 115305.5; 178 17857.47; 179 13629.93; 181 13132.86; 182 21712.67;
+ 184 1230752; 185 1085764; 186 194005; 187 103954.1; 188 19395.69;
+ 189 450668; 190 391195.5; 191 277194.3; 192 55118.57; 193 81092.89;
+ 194 13825.67; 195 23425.52; 196 3958.67; 197 27923.23; 198 7763.729;
+ 199 51325.11; 200 14933.95; 201 363546.1; 202 63502.38; 203 72655.95;
+ 204 395565.9; 205 361863.8; 206 82645.19; 207 756165.1; 208 181524.3;
+ 209 113535.8; 210 17419.8; 212 1151066; 213 921021.6; 214 152591.4;
+ 215 716278.9; 216 197261.5; 217 1133809; 218 306072.9; 219 191826.2;
+ 220 29110.77; 222 819848.7; 223 506699.1; 224 88350.06; 225 27896.53;
+ 226 5758.601; 227 17800.14; 228 41559.91; 229 1226940; 230 400529.5;
+ 231 1383013; 232 430129.7; 233 228619.9; 234 33942.84; 235 34010.09;
+ 236 8062.782; 237 84086.24; 238 20334.33; 239 12880.35; 241 159160.5;
+ 242 35406.89; 243 200421.4; 244 308896.4; 246 84206.45; 247 35818.7;
+ 248 6037.56; 249 7393.118; 255 19104.09; 256 58701.84; 258 1310723;
+ 259 1056345; 260 254370.4; 261 108676.7; 262 17643.88; 263 17642.17;
+ 264 5902.502; 265 8853.854; 271 101110.4; 272 85242.97; 276 875389.2;
+ 277 210740.4; 278 28736.01; 279 11665.79; 284 6494.014; 285 1504564;
+ 286 550387.8; 287 492264.6; 288 101499.1; 289 48478.94; 290 11399.11;
+ 291 131832.4; 292 36915.43; 293 31385.84; 294 8147.506; 299 49315.44;
+ 300 15941.08; 301 1046158; 302 330599.5; 303 1277215; 304 521851.1;
+ 306 886222.2; 307 538735.5; 308 118622; 309 33746.62; 310 5584.507;
+ 315 8357.721; 317 20648.88; 318 21342.45; 319 823240.8; 320 283969.9;
+ 553 26200.04; 554 12603.7; 555 7041.316;
+Name: Unknown 230
+DB.idx: -230
+rt: 10.046
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.005
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 50 1320.45; 51 12964.41; 68 3740.096; 77 97664.12; 105 153460.1;
+ 122 1342.447; 128 3167.015; 135 197118.1; 136 27778.01; 137 9235.525;
+ 166 3869.862; 179 292902.1; 180 43096.14; 181 14055.66; 194 16927.44;
+ 195 3034.276; 225 8476.004; 318 25535.39;
+Name: Unknown 231
+DB.idx: -231
+rt: 14.358
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 73 246074.7; 101 19163.94; 147 212921.9; 171 6611.772; 175 22996.44;
+ 176 4208.775; 189 42221.17; 190 17648.49; 233 63734.34; 234 12553.06;
+ 245 42264.32; 246 10141.81; 263 16875.98; 264 4747.398; 265 19274.96;
+ 266 4662.045; 307 23592.96; 335 13029.3; 336 4482.034;
+Name: Unknown 232
+DB.idx: -232
+rt: 20.669
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0034
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 56 3325.577; 112 4006.61; 114 7330.003; 116 11424.68; 126 2115.978;
+ 128 11016.38; 139 17596.21; 140 4827.979; 142 6659.917; 145 8368.17;
+ 155 66933.71; 156 244944.1; 157 34305.15; 158 12063.79; 167 1719.387;
+ 173 8341.365; 188 5863.414; 203 26247.49; 227 2928.839; 228 2139.063;
+ 232 6342.311; 245 38800.23; 246 9513.359; 272 3619.354; 362 4055.641;
+Name: Unknown 233
+DB.idx: -233
+rt: 40.926
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 34
+ 153 2256.01; 155 4703.295; 169 30996.83; 170 4719.745; 204 152122.5;
+ 217 67207.05; 228 3115.682; 243 22790.96; 244 5697.194; 271 24336.41;
+ 272 6935.273; 317 2876.917; 361 207168.5; 362 64031.57; 363 30816.48;
+ 390 7162.802; 391 2752.64; 435 1017.321; 436 473.9778; 448 6586.25;
+ 449 3224.903; 450 2228.722; 480 10030.16; 481 4733.839; 482 2620.82;
+ 539 821.3292; 540 464.1558; 566 1116.737; 567 613.1177; 583 228.1912;
+ 598 449.9846; 599 297.5684; 611 700.8864; 612 441.058;
+Name: Unknown 234
+DB.idx: -234
+rt: 14.662
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 51 1371.499; 57 14001.12; 91 14778.8; 92 1556.006; 99 13526.23;
+ 105 15913.32; 115 10207.62; 119 8690.64; 121 11196.08; 128 7720.383;
+ 137 2487.288; 141 6030.355; 145 20997.11; 153 1752.054; 161 13051.36;
+ 177 43611.64; 178 6083.812; 205 202045.3; 206 32407.65; 220 51849.75;
+ 237 10804.17; 238 2870.504; 251 7528.229; 252 7045.453; 293 11812.86;
+Name: Unknown 235
+DB.idx: -235
+rt: 20.106
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 97 5382.92; 147 177127.4; 178 2008.233; 211 50226.12; 212 7826.979;
+ 215 21276.71; 228 4664.834; 229 87678.21; 230 18672.18; 272 7168.945;
+ 285 37584.95; 286 8229.586; 287 5463.985; 288 3175.441; 289 1253.025;
+ 295 1460.046; 346 5476.729; 375 45731.67; 376 13705.13;
+Name: Unknown 236
+DB.idx: -236
+rt: 42.76
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0055
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 223 6812.565; 224 2399.117; 236 58456.5; 237 94897.46; 238 20039.85;
+ 239 5435.701; 261 2035.157; 474 356.6409; 487 684.1986; 500 621.2061;
+ 501 476.0939; 502 150127.3; 503 60206.81; 504 16931.77; 505 3598.878;
+ 535 282.84;
+Name: Unknown 237
+DB.idx: -237
+rt: 14.743
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 101 6257.241; 113 3871.8; 147 138606.5; 168 4018.271; 182 6198.758;
+ 191 28560.47; 198 3181.695; 204 26207.13; 214 9227.146; 217 117340.5;
+ 218 25341.33; 240 5830.655; 255 6398.582; 256 3656.242; 257 18721.43;
+ 272 18409.74; 287 21247.64; 288 5140.047; 289 2814.008; 294 2837.951;
+ 295 1510.418; 304 37950.93; 371 3720.186; 372 1341.766; 395 484.0992;
+Name: Unknown 238
+DB.idx: -238
+rt: 14.895
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.004
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 56 2652.851; 62 600.2286; 101 6656.918; 128 91198.96; 176 125124.1;
+ 177 16410.35; 178 11810.77; 188 6816.724; 202 8951.267; 204 28306.68;
+ 205 38946.83; 217 107200.3; 218 28773.67; 219 24380.89; 237 6438.805;
+ 238 1851; 250 8707.064; 251 2258.253; 293 22672.32; 294 5565.053;
+ 295 3075.15; 296 665.7289; 517 735.1077; 518 422.1179;
+Name: Unknown 239
+DB.idx: -239
+rt: 16.222
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 142 124429; 143 16785.34; 186 85684.93; 187 12963.81; 188 4859.315;
+ 216 29039.74; 288 15109.57; 289 3882.086;
+Name: Unknown 240
+DB.idx: -240
+rt: 21.762
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0031
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 86 9278.285; 102 4646.726; 112 1820.311; 126 2525.64; 128 7433.825;
+ 140 1788.119; 142 120962.9; 143 15613.28; 172 7358.551; 174 68751.73;
+ 175 12884.92; 176 6329.46; 186 4060.35; 187 2692.056; 200 8867.876;
+ 214 8042.116; 216 6392.336; 296 729.2715; 330 3744.422; 420 13889.53;
+ 421 5629.528; 422 3163.716;
+Name: Unknown 241
+DB.idx: -241
+rt: 15.722
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 100 56195.47; 101 5833.371; 114 15579.62; 115 111122.3; 116 15167.02;
+ 143 40826.7; 171 17054.68; 187 4771.988; 218 51031.61; 220 64313.03;
+ 222 7847.682; 314 25162.92; 315 8309.354; 316 4174.857; 329 47337.93;
+ 330 14589.88; 331 7212.636;
+Name: Unknown 242
+DB.idx: -242
+rt: 16.057
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 54 991.551; 81 11051.86; 102 8553.247; 127 3656.334; 153 2320.042;
+ 185 77560.97; 186 11675.01; 187 3976.394; 220 22128.13; 245 4162.526;
+ 292 49748.66; 293 14594.09; 294 7853.969; 302 6121.801; 409 1793.006;
+ 410 709.4896; 411 512.875;
+Name: Unknown 243
+DB.idx: -243
+rt: 9.616
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 77 30979.79; 137 2085.287; 151 49212.05; 152 8313.779; 153 6232.311;
+ 156 21408.32; 168 4718.306; 174 50435.42; 175 8150.485; 176 5097.267;
+ 177 5592.315; 178 3550.787; 180 3385.927; 192 63325.8; 193 10774.79;
+ 194 5729.64; 195 3548.329; 198 3475.653; 224 4364.81; 228 6830.722;
+ 242 9324.252; 243 16937.65; 316 7314.659; 317 2289.156; 360 2655.104;
+Name: Unknown 244
+DB.idx: -244
+rt: 13.912
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 56 13765.08; 58 10979.23; 70 8716.348; 71 56700.55; 72 56804.91;
+ 195 2562.842; 235 10084.03; 236 1780.75; 250 3157.185; 269 6281.373;
+ 298 1425.983;
+Name: Unknown 245
+DB.idx: -245
+rt: 12.636
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 57 12746.42; 97 16750.94; 140 3951.661; 153 2911.565; 168 2093.101;
+ 174 13566.31; 221 54244.75; 222 11905.23; 223 6419.269; 224 1405.324;
+ 239 3058.853; 267 13675.52; 268 3596.001; 278 6653.908; 281 17773.24;
+ 282 5406.596; 339 1892.356; 355 9200.021; 356 3610.977; 357 2507.008;
+ 427 642.6639; 443 4362.625; 444 2013.261; 445 1414.051; 446 493.5116;
+Name: Unknown 246
+DB.idx: -246
+rt: 16.554
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 62 578.7867; 63 2146.547; 108 12854.98; 122 4649.117; 136 10105.48;
+ 166 3117.99; 180 13164.41; 181 51203.27; 182 6259.865;
+Name: Unknown 247
+DB.idx: -247
+rt: 23.352
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 221 41481.99; 222 9898.125; 223 5631.733; 224 1108.347; 239 1833.204;
+ 281 16143.33; 282 4830.708; 295 13910.38; 296 4277.21; 297 3502.357;
+ 355 3538.445; 356 1691.313; 369 7100.878; 370 3231.458; 371 1982.012;
+ 372 549.125; 385 792.7939; 386 436.3215; 399 966.0707; 401 2376.409;
+ 402 1240.108; 415 1929.117; 416 880.0966; 417 708.8065; 473 276.973;
+ 489 230.5833; 507 662.1332; 508 300.391; 509 347.5565;
+Name: Unknown 248
+DB.idx: -248
+rt: 25.452
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 55 7045.199; 56 4444.468; 57 32756.32; 69 8420.032; 70 7117.137;
+ 71 40359.89; 84 3202.855; 85 28213.91; 97 6988.63; 99 7775.286;
+ 112 2034.015; 113 6022.404; 125 1951.066; 127 3785.65;
+Name: Unknown 249
+DB.idx: -249
+rt: 7.535
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 56 10382.3; 59 33745.65; 70 16295.5; 89 36375.87; 98 5750.215;
+ 236 16128.33; 264 5103.161; 272 2406.891; 289 2939.24; 305 24752.3;
+ 309 9513.088; 310 1672.201; 333 32097.16; 334 5380.19; 337 3376.435;
+Name: Unknown 250
+DB.idx: -250
+rt: 30.444
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 84 6578.219; 96 6981.69; 98 6985.525; 110 3267.944; 180 1985.617;
+ 199 5956.04; 264 4427.294; 339 30725.06; 340 8024.254;
+Name: Unknown 251
+DB.idx: -251
+rt: 8.697
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0048
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 116 30317.7; 118 18882.8; 124 3109.103; 125 2108.207; 234 10323.19;
+Name: Unknown 252
+DB.idx: -252
+rt: 20.709
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0058
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 55 8106.62; 69 7981.417; 70 5226.354; 97 9186.167; 125 1560.814;
+ 241 2691.101; 299 29457.6; 315 8328.488; 316 2438.995; 317 1378.045;
+ 357 23668.31; 358 6431.314; 359 3747.883; 360 1125.694; 370 3738.542;
+ 371 1184.406; 372 642.3878; 373 2597.283; 387 3415.044; 388 1051.84;
+ 389 1903.729; 445 5115.221; 446 2109.909; 447 1246.502;
+Name: Unknown 253
+DB.idx: -253
+rt: 10.942
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 221 28751.68; 222 6989.308; 239 1672.704; 265 18065.4; 266 4378.983;
+ 412 272.0064;
+Name: Unknown 254
+DB.idx: -254
+rt: 19.611
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.002
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 221 27742.88; 222 6699.434; 223 3767.053; 239 1771.817; 295 9944.574;
+ 296 3005.365; 297 1820.209; 369 4666.5; 370 2422.935; 371 1373.08;
+ 372 462.2401; 399 1070.888; 400 600.2272; 407 1747.02; 408 687.031;
+ 409 382.481; 436 759.0016; 591 125.0819;
+Name: Unknown 255
+DB.idx: -255
+rt: 24.986
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.005
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 333 26160.84; 334 8142.209; 335 3951.515; 388 697.9839; 419 618.5746;
+ 423 839.4384; 446 238.0475; 568 168.7648;
+Name: Unknown 256
+DB.idx: -256
+rt: 11.896
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.003
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 176 4505.939; 221 25395.71; 263 4050.791; 264 2039.986; 293 9193.152;
+Name: Unknown 257
+DB.idx: -257
+rt: 7.359
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 109 9288.326; 137 5956.592; 165 10026.78; 170 7474.73; 237 2688.169;
+ 238 4011.627; 288 23622.39; 289 4162.306;
+Name: Unknown 258
+DB.idx: -258
+rt: 18.105
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 140 4497.971; 167 1983.46; 194 4509.773; 237 2455.451; 265 14364.03;
+ 266 2494.199; 355 22608.71; 356 5948.731; 357 2713.801; 637 132.0638;
+Name: Unknown 259
+DB.idx: -259
+rt: 40.732
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 361 22544.38; 362 7201.522; 540 645.1866; 598 234.125; 685 203.2645;
+ 687 116.0833;
+Name: Unknown 260
+DB.idx: -260
+rt: 10.125
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 110 12523.01; 246 20714.98; 296 664.0708; 317 3194.976; 386 777.3291;
+Name: Unknown 261
+DB.idx: -261
+rt: 14.288
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 128 5658.238; 142 6555.299; 145 20498.37; 172 9908.334; 173 13230.74;
+ 262 12449.08; 288 3248.639;
+Name: Unknown 262
+DB.idx: -262
+rt: 19.273
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 219 15878.12; 235 18227.79; 236 2995.79; 250 3243.214; 279 4806.065;
+ 326 2273.204;
+Name: Unknown 263
+DB.idx: -263
+rt: 33.399
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 51 860.7897; 65 1960.854; 78 5357.05; 79 18147.83; 80 9473.151;
+ 81 6175.055; 91 16553; 92 3775.079; 93 8387.371; 94 3589.522;
+ 106 5069.495; 107 4562.395; 108 1437.691; 120 4272.2; 121 3871.155;
+ 339 3584.281; 340 1171.169; 410 299.0889;
+Name: Unknown 264
+DB.idx: -264
+rt: 20.828
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 155 18138.61; 245 7207.309; 246 14229.72; 263 4331.94; 292 7677.863;
+Name: Unknown 265
+DB.idx: -265
+rt: 27.56
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 67 13829.51; 68 3741.161; 79 11376.14; 80 4538.476; 81 13604.12;
+ 82 5447.306; 92 1185.03; 94 3015.562; 95 8482.491; 96 4112.988;
+ 107 3027.184; 108 1774.569; 109 3206.564; 110 1888.511; 121 3627.146;
+ 122 1382.57; 249 4779.928; 279 3255.304; 404 2215.44;
+Name: Unknown 266
+DB.idx: -266
+rt: 35.314
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 315 11086.65; 316 3000.158; 317 1756.204; 318 13373.44; 386 309.8913;
+ 387 6042.867; 388 1930.015; 389 2955.111; 419 691.2655; 433 1118;
+ 470 651.9877; 471 439.2653; 472 281.2268; 507 336.5208; 569 281.88;
+ 659 417.3409; 660 277.0143; 749 803.0336; 750 621.144; 751 546.3498;
+ 753 131.7206;
+Name: Unknown 267
+DB.idx: -267
+rt: 10.763
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 110 8653.071; 246 4802.216; 272 2574.069; 317 2461.668; 386 639.219;
+Name: Unknown 268
+DB.idx: -268
+rt: 15.468
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 167 2110.356; 383 7598.037; 384 2643.975; 385 1153.693; 386 377.6694;
+Name: Unknown 269
+DB.idx: -269
+rt: 32.226
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 84 5742.877; 373 2003.69; 374 3683; 386 416.8275; 461 710.2527;
+ 462 345.2388; 490 208.7868; 547 943.1202; 548 1905.801; 549 925.5266;
+ 550 626.2581; 551 3485.777; 552 1623.737; 553 712.486; 563 134.004;
+ 564 236.025; 578 168.4707; 579 204.7347; 580 160.5804; 622 167.3;
+ 637 519.9504; 638 1005.09; 639 727.2866; 640 349.3224; 642 155.0023;
+ 653 360.8278; 654 465.8554; 655 338.9422; 656 190.0804;
+Name: Unknown 270
+DB.idx: -270
+rt: 44.137
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 236 2819.389; 237 4878.922; 496 5112.832; 497 2088.046; 634 165.1467;
+Name: Unknown 271
+DB.idx: -271
+rt: 29.555
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 56 4389.736; 87 2936.118; 239 3348.377; 312 1468.037; 656 190.2346;
+ 657 151.8169;
+Name: Unknown 272
+DB.idx: -272
+rt: 24.357
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.005
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 357 2130.336; 418 490.4404; 447 2680.172; 537 1421.114; 538 849.382;
+ 539 637.6297;
+Name: Unknown 273
+DB.idx: -273
+rt: 36.319
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 391 1035.031; 518 2536.004; 519 1278.679; 520 365.104; 702 239.6701;
+ 703 140.9453;
+Name: Unknown 274
+DB.idx: -274
+rt: 30.613
+Class: Unknown
+rt.sd: 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 407 1646.148; 408 641.563; 422 1438.547; 519 422.6036; 625 162.0096;
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/output01.html
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output01.html Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Golm Search Results
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/output01.tabular
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output01.tabular Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+"Num Spectre" "Analyte Name" "Spectrum Name" "Retention Index" "RI Discrepancy" "DotproductDistance" "EuclideanDistance" "JaccardDistance" "HammingDistance" "s12GowerLegendreDistance" "Spectrum ID" "Metabolite ID" "Analyte ID"
+"1" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.4861827" "0.0871585" "0.8515625" "109" "0.784043431" "833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"1" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.4875465" "0.0869417042" "0.852713168" "110" "0.784997046" "6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"1" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.4901554" "0.0861777" "0.8560606" "113" "0.7877858" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"1" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.4914575" "0.09410148" "0.8558559" "95" "0.804233432" "817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"1" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.497226775" "0.0910335854" "0.85" "102" "0.788321555" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"2" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"3" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.487051964" "0.0868976042" "0.8604651" "111" "0.79687" "833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"3" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.4883618" "0.08667906" "0.86153847" "112" "0.797758937" "6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"3" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.491137743" "0.0859391" "0.864661634" "115" "0.8003591" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"3" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.4918884" "0.09372151" "0.8660714" "97" "0.817842841" "817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"3" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.49828127" "0.0907527059" "0.8595041" "104" "0.8015494" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"4" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/output01.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output01.txt Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
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+Num Spectre Analyte Name Spectrum Name Retention Index RI Discrepancy DotproductDistance EuclideanDistance JaccardDistance HammingDistance s12GowerLegendreDistance Spectrum ID Metabolite ID Analyte ID
+1 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.4861827 0.0871585 0.8515625 109 0.784043431 833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+1 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.4875465 0.0869417042 0.852713168 110 0.784997046 6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+1 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.4901554 0.0861777 0.8560606 113 0.7877858 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+1 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.4914575 0.09410148 0.8558559 95 0.804233432 817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+1 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.497226775 0.0910335854 0.85 102 0.788321555 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+2 no results
+3 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.487051964 0.0868976042 0.8604651 111 0.79687 833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+3 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.4883618 0.08667906 0.86153847 112 0.797758937 6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+3 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.491137743 0.0859391 0.864661634 115 0.8003591 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+3 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.4918884 0.09372151 0.8660714 97 0.817842841 817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+3 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.49828127 0.0907527059 0.8595041 104 0.8015494 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+4 no results
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--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+ Golm Search Results
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--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output02.tabular Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
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+"Num Spectre" "Analyte Name" "Spectrum Name" "Retention Index" "RI Discrepancy" "DotproductDistance" "EuclideanDistance" "JaccardDistance" "HammingDistance" "s12GowerLegendreDistance" "Spectrum ID" "Metabolite ID" "Analyte ID"
+"1" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.00376573764" "0.00648652157" "0.2849162" "51" "0.404159725" "dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"1" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.0041610254" "0.007327365" "0.238709673" "37" "0.367506444" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"1" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.004838638" "0.007118009" "0.31937173" "61" "0.428936034" "c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"1" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.048192542" "0.02056068" "0.4473684" "102" "0.5224351" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"1" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.0682447553" "0.027927408" "0.514285743" "90" "0.586345" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"1" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.07800486" "0.02792935" "0.615" "123" "0.6662978" "063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"1" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.0896345749" "0.0207340773" "0.6666667" "278" "0.6522111" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"1" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.111977287" "0.0264962576" "0.6551724" "209" "0.673893869" "8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/output02.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output02.txt Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Num Spectre Analyte Name Spectrum Name Retention Index RI Discrepancy DotproductDistance EuclideanDistance JaccardDistance HammingDistance s12GowerLegendreDistance Spectrum ID Metabolite ID Analyte ID
+1 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.00376573764 0.00648652157 0.2849162 51 0.404159725 dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+1 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.0041610254 0.007327365 0.238709673 37 0.367506444 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+1 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.004838638 0.007118009 0.31937173 61 0.428936034 c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+1 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.048192542 0.02056068 0.4473684 102 0.5224351 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+1 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.0682447553 0.027927408 0.514285743 90 0.586345 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+1 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.07800486 0.02792935 0.615 123 0.6662978 063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55 a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+1 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.0896345749 0.0207340773 0.6666667 278 0.6522111 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+1 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.111977287 0.0264962576 0.6551724 209 0.673893869 8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
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--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output03.html Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
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+ Golm Search Results
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/output03.tabular
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output03.tabular Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+"Num Spectre" "Analyte Name" "Spectrum Name" "Retention Index" "RI Discrepancy" "DotproductDistance" "EuclideanDistance" "JaccardDistance" "HammingDistance" "s12GowerLegendreDistance" "Spectrum ID" "Metabolite ID" "Analyte ID"
+"1" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.417125851" "0.047484044" "0.6108108" "226" "0.628439844" "1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"2" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.4496568" "0.07338332" "0.7784431" "130" "0.796108663" "34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"2" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.4884424" "0.0594931729" "0.75" "207" "0.7356502" "9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"3" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.38635543" "0.0406771079" "0.8201285" "383" "0.7784506" "0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"3" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.397179246" "0.06756685" "0.75287354" "131" "0.776361" "34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"3" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.432195932" "0.07130679" "0.629411757" "107" "0.6740747" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"3" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.442519277" "0.050286" "0.76" "266" "0.7361843" "0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"3" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]" "1897.83862" "0.161383286" "0.444237381" "0.04988712" "0.717086852" "256" "0.6841814" "c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170" "151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff" "471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"3" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-1]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.4479848" "0.0491427779" "0.7304582" "271" "0.6947696" "7508f46a-70b0-43eb-b5b6-0421ff41c0e8" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"3" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.452163756" "0.06325701" "0.6106195" "138" "0.63247633" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"3" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.474485427" "0.0493914336" "0.7429306" "289" "0.7034532" "754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"4" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.40254572" "0.05791846" "0.445833325" "107" "0.528728" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"4" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.403359115" "0.0413857177" "0.7048832" "332" "0.694246054" "0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"4" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.410697162" "0.06408566" "0.56" "112" "0.6205492" "833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"4" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.4170415" "0.04813416" "0.63055557" "227" "0.651003" "0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"4" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]" "1897.83862" "0.161383286" "0.418162525" "0.0484009" "0.551820755" "197" "0.5749244" "c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170" "151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff" "471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"4" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.4213545" "0.06334745" "0.609523833" "128" "0.6601182" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"4" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.423168719" "0.0451050438" "0.617788434" "257" "0.6188379" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"4" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.445822567" "0.0513614975" "0.5473373" "185" "0.578929663" "7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"5" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.354763538" "0.06923945" "0.6554054" "97" "0.6981253" "8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"5" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.402286351" "0.0382821634" "0.8251366" "453" "0.7650924" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"5" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.411938727" "0.0459032" "0.7672634" "300" "0.728630841" "1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"5" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.411938757" "0.0815118" "0.661290348" "82" "0.696781337" "6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"5" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.424958557" "0.0713395" "0.6227545" "104" "0.6678984" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"5" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]" "1897.83862" "0.161383286" "0.484940231" "0.0521224737" "0.7254902" "259" "0.6899733" "c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170" "151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff" "471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"5" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.488564819" "0.0484651364" "0.7668269" "319" "0.720424533" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"6" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.315586" "0.05261462" "0.578947365" "132" "0.6002723" "8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"6" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--1]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.31916222" "0.0516799167" "0.556485355" "133" "0.5977888" "c3592e5c-0d20-406b-ac62-32bd60255caf" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"6" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.356775373" "0.05557845" "0.46320346" "107" "0.5265545" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"6" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.375095934" "0.03693217" "0.6" "330" "0.608352542" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"6" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.386559725" "0.05199245" "0.2972028" "85" "0.414242685" "11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"6" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.389454484" "0.0513845235" "0.386440665" "114" "0.4878328" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"6" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.453840375" "0.06162652" "0.5690377" "136" "0.606397" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"6" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.468880624" "0.04719599" "0.484560579" "204" "0.5354268" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"7" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.311034173" "0.0363806225" "0.568085134" "267" "0.5993147" "0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"7" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.3122851" "0.0344914123" "0.586666644" "308" "0.6017828" "28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"7" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.3334442" "0.051751975" "0.5742972" "143" "0.6182019" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"7" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.3596541" "0.0359038" "0.6200717" "346" "0.6268959" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"7" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.376751959" "0.04970417" "0.403278679" "123" "0.499903738" "11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"7" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.405417144" "0.0507353619" "0.4888889" "154" "0.5676107" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"7" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.4187165" "0.0568623953" "0.6795367" "176" "0.700350344" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"7" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.432310849" "0.0449986123" "0.5058548" "216" "0.553538561" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"8" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"9" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.128620371" "0.06717883" "0.8596491" "49" "0.802279055" "62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"9" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.203193992" "0.08926585" "0.843137264" "43" "0.789225161" "5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"10" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.145974338" "0.072203666" "0.839285731" "47" "0.774020731" "62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"10" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.231892109" "0.09631036" "0.82" "41" "0.7587727" "5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"11" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"13" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.169009715" "0.0388460457" "0.5535714" "124" "0.577645063" "8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"13" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.173254281" "0.0297313016" "0.4515306" "177" "0.5150558" "1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"13" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.198374733" "0.04144309" "0.46320346" "107" "0.5265545" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"13" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.2139774" "0.0279198289" "0.5974499" "328" "0.6059947" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"13" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.295577049" "0.03858825" "0.46095717" "183" "0.5219953" "754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"13" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.298371822" "0.04895468" "0.626506031" "156" "0.6550603" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"13" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.3004605" "0.045287136" "0.37542662" "110" "0.479125" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"13" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.303167731" "0.03795032" "0.484560579" "204" "0.5354268" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"14" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"15" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"16" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"17" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"18" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.209903836" "0.0601583831" "0.8103448" "94" "0.783262" "817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"18" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.240307823" "0.0475017" "0.85915494" "183" "0.7903839" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"18" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.266967148" "0.0622020029" "0.847826064" "117" "0.813898" "6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"18" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.268232971" "0.0625764355" "0.846715331" "116" "0.813089132" "833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"18" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.280021936" "0.06640628" "0.8267717" "105" "0.794855952" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"18" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.289705932" "0.063654" "0.867132843" "124" "0.835505962" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"18" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.452285469" "0.08009617" "0.8865248" "125" "0.8606896" "6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"18" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.4736493" "0.0596764" "0.8947368" "238" "0.8278728" "4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"19" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.189724684" "0.0268077236" "0.6041667" "319" "0.6153477" "28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"19" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.195334315" "0.031528838" "0.468193382" "184" "0.5269175" "1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"19" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.205342725" "0.0421646647" "0.4848485" "112" "0.546345532" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"19" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.221429184" "0.02832454" "0.614130437" "339" "0.61901623" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"19" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.293066233" "0.04851748" "0.646586359" "161" "0.6735261" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"19" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.294312984" "0.0385056473" "0.473551631" "188" "0.530448139" "754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"19" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.2977491" "0.03747635" "0.5070755" "215" "0.5523996" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"19" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.303958982" "0.04892216" "0.6062992" "154" "0.6474817" "063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"20" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"21" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"22" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"23" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.31787312" "0.0340916663" "0.892138958" "488" "0.8194986" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"23" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.40171" "0.07521893" "0.8239437" "117" "0.8287425" "817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"23" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.4068263" "0.0493567176" "0.832335353" "278" "0.7741276" "7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"23" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.412308335" "0.0445760936" "0.8578313" "356" "0.789270163" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"23" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.412312329" "0.073175855" "0.77922076" "120" "0.7812011" "6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"23" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.413312733" "0.0737450048" "0.7697368" "117" "0.7728186" "833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"23" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.424154133" "0.07648792" "0.7724138" "112" "0.7785659" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"23" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.43131122" "0.07297143" "0.820987642" "133" "0.819381952" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"23" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]" "1897.83862" "0.161383286" "0.437627643" "0.0495146" "0.8347339" "298" "0.7703705" "c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170" "151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff" "471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"24" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.232288077" "0.0416352376" "0.5074627" "136" "0.5617198" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"24" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.235254377" "0.03180954" "0.716129" "333" "0.6976916" "0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"24" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.239975646" "0.0519264452" "0.606741548" "108" "0.65231514" "8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"24" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.2622103" "0.0521268174" "0.55440414" "107" "0.6185626" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"24" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.2700426" "0.04423608" "0.510869563" "141" "0.560991943" "11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"24" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.286982745" "0.03230439" "0.7381818" "406" "0.701555133" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"24" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.3181354" "0.0596203469" "0.798882663" "143" "0.799955" "6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"24" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.35163945" "0.0409691334" "0.6587112" "276" "0.648871064" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"25" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"26" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.19449544" "0.03802713" "0.583643138" "157" "0.614511251" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"26" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.3217005" "0.0406170674" "0.6871795" "268" "0.670606434" "1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"26" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-34]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.344280958" "0.0430808775" "0.6792453" "252" "0.6687114" "8dee81a1-8d98-4a73-b55d-9de42f10e190" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"26" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.395884931" "0.06784772" "0.4883721" "84" "0.5683281" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"26" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.427320033" "0.04681223" "0.6769231" "264" "0.659248" "754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"26" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.427679241" "0.06071977" "0.5301724" "123" "0.5829808" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"26" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.465603054" "0.07114003" "0.6576087" "121" "0.69967103" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"26" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-3]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.465666384" "0.0664371848" "0.592417061" "125" "0.644419968" "8216bdb2-7a7d-440c-95eb-7e63f8e8c502" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"27" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"28" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"29" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-13]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.09931051" "0.03675817" "0.8707483" "128" "0.838178635" "3077498f-10ce-4b5c-ba6a-9b6f439e8248" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"29" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.421677" "0.06322134" "0.890995264" "188" "0.8402361" "39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"30" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.2612175" "0.05961526" "0.877551" "129" "0.8724958" "34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"30" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.308447272" "0.0369433463" "0.8960177" "405" "0.826731861" "0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"30" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.31029287" "0.07687874" "0.8857143" "93" "0.8900069" "6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"30" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.328630984" "0.0649093" "0.8397436" "131" "0.8301488" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"30" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.3761082" "0.0575649925" "0.845815" "192" "0.810805559" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"30" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]" "1897.83862" "0.161383286" "0.3884204" "0.04664788" "0.8627451" "308" "0.7934234" "c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170" "151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff" "471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"30" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.3937276" "0.0530314967" "0.85" "238" "0.7980373" "d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"30" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.412831277" "0.04613021" "0.873711348" "339" "0.8028878" "754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"31" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"32" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.285083026" "0.0468289033" "0.8923077" "232" "0.838121355" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"33" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"34" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"35" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"36" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"37" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"38" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"39" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"40" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.277911574" "0.06256395" "0.732394338" "104" "0.729044855" "6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"40" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.278482944" "0.06262823" "0.7394366" "105" "0.736245036" "833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"40" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.280440927" "0.0621944554" "0.737931" "107" "0.732707858" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"40" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.2874546" "0.0645446256" "0.768115938" "106" "0.7676177" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"40" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.2895849" "0.06674693" "0.77692306" "101" "0.7805435" "817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"40" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.2977326" "0.0378339365" "0.8798077" "366" "0.810132563" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"40" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.297866017" "0.0522753857" "0.788990855" "172" "0.7474291" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"40" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.3113892" "0.0400636867" "0.8685567" "337" "0.798404" "754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"40" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]" "1897.83862" "0.161383286" "0.3266352" "0.042777203" "0.857142866" "306" "0.7886923" "c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170" "151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff" "471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"41" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.274106264" "0.0659613" "0.880952358" "111" "0.8493862" "34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"41" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--4]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.3795422" "0.0640559047" "0.8972973" "166" "0.846152842" "aa553c8b-f188-48eb-ae82-5d7769781ff3" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"41" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.388783872" "0.09984397" "0.8076923" "63" "0.7976193" "6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"41" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.411971271" "0.07755114" "0.8540146" "117" "0.807369" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"42" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"43" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"44" "Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-" "Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--1]" "1897.67859" "0.321411133" "0.496792018" "0.0564319454" "0.8076923" "252" "0.7531352" "1ac5af55-f8bc-49fd-9808-23a0722c0288" "75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb" "75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb"
+"45" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.240036309" "0.0654703155" "0.8660714" "97" "0.817842841" "817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"45" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.295640856" "0.06642703" "0.8955224" "120" "0.846885443" "6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"45" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.2960842" "0.06672626" "0.8947368" "119" "0.8462343" "833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"45" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.30949235" "0.07036958" "0.896" "112" "0.8524104" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"45" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.321015328" "0.0684569553" "0.8978102" "123" "0.8487915" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"46" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"47" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"48" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"49" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.339354962" "0.06794906" "0.789115667" "116" "0.7937466" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"49" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.3519312" "0.0481179468" "0.858552635" "261" "0.8186131" "8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"49" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-1]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.359753639" "0.040576715" "0.8741419" "382" "0.809872568" "e62d396e-0d3a-4414-88f0-021d5142f09b" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"49" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.360862046" "0.04160232" "0.8633093" "360" "0.797326" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"49" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.369685978" "0.0597649142" "0.845410645" "175" "0.8303501" "c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"49" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.373405039" "0.0552105457" "0.8897959" "218" "0.871291757" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"49" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)" "Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]" "1897.83862" "0.161383286" "0.381997973" "0.04606746" "0.844444454" "304" "0.7836719" "c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170" "151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff" "471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"49" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.41416198" "0.0457932577" "0.86835444" "343" "0.810132265" "754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"49" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.456007272" "0.0551366322" "0.8933333" "268" "0.8647887" "d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"50" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"51" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.123899154" "0.04382828" "0.8914729" "115" "0.859087646" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"51" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.335227549" "0.0710001141" "0.864661634" "115" "0.820953369" "6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"52" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"53" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"54" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"55" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"56" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"57" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.3086605" "0.0472080037" "0.8050541" "223" "0.7846002" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"57" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.432055831" "0.0723674" "0.8242424" "136" "0.8337416" "34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"57" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.440757215" "0.0556150451" "0.8245614" "235" "0.8042714" "9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"57" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.482367963" "0.0575781539" "0.824742258" "240" "0.802868068" "11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"57" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.494594038" "0.07413156" "0.8333333" "150" "0.839251935" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"58" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"59" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"60" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.17318368" "0.06273749" "0.852272749" "75" "0.8504949" "3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"60" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.175843075" "0.0643232837" "0.8235294" "70" "0.8236748" "6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"60" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.185437113" "0.05092667" "0.853146851" "122" "0.8227301" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"60" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.185893178" "0.0448291861" "0.854054034" "158" "0.802647948" "c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"60" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.2467115" "0.0623315349" "0.8976378" "114" "0.88253355" "817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"60" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP" "Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]" "1902.77417" "4.77417" "0.2950538" "0.04510935" "0.8965517" "260" "0.8291562" "8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd" "87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67" "163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"60" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.365909427" "0.052255787" "0.8955224" "240" "0.833884954" "4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"61" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"62" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"63" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"64" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"65" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"66" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"67" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"68" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"69" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"70" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"71" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"72" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"73" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"74" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"75" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"76" "Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-" "Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--3]" "1897.67859" "0.321411133" "0.4841707" "0.070833" "0.834196866" "161" "0.787648559" "2e42e393-8070-47b8-a933-d3c41043d785" "75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb" "75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb"
+"77" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.2844056" "0.07994458" "0.8876405" "79" "0.883293" "3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"78" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"79" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"80" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"81" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"82" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"83" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"84" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"85" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"86" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"87" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"88" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"89" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"90" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"91" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"92" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"93" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"94" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"95" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"96" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.08678086" "0.0508967042" "0.477611929" "32" "0.5542277" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"97" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"98" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"99" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"100" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"101" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"102" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"103" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"104" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"105" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"106" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.08444913" "0.0502082668" "0.477611929" "32" "0.5542277" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"107" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.09447143" "0.0523287952" "0.5072464" "35" "0.5783457" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"108" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"109" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"110" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"111" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"112" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.0940891653" "0.0529965349" "0.522388041" "35" "0.5863345" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"113" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"114" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"115" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"116" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"117" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"118" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"119" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"120" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.092078425" "0.05282288" "0.545454562" "36" "0.6008149" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"121" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"122" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"123" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"124" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.07481606" "0.05036009" "0.5423729" "32" "0.5744617" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"125" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"126" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.09435291" "0.05307076" "0.5671642" "38" "0.6182873" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"127" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"128" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"129" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"130" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"131" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"132" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"133" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"134" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"135" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"136" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.07581174" "0.050269857" "0.6" "36" "0.618036032" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"137" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"138" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"139" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"140" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"141" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"142" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.0759908259" "0.0507539362" "0.6101695" "36" "0.6193023" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"143" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"144" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"145" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"146" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"147" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"148" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"149" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.06280607" "0.0465373769" "0.827586234" "48" "0.7647042" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"150" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"151" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"152" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"153" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"154" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"155" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"156" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"157" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"158" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"159" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"160" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"161" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"162" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"163" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"164" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"165" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"166" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"167" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"168" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"169" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.110666931" "0.0607363" "0.9" "54" "0.8493862" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"170" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"171" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.126968026" "0.06616803" "0.8965517" "52" "0.8236299" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"172" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"173" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"174" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"175" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"176" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"177" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"178" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"179" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"180" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"181" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"182" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"183" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"184" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"185" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"186" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"187" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"188" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"189" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"190" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"191" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"192" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"193" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"194" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"195" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"196" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"197" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"198" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"199" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"200" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"201" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"202" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"203" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"204" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"205" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"206" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"207" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"208" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"209" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"210" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"211" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"212" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"213" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"214" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"215" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.111725941" "0.04333297" "0.689075649" "82" "0.72035563" "d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"215" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--3]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.121540077" "0.0373766236" "0.6436782" "112" "0.678422451" "5a6e8d9a-926f-4589-a67c-46ff9b93f7ca" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"215" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.12473502" "0.03924205" "0.6234568" "101" "0.6659031" "d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"215" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.1716096" "0.0389701054" "0.654867232" "148" "0.663134336" "2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"215" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.201827526" "0.04762064" "0.7247191" "129" "0.7480244" "063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"215" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.203410134" "0.0493563563" "0.742514968" "124" "0.76602006" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"215" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.21932818" "0.0323174857" "0.7952381" "334" "0.7466316" "85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"216" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"217" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"218" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"219" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"220" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"221" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"222" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"223" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"224" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"225" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"226" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.186731711" "0.04020852" "0.5974026" "138" "0.6166982" "8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"226" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.232166454" "0.0416243374" "0.4067164" "109" "0.504510641" "39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"226" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-2]" "1897.25439" "0.745605469" "0.2555795" "0.04512749" "0.334661365" "84" "0.446271449" "c1f0e928-1960-4643-b93b-81a20351ccd9" "ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2" "6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"226" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.29649204" "0.0328352377" "0.6" "330" "0.608352542" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"226" "Galactose_3_5TMS" "Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]" "1896.3114" "1.68858171" "0.363172352" "0.0492873862" "0.408026755" "122" "0.504798055" "ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153" "f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e" "17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"226" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP" "Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]" "1899.495" "1.49494946" "0.400953531" "0.05295159" "0.2972028" "85" "0.414242685" "11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22" "2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6" "539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"226" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.453271121" "0.0621097945" "0.7617021" "179" "0.738404453" "6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"226" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP" "Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]" "1895.98438" "2.01558065" "0.483825535" "0.0507976674" "0.461333334" "173" "0.5301436" "1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23" "d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad" "2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"227" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"228" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP" "Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]" "1893.44385" "4.55619574" "0.49236843" "0.0423520021" "0.5974499" "328" "0.6059947" "8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383" "00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d" "da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"229" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"230" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"231" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]" "1899.05493" "1.054953" "0.191139191" "0.0709223449" "0.8947368" "68" "0.878837764" "d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e" "68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d" "0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"231" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]" "1901.63" "3.63" "0.193600208" "0.0558800921" "0.887096763" "110" "0.8399839" "27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631" "441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8" "96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"231" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP" "Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--10]" "1902.42212" "4.422119" "0.216909975" "0.06141944" "0.8869565" "102" "0.845184863" "314b38dc-9bfb-4a7f-aaaa-bd80ef4ec82d" "dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204" "1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"231" "Allantoin (5TMS)" "Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-2]" "1896.99829" "1.001709" "0.242943108" "0.08852613" "0.887096763" "55" "0.8791416" "bb9eafcc-28ff-4a63-8786-2e5e1053b337" "a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c" "65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"232" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"233" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"234" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"235" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"236" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"237" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"238" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"239" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"240" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"241" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"242" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"243" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"244" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"245" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"246" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"247" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"248" "Nonadecane" "Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]" "1900" "2" "0.05944854" "0.04527639" "0.7586207" "44" "0.7132295" "44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6" "5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"249" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"250" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"251" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"252" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"253" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"254" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"255" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"256" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"257" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"258" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"259" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"260" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"261" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"262" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"263" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"264" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"265" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"266" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"267" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"268" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"269" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"270" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"271" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"272" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"273" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
+"274" "" "no results" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
diff -r 000000000000 -r e3d43b8c987b test-data/output03.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output03.txt Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+Num Spectre Analyte Name Spectrum Name Retention Index RI Discrepancy DotproductDistance EuclideanDistance JaccardDistance HammingDistance s12GowerLegendreDistance Spectrum ID Metabolite ID Analyte ID
+1 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.417125851 0.047484044 0.6108108 226 0.628439844 1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+2 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.4496568 0.07338332 0.7784431 130 0.796108663 34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+2 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.4884424 0.0594931729 0.75 207 0.7356502 9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+3 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.38635543 0.0406771079 0.8201285 383 0.7784506 0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+3 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.397179246 0.06756685 0.75287354 131 0.776361 34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+3 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.432195932 0.07130679 0.629411757 107 0.6740747 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+3 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10] 1901.63 3.63 0.442519277 0.050286 0.76 266 0.7361843 0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+3 Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2] 1897.83862 0.161383286 0.444237381 0.04988712 0.717086852 256 0.6841814 c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170 151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff 471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+3 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-1] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.4479848 0.0491427779 0.7304582 271 0.6947696 7508f46a-70b0-43eb-b5b6-0421ff41c0e8 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+3 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.452163756 0.06325701 0.6106195 138 0.63247633 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+3 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.474485427 0.0493914336 0.7429306 289 0.7034532 754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+4 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.40254572 0.05791846 0.445833325 107 0.528728 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+4 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.403359115 0.0413857177 0.7048832 332 0.694246054 0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+4 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.410697162 0.06408566 0.56 112 0.6205492 833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+4 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10] 1901.63 3.63 0.4170415 0.04813416 0.63055557 227 0.651003 0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+4 Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2] 1897.83862 0.161383286 0.418162525 0.0484009 0.551820755 197 0.5749244 c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170 151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff 471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+4 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.4213545 0.06334745 0.609523833 128 0.6601182 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+4 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.423168719 0.0451050438 0.617788434 257 0.6188379 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+4 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.445822567 0.0513614975 0.5473373 185 0.578929663 7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+5 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.354763538 0.06923945 0.6554054 97 0.6981253 8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+5 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.402286351 0.0382821634 0.8251366 453 0.7650924 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+5 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.411938727 0.0459032 0.7672634 300 0.728630841 1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+5 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7] 1901.63 3.63 0.411938757 0.0815118 0.661290348 82 0.696781337 6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+5 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.424958557 0.0713395 0.6227545 104 0.6678984 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+5 Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2] 1897.83862 0.161383286 0.484940231 0.0521224737 0.7254902 259 0.6899733 c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170 151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff 471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+5 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.488564819 0.0484651364 0.7668269 319 0.720424533 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+6 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.315586 0.05261462 0.578947365 132 0.6002723 8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+6 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--1] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.31916222 0.0516799167 0.556485355 133 0.5977888 c3592e5c-0d20-406b-ac62-32bd60255caf dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+6 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.356775373 0.05557845 0.46320346 107 0.5265545 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+6 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.375095934 0.03693217 0.6 330 0.608352542 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+6 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.386559725 0.05199245 0.2972028 85 0.414242685 11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+6 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.389454484 0.0513845235 0.386440665 114 0.4878328 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+6 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.453840375 0.06162652 0.5690377 136 0.606397 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+6 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.468880624 0.04719599 0.484560579 204 0.5354268 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+7 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.311034173 0.0363806225 0.568085134 267 0.5993147 0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+7 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.3122851 0.0344914123 0.586666644 308 0.6017828 28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+7 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.3334442 0.051751975 0.5742972 143 0.6182019 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+7 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.3596541 0.0359038 0.6200717 346 0.6268959 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+7 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.376751959 0.04970417 0.403278679 123 0.499903738 11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+7 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.405417144 0.0507353619 0.4888889 154 0.5676107 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+7 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.4187165 0.0568623953 0.6795367 176 0.700350344 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+7 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.432310849 0.0449986123 0.5058548 216 0.553538561 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+8 no results
+9 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.128620371 0.06717883 0.8596491 49 0.802279055 62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+9 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.203193992 0.08926585 0.843137264 43 0.789225161 5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+10 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.145974338 0.072203666 0.839285731 47 0.774020731 62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+10 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.231892109 0.09631036 0.82 41 0.7587727 5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+11 no results
+13 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.169009715 0.0388460457 0.5535714 124 0.577645063 8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+13 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.173254281 0.0297313016 0.4515306 177 0.5150558 1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+13 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.198374733 0.04144309 0.46320346 107 0.5265545 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+13 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.2139774 0.0279198289 0.5974499 328 0.6059947 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+13 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.295577049 0.03858825 0.46095717 183 0.5219953 754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+13 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.298371822 0.04895468 0.626506031 156 0.6550603 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+13 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.3004605 0.045287136 0.37542662 110 0.479125 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+13 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.303167731 0.03795032 0.484560579 204 0.5354268 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+14 no results
+15 no results
+16 no results
+17 no results
+18 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.209903836 0.0601583831 0.8103448 94 0.783262 817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+18 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.240307823 0.0475017 0.85915494 183 0.7903839 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+18 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.266967148 0.0622020029 0.847826064 117 0.813898 6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+18 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.268232971 0.0625764355 0.846715331 116 0.813089132 833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+18 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.280021936 0.06640628 0.8267717 105 0.794855952 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+18 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.289705932 0.063654 0.867132843 124 0.835505962 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+18 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.452285469 0.08009617 0.8865248 125 0.8606896 6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+18 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.4736493 0.0596764 0.8947368 238 0.8278728 4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+19 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.189724684 0.0268077236 0.6041667 319 0.6153477 28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+19 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.195334315 0.031528838 0.468193382 184 0.5269175 1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+19 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.205342725 0.0421646647 0.4848485 112 0.546345532 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+19 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.221429184 0.02832454 0.614130437 339 0.61901623 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+19 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.293066233 0.04851748 0.646586359 161 0.6735261 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+19 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.294312984 0.0385056473 0.473551631 188 0.530448139 754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+19 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.2977491 0.03747635 0.5070755 215 0.5523996 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+19 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.303958982 0.04892216 0.6062992 154 0.6474817 063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55 a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+20 no results
+21 no results
+22 no results
+23 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.31787312 0.0340916663 0.892138958 488 0.8194986 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+23 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.40171 0.07521893 0.8239437 117 0.8287425 817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+23 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.4068263 0.0493567176 0.832335353 278 0.7741276 7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+23 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.412308335 0.0445760936 0.8578313 356 0.789270163 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+23 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.412312329 0.073175855 0.77922076 120 0.7812011 6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+23 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.413312733 0.0737450048 0.7697368 117 0.7728186 833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+23 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.424154133 0.07648792 0.7724138 112 0.7785659 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+23 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.43131122 0.07297143 0.820987642 133 0.819381952 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+23 Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2] 1897.83862 0.161383286 0.437627643 0.0495146 0.8347339 298 0.7703705 c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170 151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff 471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+24 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.232288077 0.0416352376 0.5074627 136 0.5617198 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+24 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.235254377 0.03180954 0.716129 333 0.6976916 0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+24 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.239975646 0.0519264452 0.606741548 108 0.65231514 8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+24 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.2622103 0.0521268174 0.55440414 107 0.6185626 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+24 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.2700426 0.04423608 0.510869563 141 0.560991943 11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+24 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.286982745 0.03230439 0.7381818 406 0.701555133 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+24 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7] 1901.63 3.63 0.3181354 0.0596203469 0.798882663 143 0.799955 6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+24 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.35163945 0.0409691334 0.6587112 276 0.648871064 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+25 no results
+26 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.19449544 0.03802713 0.583643138 157 0.614511251 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+26 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.3217005 0.0406170674 0.6871795 268 0.670606434 1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+26 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-34] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.344280958 0.0430808775 0.6792453 252 0.6687114 8dee81a1-8d98-4a73-b55d-9de42f10e190 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+26 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.395884931 0.06784772 0.4883721 84 0.5683281 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+26 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.427320033 0.04681223 0.6769231 264 0.659248 754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+26 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.427679241 0.06071977 0.5301724 123 0.5829808 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+26 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.465603054 0.07114003 0.6576087 121 0.69967103 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+26 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-3] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.465666384 0.0664371848 0.592417061 125 0.644419968 8216bdb2-7a7d-440c-95eb-7e63f8e8c502 a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+27 no results
+28 no results
+29 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-13] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.09931051 0.03675817 0.8707483 128 0.838178635 3077498f-10ce-4b5c-ba6a-9b6f439e8248 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+29 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.421677 0.06322134 0.890995264 188 0.8402361 39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+30 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.2612175 0.05961526 0.877551 129 0.8724958 34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+30 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.308447272 0.0369433463 0.8960177 405 0.826731861 0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+30 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7] 1901.63 3.63 0.31029287 0.07687874 0.8857143 93 0.8900069 6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+30 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.328630984 0.0649093 0.8397436 131 0.8301488 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+30 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.3761082 0.0575649925 0.845815 192 0.810805559 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+30 Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2] 1897.83862 0.161383286 0.3884204 0.04664788 0.8627451 308 0.7934234 c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170 151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff 471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+30 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.3937276 0.0530314967 0.85 238 0.7980373 d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506 a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+30 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.412831277 0.04613021 0.873711348 339 0.8028878 754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+31 no results
+32 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.285083026 0.0468289033 0.8923077 232 0.838121355 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+33 no results
+34 no results
+35 no results
+36 no results
+37 no results
+38 no results
+39 no results
+40 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.277911574 0.06256395 0.732394338 104 0.729044855 6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+40 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.278482944 0.06262823 0.7394366 105 0.736245036 833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+40 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.280440927 0.0621944554 0.737931 107 0.732707858 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+40 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.2874546 0.0645446256 0.768115938 106 0.7676177 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+40 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.2895849 0.06674693 0.77692306 101 0.7805435 817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+40 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.2977326 0.0378339365 0.8798077 366 0.810132563 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+40 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.297866017 0.0522753857 0.788990855 172 0.7474291 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+40 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.3113892 0.0400636867 0.8685567 337 0.798404 754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+40 Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2] 1897.83862 0.161383286 0.3266352 0.042777203 0.857142866 306 0.7886923 c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170 151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff 471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+41 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.274106264 0.0659613 0.880952358 111 0.8493862 34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+41 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--4] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.3795422 0.0640559047 0.8972973 166 0.846152842 aa553c8b-f188-48eb-ae82-5d7769781ff3 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+41 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7] 1901.63 3.63 0.388783872 0.09984397 0.8076923 63 0.7976193 6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+41 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.411971271 0.07755114 0.8540146 117 0.807369 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+42 no results
+43 no results
+44 Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--1] 1897.67859 0.321411133 0.496792018 0.0564319454 0.8076923 252 0.7531352 1ac5af55-f8bc-49fd-9808-23a0722c0288 75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb 75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb
+45 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.240036309 0.0654703155 0.8660714 97 0.817842841 817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+45 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.295640856 0.06642703 0.8955224 120 0.846885443 6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+45 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.2960842 0.06672626 0.8947368 119 0.8462343 833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+45 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.30949235 0.07036958 0.896 112 0.8524104 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+45 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.321015328 0.0684569553 0.8978102 123 0.8487915 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+46 no results
+47 no results
+48 no results
+49 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.339354962 0.06794906 0.789115667 116 0.7937466 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+49 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.3519312 0.0481179468 0.858552635 261 0.8186131 8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+49 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-1] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.359753639 0.040576715 0.8741419 382 0.809872568 e62d396e-0d3a-4414-88f0-021d5142f09b 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+49 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.360862046 0.04160232 0.8633093 360 0.797326 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+49 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.369685978 0.0597649142 0.845410645 175 0.8303501 c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+49 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.373405039 0.0552105457 0.8897959 218 0.871291757 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+49 Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2] 1897.83862 0.161383286 0.381997973 0.04606746 0.844444454 304 0.7836719 c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170 151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff 471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+49 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.41416198 0.0457932577 0.86835444 343 0.810132265 754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+49 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.456007272 0.0551366322 0.8933333 268 0.8647887 d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506 a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+50 no results
+51 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.123899154 0.04382828 0.8914729 115 0.859087646 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+51 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.335227549 0.0710001141 0.864661634 115 0.820953369 6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+52 no results
+53 no results
+54 no results
+55 no results
+56 no results
+57 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.3086605 0.0472080037 0.8050541 223 0.7846002 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+57 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.432055831 0.0723674 0.8242424 136 0.8337416 34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+57 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.440757215 0.0556150451 0.8245614 235 0.8042714 9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+57 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.482367963 0.0575781539 0.824742258 240 0.802868068 11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+57 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.494594038 0.07413156 0.8333333 150 0.839251935 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+58 no results
+59 no results
+60 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.17318368 0.06273749 0.852272749 75 0.8504949 3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+60 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7] 1901.63 3.63 0.175843075 0.0643232837 0.8235294 70 0.8236748 6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+60 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.185437113 0.05092667 0.853146851 122 0.8227301 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+60 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.185893178 0.0448291861 0.854054034 158 0.802647948 c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+60 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.2467115 0.0623315349 0.8976378 114 0.88253355 817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+60 Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9] 1902.77417 4.77417 0.2950538 0.04510935 0.8965517 260 0.8291562 8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd 87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67 163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+60 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.365909427 0.052255787 0.8955224 240 0.833884954 4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+61 no results
+62 no results
+63 no results
+64 no results
+65 no results
+66 no results
+67 no results
+68 no results
+69 no results
+70 no results
+71 no results
+72 no results
+73 no results
+74 no results
+75 no results
+76 Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--3] 1897.67859 0.321411133 0.4841707 0.070833 0.834196866 161 0.787648559 2e42e393-8070-47b8-a933-d3c41043d785 75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb 75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb
+77 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.2844056 0.07994458 0.8876405 79 0.883293 3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+78 no results
+79 no results
+80 no results
+81 no results
+82 no results
+83 no results
+84 no results
+85 no results
+86 no results
+87 no results
+88 no results
+89 no results
+90 no results
+91 no results
+92 no results
+93 no results
+94 no results
+95 no results
+96 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.08678086 0.0508967042 0.477611929 32 0.5542277 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+97 no results
+98 no results
+99 no results
+100 no results
+101 no results
+102 no results
+103 no results
+104 no results
+105 no results
+106 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.08444913 0.0502082668 0.477611929 32 0.5542277 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+107 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.09447143 0.0523287952 0.5072464 35 0.5783457 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+108 no results
+109 no results
+110 no results
+111 no results
+112 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.0940891653 0.0529965349 0.522388041 35 0.5863345 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+113 no results
+114 no results
+115 no results
+116 no results
+117 no results
+118 no results
+119 no results
+120 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.092078425 0.05282288 0.545454562 36 0.6008149 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+121 no results
+122 no results
+123 no results
+124 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.07481606 0.05036009 0.5423729 32 0.5744617 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+125 no results
+126 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.09435291 0.05307076 0.5671642 38 0.6182873 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+127 no results
+128 no results
+129 no results
+130 no results
+131 no results
+132 no results
+133 no results
+134 no results
+135 no results
+136 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.07581174 0.050269857 0.6 36 0.618036032 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+137 no results
+138 no results
+139 no results
+140 no results
+141 no results
+142 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.0759908259 0.0507539362 0.6101695 36 0.6193023 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+143 no results
+144 no results
+145 no results
+146 no results
+147 no results
+148 no results
+149 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.06280607 0.0465373769 0.827586234 48 0.7647042 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+150 no results
+151 no results
+152 no results
+153 no results
+154 no results
+155 no results
+156 no results
+157 no results
+158 no results
+159 no results
+160 no results
+161 no results
+162 no results
+163 no results
+164 no results
+165 no results
+166 no results
+167 no results
+168 no results
+169 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.110666931 0.0607363 0.9 54 0.8493862 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+170 no results
+171 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.126968026 0.06616803 0.8965517 52 0.8236299 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+172 no results
+173 no results
+174 no results
+175 no results
+176 no results
+177 no results
+178 no results
+179 no results
+180 no results
+181 no results
+182 no results
+183 no results
+184 no results
+185 no results
+186 no results
+187 no results
+188 no results
+189 no results
+190 no results
+191 no results
+192 no results
+193 no results
+194 no results
+195 no results
+196 no results
+197 no results
+198 no results
+199 no results
+200 no results
+201 no results
+202 no results
+203 no results
+204 no results
+205 no results
+206 no results
+207 no results
+208 no results
+209 no results
+210 no results
+211 no results
+212 no results
+213 no results
+214 no results
+215 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.111725941 0.04333297 0.689075649 82 0.72035563 d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+215 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--3] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.121540077 0.0373766236 0.6436782 112 0.678422451 5a6e8d9a-926f-4589-a67c-46ff9b93f7ca dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+215 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.12473502 0.03924205 0.6234568 101 0.6659031 d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+215 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.1716096 0.0389701054 0.654867232 148 0.663134336 2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+215 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.201827526 0.04762064 0.7247191 129 0.7480244 063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55 a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+215 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.203410134 0.0493563563 0.742514968 124 0.76602006 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+215 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.21932818 0.0323174857 0.7952381 334 0.7466316 85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+216 no results
+217 no results
+218 no results
+219 no results
+220 no results
+221 no results
+222 no results
+223 no results
+224 no results
+225 no results
+226 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.186731711 0.04020852 0.5974026 138 0.6166982 8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+226 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.232166454 0.0416243374 0.4067164 109 0.504510641 39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12 dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+226 Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-2] 1897.25439 0.745605469 0.2555795 0.04512749 0.334661365 84 0.446271449 c1f0e928-1960-4643-b93b-81a20351ccd9 ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2 6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+226 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.29649204 0.0328352377 0.6 330 0.608352542 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+226 Galactose_3_5TMS Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1] 1896.3114 1.68858171 0.363172352 0.0492873862 0.408026755 122 0.504798055 ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153 f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e 17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+226 Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8] 1899.495 1.49494946 0.400953531 0.05295159 0.2972028 85 0.414242685 11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22 2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6 539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+226 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7] 1901.63 3.63 0.453271121 0.0621097945 0.7617021 179 0.738404453 6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+226 Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5] 1895.98438 2.01558065 0.483825535 0.0507976674 0.461333334 173 0.5301436 1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23 d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad 2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+227 no results
+228 Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2] 1893.44385 4.55619574 0.49236843 0.0423520021 0.5974499 328 0.6059947 8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383 00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+229 no results
+230 no results
+231 Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24] 1899.05493 1.054953 0.191139191 0.0709223449 0.8947368 68 0.878837764 d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d 0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+231 Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2] 1901.63 3.63 0.193600208 0.0558800921 0.887096763 110 0.8399839 27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631 441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8 96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+231 Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--10] 1902.42212 4.422119 0.216909975 0.06141944 0.8869565 102 0.845184863 314b38dc-9bfb-4a7f-aaaa-bd80ef4ec82d dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204 1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+231 Allantoin (5TMS) Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-2] 1896.99829 1.001709 0.242943108 0.08852613 0.887096763 55 0.8791416 bb9eafcc-28ff-4a63-8786-2e5e1053b337 a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c 65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
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+248 Nonadecane Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1] 1900 2 0.05944854 0.04527639 0.7586207 44 0.7132295 44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6 5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
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