diff lib/mapper.pm @ 0:023c380900ef draft default tip

Init repository with last massbank_ws_searchspectrum master version
author fgiacomoni
date Wed, 19 Apr 2017 11:31:58 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/mapper.pm	Wed Apr 19 11:31:58 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+package lib::mapper ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw( add_min_max_for_pcgroup_res get_massbank_records_by_chunk compute_ids_from_pcgroups_res filter_pcgroup_res get_pcgroup_list get_pcgroups set_massbank_matrix_object add_massbank_matrix_to_input_matrix map_pc_to_generic_json set_html_tbody_object add_mz_to_tbody_object add_entries_to_tbody_object);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( add_min_max_for_pcgroup_res get_massbank_records_by_chunk compute_ids_from_pcgroups_res filter_pcgroup_res get_pcgroup_list get_pcgroups set_massbank_matrix_object add_massbank_matrix_to_input_matrix map_pc_to_generic_json set_html_tbody_object add_mz_to_tbody_object add_entries_to_tbody_object)] );
+=head1 NAME
+My::Module - An example module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use My::Module;
+    my $object = My::Module->new();
+    print $object->as_string;
+This module does not really exist, it
+was made for the sole purpose of
+demonstrating how POD works.
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+	## Description : new
+	## Input : $self
+	## Ouput : bless $self ;
+	## Usage : new() ;
+sub new {
+    ## Variables
+    my $self={};
+    bless($self) ;
+    return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_pcgroups
+	## Description : get and prepare pcgroup features (mzs, into, names) from input cvs parser
+	## Input : $pcs, $mzs, $ints, $names
+	## Output : $pcgroups
+	## Usage : my ( $pcgroups ) = get_pcgroups( $pcs, $mzs, $ints, $names ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_pcgroups {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $pcs, $mzs, $ints ) = @_;
+    my %pcgroups = () ;
+    my $i = 0 ;
+    ## Warn diff matrix dimension :
+    my $num_pcs = scalar(@{$pcs}) ;
+    my $num_mzs = scalar(@{$mzs}) ;
+    my $num_ints = scalar(@{$ints}) ;
+    if ( ($num_pcs == $num_mzs ) and ( $num_mzs == $num_ints ) ) {
+		my @pcs = @{$pcs} ;
+    	foreach my $pc (@{$pcs}) {
+	    	if ( ! $pcgroups{$pc} ) { $pcgroups{$pc}->{'id'} = $pc ;	$pcgroups{$pc}->{'annotation'} = {} ; $pcgroups{$pc}->{'massbank_ids'} = [] ; }
+	    	push (@{$pcgroups{$pc}->{'mzmed'}}, $mzs->[$i]) if ($mzs->[$i]) ; ## map mzs by pcgroup
+	    	if ($ints->[$i] > 0 ) { 	push (@{$pcgroups{$pc}->{'into'}}, $ints->[$i])  ; ## map into by pcgroup
+	    	}
+	    	elsif ($ints->[$i] == 0) {
+	    		push (@{$pcgroups{$pc}->{'into'}}, $ints->[$i])  ; ## map into by pcgroup even value is 0
+	    	}
+	    	else {
+	    		warn "Undefined value found in pcgroups array\n" ;
+	    	}
+	    	$i++ ;
+	    }
+    }
+    else {
+    	warn "The different ARRAYS (pcs, mzs, ints) doesn't have the same size : mapping is not possible \n!!"
+    }
+    return (\%pcgroups) ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_pcgroup_list
+	## Description : get and prepare unik pcgroup list from input cvs parsed list
+	## Input : $pcs
+	## Output : $list
+	## Usage : my ( $list ) = get_pcgroup_list( $pcs ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_pcgroup_list {
+	my $self = shift;
+    my ( $pcs ) = @_;
+    my @pcgroup_list = () ;
+    my $i = 0 ;
+    my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @{$pcs} ;
+ 	@pcgroup_list = keys %hash;
+ 	@pcgroup_list = sort { $a <=> $b } @pcgroup_list ;
+	return (\@pcgroup_list) ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD filter_pcgroup_res
+	## Description : This method filter the results returned by massbank with a user defined score threshold
+	## Input : $pcgroups, $threshold
+	## Output : $pcgroups
+	## Usage : my ( $pcgroups ) = filter_pcgroup_res ( $pcgroups, $threshold ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub filter_pcgroup_res {
+    ## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $pcgroups, $threshold ) = @_ ;
+    my %temp = () ;
+    if (!defined $threshold) {
+    	$threshold = 0.5 ; ## default value
+    }
+	if ( (defined $pcgroups) and (defined $threshold) ) {
+		%temp = %{$pcgroups} ;
+		foreach my $pc (keys %temp) {
+			if ( $temp{$pc}{'annotation'}{'num_res'} > 0 ) {
+					my @filtered_annot = reverse(grep { $_->{'score'} >= $threshold if ($_->{'score'})  } @{$temp{$pc}{'annotation'}{'res'}}) ;
+					my $new_num_res = scalar (@filtered_annot) ;
+					my @ids = () ;
+					foreach (@filtered_annot) { push (@ids, $_->{'id'} ) }
+					$temp{$pc}{'annotation'}{'res'} =\@filtered_annot ;
+					$temp{$pc}{'annotation'}{'num_res'}  = $new_num_res ;
+					$temp{$pc}{'massbank_ids'} = \@ids ;
+			}
+			else {
+				warn "No result found for this pcgroup $pc\n" ;
+			}
+		}
+	} ## End IF
+	else {
+		warn "No pcgroup and threshold defined\n" ;
+	}
+    return (\%temp) ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD add_min_max_for_pcgroup_res
+	## Description : This method add min / max value for each mzmed contained in pcgroup
+	## Input : $pcgroups
+	## Output : $pcgroups
+	## Usage : my ( $pcgroups ) = add_min_max_for_pcgroup_res ( $pcgroups ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub add_min_max_for_pcgroup_res {
+    ## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $pcgroups, $delta ) = @_ ;
+    my %temp = () ;
+    if (!defined $delta) {
+    	$delta = 0.01 ; ## default value
+    }
+	if ( defined $pcgroups) {
+		%temp = %{$pcgroups} ;
+		foreach my $pc (keys %temp) {
+			my %mz_intervales = () ;
+			if ( $temp{$pc}{'mzmed'} ) {
+				my @temp = @{$temp{$pc}{'mzmed'}} ;
+				foreach my $mz (@temp) {
+					my ($min, $max) = lib::mapper::new->min_and_max_from_double_with_delta($mz, 'Da', $delta);
+					$mz_intervales{$mz} = {'min' => $min, 'max' => $max } ;
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				warn "No mzmed found for this pcgroup\n" ;
+			}
+			$temp{$pc}{'intervales'} = \%mz_intervales ;
+		}
+	} ## End IF
+	else {
+		warn "No pcgroup and threshold defined\n" ;
+	}
+    return (\%temp) ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD min_and_max_from_double_with_delta
+	## Description : returns the minimum and maximum double according to the delta
+	## Input : \$double, \$delta_type, \$delta
+	## Output : \$min, \$max
+	## Usage : ($min, $max)= min_and_max_from_double_with_delta($double, $delta_type, $mz_delta) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub min_and_max_from_double_with_delta {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $double, $delta_type, $delta ) = @_ ;
+    my ( $min, $max ) = ( undef, undef ) ;
+	if ($delta_type eq 'ppm'){
+		$min = $double - ($delta * 10**-6 * $double);
+		$max = $double + ($delta * 10**-6 * $double) + 0.0000000001; ## it's to included the maximum value in the search
+	}
+	elsif ($delta_type eq 'Da'){
+		$min = $double - $delta;
+		$max = $double + $delta + 0.0000000001; ## it's to included the maximum value in the search
+	}
+	else {	croak "The double delta type '$delta_type' isn't a valid type !\n" ;	}
+    return($min, $max) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD compute_ids_from_pcgroups_res
+	## Description : get all ids returned by massbank with sent queries and keep only unique ones.
+	## Input : $pcgroups
+	## Output : $unique_ids
+	## Usage : my ( $unique_ids ) = compute_ids_from_pcgroups_res ( $pcgroups ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub compute_ids_from_pcgroups_res {
+    ## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $pcgroups ) = @_;
+    my ( @ids, @unique ) = ( (), () ) ;
+    if ( defined $pcgroups ) {
+		foreach my $pc ( keys %{$pcgroups} ) {
+			if ( $pcgroups->{$pc}{'massbank_ids'} ) {
+				push (@ids , @{ $pcgroups->{$pc}{'massbank_ids'} } ) ;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( ( scalar (@ids) ) > 0 ) {
+#			print Dumper @ids ;
+			@unique = do { my %seen; grep { !$seen{$_}++ if (defined $_) } @ids };
+			@unique = sort { $a cmp $b } @unique;
+		}
+		else {
+			@unique = () ;
+		}
+	}
+    return (\@unique) ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_massbank_records_by_chunk
+	## Description : get massbank records from a complete list but send queries chunk by chunk.
+	## Input : $ids, $chunk_size
+	## Output : $records
+	## Usage : my ( $records ) = get_massbank_records_by_chunk ( $ids, $chunk_size ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_massbank_records_by_chunk {
+    ## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $server, $ids, $chunk_size ) = @_;
+    my ( @records, @sent_ids ) = ( (), () ) ;
+    my $current = 0 ;
+    my $pos = 1 ; 
+    my @temp_ids = () ;
+    my $num_ids = scalar(@{$ids}) ;
+#    print "The number of given massbank ids is: $num_ids\n" ;
+    foreach my $id (@{$ids}) {
+    	$current++ ;
+#    	print "$id - - $current/$num_ids) - - $pos \n" ;
+    	if (  ($current == $num_ids) or ($pos == $chunk_size)  ) {
+#    		print "Querying Massbank with...\n" ;
+    		push (@temp_ids, $id) ;
+    		## send query
+    		my $omassbank = lib::massbank_api->new() ;
+			my ($osoap) = $omassbank->selectMassBank($server) ;
+			my ($records) = $omassbank->getRecordInfo($osoap, \@temp_ids) ;
+			push (@records, @{$records}) ;
+    		@temp_ids = () ; 
+    		$pos = 0 ;
+    	}
+    	elsif ($pos < $chunk_size) {
+#    		print "store...\n";
+    		push (@temp_ids, $id) ;
+    		$pos ++ ;
+    	}
+    	else {
+    		warn "Something goes wrong : out of range\n"
+    	}
+    }
+    my $num_records = scalar(@records) ;
+#    print "The number of received massbank records is: $num_records\n" ;
+    return (\@records) ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD set_massbank_matrix_object
+	## Description : build the massbank_row under its ref form
+	## Input : $header, $init_pcs, $init_mzs, $pcgroups, $records
+	## Output : $massbank_matrix
+	## Usage : my ( $massbank_matrix ) = set_lm_matrix_object( $header, $init_pcs, $init_mzs, $pcgroups, $records ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub set_massbank_matrix_object {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $header, $init_pcs, $init_mzs, $pcgroups, $records ) = @_ ;
+    my @massbank_matrix = () ;
+	my $current_pos = 0 ;
+    ## format massbank(score::name::mz::formula::adduct::id)
+    if ( defined $header ) {
+    	$header .= '(score::name::mz::formula::adduct::id)' ;
+    	my @headers = () ;
+    	push @headers, $header ;
+    	push @massbank_matrix, \@headers ;
+    }
+	## foreach mz of the input file
+	foreach my $mz (@{$init_mzs}) {
+		my $nb_ids = 0 ;
+		my @ids = () ;
+		my $pc = $init_pcs->[$current_pos] ; ## get the rigth pcgroup with maz postion in list
+#		print "---> Current PCGROUP is $pc\n" ;
+		if ( $pcgroups->{$pc}{'enrich_annotation'}{$mz} ) {
+			## get record_ids 
+			my @massbank_ids = @{ $pcgroups->{$pc}{'enrich_annotation'}{$mz} } ; ## get validated ids relative to one mz
+			$nb_ids = scalar (@massbank_ids) ;
+#			print "- - - NB RECORDS FOR MZ $mz = $nb_ids - - STATUS => \t" ;
+			my $massbank_ids_string = undef ;
+			## manage empty array
+			if (!defined $nb_ids) { carp "The number of massbank ids is not defined\n" ; }
+			elsif ( $nb_ids > 0 ) {
+				## get data from records and init_annotation
+				my $index_entries = 0 ;
+				foreach my $record_id (@massbank_ids) {
+					my $massbank_name = $records->{$record_id}{names}[0] ;
+		    		my $massbank_id = $record_id  ;
+		    		my $massbank_formula = $records->{$record_id}{formula} ;
+		    		my $massbank_cpd_mz = $records->{$record_id}{exact_mz}  ;
+		    		my $massbank_adduct = $records->{$record_id}{precursor_type}  ;
+		    		my $massbank_score = 0 ;
+		    		## getting the score 
+		    		my @filtered_records= @{ $pcgroups->{$pc}{'annotation'}{res} } ;
+		    		foreach my $record (@filtered_records) {
+		    			if ($record->{id} eq $massbank_id ) {
+		    				$massbank_score = $record->{score} ;
+		    				last ;
+		    			}
+		    			else {
+		    				next ;
+		    			}
+		    		}
+			    	## METLIN data display model
+			   		my $massbank_id_string = $massbank_score.'::['."$massbank_name".']::'.$massbank_cpd_mz.'::'.$massbank_formula.'::['.$massbank_adduct.']::'.$massbank_id ;
+			   		# manage final pipe
+			   		if ($index_entries < $nb_ids-1 ) { 	$massbank_ids_string .= $massbank_id_string.' | ' ; }
+			   		else { 						   			$massbank_ids_string .= $massbank_id_string ; 	}
+			   		$index_entries++;
+				}
+			}
+			elsif ( $nb_ids == 0 ) { $massbank_ids_string = 'NONE' ; }
+			else {
+				$massbank_ids_string = 'NONE' ;
+			}
+#			print "$massbank_ids_string\n" ;
+			push (@ids, $massbank_ids_string) ;
+		} ## End if
+		else {
+			next;
+		}
+		$current_pos++ ;
+		push (@massbank_matrix, \@ids) ;
+	} ## End foreach mz
+#	print "* * * * Start of the MATRIX: * * * *\n" ;
+#    print Dumper @massbank_matrix ;
+#    print "* * * * END of the MATRIX * * * *\n" ;
+    return(\@massbank_matrix) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD add_massbank_matrix_to_input_matrix
+	## Description : build a full matrix (input + lm column)
+	## Input : $input_matrix_object, $massbank_matrix_object
+	## Output : $output_matrix_object
+	## Usage : my ( $output_matrix_object ) = add_massbank_matrix_to_input_matrix( $input_matrix_object, $massbank_matrix_object ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub add_massbank_matrix_to_input_matrix {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $input_matrix_object, $massbank_matrix_object ) = @_ ;
+    my @output_matrix_object = () ;
+    my $index_row = 0 ;
+    foreach my $row ( @{$input_matrix_object} ) {
+    	my @init_row = @{$row} ;
+    	if ( $massbank_matrix_object->[$index_row] ) {
+    		my $dim = scalar(@{$massbank_matrix_object->[$index_row]}) ;
+    		if ($dim > 1) { warn "the add method can't manage more than one column\n" ;}
+    		my $lm_col =  $massbank_matrix_object->[$index_row][$dim-1] ;
+   		 	push (@init_row, $lm_col) ;
+	    	$index_row++ ;
+    	}
+    	push (@output_matrix_object, \@init_row) ;
+    }
+    return(\@output_matrix_object) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD map_res_to_generic_json
+	## Description : build json structure with all massbank results
+	## Input : $mzs, $pcs, $pcgroups_results
+	## Output : $json_scalar
+	## Usage : my ( $json_scalar ) = add_massbank_matrix_to_input_matrix( $mzs, $pcs, $pcgroups_results ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub map_pc_to_generic_json {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $pcs, $pcgroups, $records ) = @_ ;
+#    print Dumper $pcgroups ;
+#    print Dumper $records ;
+	my %JSON = (
+		QUERY => {},
+		PARAM => {},
+		TYPE => {}	
+	) ;
+	my %oEntry = (
+		mzmed => undef,
+		into  => undef,
+		mzmin => undef,
+		mzmax => undef,
+		pcgroup => undef,
+		num_res => undef,
+		RECORDS => undef,
+	) ;
+	my %oRecord = (
+		id  => undef,
+		exact_mz  => undef,
+		score  => undef,
+		formula => undef,
+		inchi => undef,
+		ms_type => undef,
+		precursor_type => undef,
+		instrument_type => undef,
+		name => undef,
+		peaks => undef,
+	) ;
+    foreach my $pc (@{$pcs}) {
+    	my $pc_res = {} ;
+    	my $num_res = undef ;
+    	if ($pcgroups->{$pc}) {
+			my $pos = 0 ;
+			## foreach mz of the pcgroup
+			foreach my $mz (@{ $pcgroups->{$pc}{mzmed} } ) {
+				my %entry = %oEntry ;
+				##
+				if ( defined $mz ) 								{	$entry{mzmed} = $mz ; }
+				if ( $pcgroups->{$pc}{intervales}{$mz} ) 		{	$entry{mzmin} = $pcgroups->{$pc}{intervales}{$mz}{min} ; }
+				if ( $pcgroups->{$pc}{intervales}{$mz} ) 		{	$entry{mzmax} = $pcgroups->{$pc}{intervales}{$mz}{max} ; }
+				if ( $pcgroups->{$pc}{into}[$pos] )	 			{	$entry{into} = $pcgroups->{$pc}{into}[$pos] ; }
+				if ( defined $pc ) 								{	$entry{pcgroup} = $pc ; }
+				## get RECORDS
+				if ( $pcgroups->{$pc}{enrich_annotation}{$mz} ) 	{
+					my @recs = @{ $pcgroups->{$pc}{enrich_annotation}{$mz} } ;
+					$entry{num_res} = scalar(@recs) ;
+					foreach my $recId (@recs) {
+						my %record = %oRecord ;
+						if ( $records->{$recId} ) 					{ 	$record{id} = $recId ; }
+						if ( $records->{$recId}{exact_mz} ) 		{ 	$record{exact_mz} = $records->{$recId}{exact_mz} ; }
+						if ( $records->{$recId}{formula} ) 			{ 	$record{formula} = $records->{$recId}{formula} ; }
+						if ( $records->{$recId}{ms_type} ) 			{ 	$record{ms_type} = $records->{$recId}{ms_type} ; }
+						if ( $records->{$recId}{precursor_type} ) 	{ 	$record{precursor_type} = $records->{$recId}{precursor_type} ; }
+						if ( $records->{$recId}{instrument_type} ) 	{ 	$record{instrument_type} = $records->{$recId}{instrument_type} ; }
+						if ( $records->{$recId}{names} ) 			{ 	$record{name} = $records->{$recId}{names}[0] ; }
+						if ( $records->{$recId}{inchi} ) 			{ 	$record{inchi} = $records->{$recId}{inchi} ; }
+						## peaks TODO...
+						## Score / BIG SHIT /
+						foreach my $record (@{ $pcgroups->{$pc}{'annotation'}{res} }) {
+			    			if ($record->{id} eq $recId ) {
+			    				$record{score} = $record->{score} ;
+			    				last ;
+			    			}
+			    			else {
+			    				next ;
+			    			}
+			    		} ## foreach record - - - for score
+						$entry{RECORDS}{$recId} = \%record ;
+					} ## foreach recId
+				} ## end IF
+				$JSON{QUERY}{$mz} = \%entry ;
+				$pos ++ ;
+			} ## End FOREACH MZ
+    	}
+    	else {
+    		warn "The pc group $pc doesn't exist in results !" ;
+    	}    	
+    }
+#    print Dumper %JSON ;
+	return(\%JSON) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD mapGroupsWithRecords
+	## Description : map records with pcgroups mz to adjust massbank id annotations
+	## Input : $pcgroups, $records
+	## Output : $pcgroups
+	## Usage : my ( $var4 ) = mapGroupsWithRecords ( $$pcgroups, $records ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub mapGroupsWithRecords {
+    ## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $pcgroups, $records ) = @_;
+    my %temp = () ;
+    my (%intervales, @annotation_ids) = ( (), ()  ) ;
+    if ( ( defined $pcgroups ) and ( defined $records )  ) {
+		%temp = %{$pcgroups} ;
+		my %unik_real_ids = () ;
+		my @real_ids = () ;
+		foreach my $pc (keys %temp) {
+			if ( $temp{$pc}{'intervales'} ) { %intervales = %{$temp{$pc}{'intervales'}} ; }
+			else { warn "Cant't find any intervale values\n" ; }
+			if ( $temp{$pc}{'massbank_ids'} ) { @annotation_ids = @{$temp{$pc}{'massbank_ids'}} ; }
+			else { warn "Cant't find any massbank id values\n" ; }
+#			print Dumper %intervales;
+#			print Dumper @annotation_ids ;
+			## map with intervales 
+			foreach my $mz (keys %intervales) {
+				my @filteredIds = () ;
+				my ( $min, $max ) = ( $intervales{$mz}{'min'}, $intervales{$mz}{'max'} ) ;
+				foreach my $id (@annotation_ids) {
+#					print "Analyse mzs of id: $id...\n" ;
+					if ( (defined $id) and ( $records->{$id}) ) {
+						my %currentRecord = %{$records->{$id}} ;
+						if (scalar @{$currentRecord{'peaks'} } > 0 ) {
+							## 
+							foreach my $peak_mz (@{ $currentRecord{'peaks'} } ) {
+								if ($peak_mz) {
+									my $record_mz = $peak_mz->{'mz'} ;
+									if ( ($record_mz > $min ) and ($record_mz < $max) ){
+										if (!exists $unik_real_ids{$id}) {
+											$unik_real_ids{$id} = 1 ;
+											push (@filteredIds, $id) ;
+		#									print "$mz - - $id\n" ;
+										}
+									}
+									else {
+										next ;
+									}
+								}
+								else {
+									warn "The mz field is not defined\n" ;
+								}
+							} ## foreach
+						}
+						else {
+							warn "The record ($id) has no peak\n" ;
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						if (defined $id) {
+							warn "The id $id seems to be not present in getting records\n" ;
+						}
+						else {
+							warn "This catched id seems to be undef in getting records\n" ;
+						}
+						next ;
+					}
+				} ## end foreach
+				## to avoid multiple ids
+#				foreach my $id (keys %unik_real_ids) {
+#					push(@real_ids, $id) ;
+#				}
+				%unik_real_ids = () ;
+#				my @temp = @real_ids ;
+				my @temp = @filteredIds ;
+				$temp{$pc}{'enrich_annotation'}{$mz} = \@temp ;
+				@real_ids = () ;
+				@filteredIds = () ;
+			} ## End foreach mz
+			@annotation_ids = () ;
+		} ## End foreach pc
+    }
+    else {
+    	warn"Can't find record or pcgroup data\n" ;
+    }
+    return (\%temp) ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD set_html_tbody_object
+	## Description : initializes and build the tbody object (perl array) needed to html template
+	## Input : $nb_pages, $nb_items_per_page
+	## Output : $tbody_object
+	## Usage : my ( $tbody_object ) = set_html_tbody_object($nb_pages, $nb_items_per_page) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub set_html_tbody_object {
+	my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $nb_pages, $nb_items_per_page ) = @_ ;
+	my ( @tbody_object ) = ( ) ;
+	for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= $nb_pages ; $i++ ) {
+	    my %pages = ( 
+	    	# tbody feature
+	    	PAGE_NB => $i,
+	    	MASSES => [], ## end MASSES
+	    ) ; ## end TBODY N
+	    push (@tbody_object, \%pages) ;
+	}
+    return(\@tbody_object) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD add_mz_to_tbody_object
+	## Description : initializes and build the mz object (perl array) needed to html template
+	## Input : $tbody_object, $nb_items_per_page, $mz_list
+	## Output : $tbody_object
+	## Usage : my ( $tbody_object ) = add_mz_to_tbody_object( $tbody_object, $nb_items_per_page, $mz_list ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub add_mz_to_tbody_object {
+	my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $tbody_object, $nb_items_per_page, $mz_list, $json ) = @_ ;
+	my ( $current_page, $mz_index ) = ( 0, 0 ) ;
+	foreach my $page ( @{$tbody_object} ) {
+		my @colors = ('white', 'green') ;
+		my ( $current_index, , $icolor ) = ( 0, 0 ) ;
+		for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= $nb_items_per_page ; $i++ ) {
+			# 
+			if ( $current_index > $nb_items_per_page ) { ## manage exact mz per html page
+				$current_index = 0 ; 
+				last ; ##
+			}
+			else {
+				$current_index++ ;
+				if ( $icolor > 1 ) { $icolor = 0 ; }
+				if ( exists $mz_list->[$mz_index]  ) {
+					my %mz = (
+						# mass feature
+						MASSES_ID_QUERY => "mz_0".sprintf("%04s", $mz_index+1 ) ,
+						MASSES_MZ_QUERY => $mz_list->[$mz_index],
+						MASSES_PCGROUP_QUERY => $json->{QUERY}{ $mz_list->[$mz_index] }{pcgroup} ,
+						MZ_COLOR => $colors[$icolor],
+						MASSES_NB => $mz_index+1,
+						ENTRIES => [] ,
+					) ;
+					push ( @{ $tbody_object->[$current_page]{MASSES} }, \%mz ) ;
+					# Html attr for mass
+					$icolor++ ;
+				}
+			}
+			$mz_index++ ;
+		} ## foreach mz
+		$current_page++ ;
+	}
+    return($tbody_object) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD add_entries_to_tbody_object
+	## Description : initializes and build the entries object (perl array) needed to html template
+	## Input : $tbody_object, $nb_items_per_page, $mz_list, $entries
+	## Output : $tbody_object
+	## Usage : my ( $tbody_object ) = add_entries_to_tbody_object( $tbody_object, $nb_items_per_page, $mz_list, $entries ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub add_entries_to_tbody_object {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $tbody_object, $nb_items_per_page, $mz_list, $JSON ) = @_ ;
+    my $index_page = 0 ;
+    my $index_mz_continous = 0 ;
+    foreach my $page (@{$tbody_object}) {
+    	my $index_mz = 0 ;
+    	foreach my $mz (@{ $tbody_object->[$index_page]{MASSES} }) {
+    		my $index_entry = 0 ;
+    		my $check_noentry = 0 ;
+    		my @toSort = () ;
+    		foreach my $record (keys %{ $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS} }) {
+    			$check_noentry ++ ;
+    				my %entry = (
+		    			ENTRY_COLOR => $tbody_object->[$index_page]{MASSES}[$index_mz]{MZ_COLOR},
+		    			ENTRY_ENTRY_NAME => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{name}, 	
+		   				ENTRY_ENTRY_ID => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{id}, 
+		   				ENTRY_ENTRY_ID2 => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{id},
+						ENTRY_FORMULA => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{formula},
+						ENTRY_CPD_MZ => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{exact_mz},
+						ENTRY_MS_TYPE => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{ms_type},
+						ENTRY_PRECURSOR_TYPE => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{precursor_type},
+						ENTRY_INSTRUMENT_TYPE => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{instrument_type},
+						ENTRY_SCORE => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{score},
+						ENTRY_ENTRY_INCHI => $JSON->{QUERY}{$mz->{MASSES_MZ_QUERY}}{RECORDS}{$record}{inchi},			
+		    		) ;
+	    			push ( @{ $tbody_object->[$index_page]{MASSES}[$index_mz]{ENTRIES} }, \%entry) ;
+    			$index_entry++ ;	
+    		} ## end foreach record
+    		if ($check_noentry == 0 ) {
+    			my %entry = (
+		    			ENTRY_COLOR => $tbody_object->[$index_page]{MASSES}[$index_mz]{MZ_COLOR},
+		   				ENTRY_ENTRY_ID => 'NONE',
+		   				ENTRY_ENTRY_ID2 => '',
+						ENTRY_FORMULA => 'n/a',
+						ENTRY_CPD_MZ => 'n/a',
+						ENTRY_MS_TYPE => 'n/a',
+						ENTRY_PRECURSOR_TYPE => 'n/a',
+						ENTRY_INSTRUMENT_TYPE => 'n/a',
+						ENTRY_SCORE => 0,
+						ENTRY_ENTRY_INCHI => 'n/a',
+		    		) ;
+		    		push ( @{ $tbody_object->[$index_page]{MASSES}[$index_mz]{ENTRIES} }, \%entry) ;
+    		}
+    		## sorted by score
+    		my @sorted = () ;
+    		my @temp = @{ $tbody_object->[$index_page]{MASSES}[$index_mz]{ENTRIES} } ;
+    		if (scalar (@temp) > 1 ) { ## for mz without record (only one entry with NA or 0 values)
+    			@sorted = sort {  $b->{ENTRY_SCORE} <=> $a->{ENTRY_SCORE} } @temp;
+    		}
+    		else {
+    			@sorted = @temp;
+    		}
+    		$tbody_object->[$index_page]{MASSES}[$index_mz]{ENTRIES} = \@sorted ;
+    		$index_mz ++ ;
+    		$index_mz_continous ++ ;
+    	} ## End foreach mz
+    	$index_page++ ;
+    } ## End foreach page
+#    print Dumper $tbody_object ;
+    return($tbody_object) ;
+## END of SUB
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc XXX.pm
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is ...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Franck Giacomoni E<lt>franck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : xx / xx / 201x
+version 2 : ??
\ No newline at end of file