diff massbank_ws_searchspectrum.pl @ 0:023c380900ef draft default tip

Init repository with last massbank_ws_searchspectrum master version
author fgiacomoni
date Wed, 19 Apr 2017 11:31:58 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/massbank_ws_searchspectrum.pl	Wed Apr 19 11:31:58 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+## script  : XXX.pl
+## Notes :
+#	-> manage score sorting : Cleaned_pcGroups done but not in outputs !
+#                              Included modules and versions
+## Perl modules
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ;
+use threads;
+use threads::shared;
+use Thread::Queue;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use POSIX ;
+use FindBin ; ## Allows you to locate the directory of original perl script
+## Specific Perl Modules (PFEM)
+use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
+my $binPath = $FindBin::Bin ;
+use lib::csv  qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::conf  qw( :ALL ) ;
+## Dedicate Perl Modules (Home made...)
+use lib::massbank_api qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::threader qw(:ALL) ;
+use lib::mapper qw(:ALL) ;
+use lib::writter qw(:ALL) ;
+use lib::massbank_parser qw(:ALL) ;
+## Initialized values
+my ($help, $mzs_file, $col_mz, $col_int, $col_pcgroup, $line_header ) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,undef, undef ) ;
+my ($server, $ion_mode, $score_threshold, $instruments, $max, $unit, $tol, $cutoff) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef ) ;
+my ($output_json, $output_tabular, $output_xlsx, $output_html ) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef ) ;
+## Local values ONLY FOR TEST :
+#my $server = 'JP' ;
+#my $threading_threshold = 6 ;
+#                                Manage EXCEPTIONS
+&GetOptions ( 	"help|h"     		=> \$help,       # HELP
+				"masses:s"			=> \$mzs_file,
+				"col_mz:i"			=> \$col_mz,
+				"col_int:i"			=> \$col_int, ## optionnal
+				"col_pcgroup:i"		=> \$col_pcgroup,
+				"lineheader:i"		=> \$line_header,
+				"mode:s"			=> \$ion_mode, 
+				"score_threshold:f"	=> \$score_threshold, 
+				"instruments:s"		=> \$instruments, # advanced -> to transform into string with comma => done !
+				"max:i"				=> \$max, # advanced
+				"unit:s"			=> \$unit, # advanced
+				"tolerance:f"		=> \$tol, 
+				"cutoff:i"			=> \$cutoff, # advanced : intensity cutoff
+				"server:s"			=> \$server, ## by default JP and # advanced
+				"output_json:s"		=> \$output_json,
+				"output_xlsx:s"		=> \$output_xlsx,
+				"output_tabular:s"	=> \$output_tabular,
+				"output_html:s"		=> \$output_html,
+            ) ;
+## if you put the option -help or -h function help is started
+if ( defined($help) ){ &help ; }
+#                                MAIN SCRIPT
+## -------------- Conf file ------------------------ :
+my ( $CONF ) = ( undef ) ;
+foreach my $conf ( <$binPath/*.cfg> ) {
+	my $oConf = lib::conf::new() ;
+	$CONF = $oConf->as_conf($conf) ;
+## -------------- HTML template file ------------------------ :
+foreach my $html_template ( <$binPath/*.tmpl> ) { $CONF->{'HTML_TEMPLATE'} = $html_template ; }
+## Main variables :
+my ($pcs, $mzs, $into, $complete_rows, $pcgroups) = (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef) ;
+## manage csv file containing list of masses (every thing is manage in jar)
+if ( ( defined $mzs_file ) and ( $mzs_file ne "" ) and ( -e $mzs_file ) ) {
+	## parse csv ids and masses
+	my $is_header = undef ;
+	my $ocsv = lib::csv->new() ;
+	my $csv = $ocsv->get_csv_object( "\t" ) ;
+	if ( ( defined $line_header ) and ( $line_header > 0 ) ) { $is_header = 'yes' ;    }
+	$pcs = $ocsv->get_value_from_csv_multi_header( $csv, $mzs_file, $col_pcgroup, $is_header, $line_header ) ; ## retrieve pc values on csv
+	$mzs = $ocsv->get_value_from_csv_multi_header( $csv, $mzs_file, $col_mz, $is_header, $line_header ) ; ## retrieve mz values on csv
+	$into = $ocsv->get_value_from_csv_multi_header( $csv, $mzs_file, $col_int, $is_header, $line_header ) if ( defined $col_int ); ## retrieve into values on csv // optionnal in input files
+	$complete_rows = $ocsv->parse_csv_object($csv, \$mzs_file) ; ## parse all csv for output csv build
+	## manage input file with no into colunm / init into with a default value of 10
+	if ( !defined $col_int ) {
+		my $nb_mzs = scalar(@{$mzs}) ;
+		my @intos = map {10} (0..$nb_mzs-1) ;
+		my $nb_intos = scalar(@intos) ;
+		if ($nb_intos == $nb_mzs) { $into = \@intos ;	}
+		else { carp "A difference exists between intensity and mz values\n" }
+	}
+	## manage instruments string to array_ref
+	if (defined $instruments ) {
+		if ($instruments eq '') { ## in xml : can select nothing...
+			$instruments = ['all'] ;
+		}
+		else {
+			my @instruments = split(/,/, $instruments) ;
+			$instruments = \@instruments ;
+		}
+	}
+	## Build pcgroups with their features :
+	my $omap = lib::mapper->new() ;
+	$pcgroups = $omap->get_pcgroups($pcs, $mzs, $into ) ;
+	my $pcgroup_list = $omap->get_pcgroup_list($pcs ) ;
+#	print Dumper $pcgroups ;
+	my $pc_num = 0 ;
+	$pc_num = scalar(@{$pcgroup_list}) ;
+	## manage a list of query pc_group dependant:
+	if ($pcgroups) {
+		## - - - - - - -  - - - - -  - - - -  - - - - - Multithreadind mode if pcgroups > 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
+		if ($pc_num > $CONF->{'THREADING_THRESHOLD'}) {
+			print $server."\n" ;
+			print "\n------  ** ** ** Using multithreading mode ** ** ** --------\n\n" ;
+			my $time_start = time ;
+#			use constant THREADS => 6 ;
+			my $Qworks = Thread::Queue->new();
+			my @threads = () ;
+			my @queries = () ;
+			my @Qresults = () ;
+			foreach my $pc_group_id (keys %{$pcgroups}) {
+				push (@queries, $pcgroups->{$pc_group_id}) if $pcgroups->{$pc_group_id} ;
+			}
+			for (1..$NBTHREADS) {
+				my $oworker = lib::threader->new ;
+			    push @threads, threads->create(sub { $oworker->searchSpectrumWorker($Qworks, $server, $ion_mode, $instruments, $max, $unit, $tol, $cutoff) ; } ) ;
+			}
+			$Qworks->enqueue(@queries);
+			$Qworks->enqueue(undef) for 1..$NBTHREADS;
+			push @Qresults, $_->join foreach @threads;
+			my $time_end = time ;
+			my $seconds = $time_end-$time_start ;
+			print "\n------  Time used in multithreading mode : $seconds seconds --------\n\n" ;
+#			print Dumper @Qresults ;
+			## controle number of returned queries :
+			my $massbank_results_num = 0 ;
+			$massbank_results_num = scalar @Qresults ;
+			if ( $massbank_results_num == $pc_num ) {
+				## Map @Qresults with annotation hash : pcgroup_id in @Qresults (pcgroup2) // id in $pcgroups (pcgroup2)
+				foreach my $result (@Qresults) {
+					## manage annotation part
+					if ($result->{'pcgroup_id'}) {
+						if ($pcgroups->{$result->{'pcgroup_id'}}) {
+							$pcgroups->{$result->{'pcgroup_id'}}{'annotation'} = $result ;
+						}
+						else { carp "Carefull : no mapping possible between massbank results and initial pcgroups data\n";}
+					}
+					else { carp "Carefull : no pcgroup id defined in massbank results\n"; }
+					## manage massbank_ids part
+					if ($result->{'res'}) {
+						my @tmp_res = map {$_->{'id'}} @{$result->{'res'}} ;
+						$pcgroups->{$result->{'pcgroup_id'}}{'massbank_ids'} = \@tmp_res ;					
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				croak "[ERROR] : problem between massbank results number and pcgroups number\n";
+			}
+		}
+		## - - - - - - -  - - - - -  - - - -  - - - - - mono thread mode if pcgroups <= 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
+		else {
+			## connexion
+#			print $server."\n" ;
+			my $omassbank = lib::massbank_api->new() ;
+			my $soap = $omassbank->selectMassBank($server) ;
+			print "\n------  ** ** ** Using batch mode ** ** ** --------\n\n" ;
+			my $time_start = time ;
+			foreach my $pcgroup (keys %{$pcgroups}) {
+				## searchSpectrum via SOAP
+				print "Annot pcgroup n-$pcgroup\n" ;
+				my $oquery = lib::massbank_api->new() ;
+				my ($results, $num) = $oquery->searchSpectrum($soap, $pcgroups->{$pcgroup}{'id'}, $pcgroups->{$pcgroup}{'mzmed'}, $pcgroups->{$pcgroup}{'into'}, $ion_mode, $instruments, $max, $unit, $tol, $cutoff) ;
+				$pcgroups->{$pcgroup}{'annotation'} = $results ;
+	#			print Dumper $results ;
+			}
+			my $time_end = time ;
+			my $seconds = $time_end-$time_start ;
+			print "\n------  Time used in foreach mode: $seconds seconds --------\n\n" ;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		croak "The pcgroup object is not defined\n" ;
+	}
+#	print "Init pcGroups results are\n"  ;
+#	print Dumper $pcgroups ;
+} ## End of elsif "defined $mzs_file"
+else {
+	warn "[WARN] Can't use Massbank WS service without an existing input tabular file\n" ;
+	&help ;
+## Clean zone - use threshold on massbank entry returned score
+my $omap = lib::mapper->new() ;
+my $cleaned_pcgroups = $omap->filter_pcgroup_res($pcgroups, $score_threshold) ;
+#print "Cleaned_pcGroups are\n" ;
+#print Dumper $cleaned_pcgroups ;
+## add min/max value of each mzmed in the pc_group
+my $pcgroups_with_intervales = $omap->add_min_max_for_pcgroup_res($cleaned_pcgroups, $tol ) ;
+#print "pcGroups_with_intervales are\n" ;
+#print Dumper $pcgroups_with_intervales ;
+## search in the local indexed db - - - TODO - - - 
+## OR search new ones 
+## get all unique Massbank Ids found
+my $oids = lib::mapper->new() ;
+my $all_massbank_ids = $omap->compute_ids_from_pcgroups_res($cleaned_pcgroups) ;
+## get entries on the MassBank server by ID by pieces of 10
+my $omapper = lib::mapper->new() ;
+my $recordList = $omapper->get_massbank_records_by_chunk ($server, $all_massbank_ids, 10) ;
+#print "\n\nRecords are\n" ;
+#print Dumper $recordList ;
+#print Dumper $all_massbank_ids ;
+## foreach record - get id and peaks - create a object
+my %records = ();
+foreach (@$recordList) {
+	## parse record handles
+	my $parser = lib::massbank_parser->new() ;
+	my $id = $parser->getIdFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'peaks'} = $parser->getPeaksFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'names'} = $parser->getChemNamesFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'instrument_type'} = $parser->getInstrumentTypeFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'precursor_type'} = $parser->getPrecursorTypeFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'ms_type'} = $parser->getMsTypeFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'formula'} = $parser->getFormulaFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'exact_mz'} = $parser->getExactMzFromString($_) ;
+	$records{$id}{'inchi'} = $parser->getInchiFromString($_) ;
+#print Dumper %records ;
+## Map pc_groups and records
+my $well_annoted_pcGroups = $omapper->mapGroupsWithRecords($pcgroups_with_intervales, \%records) ;
+#print Dumper $well_annoted_pcGroups ;
+## Output writting :
+my ( $massbank_matrix ) = ( undef ) ;
+## XLS OUTPUT -- new format
+if (  (defined $output_xlsx) and  (defined $well_annoted_pcGroups) and  (defined $mzs) and  (defined $pcs)  ) {
+	my $owritter = lib::writter->new() ;
+	$owritter->write_xls_skel(\$output_xlsx, $mzs, $pcs, $well_annoted_pcGroups, \%records) ;
+if (  (defined $output_tabular) and  (defined $well_annoted_pcGroups) and  (defined $pcs) and  (defined $mzs) ) {
+	my $omapper = lib::mapper->new() ;
+	if ( ( defined $line_header ) and ( $line_header == 1 ) ) { $massbank_matrix = $omapper->set_massbank_matrix_object('massbank', $pcs, $mzs, $well_annoted_pcGroups, \%records ) ; }
+	elsif ( ( defined $line_header ) and ( $line_header == 0 ) ) { $massbank_matrix = $omapper->set_massbank_matrix_object(undef, $pcs, $mzs, $well_annoted_pcGroups, \%records ) ; }
+	$massbank_matrix = $omapper->add_massbank_matrix_to_input_matrix($complete_rows, $massbank_matrix) ;
+	my $owritter = lib::writter->new() ;
+	$owritter->write_csv_skel(\$output_tabular, $massbank_matrix) ;
+my $json_scalar = undef ;
+if (  (defined $output_json) and  (defined $well_annoted_pcGroups) and  (defined $mzs) and  (defined $pcs)  ) {
+	my $omapper = lib::mapper->new() ;
+	$json_scalar = $omapper->map_pc_to_generic_json($pcs, $well_annoted_pcGroups, \%records) ;
+	my $owritter = lib::writter->new() ;
+	$owritter->write_json_skel(\$output_json, $json_scalar) ;
+if (  (defined $output_html) and  (defined $json_scalar)  ) {
+#	print Dumper $json_scalar ;
+	## Uses N mz and theirs entries per page (see config file).
+	# how many pages you need with your input mz list?
+	my $nb_pages_for_html_out = ceil( scalar(@{$mzs} ) / $CONF->{HTML_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE} )  ;
+	## Search condition:
+	my $search_condition = "Search params : Molecular specie = $ion_mode / delta ($unit) = $tol / Score threshold = $score_threshold and max hit = $max per pcgroup" ;
+	my $oHtml = lib::mapper->new() ;
+	my ($tbody_object) = $oHtml->set_html_tbody_object( $nb_pages_for_html_out, $CONF->{HTML_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE} ) ;
+	($tbody_object) = $oHtml->add_mz_to_tbody_object($tbody_object, $CONF->{HTML_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE}, $mzs, $json_scalar) ;
+	($tbody_object) = $oHtml->add_entries_to_tbody_object($tbody_object, $CONF->{HTML_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE}, $mzs, $json_scalar) ;
+	my $oWritter = lib::writter->new() ;
+	$oWritter->write_html_skel(\$output_html, $tbody_object, $nb_pages_for_html_out, $search_condition, $CONF->{'HTML_TEMPLATE'}, $CONF->{'JS_GALAXY_PATH'}, $CONF->{'CSS_GALAXY_PATH'}) ;
+else {
+	warn "[WARN] The html output file or the json iss not defined\n" ;
+# Help subroutine called with -h option
+# number of arguments : 0
+# Argument(s)        :
+# Return           : 1
+sub help {
+	print STDERR "
+# massbank_ws_searchspectrum.pl is a script to use SOAP massbank webservice and send specific queries about spectra searches. 
+# Input : a list of mzs, intensities, pcgroup.
+# Author : Franck Giacomoni
+# Email : franck.giacomoni\@clermont.inra.fr
+# Version : 1.0
+# Created : 20/01/2017
+USAGE :		 
+		massbank_ws_searchspectrum.pl -help OR
+		massbank_ws_searchspectrum.pl 
+			-masses [name of input file] -col_id -col_mz -col_int -col_pcgroup -lineheader
+			-mode [ion mode : Positive, Negative or Both ]
+			-score_threshold [Ignore Massbank results with a score lower than the defined threshold]
+			-instruments [array of string: all or values obtained by getInstrumentTypes method]
+			-max [0 is all results or int]
+			-unit [unit or ppm]
+			-tolerance [Tolerance of values of m/z of peaks: 0.3 unit or 50 ppm]
+			-cutoff [Ignore peaks whose intensity is not larger than the value of cutoff. Default: 50)]
+			-server [name of the massbank server : EU or JP only]
+			-output_json [ouput file for JSON]
+			-output_xls [ouput file for XLS]
+			-output_tabular [ouput file for TABULAR]
+		";
+	exit(1);
+## END of script - F Giacomoni 
+=head1 NAME
+ XXX.pl -- script for
+=head1 USAGE
+ XXX.pl -precursors -arg1 [-arg2] 
+ or XXX.pl -help
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This script manage ... 
+This main program is a ...
+=over 4
+=item B<function01>
+=item B<function02>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Franck Giacomoni E<lt>franck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+Yann Guitton 
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : 05 / 01 / 2016
+version 2 : ??
\ No newline at end of file