diff qiime2/qiime_diversity_beta-rarefaction.xml @ 14:a0a8d77a991c draft

author florianbegusch
date Thu, 03 Sep 2020 09:51:29 +0000
parents f190567fe3f6
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/qiime2/qiime_diversity_beta-rarefaction.xml	Thu Sep 03 09:46:00 2020 +0000
+++ b/qiime2/qiime_diversity_beta-rarefaction.xml	Thu Sep 03 09:51:29 2020 +0000
@@ -1,129 +1,138 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<tool id="qiime_diversity_beta-rarefaction" name="qiime diversity beta-rarefaction" version="2019.7">
-	<description> - Beta diversity rarefaction</description>
-	<requirements>
-		<requirement type="package" version="2019.7">qiime2</requirement>
-	</requirements>
-	<command><![CDATA[
+<tool id="qiime_diversity_beta-rarefaction" name="qiime diversity beta-rarefaction"
+      version="2020.8">
+  <description>Beta diversity rarefaction</description>
+  <requirements>
+    <requirement type="package" version="2020.8">qiime2</requirement>
+  </requirements>
+  <command><![CDATA[
 qiime diversity beta-rarefaction
+#if str($iphylogeny) != 'None':
+#end if
-#if str($psamplingdepth):
- --p-sampling-depth="$psamplingdepth"
-#end if
+# if $input_files_mmetadatafile:
+  # def list_dict_to_string(list_dict):
+    # set $file_list = list_dict[0]['additional_input'].__getattr__('file_name')
+    # for d in list_dict[1:]:
+      # set $file_list = $file_list + ' --m-metadata-file=' + d['additional_input'].__getattr__('file_name')
+    # end for
+    # return $file_list
+  # end def
+# end if
-#if str($iphylogeny) != 'None':
- --i-phylogeny=$iphylogeny
-#end if
-#if str($piterations):
- --p-iterations=$piterations
-#end if
 #if str($pcorrelationmethod) != 'None':
- --p-correlation-method=$pcorrelationmethod
 #end if
 #if str($pcolorscheme) != 'None':
- --p-color-scheme=$pcolorscheme
-#end if
-#if $input_files_mmetadatafile:
-#def list_dict_to_string(list_dict):
-#set $file_list = list_dict[0]['additional_input'].__getattr__('file_name')
-#for d in list_dict[1:]:
-	#set $file_list = $file_list + ' --m-metadata-file=' + d['additional_input'].__getattr__('file_name')
-#end for
-#return $file_list
-#end def
 #end if
+#if str($examples) != 'None':
+#end if
-qiime tools export --input-path ovisualization.qzv --output-path out   && mkdir -p '$ovisualization.files_path'
+cp odistancematrix.qza $odistancematrix
+qiime tools export  ovisualization.qzv --output-path out
+&& mkdir -p '$ovisualization.files_path'
 && cp -r out/* '$ovisualization.files_path'
-&& mv '$ovisualization.files_path/index.html' '$ovisualization';
-	]]></command>
-	<inputs>
-		<param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-table: ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Frequency] Feature table upon which to perform beta diversity rarefaction analyses.                     [required]" name="itable" optional="False" type="data"/>
-		<param label="--p-metric: " name="pmetric" optional="False" type="select">
-			<option value="kulsinski">kulsinski</option>
-			<option value="euclidean">euclidean</option>
-			<option value="wminkowski">wminkowski</option>
-			<option value="dice">dice</option>
-			<option value="correlation">correlation</option>
-			<option value="hamming">hamming</option>
-			<option value="canberra">canberra</option>
-			<option value="canberra_adkins">canberra_adkins</option>
-			<option value="rogerstanimoto">rogerstanimoto</option>
-			<option value="sqeuclidean">sqeuclidean</option>
-			<option value="cosine">cosine</option>
-			<option value="seuclidean">seuclidean</option>
-			<option value="weighted_normalized_unifrac">weighted_normalized_unifrac</option>
-			<option value="sokalmichener">sokalmichener</option>
-			<option value="unweighted_unifrac">unweighted_unifrac</option>
-			<option value="cityblock">cityblock</option>
-			<option value="generalized_unifrac">generalized_unifrac</option>
-			<option value="weighted_unifrac">weighted_unifrac</option>
-			<option value="braycurtis">braycurtis</option>
-			<option value="jaccard">jaccard</option>
-			<option value="sokalsneath">sokalsneath</option>
-			<option value="aitchison">aitchison</option>
-			<option value="matching">matching</option>
-			<option value="chebyshev">chebyshev</option>
-			<option value="russellrao">russellrao</option>
-			<option value="yule">yule</option>
-			<option value="mahalanobis">mahalanobis</option>
-		</param>
-		<param label="--p-clustering-method: " name="pclusteringmethod" optional="False" type="select">
-			<option value="upgma">upgma</option>
-			<option value="nj">nj</option>
-		</param>
-		<param label="--p-sampling-depth: INTEGER Range(1, None)        The total frequency that each sample should be rarefied to prior to computing the diversity metric. [required]" name="psamplingdepth" optional="False" min="1" value="" type="integer"/>
-		<param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-phylogeny: ARTIFACT  Phylogenetic tree containing tip identifiers that Phylogeny[Rooted]     correspond to the feature identifiers in the table. This tree can contain tip ids that are not present in the table, but all feature ids in the table must be present in this tree. [required for phylogenetic metrics]                                  [optional]" name="iphylogeny" optional="True" type="data"/>
-		<param label="--p-iterations: INTEGER  Number of times to rarefy the feature table at a Range(2, None)        given sampling depth.                  [default: 10]" name="piterations" optional="True" type="integer" min="2" value="10"/>
-		<param label="--p-correlation-method: " name="pcorrelationmethod" optional="True" type="select">
-			<option selected="True" value="None">Selection is Optional</option>
-			<option value="spearman">spearman</option>
-			<option value="pearson">pearson</option>
-		</param>
-		<param label="--p-color-scheme: " name="pcolorscheme" optional="True" type="select">
-			<option selected="True" value="None">Selection is Optional</option>
-			<option value="BrBG">BrBG</option>
-			<option value="BrBG_r">BrBG_r</option>
-			<option value="PRGn">PRGn</option>
-			<option value="PRGn_r">PRGn_r</option>
-			<option value="PiYG">PiYG</option>
-			<option value="PiYG_r">PiYG_r</option>
-			<option value="PuOr">PuOr</option>
-			<option value="PuOr_r">PuOr_r</option>
-			<option value="RdBu">RdBu</option>
-			<option value="RdBu_r">RdBu_r</option>
-			<option value="RdGy">RdGy</option>
-			<option value="RdGy_r">RdGy_r</option>
-			<option value="RdYlBu">RdYlBu</option>
-			<option value="RdYlBu_r">RdYlBu_r</option>
-			<option value="RdYlGn">RdYlGn</option>
-			<option value="RdYlGn_r">RdYlGn_r</option>
-		</param>
+&& mv '$ovisualization.files_path/index.html' '$ovisualization'
-		<repeat name="input_files_mmetadatafile" optional="False" title="--m-metadata-file  [required]">
-			<param label="--m-metadata-file: METADATA... (multiple arguments will be merged) The sample metadata used for the Emperor jackknifed PCoA plot. [required]" name="additional_input" type="data" format="tabular,qza,no_unzip.zip" />
-		</repeat>
+  ]]></command>
+  <inputs>
+    <param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-table: ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Frequency] Feature table upon which to perform beta diversity rarefaction analyses.                     [required]" name="itable" optional="False" type="data" />
+    <param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-phylogeny: ARTIFACT  Phylogenetic tree containing tip identifiers that Phylogeny[Rooted]     correspond to the feature identifiers in the table. This tree can contain tip ids that are not present in the table, but all feature ids in the table must be present in this tree. [required for phylogenetic metrics]                                  [optional]" name="iphylogeny" optional="False" type="data" />
+    <param label="--p-metric: " name="pmetric" optional="False" type="select">
+      <option value="braycurtis">braycurtis</option>
+      <option value="euclidean">euclidean</option>
+      <option value="cityblock">cityblock</option>
+      <option value="cosine">cosine</option>
+      <option value="minkowski">minkowski</option>
+      <option value="matching">matching</option>
+      <option value="correlation">correlation</option>
+      <option value="russellrao">russellrao</option>
+      <option value="weighted_normalized_unifrac">weighted_normalized_unifrac</option>
+      <option value="sokalsneath">sokalsneath</option>
+      <option value="seuclidean">seuclidean</option>
+      <option value="canberra">canberra</option>
+      <option value="sokalmichener">sokalmichener</option>
+      <option value="kulsinski">kulsinski</option>
+      <option value="jensenshannon">jensenshannon</option>
+      <option value="weighted_unifrac">weighted_unifrac</option>
+      <option value="jaccard">jaccard</option>
+      <option value="hamming">hamming</option>
+      <option value="chebyshev">chebyshev</option>
+      <option value="generalized_unifrac">generalized_unifrac</option>
+      <option value="yule">yule</option>
+      <option value="dice">dice</option>
+      <option value="sqeuclidean">sqeuclidean</option>
+      <option value="aitchison">aitchison</option>
+      <option value="canberra_adkins">canberra_adkins</option>
+      <option value="unweighted_unifrac">unweighted_unifrac</option>
+      <option value="rogerstanimoto">rogerstanimoto</option>
+    </param>
+    <param label="--p-clustering-method: " name="pclusteringmethod" optional="False" type="select">
+      <option value="upgma">upgma</option>
+      <option value="nj">nj</option>
+    </param>
+    <repeat name="input_files_mmetadatafile" optional="False" title="--m-metadata-file">
+      <param format="tabular,qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--m-metadata-file: METADATA... (multiple arguments   The sample metadata used for the Emperor jackknifed will be merged)      PCoA plot.                                [required]" name="additional_input" optional="False" type="data" />
+    </repeat>
+    <param label="--p-sampling-depth: INTEGER Range(1, None)        The total frequency that each sample should be rarefied to prior to computing the diversity metric. [required]" name="psamplingdepth" optional="False" type="text" />
+    <param label="--p-iterations: INTEGER  Number of times to rarefy the feature table at a Range(2, None)        given sampling depth.                  [default: 10]" min="2" name="piterations" optional="True" type="integer" value="10" />
+    <param label="--p-correlation-method: " name="pcorrelationmethod" optional="True" type="select">
+      <option selected="True" value="None">Selection is Optional</option>
+      <option value="pearson">pearson</option>
+      <option value="spearman">spearman</option>
+    </param>
+    <param label="--p-color-scheme: " name="pcolorscheme" optional="True" type="select">
+      <option selected="True" value="None">Selection is Optional</option>
+      <option value="BrBG">BrBG</option>
+      <option value="BrBG_r">BrBG_r</option>
+      <option value="PRGn">PRGn</option>
+      <option value="PRGn_r">PRGn_r</option>
+      <option value="PiYG">PiYG</option>
+      <option value="PiYG_r">PiYG_r</option>
+      <option value="PuOr">PuOr</option>
+      <option value="PuOr_r">PuOr_r</option>
+      <option value="RdBu">RdBu</option>
+      <option value="RdBu_r">RdBu_r</option>
+      <option value="RdGy">RdGy</option>
+      <option value="RdGy_r">RdGy_r</option>
+      <option value="RdYlBu">RdYlBu</option>
+      <option value="RdYlBu_r">RdYlBu_r</option>
+      <option value="RdYlGn">RdYlGn</option>
+      <option value="RdYlGn_r">RdYlGn_r</option>
+    </param>
+    <param label="--examples: Show usage examples and exit." name="examples" optional="False" type="data" />
+  </inputs>
-	</inputs>
-	<outputs>
-		<data format="html" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: visualization.qzv" name="ovisualization"/>
-	</outputs>
-	<help><![CDATA[
+  <outputs>
+    <data format="html" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: visualization.html" name="ovisualization" />
+  </outputs>
+  <help><![CDATA[
 Beta diversity rarefaction
 Repeatedly rarefy a feature table to compare beta diversity results within
 a given rarefaction depth.  For a given beta diversity metric, this
@@ -137,7 +146,7 @@
 table : FeatureTable[Frequency]
     Feature table upon which to perform beta diversity rarefaction
-metric : Str % Choices('generalized_unifrac', 'sokalmichener', 'matching', 'yule', 'weighted_normalized_unifrac', 'dice', 'russellrao', 'rogerstanimoto', 'mahalanobis', 'wminkowski', 'kulsinski', 'aitchison', 'seuclidean', 'correlation', 'sokalsneath', 'hamming', 'jaccard', 'unweighted_unifrac', 'weighted_unifrac', 'cosine', 'canberra', 'euclidean', 'sqeuclidean', 'chebyshev', 'cityblock', 'canberra_adkins', 'braycurtis')
+metric : Str % Choices('yule', 'weighted_normalized_unifrac', 'cityblock', 'weighted_unifrac', 'matching', 'russellrao', 'seuclidean', 'jaccard', 'braycurtis', 'minkowski', 'sokalmichener', 'aitchison', 'generalized_unifrac', 'canberra_adkins', 'euclidean', 'kulsinski', 'cosine', 'sqeuclidean', 'sokalsneath', 'correlation', 'hamming', 'dice', 'rogerstanimoto', 'canberra', 'unweighted_unifrac', 'chebyshev', 'jensenshannon')
     The beta diversity metric to be computed.
 clustering_method : Str % Choices('upgma', 'nj')
     Samples can be clustered with neighbor joining or UPGMA. An arbitrary
@@ -155,7 +164,7 @@
     feature identifiers in the table. This tree can contain tip ids that
     are not present in the table, but all feature ids in the table must be
     present in this tree. [required for phylogenetic metrics]
-correlation_method : Str % Choices('pearson', 'spearman'), optional
+correlation_method : Str % Choices('spearman', 'pearson'), optional
     The Mantel correlation test to be applied when computing correlation
     between beta diversity distance matrices.
 color_scheme : Str % Choices('BrBG', 'BrBG_r', 'PRGn', 'PRGn_r', 'PiYG', 'PiYG_r', 'PuOr', 'PuOr_r', 'RdBu', 'RdBu_r', 'RdGy', 'RdGy_r', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlBu_r', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlGn_r'), optional
@@ -164,9 +173,9 @@
 visualization : Visualization
-	]]></help>
+  ]]></help>
+  <macros>
-<expand macro="qiime_citation"/>
+  </macros>
+  <expand macro="qiime_citation"/>
\ No newline at end of file