view qiime2/qiime_deblur_denoise-16S.xml @ 16:5021f9d76de4 draft

Deleted selected files
author florianbegusch
date Thu, 03 Sep 2020 10:51:34 +0000
parents a0a8d77a991c
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<tool id="qiime_deblur_denoise-16S" name="qiime deblur denoise-16S"
  <description>Deblur sequences using a 16S positive filter.</description>
    <requirement type="package" version="2020.8">qiime2</requirement>
qiime deblur denoise-16S




#if $psamplestats:
#end if







#if $pnohashedfeatureids:
#end if




#if str($examples) != 'None':
#end if

cp ostats.qza $ostats

    <param format="qza," label="--i-demultiplexed-seqs: ARTIFACT SampleData[SequencesWithQuality | PairedEndSequencesWithQuality | JoinedSequencesWithQuality] The demultiplexed sequences to be denoised. [required]" name="idemultiplexedseqs" optional="False" type="data" />
    <param label="--p-trim-length: INTEGER Sequence trim length, specify -1 to disable trimming.                                  [required]" name="ptrimlength" optional="False" type="text" />
    <param label="--p-left-trim-len: INTEGER Range(0, None)       Sequence trimming from the 5\' end. A value of 0 will disable this trim.                       [default: 0]" min="0" name="plefttrimlen" optional="True" type="integer" value="0" />
    <param label="--p-sample-stats: --p-sample-stats: / --p-no-sample-stats If true, gather stats per sample.    [default: False]" name="psamplestats" selected="False" type="boolean" />
    <param label="--p-mean-error: NUMBER  The mean per nucleotide error, used for original sequence estimate.                   [default: 0.005]" name="pmeanerror" optional="True" type="float" value="0.005" />
    <param label="--p-indel-prob: NUMBER  Insertion/deletion (indel) probability (same for N indels).                              [default: 0.01]" name="pindelprob" optional="True" type="float" value="0.01" />
    <param label="--p-indel-max: INTEGER  Maximum number of insertion/deletions.   [default: 3]" name="pindelmax" optional="True" type="integer" value="3" />
    <param label="--p-min-reads: INTEGER  Retain only features appearing at least min-reads times across all samples in the resulting feature table.                                  [default: 10]" name="pminreads" optional="True" type="integer" value="10" />
    <param label="--p-min-size: INTEGER   In each sample, discard all features with an abundance less than min-size.            [default: 2]" name="pminsize" optional="True" type="integer" value="2" />
    <param label="--p-no-hashed-feature-ids: Do not if true, hash the feature IDs.        [default: True]" name="pnohashedfeatureids" selected="False" type="boolean" />
    <param label="--examples: Show usage examples and exit." name="examples" optional="False" type="data" />

    <data format="qza" label="${} on ${on_string}: table.qza" name="otable" />
    <data format="qza" label="${} on ${on_string}: representativesequences.qza" name="orepresentativesequences" />
    <data format="qza" label="${} on ${on_string}: stats.qza" name="ostats" />

Deblur sequences using a 16S positive filter.

Perform sequence quality control for Illumina data using the Deblur
workflow with a 16S reference as a positive filter. Only forward reads are
supported at this time. The specific reference used is the 88% OTUs from
Greengenes 13_8. This mode of operation should only be used when data were
generated from a 16S amplicon protocol on an Illumina platform. The
reference is only used to assess whether each sequence is likely to be 16S
by a local alignment using SortMeRNA with a permissive e-value; the
reference is not used to characterize the sequences.

demultiplexed_seqs : SampleData[SequencesWithQuality | PairedEndSequencesWithQuality | JoinedSequencesWithQuality]
    The demultiplexed sequences to be denoised.
trim_length : Int
    Sequence trim length, specify -1 to disable trimming.
left_trim_len : Int % Range(0, None), optional
    Sequence trimming from the 5' end. A value of 0 will disable this trim.
sample_stats : Bool, optional
    If true, gather stats per sample.
mean_error : Float, optional
    The mean per nucleotide error, used for original sequence estimate.
indel_prob : Float, optional
    Insertion/deletion (indel) probability (same for N indels).
indel_max : Int, optional
    Maximum number of insertion/deletions.
min_reads : Int, optional
    Retain only features appearing at least min_reads times across all
    samples in the resulting feature table.
min_size : Int, optional
    In each sample, discard all features with an abundance less than
jobs_to_start : Int, optional
    Number of jobs to start (if to run in parallel).
hashed_feature_ids : Bool, optional
    If true, hash the feature IDs.

table : FeatureTable[Frequency]
    The resulting denoised feature table.
representative_sequences : FeatureData[Sequence]
    The resulting feature sequences.
stats : DeblurStats
    Per-sample stats if requested.
  <expand macro="qiime_citation"/>