diff toolfactory/rgToolFactory2.py @ 0:83f8bb78781e draft

author fubar
date Fri, 11 Dec 2020 02:51:15 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolfactory/rgToolFactory2.py	Fri Dec 11 02:51:15 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+# replace with shebang for biocontainer
+# see https://github.com/fubar2/toolfactory
+# copyright ross lazarus (ross stop lazarus at gmail stop com) May 2012
+# all rights reserved
+# Licensed under the LGPL
+# suggestions for improvement and bug fixes welcome at
+# https://github.com/fubar2/toolfactory
+# July 2020: BCC was fun and I feel like rip van winkle after 5 years.
+# Decided to
+# 1. Fix the toolfactory so it works - done for simplest case
+# 2. Fix planemo so the toolfactory function works
+# 3. Rewrite bits using galaxyxml functions where that makes sense - done
+# uses planemo in a biodocker sort of image as a requirement
+# otherwise planemo seems to leak dependencies back into the
+# calling venv. Hilarity ensues.
+import argparse
+import copy
+import datetime
+import grp
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import time
+from bioblend import ConnectionError
+from bioblend import toolshed
+import docker
+import galaxyxml.tool as gxt
+import galaxyxml.tool.parameters as gxtp
+import lxml
+import yaml
+myversion = "V2.1 July 2020"
+verbose = True
+debug = True
+toolFactoryURL = "https://github.com/fubar2/toolfactory"
+ourdelim = "~~~"
+# --input_files="$intab.input_files~~~$intab.input_CL~~~$intab.input_formats\
+# --output_files "$otab.history_name~~~$otab.history_format~~~$otab.history_CL~~~$otab.history_test"
+# --additional_parameters="$i.param_name~~~$i.param_value~~~
+# $i.param_label~~~$i.param_help~~~$i.param_type~~~$i.CL~~~i$.param_CLoverride"
+foo = len(lxml.__version__)
+# fug you, flake8. Say my name!
+FAKEEXE = "~~~REMOVE~~~ME~~~"
+# need this until a PR/version bump to fix galaxyxml prepending the exe even
+# with override.
+def timenow():
+    """return current time as a string"""
+    return time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
+def quote_non_numeric(s):
+    """return a prequoted string for non-numerics
+    useful for perl and Rscript parameter passing?
+    """
+    try:
+        _ = float(s)
+        return s
+    except ValueError:
+        return '"%s"' % s
+html_escape_table = {"&": "&amp;", ">": "&gt;", "<": "&lt;", "$": r"\$","#":"&#35;", "$":"&#36;"}
+cheetah_escape_table = {"$": "\$","#":"\#"}
+def html_escape(text):
+    """Produce entities within text."""
+    return "".join([html_escape_table.get(c, c) for c in text])
+def cheetah_escape(text):
+    """Produce entities within text."""
+    return "".join([cheetah_escape_table.get(c, c) for c in text])
+def html_unescape(text):
+    """Revert entities within text. Multiple character targets so use replace"""
+    t = text.replace("&amp;", "&")
+    t = t.replace("&gt;", ">")
+    t = t.replace("&lt;", "<")
+    t = t.replace("\\$", "$")
+    t = t.replace("&#36;","$")
+    t = t.replace("&#35;","#")
+    return t
+def parse_citations(citations_text):
+    """"""
+    citations = [c for c in citations_text.split("**ENTRY**") if c.strip()]
+    citation_tuples = []
+    for citation in citations:
+        if citation.startswith("doi"):
+            citation_tuples.append(("doi", citation[len("doi") :].strip()))
+        else:
+            citation_tuples.append(("bibtex", citation[len("bibtex") :].strip()))
+    return citation_tuples
+class ScriptRunner:
+    """Wrapper for an arbitrary script
+    uses galaxyxml
+    """
+    def __init__(self, args=None):
+        """
+        prepare command line cl for running the tool here
+        and prepare elements needed for galaxyxml tool generation
+        """
+        self.ourcwd = os.getcwd()
+        self.ourenv = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)
+        self.infiles = [x.split(ourdelim) for x in args.input_files]
+        self.outfiles = [x.split(ourdelim) for x in args.output_files]
+        self.addpar = [x.split(ourdelim) for x in args.additional_parameters]
+        self.args = args
+        self.cleanuppar()
+        self.lastclredirect = None
+        self.lastxclredirect = None
+        self.cl = []
+        self.xmlcl = []
+        self.is_positional = self.args.parampass == "positional"
+        if self.args.sysexe:
+            self.executeme = self.args.sysexe
+        else:
+            if self.args.packages:
+                self.executeme = self.args.packages.split(",")[0].split(":")[0]
+            else:
+                self.executeme = None
+        aCL = self.cl.append
+        aXCL = self.xmlcl.append
+        assert args.parampass in [
+            "0",
+            "argparse",
+            "positional",
+        ], 'args.parampass must be "0","positional" or "argparse"'
+        self.tool_name = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+", "", args.tool_name)
+        self.tool_id = self.tool_name
+        self.newtool = gxt.Tool(
+            self.tool_name,
+            self.tool_id,
+            self.args.tool_version,
+            self.args.tool_desc,
+            FAKEEXE,
+        )
+        self.newtarpath = "toolfactory_%s.tgz" % self.tool_name
+        self.tooloutdir = "./tfout"
+        self.repdir = "./TF_run_report_tempdir"
+        self.testdir = os.path.join(self.tooloutdir, "test-data")
+        if not os.path.exists(self.tooloutdir):
+            os.mkdir(self.tooloutdir)
+        if not os.path.exists(self.testdir):
+            os.mkdir(self.testdir)
+        if not os.path.exists(self.repdir):
+            os.mkdir(self.repdir)
+        self.tinputs = gxtp.Inputs()
+        self.toutputs = gxtp.Outputs()
+        self.testparam = []
+        if self.args.script_path:
+            self.prepScript()
+        if self.args.command_override:
+            scos = open(self.args.command_override, "r").readlines()
+            self.command_override = [x.rstrip() for x in scos]
+        else:
+            self.command_override = None
+        if self.args.test_override:
+            stos = open(self.args.test_override, "r").readlines()
+            self.test_override = [x.rstrip() for x in stos]
+        else:
+            self.test_override = None
+        if self.args.cl_prefix:  # DIY CL start
+            clp = self.args.cl_prefix.split(" ")
+            for c in clp:
+                aCL(c)
+                aXCL(c)
+        else:
+            if self.args.script_path:
+                aCL(self.executeme)
+                aCL(self.sfile)
+                aXCL(self.executeme)
+                aXCL("$runme")
+            else:
+                aCL(self.executeme)
+                aXCL(self.executeme)
+        self.elog = os.path.join(self.repdir, "%s_error_log.txt" % self.tool_name)
+        self.tlog = os.path.join(self.repdir, "%s_runner_log.txt" % self.tool_name)
+        if self.args.parampass == "0":
+            self.clsimple()
+        else:
+            clsuffix = []
+            xclsuffix = []
+            for i, p in enumerate(self.infiles):
+                if p[IOCLPOS] == "STDIN":
+                    appendme = [
+                        p[IOCLPOS],
+                        p[ICLPOS],
+                        p[IPATHPOS],
+                        "< %s" % p[IPATHPOS],
+                    ]
+                    xappendme = [
+                        p[IOCLPOS],
+                        p[ICLPOS],
+                        p[IPATHPOS],
+                        "< $%s" % p[ICLPOS],
+                    ]
+                else:
+                    appendme = [p[IOCLPOS], p[ICLPOS], p[IPATHPOS], ""]
+                    xappendme = [p[IOCLPOS], p[ICLPOS], "$%s" % p[ICLPOS], ""]
+                clsuffix.append(appendme)
+                xclsuffix.append(xappendme)
+            for i, p in enumerate(self.outfiles):
+                if p[OOCLPOS] == "STDOUT":
+                    self.lastclredirect = [">", p[ONAMEPOS]]
+                    self.lastxclredirect = [">", "$%s" % p[OCLPOS]]
+                else:
+                    clsuffix.append([p[ONAMEPOS], p[ONAMEPOS], p[ONAMEPOS], ""])
+                    xclsuffix.append([p[ONAMEPOS], p[ONAMEPOS], "$%s" % p[ONAMEPOS], ""])
+            for p in self.addpar:
+                clsuffix.append([p[AOCLPOS], p[ACLPOS], p[AVALPOS], p[AOVERPOS]])
+                xclsuffix.append(
+                    [p[AOCLPOS], p[ACLPOS], '"$%s"' % p[ANAMEPOS], p[AOVERPOS]]
+                )
+            clsuffix.sort()
+            xclsuffix.sort()
+            self.xclsuffix = xclsuffix
+            self.clsuffix = clsuffix
+            if self.args.parampass == "positional":
+                self.clpositional()
+            else:
+                self.clargparse()
+    def prepScript(self):
+        rx = open(self.args.script_path, "r").readlines()
+        rx = [x.rstrip() for x in rx]
+        rxcheck = [x.strip() for x in rx if x.strip() > ""]
+        assert len(rxcheck) > 0, "Supplied script is empty. Cannot run"
+        self.script = "\n".join(rx)
+        fhandle, self.sfile = tempfile.mkstemp(
+            prefix=self.tool_name, suffix="_%s" % (self.executeme)
+        )
+        tscript = open(self.sfile, "w")
+        tscript.write(self.script)
+        tscript.close()
+        self.escapedScript = [cheetah_escape(x) for x in rx]
+        self.spacedScript = [f"    {x}" for x in rx if x.strip() > ""]
+        art = "%s.%s" % (self.tool_name, self.executeme)
+        artifact = open(art, "wb")
+        artifact.write(bytes('\n'.join(self.escapedScript),'utf8'))
+        artifact.close()
+    def cleanuppar(self):
+        """ positional parameters are complicated by their numeric ordinal"""
+        for i, p in enumerate(self.infiles):
+            infp = copy.copy(p)
+            if self.args.parampass == "positional":
+                assert infp[
+                    ICLPOS
+                ].isdigit(), "Positional parameters must be ordinal integers - got %s for %s" % (
+                    infp[ICLPOS],
+                    infp[ILABPOS],
+                )
+            icl = infp[ICLPOS]
+            infp.append(icl)
+            if infp[ICLPOS].isdigit() or self.args.parampass == "0":
+                scl = "input%d" % (i + 1)
+                infp[ICLPOS] = scl
+            self.infiles[i] = infp
+        for i, p in enumerate(
+            self.outfiles
+        ):
+            if self.args.parampass == "positional" and p[OCLPOS].upper() != "STDOUT":
+                assert p[
+                    OCLPOS
+                ].isdigit(), "Positional parameters must be ordinal integers - got %s for %s" % (
+                    p[OCLPOS],
+                    p[ONAMEPOS],
+                )
+            p.append(p[OCLPOS]) # keep copy
+            if p[OOCLPOS].isdigit() or p[OOCLPOS].upper() == "STDOUT":
+                scl = p[ONAMEPOS]
+                p[OCLPOS] = scl
+            self.outfiles[i] = p
+        for i, p in enumerate(self.addpar):
+            if self.args.parampass == "positional":
+                assert p[
+                    ACLPOS
+                ].isdigit(), "Positional parameters must be ordinal integers - got %s for %s" % (
+                    p[ACLPOS],
+                    p[ANAMEPOS],
+                )
+            p.append(p[ACLPOS])
+            if p[ACLPOS].isdigit():
+                scl = "input%s" % p[ACLPOS]
+                p[ACLPOS] = scl
+            self.addpar[i] = p
+    def clsimple(self):
+        """no parameters - uses < and > for i/o"""
+        aCL = self.cl.append
+        aXCL = self.xmlcl.append
+        if len(self.infiles) > 0:
+            aCL("<")
+            aCL(self.infiles[0][IPATHPOS])
+            aXCL("<")
+            aXCL("$%s" % self.infiles[0][ICLPOS])
+        if len(self.outfiles) > 0:
+            aCL(">")
+            aCL(self.outfiles[0][OCLPOS])
+            aXCL(">")
+            aXCL("$%s" % self.outfiles[0][ONAMEPOS])
+    def clpositional(self):
+        # inputs in order then params
+        aCL = self.cl.append
+        for (o_v, k, v, koverride) in self.clsuffix:
+            if " " in v:
+                aCL("%s" % v)
+            else:
+                aCL(v)
+        aXCL = self.xmlcl.append
+        for (o_v, k, v, koverride) in self.xclsuffix:
+            aXCL(v)
+        if self.lastxclredirect:
+            aXCL(self.lastxclredirect[0])
+            aXCL(self.lastxclredirect[1])
+    def clargparse(self):
+        """argparse style"""
+        aCL = self.cl.append
+        aXCL = self.xmlcl.append
+        # inputs then params in argparse named form
+        for (o_v, k, v, koverride) in self.xclsuffix:
+            if koverride > "":
+                k = koverride
+            elif len(k.strip()) == 1:
+                k = "-%s" % k
+            else:
+                k = "--%s" % k
+            aXCL(k)
+            aXCL(v)
+        for (o_v, k, v, koverride) in self.clsuffix:
+            if koverride > "":
+                k = koverride
+            elif len(k.strip()) == 1:
+                k = "-%s" % k
+            else:
+                k = "--%s" % k
+            aCL(k)
+            aCL(v)
+    def getNdash(self, newname):
+        if self.is_positional:
+            ndash = 0
+        else:
+            ndash = 2
+            if len(newname) < 2:
+                ndash = 1
+        return ndash
+    def doXMLparam(self):
+        """flake8 made me do this..."""
+        for p in self.outfiles: # --output_files "$otab.history_name~~~$otab.history_format~~~$otab.history_CL~~~$otab.history_test"
+            newname, newfmt, newcl, test, oldcl = p
+            test = test.strip()
+            ndash = self.getNdash(newcl)
+            aparm = gxtp.OutputData(name=newname, format=newfmt, num_dashes=ndash, label=newcl)
+            aparm.positional = self.is_positional
+            if self.is_positional:
+                if oldcl.upper() == "STDOUT":
+                    aparm.positional = 9999999
+                    aparm.command_line_override = "> $%s" % newname
+                else:
+                    aparm.positional = int(oldcl)
+                    aparm.command_line_override = "$%s" % newname
+            self.toutputs.append(aparm)
+            ld = None
+            if test.strip() > "":
+                if test.startswith("diff"):
+                    c = "diff"
+                    ld = 0
+                    if test.split(":")[1].isdigit:
+                        ld = int(test.split(":")[1])
+                    tp = gxtp.TestOutput(
+                                    name=newcl,
+                                    value="%s_sample" % newcl,
+                                    format=newfmt,
+                                    compare= c,
+                                    lines_diff=ld,
+                                )
+                elif test.startswith("sim_size"):
+                    c = "sim_size"
+                    tn = test.split(":")[1].strip()
+                    if tn > '':
+                        if '.' in tn:
+                            delta = None
+                            delta_frac = min(1.0,float(tn))
+                        else:
+                            delta = int(tn)
+                            delta_frac = None
+                    tp = gxtp.TestOutput(
+                                    name=newcl,
+                                    value="%s_sample" % newcl,
+                                    format=newfmt,
+                                    compare= c,
+                                    delta = delta,
+                                    delta_frac = delta_frac
+                                )
+                self.testparam.append(tp)
+        for p in self.infiles:
+            newname = p[ICLPOS]
+            newfmt = p[IFMTPOS]
+            ndash = self.getNdash(newname)
+            if not len(p[ILABPOS]) > 0:
+                alab = p[ICLPOS]
+            else:
+                alab = p[ILABPOS]
+            aninput = gxtp.DataParam(
+                newname,
+                optional=False,
+                label=alab,
+                help=p[IHELPOS],
+                format=newfmt,
+                multiple=False,
+                num_dashes=ndash,
+            )
+            aninput.positional = self.is_positional
+            self.tinputs.append(aninput)
+            tparm = gxtp.TestParam(name=newname, value="%s_sample" % newname)
+            self.testparam.append(tparm)
+        for p in self.addpar:
+            newname, newval, newlabel, newhelp, newtype, newcl, override, oldcl = p
+            if not len(newlabel) > 0:
+                newlabel = newname
+            ndash = self.getNdash(newname)
+            if newtype == "text":
+                aparm = gxtp.TextParam(
+                    newname,
+                    label=newlabel,
+                    help=newhelp,
+                    value=newval,
+                    num_dashes=ndash,
+                )
+            elif newtype == "integer":
+                aparm = gxtp.IntegerParam(
+                    newname,
+                    label=newname,
+                    help=newhelp,
+                    value=newval,
+                    num_dashes=ndash,
+                )
+            elif newtype == "float":
+                aparm = gxtp.FloatParam(
+                    newname,
+                    label=newname,
+                    help=newhelp,
+                    value=newval,
+                    num_dashes=ndash,
+                )
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    'Unrecognised parameter type "%s" for\
+                 additional parameter %s in makeXML'
+                    % (newtype, newname)
+                )
+            aparm.positional = self.is_positional
+            if self.is_positional:
+                aparm.positional = int(oldcl)
+            self.tinputs.append(aparm)
+            tparm = gxtp.TestParam(newname, value=newval)
+            self.testparam.append(tparm)
+    def doNoXMLparam(self):
+        """filter style package - stdin to stdout"""
+        if len(self.infiles) > 0:
+            alab = self.infiles[0][ILABPOS]
+            if len(alab) == 0:
+                alab = self.infiles[0][ICLPOS]
+            max1s = (
+                "Maximum one input if parampass is 0 but multiple input files supplied - %s"
+                % str(self.infiles)
+            )
+            assert len(self.infiles) == 1, max1s
+            newname = self.infiles[0][ICLPOS]
+            aninput = gxtp.DataParam(
+                newname,
+                optional=False,
+                label=alab,
+                help=self.infiles[0][IHELPOS],
+                format=self.infiles[0][IFMTPOS],
+                multiple=False,
+                num_dashes=0,
+            )
+            aninput.command_line_override = "< $%s" % newname
+            aninput.positional = self.is_positional
+            self.tinputs.append(aninput)
+            tp = gxtp.TestParam(name=newname, value="%s_sample" % newname)
+            self.testparam.append(tp)
+        if len(self.outfiles) > 0:
+            newname = self.outfiles[0][OCLPOS]
+            newfmt = self.outfiles[0][OFMTPOS]
+            anout = gxtp.OutputData(newname, format=newfmt, num_dashes=0)
+            anout.command_line_override = "> $%s" % newname
+            anout.positional = self.is_positional
+            self.toutputs.append(anout)
+            tp = gxtp.TestOutput(
+                name=newname, value="%s_sample" % newname, format=newfmt
+            )
+            self.testparam.append(tp)
+    def makeXML(self):
+        """
+        Create a Galaxy xml tool wrapper for the new script
+        Uses galaxyhtml
+        Hmmm. How to get the command line into correct order...
+        """
+        if self.command_override:
+            self.newtool.command_override = self.command_override  # config file
+        else:
+            self.newtool.command_override = self.xmlcl
+        if self.args.help_text:
+            helptext = open(self.args.help_text, "r").readlines()
+            safertext = "\n".join([cheetah_escape(x) for x in helptext])
+            if self.args.script_path:
+                scr = [x for x in self.spacedScript if x.strip() > ""]
+                scr.insert(0,'\n------\n\n\nScript::\n')
+                if len(scr) > 300:
+                    scr = (
+                        scr[:100]
+                        + ["    >300 lines - stuff deleted", "    ......"]
+                        + scr[-100:]
+                    )
+                scr.append('\n')
+                safertext = safertext + "\n".join(scr)
+            self.newtool.help = safertext
+        else:
+            self.newtool.help = (
+                "Please ask the tool author (%s) for help \
+              as none was supplied at tool generation\n"
+                % (self.args.user_email)
+            )
+        self.newtool.version_command = None  # do not want
+        requirements = gxtp.Requirements()
+        if self.args.packages:
+            for d in self.args.packages.split(","):
+                ver = ''
+                d = d.replace('==',':')
+                d = d.replace('=',':')
+                if ":" in d:
+                    packg, ver = d.split(":")
+                else:
+                    packg = d
+                requirements.append(
+                    gxtp.Requirement("package", packg.strip(), ver.strip())
+                )
+        self.newtool.requirements = requirements
+        if self.args.parampass == "0":
+            self.doNoXMLparam()
+        else:
+            self.doXMLparam()
+        self.newtool.outputs = self.toutputs
+        self.newtool.inputs = self.tinputs
+        if self.args.script_path:
+            configfiles = gxtp.Configfiles()
+            configfiles.append(gxtp.Configfile(name="runme", text="\n".join(self.escapedScript)))
+            self.newtool.configfiles = configfiles
+        tests = gxtp.Tests()
+        test_a = gxtp.Test()
+        for tp in self.testparam:
+            test_a.append(tp)
+        tests.append(test_a)
+        self.newtool.tests = tests
+        self.newtool.add_comment(
+            "Created by %s at %s using the Galaxy Tool Factory."
+            % (self.args.user_email, timenow())
+        )
+        self.newtool.add_comment("Source in git at: %s" % (toolFactoryURL))
+        self.newtool.add_comment(
+            "Cite: Creating re-usable tools from scripts doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts573"
+        )
+        exml0 = self.newtool.export()
+        exml = exml0.replace(FAKEEXE, "")  # temporary work around until PR accepted
+        if (
+            self.test_override
+        ):  # cannot do this inside galaxyxml as it expects lxml objects for tests
+            part1 = exml.split("<tests>")[0]
+            part2 = exml.split("</tests>")[1]
+            fixed = "%s\n%s\n%s" % (part1, self.test_override, part2)
+            exml = fixed
+        #exml = exml.replace('range="1:"', 'range="1000:"')
+        xf = open("%s.xml" % self.tool_name, "w")
+        xf.write(exml)
+        xf.write("\n")
+        xf.close()
+        # ready for the tarball
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        generate test outputs by running a command line
+        won't work if command or test override in play - planemo is the
+        easiest way to generate test outputs for that case so is
+        automagically selected
+        """
+        scl = " ".join(self.cl)
+        err = None
+        if self.args.parampass != "0":
+            if os.path.exists(self.elog):
+                ste = open(self.elog, "a")
+            else:
+                ste = open(self.elog, "w")
+            if self.lastclredirect:
+                sto = open(self.lastclredirect[1], "wb")  # is name of an output file
+            else:
+                if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+                    sto = open(self.tlog, "a")
+                else:
+                    sto = open(self.tlog, "w")
+                sto.write(
+                    "## Executing Toolfactory generated command line = %s\n" % scl
+                )
+            sto.flush()
+            subp = subprocess.run(
+                self.cl, env=self.ourenv, shell=False, stdout=sto, stderr=ste
+            )
+            sto.close()
+            ste.close()
+            retval = subp.returncode
+        else:  # work around special case - stdin and write to stdout
+            if len(self.infiles) > 0:
+                sti = open(self.infiles[0][IPATHPOS], "rb")
+            else:
+                sti = sys.stdin
+            if len(self.outfiles) > 0:
+                sto = open(self.outfiles[0][ONAMEPOS], "wb")
+            else:
+                sto = sys.stdout
+            subp = subprocess.run(
+                self.cl, env=self.ourenv, shell=False, stdout=sto, stdin=sti
+            )
+            sto.write("## Executing Toolfactory generated command line = %s\n" % scl)
+            retval = subp.returncode
+            sto.close()
+            sti.close()
+        if os.path.isfile(self.tlog) and os.stat(self.tlog).st_size == 0:
+            os.unlink(self.tlog)
+        if os.path.isfile(self.elog) and os.stat(self.elog).st_size == 0:
+            os.unlink(self.elog)
+        if retval != 0 and err:  # problem
+            sys.stderr.write(err)
+        logging.debug("run done")
+        return retval
+    def copy_to_container(self, src, dest, container):
+        """Recreate the src directory tree at dest - full path included"""
+        idir = os.getcwd()
+        workdir = os.path.dirname(src)
+        os.chdir(workdir)
+        _, tfname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".tar")
+        tar = tarfile.open(tfname, mode="w")
+        srcb = os.path.basename(src)
+        tar.add(srcb)
+        tar.close()
+        data = open(tfname, "rb").read()
+        container.put_archive(dest, data)
+        os.unlink(tfname)
+        os.chdir(idir)
+    def copy_from_container(self, src, dest, container):
+        """recreate the src directory tree at dest using docker sdk"""
+        os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True)
+        _, tfname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".tar")
+        tf = open(tfname, "wb")
+        bits, stat = container.get_archive(src)
+        for chunk in bits:
+            tf.write(chunk)
+        tf.close()
+        tar = tarfile.open(tfname, "r")
+        tar.extractall(dest)
+        tar.close()
+        os.unlink(tfname)
+    def planemo_biodocker_test(self):
+        """planemo currently leaks dependencies if used in the same container and gets unhappy after a
+        first successful run. https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/1078#issuecomment-731476930
+        Docker biocontainer has planemo with caches filled to save repeated downloads
+        """
+        def prun(container, tout, cl, user="biodocker"):
+            rlog = container.exec_run(cl, user=user)
+            slogl = str(rlog).split("\\n")
+            slog = "\n".join(slogl)
+            tout.write(f"## got rlog {slog} from {cl}\n")
+        if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "a")
+        else:
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "w")
+        planemoimage = "quay.io/fubar2/planemo-biocontainer"
+        xreal = "%s.xml" % self.tool_name
+        repname = f"{self.tool_name}_planemo_test_report.html"
+        ptestrep_path = os.path.join(self.repdir, repname)
+        tool_name = self.tool_name
+        client = docker.from_env()
+        tvol = client.volumes.create()
+        tvolname = tvol.name
+        destdir = "/toolfactory/ptest"
+        imrep = os.path.join(destdir, repname)
+        # need to keep the container running so keep it open with sleep
+        # will stop and destroy it when we are done
+        container = client.containers.run(
+            planemoimage,
+            "sleep 120m",
+            detach=True,
+            user="biodocker",
+            volumes={f"{tvolname}": {"bind": "/toolfactory", "mode": "rw"}},
+        )
+        cl = f"mkdir -p {destdir}"
+        prun(container, tout, cl, user="root")
+        # that's how hard it is to get root on a biodocker container :(
+        cl = f"rm -rf {destdir}/*"
+        prun(container, tout, cl, user="root")
+        ptestpath = os.path.join(destdir, "tfout", xreal)
+        self.copy_to_container(self.tooloutdir, destdir, container)
+        cl = "chown -R biodocker /toolfactory"
+        prun(container, tout, cl, user="root")
+        rlog = container.exec_run(f"ls -la {destdir}")
+        ptestcl = f"planemo test  --update_test_data  --no_cleanup --test_data {destdir}/tfout/test-data --galaxy_root /home/biodocker/galaxy-central {ptestpath}"
+        try:
+            rlog = container.exec_run(ptestcl)
+            # fails because test outputs missing but updates the test-data directory
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[0]
+            tout.write(f"#### error: {e} from {ptestcl}\n")
+        cl = f"planemo test  --test_output {imrep} --no_cleanup --test_data {destdir}/tfout/test-data --galaxy_root /home/biodocker/galaxy-central {ptestpath}"
+        try:
+            prun(container, tout, cl)
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[0]
+            tout.write(f"#### error: {e} from {ptestcl}\n")
+        testouts = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=None, prefix="tftemp", dir=".")
+        self.copy_from_container(destdir, testouts, container)
+        src = os.path.join(testouts, "ptest")
+        if os.path.isdir(src):
+            shutil.copytree(src, ".", dirs_exist_ok=True)
+            src = repname
+            if os.path.isfile(repname):
+                shutil.copyfile(src, ptestrep_path)
+        else:
+            tout.write(f"No output from run to shutil.copytree in {src}\n")
+        tout.close()
+        container.stop()
+        container.remove()
+        tvol.remove()
+        shutil.rmtree(testouts) # leave for debugging
+    def shedLoad(self):
+        """
+        use bioblend to create new repository
+        or update existing
+        """
+        if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+            sto = open(self.tlog, "a")
+        else:
+            sto = open(self.tlog, "w")
+        ts = toolshed.ToolShedInstance(
+            url=self.args.toolshed_url, key=self.args.toolshed_api_key, verify=False
+        )
+        repos = ts.repositories.get_repositories()
+        rnames = [x.get("name", "?") for x in repos]
+        rids = [x.get("id", "?") for x in repos]
+        tfcat = "ToolFactory generated tools"
+        if self.tool_name not in rnames:
+            tscat = ts.categories.get_categories()
+            cnames = [x.get("name", "?").strip() for x in tscat]
+            cids = [x.get("id", "?") for x in tscat]
+            catID = None
+            if tfcat.strip() in cnames:
+                ci = cnames.index(tfcat)
+                catID = cids[ci]
+            res = ts.repositories.create_repository(
+                name=self.args.tool_name,
+                synopsis="Synopsis:%s" % self.args.tool_desc,
+                description=self.args.tool_desc,
+                type="unrestricted",
+                remote_repository_url=self.args.toolshed_url,
+                homepage_url=None,
+                category_ids=catID,
+            )
+            tid = res.get("id", None)
+            sto.write(f"#create_repository {self.args.tool_name} tid={tid} res={res}\n")
+        else:
+            i = rnames.index(self.tool_name)
+            tid = rids[i]
+        try:
+            res = ts.repositories.update_repository(
+                id=tid, tar_ball_path=self.newtarpath, commit_message=None
+            )
+            sto.write(f"#update res id {id} ={res}\n")
+        except ConnectionError:
+            sto.write(
+                "####### Is the toolshed running and the API key correct? Bioblend shed upload failed\n"
+            )
+        sto.close()
+    def eph_galaxy_load(self):
+        """
+        use ephemeris to load the new tool from the local toolshed after planemo uploads it
+        """
+        if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "a")
+        else:
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "w")
+        cll = [
+            "shed-tools",
+            "install",
+            "-g",
+            self.args.galaxy_url,
+            "--latest",
+            "-a",
+            self.args.galaxy_api_key,
+            "--name",
+            self.tool_name,
+            "--owner",
+            "fubar",
+            "--toolshed",
+            self.args.toolshed_url,
+            "--section_label",
+            "ToolFactory",
+        ]
+        tout.write("running\n%s\n" % " ".join(cll))
+        subp = subprocess.run(
+            cll, env=self.ourenv, cwd=self.ourcwd, shell=False, stderr=tout, stdout=tout
+        )
+        tout.write(
+            "installed %s - got retcode %d\n" % (self.tool_name, subp.returncode)
+        )
+        tout.close()
+        return subp.returncode
+    def writeShedyml(self):
+        """for planemo"""
+        yuser = self.args.user_email.split("@")[0]
+        yfname = os.path.join(self.tooloutdir, ".shed.yml")
+        yamlf = open(yfname, "w")
+        odict = {
+            "name": self.tool_name,
+            "owner": yuser,
+            "type": "unrestricted",
+            "description": self.args.tool_desc,
+            "synopsis": self.args.tool_desc,
+            "category": "TF Generated Tools",
+        }
+        yaml.dump(odict, yamlf, allow_unicode=True)
+        yamlf.close()
+    def makeTool(self):
+        """write xmls and input samples into place"""
+        self.makeXML()
+        if self.args.script_path:
+            stname = os.path.join(self.tooloutdir, "%s" % (self.sfile))
+            if not os.path.exists(stname):
+                shutil.copyfile(self.sfile, stname)
+        xreal = "%s.xml" % self.tool_name
+        xout = os.path.join(self.tooloutdir, xreal)
+        shutil.copyfile(xreal, xout)
+        for p in self.infiles:
+            pth = p[IPATHPOS]
+            dest = os.path.join(self.testdir, "%s_sample" % p[ICLPOS])
+            shutil.copyfile(pth, dest)
+    def makeToolTar(self):
+        """move outputs into test-data and prepare the tarball"""
+        excludeme = "_planemo_test_report.html"
+        def exclude_function(tarinfo):
+            filename = tarinfo.name
+            return None if filename.endswith(excludeme) else tarinfo
+        if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "a")
+        else:
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "w")
+        for p in self.outfiles:
+            oname = p[ONAMEPOS]
+            tdest = os.path.join(self.testdir, "%s_sample" % oname)
+            if not os.path.isfile(tdest):
+                src = os.path.join(self.testdir, oname)
+                if os.path.isfile(src):
+                    shutil.copyfile(src, tdest)
+                    dest = os.path.join(self.repdir, "%s.sample" % (oname))
+                    shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+                else:
+                    tout.write(
+                        "###Output file %s not found in testdir %s. This is normal during the first Planemo run that generates test outputs"
+                        % (tdest, self.testdir)
+                    )
+        tf = tarfile.open(self.newtarpath, "w:gz")
+        tf.add(name=self.tooloutdir, arcname=self.tool_name, filter=exclude_function)
+        tf.close()
+        shutil.copyfile(self.newtarpath, self.args.new_tool)
+    def moveRunOutputs(self):
+        """need to move planemo or run outputs into toolfactory collection"""
+        with os.scandir(self.tooloutdir) as outs:
+            for entry in outs:
+                if not entry.is_file():
+                    continue
+                if "." in entry.name:
+                    nayme, ext = os.path.splitext(entry.name)
+                    if ext in [".yml", ".xml", ".json", ".yaml"]:
+                        ext = f"{ext}.txt"
+                else:
+                    ext = ".txt"
+                ofn = "%s%s" % (entry.name.replace(".", "_"), ext)
+                dest = os.path.join(self.repdir, ofn)
+                src = os.path.join(self.tooloutdir, entry.name)
+                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+        with os.scandir(self.testdir) as outs:
+            for entry in outs:
+                if (
+                    (not entry.is_file())
+                    or entry.name.endswith("_sample")
+                    or entry.name.endswith("_planemo_test_report.html")
+                ):
+                    continue
+                if "." in entry.name:
+                    nayme, ext = os.path.splitext(entry.name)
+                else:
+                    ext = ".txt"
+                newname = f"{entry.name}{ext}"
+                dest = os.path.join(self.repdir, newname)
+                src = os.path.join(self.testdir, entry.name)
+                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+def main():
+    """
+    This is a Galaxy wrapper. It expects to be called by a special purpose tool.xml
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    a = parser.add_argument
+    a("--script_path", default=None)
+    a("--history_test", default=None)
+    a("--cl_prefix", default=None)
+    a("--sysexe", default=None)
+    a("--packages", default=None)
+    a("--tool_name", default="newtool")
+    a("--tool_dir", default=None)
+    a("--input_files", default=[], action="append")
+    a("--output_files", default=[], action="append")
+    a("--user_email", default="Unknown")
+    a("--bad_user", default=None)
+    a("--make_Tool", default="runonly")
+    a("--help_text", default=None)
+    a("--tool_desc", default=None)
+    a("--tool_version", default=None)
+    a("--citations", default=None)
+    a("--command_override", default=None)
+    a("--test_override", default=None)
+    a("--additional_parameters", action="append", default=[])
+    a("--edit_additional_parameters", action="store_true", default=False)
+    a("--parampass", default="positional")
+    a("--tfout", default="./tfout")
+    a("--new_tool", default="new_tool")
+    a("--galaxy_url", default="http://localhost:8080")
+    a("--toolshed_url", default="http://localhost:9009")
+    # make sure this is identical to tool_sheds_conf.xml  localhost != so validation fails
+    a("--toolshed_api_key", default="fakekey")
+    a("--galaxy_api_key", default="fakekey")
+    a("--galaxy_root", default="/galaxy-central")
+    a("--galaxy_venv", default="/galaxy_venv")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    assert not args.bad_user, (
+        'UNAUTHORISED: %s is NOT authorized to use this tool until Galaxy admin adds %s to "admin_users" in the galaxy.yml Galaxy configuration file'
+        % (args.bad_user, args.bad_user)
+    )
+    assert args.tool_name, "## Tool Factory expects a tool name - eg --tool_name=DESeq"
+    assert (
+        args.sysexe or args.packages
+    ), "## Tool Factory wrapper expects an interpreter or an executable package"
+    args.input_files = [x.replace('"', "").replace("'", "") for x in args.input_files]
+    # remove quotes we need to deal with spaces in CL params
+    for i, x in enumerate(args.additional_parameters):
+        args.additional_parameters[i] = args.additional_parameters[i].replace('"', "")
+    r = ScriptRunner(args)
+    r.writeShedyml()
+    r.makeTool()
+    if args.make_Tool == "generate":
+        retcode = r.run()  # for testing toolfactory itself
+        r.moveRunOutputs()
+        r.makeToolTar()
+    else:
+        r.planemo_biodocker_test()  # test to make outputs and then test
+        r.moveRunOutputs()
+        r.makeToolTar()
+        if args.make_Tool == "gentestinstall":
+            r.shedLoad()
+            r.eph_galaxy_load()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()