diff docker/alphafold/alphafold/data/msa_pairing.py @ 1:6c92e000d684 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/usegalaxy-au/galaxy-local-tools commit a510e97ebd604a5e30b1f16e5031f62074f23e86"
author galaxy-australia
date Tue, 01 Mar 2022 02:53:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docker/alphafold/alphafold/data/msa_pairing.py	Tue Mar 01 02:53:05 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+# Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Pairing logic for multimer data pipeline."""
+import collections
+import functools
+import re
+import string
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence
+from alphafold.common import residue_constants
+from alphafold.data import pipeline
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import scipy.linalg
+ALPHA_ACCESSION_ID_MAP = {x: y for y, x in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase)}
+    chr: num for num, chr in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
+}  # A-Z,0-9
+NUM_ACCESSION_ID_MAP = {str(x): x for x in range(10)}                # 0-9
+MSA_GAP_IDX = residue_constants.restypes_with_x_and_gap.index('-')
+MSA_PAD_VALUES = {'msa_all_seq': MSA_GAP_IDX,
+                  'msa_mask_all_seq': 1,
+                  'deletion_matrix_all_seq': 0,
+                  'deletion_matrix_int_all_seq': 0,
+                  'msa': MSA_GAP_IDX,
+                  'msa_mask': 1,
+                  'deletion_matrix': 0,
+                  'deletion_matrix_int': 0}
+MSA_FEATURES = ('msa', 'msa_mask', 'deletion_matrix', 'deletion_matrix_int')
+SEQ_FEATURES = ('residue_index', 'aatype', 'all_atom_positions',
+                'all_atom_mask', 'seq_mask', 'between_segment_residues',
+                'has_alt_locations', 'has_hetatoms', 'asym_id', 'entity_id',
+                'sym_id', 'entity_mask', 'deletion_mean',
+                'prediction_atom_mask',
+                'literature_positions', 'atom_indices_to_group_indices',
+                'rigid_group_default_frame')
+TEMPLATE_FEATURES = ('template_aatype', 'template_all_atom_positions',
+                     'template_all_atom_mask')
+CHAIN_FEATURES = ('num_alignments', 'seq_length')
+domain_name_pattern = re.compile(
+    r'''^(?P<pdb>[a-z\d]{4})
+    \{(?P<bioassembly>[\d+(\+\d+)?])\}
+    (?P<chain>[a-zA-Z\d]+)
+    \{(?P<transform_index>\d+)\}$
+    ''', re.VERBOSE)
+def create_paired_features(
+    chains: Iterable[pipeline.FeatureDict],
+    prokaryotic: bool,
+    ) ->  List[pipeline.FeatureDict]:
+  """Returns the original chains with paired NUM_SEQ features.
+  Args:
+    chains:  A list of feature dictionaries for each chain.
+    prokaryotic: Whether the target complex is from a prokaryotic organism.
+      Used to determine the distance metric for pairing.
+  Returns:
+    A list of feature dictionaries with sequence features including only
+    rows to be paired.
+  """
+  chains = list(chains)
+  chain_keys = chains[0].keys()
+  if len(chains) < 2:
+    return chains
+  else:
+    updated_chains = []
+    paired_chains_to_paired_row_indices = pair_sequences(
+        chains, prokaryotic)
+    paired_rows = reorder_paired_rows(
+        paired_chains_to_paired_row_indices)
+    for chain_num, chain in enumerate(chains):
+      new_chain = {k: v for k, v in chain.items() if '_all_seq' not in k}
+      for feature_name in chain_keys:
+        if feature_name.endswith('_all_seq'):
+          feats_padded = pad_features(chain[feature_name], feature_name)
+          new_chain[feature_name] = feats_padded[paired_rows[:, chain_num]]
+      new_chain['num_alignments_all_seq'] = np.asarray(
+          len(paired_rows[:, chain_num]))
+      updated_chains.append(new_chain)
+    return updated_chains
+def pad_features(feature: np.ndarray, feature_name: str) -> np.ndarray:
+  """Add a 'padding' row at the end of the features list.
+  The padding row will be selected as a 'paired' row in the case of partial
+  alignment - for the chain that doesn't have paired alignment.
+  Args:
+    feature: The feature to be padded.
+    feature_name: The name of the feature to be padded.
+  Returns:
+    The feature with an additional padding row.
+  """
+  assert feature.dtype != np.dtype(np.string_)
+  if feature_name in ('msa_all_seq', 'msa_mask_all_seq',
+                      'deletion_matrix_all_seq', 'deletion_matrix_int_all_seq'):
+    num_res = feature.shape[1]
+    padding = MSA_PAD_VALUES[feature_name] * np.ones([1, num_res],
+                                                     feature.dtype)
+  elif feature_name in ('msa_uniprot_accession_identifiers_all_seq',
+                        'msa_species_identifiers_all_seq'):
+    padding = [b'']
+  else:
+    return feature
+  feats_padded = np.concatenate([feature, padding], axis=0)
+  return feats_padded
+def _make_msa_df(chain_features: pipeline.FeatureDict) -> pd.DataFrame:
+  """Makes dataframe with msa features needed for msa pairing."""
+  chain_msa = chain_features['msa_all_seq']
+  query_seq = chain_msa[0]
+  per_seq_similarity = np.sum(
+      query_seq[None] == chain_msa, axis=-1) / float(len(query_seq))
+  per_seq_gap = np.sum(chain_msa == 21, axis=-1) / float(len(query_seq))
+  msa_df = pd.DataFrame({
+      'msa_species_identifiers':
+          chain_features['msa_species_identifiers_all_seq'],
+      'msa_uniprot_accession_identifiers':
+          chain_features['msa_uniprot_accession_identifiers_all_seq'],
+      'msa_row':
+          np.arange(len(
+              chain_features['msa_uniprot_accession_identifiers_all_seq'])),
+      'msa_similarity': per_seq_similarity,
+      'gap': per_seq_gap
+  })
+  return msa_df
+def _create_species_dict(msa_df: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[bytes, pd.DataFrame]:
+  """Creates mapping from species to msa dataframe of that species."""
+  species_lookup = {}
+  for species, species_df in msa_df.groupby('msa_species_identifiers'):
+    species_lookup[species] = species_df
+  return species_lookup
+def encode_accession(accession_id: str) -> int:
+  """Map accession codes to the serial order in which they were assigned."""
+  alpha = ALPHA_ACCESSION_ID_MAP        # A-Z
+  alphanum = ALPHANUM_ACCESSION_ID_MAP  # A-Z,0-9
+  num = NUM_ACCESSION_ID_MAP            # 0-9
+  coding = 0
+  # This is based on the uniprot accession id format
+  # https://www.uniprot.org/help/accession_numbers
+  if accession_id[0] in {'O', 'P', 'Q'}:
+    bases = (alpha, num, alphanum, alphanum, alphanum, num)
+  elif len(accession_id) == 6:
+    bases = (alpha, num, alpha, alphanum, alphanum, num)
+  elif len(accession_id) == 10:
+    bases = (alpha, num, alpha, alphanum, alphanum, num, alpha, alphanum,
+             alphanum, num)
+  product = 1
+  for place, base in zip(reversed(accession_id), reversed(bases)):
+    coding += base[place] * product
+    product *= len(base)
+  return coding
+def _calc_id_diff(id_a: bytes, id_b: bytes) -> int:
+  return abs(encode_accession(id_a.decode()) - encode_accession(id_b.decode()))
+def _find_all_accession_matches(accession_id_lists: List[List[bytes]],
+                                diff_cutoff: int = 20
+                                ) -> List[List[Any]]:
+  """Finds accession id matches across the chains based on their difference."""
+  all_accession_tuples = []
+  current_tuple = []
+  tokens_used_in_answer = set()
+  def _matches_all_in_current_tuple(inp: bytes, diff_cutoff: int) -> bool:
+    return all((_calc_id_diff(s, inp) < diff_cutoff for s in current_tuple))
+  def _all_tokens_not_used_before() -> bool:
+    return all((s not in tokens_used_in_answer for s in current_tuple))
+  def dfs(level, accession_id, diff_cutoff=diff_cutoff) -> None:
+    if level == len(accession_id_lists) - 1:
+      if _all_tokens_not_used_before():
+        all_accession_tuples.append(list(current_tuple))
+        for s in current_tuple:
+          tokens_used_in_answer.add(s)
+      return
+    if level == -1:
+      new_list = accession_id_lists[level+1]
+    else:
+      new_list = [(_calc_id_diff(accession_id, s), s) for
+                  s in accession_id_lists[level+1]]
+      new_list = sorted(new_list)
+      new_list = [s for d, s in new_list]
+    for s in new_list:
+      if (_matches_all_in_current_tuple(s, diff_cutoff) and
+          s not in tokens_used_in_answer):
+        current_tuple.append(s)
+        dfs(level + 1, s)
+        current_tuple.pop()
+  dfs(-1, '')
+  return all_accession_tuples
+def _accession_row(msa_df: pd.DataFrame, accession_id: bytes) -> pd.Series:
+  matched_df = msa_df[msa_df.msa_uniprot_accession_identifiers == accession_id]
+  return matched_df.iloc[0]
+def _match_rows_by_genetic_distance(
+    this_species_msa_dfs: List[pd.DataFrame],
+    cutoff: int = 20) -> List[List[int]]:
+  """Finds MSA sequence pairings across chains within a genetic distance cutoff.
+  The genetic distance between two sequences is approximated by taking the
+  difference in their UniProt accession ids.
+  Args:
+    this_species_msa_dfs: a list of dataframes containing MSA features for
+      sequences for a specific species. If species is missing for a chain, the
+      dataframe is set to None.
+    cutoff: the genetic distance cutoff.
+  Returns:
+    A list of lists, each containing M indices corresponding to paired MSA rows,
+    where M is the number of chains.
+  """
+  num_examples = len(this_species_msa_dfs)  # N
+  accession_id_lists = []  # M
+  match_index_to_chain_index = {}
+  for chain_index, species_df in enumerate(this_species_msa_dfs):
+    if species_df is not None:
+      accession_id_lists.append(
+          list(species_df.msa_uniprot_accession_identifiers.values))
+      # Keep track of which of the this_species_msa_dfs are not None.
+      match_index_to_chain_index[len(accession_id_lists) - 1] = chain_index
+  all_accession_id_matches = _find_all_accession_matches(
+      accession_id_lists, cutoff)  # [k, M]
+  all_paired_msa_rows = []  # [k, N]
+  for accession_id_match in all_accession_id_matches:
+    paired_msa_rows = []
+    for match_index, accession_id in enumerate(accession_id_match):
+      # Map back to chain index.
+      chain_index = match_index_to_chain_index[match_index]
+      seq_series = _accession_row(
+          this_species_msa_dfs[chain_index], accession_id)
+      if (seq_series.msa_similarity > SEQUENCE_SIMILARITY_CUTOFF or
+          seq_series.gap > SEQUENCE_GAP_CUTOFF):
+        continue
+      else:
+        paired_msa_rows.append(seq_series.msa_row)
+    # If a sequence is skipped based on sequence similarity to the respective
+    # target sequence or a gap cuttoff, the lengths of accession_id_match and
+    # paired_msa_rows will be different. Skip this match.
+    if len(paired_msa_rows) == len(accession_id_match):
+      paired_and_non_paired_msa_rows = np.array([-1] * num_examples)
+      matched_chain_indices = list(match_index_to_chain_index.values())
+      paired_and_non_paired_msa_rows[matched_chain_indices] = paired_msa_rows
+      all_paired_msa_rows.append(list(paired_and_non_paired_msa_rows))
+  return all_paired_msa_rows
+def _match_rows_by_sequence_similarity(this_species_msa_dfs: List[pd.DataFrame]
+                                       ) -> List[List[int]]:
+  """Finds MSA sequence pairings across chains based on sequence similarity.
+  Each chain's MSA sequences are first sorted by their sequence similarity to
+  their respective target sequence. The sequences are then paired, starting
+  from the sequences most similar to their target sequence.
+  Args:
+    this_species_msa_dfs: a list of dataframes containing MSA features for
+      sequences for a specific species.
+  Returns:
+   A list of lists, each containing M indices corresponding to paired MSA rows,
+   where M is the number of chains.
+  """
+  all_paired_msa_rows = []
+  num_seqs = [len(species_df) for species_df in this_species_msa_dfs
+              if species_df is not None]
+  take_num_seqs = np.min(num_seqs)
+  sort_by_similarity = (
+      lambda x: x.sort_values('msa_similarity', axis=0, ascending=False))
+  for species_df in this_species_msa_dfs:
+    if species_df is not None:
+      species_df_sorted = sort_by_similarity(species_df)
+      msa_rows = species_df_sorted.msa_row.iloc[:take_num_seqs].values
+    else:
+      msa_rows = [-1] * take_num_seqs  # take the last 'padding' row
+    all_paired_msa_rows.append(msa_rows)
+  all_paired_msa_rows = list(np.array(all_paired_msa_rows).transpose())
+  return all_paired_msa_rows
+def pair_sequences(examples: List[pipeline.FeatureDict],
+                   prokaryotic: bool) -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]:
+  """Returns indices for paired MSA sequences across chains."""
+  num_examples = len(examples)
+  all_chain_species_dict = []
+  common_species = set()
+  for chain_features in examples:
+    msa_df = _make_msa_df(chain_features)
+    species_dict = _create_species_dict(msa_df)
+    all_chain_species_dict.append(species_dict)
+    common_species.update(set(species_dict))
+  common_species = sorted(common_species)
+  common_species.remove(b'')  # Remove target sequence species.
+  all_paired_msa_rows = [np.zeros(len(examples), int)]
+  all_paired_msa_rows_dict = {k: [] for k in range(num_examples)}
+  all_paired_msa_rows_dict[num_examples] = [np.zeros(len(examples), int)]
+  for species in common_species:
+    if not species:
+      continue
+    this_species_msa_dfs = []
+    species_dfs_present = 0
+    for species_dict in all_chain_species_dict:
+      if species in species_dict:
+        this_species_msa_dfs.append(species_dict[species])
+        species_dfs_present += 1
+      else:
+        this_species_msa_dfs.append(None)
+    # Skip species that are present in only one chain.
+    if species_dfs_present <= 1:
+      continue
+    if np.any(
+        np.array([len(species_df) for species_df in
+                  this_species_msa_dfs if
+                  isinstance(species_df, pd.DataFrame)]) > 600):
+      continue
+    # In prokaryotes (and some eukaryotes), interacting genes are often
+    # co-located on the chromosome into operons. Because of that we can assume
+    # that if two proteins' intergenic distance is less than a threshold, they
+    # two proteins will form an an interacting pair.
+    # In most eukaryotes, a single protein's MSA can contain many paralogs.
+    # Two genes may interact even if they are not close by genomic distance.
+    # In case of eukaryotes, some methods pair MSA sequences using sequence
+    # similarity method.
+    # See Jinbo Xu's work:
+    # https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6030867/#B28.
+    if prokaryotic:
+      paired_msa_rows = _match_rows_by_genetic_distance(this_species_msa_dfs)
+      if not paired_msa_rows:
+        continue
+    else:
+      paired_msa_rows = _match_rows_by_sequence_similarity(this_species_msa_dfs)
+    all_paired_msa_rows.extend(paired_msa_rows)
+    all_paired_msa_rows_dict[species_dfs_present].extend(paired_msa_rows)
+  all_paired_msa_rows_dict = {
+      num_examples: np.array(paired_msa_rows) for
+      num_examples, paired_msa_rows in all_paired_msa_rows_dict.items()
+  }
+  return all_paired_msa_rows_dict
+def reorder_paired_rows(all_paired_msa_rows_dict: Dict[int, np.ndarray]
+                        ) -> np.ndarray:
+  """Creates a list of indices of paired MSA rows across chains.
+  Args:
+    all_paired_msa_rows_dict: a mapping from the number of paired chains to the
+      paired indices.
+  Returns:
+    a list of lists, each containing indices of paired MSA rows across chains.
+    The paired-index lists are ordered by:
+      1) the number of chains in the paired alignment, i.e, all-chain pairings
+         will come first.
+      2) e-values
+  """
+  all_paired_msa_rows = []
+  for num_pairings in sorted(all_paired_msa_rows_dict, reverse=True):
+    paired_rows = all_paired_msa_rows_dict[num_pairings]
+    paired_rows_product = abs(np.array([np.prod(rows) for rows in paired_rows]))
+    paired_rows_sort_index = np.argsort(paired_rows_product)
+    all_paired_msa_rows.extend(paired_rows[paired_rows_sort_index])
+  return np.array(all_paired_msa_rows)
+def block_diag(*arrs: np.ndarray, pad_value: float = 0.0) -> np.ndarray:
+  """Like scipy.linalg.block_diag but with an optional padding value."""
+  ones_arrs = [np.ones_like(x) for x in arrs]
+  off_diag_mask = 1.0 - scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ones_arrs)
+  diag = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*arrs)
+  diag += (off_diag_mask * pad_value).astype(diag.dtype)
+  return diag
+def _correct_post_merged_feats(
+    np_example: pipeline.FeatureDict,
+    np_chains_list: Sequence[pipeline.FeatureDict],
+    pair_msa_sequences: bool) -> pipeline.FeatureDict:
+  """Adds features that need to be computed/recomputed post merging."""
+  np_example['seq_length'] = np.asarray(np_example['aatype'].shape[0],
+                                        dtype=np.int32)
+  np_example['num_alignments'] = np.asarray(np_example['msa'].shape[0],
+                                            dtype=np.int32)
+  if not pair_msa_sequences:
+    # Generate a bias that is 1 for the first row of every block in the
+    # block diagonal MSA - i.e. make sure the cluster stack always includes
+    # the query sequences for each chain (since the first row is the query
+    # sequence).
+    cluster_bias_masks = []
+    for chain in np_chains_list:
+      mask = np.zeros(chain['msa'].shape[0])
+      mask[0] = 1
+      cluster_bias_masks.append(mask)
+    np_example['cluster_bias_mask'] = np.concatenate(cluster_bias_masks)
+    # Initialize Bert mask with masked out off diagonals.
+    msa_masks = [np.ones(x['msa'].shape, dtype=np.float32)
+                 for x in np_chains_list]
+    np_example['bert_mask'] = block_diag(
+        *msa_masks, pad_value=0)
+  else:
+    np_example['cluster_bias_mask'] = np.zeros(np_example['msa'].shape[0])
+    np_example['cluster_bias_mask'][0] = 1
+    # Initialize Bert mask with masked out off diagonals.
+    msa_masks = [np.ones(x['msa'].shape, dtype=np.float32) for
+                 x in np_chains_list]
+    msa_masks_all_seq = [np.ones(x['msa_all_seq'].shape, dtype=np.float32) for
+                         x in np_chains_list]
+    msa_mask_block_diag = block_diag(
+        *msa_masks, pad_value=0)
+    msa_mask_all_seq = np.concatenate(msa_masks_all_seq, axis=1)
+    np_example['bert_mask'] = np.concatenate(
+        [msa_mask_all_seq, msa_mask_block_diag], axis=0)
+  return np_example
+def _pad_templates(chains: Sequence[pipeline.FeatureDict],
+                   max_templates: int) -> Sequence[pipeline.FeatureDict]:
+  """For each chain pad the number of templates to a fixed size.
+  Args:
+    chains: A list of protein chains.
+    max_templates: Each chain will be padded to have this many templates.
+  Returns:
+    The list of chains, updated to have template features padded to
+    max_templates.
+  """
+  for chain in chains:
+    for k, v in chain.items():
+      if k in TEMPLATE_FEATURES:
+        padding = np.zeros_like(v.shape)
+        padding[0] = max_templates - v.shape[0]
+        padding = [(0, p) for p in padding]
+        chain[k] = np.pad(v, padding, mode='constant')
+  return chains
+def _merge_features_from_multiple_chains(
+    chains: Sequence[pipeline.FeatureDict],
+    pair_msa_sequences: bool) -> pipeline.FeatureDict:
+  """Merge features from multiple chains.
+  Args:
+    chains: A list of feature dictionaries that we want to merge.
+    pair_msa_sequences: Whether to concatenate MSA features along the
+      num_res dimension (if True), or to block diagonalize them (if False).
+  Returns:
+    A feature dictionary for the merged example.
+  """
+  merged_example = {}
+  for feature_name in chains[0]:
+    feats = [x[feature_name] for x in chains]
+    feature_name_split = feature_name.split('_all_seq')[0]
+    if feature_name_split in MSA_FEATURES:
+      if pair_msa_sequences or '_all_seq' in feature_name:
+        merged_example[feature_name] = np.concatenate(feats, axis=1)
+      else:
+        merged_example[feature_name] = block_diag(
+            *feats, pad_value=MSA_PAD_VALUES[feature_name])
+    elif feature_name_split in SEQ_FEATURES:
+      merged_example[feature_name] = np.concatenate(feats, axis=0)
+    elif feature_name_split in TEMPLATE_FEATURES:
+      merged_example[feature_name] = np.concatenate(feats, axis=1)
+    elif feature_name_split in CHAIN_FEATURES:
+      merged_example[feature_name] = np.sum(x for x in feats).astype(np.int32)
+    else:
+      merged_example[feature_name] = feats[0]
+  return merged_example
+def _merge_homomers_dense_msa(
+    chains: Iterable[pipeline.FeatureDict]) -> Sequence[pipeline.FeatureDict]:
+  """Merge all identical chains, making the resulting MSA dense.
+  Args:
+    chains: An iterable of features for each chain.
+  Returns:
+    A list of feature dictionaries.  All features with the same entity_id
+    will be merged - MSA features will be concatenated along the num_res
+    dimension - making them dense.
+  """
+  entity_chains = collections.defaultdict(list)
+  for chain in chains:
+    entity_id = chain['entity_id'][0]
+    entity_chains[entity_id].append(chain)
+  grouped_chains = []
+  for entity_id in sorted(entity_chains):
+    chains = entity_chains[entity_id]
+    grouped_chains.append(chains)
+  chains = [
+      _merge_features_from_multiple_chains(chains, pair_msa_sequences=True)
+      for chains in grouped_chains]
+  return chains
+def _concatenate_paired_and_unpaired_features(
+    example: pipeline.FeatureDict) -> pipeline.FeatureDict:
+  """Merges paired and block-diagonalised features."""
+  features = MSA_FEATURES
+  for feature_name in features:
+    if feature_name in example:
+      feat = example[feature_name]
+      feat_all_seq = example[feature_name + '_all_seq']
+      merged_feat = np.concatenate([feat_all_seq, feat], axis=0)
+      example[feature_name] = merged_feat
+  example['num_alignments'] = np.array(example['msa'].shape[0],
+                                       dtype=np.int32)
+  return example
+def merge_chain_features(np_chains_list: List[pipeline.FeatureDict],
+                         pair_msa_sequences: bool,
+                         max_templates: int) -> pipeline.FeatureDict:
+  """Merges features for multiple chains to single FeatureDict.
+  Args:
+    np_chains_list: List of FeatureDicts for each chain.
+    pair_msa_sequences: Whether to merge paired MSAs.
+    max_templates: The maximum number of templates to include.
+  Returns:
+    Single FeatureDict for entire complex.
+  """
+  np_chains_list = _pad_templates(
+      np_chains_list, max_templates=max_templates)
+  np_chains_list = _merge_homomers_dense_msa(np_chains_list)
+  # Unpaired MSA features will be always block-diagonalised; paired MSA
+  # features will be concatenated.
+  np_example = _merge_features_from_multiple_chains(
+      np_chains_list, pair_msa_sequences=False)
+  if pair_msa_sequences:
+    np_example = _concatenate_paired_and_unpaired_features(np_example)
+  np_example = _correct_post_merged_feats(
+      np_example=np_example,
+      np_chains_list=np_chains_list,
+      pair_msa_sequences=pair_msa_sequences)
+  return np_example
+def deduplicate_unpaired_sequences(
+    np_chains: List[pipeline.FeatureDict]) -> List[pipeline.FeatureDict]:
+  """Removes unpaired sequences which duplicate a paired sequence."""
+  feature_names = np_chains[0].keys()
+  msa_features = MSA_FEATURES
+  for chain in np_chains:
+    sequence_set = set(tuple(s) for s in chain['msa_all_seq'])
+    keep_rows = []
+    # Go through unpaired MSA seqs and remove any rows that correspond to the
+    # sequences that are already present in the paired MSA.
+    for row_num, seq in enumerate(chain['msa']):
+      if tuple(seq) not in sequence_set:
+        keep_rows.append(row_num)
+    for feature_name in feature_names:
+      if feature_name in msa_features:
+        if keep_rows:
+          chain[feature_name] = chain[feature_name][keep_rows]
+        else:
+          new_shape = list(chain[feature_name].shape)
+          new_shape[0] = 0
+          chain[feature_name] = np.zeros(new_shape,
+                                         dtype=chain[feature_name].dtype)
+    chain['num_alignments'] = np.array(chain['msa'].shape[0], dtype=np.int32)
+  return np_chains