diff docker/alphafold/alphafold/data/pipeline_multimer.py @ 1:6c92e000d684 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/usegalaxy-au/galaxy-local-tools commit a510e97ebd604a5e30b1f16e5031f62074f23e86"
author galaxy-australia
date Tue, 01 Mar 2022 02:53:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docker/alphafold/alphafold/data/pipeline_multimer.py	Tue Mar 01 02:53:05 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Functions for building the features for the AlphaFold multimer model."""
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import copy
+import dataclasses
+import json
+import os
+import tempfile
+from typing import Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
+from absl import logging
+from alphafold.common import protein
+from alphafold.common import residue_constants
+from alphafold.data import feature_processing
+from alphafold.data import msa_pairing
+from alphafold.data import parsers
+from alphafold.data import pipeline
+from alphafold.data.tools import jackhmmer
+import numpy as np
+# Internal import (7716).
+class _FastaChain:
+  sequence: str
+  description: str
+def _make_chain_id_map(*,
+                       sequences: Sequence[str],
+                       descriptions: Sequence[str],
+                       ) -> Mapping[str, _FastaChain]:
+  """Makes a mapping from PDB-format chain ID to sequence and description."""
+  if len(sequences) != len(descriptions):
+    raise ValueError('sequences and descriptions must have equal length. '
+                     f'Got {len(sequences)} != {len(descriptions)}.')
+  if len(sequences) > protein.PDB_MAX_CHAINS:
+    raise ValueError('Cannot process more chains than the PDB format supports. '
+                     f'Got {len(sequences)} chains.')
+  chain_id_map = {}
+  for chain_id, sequence, description in zip(
+      protein.PDB_CHAIN_IDS, sequences, descriptions):
+    chain_id_map[chain_id] = _FastaChain(
+        sequence=sequence, description=description)
+  return chain_id_map
+def temp_fasta_file(fasta_str: str):
+  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.fasta') as fasta_file:
+    fasta_file.write(fasta_str)
+    fasta_file.seek(0)
+    yield fasta_file.name
+def convert_monomer_features(
+    monomer_features: pipeline.FeatureDict,
+    chain_id: str) -> pipeline.FeatureDict:
+  """Reshapes and modifies monomer features for multimer models."""
+  converted = {}
+  converted['auth_chain_id'] = np.asarray(chain_id, dtype=np.object_)
+  unnecessary_leading_dim_feats = {
+      'sequence', 'domain_name', 'num_alignments', 'seq_length'}
+  for feature_name, feature in monomer_features.items():
+    if feature_name in unnecessary_leading_dim_feats:
+      # asarray ensures it's a np.ndarray.
+      feature = np.asarray(feature[0], dtype=feature.dtype)
+    elif feature_name == 'aatype':
+      # The multimer model performs the one-hot operation itself.
+      feature = np.argmax(feature, axis=-1).astype(np.int32)
+    elif feature_name == 'template_aatype':
+      feature = np.argmax(feature, axis=-1).astype(np.int32)
+      new_order_list = residue_constants.MAP_HHBLITS_AATYPE_TO_OUR_AATYPE
+      feature = np.take(new_order_list, feature.astype(np.int32), axis=0)
+    elif feature_name == 'template_all_atom_masks':
+      feature_name = 'template_all_atom_mask'
+    converted[feature_name] = feature
+  return converted
+def int_id_to_str_id(num: int) -> str:
+  """Encodes a number as a string, using reverse spreadsheet style naming.
+  Args:
+    num: A positive integer.
+  Returns:
+    A string that encodes the positive integer using reverse spreadsheet style,
+    naming e.g. 1 = A, 2 = B, ..., 27 = AA, 28 = BA, 29 = CA, ... This is the
+    usual way to encode chain IDs in mmCIF files.
+  """
+  if num <= 0:
+    raise ValueError(f'Only positive integers allowed, got {num}.')
+  num = num - 1  # 1-based indexing.
+  output = []
+  while num >= 0:
+    output.append(chr(num % 26 + ord('A')))
+    num = num // 26 - 1
+  return ''.join(output)
+def add_assembly_features(
+    all_chain_features: MutableMapping[str, pipeline.FeatureDict],
+    ) -> MutableMapping[str, pipeline.FeatureDict]:
+  """Add features to distinguish between chains.
+  Args:
+    all_chain_features: A dictionary which maps chain_id to a dictionary of
+      features for each chain.
+  Returns:
+    all_chain_features: A dictionary which maps strings of the form
+      `<seq_id>_<sym_id>` to the corresponding chain features. E.g. two
+      chains from a homodimer would have keys A_1 and A_2. Two chains from a
+      heterodimer would have keys A_1 and B_1.
+  """
+  # Group the chains by sequence
+  seq_to_entity_id = {}
+  grouped_chains = collections.defaultdict(list)
+  for chain_id, chain_features in all_chain_features.items():
+    seq = str(chain_features['sequence'])
+    if seq not in seq_to_entity_id:
+      seq_to_entity_id[seq] = len(seq_to_entity_id) + 1
+    grouped_chains[seq_to_entity_id[seq]].append(chain_features)
+  new_all_chain_features = {}
+  chain_id = 1
+  for entity_id, group_chain_features in grouped_chains.items():
+    for sym_id, chain_features in enumerate(group_chain_features, start=1):
+      new_all_chain_features[
+          f'{int_id_to_str_id(entity_id)}_{sym_id}'] = chain_features
+      seq_length = chain_features['seq_length']
+      chain_features['asym_id'] = chain_id * np.ones(seq_length)
+      chain_features['sym_id'] = sym_id * np.ones(seq_length)
+      chain_features['entity_id'] = entity_id * np.ones(seq_length)
+      chain_id += 1
+  return new_all_chain_features
+def pad_msa(np_example, min_num_seq):
+  np_example = dict(np_example)
+  num_seq = np_example['msa'].shape[0]
+  if num_seq < min_num_seq:
+    for feat in ('msa', 'deletion_matrix', 'bert_mask', 'msa_mask'):
+      np_example[feat] = np.pad(
+          np_example[feat], ((0, min_num_seq - num_seq), (0, 0)))
+    np_example['cluster_bias_mask'] = np.pad(
+        np_example['cluster_bias_mask'], ((0, min_num_seq - num_seq),))
+  return np_example
+class DataPipeline:
+  """Runs the alignment tools and assembles the input features."""
+  def __init__(self,
+               monomer_data_pipeline: pipeline.DataPipeline,
+               jackhmmer_binary_path: str,
+               uniprot_database_path: str,
+               max_uniprot_hits: int = 50000,
+               use_precomputed_msas: bool = False):
+    """Initializes the data pipeline.
+    Args:
+      monomer_data_pipeline: An instance of pipeline.DataPipeline - that runs
+        the data pipeline for the monomer AlphaFold system.
+      jackhmmer_binary_path: Location of the jackhmmer binary.
+      uniprot_database_path: Location of the unclustered uniprot sequences, that
+        will be searched with jackhmmer and used for MSA pairing.
+      max_uniprot_hits: The maximum number of hits to return from uniprot.
+      use_precomputed_msas: Whether to use pre-existing MSAs; see run_alphafold.
+    """
+    self._monomer_data_pipeline = monomer_data_pipeline
+    self._uniprot_msa_runner = jackhmmer.Jackhmmer(
+        binary_path=jackhmmer_binary_path,
+        database_path=uniprot_database_path)
+    self._max_uniprot_hits = max_uniprot_hits
+    self.use_precomputed_msas = use_precomputed_msas
+  def _process_single_chain(
+      self,
+      chain_id: str,
+      sequence: str,
+      description: str,
+      msa_output_dir: str,
+      is_homomer_or_monomer: bool) -> pipeline.FeatureDict:
+    """Runs the monomer pipeline on a single chain."""
+    chain_fasta_str = f'>chain_{chain_id}\n{sequence}\n'
+    chain_msa_output_dir = os.path.join(msa_output_dir, chain_id)
+    if not os.path.exists(chain_msa_output_dir):
+      os.makedirs(chain_msa_output_dir)
+    with temp_fasta_file(chain_fasta_str) as chain_fasta_path:
+      logging.info('Running monomer pipeline on chain %s: %s',
+                   chain_id, description)
+      chain_features = self._monomer_data_pipeline.process(
+          input_fasta_path=chain_fasta_path,
+          msa_output_dir=chain_msa_output_dir)
+      # We only construct the pairing features if there are 2 or more unique
+      # sequences.
+      if not is_homomer_or_monomer:
+        all_seq_msa_features = self._all_seq_msa_features(chain_fasta_path,
+                                                          chain_msa_output_dir)
+        chain_features.update(all_seq_msa_features)
+    return chain_features
+  def _all_seq_msa_features(self, input_fasta_path, msa_output_dir):
+    """Get MSA features for unclustered uniprot, for pairing."""
+    out_path = os.path.join(msa_output_dir, 'uniprot_hits.sto')
+    result = pipeline.run_msa_tool(
+        self._uniprot_msa_runner, input_fasta_path, out_path, 'sto',
+        self.use_precomputed_msas)
+    msa = parsers.parse_stockholm(result['sto'])
+    msa = msa.truncate(max_seqs=self._max_uniprot_hits)
+    all_seq_features = pipeline.make_msa_features([msa])
+    valid_feats = msa_pairing.MSA_FEATURES + (
+        'msa_uniprot_accession_identifiers',
+        'msa_species_identifiers',
+    )
+    feats = {f'{k}_all_seq': v for k, v in all_seq_features.items()
+             if k in valid_feats}
+    return feats
+  def process(self,
+              input_fasta_path: str,
+              msa_output_dir: str,
+              is_prokaryote: bool = False) -> pipeline.FeatureDict:
+    """Runs alignment tools on the input sequences and creates features."""
+    with open(input_fasta_path) as f:
+      input_fasta_str = f.read()
+    input_seqs, input_descs = parsers.parse_fasta(input_fasta_str)
+    chain_id_map = _make_chain_id_map(sequences=input_seqs,
+                                      descriptions=input_descs)
+    chain_id_map_path = os.path.join(msa_output_dir, 'chain_id_map.json')
+    with open(chain_id_map_path, 'w') as f:
+      chain_id_map_dict = {chain_id: dataclasses.asdict(fasta_chain)
+                           for chain_id, fasta_chain in chain_id_map.items()}
+      json.dump(chain_id_map_dict, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
+    all_chain_features = {}
+    sequence_features = {}
+    is_homomer_or_monomer = len(set(input_seqs)) == 1
+    for chain_id, fasta_chain in chain_id_map.items():
+      if fasta_chain.sequence in sequence_features:
+        all_chain_features[chain_id] = copy.deepcopy(
+            sequence_features[fasta_chain.sequence])
+        continue
+      chain_features = self._process_single_chain(
+          chain_id=chain_id,
+          sequence=fasta_chain.sequence,
+          description=fasta_chain.description,
+          msa_output_dir=msa_output_dir,
+          is_homomer_or_monomer=is_homomer_or_monomer)
+      chain_features = convert_monomer_features(chain_features,
+                                                chain_id=chain_id)
+      all_chain_features[chain_id] = chain_features
+      sequence_features[fasta_chain.sequence] = chain_features
+    all_chain_features = add_assembly_features(all_chain_features)
+    np_example = feature_processing.pair_and_merge(
+        all_chain_features=all_chain_features,
+        is_prokaryote=is_prokaryote,
+    )
+    # Pad MSA to avoid zero-sized extra_msa.
+    np_example = pad_msa(np_example, 512)
+    return np_example