diff docker/alphafold/alphafold/model/modules_multimer.py @ 1:6c92e000d684 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/usegalaxy-au/galaxy-local-tools commit a510e97ebd604a5e30b1f16e5031f62074f23e86"
author galaxy-australia
date Tue, 01 Mar 2022 02:53:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docker/alphafold/alphafold/model/modules_multimer.py	Tue Mar 01 02:53:05 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1129 @@
+# Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Core modules, which have been refactored in AlphaFold-Multimer.
+The main difference is that MSA sampling pipeline is moved inside the JAX model
+for easier implementation of recycling and ensembling.
+Lower-level modules up to EvoformerIteration are reused from modules.py.
+import functools
+from typing import Sequence
+from alphafold.common import residue_constants
+from alphafold.model import all_atom_multimer
+from alphafold.model import common_modules
+from alphafold.model import folding_multimer
+from alphafold.model import geometry
+from alphafold.model import layer_stack
+from alphafold.model import modules
+from alphafold.model import prng
+from alphafold.model import utils
+import haiku as hk
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+def reduce_fn(x, mode):
+  if mode == 'none' or mode is None:
+    return jnp.asarray(x)
+  elif mode == 'sum':
+    return jnp.asarray(x).sum()
+  elif mode == 'mean':
+    return jnp.mean(jnp.asarray(x))
+  else:
+    raise ValueError('Unsupported reduction option.')
+def gumbel_noise(key: jnp.ndarray, shape: Sequence[int]) -> jnp.ndarray:
+  """Generate Gumbel Noise of given Shape.
+  This generates samples from Gumbel(0, 1).
+  Args:
+    key: Jax random number key.
+    shape: Shape of noise to return.
+  Returns:
+    Gumbel noise of given shape.
+  """
+  epsilon = 1e-6
+  uniform = utils.padding_consistent_rng(jax.random.uniform)
+  uniform_noise = uniform(
+      key, shape=shape, dtype=jnp.float32, minval=0., maxval=1.)
+  gumbel = -jnp.log(-jnp.log(uniform_noise + epsilon) + epsilon)
+  return gumbel
+def gumbel_max_sample(key: jnp.ndarray, logits: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
+  """Samples from a probability distribution given by 'logits'.
+  This uses Gumbel-max trick to implement the sampling in an efficient manner.
+  Args:
+    key: prng key.
+    logits: Logarithm of probabilities to sample from, probabilities can be
+      unnormalized.
+  Returns:
+    Sample from logprobs in one-hot form.
+  """
+  z = gumbel_noise(key, logits.shape)
+  return jax.nn.one_hot(
+      jnp.argmax(logits + z, axis=-1),
+      logits.shape[-1],
+      dtype=logits.dtype)
+def gumbel_argsort_sample_idx(key: jnp.ndarray,
+                              logits: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
+  """Samples with replacement from a distribution given by 'logits'.
+  This uses Gumbel trick to implement the sampling an efficient manner. For a
+  distribution over k items this samples k times without replacement, so this
+  is effectively sampling a random permutation with probabilities over the
+  permutations derived from the logprobs.
+  Args:
+    key: prng key.
+    logits: Logarithm of probabilities to sample from, probabilities can be
+      unnormalized.
+  Returns:
+    Sample from logprobs in one-hot form.
+  """
+  z = gumbel_noise(key, logits.shape)
+  # This construction is equivalent to jnp.argsort, but using a non stable sort,
+  # since stable sort's aren't supported by jax2tf.
+  axis = len(logits.shape) - 1
+  iota = jax.lax.broadcasted_iota(jnp.int64, logits.shape, axis)
+  _, perm = jax.lax.sort_key_val(
+      logits + z, iota, dimension=-1, is_stable=False)
+  return perm[::-1]
+def make_masked_msa(batch, key, config, epsilon=1e-6):
+  """Create data for BERT on raw MSA."""
+  # Add a random amino acid uniformly.
+  random_aa = jnp.array([0.05] * 20 + [0., 0.], dtype=jnp.float32)
+  categorical_probs = (
+      config.uniform_prob * random_aa +
+      config.profile_prob * batch['msa_profile'] +
+      config.same_prob * jax.nn.one_hot(batch['msa'], 22))
+  # Put all remaining probability on [MASK] which is a new column.
+  pad_shapes = [[0, 0] for _ in range(len(categorical_probs.shape))]
+  pad_shapes[-1][1] = 1
+  mask_prob = 1. - config.profile_prob - config.same_prob - config.uniform_prob
+  assert mask_prob >= 0.
+  categorical_probs = jnp.pad(
+      categorical_probs, pad_shapes, constant_values=mask_prob)
+  sh = batch['msa'].shape
+  key, mask_subkey, gumbel_subkey = key.split(3)
+  uniform = utils.padding_consistent_rng(jax.random.uniform)
+  mask_position = uniform(mask_subkey.get(), sh) < config.replace_fraction
+  mask_position *= batch['msa_mask']
+  logits = jnp.log(categorical_probs + epsilon)
+  bert_msa = gumbel_max_sample(gumbel_subkey.get(), logits)
+  bert_msa = jnp.where(mask_position,
+                       jnp.argmax(bert_msa, axis=-1), batch['msa'])
+  bert_msa *= batch['msa_mask']
+  # Mix real and masked MSA.
+  if 'bert_mask' in batch:
+    batch['bert_mask'] *= mask_position.astype(jnp.float32)
+  else:
+    batch['bert_mask'] = mask_position.astype(jnp.float32)
+  batch['true_msa'] = batch['msa']
+  batch['msa'] = bert_msa
+  return batch
+def nearest_neighbor_clusters(batch, gap_agreement_weight=0.):
+  """Assign each extra MSA sequence to its nearest neighbor in sampled MSA."""
+  # Determine how much weight we assign to each agreement.  In theory, we could
+  # use a full blosum matrix here, but right now let's just down-weight gap
+  # agreement because it could be spurious.
+  # Never put weight on agreeing on BERT mask.
+  weights = jnp.array(
+      [1.] * 21 + [gap_agreement_weight] + [0.], dtype=jnp.float32)
+  msa_mask = batch['msa_mask']
+  msa_one_hot = jax.nn.one_hot(batch['msa'], 23)
+  extra_mask = batch['extra_msa_mask']
+  extra_one_hot = jax.nn.one_hot(batch['extra_msa'], 23)
+  msa_one_hot_masked = msa_mask[:, :, None] * msa_one_hot
+  extra_one_hot_masked = extra_mask[:, :, None] * extra_one_hot
+  agreement = jnp.einsum('mrc, nrc->nm', extra_one_hot_masked,
+                         weights * msa_one_hot_masked)
+  cluster_assignment = jax.nn.softmax(1e3 * agreement, axis=0)
+  cluster_assignment *= jnp.einsum('mr, nr->mn', msa_mask, extra_mask)
+  cluster_count = jnp.sum(cluster_assignment, axis=-1)
+  cluster_count += 1.  # We always include the sequence itself.
+  msa_sum = jnp.einsum('nm, mrc->nrc', cluster_assignment, extra_one_hot_masked)
+  msa_sum += msa_one_hot_masked
+  cluster_profile = msa_sum / cluster_count[:, None, None]
+  extra_deletion_matrix = batch['extra_deletion_matrix']
+  deletion_matrix = batch['deletion_matrix']
+  del_sum = jnp.einsum('nm, mc->nc', cluster_assignment,
+                       extra_mask * extra_deletion_matrix)
+  del_sum += deletion_matrix  # Original sequence.
+  cluster_deletion_mean = del_sum / cluster_count[:, None]
+  return cluster_profile, cluster_deletion_mean
+def create_msa_feat(batch):
+  """Create and concatenate MSA features."""
+  msa_1hot = jax.nn.one_hot(batch['msa'], 23)
+  deletion_matrix = batch['deletion_matrix']
+  has_deletion = jnp.clip(deletion_matrix, 0., 1.)[..., None]
+  deletion_value = (jnp.arctan(deletion_matrix / 3.) * (2. / jnp.pi))[..., None]
+  deletion_mean_value = (jnp.arctan(batch['cluster_deletion_mean'] / 3.) *
+                         (2. / jnp.pi))[..., None]
+  msa_feat = [
+      msa_1hot,
+      has_deletion,
+      deletion_value,
+      batch['cluster_profile'],
+      deletion_mean_value
+  ]
+  return jnp.concatenate(msa_feat, axis=-1)
+def create_extra_msa_feature(batch, num_extra_msa):
+  """Expand extra_msa into 1hot and concat with other extra msa features.
+  We do this as late as possible as the one_hot extra msa can be very large.
+  Args:
+    batch: a dictionary with the following keys:
+     * 'extra_msa': [num_seq, num_res] MSA that wasn't selected as a cluster
+       centre. Note - This isn't one-hotted.
+     * 'extra_deletion_matrix': [num_seq, num_res] Number of deletions at given
+        position.
+    num_extra_msa: Number of extra msa to use.
+  Returns:
+    Concatenated tensor of extra MSA features.
+  """
+  # 23 = 20 amino acids + 'X' for unknown + gap + bert mask
+  extra_msa = batch['extra_msa'][:num_extra_msa]
+  deletion_matrix = batch['extra_deletion_matrix'][:num_extra_msa]
+  msa_1hot = jax.nn.one_hot(extra_msa, 23)
+  has_deletion = jnp.clip(deletion_matrix, 0., 1.)[..., None]
+  deletion_value = (jnp.arctan(deletion_matrix / 3.) * (2. / jnp.pi))[..., None]
+  extra_msa_mask = batch['extra_msa_mask'][:num_extra_msa]
+  return jnp.concatenate([msa_1hot, has_deletion, deletion_value],
+                         axis=-1), extra_msa_mask
+def sample_msa(key, batch, max_seq):
+  """Sample MSA randomly, remaining sequences are stored as `extra_*`.
+  Args:
+    key: safe key for random number generation.
+    batch: batch to sample msa from.
+    max_seq: number of sequences to sample.
+  Returns:
+    Protein with sampled msa.
+  """
+  # Sample uniformly among sequences with at least one non-masked position.
+  logits = (jnp.clip(jnp.sum(batch['msa_mask'], axis=-1), 0., 1.) - 1.) * 1e6
+  # The cluster_bias_mask can be used to preserve the first row (target
+  # sequence) for each chain, for example.
+  if 'cluster_bias_mask' not in batch:
+    cluster_bias_mask = jnp.pad(
+        jnp.zeros(batch['msa'].shape[0] - 1), (1, 0), constant_values=1.)
+  else:
+    cluster_bias_mask = batch['cluster_bias_mask']
+  logits += cluster_bias_mask * 1e6
+  index_order = gumbel_argsort_sample_idx(key.get(), logits)
+  sel_idx = index_order[:max_seq]
+  extra_idx = index_order[max_seq:]
+  for k in ['msa', 'deletion_matrix', 'msa_mask', 'bert_mask']:
+    if k in batch:
+      batch['extra_' + k] = batch[k][extra_idx]
+      batch[k] = batch[k][sel_idx]
+  return batch
+def make_msa_profile(batch):
+  """Compute the MSA profile."""
+  # Compute the profile for every residue (over all MSA sequences).
+  return utils.mask_mean(
+      batch['msa_mask'][:, :, None], jax.nn.one_hot(batch['msa'], 22), axis=0)
+class AlphaFoldIteration(hk.Module):
+  """A single recycling iteration of AlphaFold architecture.
+  Computes ensembled (averaged) representations from the provided features.
+  These representations are then passed to the various heads
+  that have been requested by the configuration file.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, config, global_config, name='alphafold_iteration'):
+    super().__init__(name=name)
+    self.config = config
+    self.global_config = global_config
+  def __call__(self,
+               batch,
+               is_training,
+               return_representations=False,
+               safe_key=None):
+    if is_training:
+      num_ensemble = np.asarray(self.config.num_ensemble_train)
+    else:
+      num_ensemble = np.asarray(self.config.num_ensemble_eval)
+    # Compute representations for each MSA sample and average.
+    embedding_module = EmbeddingsAndEvoformer(
+        self.config.embeddings_and_evoformer, self.global_config)
+    repr_shape = hk.eval_shape(
+        lambda: embedding_module(batch, is_training))
+    representations = {
+        k: jnp.zeros(v.shape, v.dtype) for (k, v) in repr_shape.items()
+    }
+    def ensemble_body(x, unused_y):
+      """Add into representations ensemble."""
+      del unused_y
+      representations, safe_key = x
+      safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+      representations_update = embedding_module(
+          batch, is_training, safe_key=safe_subkey)
+      for k in representations:
+        if k not in {'msa', 'true_msa', 'bert_mask'}:
+          representations[k] += representations_update[k] * (
+              1. / num_ensemble).astype(representations[k].dtype)
+        else:
+          representations[k] = representations_update[k]
+      return (representations, safe_key), None
+    (representations, _), _ = hk.scan(
+        ensemble_body, (representations, safe_key), None, length=num_ensemble)
+    self.representations = representations
+    self.batch = batch
+    self.heads = {}
+    for head_name, head_config in sorted(self.config.heads.items()):
+      if not head_config.weight:
+        continue  # Do not instantiate zero-weight heads.
+      head_factory = {
+          'masked_msa':
+              modules.MaskedMsaHead,
+          'distogram':
+              modules.DistogramHead,
+          'structure_module':
+              folding_multimer.StructureModule,
+          'predicted_aligned_error':
+              modules.PredictedAlignedErrorHead,
+          'predicted_lddt':
+              modules.PredictedLDDTHead,
+          'experimentally_resolved':
+              modules.ExperimentallyResolvedHead,
+      }[head_name]
+      self.heads[head_name] = (head_config,
+                               head_factory(head_config, self.global_config))
+    structure_module_output = None
+    if 'entity_id' in batch and 'all_atom_positions' in batch:
+      _, fold_module = self.heads['structure_module']
+      structure_module_output = fold_module(representations, batch, is_training)
+    ret = {}
+    ret['representations'] = representations
+    for name, (head_config, module) in self.heads.items():
+      if name == 'structure_module' and structure_module_output is not None:
+        ret[name] = structure_module_output
+        representations['structure_module'] = structure_module_output.pop('act')
+      # Skip confidence heads until StructureModule is executed.
+      elif name in {'predicted_lddt', 'predicted_aligned_error',
+                    'experimentally_resolved'}:
+        continue
+      else:
+        ret[name] = module(representations, batch, is_training)
+    # Add confidence heads after StructureModule is executed.
+    if self.config.heads.get('predicted_lddt.weight', 0.0):
+      name = 'predicted_lddt'
+      head_config, module = self.heads[name]
+      ret[name] = module(representations, batch, is_training)
+    if self.config.heads.experimentally_resolved.weight:
+      name = 'experimentally_resolved'
+      head_config, module = self.heads[name]
+      ret[name] = module(representations, batch, is_training)
+    if self.config.heads.get('predicted_aligned_error.weight', 0.0):
+      name = 'predicted_aligned_error'
+      head_config, module = self.heads[name]
+      ret[name] = module(representations, batch, is_training)
+      # Will be used for ipTM computation.
+      ret[name]['asym_id'] = batch['asym_id']
+    return ret
+class AlphaFold(hk.Module):
+  """AlphaFold-Multimer model with recycling.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, config, name='alphafold'):
+    super().__init__(name=name)
+    self.config = config
+    self.global_config = config.global_config
+  def __call__(
+      self,
+      batch,
+      is_training,
+      return_representations=False,
+      safe_key=None):
+    c = self.config
+    impl = AlphaFoldIteration(c, self.global_config)
+    if safe_key is None:
+      safe_key = prng.SafeKey(hk.next_rng_key())
+    elif isinstance(safe_key, jnp.ndarray):
+      safe_key = prng.SafeKey(safe_key)
+    assert isinstance(batch, dict)
+    num_res = batch['aatype'].shape[0]
+    def get_prev(ret):
+      new_prev = {
+          'prev_pos':
+              ret['structure_module']['final_atom_positions'],
+          'prev_msa_first_row': ret['representations']['msa_first_row'],
+          'prev_pair': ret['representations']['pair'],
+      }
+      return jax.tree_map(jax.lax.stop_gradient, new_prev)
+    def apply_network(prev, safe_key):
+      recycled_batch = {**batch, **prev}
+      return impl(
+          batch=recycled_batch,
+          is_training=is_training,
+          safe_key=safe_key)
+    if self.config.num_recycle:
+      emb_config = self.config.embeddings_and_evoformer
+      prev = {
+          'prev_pos':
+              jnp.zeros([num_res, residue_constants.atom_type_num, 3]),
+          'prev_msa_first_row':
+              jnp.zeros([num_res, emb_config.msa_channel]),
+          'prev_pair':
+              jnp.zeros([num_res, num_res, emb_config.pair_channel]),
+      }
+      if 'num_iter_recycling' in batch:
+        # Training time: num_iter_recycling is in batch.
+        # Value for each ensemble batch is the same, so arbitrarily taking 0-th.
+        num_iter = batch['num_iter_recycling'][0]
+        # Add insurance that even when ensembling, we will not run more
+        # recyclings than the model is configured to run.
+        num_iter = jnp.minimum(num_iter, c.num_recycle)
+      else:
+        # Eval mode or tests: use the maximum number of iterations.
+        num_iter = c.num_recycle
+      def recycle_body(i, x):
+        del i
+        prev, safe_key = x
+        safe_key1, safe_key2 = safe_key.split() if c.resample_msa_in_recycling else safe_key.duplicate()  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+        ret = apply_network(prev=prev, safe_key=safe_key2)
+        return get_prev(ret), safe_key1
+      prev, safe_key = hk.fori_loop(0, num_iter, recycle_body, (prev, safe_key))
+    else:
+      prev = {}
+    # Run extra iteration.
+    ret = apply_network(prev=prev, safe_key=safe_key)
+    if not return_representations:
+      del ret['representations']
+    return ret
+class EmbeddingsAndEvoformer(hk.Module):
+  """Embeds the input data and runs Evoformer.
+  Produces the MSA, single and pair representations.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, config, global_config, name='evoformer'):
+    super().__init__(name=name)
+    self.config = config
+    self.global_config = global_config
+  def _relative_encoding(self, batch):
+    """Add relative position encodings.
+    For position (i, j), the value is (i-j) clipped to [-k, k] and one-hotted.
+    When not using 'use_chain_relative' the residue indices are used as is, e.g.
+    for heteromers relative positions will be computed using the positions in
+    the corresponding chains.
+    When using 'use_chain_relative' we add an extra bin that denotes
+    'different chain'. Furthermore we also provide the relative chain index
+    (i.e. sym_id) clipped and one-hotted to the network. And an extra feature
+    which denotes whether they belong to the same chain type, i.e. it's 0 if
+    they are in different heteromer chains and 1 otherwise.
+    Args:
+      batch: batch.
+    Returns:
+      Feature embedding using the features as described before.
+    """
+    c = self.config
+    rel_feats = []
+    pos = batch['residue_index']
+    asym_id = batch['asym_id']
+    asym_id_same = jnp.equal(asym_id[:, None], asym_id[None, :])
+    offset = pos[:, None] - pos[None, :]
+    clipped_offset = jnp.clip(
+        offset + c.max_relative_idx, a_min=0, a_max=2 * c.max_relative_idx)
+    if c.use_chain_relative:
+      final_offset = jnp.where(asym_id_same, clipped_offset,
+                               (2 * c.max_relative_idx + 1) *
+                               jnp.ones_like(clipped_offset))
+      rel_pos = jax.nn.one_hot(final_offset, 2 * c.max_relative_idx + 2)
+      rel_feats.append(rel_pos)
+      entity_id = batch['entity_id']
+      entity_id_same = jnp.equal(entity_id[:, None], entity_id[None, :])
+      rel_feats.append(entity_id_same.astype(rel_pos.dtype)[..., None])
+      sym_id = batch['sym_id']
+      rel_sym_id = sym_id[:, None] - sym_id[None, :]
+      max_rel_chain = c.max_relative_chain
+      clipped_rel_chain = jnp.clip(
+          rel_sym_id + max_rel_chain, a_min=0, a_max=2 * max_rel_chain)
+      final_rel_chain = jnp.where(entity_id_same, clipped_rel_chain,
+                                  (2 * max_rel_chain + 1) *
+                                  jnp.ones_like(clipped_rel_chain))
+      rel_chain = jax.nn.one_hot(final_rel_chain, 2 * c.max_relative_chain + 2)
+      rel_feats.append(rel_chain)
+    else:
+      rel_pos = jax.nn.one_hot(clipped_offset, 2 * c.max_relative_idx + 1)
+      rel_feats.append(rel_pos)
+    rel_feat = jnp.concatenate(rel_feats, axis=-1)
+    return common_modules.Linear(
+        c.pair_channel,
+        name='position_activations')(
+            rel_feat)
+  def __call__(self, batch, is_training, safe_key=None):
+    c = self.config
+    gc = self.global_config
+    batch = dict(batch)
+    if safe_key is None:
+      safe_key = prng.SafeKey(hk.next_rng_key())
+    output = {}
+    batch['msa_profile'] = make_msa_profile(batch)
+    target_feat = jax.nn.one_hot(batch['aatype'], 21)
+    preprocess_1d = common_modules.Linear(
+        c.msa_channel, name='preprocess_1d')(
+            target_feat)
+    safe_key, sample_key, mask_key = safe_key.split(3)
+    batch = sample_msa(sample_key, batch, c.num_msa)
+    batch = make_masked_msa(batch, mask_key, c.masked_msa)
+    (batch['cluster_profile'],
+     batch['cluster_deletion_mean']) = nearest_neighbor_clusters(batch)
+    msa_feat = create_msa_feat(batch)
+    preprocess_msa = common_modules.Linear(
+        c.msa_channel, name='preprocess_msa')(
+            msa_feat)
+    msa_activations = jnp.expand_dims(preprocess_1d, axis=0) + preprocess_msa
+    left_single = common_modules.Linear(
+        c.pair_channel, name='left_single')(
+            target_feat)
+    right_single = common_modules.Linear(
+        c.pair_channel, name='right_single')(
+            target_feat)
+    pair_activations = left_single[:, None] + right_single[None]
+    mask_2d = batch['seq_mask'][:, None] * batch['seq_mask'][None, :]
+    mask_2d = mask_2d.astype(jnp.float32)
+    if c.recycle_pos and 'prev_pos' in batch:
+      prev_pseudo_beta = modules.pseudo_beta_fn(
+          batch['aatype'], batch['prev_pos'], None)
+      dgram = modules.dgram_from_positions(
+          prev_pseudo_beta, **self.config.prev_pos)
+      pair_activations += common_modules.Linear(
+          c.pair_channel, name='prev_pos_linear')(
+              dgram)
+    if c.recycle_features:
+      if 'prev_msa_first_row' in batch:
+        prev_msa_first_row = hk.LayerNorm(
+            axis=[-1],
+            create_scale=True,
+            create_offset=True,
+            name='prev_msa_first_row_norm')(
+                batch['prev_msa_first_row'])
+        msa_activations = msa_activations.at[0].add(prev_msa_first_row)
+      if 'prev_pair' in batch:
+        pair_activations += hk.LayerNorm(
+            axis=[-1],
+            create_scale=True,
+            create_offset=True,
+            name='prev_pair_norm')(
+                batch['prev_pair'])
+    if c.max_relative_idx:
+      pair_activations += self._relative_encoding(batch)
+    if c.template.enabled:
+      template_module = TemplateEmbedding(c.template, gc)
+      template_batch = {
+          'template_aatype': batch['template_aatype'],
+          'template_all_atom_positions': batch['template_all_atom_positions'],
+          'template_all_atom_mask': batch['template_all_atom_mask']
+      }
+      # Construct a mask such that only intra-chain template features are
+      # computed, since all templates are for each chain individually.
+      multichain_mask = batch['asym_id'][:, None] == batch['asym_id'][None, :]
+      safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+      template_act = template_module(
+          query_embedding=pair_activations,
+          template_batch=template_batch,
+          padding_mask_2d=mask_2d,
+          multichain_mask_2d=multichain_mask,
+          is_training=is_training,
+          safe_key=safe_subkey)
+      pair_activations += template_act
+    # Extra MSA stack.
+    (extra_msa_feat,
+     extra_msa_mask) = create_extra_msa_feature(batch, c.num_extra_msa)
+    extra_msa_activations = common_modules.Linear(
+        c.extra_msa_channel,
+        name='extra_msa_activations')(
+            extra_msa_feat)
+    extra_msa_mask = extra_msa_mask.astype(jnp.float32)
+    extra_evoformer_input = {
+        'msa': extra_msa_activations,
+        'pair': pair_activations,
+    }
+    extra_masks = {'msa': extra_msa_mask, 'pair': mask_2d}
+    extra_evoformer_iteration = modules.EvoformerIteration(
+        c.evoformer, gc, is_extra_msa=True, name='extra_msa_stack')
+    def extra_evoformer_fn(x):
+      act, safe_key = x
+      safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+      extra_evoformer_output = extra_evoformer_iteration(
+          activations=act,
+          masks=extra_masks,
+          is_training=is_training,
+          safe_key=safe_subkey)
+      return (extra_evoformer_output, safe_key)
+    if gc.use_remat:
+      extra_evoformer_fn = hk.remat(extra_evoformer_fn)
+    safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+    extra_evoformer_stack = layer_stack.layer_stack(
+        c.extra_msa_stack_num_block)(
+            extra_evoformer_fn)
+    extra_evoformer_output, safe_key = extra_evoformer_stack(
+        (extra_evoformer_input, safe_subkey))
+    pair_activations = extra_evoformer_output['pair']
+    # Get the size of the MSA before potentially adding templates, so we
+    # can crop out the templates later.
+    num_msa_sequences = msa_activations.shape[0]
+    evoformer_input = {
+        'msa': msa_activations,
+        'pair': pair_activations,
+    }
+    evoformer_masks = {'msa': batch['msa_mask'].astype(jnp.float32),
+                       'pair': mask_2d}
+    if c.template.enabled:
+      template_features, template_masks = (
+          template_embedding_1d(batch=batch, num_channel=c.msa_channel))
+      evoformer_input['msa'] = jnp.concatenate(
+          [evoformer_input['msa'], template_features], axis=0)
+      evoformer_masks['msa'] = jnp.concatenate(
+          [evoformer_masks['msa'], template_masks], axis=0)
+    evoformer_iteration = modules.EvoformerIteration(
+        c.evoformer, gc, is_extra_msa=False, name='evoformer_iteration')
+    def evoformer_fn(x):
+      act, safe_key = x
+      safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+      evoformer_output = evoformer_iteration(
+          activations=act,
+          masks=evoformer_masks,
+          is_training=is_training,
+          safe_key=safe_subkey)
+      return (evoformer_output, safe_key)
+    if gc.use_remat:
+      evoformer_fn = hk.remat(evoformer_fn)
+    safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+    evoformer_stack = layer_stack.layer_stack(c.evoformer_num_block)(
+        evoformer_fn)
+    def run_evoformer(evoformer_input):
+      evoformer_output, _ = evoformer_stack((evoformer_input, safe_subkey))
+      return evoformer_output
+    evoformer_output = run_evoformer(evoformer_input)
+    msa_activations = evoformer_output['msa']
+    pair_activations = evoformer_output['pair']
+    single_activations = common_modules.Linear(
+        c.seq_channel, name='single_activations')(
+            msa_activations[0])
+    output.update({
+        'single':
+            single_activations,
+        'pair':
+            pair_activations,
+        # Crop away template rows such that they are not used in MaskedMsaHead.
+        'msa':
+            msa_activations[:num_msa_sequences, :, :],
+        'msa_first_row':
+            msa_activations[0],
+    })
+    return output
+class TemplateEmbedding(hk.Module):
+  """Embed a set of templates."""
+  def __init__(self, config, global_config, name='template_embedding'):
+    super().__init__(name=name)
+    self.config = config
+    self.global_config = global_config
+  def __call__(self, query_embedding, template_batch, padding_mask_2d,
+               multichain_mask_2d, is_training,
+               safe_key=None):
+    """Generate an embedding for a set of templates.
+    Args:
+      query_embedding: [num_res, num_res, num_channel] a query tensor that will
+        be used to attend over the templates to remove the num_templates
+        dimension.
+      template_batch: A dictionary containing:
+        `template_aatype`: [num_templates, num_res] aatype for each template.
+        `template_all_atom_positions`: [num_templates, num_res, 37, 3] atom
+          positions for all templates.
+        `template_all_atom_mask`: [num_templates, num_res, 37] mask for each
+          template.
+      padding_mask_2d: [num_res, num_res] Pair mask for attention operations.
+      multichain_mask_2d: [num_res, num_res] Mask indicating which residue pairs
+        are intra-chain, used to mask out residue distance based features
+        between chains.
+      is_training: bool indicating where we are running in training mode.
+      safe_key: random key generator.
+    Returns:
+      An embedding of size [num_res, num_res, num_channels]
+    """
+    c = self.config
+    if safe_key is None:
+      safe_key = prng.SafeKey(hk.next_rng_key())
+    num_templates = template_batch['template_aatype'].shape[0]
+    num_res, _, query_num_channels = query_embedding.shape
+    # Embed each template separately.
+    template_embedder = SingleTemplateEmbedding(self.config, self.global_config)
+    def partial_template_embedder(template_aatype,
+                                  template_all_atom_positions,
+                                  template_all_atom_mask,
+                                  unsafe_key):
+      safe_key = prng.SafeKey(unsafe_key)
+      return template_embedder(query_embedding,
+                               template_aatype,
+                               template_all_atom_positions,
+                               template_all_atom_mask,
+                               padding_mask_2d,
+                               multichain_mask_2d,
+                               is_training,
+                               safe_key)
+    safe_key, unsafe_key = safe_key.split()
+    unsafe_keys = jax.random.split(unsafe_key._key, num_templates)
+    def scan_fn(carry, x):
+      return carry + partial_template_embedder(*x), None
+    scan_init = jnp.zeros((num_res, num_res, c.num_channels),
+                          dtype=query_embedding.dtype)
+    summed_template_embeddings, _ = hk.scan(
+        scan_fn, scan_init,
+        (template_batch['template_aatype'],
+         template_batch['template_all_atom_positions'],
+         template_batch['template_all_atom_mask'], unsafe_keys))
+    embedding = summed_template_embeddings / num_templates
+    embedding = jax.nn.relu(embedding)
+    embedding = common_modules.Linear(
+        query_num_channels,
+        initializer='relu',
+        name='output_linear')(embedding)
+    return embedding
+class SingleTemplateEmbedding(hk.Module):
+  """Embed a single template."""
+  def __init__(self, config, global_config, name='single_template_embedding'):
+    super().__init__(name=name)
+    self.config = config
+    self.global_config = global_config
+  def __call__(self, query_embedding, template_aatype,
+               template_all_atom_positions, template_all_atom_mask,
+               padding_mask_2d, multichain_mask_2d, is_training,
+               safe_key):
+    """Build the single template embedding graph.
+    Args:
+      query_embedding: (num_res, num_res, num_channels) - embedding of the
+        query sequence/msa.
+      template_aatype: [num_res] aatype for each template.
+      template_all_atom_positions: [num_res, 37, 3] atom positions for all
+        templates.
+      template_all_atom_mask: [num_res, 37] mask for each template.
+      padding_mask_2d: Padding mask (Note: this doesn't care if a template
+        exists, unlike the template_pseudo_beta_mask).
+      multichain_mask_2d: A mask indicating intra-chain residue pairs, used
+        to mask out between chain distances/features when templates are for
+        single chains.
+      is_training: Are we in training mode.
+      safe_key: Random key generator.
+    Returns:
+      A template embedding (num_res, num_res, num_channels).
+    """
+    gc = self.global_config
+    c = self.config
+    assert padding_mask_2d.dtype == query_embedding.dtype
+    dtype = query_embedding.dtype
+    num_channels = self.config.num_channels
+    def construct_input(query_embedding, template_aatype,
+                        template_all_atom_positions, template_all_atom_mask,
+                        multichain_mask_2d):
+      # Compute distogram feature for the template.
+      template_positions, pseudo_beta_mask = modules.pseudo_beta_fn(
+          template_aatype, template_all_atom_positions, template_all_atom_mask)
+      pseudo_beta_mask_2d = (pseudo_beta_mask[:, None] *
+                             pseudo_beta_mask[None, :])
+      pseudo_beta_mask_2d *= multichain_mask_2d
+      template_dgram = modules.dgram_from_positions(
+          template_positions, **self.config.dgram_features)
+      template_dgram *= pseudo_beta_mask_2d[..., None]
+      template_dgram = template_dgram.astype(dtype)
+      pseudo_beta_mask_2d = pseudo_beta_mask_2d.astype(dtype)
+      to_concat = [(template_dgram, 1), (pseudo_beta_mask_2d, 0)]
+      aatype = jax.nn.one_hot(template_aatype, 22, axis=-1, dtype=dtype)
+      to_concat.append((aatype[None, :, :], 1))
+      to_concat.append((aatype[:, None, :], 1))
+      # Compute a feature representing the normalized vector between each
+      # backbone affine - i.e. in each residues local frame, what direction are
+      # each of the other residues.
+      raw_atom_pos = template_all_atom_positions
+      atom_pos = geometry.Vec3Array.from_array(raw_atom_pos)
+      rigid, backbone_mask = folding_multimer.make_backbone_affine(
+          atom_pos,
+          template_all_atom_mask,
+          template_aatype)
+      points = rigid.translation
+      rigid_vec = rigid[:, None].inverse().apply_to_point(points)
+      unit_vector = rigid_vec.normalized()
+      unit_vector = [unit_vector.x, unit_vector.y, unit_vector.z]
+      backbone_mask_2d = backbone_mask[:, None] * backbone_mask[None, :]
+      backbone_mask_2d *= multichain_mask_2d
+      unit_vector = [x*backbone_mask_2d for x in unit_vector]
+      # Note that the backbone_mask takes into account C, CA and N (unlike
+      # pseudo beta mask which just needs CB) so we add both masks as features.
+      to_concat.extend([(x, 0) for x in unit_vector])
+      to_concat.append((backbone_mask_2d, 0))
+      query_embedding = hk.LayerNorm(
+          axis=[-1],
+          create_scale=True,
+          create_offset=True,
+          name='query_embedding_norm')(
+              query_embedding)
+      # Allow the template embedder to see the query embedding.  Note this
+      # contains the position relative feature, so this is how the network knows
+      # which residues are next to each other.
+      to_concat.append((query_embedding, 1))
+      act = 0
+      for i, (x, n_input_dims) in enumerate(to_concat):
+        act += common_modules.Linear(
+            num_channels,
+            num_input_dims=n_input_dims,
+            initializer='relu',
+            name=f'template_pair_embedding_{i}')(x)
+      return act
+    act = construct_input(query_embedding, template_aatype,
+                          template_all_atom_positions, template_all_atom_mask,
+                          multichain_mask_2d)
+    template_iteration = TemplateEmbeddingIteration(
+        c.template_pair_stack, gc, name='template_embedding_iteration')
+    def template_iteration_fn(x):
+      act, safe_key = x
+      safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+      act = template_iteration(
+          act=act,
+          pair_mask=padding_mask_2d,
+          is_training=is_training,
+          safe_key=safe_subkey)
+      return (act, safe_key)
+    if gc.use_remat:
+      template_iteration_fn = hk.remat(template_iteration_fn)
+    safe_key, safe_subkey = safe_key.split()
+    template_stack = layer_stack.layer_stack(
+        c.template_pair_stack.num_block)(
+            template_iteration_fn)
+    act, safe_key = template_stack((act, safe_subkey))
+    act = hk.LayerNorm(
+        axis=[-1],
+        create_scale=True,
+        create_offset=True,
+        name='output_layer_norm')(
+            act)
+    return act
+class TemplateEmbeddingIteration(hk.Module):
+  """Single Iteration of Template Embedding."""
+  def __init__(self, config, global_config,
+               name='template_embedding_iteration'):
+    super().__init__(name=name)
+    self.config = config
+    self.global_config = global_config
+  def __call__(self, act, pair_mask, is_training=True,
+               safe_key=None):
+    """Build a single iteration of the template embedder.
+    Args:
+      act: [num_res, num_res, num_channel] Input pairwise activations.
+      pair_mask: [num_res, num_res] padding mask.
+      is_training: Whether to run in training mode.
+      safe_key: Safe pseudo-random generator key.
+    Returns:
+      [num_res, num_res, num_channel] tensor of activations.
+    """
+    c = self.config
+    gc = self.global_config
+    if safe_key is None:
+      safe_key = prng.SafeKey(hk.next_rng_key())
+    dropout_wrapper_fn = functools.partial(
+        modules.dropout_wrapper,
+        is_training=is_training,
+        global_config=gc)
+    safe_key, *sub_keys = safe_key.split(20)
+    sub_keys = iter(sub_keys)
+    act = dropout_wrapper_fn(
+        modules.TriangleMultiplication(c.triangle_multiplication_outgoing, gc,
+                                       name='triangle_multiplication_outgoing'),
+        act,
+        pair_mask,
+        safe_key=next(sub_keys))
+    act = dropout_wrapper_fn(
+        modules.TriangleMultiplication(c.triangle_multiplication_incoming, gc,
+                                       name='triangle_multiplication_incoming'),
+        act,
+        pair_mask,
+        safe_key=next(sub_keys))
+    act = dropout_wrapper_fn(
+        modules.TriangleAttention(c.triangle_attention_starting_node, gc,
+                                  name='triangle_attention_starting_node'),
+        act,
+        pair_mask,
+        safe_key=next(sub_keys))
+    act = dropout_wrapper_fn(
+        modules.TriangleAttention(c.triangle_attention_ending_node, gc,
+                                  name='triangle_attention_ending_node'),
+        act,
+        pair_mask,
+        safe_key=next(sub_keys))
+    act = dropout_wrapper_fn(
+        modules.Transition(c.pair_transition, gc,
+                           name='pair_transition'),
+        act,
+        pair_mask,
+        safe_key=next(sub_keys))
+    return act
+def template_embedding_1d(batch, num_channel):
+  """Embed templates into an (num_res, num_templates, num_channels) embedding.
+  Args:
+    batch: A batch containing:
+      template_aatype, (num_templates, num_res) aatype for the templates.
+      template_all_atom_positions, (num_templates, num_residues, 37, 3) atom
+        positions for the templates.
+      template_all_atom_mask, (num_templates, num_residues, 37) atom mask for
+        each template.
+    num_channel: The number of channels in the output.
+  Returns:
+    An embedding of shape (num_templates, num_res, num_channels) and a mask of
+    shape (num_templates, num_res).
+  """
+  # Embed the templates aatypes.
+  aatype_one_hot = jax.nn.one_hot(batch['template_aatype'], 22, axis=-1)
+  num_templates = batch['template_aatype'].shape[0]
+  all_chi_angles = []
+  all_chi_masks = []
+  for i in range(num_templates):
+    atom_pos = geometry.Vec3Array.from_array(
+        batch['template_all_atom_positions'][i, :, :, :])
+    template_chi_angles, template_chi_mask = all_atom_multimer.compute_chi_angles(
+        atom_pos,
+        batch['template_all_atom_mask'][i, :, :],
+        batch['template_aatype'][i, :])
+    all_chi_angles.append(template_chi_angles)
+    all_chi_masks.append(template_chi_mask)
+  chi_angles = jnp.stack(all_chi_angles, axis=0)
+  chi_mask = jnp.stack(all_chi_masks, axis=0)
+  template_features = jnp.concatenate([
+      aatype_one_hot,
+      jnp.sin(chi_angles) * chi_mask,
+      jnp.cos(chi_angles) * chi_mask,
+      chi_mask], axis=-1)
+  template_mask = chi_mask[:, :, 0]
+  template_activations = common_modules.Linear(
+      num_channel,
+      initializer='relu',
+      name='template_single_embedding')(
+          template_features)
+  template_activations = jax.nn.relu(template_activations)
+  template_activations = common_modules.Linear(
+      num_channel,
+      initializer='relu',
+      name='template_projection')(
+          template_activations)
+  return template_activations, template_mask