view @ 17:1f39c833f65f draft

planemo upload for repository commit cda481171e25f6f18c090ae491e9fb68589ffae8
author galaxyp
date Mon, 25 Jul 2022 17:37:01 +0000
parents 37d669de2828
line wrap: on
line source

Create a project-specific MaxQuant parameter file.

import copy
import ntpath
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from itertools import zip_longest
from xml.dom import minidom

import yaml

def et_add_child(el, name, text, attrib=None):
    "Add a child element to an xml.etree.ElementTree.Element"
    child = ET.SubElement(el, name, attrib=attrib if attrib else {})
    child.text = str(text)
    return child

class ParamGroup:
    """Represents one parameter Group

    def __init__(self, root):
        """Initialize with its xml.etree.ElementTree root Element.
        self._root = copy.deepcopy(root)

    def set_list_param(self, key, vals):
        """Set a list parameter.
        node = self._root.find(key)
        if node is None:
            raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
        node.tag = key
        for e in vals:
            et_add_child(node, name='string', text=e)

    def set_simple_param(self, key, value):
        """Set a simple parameter.
        node = self._root.find(key)
        if node is None:
            raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
        node.text = str(value)

    def set_silac(self, light_labels, medium_labels, heavy_labels):
        """Set label modifications.
        if medium_labels and not (heavy_labels or light_labels):  # medium omly with heavy and light
            raise Exception("Incorrect SILAC specification. Use medium only together with light and heavy labels.")
        multiplicity = 3 if medium_labels else 2 if heavy_labels else 1
        max_label = str(max(len(light_labels) if light_labels else 0,
                            len(medium_labels) if medium_labels else 0,
                            len(heavy_labels) if heavy_labels else 0))
        self._root.find('multiplicity').text = str(multiplicity)
        self._root.find('maxLabeledAa').text = max_label
        node = self._root.find('labelMods')
        node[0].text = ';'.join(light_labels) if light_labels else ''
        if multiplicity == 3:
            et_add_child(node, name='string', text=';'.join(medium_labels))
        if multiplicity > 1:
            et_add_child(node, name='string',
                         text=';'.join(heavy_labels) if heavy_labels else '')

    def set_isobaric_label(self, internalLabel, terminalLabel,
                           cm2, cm1, cp1, cp2, tmtLike):
        """Add isobaric label info.
            internalLabel: string
            terminalLabel: string
            cm2: (float) correction factor
            cm1: (float) correction factor
            cp1: (float) correction factor
            cp2: (float) correction factor
            tmtLike: bool or string
        iso_labels_node = self._root.find('isobaricLabels')
        label = et_add_child(iso_labels_node, 'IsobaricLabelInfo', '')
        et_add_child(label, 'internalLabel', internalLabel)
        et_add_child(label, 'terminalLabel', terminalLabel)
        for num, factor in (('M2', cm2), ('M1', cm1), ('P1', cp1), ('P2', cp2)):
            et_add_child(label, 'correctionFactor' + num,
                         str(float(factor) if factor % 1 else int(factor)))
        et_add_child(label, 'tmtLike', str(tmtLike))

class MQParam:
    """Represents a mqpar.xml and provides methods to modify
    some of its parameters.

    def __init__(self, mqpar_in, exp_design=None, yaml=None, substitution_rx=r'[^\s\S]'):  # no sub by default
        """Initialize MQParam class. mqpar_in can either be a template
        or a already suitable mqpar file.
            mqpar_in: a template parameter file
            exp_design: a experimental design template (see MaxQuant documentation),
            can be None
            substitution_rx: a regular expression for replacements in the file names.
            It is applied before comparing input file names (e.g. from the exp. design)
        self.orig_mqpar = mqpar_in
        self.exp_design = exp_design
        self._root = ET.parse(mqpar_in).getroot()
        self.version = self._root.find('maxQuantVersion').text
        # regex for substitution of certain file name characters
        self.substitution_rx = substitution_rx
        self.pg_node = copy.deepcopy(self._root.find('parameterGroups')[0])
        self._paramGroups = []
        self.fasta_file_node = copy.deepcopy(self._root.find('fastaFiles')[0])
        if yaml:

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Return paramGroup if indexed with integer, else try to find
        matching Element in XML root and return its text or None.
            return self._paramGroups[index]
        except TypeError:
            ret = self._root.find(index)
            return ret.text if ret is not None else None

    def _check_validity(design, len_infiles):
        """Perform some checks on the exp. design template"""
        design_len = len(design['Name'])
        # 'Name' can be None, we need at least len_infiles valid entries
        match = len(list(filter(lambda x: bool(x), design['Name'])))
        if match < len_infiles:
            raise Exception(' '.join(["Error parsing experimental design template:",
                                      "Found only {} matching entries".format(match),
                                      "for {} input files".format(len_infiles)]))
        for i in range(0, design_len):
            msg = "(in line " + str(i + 2) + " of experimental design) "
            if not design['Experiment'][i]:
                raise ValueError(msg + " Experiment is empty.")
            if design['PTM'][i].lower() not in ('true', 'false'):
                raise ValueError(msg + "Defines invalid PTM value, should be 'True' or 'False'.")
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ValueError(msg + str(e))

    def _make_exp_design(self, groups, files):
        """Create a dict representing an experimental design from an
        experimental design template and a list input files.
        If the experimental design template is None, create a default
        design with one experiment for each input file and no fractions
        for all files.
            files: list of input file paths
            groups: list of parameter group indices
            dict: The (complete) experimental design template
        design = {s: [] for s in ("Name", "PTM", "Fraction", "Experiment", "paramGroup")}
        if not self.exp_design:
            design["Name"] = files
            design["Fraction"] = ('32767',) * len(files)
            design["Experiment"] = [os.path.split(f)[1] for f in files]
            design["PTM"] = ('False',) * len(files)
            design["paramGroup"] = groups
            with open(self.exp_design) as design_file:
                index_line = design_file.readline().strip()
                index = []
                for i in index_line.split('\t'):
                    if i in design:
                        raise Exception("Invalid column index in experimental design template: {}".format(i))
                for line in design_file:
                    row = line.strip().split('\t')
                    for e, i in zip_longest(row, index):
                        if i == "Fraction" and not e:
                            e = '32767'
                        elif i == "PTM" and not e:
                            e = 'False'
            # map files to names in exp. design template
            names = []
            names_to_paths = {}
            # strip path and extension
            for f in files:
                b = os.path.basename(f)
                basename = b[:-11] if b.lower().endswith('.thermo.raw') else b.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1)[0]
                names_to_paths[basename] = f
            for name in design['Name']:
                # same substitution as in maxquant.xml,
                # when passing the element identifiers
                fname = re.sub(self.substitution_rx, '_', name)
                names.append(names_to_paths[fname] if fname in names_to_paths
                             else None)
            # replace orig. file names with matching links to galaxy datasets
            design['Name'] = names
            design['paramGroup'] = groups
            MQParam._check_validity(design, len(files))
        return design

    def add_infiles(self, infiles):
        """Add a list of raw/mzxml files to the mqpar.xml.
        If experimental design template was specified,
        modify other parameters accordingly.
        The files must be specified as absolute paths
        for maxquant to find them.
        Also add parameter Groups.
            infiles: a list of infile lists. first dimension denotes the
            parameter group.
        groups, files = zip(*[(num, f) for num, l in enumerate(infiles) for f in l])
        self._paramGroups = [ParamGroup(self.pg_node) for i in range(len(infiles))]
        nodenames = ('filePaths', 'experiments', 'fractions',
                     'ptms', 'paramGroupIndices', 'referenceChannel')
        design = self._make_exp_design(groups, files)
        # Get parent nodes from document
        nodes = dict()
        for nodename in nodenames:
            node = self._root.find(nodename)
            if node is None:
                raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
            nodes[nodename] = node
            node.tag = nodename
        # Append sub-elements to nodes (one per file)
        for i, name in enumerate(design['Name']):
            if name:
                et_add_child(nodes['filePaths'], 'string', name)
                et_add_child(nodes['experiments'], 'string',
                et_add_child(nodes['fractions'], 'short',
                et_add_child(nodes['ptms'], 'boolean',
                et_add_child(nodes['paramGroupIndices'], 'int',
                et_add_child(nodes['referenceChannel'], 'string', '')

    def translate(self, infiles):
        """Map a list of given infiles to the files specified in the parameter file.
        Needed for the mqpar upload in galaxy. Removes the path and then tries
        to match the files.
            infiles: list or tuple of the input
        # kind of a BUG: fails if filename starts with '.'
        infilenames = [os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] for f in infiles]
        filesNode = self._root.find('filePaths')
        files_from_mqpar = [e.text for e in filesNode]
        filesNode.tag = 'filePaths'
        for f in files_from_mqpar:
            # either windows or posix path
            win = ntpath.basename(f)
            posix = os.path.basename(f)
            basename = win if len(win) < len(posix) else posix
            basename_with_sub = re.sub(self.substitution_rx, '_',
            # match infiles to their names in mqpar.xml,
            # ignore files missing in mqpar.xml
            if basename_with_sub in infilenames:
                i = infilenames.index(basename_with_sub)
                et_add_child(filesNode, 'string', infiles[i])
                raise ValueError("no matching infile found for " + f)

    def add_fasta_files(self, files, parse_rules={}):
        """Add fasta file groups.
            files: (list) of fasta file paths
            parseRules: (dict) the parse rules as (tag, text)-pairs
        fasta_node = self._root.find('fastaFiles')
        for f in files:
            fasta_node[-1].find('fastaFilePath').text = f
            for rule in parse_rules:
                fasta_node[-1].find(rule).text = parse_rules[rule]

    def set_simple_param(self, key, value):
        """Set a simple parameter.
            key: (string) XML tag of the parameter
            value: the text of the parameter XML node
        node = self._root.find(key)
        if node is None:
            raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
        node.text = str(value)

    def set_list_param(self, key, values):
        """Set a list parameter.
            key: (string) XML tag of the parameter
            values: the lit of values of the parameter XML node
        node = self._root.find(key)
        if node is None:
            raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
        node.tag = key
        for e in values:
            et_add_child(node, name='string', text=e)

    def _from_yaml(self, conf):
        """Read a yaml config file.
            conf: (string) path to the yaml conf file
        with open(conf) as f:
            conf_dict = yaml.safe_load(

        paramGroups = conf_dict.pop('paramGroups')
        self.add_infiles([pg.pop('files') for pg in paramGroups])
        for i, pg in enumerate(paramGroups):
            silac = pg.pop('labelMods', False)
            if silac:
            isobaricLabels = pg.pop('isobaricLabels', False)
            if isobaricLabels:
                for ibl in isobaricLabels:
            for el in ['fixedModifications', 'variableModifications', 'enzymes']:
                lst = pg.pop(el, None)
                if lst is not None:
                    self[i].set_list_param(el, lst)
            for key in pg:
                self[i].set_simple_param(key, pg[key])
        fastafiles = conf_dict.pop('fastaFiles', False)
        if fastafiles:
            self.add_fasta_files(fastafiles, parse_rules=conf_dict.pop('parseRules', {}))
            raise Exception('No fasta files provided.')
        for key in conf_dict:
            if key in ['restrictMods']:
                self.set_list_param(key, conf_dict[key])
                self.set_simple_param(key, conf_dict[key])

    def write(self, mqpar_out):
        """Write pretty formatted xml parameter file.
        Compose it from global parameters and parameter Groups.
        if self._paramGroups:
            pg_node = self._root.find('parameterGroups')
            for group in self._paramGroups:
        rough_string = ET.tostring(self._root, 'utf-8', short_empty_elements=False)
        reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
        pretty = reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")
        even_prettier = re.sub(r"\n\s+\n", r"\n", pretty)
        with open(mqpar_out, 'w') as f:
            print(even_prettier, file=f)