diff MaxQuantProcessingScript.R @ 0:dbff53e6f75f draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproteomics/tools-galaxyp/tree/master/tools/mqppep commit 3a7b3609d6e514c9e8f980ecb684960c6b2252fe
author galaxyp
date Mon, 11 Jul 2022 19:22:25 +0000
children 08678c931f5d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaxQuantProcessingScript.R	Mon Jul 11 19:22:25 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# This is the implementation for the
+#   "MaxQuant Phosphopeptide Localization Probability Cutoff"
+#   Galaxy tool (mqppep_lclztn_filter)
+# It is adapted from the MaxQuant Processing Script written by Larry Cheng.
+# libraries
+# title: "MaxQuant Processing Script"
+# author: "Larry Cheng"
+# date: "February 19, 2018"
+# # MaxQuant Processing Script
+# Takes MaxQuant Phospho (STY)sites.txt file as input
+# and performs the following (in order):
+# 1) Runs the Proteomics Quality Control software
+# 2) Remove contaminant and reverse sequence rows
+# 3) Filters rows based on localization probability
+# 4) Extract the quantitative data
+# 5) Sequences phosphopeptides
+# 6) Merges multiply phosphorylated peptides
+# 7) Filters out phosphopeptides based on enrichment
+# The output file contains the phosphopeptide (first column)
+# and the quantitative values for each sample.
+# ## Revision History
+# Rev. 2022-02-10 :wrap for inclusion in Galaxy
+# Rev. 2018-02-19 :break up analysis script into "MaxQuant Processing Script"
+#                  and "Phosphopeptide Processing Script"
+# Rev. 2017-12-12 :added PTXQC
+#                  added additional plots and table outputs for quality control
+#                  allowed for more than 2 samples to be grouped together
+#                  (up to 26 (eg, 1A, 1B, 1C, etc))
+#                  converted from .r to .rmd file to knit report
+#                  for quality control
+# Rev. 2016-09-11 :automated the FDR cutoffs; removed the option to data
+#                  impute multiple times
+# Rev. 2016-09-09 :added filter to eliminate contaminant & reverse sequence rows
+# Rev. 2016-09-01 :moved the collapse step from after ANOVA filter to prior to
+#                  preANOVA file output
+# Rev. 2016-08-22 :use regexSampleNames <- "\\.(\\d + )[AB]$"
+#                  so that it looks at the end of string
+# Rev. 2016-08-05 :Removed vestigial line (ppeptides <- ....)
+# Rev. 2016-07-03 :Removed row names from the write.table() output for
+#                  ANOVA and PreANOVA
+# Rev. 2016-06-25 :Set default Localization Probability cutoff to 0.75
+# Rev. 2016-06-23 :fixed a bug in filtering for pY enrichment by resetting
+#                  the row numbers afterwards
+# Rev. 2016-06-21 :test18 + standardized the regexpression in protocol
+### FUNCTION DECLARATIONS begin ----------------------------------------------
+# Read first line of file at filePath
+# adapted from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35761217/15509512
+read_first_line <- function(filepath) {
+  con <- file(filepath, "r")
+  line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
+  close(con)
+  return(line)
+# Move columns to the end of dataframe
+# - data: the dataframe
+# - move: a vector of column names, each of which is an element of names(data)
+movetolast <- function(data, move) {
+  data[c(setdiff(names(data), move), move)]
+# Generate phosphopeptide and build list when applied
+phosphopeptide_func <- function(df) {
+  # generate peptide sequence and list of phosphopositions
+  phosphoprobsequence <-
+    strsplit(as.character(df["Phospho (STY) Score diffs"]), "")[[1]]
+  output <- vector()
+  phosphopeptide <- ""
+  counter <- 0 # keep track of position in peptide
+  phosphopositions <-
+    vector() # keep track of phosphorylation positions in peptide
+  score_diff <- ""
+  for (chara in phosphoprobsequence) {
+    # build peptide sequence
+    if (!(
+      chara == " " ||
+      chara == "(" ||
+      chara == ")" ||
+      chara == "." ||
+      chara == "-" ||
+      chara == "0" ||
+      chara == "1" ||
+      chara == "2" ||
+      chara == "3" ||
+      chara == "4" ||
+      chara == "5" ||
+      chara == "6" ||
+      chara == "7" ||
+      chara == "8" ||
+      chara == "9")
+    ) {
+      phosphopeptide <- paste(phosphopeptide, chara, sep = "")
+      counter <- counter + 1
+    }
+    # generate score_diff
+    if (chara == "-" ||
+        chara == "." ||
+        chara == "0" ||
+        chara == "1" ||
+        chara == "2" ||
+        chara == "3" ||
+        chara == "4" ||
+        chara == "5" ||
+        chara == "6" ||
+        chara == "7" ||
+        chara == "8" ||
+        chara == "9"
+    ) {
+      score_diff <- paste(score_diff, chara, sep = "")
+    }
+    # evaluate score_diff
+    if (chara == ")") {
+      score_diff <- as.numeric(score_diff)
+      # only consider a phosphoresidue if score_diff > 0
+      if (score_diff > 0) {
+        phosphopositions <- append(phosphopositions, counter)
+      }
+      score_diff <- ""
+    }
+  }
+  # generate phosphopeptide sequence (ie, peptide sequence with "p"'s)
+  counter <- 1
+  phosphoposition_correction1 <-
+    -1 # used to correct phosphosposition as "p"'s
+       #  are inserted into the phosphopeptide string
+  phosphoposition_correction2 <-
+    0  # used to correct phosphosposition as "p"'s
+       #   are inserted into the phosphopeptide string
+  while (counter <= length(phosphopositions)) {
+    phosphopeptide <-
+      paste(
+        substr(
+          phosphopeptide,
+          0,
+          phosphopositions[counter] + phosphoposition_correction1
+        ),
+        "p",
+        substr(
+          phosphopeptide,
+          phosphopositions[counter] + phosphoposition_correction2,
+          nchar(phosphopeptide)
+        ),
+        sep = ""
+      )
+    counter <- counter + 1
+    phosphoposition_correction1 <- phosphoposition_correction1 + 1
+    phosphoposition_correction2 <- phosphoposition_correction2 + 1
+  }
+  # building phosphopeptide list
+  output <- append(output, phosphopeptide)
+  return(output)
+### FUNCTION DECLARATIONS end ------------------------------------------------
+### EXTRACT ARGUMENTS begin --------------------------------------------------
+# parse options
+option_list <- list(
+  make_option(
+    c("-i", "--input"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "A MaxQuant Phospho (STY)Sites.txt"
+  )
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-o", "--output"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "path to output file"
+  )
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-E", "--enrichGraph"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "path to enrichment graph PDF"
+  )
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-F", "--enrichGraph_svg"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "path to enrichment graph SVG"
+  )
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-L", "--locProbCutoffGraph"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "path to location-proability cutoff graph PDF"
+  )
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-M", "--locProbCutoffGraph_svg"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "path to location-proability cutoff graph SVG"
+  )
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-e", "--enriched"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "pY or pST enriched samples (ie, 'Y' or 'ST')"
+  )
+  # default = "^Number of Phospho [(]STY[)]$",
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-p", "--phosphoCol"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = paste0("PERL-compatible regular expression matching",
+             " header of column having number of 'Phospho (STY)'")
+  )
+  # default = "^Intensity[^_]",
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-s", "--startCol"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = paste0("PERL-compatible regular expression matching",
+             " header of column having first sample intensity")
+  )
+  # default = 1,
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-I", "--intervalCol"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "integer",
+    help = paste0("Column interval between the Intensities of samples",
+             " (eg, 1 if subsequent column; 2 if every other column")
+  )
+  # default = 0.75,
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-l", "--localProbCutoff"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "double",
+    help = "Localization Probability Cutoff"
+  )
+  # default = "sum",
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-f", "--collapse_func"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = paste0("merge identical phosphopeptides",
+             " by ('sum' or 'average') the intensities")
+  )
+  # default = "filtered_data.txt",
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-r", "--filtered_data"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "filtered_data.txt"
+  )
+  # default = "quantData.txt",
+  ,
+  make_option(
+    c("-q", "--quant_data"),
+    action = "store",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "quantData.txt"
+  )
+args <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list))
+# Check parameter values
+### EXTRACT ARGUMENTS end ----------------------------------------------------
+### EXTRACT PARAMETERS from arguments begin ----------------------------------
+if (!file.exists(args$input)) {
+  stop((paste("File", args$input, "does not exist")))
+phospho_col_pattern <- "^Number of Phospho [(][STY][STY]*[)]$"
+start_col_pattern <- "^Intensity[^_]"
+phospho_col_pattern <- read_first_line(args$phosphoCol)
+start_col_pattern <- read_first_line(args$startCol)
+input_file_name <- args$input
+filtered_filename <- args$filtered_data
+quant_file_name <- args$quant_data
+interval_col <- as.integer(args$intervalCol)
+first_line <- read_first_line(input_file_name)
+col_headers <-
+  unlist(strsplit(
+    x = first_line,
+    split = c("\t"),
+    fixed = TRUE
+  ))
+intensity_header_cols <-
+  grep(pattern = start_col_pattern, x = col_headers, perl = TRUE)
+if (length(intensity_header_cols) == 0) {
+  err_msg <-
+    paste("Found no intensity columns matching pattern:",
+          start_col_pattern)
+  # Divert output to stderr
+  sink(getConnection(2))
+  print(err_msg)
+  sink()
+  stop(err_msg)
+phospho_col <-
+  grep(pattern = phospho_col_pattern, x = col_headers, perl = TRUE)[1]
+if (is.na(phospho_col)) {
+  err_msg <-
+    paste("Found no 'number of phospho sites' columns matching pattern:",
+          phospho_col_pattern)
+  # Divert output to stderr
+  sink(getConnection(2))
+  print(err_msg)
+  sink()
+  stop(err_msg)
+i_count <- 0
+this_column <- 1
+last_value <- intensity_header_cols[1]
+intensity_cols <- c(last_value)
+while (length(intensity_header_cols) >= interval_col * i_count) {
+  i_count <- 1 + i_count
+  this_column <- interval_col + this_column
+  if (last_value + interval_col != intensity_header_cols[this_column])
+    break
+  last_value <- intensity_header_cols[this_column]
+  if (length(intensity_header_cols) < interval_col * i_count)
+    break
+  intensity_cols <-
+    c(intensity_cols, intensity_header_cols[this_column])
+start_col <- intensity_cols[1]
+num_samples <- i_count
+output_filename <- args$output
+enrich_graph_filename <- args$enrichGraph
+loc_prob_cutoff_graph_filename <- args$locProbCutoffGraph
+enrich_graph_filename_svg <- args$enrichGraph_svg
+loc_prob_cutoff_graph_fn_svg <- args$locProbCutoffGraph_svg
+local_prob_cutoff <- args$localProbCutoff
+enriched <- args$enriched
+collapse_fn <- args$collapse_func
+### EXTRACT PARAMETERS from arguments end ------------------------------------
+# Proteomics Quality Control for MaxQuant Results
+#  (Bielow C et al. J Proteome Res. 2016 PMID: 26653327)
+# is run by the Galaxy MaxQuant wrapper and need not be invoked here.
+# Read & filter out contaminants, reverse sequences, & localization probability
+# ---
+full_data <-
+  read.table(
+    file = input_file_name,
+    sep = "\t",
+    header = TRUE,
+    quote = ""
+  )
+# Filter out contaminant rows and reverse rows
+filtered_data <- subset(full_data, !grepl("CON__", Proteins))
+filtered_data <-
+  subset(filtered_data, !grepl("_MYCOPLASMA", Proteins))
+filtered_data <-
+  subset(filtered_data, !grepl("CONTAMINANT_", Proteins))
+filtered_data <-
+  subset(filtered_data, !grepl("REV__", Protein)
+         ) # since REV__ rows are blank in the first column (Proteins)
+  filtered_data,
+  file = filtered_filename,
+  sep = "\t",
+  quote = FALSE,
+  col.names = TRUE,
+  row.names = FALSE
+# ...
+# Filter out data with localization probability below localProbCutoff
+# ---
+# Data filtered by localization probability
+loc_prob_filtered_data <-
+  filtered_data[
+    filtered_data$Localization.prob >= local_prob_cutoff,
+    ]
+# ...
+# Localization probability -- visualize locprob cutoff
+# ---
+loc_prob_graph_data <-
+  data.frame(
+    group = c(paste(">", toString(local_prob_cutoff), sep = ""),
+              paste("<", toString(local_prob_cutoff), sep = "")),
+    value = c(
+      nrow(loc_prob_filtered_data) / nrow(filtered_data) * 100,
+      (nrow(filtered_data) - nrow(loc_prob_filtered_data))
+        / nrow(filtered_data) * 100
+    )
+  )
+gigi <-
+  ggplot(loc_prob_graph_data, aes(x = "", y = value, fill = group)) +
+  geom_bar(width = 0.5,
+           stat = "identity",
+           color = "black") +
+  labs(x = NULL,
+    y = "percent",
+    title = "Phosphopeptides partitioned by localization-probability cutoff"
+  ) +
+  scale_fill_discrete(name = "phosphopeptide\nlocalization-\nprobability") +
+  theme_minimal() +
+  theme(
+    legend.position = "right",
+    legend.title = element_text(),
+    plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
+    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
+    plot.title.position = "plot"
+  )
+# ...
+# Extract quantitative values from filtered data
+# ---
+quant_data <-
+  loc_prob_filtered_data[, seq(from = start_col,
+                               by = interval_col,
+                               length.out = num_samples)]
+# ...
+# Generate Phosphopeptide Sequence
+#   for latest version of MaxQuant (Version
+# ---
+metadata_df <-
+  data.frame(
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, 1:8],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col + 1],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col + 2],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col + 3],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col + 4],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col + 5],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col + 6],
+    loc_prob_filtered_data[, phospho_col + 7],
+    quant_data
+  )
+colnames(metadata_df) <-
+  c(
+    "Proteins",
+    "Positions within proteins",
+    "Leading proteins",
+    "Protein",
+    "Protein names",
+    "Gene names",
+    "Fasta headers",
+    "Localization prob",
+    "Number of Phospho (STY)",
+    "Amino Acid",
+    "Sequence window",
+    "Modification window",
+    "Peptide window coverage",
+    "Phospho (STY) Probabilities",
+    "Phospho (STY) Score diffs",
+    "Position in peptide",
+    colnames(quant_data)
+  )
+# 'phosphopeptide_func' generates a phosphopeptide sequence
+#   for each row of data.
+# for the 'apply' function: MARGIN 1 == rows, 2 == columns, c(1, 2) = both
+metadata_df$phosphopeptide <-
+  apply(X = metadata_df, MARGIN = 1, FUN = phosphopeptide_func)
+colnames(metadata_df)[1] <- "Phosphopeptide"
+# Move the quant data columns to the right end of the data.frame
+metadata_df <- movetolast(metadata_df, c(colnames(quant_data)))
+# ...
+# Write quantitative values for debugging purposes
+# ---
+quant_write <- cbind(metadata_df[, "Sequence window"], quant_data)
+colnames(quant_write)[1] <- "Sequence.Window"
+  quant_write,
+  file = quant_file_name,
+  sep = "\t",
+  quote = FALSE,
+  col.names = TRUE,
+  row.names = FALSE
+# ...
+# Make new data frame containing only Phosphopeptides
+#   that are to be mapped to quant data (merge_df)
+# ---
+metadata_df <-
+  setDT(metadata_df, keep.rownames = TRUE) # row name will be used to map
+merge_df <-
+  data.frame(
+    as.integer(metadata_df$rn),
+    metadata_df$phosphopeptide # row index to merge data frames
+    )
+colnames(merge_df) <- c("rn", "Phosphopeptide")
+# ...
+# Add Phosphopeptide column to quant columns for quality control checking
+# ---
+quant_data_qc <- as.data.frame(quant_data)
+setDT(quant_data_qc, keep.rownames = TRUE) # will use to match rowname to data
+quant_data_qc$rn <- as.integer(quant_data_qc$rn)
+quant_data_qc <- merge(merge_df, quant_data_qc, by = "rn")
+quant_data_qc$rn <- NULL # remove rn column
+# ...
+# Collapse multiphosphorylated peptides
+# ---
+quant_data_qc_collapsed <-
+  data.table(quant_data_qc, key = "Phosphopeptide")
+quant_data_qc_collapsed <-
+  aggregate(. ~ Phosphopeptide, quant_data_qc, FUN = collapse_fn)
+# ...
+# Compute (as string) % of phosphopeptides that are multiphosphorylated
+#   (for use in next step)
+# ---
+pct_multiphos <-
+  (
+    nrow(quant_data_qc) - nrow(quant_data_qc_collapsed)
+  ) / (2 * nrow(quant_data_qc))
+pct_multiphos <- sprintf("%0.1f%s", 100 * pct_multiphos, "%")
+# ...
+# Compute and visualize breakdown of pY, pS, and pT before enrichment filter
+# ---
+py_data <-
+  quant_data_qc_collapsed[
+    str_detect(quant_data_qc_collapsed$Phosphopeptide, "pY"),
+    ]
+ps_data <-
+  quant_data_qc_collapsed[
+    str_detect(quant_data_qc_collapsed$Phosphopeptide, "pS"),
+    ]
+pt_data <-
+  quant_data_qc_collapsed[
+     str_detect(quant_data_qc_collapsed$Phosphopeptide, "pT"),
+     ]
+py_num <- nrow(py_data)
+ps_num <- nrow(ps_data)
+pt_num <- nrow(pt_data)
+# Visualize enrichment
+enrich_graph_data <- data.frame(group = c("pY", "pS", "pT"),
+                                value = c(py_num, ps_num, pt_num))
+enrich_graph_data <-
+  enrich_graph_data[
+    enrich_graph_data$value > 0,
+    ]
+# Plot pie chart with legend
+# start: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62522478/15509512
+# refine: https://www.statology.org/ggplot-pie-chart/
+# colors: https://colorbrewer2.org/#type=diverging&scheme=BrBG&n=8
+slices <- enrich_graph_data$value
+phosphoresidue <- enrich_graph_data$group
+pct    <- round(100 * slices / sum(slices))
+lbls   <-
+  paste(enrich_graph_data$group, "\n", pct, "%\n(", slices, ")", sep = "")
+slc_ctr <- c()
+run_tot <- 0
+for (p in pct) {
+  slc_ctr <- c(slc_ctr, run_tot + p / 2.0)
+  run_tot <- run_tot + p
+lbl_y  <- 100 - slc_ctr
+df     <-
+  data.frame(slices,
+             pct,
+             lbls,
+             phosphoresidue = factor(phosphoresidue, levels = phosphoresidue))
+gigi <- ggplot(df
+               , aes(x = 1, y = pct, fill = phosphoresidue)) +
+  geom_col(position = "stack", orientation = "x") +
+  geom_text(aes(x = 1, y = lbl_y, label = lbls), col = "black") +
+  coord_polar(theta = "y", direction = -1) +
+  labs(
+    x = NULL
+    ,
+    y = NULL
+    ,
+    title = "Percentages (and counts) of phosphosites, by type of residue"
+    ,
+    caption = sprintf(
+      "Roughly %s of peptides have multiple phosphosites.",
+      pct_multiphos
+    )
+  ) +
+  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, fill = NULL) +
+  theme_classic() +
+  theme(
+    legend.position = "right"
+    ,
+    axis.line = element_blank()
+    ,
+    axis.text = element_blank()
+    ,
+    axis.ticks = element_blank()
+    ,
+    plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
+    ,
+    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
+    ,
+    plot.caption = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
+    ,
+    plot.title.position = "plot"
+  ) +
+  scale_fill_manual(breaks = phosphoresidue,
+                    values = c("#c7eae5", "#f6e8c3", "#dfc27d"))
+# ...
+# Filter phosphopeptides by enrichment
+# --
+if (enriched == "Y") {
+  quant_data_qc_enrichment <- quant_data_qc_collapsed[
+    str_detect(quant_data_qc_collapsed$Phosphopeptide, "pY"),
+    ]
+} else if (enriched == "ST") {
+  quant_data_qc_enrichment <- quant_data_qc_collapsed[
+    str_detect(quant_data_qc_collapsed$Phosphopeptide, "pS") |
+    str_detect(quant_data_qc_collapsed$Phosphopeptide, "pT"),
+    ]
+} else {
+  print("Error in enriched variable. Set to either 'Y' or 'ST'")
+# ...
+# Write phosphopeptides filtered by enrichment
+# --
+  quant_data_qc_enrichment,
+  file = output_filename,
+  sep = "\t",
+  quote = FALSE,
+  row.names = FALSE
+# ...