diff mqppep_anova.R @ 1:b76c75521d91 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproteomics/tools-galaxyp/tree/master/tools/mqppep commit 43e7a43b545c24b2dc33d039198551c032aa79be
author galaxyp
date Fri, 28 Oct 2022 18:26:42 +0000
parents 8dfd5d2b5903
children bae3a23461c9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mqppep_anova.R	Mon Jul 11 19:22:54 2022 +0000
+++ b/mqppep_anova.R	Fri Oct 28 18:26:42 2022 +0000
@@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
 # libraries
 # ref for parameterizing Rmd document: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37940285
 # parse options
 option_list <- list(
-  make_option(
-    c("-i", "--inputFile"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = NA,
-    type = "character",
-    help = "Phosphopeptide Intensities sparse input file path"
-  ),
+  # files
     c("-a", "--alphaFile"),
     action = "store",
@@ -24,64 +19,11 @@
              " path to text file having one column and no header")
-    c("-S", "--preproc_sqlite"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = NA,
-    type = "character",
-    help = "Path to 'preproc_sqlite' produced by `mqppep_mrgfltr.py`"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    c("-K", "--ksea_sqlite"),
+    c("-M", "--anova_ksea_metadata"),
     action = "store",
-    default = NA,
-    type = "character",
-    help = "Path to 'ksea_sqlite' output produced by this tool"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    c("-f", "--firstDataColumn"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = "^Intensity[^_]",
-    type = "character",
-    help = "First column of intensity values"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    c("-m", "--imputationMethod"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = "random",
+    default = "anova_ksea_metadata.tsv",
     type = "character",
-    help = paste0("Method for missing-value imputation,",
-             " one of c('group-median','median','mean','random')")
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    c("-p", "--meanPercentile"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = 3,
-    type = "integer",
-    help = paste0("Mean percentile for randomly generated imputed values;",
-              ", range [1,99]")
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    c("-d", "--sdPercentile"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = 3,
-    type = "double",
-    help = paste0("Adjustment value for standard deviation of",
-              " randomly generated imputed values; real")
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    c("-s", "--regexSampleNames"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = "\\.(\\d+)[A-Z]$",
-    type = "character",
-    help = "Regular expression extracting sample-names"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    c("-g", "--regexSampleGrouping"),
-    action = "store",
-    default = "(\\d+)",
-    type = "character",
-    help = paste0("Regular expression extracting sample-group",
-             " from an extracted sample-name")
+    help = "Phosphopeptide metadata, ANOVA FDR, and KSEA enribhments"
     c("-o", "--imputedDataFile"),
@@ -102,11 +44,56 @@
+    c("-i", "--inputFile"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = NA,
+    type = "character",
+    help = "Phosphopeptide Intensities sparse input file path"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-K", "--ksea_sqlite"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = NA,
+    type = "character",
+    help = "Path to 'ksea_sqlite' output produced by this tool"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-S", "--preproc_sqlite"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = NA,
+    type = "character",
+    help = "Path to 'preproc_sqlite' produced by `mqppep_mrgfltr.py`"
+  ),
+  make_option(
     c("-r", "--reportFile"),
     action = "store",
-    default = "QuantDataProcessingScript.html",
+    default = "mqppep_anova.pdf",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "PDF report file path"
+  ),
+  # parameters
+  make_option(
+    c("-f", "--firstDataColumn"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "^Intensity[^_]",
     type = "character",
-    help = "HTML report file path"
+    help = "First column of intensity values"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-m", "--imputationMethod"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "random",
+    type = "character",
+    help = paste0("Method for missing-value imputation,",
+             " one of c('group-median','median','mean','random')")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-C", "--intensityMinValuesPerClass"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "0",
+    type = "integer",
+    help = "Minimum number of observed values per class"
     c("-k", "--ksea_cutoff_statistic"),
@@ -124,14 +111,120 @@
     help = paste0("Maximum score to be used to score a kinase enrichment as significant")
-    c("-M", "--anova_ksea_metadata"),
+    c("-c", "--kseaMinSubstrateCount"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "1",
+    type = "integer",
+    help = "Minimum number of substrates to consider any kinase for KSEA"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("--kseaUseAbsoluteLog2FC"),
+    action = "store_true",
+    default = "FALSE",
+    type = "logical",
+    help = paste0("Should abs(log2(fold-change)) be used for KSEA?",
+                  " (TRUE may alter number of hits.)")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-p", "--meanPercentile"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = 3,
+    type = "integer",
+    help = paste0("Mean percentile for randomly generated imputed values;",
+              ", range [1,99]")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("--minQuality"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = 0,
+    type = "integer",
+    help = paste0("Minimum quality (higher value reduces number of substrates",
+              " accepted; you may want to keep below 100), range [0,infinity]")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("--oneWayManyCategories"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "aov",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "Name of R function for one-way tests among more than two categories"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("--oneWayTwoCategories"),
     action = "store",
-    default = "anova_ksea_metadata.tsv",
+    default = "two.way",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "Name of R function for one-way tests between two categories"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-s", "--regexSampleNames"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "\\.(\\d+)[A-Z]$",
+    type = "character",
+    help = "Regular expression extracting sample-names"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-g", "--regexSampleGrouping"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "(\\d+)",
     type = "character",
-    help = "Phosphopeptide metadata, ANOVA FDR, and KSEA enribhments"
+    help = paste0("Regular expression extracting sample-group",
+             " from an extracted sample-name")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-d", "--sdPercentile"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = 3,
+    type = "double",
+    help = paste0("Adjustment value for standard deviation of",
+              " randomly generated imputed values; real")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-F", "--sampleGroupFilter"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "none",
+    type = "character",
+    help = paste0("Should no filter be applied to sample group names (none)",
+             " or should the filter specify samples to include or exclude?")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("--sampleGroupFilterMode"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = "r",
+    type = "character",
+    help = paste0("First character ('f', 'p', or 'r') indicating regular",
+      "expression matching mode ('fixed', 'perl', or 'grep'; ",
+      "see https://rdrr.io/r/base/grep.html).  Second character may be 'i;",
+      "to make search ignore case.")
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    c("-G", "--sampleGroupFilterPatterns"),
+    action = "store",
+    default = ".*",
+    type = "character",
+    help = paste0("Regular expression extracting sample-group",
+             " from an extracted sample-name")
-args <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list))
+  args <- parse_args(
+    OptionParser(
+      option_list = option_list,
+      add_help_option = TRUE
+    ),
+    print_help_and_exit = TRUE
+  ),
+  error = function(e) {
+    parse_args(
+      OptionParser(
+        option_list = option_list,
+        add_help_option = TRUE
+      ),
+      print_help_and_exit = TRUE
+    )
+    stop(as.character(e))
+  }
 print("args is:")
@@ -140,16 +233,34 @@
 if (! file.exists(args$inputFile)) {
   stop((paste("Input file", args$inputFile, "does not exist")))
-input_file             <- args$inputFile
-alpha_file             <- args$alphaFile
-preproc_sqlite         <- args$preproc_sqlite
-imputed_data_file_name <- args$imputedDataFile
-imp_qn_lt_data_filenm  <- args$imputedQNLTDataFile
-anova_ksea_metadata    <- args$anova_ksea_metadata
-report_file_name       <- args$reportFile
-ksea_sqlite            <- args$ksea_sqlite
-ksea_cutoff_statistic  <- args$ksea_cutoff_statistic
-ksea_cutoff_threshold  <- args$ksea_cutoff_threshold
+# files
+alpha_file                     <- args$alphaFile
+anova_ksea_metadata_file       <- args$anova_ksea_metadata
+imp_qn_lt_data_file            <- args$imputedQNLTDataFile
+imputed_data_file              <- args$imputedDataFile
+input_file                     <- args$inputFile
+ksea_sqlite_file               <- args$ksea_sqlite
+preproc_sqlite_file            <- args$preproc_sqlite
+report_file_name               <- args$reportFile
+# parameters
+# firstDataColumn - see below
+group_filter                   <- args$sampleGroupFilter
+group_filter_mode              <- args$sampleGroupFilterMode
+# imputationMethod - see below
+intensity_min_values_per_class <- args$intensityMinValuesPerClass
+ksea_cutoff_statistic          <- args$ksea_cutoff_statistic
+ksea_cutoff_threshold          <- args$ksea_cutoff_threshold
+ksea_min_substrate_count       <- args$kseaMinSubstrateCount
+ksea_use_absolute_log2_fc      <- args$kseaUseAbsoluteLog2FC
+# mean_percentile - see below
+min_quality                    <- args$minQuality
+# regexSampleNames - see below
+# regexSampleGrouping - see below
+# sampleGroupFilterPatterns - see below (becomes group_filter_patterns)
+# sd_percentile - see below
 if (
@@ -192,32 +303,59 @@
 #  - regexSampleNames
 #  - regexSampleGrouping
 read_config_file_string <- function(fname, limit) {
+  cat(sprintf("read_config_file_string: fname = '%s'\n", fname))
+  cat(sprintf("length(fname) = '%s'\n", length(fname)))
+  result <-
+    if (file.exists(fname)) {
+      cat(sprintf("reading '%s' ...\n", fname))
+      readChar(fname, limit)
+    } else {
+      cat(sprintf("not a file: '%s'\n", fname))
+      fname
+    }
+  #AC print(paste0("read_config_file_string: opening file '", as.character(fname), "'"))
   # eliminate any leading whitespace
-  result    <- gsub("^[ \t\n]*", "", readChar(fname, limit))
+  result <- gsub("^[ \t\n]*", "",   result)
   # eliminate any trailing whitespace
-  result    <- gsub("[ \t\n]*$", "", result)
+  result <- gsub("[ \t\n]*$", "",   result)
   # substitute characters escaped by Galaxy sanitizer
-  result <- gsub("__lt__", "<",  result)
-  result <- gsub("__le__", "<=", result)
-  result <- gsub("__eq__", "==", result)
-  result <- gsub("__ne__", "!=", result)
-  result <- gsub("__gt__", ">",  result)
-  result <- gsub("__ge__", ">=", result)
-  result <- gsub("__sq__", "'",  result)
-  result <- gsub("__dq__", '"',  result)
-  result <- gsub("__ob__", "[",  result)
-  result <- gsub("__cb__", "]",  result)
+  result <- gsub("__lt__",    "<",  result)
+  result <- gsub("__le__",    "<=", result)
+  result <- gsub("__eq__",    "==", result)
+  result <- gsub("__ne__",    "!=", result)
+  result <- gsub("__gt__",    ">",  result)
+  result <- gsub("__ge__",    ">=", result)
+  result <- gsub("__sq__",    "'",  result)
+  result <- gsub("__dq__",    '"',  result)
+  result <- gsub("__ob__",    "[",  result)
+  result <- gsub("__cb__",    "]",  result)
+nc <- 1000
 cat(paste0("first_data_column file: ", args$firstDataColumn, "\n"))
-cat(paste0("regex_sample_names file: ", args$regexSampleNames, "\n"))
-cat(paste0("regex_sample_grouping file: ", args$regexSampleGrouping, "\n"))
-nc <- 1000
-regex_sample_names <- read_config_file_string(args$regexSampleNames, nc)
-regex_sample_grouping <- read_config_file_string(args$regexSampleGrouping, nc)
 first_data_column <- read_config_file_string(args$firstDataColumn,  nc)
 cat(paste0("first_data_column: ",     first_data_column,     "\n"))
+cat(paste0("regex_sample_grouping file: ", args$regexSampleGrouping, "\n"))
+regex_sample_grouping <- read_config_file_string(args$regexSampleGrouping, nc)
+cat(paste0("regex_sample_grouping: ", regex_sample_grouping, "\n"))
+cat(paste0("regex_sample_names file: ", args$regexSampleNames, "\n"))
+regex_sample_names <- read_config_file_string(args$regexSampleNames, nc)
 cat(paste0("regex_sample_names: ",    regex_sample_names,    "\n"))
-cat(paste0("regex_sample_grouping: ", regex_sample_grouping, "\n"))
+if (group_filter != "none") {
+  cat(paste0("group_filter_patterns file: '", args$sampleGroupFilterPatterns, "'\n"))
+  group_filter_patterns <- read_config_file_string(args$sampleGroupFilterPatterns, nc)
+} else {
+  group_filter_patterns <- ".*"
+cat(paste0("group_filter_patterns: ", group_filter_patterns, "\n"))
 # from: https://github.com/molgenis/molgenis-pipelines/wiki/
 #   How-to-source-another_file.R-from-within-your-R-script
@@ -253,45 +391,72 @@
-script_dir <-  location_of_this_script()
+# validation of input parameters is complete; it is now justifiable to
+#   install LaTeX tools to render markdown as PDF; this involves a big
+#   download from GitHub
+if (!tinytex::is_tinytex()) tinytex::install_tinytex()
 rmarkdown_params <- list(
-    inputFile = input_file
-  , alphaFile = alpha_file
-  , preprocDb = preproc_sqlite
+    # files
+    alphaFile = alpha_file
+  , anovaKseaMetadata = anova_ksea_metadata_file
+  , imputedDataFilename = imputed_data_file
+  , imputedQNLTDataFile = imp_qn_lt_data_file
+  , inputFile = input_file
+  , kseaAppPrepDb = ksea_sqlite_file
+  , preprocDb = preproc_sqlite_file
+    # parameters
   , firstDataColumn = first_data_column
+  , groupFilter = group_filter
+  , groupFilterMode = group_filter_mode         # arg sampleGroupFilterMode
+  , groupFilterPatterns = group_filter_patterns # arg sampleGroupFilterPatterns
   , imputationMethod = imputation_method
+  , intensityMinValuesPerGroup = intensity_min_values_per_class
+  , kseaCutoffStatistic = ksea_cutoff_statistic
+  , kseaCutoffThreshold = ksea_cutoff_threshold
+  , kseaMinSubstrateCount = ksea_min_substrate_count
+  , kseaUseAbsoluteLog2FC = ksea_use_absolute_log2_fc # add
   , meanPercentile = mean_percentile
-  , sdPercentile = sd_percentile
+  , minQuality = min_quality                          # add
+  , regexSampleGrouping = regex_sample_grouping
   , regexSampleNames = regex_sample_names
-  , regexSampleGrouping = regex_sample_grouping
-  , imputedDataFilename = imputed_data_file_name
-  , imputedQNLTDataFile = imp_qn_lt_data_filenm
-  , anovaKseaMetadata = anova_ksea_metadata
-  , kseaAppPrepDb = ksea_sqlite
-  , kseaCutoffThreshold = ksea_cutoff_threshold
-  , kseaCutoffStatistic = ksea_cutoff_statistic
+  , sdPercentile = sd_percentile
+  lapply(
+    X = rmarkdown_params,
+    FUN = function(x) {
+      paste0(
+        nchar(as.character(x)),
+        ": '",
+        as.character(x),
+        "'"
+      )
+    }
+  )
 # freeze the random number generator so the same results will be produced
 #  from run to run
-# BUG (or "opportunity")
-# To render as PDF for the time being requires installing the conda
-# package `r-texlive` until this issue in `texlive-core` is resolved:
-#   https://github.com/conda-forge/texlive-core-feedstock/issues/19
-# This workaround is detailed in the fourth comment of:
-#   https://github.com/conda-forge/texlive-core-feedstock/issues/61
+script_dir <-  location_of_this_script()
   input = paste(script_dir, "mqppep_anova_script.Rmd", sep = "/")
-, output_format = rmarkdown::pdf_document(toc = TRUE)
 , output_file = report_file_name
 , params = rmarkdown_params
+, output_format = rmarkdown::pdf_document(
+    includes = rmarkdown::includes(in_header = "mqppep_anova_preamble.tex")
+  , dev = "pdf"
+  , toc = TRUE
+  , toc_depth = 2
+  , number_sections = FALSE
+  )