+ − 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
+ − 2 import optparse
+ − 3 import os
+ − 4 import sys
+ − 5 import tempfile
+ − 6 import shutil
+ − 7 import subprocess
+ − 8 import re
+ − 9 import logging
+ − 10
+ − 11 assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6)
+ − 12
+ − 13 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ − 14 working_directory = os.getcwd()
+ − 15 tmp_stderr_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=working_directory, suffix='.stderr').name
+ − 16 tmp_stdout_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=working_directory, suffix='.stdout').name
+ − 17
+ − 18
+ − 19 def stop_err(msg):
+ − 20 sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
+ − 21 sys.exit()
+ − 22
+ − 23
+ − 24 def read_stderr():
+ − 25 stderr = ''
+ − 26 if(os.path.exists(tmp_stderr_name)):
+ − 27 with open(tmp_stderr_name, 'rb') as tmp_stderr:
+ − 28 buffsize = 1048576
+ − 29 try:
+ − 30 while True:
+ − 31 stderr += tmp_stderr.read(buffsize)
+ − 32 if not stderr or len(stderr) % buffsize != 0:
+ − 33 break
+ − 34 except OverflowError:
+ − 35 pass
+ − 36 return stderr
+ − 37
+ − 38
+ − 39 def execute(command, stdin=None):
+ − 40 try:
+ − 41 with open(tmp_stderr_name, 'wb') as tmp_stderr:
+ − 42 with open(tmp_stdout_name, 'wb') as tmp_stdout:
+ − 43 proc = subprocess.Popen(args=command, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno(), stdout=tmp_stdout.fileno(), stdin=stdin, env=os.environ)
+ − 44 returncode = proc.wait()
+ − 45 if returncode != 0:
+ − 46 raise Exception("Program returned with non-zero exit code %d. stderr: %s" % (returncode, read_stderr()))
+ − 47 finally:
+ − 48 print(( open(tmp_stderr_name, "r").read() ))
+ − 49 print(( open(tmp_stdout_name, "r").read() ))
+ − 50
+ − 51
+ − 52 def delete_file(path):
+ − 53 if os.path.exists(path):
+ − 54 try:
+ − 55 os.remove(path)
+ − 56 except:
+ − 57 pass
+ − 58
+ − 59
+ − 60 def delete_directory(directory):
+ − 61 if os.path.exists(directory):
+ − 62 try:
+ − 63 shutil.rmtree(directory)
+ − 64 except:
+ − 65 pass
+ − 66
+ − 67
+ − 68 def symlink(source, link_name):
+ − 69 import platform
+ − 70 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
+ − 71 try:
+ − 72 import win32file
+ − 73 win32file.CreateSymbolicLink(source, link_name, 1)
+ − 74 except:
+ − 75 shutil.copy(source, link_name)
+ − 76 else:
+ − 77 os.symlink(source, link_name)
+ − 78
+ − 79
+ − 80 def copy_to_working_directory(data_file, relative_path):
+ − 81 if os.path.abspath(data_file) != os.path.abspath(relative_path):
+ − 82 symlink(data_file, relative_path)
+ − 83 return relative_path
+ − 84
+ − 85
+ − 86 def __main__():
+ − 87 run_script()
+ − 88
+ − 90
+ − 91 def str_to_bool(v):
+ − 92 """ From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/715417/converting-from-a-string-to-boolean-in-python """
+ − 93 return v.lower() in ["yes", "true", "t", "1"]
+ − 94
+ − 95 def shellquote(s):
+ − 96 return '"' + s.replace('"', '\\"') + '"'
+ − 97
+ − 98 def run_script():
+ − 99 parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ − 100 parser.add_option('--input', dest='inputs', action='append', default=[])
+ − 101 parser.add_option('--input_name', dest='input_names', action='append', default=[])
+ − 102 parser.add_option('--implicit', dest='implicits', action='append', default=[], help='input files that should NOT be on the AB SCIEX MS Data Converter command line.')
+ − 103 parser.add_option('--output', dest='output')
+ − 104 parser.add_option('--fromextension', dest='fromextension')
+ − 105 parser.add_option('--toextension', dest='toextension', default='mzML', choices=['mzML', 'mgf'])
+ − 106 parser.add_option('--content_type', dest='content_type', default='centroid', choices=['profile', 'centroid', 'proteinpilot'])
+ − 107 parser.add_option('--binaryencoding', dest='binaryencoding', choices=['32', '64'])
+ − 108 parser.add_option('--zlib', dest='zlib', default="false")
+ − 109 parser.add_option('--index', dest='index', default="false")
+ − 110 parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False)
+ − 111
+ − 112 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ − 113 if len(options.inputs) < 1:
+ − 114 stop_err("No input files to ms_data_convert specified")
+ − 115 if len(options.input_names) > 0 and len(options.input_names) != len(options.inputs):
+ − 116 stop_err("Number(s) of supplied input names and input files do not match")
+ − 117 if not options.output:
+ − 118 stop_err("Must specify output location")
+ − 119 input_files = []
+ − 120 for i, input in enumerate(options.inputs):
+ − 121 input_base = None
+ − 122 if len(options.input_names) > i:
+ − 123 input_base = options.input_names[i]
+ − 124 input_base = input_base.replace("'", "").replace("\"", "")
+ − 125 print("1- input_base: %s" % input_base)
+ − 126 if not input_base:
+ − 127 input_base = 'input%s' % i
+ − 128 print("2- input_base: %s" % input_base)
+ − 129 if not input_base.lower().endswith(options.fromextension.lower()) and input not in options.implicits:
+ − 130 input_file = '%s.%s' % (input_base, options.fromextension)
+ − 131 print("3- input_base: %s" % input_base)
+ − 132 print("3- input_file: %s" % input_file)
+ − 133 else:
+ − 134 input_file = input_base
+ − 135 print("4- input_base: %s" % input_base)
+ − 136 print("4- input_file: %s" % input_file)
+ − 137 input_file = input_file
+ − 138 copy_to_working_directory(input, input_file)
+ − 139 if input not in options.implicits:
+ − 140 input_files.append(input_file)
+ − 141 ## AB_SCIEX_MS_Converter <input format> <input data> <output content type> <output format> <output file> [data compression setting] [data precision setting] [create index flag]
+ − 142 inputs_as_str = " ".join(['%s' % shellquote(input) for input in input_files])
+ − 143 output_file = re.sub('(%s)?$' % options.fromextension.lower(), options.toextension, input_files[0].lower())
+ − 144 cmd = "AB_SCIEX_MS_Converter %s %s %s %s %s" % (options.fromextension.upper(), inputs_as_str, options.content_type, options.toextension.upper(), output_file )
+ − 145 if str_to_bool(options.zlib):
+ − 146 cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, "/zlib")
+ − 147 if options.binaryencoding:
+ − 148 cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, "/singleprecision" if options.binaryencoding == '32' else "/doubleprecision")
+ − 149 if str_to_bool(options.zlib):
+ − 150 cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, "/index")
+ − 151 if options.debug:
+ − 152 print(cmd)
+ − 153 execute(cmd)
+ − 154 shutil.copy(output_file, options.output)
+ − 155
+ − 156 if __name__ == '__main__':
+ − 157 __main__()