view @ 6:02fcbaf4cce5 draft

"planemo upload commit ea93f8f4e12763d5bafb03da4cc085aecfee5bad"
author galaxyp
date Wed, 21 Oct 2020 16:40:19 +0000
parents c3a418f7cf7f
children f8d02b61e531
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In order to enable multi-omics data analysis of microbiome data, the Galaxy-P team has developed a tool – MT2MQ – which processes metatranscriptomics gene families output from [ASaiM]( workflow and converts it to [Gene Ontology]( (GO) or EC terms. The processed metatranscriptomics output can be subsequently used as an input for comparative statistical analysis via [metaQuantome]( software suite.


Authors and contributors:

* Marie Crane
* Praveen Kumar
* Subina Mehta
* Dihn Duy An Nguyen
* Pratik Jagtap

# Instructions to run MT2MQ:

The ASAIM workflow can be run following the training module on the [GTN](
However, for training purposes we have provided inputs in the [test data]( 

## Data upload

- Upload the files mentioned below to the Galaxy Europe instance.


## Functional mode:

1. Build a **Dataset list** for the six .tsv files( `T4A`,`T4B`,`T4C`,`T7A`,`T7B`,`T7C`).
   - Click the **Operations on multiple datasets** check box at the top of the history panel.
   - Select the files mentioned above.
   - Click on ** For all selected** drop down menu and select **Build Dataset list**.
   - Once the collection is created, rename the dataset collection as `Input collection`.
2. Download the map_go_uniref50.txt file from [Zenodo](

3. Run the **Regroup a HUMAnN2 generated table by features**(Galaxy Version tool is regrouping table features (abundances or coverage) given a table of feature values and a mapping of groups to component features. It produces a new table with group values in place of feature values.
 - [**Regroup a HUMAnN2 generated table by features**]( with the following parameters:
    - *"Gene/pathway table"*: `Input collection`
    - *"How to combine grouped features?"*: `Sum`
    - In *"Use built-in grouping options?"*: `No`
        - *"Custom groups file"*: `map_go_uniref50.txt`
        - *"Is the groups file reversed?"*: `No`
    - *"Decimal places to round to after applying function"*: `3`
    - *"Include an 'UNGROUPED' group to capture features that did not belong to other groups?"*: `Yes`
    - *"Carry through protected features, such as 'UNMAPPED'?"*: `Yes`
    Once this tool is run, rename the dataset collection as `Regrouped collection` .
4. Run the **Rename features of a HUMAnN2 generated table** (Galaxy Version to change the Uniref-50 values to GO term . 
 - [**Rename features of a HUMAnN2 generated table**]( with the following parameters:
    - *"Gene/pathway table"*: `Regrouped collection`
    - *"Type of renaming"*: `Standard renaming`
    - *"Table features that can be renamed?"*: `Gene Ontology (GO)`
    - *"Remove non-alphanumeric characters from names?"*: `No`
    Once this tool is run, rename the dataset collection as `Renamed collection`.
5. Run the **Join HUMAnN2 generated tables** (Galaxy Version tool to merge all the files into one.
 - [**Join HUMAnN2 generated tables**]( with the following parameters:
   - *"Gene/pathway table"*: `Renamed collection`
    Once this tool is run, rename the dataset collection as `Joined Data`.

6. Run the **Renormalize a HUMAnN2 generated table** (Galaxy Version tool to normalize the data.
 - [**Renormalize a HUMAnN2 generated table**]( with the following parameters:
    - *"Gene/pathway table"*: `Joined Data`
    - *"Normalization scheme"*: `Copies per million`
    - *"Normalization level"*: `Normalization of all levels by community total`
    - *"Include the special features UNMAPPED, UNINTEGRATED, and UNGROUPED?"*: `Yes`
    - *"Update '-RPK' in sample names to appropriate suffix?"*: `No`
     Once this tool is run, rename the dataset collection as `Renormalized data`.

7. Now that the data is ready, we can run **MT2MQ Tool to prepare metatranscriptomic outputs from ASaiM for Metaquantome** (Galaxy Version 1.1.0)on this data.
- [**MT2MQ Tool to prepare metatranscriptomic outputs from ASaiM for Metaquantome**]( with the 
 following parameters:
    - *"Mode"*: `Function`
    - *"GO namespace"*: `Molecular Function` or `Biological Process` or ` Cellular Component`
    - *"File from HUMAnN2 after regrouping, renaming, joining, and renormalizing"*: `Renormalized data`
  **Note** : The MT2MQ tools can be run will all three GO name space.
  There are two tabular outputs from this tool.
  - A f_int.tabular output which mimics the Intensity input file for metaQuantome.
  - A func.tabular output which mimics the Functional input file for metaQuantome.

The resulting output files can be used as input for metaQuatome's functional mode.
To run metaQuantome Function mode. Follow the [GTN](