view hardcoded_params.json @ 11:36c84cb92e46 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit ddf41e8bda1ba065f5cdec98e93dee8165ffc1b9"
author galaxyp
date Thu, 27 Aug 2020 19:54:16 -0400
children 55f3c74f6ce6
line wrap: on
line source

	"#": "blacklist parameters",

	"version": [{"value": "@"}],
	"debug": [{"value": "@"}],
	"algorithm:debug": [{"value": "@"}],
	"java_memory": [{"value": "@"}],
	"java_permgen": [{"value": "@"}],
	"#": "type of input is always determined from the file extension ",
	"in_type": [{"value": "@"}],

	"#": "tool specific blacklist parameters",

	"convert_back": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["OpenSwathMzMLFileCacher"]}],
	"NET_executable": [{
			"value": "@", 
			"tools": ["FileConverter"]

	"params_file": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["SpectraSTSearchAdapter"]}],

	"#": "TODO not usable in 2.5, corresponding test currently disabled",
    	"consensus_out": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["MaRaClusterAdapter"]}],
	"#": "TODO would need treatment as prefix-output",
	"output_directory": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["MaRaClusterAdapter"]}],

	"#": "hardcode parameter values",

	"comet_version": [{
		"value":"2016.01 rev. 3"
	"comet_executable": [{
	"crux_executable": [{
		"value": "crux"
	"fido_executable": [{
	"fidocp_executable": [{
	"maracluster_executable": [{
	"mascot_directory": [{
	"myrimatch_executable": [{
	"omssa_executable": [{
		"value":"$(dirname $(realpath $(which omssacl)))/omssacl"
	"ThermoRaw_executable": [{
		"value": "ThermoRawFileParser.exe", 
		"tools": ["FileConverter"]
	"pepnovo_executable": [{
	"percolator_executable": [{
	"xtandem_executable": [{
	"executable": [
			"value":"$(dirname $(realpath $(which luciphor2)))/luciphor2.jar",
			"tools": ["LuciphorAdapter"]
		}, {
			"tools": ["MSFraggerAdapter"]
		}, {
			"value":"$(msgf_plus -get_jar_path)",
			"tools": ["MSGFPlusAdapter"]
		}, {
			"value": "/home/berntm/Downloads/novor/lib/novor.jar",
			"tools": ["NovorAdapter"]
		}, {
			"value":"$(which sirius)",
			"tools": ["SiriusAdapter", "AssayGeneratorMetabo"]
		}, {
			"tools": ["SpectraSTSearchAdapter"]
	"r_executable": [{
	"rscript_executable": [{
	"java_executable": [{
	"log": [{
	"tempDirectory": [{
	"temp_data_directory": [{
	"algorithm:Preprocessing:tmp_dir": [{
	"no_progress": [{
		"value": true
	"#": "only used in LuciphorAdapter at the moment, inconsistency will be fixed",
	"num_threads": [{
	"threads": [{
		"value": "${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}"
	"#": "hardcode the outer loop threads for OpenSwathWorkflow",
	"outer_loop_threads": [{
			"value": "1", 
			"tools": ["OpenSwathWorkflow"]
	"separator": [{
		"value": ",",
		"tools": ["IDMassAccuracy"]
	"#": "overwrite/add Galaxy xml attributes of some parameters (names need to start with param_)",

	"#": "test is not a hardcoded value since we need to set it in the tool tests", 
	"test": [{
		"CTD:type": "text",
		"XML:type": "hidden"

	"#": "overwrite CTD attributes of some parameters (some are not possible, e.g. type)",

	"#": "for some tools the user needs to select the desired output type since detection by extension makes no sense for galaxy tools",
	"out_type": [{
	    "CTD:required": true,
	    "CTD:advanced": false

	"#": "SeedListGenerator with consensusXML input needs a dynamic number of outputs that depends on the content of the input, so we remove this options at the moment because its hard or impossible to implement in Galaxy, .. see also in parameter",
	"#": "FileInfo, MapStatistics, SequenceCoverageCalculator wo -out just writes to stdout. not wanted here",
	"#": "MascotAdapter:",
	"#": "Phosphoscoring:",
	"#": "MzMLSplitter output prefix",
	"#": "IDRipper: blacklist out (is doing the same as the output-prefix out-path)",
	"out": [{
		"CTD:is_list": false, 
		"tools": ["SeedListGenerator"]
	}, {
	 	"CTD:required": true,
		"tools": ["FileInfo", "MapStatistics", "SequenceCoverageCalculator"]
	}, {
		"CTD:restrictions": "idXML",
		"tools": ["MascotAdapter"]
	}, {
		"CTD:restrictions": "idXML",
		"tools": ["PhosphoScoring"]	
	}, {
		"CTD:type": "output-prefix", 
		"CTD:required": "true",
		"CTD:restrictions": "mzml",
		"tools": ["MzMLSplitter"]
	}, {
		"value": "@", 
		"tools": ["IDRipper"]

	"#": " .. if this is removed the test will need out_cm_FLAG",
	"out_cm": [{
		"CTD:required": true, 
		"tools": ["MetaboliteAdductDecharger"]

	"#": "", 
	"out_xquestxml": [{
		"CTD:restrictions": "xquest.xml",
		"tools": ["OpenPepXL", "OpenPepXLLF"]
	"out_xquest_specxml": [{
		"CTD:restrictions": "spec.xml",
		"tools": ["OpenPepXL", "OpenPepXLLF"]

	"#": "Try to remove xml data type whereever possible",
	"#": "XTandem Adapter output is called .xml in OMS -> use Galaxy's bioml",
	"xml_out": [{
		"CTD:restrictions": "bioml",
		"tools": ["XTandemAdapter"]
	"#": "IDFileConverter remove xml",
	"#": "OpenSwathWorkflow make in single file input and all outputs non-optional",
        "#": "XFDR does not need xml .. redundant with xquest.xml TODO check if list is up to date with each new release",
        "#": "SpectraSTSearchAdapter does not need xml .. redundant with pep.xml TODO check if list is up to date with each new release",
	"#": "SeedListGenerator .. see also out parameter",
	"in": [{
		"CTD:restrictions": "pepXML,protXML,mascotXML,omssaXML,bioml,psms,tsv,idXML,mzid,xquest.xml",
		"tools": ["IDFileConverter"]
	}, {
		"CTD:is_list": false, 
		"tools": ["OpenSwathWorkflow"]
	}, {
		"CTD:restrictions": "idXML,mzid,xquest.xml",
		"tools": ["XFDR"]
	}, {
		"CTD:restrictions": "txt,tsv,pep.xml,pepXML,html",
		"tools": ["SpectraSTSearchAdapter"]
	}, {
		"CTD:restrictions": "mzML,idXML,featureXML",
		"tools": ["SeedListGenerator"]

	"#": "parameter is a flag but restrictions in wrong order: TODO",
	"# masstrace_snr_filtering": [{
		"CTD:restrictions": "true,false",
		"tools": ["MassTraceExtractor"]

	"#": "IDMapper has in and spectra:in params, in is used in out as format_source",
	"#": "which does not work in Galaxy:", 
	"spectra:in": [{
		"CTD:name": "_in", 
		"tools": ["IDMapper"]

	"#": "output-prefix",
	"out_path": [{
		"CTD:type": "output-prefix", 
		"CTD:required": "true",
		"CTD:restrictions": "idXML",
		"tools": ["IDRipper"]
	"outputDirectory": [{
		"CTD:type": "output-prefix", 
		"CTD:required": "true",
		"CTD:restrictions": "mzml",
		"tools": ["OpenSwathFileSplitter"]