# HG changeset patch
# User galaxyp
# Date 1515711922 18000
# Node ID 711e8a2cd5615f4ee1f3fc49f1d5110afd550b83
# Parent  64a7eedf3ef1d46b8650f89e84bd75b1881f14b3
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproteomics/tools-galaxyp/tree/master/tools/openms commit 8a95bc868914fb41c7452907f73a9273b03286ab

diff -r 64a7eedf3ef1 -r 711e8a2cd561 readme.md
--- a/readme.md	Sat Oct 28 05:31:20 2017 -0400
+++ b/readme.md	Thu Jan 11 18:05:22 2018 -0500
@@ -117,7 +117,14 @@
+ * In Xtandem Converter and probably in others:
+    ```
+    #if str($param_missed_cleavages) != '':
+    ```
+    This is because integers needs to be compared as string otherwise `0` becomes `false`.
  * In `MetaProSIP.xml` add `R` as a requirement:
@@ -164,7 +171,8 @@
- * These tools have multiple outputs (number of inputs = number of outputs) which is not yet supported in Galaxy-stable and are therefore in `SKIP_TOOLS_FILES.txt`:
+ * These tools have multiple outputs (number of inputs = number of outputs) which is not yet supported in
+   by the automatic conversion step and are therefore in `SKIP_TOOLS_FILES.txt`:
     * SeedListGenerator
     * SpecLibSearcher
     * MapAlignerIdentification