changeset 17:6cdbfdffb38e draft

author iracooke
date Wed, 25 Jun 2014 11:49:19 -0400
parents 186fdc4b3310
children a5f9b959d5d1
files COPYING LICENSE datatypes_conf.xml dbtoolkit-4.2/LICENSE-2.0.txt dbtoolkit-4.2/dbtoolkit-4.2.jar dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/jargs-1.0.jar dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/jargs-1.0.jar~ dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/log4j-1.2.12.jar dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/utilities-3.8.7.jar peptide_shaker.xml repository_dependencies.xml reverse.xml searchGUI_mods.xml searchGUI_usermods.xml searchgui_mods.loc searchgui_mods.loc.sample test-data/._tinyoutput.cps test-data/tinydb.fasta test-data/tinyoutput.cps test-data/tinyspectra.mgf tool_dependencies.xml
diffstat 29 files changed, 6298 insertions(+), 4629 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export PATH=/path/to/2134123412341/tint_proteomics_scripts/:$PATH
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/COPYING	Wed Jun 25 11:49:19 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Creative Commons Legal Code
+CC0 1.0 Universal
+Statement of Purpose
+The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
+exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator
+and subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
+authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
+Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for
+the purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and
+scientific works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear
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+These owners may contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free
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+terms, with knowledge of his or her Copyright and Related Rights in the
+Work and the meaning and intended legal effect of CC0 on those rights.
+1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
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+future claims and causes of action), in the Work (i) in all territories
+worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or
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+    this CC0 or use of the Work.
--- a/LICENSE	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---2012-09-19 08:46:18--
-Resolving,, 2001:610:1:80bc:192:87:106:229
-Connecting to||:80... connected.
-HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
-Length: 11358 (11K) [text/plain]
-Saving to: “LICENSE-2.0.txt”
-     0K .......... .                                          100%  200K=0.06s
-2012-09-19 08:46:18 (200 KB/s) - “LICENSE-2.0.txt” saved [11358/11358]
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Tool wrapper for SearchGUI + PeptideShaker. This tool takes any number
-of mgf files and performs X! Tandem and OMSSA searches on these via
-SearchGUI and merges the results using PeptideShaker.
-For Galaxy-P we are installing this tool via CloudBioLinux
-( While
-this fabric script may not be exactly appropriate for your environment
-it may serve as a template for how to install this software. In
-particular these tools require CLI wrappers to be placed for
-PeptideShaker and SearchGUI that can be installed as demostrated in
-these fabric functions.
-Note: Also SearchGUI requires a version greater than 1.12.2 which
-contained several bugs preventing this from working on the
-command-line and via Linux.
-Also, PeptideShaker may require xvfb to simulate an X environment if
-this is installed on a headless server.
-# Obtaining Tools
-Repositories for all Galaxy-P tools can be found at
-# Contact
-Please send suggestions for improvements and bug reports to
-# License
-All Galaxy-P tools are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0
-unless otherwise documented.
-# Tool Versioning
-Galaxy-P tools will have versions of the form X.Y.Z. Versions
-differing only after the second decimal should be completely
-compatible with each other. Breaking changes should result in an
-increment of the number before and/or after the first decimal. All
-tools of version less than 1.0.0 should be considered beta.
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Obtaining Tools
-Repositories for all Galaxy-P tools can be found at
-# Contact
-Please send suggestions for improvements and bug reports to
-# License
-All Galaxy-P tools are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0
-unless otherwise documented.
-# Tool Versioning
-Galaxy-P tools will have versions of the form X.Y.Z. Versions
-differing only after the second decimal should be completely
-compatible with each other. Breaking changes should result in an
-increment of the number before and/or after the first decimal. All
-tools of version less than 1.0.0 should be considered beta.
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Tool wrapper for SearchGUI + PeptideShaker. This tool takes any number
-of mgf files and performs X! Tandem and OMSSA searches on these via
-SearchGUI and merges the results using PeptideShaker.
-For Galaxy-P we are installing this tool via CloudBioLinux
-( While
-this fabric script may not be exactly appropriate for your environment
-it may serve as a template for how to install this software. In
-particular these tools require CLI wrappers to be placed for
-PeptideShaker and SearchGUI that can be installed as demostrated in
-these fabric functions.
-Note: Also SearchGUI requires a version greater than 1.12.2 which
-contained several bugs preventing this from working on the
-command-line and via Linux.
-Also, PeptideShaker may require xvfb to simulate an X environment if
-this is installed on a headless server.
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from os.path import exists
-with open("searchgui_mods.loc", "w") as output:
-    for mods_path in ["searchGUI_mods.xml", "searchGUI_usermods.xml"]:
-        tree = ET.parse(mods_path)
-        modifications_el = tree.getroot()
-        for mod in modifications_el.findall("{}MSModSpec"):
-            name_el = mod.find("{}MSModSpec_name")
-            output.write("%s\n" % name_el.text.lower())
--- a/datatypes_conf.xml	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <datatype_files>
-    <datatype_file name=""/>
-  </datatype_files>
-  <registration>
-    <datatype extension="cps" type="galaxy.datatypes.peptideshaker:Cps" display_in_upload="true" />
-  </registration>
--- a/dbtoolkit-4.2/LICENSE-2.0.txt	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-                                 Apache License
-                           Version 2.0, January 2004
-   1. Definitions.
-      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
-      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
-      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
-      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
-      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
-      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
-      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
-      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
-      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
-      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
-      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
-      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
-      exercising permissions granted by this License.
-      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
-      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
-      source, and configuration files.
-      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
-      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
-      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
-      and conversions to other media types.
-      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
-      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
-      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
-      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
-      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
-      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
-      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
-      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
-      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
-      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
-      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
-      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
-      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
-      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
-      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
-      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
-      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
-      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
-      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
-      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
-      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
-      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
-      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
-      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
-      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
-      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
-      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
-   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
-      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
-      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
-   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
-      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
-      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
-      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
-      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
-      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
-      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
-      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
-      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
-      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
-      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
-      as of the date such litigation is filed.
-   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
-      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
-      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
-      meet the following conditions:
-      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
-          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
-      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
-          stating that You changed the files; and
-      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
-          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
-          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
-          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
-          the Derivative Works; and
-      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
-          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
-          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
-          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
-          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
-          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
-          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
-          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
-          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
-          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
-          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
-          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
-          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
-          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
-          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
-          as modifying the License.
-      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
-      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
-      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
-      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
-      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
-      the conditions stated in this License.
-   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
-      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
-      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
-      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
-      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
-      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
-      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
-   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
-      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
-      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
-      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
-   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
-      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
-      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
-      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
-      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
-      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
-   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
-      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
-      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
-      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
-      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
-      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
-      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
-      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
-      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
-      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
-      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
-   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
-      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
-      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
-      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
-      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
-      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
-      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
-      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
-      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
-      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
-   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
-      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
-      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
-      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
-      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
-      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
-      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
-      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
-      identification within third-party archives.
-   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-   You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.
Binary file dbtoolkit-4.2/dbtoolkit-4.2.jar has changed
--- a/dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/jargs-1.0.jar	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    <package name="SearchGUI" version="1.13.1">
-        <install version="1.0">
-            <actions>
-              <action type="download_by_url"></action>
-	      <action type="shell_command">tar -xf $DIR_NAME/*.tar</action>
-	      <action type="shell_command">cd $DIR_NAME</action>
-	      <action type="shell_command">chmod -R $DIR_NAME/*resources</action>
-              <action type="move_directory_files">
-                <source_directory>.</source_directory>
-                <destination_directory>$INSTALL_DIR/</destination_directory>
-              </action>
-	      <action type="shell_command">mkdir -p $BIN_DIR</action>
-              <action type="set_environment">
-                <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
-              </action>                
-            </actions>
-        </install>
-        <readme>
-          This package downloads and installs the SearchGUI scripts develped as part of the Peptideshaker tool.
-          (
-        </readme>
-    </package>
-    <package name="PeptideShaker" version="0.20.1">
-        <install version="1.0">
-            <actions>
-              <action type="download_by_url"></action>
-	      <action type="shell_command">chmod -R o+w resources</action>
-              <action type="move_directory_files">
-                <source_directory>.</source_directory>
-                <destination_directory>$INSTALL_DIR/</destination_directory>
-              </action>
-              <action type="shell_command">mkdir -p $BIN_DIR</action>
-              <action type="set_environment">
-                <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
-              </action>                
-            </actions>
-        </install>
-        <readme>
-          This package downloads and installs the peptideshaker tool as a part of the peptideshaker framework.
-          (
-        </readme>
-    </package>
Binary file dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/jargs-1.0.jar~ has changed
Binary file dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/log4j-1.2.12.jar has changed
Binary file dbtoolkit-4.2/lib/utilities-3.8.7.jar has changed
--- a/peptide_shaker.xml	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="peptide_shaker" name="Peptide Shaker" version="0.1.0">
-  <!-- TODO: Set defaults for weights correctly -->
-  <description>
-    Peform protein identification combining X! Tandem and OMSSA (using SearchGUI) and PeptideShaker pipeline.
-  </description>
-  <command>
-    #from datetime import datetime
-    #set $exp_str = "Galaxy Experiment %s" %"%Y%m%d%H%M%s")              
-    #set $samp_str = "Sample %s" %"%Y%m%d%H%M%s")
-    mkdir spectra;
-    mkdir output;
-    mkdir output_reports;
-    cwd=`pwd`;
-    #for $mgf in $peak_lists:
-    #set $input_name = $mgf.display_name.replace(".mgf", "") + ".mgf"
-    ln -s '$mgf' 'spectra/$input_name';
-    #end for
-    SearchCLI \
-    -spectrum_files \$cwd/spectra \
-    -output_folder \$cwd/output \
-    -ppm $precursor_ion_tol_units \
-    -prec_tol $precursor_ion_tol \
-    -frag_tol $fragment_tol \
-    -enzyme '$enzyme' \
-    #set $fixed_mods_str = $fixed_modifications or ''
-    #set $variable_mods_str = $variable_modifications or ''
-    #if $fixed_mods_str
-    -fixed_mods "$fixed_mods_str" \
-    #end if
-    #if $variable_mods_str
-    -variable_mods "$variable_mods_str" \
-    #end if
-    -mc $missed_cleavages \
-    #if $advanced.specify:
-    -xtandem $advanced.xtandem \
-    #if $advanced.omssa.run_omssa
-    #set $omssa = 1
-    #else 
-    #set $omssa = 0
-    #end if
-    -omssa $omssa \
-    #if $omssa == 1
-    -hitlist_length ${advanced.omssa.hitlist_length} \
-    -remove_prec ${advanced.omssa.remove_precursor} \
-    -scale_prec ${advanced.omssa.scale_precursor} \
-    -estimate_charge ${advanced.omssa.estimate_charge} \
-    #end if
-    #end if
-    -db $input_database;
-    PeptideShakerCLI \
-    -experiment '$exp_str' \
-    -sample '$samp_str' \ 
-    -replicate 1 \
-    -spectrum_files \$cwd/spectra \
-    -identification_files \$cwd/output \ 
-    -search_params \$cwd/output/SearchGUI.parameters \
-    -out_txt_1 \$cwd/output_reports \
-    #if $processing_options.specify
-    -protein_FDR ${processing_options.protein_fdr} \
-    -peptide_FDR ${processing_options.peptide_fdr} \ 
-    -psm_FDR ${processing_options.psm_fdr} \
-    -psm_FLR ${processing_options.psm_flr} \
-    #if str($processing_options.a_score.use) == "1"
-    #set $a_score = 1
-    #else
-    #set $a_score = 0
-    #end if
-    -a_score $a_score \
-    #if str($a_score) == "1"
-    -a_score_neutral_losses ${processing_options.a_score.neutral_losses} \
-    #end if
-    #end if
-    #if $filtering_options.specify
-    -min_peptide_length ${filtering_options.min_peptide_length} \
-    -max_peptide_length ${filtering_options.max_peptide_length} \
-    -max_precursor_error ${filtering_options.max_precursor_error}  \
-    -max_precursor_error_type ${filtering_options.max_precursor_error_type}  \
-    -max_xtandem_e ${filtering_options.max_xtandem_e} \
-    -max_omssa_e ${filtering_options.max_omssa_e} \
-    -exclude_unknown_ptms ${filtering_options.exclude_unknown_ptms} \
-    #end if
-    -out \$cwd/output.cps ; 
-    mv output_reports/*peptides.txt peptides.txt ;
-    mv output_reports/*psms.txt psms.txt ;
-    mv output_reports/*proteins.txt proteins.txt
-  </command>
-  <stdio>
-    <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" description="Job Failed" />
-  </stdio>
-  <inputs>
-    <param format="fasta" name="input_database" type="data" label="Protein Database" help="Select FASTA database from history. Typically, a target-decoy database is incorporated into the Scaffold engine for FDR analysis"/>
-    <param format="mgf" name="peak_lists" type="data" multiple="true" label="Input Peak Lists (mgf)" help="Select appropriate MGF dataset(s) from history" />
-    <param name="precursor_ion_tol_units" type="select" label="Precursor Ion Tolerance Units" help="Select based on instrument used, as different machines provide different quality of spectra. ppm is a standard for most precursor ions">
-      <option value="1">Parts per million (ppm)</option>
-      <option value="0">Daltons</option>
-    </param>    
-    <param name="precursor_ion_tol" type="float" value="10" label="Percursor Ion Tolerance" help="Provide error value for precursor ion, based on instrument used. 10 ppm recommended for Orbitrap instrument"/>
-    <param name="fragment_tol" type="float" value="0.5" label="Fragment Tolerance (Daltons)" help="Provide error value for fragment ions, based on instrument used"/>
-    <param name="enzyme" type="select" label="Enzyme" help="Which enzyme was used for protein digest in experiment? In most cases, trypsin is used">
-      <option value="Trypsin">Trypsin</option>
-      <option value="Arg-C">Arg-C</option>
-      <option value="CNBr">CNBr</option>
-      <option value="Chymotrypsin (FYWL)">Chymotrypsin (FYWL)</option>
-      <option value="Formic Acid">Formic Acid</option>
-      <option value="Lys-C">Lys-C</option>
-      <option value="Lys-C, no P rule">Lys-C, no P rule</option>
-      <option value="Pepsin A">Pepsin A</option>
-      <option value="Trypsin + CNBr">Trypsin + CNBr</option>
-      <option value="Trypsin + Chymotrypsin (FYWLKR)">Trypsin + Chymotrypsin (FYWLKR)</option>
-      <option value="Trypsin, no P rule">Trypsin, no P rule</option>
-      <option value="whole protein">whole protein</option>
-      <option value="Asp-N">Asp-N</option>
-      <option value="Glu-C">Glu-C</option>
-      <option value="Asp-N + Glu-C">Asp-N + Glu-C</option>
-      <option value="Top-Down">Top-Down</option>
-      <option value="Semi-Tryptic">Semi-Tryptic</option>
-      <option value="No enzyme">No enzyme</option>
-      <option value="Chymotrypsin, no P rule (FYWL)">Chymotrypsin, no P rule (FYWL)</option>
-      <option value="Asp-N (DE)">Asp-N (DE)</option>
-      <option value="Glu-C (DE)">Glu-C (DE)</option>
-      <option value="Lys-N (K)">Lys-N (K)</option>
-      <option value="Thermolysin, no P rule">Thermolysin, no P rule</option>
-      <option value="Semi-Chymotrypsin (FYWL)">Semi-Chymotrypsin (FYWL)</option>
-      <option value="Semi-Glu-C">Semi-Glu-C</option>      
-    </param>
-    <param name="missed_cleavages" type="integer" value="2" label="Maximum Missed Cleavages" help="Allow peptides to contain up to this many missed enzyme cleavage sites. 2 is the recommended value"/>
-    <param name="fixed_modifications" type="select" label="Fixed Modifications" multiple="true" help="Occurs in known places on peptide sequence. Hold the appropriate key while clicking to select multiple items">
-      <options from_file="searchgui_mods.loc">
-        <column name="name" index="0" />
-        <column name="value" index="0" />
-      </options>
-    </param>
-    <param name="variable_modifications" type="select" label="Variable Modifications" multiple="true" help="Can occur anywhere on the peptide sequence; adds additional error to search score. Hold the appropriate key while clicking to select multiple items">
-      <options from_file="searchgui_mods.loc">
-        <column name="name" index="0" />
-        <column name="value" index="0" />
-      </options>
-    </param>        
-    <param name="min_charge" label="Minimum Charge" value="2" type="integer" help="Lowest searched charge value for fragment ions"/>
-    <param name="max_charge" label="Maximum Charge" value="4" type="integer" help="Highest searched charge value for fragment ions"/>
-    <param name="forward_ion" label="Forward Ion" type="select" help="Searched fragment ion type. Select a, b or c based on collisions induced in experiment">
-      <option value="a">a</option>
-      <option value="b" selected="true">b</option>
-      <option value="c">c</option>
-    </param>
-    <param name="reverse_ion" label="Reverse Ion" type="select" help="Searched fragment ion type. Select x, y, or z based on collisions induced in experiment">
-      <option value="x">x</option>
-      <option value="y" selected="true">y</option>
-      <option value="z">z</option>
-    </param>
-    <conditional name="advanced">
-      <param name="specify" label="Specify Advanced Search Options" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" help=" Run X! Tandem, OMSSA, or both and provide options for OMSSA search"/>
-      <when value="false" />
-      <when value="true">
-        <param name="xtandem" label="Run X! Tandem" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="true" />
-        <conditional name="omssa">
-          <param name="run_omssa" label="Run OMSSA" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="true" />
-          <when value="0" />
-          <when value="1">
-            <param name="hitlist_length" label="OMSSA: Hit List Length" type="integer" value="25" />
-            <param name="remove_precursor" label="OMSSA: Remove Precurosr" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="true"/>
-            <param name="scale_precursor" label="OMSSA: Scale Precursor Mass" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="false"/>
-            <param name="estimate_charge" label="OMSSA: Estimate Charge" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="true" />
-          </when>
-        </conditional>
-      </when>
-    </conditional>
-    <conditional name="processing_options">
-      <param name="specify" label="Specify Advanced PeptideShaker Processing Options" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" help="Select and provide False Discovery Rate (FDR) levels at the peptide, protein, and peptide-spectral match (PSM) levels, as well as False Loss Rate (FLR) for PSM’s and A score options for post-translational modifications (PTM’s). See this link_ for more details
- .. _link:" />
-      <when value="false" />
-      <when value="true">
-        <param name="protein_fdr" label="FDR at the protein level" help="In percent (default 1% FDR: '1')" value="1" type="float" />
-        <param name="peptide_fdr" label="FDR at the peptide level" help="In percent (default 1% FDR: '1')" value="1" type="float" />
-        <param name="psm_fdr" label="FDR at the PSM level" help="In percent (default 1% FDR: '1')" value="1" type="float" />
-        <param name="psm_flr" label="FLR at the PSM level" help="In percent (default 1% FLR: '1'). Percent for peptides with different potential modification sites and one variable modification." value="1" type="float" />
-        <conditional name="a_score">
-          <param name="use" label="Calculate A Score" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="true" />
-          <when value="0" />
-          <when value="1">
-            <param name="neutral_losses" label="Include Neutral Losses in A Score" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" />
-          </when>
-        </conditional>
-        <!-- SKIPPING -protein_fraction_mw_confidence ${processing_options.protein_fraction_mw_confidence} -->
-      </when>
-    </conditional>    
-    <conditional name="filtering_options">
-      <param name="specify" label="Specify Advanced PeptideShaker Filtering Options" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" help="Filter based on peptide lengths, precursor mass error, E value errors from X! Tandem and OMSSA, and include/exclude unknown PTM’s"/>
-      <when value="false" />
-      <when value="true">
-        <param name="min_peptide_length" label="Minimum Peptide Length" value="6" type="integer" />
-        <param name="max_peptide_length" label="Maximum Peptide Length" value="30" type="integer" />
-        <param name="max_precursor_error" label="Maximum Precursor Error" value="10" type="float" help="Next option specifies units (Da or ppm)." />
-        <param name="max_precursor_error_type" label="Maximum Precursor Error Type" type="select">
-          <option value="0">ppm</option>
-          <option value="1">Daltons</option>
-        </param>
-        <param name="max_xtandem_e" label="Maximum X! Tandem E Value" value="100" type="float" help="" />
-        <param name="max_omssa_e" label="Maximum OMSSA E Value" value="100" type="float" help="" />
-        <param name="exclude_unknown_ptms" label="Exclude Unknown PTMs" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="true" />
-      </when>
-    </conditional>
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-    <data format="cps" name="output" label="PeptideShaker CPS results for ${on_string}" from_work_dir="output.cps" />
-    <data format="tabular" name="output_peptides" label="PeptideShaker Peptide Report for ${on_string}" from_work_dir="peptides.txt" />
-    <data format="tabular" name="output_proteins" label="PeptideShaker Protein Report for ${on_string}" from_work_dir="proteins.txt" />
-    <data format="tabular" name="output_psms" label="PeptideShaker PSM Report for ${on_string}" from_work_dir="psms.txt" />
-  </outputs>
-  <requirements>
-    <requirement type="package" version="0.20.1">peptide_shaker</requirement>
-    <requirement type="package" version="1.14.4">searchgui</requirement>
-  </requirements>
-  <help>
-**What it does**
-Runs multiple search engines (X! Tandem and OMSSA) on any number of MGF peak lists using the SearchGUI application and combines the results.
-For the underlying tool, please cite `TODO`
-If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite Chilton J, et al.
-  </help>
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from galaxy.datatypes.binary import Binary
-class Cps(Binary):
-    """Class describing a PeptideShaker CPS files"""
-    file_ext = "cps"
--- a/repository_dependencies.xml	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<repositories description="Required proteomics dependencies.">
-  <repository toolshed="" name="proteomics_datatypes" owner="iracooke" changeset_revision="f74290b136fc" />
-  <repository toolshed="" name="package_searchgui_1_14_4" owner="galaxyp" changeset_revision="67de51d52907" />
-  <repository toolshed="" name="package_peptideshaker_0_20_1" owner="galaxyp" changeset_revision="cfd55b6c4fa2" />
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import dirname, join, abspath
-import sys
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
-import subprocess
-DEBUG = False
-def main():
-    (options, args) = _parse_args()
-    format_args = (options.input, options.output)
-    _run_shell("cat '%s' > '%s'" % format_args)
-    _run_dbtoolkit("com.compomics.dbtoolkit.toolkit.ReverseFASTADB", "'%s' | head --lines -4 >> '%s'" % \
-                       format_args)
-def _run_shell(command):
-    if DEBUG:
-        print "Running shell command %s" % command
-    _exec(command)
-def _run_dbtoolkit(java_class, args):
-    command_prefix = "java -cp %s" % _dbtoolkit_jar_path()
-    _exec("%s %s %s" % (command_prefix, java_class, args))
-def _dbtoolkit_jar_path():
-    py_path = __file__
-    jar_path = join(dirname(py_path), "dbtoolkit-4.2", "dbtoolkit-4.2.jar")
-    return jar_path
-def _exec(command):
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(args=command, shell=True)
-    return_code = proc.wait()
-    if return_code != 0:
-        print "Error executing command [%s], return code is %d" % (command, return_code)
-        sys.exit(return_code)
-def _parse_args():
-    parser = OptionParser()
-    parser.add_option("-i", "--input")
-    parser.add_option("-o", "--output")
-    return parser.parse_args()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
--- a/reverse.xml	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="compomics_reverse" name="Create Target-Decoy Database" version="0.1.0">
-  <description>Creates a target-decoy database for use with Peptide Shaker</description>
-  <requirements>
-  </requirements>
-  <command interpreter="python"> --input='$input' --output='$output'</command>
-  <inputs>
-    <param format="fasta" name="input" type="data" label="FASTA Input" />
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-    <data format="fasta" name="output" />
-  </outputs>
-  <help>
-**What it does**
-Given an input database, this tool will produce a target-decoy
-database in the format required by PeptideShaker using dbtoolkit.
-For the underlying tool, please cite `Martens et al. DBToolkit: processing protein databases for peptide-centric proteomics. Bioinformatics (2005) vol. 21 (17) pp. 3584-5`.
-If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite Chilton J, et al. .
-  </help>
--- a/searchGUI_mods.xml	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3021 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-        xmlns=""
-        xmlns:xs=""
-        xs:schemaLocation=" OMSSA.xsd"
-        >
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methylk">0</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="oxym">1</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of M</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>M</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carboxymethylc">2</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carboxymethyl C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>58.005479</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>58.0361</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>6</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carboxymethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carbamidomethylc">3</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carbamidomethyl C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>57.021464</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>57.0513</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>4</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carbamidomethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="deamidationkq">4</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>deamidation of N and Q</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>0.984016</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>0.9848</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>N</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Q</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>7</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Deamidated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="propionamidec">5</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>propionamide C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>71.037114</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>71.0779</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>24</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Propionamide</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphorylations">6</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of S</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphorylationt">7</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of T</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphorylationy">8</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermmcleave">9</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnaa">2</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>M cleavage from protein n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-131.040485</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-131.1961</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>M</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>765</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Met-loss</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermacetyl">10</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modn">1</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>acetylation of protein n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>42.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>42.0367</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>1</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Acetyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermmethyl">11</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modn">1</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methylation of protein n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermtrimethyl">12</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modn">1</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>tri-methylation of protein n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>42.046950</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>42.0797</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>37</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Trimethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methythiold">13</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>beta methythiolation of D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>45.987721</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>46.0916</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>39</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methylthio</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methylq">14</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methylation of Q</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Q</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="trimethylk">15</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>tri-methylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>42.046950</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>42.0797</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>37</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Trimethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methyld">16</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methylation of D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methyle">17</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methylation of E</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>E</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermpepmethyl">18</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modcp">7</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methylation of peptide c-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="trideuteromethyld">19</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>tri-deuteromethylation of D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>17.034480</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>17.0451</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>298</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl:2H(3)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="trideuteromethyle">20</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>tri-deuteromethylation of E</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>17.034480</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>17.0451</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>E</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>298</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl:2H(3)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermpeptrideuteromethyl">21</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modcp">7</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>tri-deuteromethylation of peptide c-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>17.034480</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>17.0451</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>298</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl:2H(3)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="nformylmet">22</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modn">1</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>n-formyl met addition</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>159.035399</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>159.2062</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>107</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>FormylMet</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="twoamino3oxobutanoicacid">23</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>2-amino-3-oxo-butanoic acid T</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-2.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-2.0159</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>401</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Didehydro</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="acetylk">24</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>acetylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>42.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>42.0367</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>1</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Acetyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermamide">25</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modcp">7</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>amidation of peptide c-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-0.984016</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-0.9848</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>2</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Amidated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="bmethylthiold">26</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>beta-methylthiolation of D (duplicate of 13)</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>45.987721</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>46.0916</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>39</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methylthio</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carbamidomethylk">27</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carboxyamidomethylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>57.021464</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>57.0513</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>4</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carbamidomethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carbamidometylh">28</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carboxyamidomethylation of H</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>57.021464</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>57.0513</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>H</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>4</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carbamidomethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carbamidomethyld">29</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carboxyamidomethylation of D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>57.021464</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>57.0513</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>4</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carbamidomethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carbamidomethyle">30</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carboxyamidomethylation of E</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>57.021464</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>57.0513</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>E</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>4</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carbamidomethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carbamylk">31</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carbamylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>43.005814</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>43.0247</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>5</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carbamyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermcarbamyl">32</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carbamylation of n-term peptide</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>43.005814</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>43.0247</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>X</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>5</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carbamyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="citrullinationr">33</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>citrullination of R</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>0.984016</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>0.9848</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>R</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>7</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Deamidated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="cysteicacidc">34</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of C to cysteic acid</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>47.984744</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>47.9982</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>345</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Trioxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="diiodinationy">35</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>di-iodination of Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>251.793296</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>251.7931</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>130</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Diiodo</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="dimethylk">36</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>di-methylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>28.031300</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>28.0532</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>36</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dimethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="dimethylr">37</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>di-methylation of R</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>28.031300</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>28.0532</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>R</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>36</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dimethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpepdimethyl">38</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>di-methylation of peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>28.031300</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>28.0532</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>36</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dimethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="dihydroxyf">39</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of F to dihydroxyphenylalanine</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>31.989829</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>31.9988</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>F</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>425</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dioxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="thioacetylk">40</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>gammathiopropionylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>87.998285</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>88.1283</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>126</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Thioacyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeptioacetyl">41</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>gammathiopropionylation of peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>87.998285</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>88.1283</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>126</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Thioacyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="farnesylationc">42</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>farnesylation of C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>204.187801</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>204.3511</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>44</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Farnesyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="formylk">43</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>formylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>27.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>28.0101</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>122</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Formyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpepformyl">44</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>formylation of peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>27.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>28.0101</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>122</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Formyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="formylkynureninw">45</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of W to formylkynurenin</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>31.989829</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>31.9988</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>W</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>425</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dioxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phef">46</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>fluorophenylalanine</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>17.990578</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>17.9905</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>F</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>127</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Fluoro</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="gammacarboxyld">47</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>beta-carboxylation of D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>43.989829</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>44.0095</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>299</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carboxy</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="gammacarboxyle">48</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>gamma-carboxylation of E</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>43.989829</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>44.0095</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>E</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>299</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Carboxy</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="geranylgeranylc">49</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>geranyl-geranyl</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>272.250401</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>272.4681</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>48</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>GeranylGeranyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpepglucuronylg">50</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnaa">2</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>glucuronylation of protein n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>176.032088</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>176.1241</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>G</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>54</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Glucuronyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="glutathionec">51</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>glutathione disulfide</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>305.068156</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>305.3076</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>55</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Glutathione</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="glyglyk">52</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>ubiquitinylation residue</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>114.042927</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>114.1026</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>121</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>GlyGly</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="guanidinationk">53</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>guanidination of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>42.021798</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>42.0400</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>52</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Guanidinyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="his2asnh">54</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of H to N</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-23.015984</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-23.0366</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>H</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>348</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>His-&gt;Asn</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="his2asph">55</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of H to D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-22.031969</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-22.0519</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>349</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>His-&gt;Asp</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermpephsem">56</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modcpaa">8</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>homoserine</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-29.992806</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-30.0922</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>M</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>10</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Met-&gt;Hse</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermpephselactm">57</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modcpaa">8</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>homoserine lactone</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-48.003371</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-48.1075</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>M</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>11</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Met-&gt;Hsl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hydroxykynureninw">58</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of W to hydroxykynurenin</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>19.989829</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>19.9881</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>W</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>350</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Trp-&gt;Hydroxykynurenin</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hydroxylationd">59</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>hydroxylation of D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hydroxylationk">60</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>hydroxylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hydroxylationn">61</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>hydroxylation of N</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>N</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hydroxylationp">62</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>hydroxylation of P</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>P</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hydroxylationf">63</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>hydroxylation of F</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>F</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hydroxylationy">64</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>hydroxylation of Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iodinationy">65</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iodination of Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>125.896648</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>125.8965</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>129</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Iodo</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="kynureninw">66</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of W to kynurenin</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>3.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>3.9887</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>W</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>351</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Trp-&gt;Kynurenin</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="lipoylk">67</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>lipoyl K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>188.032956</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>188.3103</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>42</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Lipoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermpepmeester">68</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modcp">7</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl ester of peptide c-term (duplicate of 18)</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="meesterd">69</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl ester of D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="meestere">70</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl ester of E (duplicate of 17)</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>E</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="meesters">71</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl ester of S</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="meestery">72</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl ester of Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methylc">73</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methylh">74</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl H</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>H</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methyln">75</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl N</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>N</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpepmethyl">76</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methylation of peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="methylr">77</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>methyl R</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>14.015650</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>14.0266</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>R</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>34</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpepmyristoyeylationg">78</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnaa">2</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>myristoleylation of G</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>208.182715</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>208.3398</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>G</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>134</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Myristoleyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpepmyristoyl4hg">79</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnaa">2</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>myristoyl-4H of G</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>206.167065</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>206.3239</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>G</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>135</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Myristoyl+Delta:H(-4)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpepmyristoylationg">80</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnpaa">6</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>myristoylation of peptide n-term G</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>210.198366</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>210.3556</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>G</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>45</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Myristoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="myristoylationk">81</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>myristoylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>210.198366</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>210.3556</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>45</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Myristoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermformyl">82</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modn">1</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>formylation of protein n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>27.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>28.0101</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>122</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Formyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="nemc">83</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>NEM C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>125.047679</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>125.1253</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>108</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Nethylmaleimide</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="nipcam">84</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>NIPCAM</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>99.068414</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>99.1311</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>17</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>NIPCAM</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="nitrow">85</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of W to nitro</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>44.985078</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>44.9976</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>W</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>354</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Nitro</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="nitroy">86</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of Y to nitro</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>44.985078</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>44.9976</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>354</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Nitro</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermpepo18">87</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>O18 on peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>2.004246</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>1.9998</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>258</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:18O(1)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ctermpepdio18">88</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>di-O18 on peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>4.00849</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>3.9995</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>193</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:18O(2)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="oxyh">89</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of H</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>H</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="oxyw">90</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of W</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>W</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ppantetheines">91</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphopantetheine S</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>340.085794</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>340.3330</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>49</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phosphopantetheine</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="palmitoylationc">92</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>palmitoylation of C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>238.229666</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>238.4088</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>47</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Palmitoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="palmitoylationk">93</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>palmitoylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>238.229666</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>238.4088</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>47</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Palmitoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="palmitoylations">94</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>palmitoylation of S</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>238.229666</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>238.4088</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>47</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Palmitoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="palmitoylationt">95</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>palmitoylation of T</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>238.229666</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>238.4088</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>47</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Palmitoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phospholosss">96</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of S with prompt loss</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-18.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-18.0153</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>23</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dehydrated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phospholosst">97</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of T with prompt loss</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-18.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-18.0153</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>23</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dehydrated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phospholossy">98</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation with prompt loss on Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-18.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-18.0153</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>23</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dehydrated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphoneutrallossc">99</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation with neutral loss on C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-            <MSMassSet>
-                <MSMassSet_monomass>97.976896</MSMassSet_monomass>
-                <MSMassSet_averagemass>97.9952</MSMassSet_averagemass>
-                <MSMassSet_n15mass>0</MSMassSet_n15mass>
-            </MSMassSet>
-        </MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphoneutrallossd">100</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation with neutral loss on D</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>D</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-            <MSMassSet>
-                <MSMassSet_monomass>97.976896</MSMassSet_monomass>
-                <MSMassSet_averagemass>97.9952</MSMassSet_averagemass>
-                <MSMassSet_n15mass>0</MSMassSet_n15mass>
-            </MSMassSet>
-        </MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphoneutrallossh">101</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation with neutral loss on H</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>H</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-            <MSMassSet>
-                <MSMassSet_monomass>97.976896</MSMassSet_monomass>
-                <MSMassSet_averagemass>97.9952</MSMassSet_averagemass>
-                <MSMassSet_n15mass>0</MSMassSet_n15mass>
-            </MSMassSet>
-        </MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="propionylk">102</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>propionyl light K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>56.026215</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>56.0633</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>58</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Propionyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeppropionyl">103</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>propionyl light on peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>56.026215</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>56.0633</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>58</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Propionyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="propionylheavyk">104</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>propionyl heavy K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>59.036279</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>59.0412</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>59</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Propionyl:13C(3)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeppropionylheavy">105</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>propionyl heavy peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>59.036279</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>59.0412</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>59</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Propionyl:13C(3)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="pyridylk">106</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>pyridyl K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>119.037114</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>119.1207</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>25</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Pyridylacetyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeppyridyl">107</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>pyridyl peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>119.037114</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>119.1207</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>25</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Pyridylacetyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeppyrocmc">108</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnpaa">6</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>pyro-cmC</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-17.026549</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-17.0305</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>385</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Ammonia-loss</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeppyroe">109</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnpaa">6</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>pyro-glu from n-term E</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-18.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-18.0153</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>E</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>27</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Glu-&gt;pyro-Glu</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeppyroq">110</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnpaa">6</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>pyro-glu from n-term Q</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-17.026549</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-17.0305</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Q</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>385</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Ammonia-loss</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="pyroglutamicp">111</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of P to pyroglutamic acid</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>13.979265</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>13.9835</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>P</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>359</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Pro-&gt;pyro-Glu</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="spyridylethylc">112</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>s-pyridylethylation of C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>105.057849</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>105.1372</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>31</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Pyridylethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="semetm">113</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>SeMet</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>47.944449</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>46.8950</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>M</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>162</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Delta:S(-1)Se(1)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="sulfationy">114</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>sulfation of Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.956815</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>80.0632</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>40</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Sulfo</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="suphonem">115</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>sulphone of M</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>31.989829</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>31.9988</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>M</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>425</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dioxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="triiodinationy">116</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>tri-iodination of Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>377.689944</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>377.6896</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>131</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Triiodo</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="trimethylationr">117</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>tri-methylation of R</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>42.046950</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>42.0797</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>R</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>37</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Trimethyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="ntermpeptripalmitatec">118</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnpaa">6</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>n-acyl diglyceride cysteine</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>788.725777</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>789.3049</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>51</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Tripalmitate</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="icatlight">129</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>ICAT light</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>227.126991</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>227.2603</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>105</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>ICAT-C</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="icatheavy">130</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>ICAT heavy</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>236.157185</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>236.1942</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>106</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>ICAT-C:13C(9)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="camthiopropanoylk">131</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>CAMthiopropanoyl K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>145.019749</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>145.1796</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>293</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>CAMthiopropanoyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphoneutrallosss">132</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation with neutral loss on S</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-            <MSMassSet>
-                <MSMassSet_monomass>97.976896</MSMassSet_monomass>
-                <MSMassSet_averagemass>97.9952</MSMassSet_averagemass>
-                <MSMassSet_n15mass>0</MSMassSet_n15mass>
-            </MSMassSet>
-        </MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphoneutrallosst">133</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation with neutral loss on T</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-            <MSMassSet>
-                <MSMassSet_monomass>97.976896</MSMassSet_monomass>
-                <MSMassSet_averagemass>97.9952</MSMassSet_averagemass>
-                <MSMassSet_n15mass>0</MSMassSet_n15mass>
-            </MSMassSet>
-        </MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphoetdlosss">134</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of S with ETD loss</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-            <MSMassSet>
-                <MSMassSet_monomass>2.016</MSMassSet_monomass>
-                <MSMassSet_averagemass>2.016</MSMassSet_averagemass>
-                <MSMassSet_n15mass>0</MSMassSet_n15mass>
-            </MSMassSet>
-        </MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="phosphoetdlosst">135</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of T with ETD loss</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-            <MSMassSet>
-                <MSMassSet_monomass>2.016</MSMassSet_monomass>
-                <MSMassSet_averagemass>2.016</MSMassSet_averagemass>
-                <MSMassSet_n15mass>0</MSMassSet_n15mass>
-            </MSMassSet>
-        </MSModSpec_neutralloss>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="arg-13c6">136</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>heavy arginine-13C6</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>6.020129</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>5.9559</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>R</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>188</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:13C(6)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="arg-13c6-15n4">137</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>heavy arginine-13C6-15N4</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>10.008269</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>9.9296</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>R</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>267</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:13C(6)15N(4)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="lys-13c6">138</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>heavy lysine-13C6</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>6.020129</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>5.9559</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>188</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:13C(6)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="oxy18">139</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnpaa">6</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>PNGasF in O18 water</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>2.988261</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>2.9845</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>N</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>366</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Deamidated:18O(1)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="beta-elim-s">140</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>beta elimination of S</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-18.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-18.0153</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>23</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dehydrated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="beta-elim-t">141</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>beta elimination of T</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-18.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-18.0153</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>23</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dehydrated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="sulfinicacid">162</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of C to sulfinic acid</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>31.989829</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>31.9988</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>425</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dioxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="arg2orn">163</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>arginine to ornithine</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-42.021798</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-42.0400</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>R</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>372</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Arg-&gt;Orn</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="dehydro">164</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>dehydro of S and T</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>-18.010565</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>-18.0153</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>23</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dehydrated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="carboxykynurenin">165</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>carboxykynurenin of W</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>47.98474389</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>47.9979141</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>W</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="sumoylation">166</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>sumoylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>484.2282</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>0</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>846</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ114nterm">167</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ114 on nterm</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.105918</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1680</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>532</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex114</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ114K">168</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ114 on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.105918</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1680</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>532</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex114</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ114Y">169</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ114 on Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.105918</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1680</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>532</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex114</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ115nterm">170</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ115 on nterm</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.099599</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1688</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>533</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex115</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ115K">171</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ115 on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.099599</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1688</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>533</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex115</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ115Y">172</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ115 on Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.099599</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1688</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>533</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex115</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ116nterm">173</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ116 on nterm</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.102063</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1544</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>214</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ116K">174</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ116 on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.102063</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1544</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>214</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ116Y">175</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ116 on Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.102063</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1544</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>214</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ117nterm">176</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ117 on nterm</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.102063</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1544</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>214</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ117K">177</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ117 on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.102063</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1544</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>214</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="iTRAQ117Y">178</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ117 on Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>144.102063</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>144.1544</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>214</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>iTRAQ4plex</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mmts">179</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>MMTS on C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>45.987721</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>46.0916</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>39</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Methylthio</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="lys-2H4">180</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>heavy lysine - 2H4</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>4.025107</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>4.0246</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>481</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:2H(4)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="lys-13C615N2">181</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>heavy lysine - 13C6 15N2</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>8.014199</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>7.9427</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>259</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:13C(6)15N(2)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hexNAcN">182</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>Asparagine HexNAc</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>203.079373</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>203.1925</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>N</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>43</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>HexNAc</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="dHexHexNAcN">183</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>Asparagine dHexHexNAc</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>349.137281</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>349.3337</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>N</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>142</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>HexNAc(1)dHex(1)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hexNAcS">184</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>Serine HexNAc</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>203.079373</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>203.1925</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>43</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>HexNAc</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="hexNAcT">185</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>Threonine HexNAc</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>203.079373</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>203.1925</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>43</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>HexNAc</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod186">186</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>palmitoleyl of S</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>236.214016</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>236.3929</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>S</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>431</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Palmitoleyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod187">187</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>palmitoleyl of C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>236.214016</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>236.3929</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>431</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Palmitoleyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod188">188</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>palmitoleyl of T</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>236.214016</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>236.3929</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>T</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>431</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Palmitoleyl</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod189">189</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>CHD2-di-methylation of K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>32.056407</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>32.0778</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>199</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dimethyl:2H(4)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod190">190</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>CHD2-di-methylation of peptide n-term</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>32.056407</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>32.0778</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>199</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Dimethyl:2H(4)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod191">191</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>Maleimide-PEO2-Biotin of C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>525.225719</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>525.6183</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>522</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Maleimide-PEO2-Biotin</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod192">192</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>phosphorylation of H</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>79.966331</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>79.9799</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>H</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>21</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Phospho</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod193">193</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of C</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod194">194</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>oxidation of Y (duplicate of 64)</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>15.994915</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>15.9994</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>35</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Oxidation</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod195">195</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>Uniblue A on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>484.039891</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>484.5016</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod196">196</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>deamidation of N</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>0.984016</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>0.9848</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>N</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>7</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Deamidated</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod197">197</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>trideuteration of L (SILAC)</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>3.018830</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>3.0185</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>L</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>262</MSModSpec_unimod>
-        <MSModSpec_psi-ms>Label:2H(3)</MSModSpec_psi-ms>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod198">198</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>TMT duplex on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>225.155833</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>225.2921</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>738</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod199">199</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>TMT duplex on n-term peptide</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>225.155833</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>225.2921</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>X</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>738</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod198">198</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>TMT 6-plex on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>229.162932</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>229.2634</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>738</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod199">199</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>TMT 6-plex on n-term peptide</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>229.162932</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>229.2634</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>X</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>738</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod200">200</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ8plex:13C(7)15N(1) on nterm</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>304.205360</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>304.3074</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>730</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod201">201</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ8plex:13C(7)15N(1) on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>304.205360</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>304.3074</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>730</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod202">202</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ8plex:13C(7)15N(1) on Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>304.205360</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>304.3074</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>730</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod203">203</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modnp">5</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ8plex:13C(6)15N(2) on nterm</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>304.199040</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>304.3081</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>731</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod204">204</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ8plex:13C(6)15N(2) on K</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>304.199040</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>304.3081</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>K</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>731</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod205">205</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>iTRAQ8plex:13C(6)15N(2) on Y</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>304.199040</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>304.3081</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>Y</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>731</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
-        <MSModSpec_mod>
-            <MSMod value="mod206">206</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
-        <MSModSpec_type>
-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
-        <MSModSpec_name>selenocysteine</MSModSpec_name>
-        <MSModSpec_monomass>47.944449</MSModSpec_monomass>
-        <MSModSpec_averagemass>46.8950</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-        <MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
-        <MSModSpec_residues>
-            <MSModSpec_residues_E>C</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-        <MSModSpec_unimod>162</MSModSpec_unimod>
-    </MSModSpec>
-    <MSModSpec>
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-            <MSMod value="mod207">207</MSMod>
-        </MSModSpec_mod>
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-            <MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-        </MSModSpec_type>
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-        </MSModSpec_residues>
-    </MSModSpec>
--- a/searchGUI_usermods.xml	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-xs:schemaLocation=" OMSSA.xsd"
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-		</MSModSpec_type>
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-		</MSModSpec_type>
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-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod17">148</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
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-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod18">149</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
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-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
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-		</MSModSpec_residues>
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-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod19">150</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 19</MSModSpec_name>
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-		</MSModSpec_residues>
-	</MSModSpec>
-	<MSModSpec>
-		<MSModSpec_mod>
-			<MSMod value="usermod20">151</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
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-	<MSModSpec>
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-		</MSModSpec_mod>
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-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
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-		</MSModSpec_residues>
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-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod22">153</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 22</MSModSpec_name>
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-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod23">154</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
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-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 23</MSModSpec_name>
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-		</MSModSpec_residues>
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-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod24">155</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 24</MSModSpec_name>
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-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod25">156</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 25</MSModSpec_name>
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-			<MSModSpec_residues_E>X</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-		</MSModSpec_residues>
-	</MSModSpec>
-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod26">157</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 26</MSModSpec_name>
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-		</MSModSpec_residues>
-	</MSModSpec>
-	<MSModSpec>
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-			<MSMod value="usermod27">158</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 27</MSModSpec_name>
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-		<MSModSpec_averagemass>0</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-		<MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
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-			<MSModSpec_residues_E>X</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-		</MSModSpec_residues>
-	</MSModSpec>
-	<MSModSpec>
-		<MSModSpec_mod>
-			<MSMod value="usermod28">159</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 28</MSModSpec_name>
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-		<MSModSpec_averagemass>0</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-		<MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
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-			<MSModSpec_residues_E>X</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-		</MSModSpec_residues>
-	</MSModSpec>
-	<MSModSpec>
-		<MSModSpec_mod>
-			<MSMod value="usermod29">160</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 29</MSModSpec_name>
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-		<MSModSpec_averagemass>0</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-		<MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
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-		</MSModSpec_residues>
-	</MSModSpec>
-	<MSModSpec>
-		<MSModSpec_mod>
-			<MSMod value="usermod30">161</MSMod>
-		</MSModSpec_mod>
-		<MSModSpec_type>
-			<MSModType value="modaa">0</MSModType>
-		</MSModSpec_type>
-		<MSModSpec_name>User modification 30</MSModSpec_name>
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-		<MSModSpec_averagemass>0</MSModSpec_averagemass>
-		<MSModSpec_n15mass>0</MSModSpec_n15mass>
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-			<MSModSpec_residues_E>X</MSModSpec_residues_E>
-		</MSModSpec_residues>
-	</MSModSpec>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/searchgui_mods.loc	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-methylation of k
-oxidation of m
-carboxymethyl c
-carbamidomethyl c
-deamidation of n and q
-propionamide c
-phosphorylation of s
-phosphorylation of t
-phosphorylation of y
-m cleavage from protein n-term
-acetylation of protein n-term
-methylation of protein n-term
-tri-methylation of protein n-term
-beta methythiolation of d
-methylation of q
-tri-methylation of k
-methylation of d
-methylation of e
-methylation of peptide c-term
-tri-deuteromethylation of d
-tri-deuteromethylation of e
-tri-deuteromethylation of peptide c-term
-n-formyl met addition
-2-amino-3-oxo-butanoic acid t
-acetylation of k
-amidation of peptide c-term
-beta-methylthiolation of d (duplicate of 13)
-carboxyamidomethylation of k
-carboxyamidomethylation of h
-carboxyamidomethylation of d
-carboxyamidomethylation of e
-carbamylation of k
-carbamylation of n-term peptide
-citrullination of r
-oxidation of c to cysteic acid
-di-iodination of y
-di-methylation of k
-di-methylation of r
-di-methylation of peptide n-term
-oxidation of f to dihydroxyphenylalanine
-gammathiopropionylation of k
-gammathiopropionylation of peptide n-term
-farnesylation of c
-formylation of k
-formylation of peptide n-term
-oxidation of w to formylkynurenin
-beta-carboxylation of d
-gamma-carboxylation of e
-glucuronylation of protein n-term
-glutathione disulfide
-ubiquitinylation residue
-guanidination of k
-oxidation of h to n
-oxidation of h to d
-homoserine lactone
-oxidation of w to hydroxykynurenin
-hydroxylation of d
-hydroxylation of k
-hydroxylation of n
-hydroxylation of p
-hydroxylation of f
-hydroxylation of y
-iodination of y
-oxidation of w to kynurenin
-lipoyl k
-methyl ester of peptide c-term (duplicate of 18)
-methyl ester of d
-methyl ester of e (duplicate of 17)
-methyl ester of s
-methyl ester of y
-methyl c
-methyl h
-methyl n
-methylation of peptide n-term
-methyl r
-myristoleylation of g
-myristoyl-4h of g
-myristoylation of peptide n-term g
-myristoylation of k
-formylation of protein n-term
-nem c
-oxidation of w to nitro
-oxidation of y to nitro
-o18 on peptide n-term
-di-o18 on peptide n-term
-oxidation of h
-oxidation of w
-phosphopantetheine s
-palmitoylation of c
-palmitoylation of k
-palmitoylation of s
-palmitoylation of t
-phosphorylation of s with prompt loss
-phosphorylation of t with prompt loss
-phosphorylation with prompt loss on y
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on c
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on d
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on h
-propionyl light k
-propionyl light on peptide n-term
-propionyl heavy k
-propionyl heavy peptide n-term
-pyridyl k
-pyridyl peptide n-term
-pyro-glu from n-term e
-pyro-glu from n-term q
-oxidation of p to pyroglutamic acid
-s-pyridylethylation of c
-sulfation of y
-sulphone of m
-tri-iodination of y
-tri-methylation of r
-n-acyl diglyceride cysteine
-icat light
-icat heavy
-camthiopropanoyl k
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on s
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on t
-phosphorylation of s with etd loss
-phosphorylation of t with etd loss
-heavy arginine-13c6
-heavy arginine-13c6-15n4
-heavy lysine-13c6
-pngasf in o18 water
-beta elimination of s
-beta elimination of t
-oxidation of c to sulfinic acid
-arginine to ornithine
-dehydro of s and t
-carboxykynurenin of w
-sumoylation of k
-itraq114 on nterm
-itraq114 on k
-itraq114 on y
-itraq115 on nterm
-itraq115 on k
-itraq115 on y
-itraq116 on nterm
-itraq116 on k
-itraq116 on y
-itraq117 on nterm
-itraq117 on k
-itraq117 on y
-mmts on c
-heavy lysine - 2h4
-heavy lysine - 13c6 15n2
-asparagine hexnac
-asparagine dhexhexnac
-serine hexnac
-threonine hexnac
-palmitoleyl of s
-palmitoleyl of c
-palmitoleyl of t
-chd2-di-methylation of k
-chd2-di-methylation of peptide n-term
-maleimide-peo2-biotin of c
-phosphorylation of h
-oxidation of c
-oxidation of y (duplicate of 64)
-uniblue a on k
-deamidation of n
-trideuteration of l (silac)
-tmt duplex on k
-tmt duplex on n-term peptide
-tmt 6-plex on k
-tmt 6-plex on n-term peptide
-itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on nterm
-itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on k
-itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on y
-itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on nterm
-itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on k
-itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on y
-carboxymethylated selenocysteine
-dimethyl 2d n-terminus
-dimethyl 2d k
-gtp desthiobiotinc12
-gtp desthiobiotinc13
-user modification 5
-user modification 6
-user modification 7
-user modification 8
-user modification 9
-user modification 10
-user modification 11
-user modification 12
-user modification 13
-user modification 14
-user modification 15
-user modification 16
-user modification 17
-user modification 18
-user modification 19
-user modification 20
-user modification 21
-user modification 22
-user modification 23
-user modification 24
-user modification 25
-user modification 26
-user modification 27
-user modification 28
-user modification 29
-user modification 30
--- a/searchgui_mods.loc.sample	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-methylation of k
-oxidation of m
-carboxymethyl c
-carbamidomethyl c
-deamidation of n and q
-propionamide c
-phosphorylation of s
-phosphorylation of t
-phosphorylation of y
-m cleavage from protein n-term
-acetylation of protein n-term
-methylation of protein n-term
-tri-methylation of protein n-term
-beta methythiolation of d
-methylation of q
-tri-methylation of k
-methylation of d
-methylation of e
-methylation of peptide c-term
-tri-deuteromethylation of d
-tri-deuteromethylation of e
-tri-deuteromethylation of peptide c-term
-n-formyl met addition
-2-amino-3-oxo-butanoic acid t
-acetylation of k
-amidation of peptide c-term
-beta-methylthiolation of d (duplicate of 13)
-carboxyamidomethylation of k
-carboxyamidomethylation of h
-carboxyamidomethylation of d
-carboxyamidomethylation of e
-carbamylation of k
-carbamylation of n-term peptide
-citrullination of r
-oxidation of c to cysteic acid
-di-iodination of y
-di-methylation of k
-di-methylation of r
-di-methylation of peptide n-term
-oxidation of f to dihydroxyphenylalanine
-gammathiopropionylation of k
-gammathiopropionylation of peptide n-term
-farnesylation of c
-formylation of k
-formylation of peptide n-term
-oxidation of w to formylkynurenin
-beta-carboxylation of d
-gamma-carboxylation of e
-glucuronylation of protein n-term
-glutathione disulfide
-ubiquitinylation residue
-guanidination of k
-oxidation of h to n
-oxidation of h to d
-homoserine lactone
-oxidation of w to hydroxykynurenin
-hydroxylation of d
-hydroxylation of k
-hydroxylation of n
-hydroxylation of p
-hydroxylation of f
-hydroxylation of y
-iodination of y
-oxidation of w to kynurenin
-lipoyl k
-methyl ester of peptide c-term (duplicate of 18)
-methyl ester of d
-methyl ester of e (duplicate of 17)
-methyl ester of s
-methyl ester of y
-methyl c
-methyl h
-methyl n
-methylation of peptide n-term
-methyl r
-myristoleylation of g
-myristoyl-4h of g
-myristoylation of peptide n-term g
-myristoylation of k
-formylation of protein n-term
-nem c
-oxidation of w to nitro
-oxidation of y to nitro
-o18 on peptide n-term
-di-o18 on peptide n-term
-oxidation of h
-oxidation of w
-phosphopantetheine s
-palmitoylation of c
-palmitoylation of k
-palmitoylation of s
-palmitoylation of t
-phosphorylation of s with prompt loss
-phosphorylation of t with prompt loss
-phosphorylation with prompt loss on y
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on c
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on d
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on h
-propionyl light k
-propionyl light on peptide n-term
-propionyl heavy k
-propionyl heavy peptide n-term
-pyridyl k
-pyridyl peptide n-term
-pyro-glu from n-term e
-pyro-glu from n-term q
-oxidation of p to pyroglutamic acid
-s-pyridylethylation of c
-sulfation of y
-sulphone of m
-tri-iodination of y
-tri-methylation of r
-n-acyl diglyceride cysteine
-icat light
-icat heavy
-camthiopropanoyl k
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on s
-phosphorylation with neutral loss on t
-phosphorylation of s with etd loss
-phosphorylation of t with etd loss
-heavy arginine-13c6
-heavy arginine-13c6-15n4
-heavy lysine-13c6
-pngasf in o18 water
-beta elimination of s
-beta elimination of t
-oxidation of c to sulfinic acid
-arginine to ornithine
-dehydro of s and t
-carboxykynurenin of w
-sumoylation of k
-itraq114 on nterm
-itraq114 on k
-itraq114 on y
-itraq115 on nterm
-itraq115 on k
-itraq115 on y
-itraq116 on nterm
-itraq116 on k
-itraq116 on y
-itraq117 on nterm
-itraq117 on k
-itraq117 on y
-mmts on c
-heavy lysine - 2h4
-heavy lysine - 13c6 15n2
-asparagine hexnac
-asparagine dhexhexnac
-serine hexnac
-threonine hexnac
-palmitoleyl of s
-palmitoleyl of c
-palmitoleyl of t
-chd2-di-methylation of k
-chd2-di-methylation of peptide n-term
-maleimide-peo2-biotin of c
-phosphorylation of h
-oxidation of c
-oxidation of y (duplicate of 64)
-uniblue a on k
-deamidation of n
-trideuteration of l (silac)
-tmt duplex on k
-tmt duplex on n-term peptide
-tmt 6-plex on k
-tmt 6-plex on n-term peptide
-itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on nterm
-itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on k
-itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on y
-itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on nterm
-itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on k
-itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on y
-carboxymethylated selenocysteine
-dimethyl 2d n-terminus
-dimethyl 2d k
-gtp desthiobiotinc12
-gtp desthiobiotinc13
-user modification 5
-user modification 6
-user modification 7
-user modification 8
-user modification 9
-user modification 10
-user modification 11
-user modification 12
-user modification 13
-user modification 14
-user modification 15
-user modification 16
-user modification 17
-user modification 18
-user modification 19
-user modification 20
-user modification 21
-user modification 22
-user modification 23
-user modification 24
-user modification 25
-user modification 26
-user modification 27
-user modification 28
-user modification 29
-user modification 30
Binary file test-data/._tinyoutput.cps has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/tinydb.fasta	Wed Jun 25 11:49:19 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+>cds.comp107265_c0_seq1|m.36816 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 30.94 EValue:9.0e-68
+>cds.comp307584_c0_seq2|m.40556 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 39.47 EValue:1.0e-14
+>cds.comp376950_c0_seq1|m.42080 RecName: Full=60 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 41.38 EValue:1.0e-32
+>cds.comp41779_c0_seq1|m.9429 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 30.62 EValue:7.0e-67
+>cds.comp41779_c0_seq2|m.9432 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 30.75 EValue:3.0e-67
+>cds.comp41779_c0_seq3|m.9435 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 31.94 EValue:4.0e-10
+>cds.comp41890_c0_seq1|m.9546 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 38.58 EValue:4.0e-20
+>cds.comp52727_c0_seq1|m.18670 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 34.52 EValue:1.0e-91
+>cds.comp52727_c0_seq2|m.18672 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 35.0 EValue:3.0e-92
+>cds.comp55448_c0_seq1|m.24261 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 96.04 EValue:0.0
+>cds.comp55448_c0_seq1|m.24262 RecName: Full=60 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 91.49 EValue:5.0e-87
+>cds.comp8310_c0_seq2|m.1138 RecName: Full=70 kDa neurofilament protein; 1051067 GO:0005882 GO:0005198 Identity: 22.01 EValue:2.0e-16
Binary file test-data/tinyoutput.cps has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/tinyspectra.mgf	Wed Jun 25 11:49:19 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6153 @@
+TITLE= Cmpd 636, +MSn(730.3981), 66.9 min
+PEPMASS=730.39814	92569
+156.06738	122	
+175.10440	1049	
+186.08322	120	
+187.12501	241	
+188.06515	494	1+
+193.09503	180	
+197.12522	208	
+199.17309	1374	1+
+204.08687	454	1+
+213.14347	128	
+215.11998	747	1+
+227.17167	1524	1+
+229.12416	156	
+233.09327	3574	1+
+236.99586	113	
+243.14264	571	1+
+244.07481	236	
+245.12901	240	
+246.12647	275	
+256.20038	432	1+
+258.12496	133	
+260.19976	423	
+261.09190	17853	1+
+270.16206	114	
+274.12614	207	
+283.15366	136	
+284.18559	406	1+
+286.14626	237	
+287.10013	105	
+301.15759	131	
+303.17924	2962	1+
+310.21264	944	1+
+315.13250	122	
+316.16696	108	
+326.16601	145	
+328.21268	874	1+
+335.13393	406	1+
+338.20704	186	
+339.16449	110	
+342.17857	106	
+344.13585	148	
+346.17426	809	1+
+356.21762	685	1+
+358.15839	265	
+359.26213	106	
+362.14671	528	1+
+366.16564	103	
+370.14930	136	
+374.17893	18824	1+
+380.20460	141	
+384.22488	193	
+387.21562	161	
+388.26191	188	
+411.26204	166	
+415.22868	119	
+416.26432	2092	1+
+421.21633	119	
+423.29102	378	1+
+425.19591	120	
+429.24479	213	
+430.23711	292	
+431.20421	187	
+436.18404	103	
+436.75217	164	
+437.24576	210	
+439.24189	686	1+
+441.27348	282	
+442.22757	266	
+443.24151	187	
+447.25851	136	
+448.23776	110	
+451.24187	133	
+454.21183	186	
+455.28038	426	1+
+457.22899	1666	1+
+459.26367	3533	1+
+470.24566	153	
+471.25916	214	
+472.22369	149	
+475.22776	2402	1+
+476.74146	108	
+478.76406	148	
+479.26444	182	
+481.79718	109	
+482.23965	265	
+484.28349	122	
+485.26864	194	
+487.26385	8530	1+
+487.76699	2322	2+
+492.79121	214	
+493.27987	223	
+496.25943	155	
+498.26458	113	
+499.26123	188	
+500.25926	116	
+502.31880	144	
+503.29803	113	
+505.25694	134	
+507.23129	148	
+509.26114	112	
+512.29082	270	
+516.25599	158	
+517.20915	133	
+517.28047	196	
+518.26358	209	
+519.25298	141	
+524.32901	134	
+525.28341	246	
+525.73648	129	
+526.28178	183	
+527.27825	442	1+
+530.27675	144	
+531.28549	121	
+533.28116	104	
+534.11078	105	
+534.80853	658	2+
+536.27223	192	
+537.26164	134	
+538.59905	107	
+539.27286	106	
+540.27423	189	
+541.25963	119	
+542.30271	822	1+
+543.81900	3982	2+
+544.31230	3061	1+
+546.73644	112	
+550.76990	117	
+551.22357	107	
+552.32208	662	1+
+555.31596	235	
+556.27474	176	
+558.29453	154	
+559.29947	142	
+560.30729	1143	1+
+567.24429	116	
+569.25892	228	
+570.29732	7469	1+
+575.31645	290	
+580.32039	169	
+584.32568	221	
+585.29844	155	
+588.30437	6069	1+
+591.34398	1900	2+
+593.19489	103	
+594.32473	103	
+598.30327	171	
+600.36464	3642	2+
+602.30487	970	1+
+608.28169	160	
+609.27493	133	
+614.83731	112	
+615.27771	193	
+617.30438	138	
+618.32896	149	
+619.33485	160	
+620.31542	115	
+620.81406	230	
+622.32210	208	
+623.32017	135	
+624.28638	129	
+626.34792	207	
+628.34041	189	
+629.25299	114	
+630.37407	171	
+632.31114	124	
+634.29651	120	
+636.28359	105	
+637.35608	222	
+638.34750	245	
+639.34410	173	
+641.33612	839	1+
+646.33654	117	
+647.19559	1433	1+
+649.19722	1100	1+
+651.31229	136	
+653.31813	227	
+654.33373	187	
+655.38010	176	
+656.35127	649	1+
+658.36493	6652	1+
+664.87410	264	
+665.36702	578	1+
+668.36277	108	
+669.88900	118	
+671.36838	605	1+
+673.38354	533	1+
+674.31604	138	
+680.33315	119	
+682.86635	152	
+683.37863	4557	1+
+689.35741	806	1+
+693.34598	140	
+695.38537	116	
+696.37550	112	
+697.39934	146	
+698.39359	132	
+699.36352	115	
+701.38282	1437	1+
+706.39934	164	
+707.37693	151	
+707.86433	178	
+710.37380	213	
+712.37982	250	
+712.89070	251	
+713.37280	260	
+713.88658	123	
+715.37058	153	
+716.18442	4201	1+
+716.77672	108	
+718.18321	2451	1+
+718.88287	2231	2+
+720.98962	121	
+721.39031	3707	2+
+724.88574	175	
+725.39311	174	
+725.86419	119	
+726.38179	168	
+726.88029	279	
+727.39635	1151	2+
+729.38218	580	
+729.89636	3472	1+
+730.39870	7202	2+
+733.22310	218	
+733.30736	209	
+733.86699	2221	2+
+734.87807	2000	2+
+737.41263	157	
+738.38323	548	1+
+741.39676	215	
+742.38824	893	1+
+748.42865	106	
+757.40883	110	
+759.41390	16956	1+
+766.39835	135	
+768.40610	123	
+773.41497	135	
+775.43074	138	
+779.38031	110	
+784.42558	899	1+
+787.90750	114	
+788.43303	156	
+802.43422	958	1+
+818.92372	110	
+819.43952	106	
+830.50628	147	
+838.45103	121	
+855.49252	207	
+866.39951	113	
+872.50085	6571	1+
+880.44367	148	
+886.46997	133	
+891.44688	208	
+899.47954	151	
+912.47926	133	
+914.49331	112	
+916.46838	134	
+924.48363	139	
+926.42073	111	
+955.52131	165	
+956.52827	785	1+
+973.55087	13950	1+
+978.51217	225	
+979.51564	116	
+980.49756	186	
+1008.48933	103	
+1044.54839	219	
+1068.60979	255	1+
+1086.63071	4224	1+
+1187.60270	135	
+1199.72200	1064	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 67, +MSn(562.2947), 26.3 min
+PEPMASS=562.29468	458049
+173.10446	888	
+175.10614	7500	1+
+179.03885	2115	1+
+181.05013	1444	
+185.10363	748	
+188.09581	546	
+189.08230	1123	
+191.10888	1205	
+193.08988	20362	1+
+197.12012	1004	
+198.08421	1715	
+199.08156	3683	1+
+201.11270	1482	
+202.08307	5961	1+
+204.12828	1144	
+207.10914	5879	1+
+212.09747	547	
+214.14801	786	
+215.13458	1085	
+216.09374	15154	1+
+219.10360	3767	1+
+221.09583	10438	1+
+225.12049	686	
+227.09977	1455	
+229.09603	679	
+230.09470	604	
+234.13140	812	
+235.10913	3141	1+
+240.12624	583	
+242.14853	1597	
+243.13141	1136	
+243.63267	1229	2+
+246.14582	824	
+247.10615	2963	1+
+249.12485	2272	1+
+251.09894	784	
+258.11066	836	
+260.12524	538	
+262.12141	584	
+263.11268	636	
+265.12053	103781	1+
+271.17377	1450	
+272.15453	573	
+274.12336	539	
+275.11834	708	
+276.09317	1249	
+277.14342	854	
+280.13885	636	
+284.15463	954	
+287.13794	562	
+288.18831	7132	2+
+289.19895	1160	
+290.11827	4566	1+
+292.12562	712	
+293.11785	69474	1+
+300.14093	627	
+304.16113	1144	
+306.14825	620	
+308.12685	9469	1+
+308.69190	3688	2+
+311.16807	1795	
+312.16397	1139	
+314.10629	664	
+318.14640	1024	
+321.66995	1635	
+327.13385	5132	1+
+329.18522	5655	1+
+330.67072	637	
+332.18505	1032	
+333.18476	663	
+335.13067	608	
+336.15792	840	
+339.67673	1005	2+
+344.15007	889	
+345.15213	4010	1+
+351.18768	4419	1+
+355.13808	828	
+356.17043	621	
+357.18025	719	
+358.16658	563	
+361.17543	1147	
+362.15427	4190	1+
+363.72203	3811	
+364.20914	3218	2+
+371.19073	760	
+372.72285	2668	2+
+375.19700	3108	2+
+376.19553	564	
+379.17827	2873	2+
+380.15890	12301	1+
+384.21017	5097	2+
+388.19333	571	
+389.70908	625	
+390.20740	592	
+391.19383	935	
+392.16591	729	
+395.20382	1623	
+397.17996	3655	2+
+398.21650	6989	2+
+404.20531	1679	
+405.20451	648	
+406.20004	871	
+407.23483	3907	
+407.72953	7744	2+
+409.19414	3554	1+
+412.21632	855	
+413.21323	2691	2+
+415.20292	594	
+416.24330	17092	2+
+418.22634	576	
+419.20423	1028	
+421.20851	587	
+422.21092	764	
+423.20934	713	
+427.20492	813	
+428.16738	688	
+429.70811	698	
+430.23256	912	
+431.73361	1035	
+432.22171	968	
+433.22466	1062	
+434.22575	625	
+437.19018	1766	
+437.70624	844	
+438.20626	708	
+438.72150	4563	2+
+440.22185	3932	1+
+444.21463	1090	
+445.20585	995	
+446.18388	773	
+447.22090	850	
+447.72488	15238	2+
+451.22638	610	
+452.25000	1142	
+453.24346	537	
+453.74918	661	
+454.23077	5371	2+
+456.23340	746	
+456.72936	1991	2+
+458.22230	3870	1+
+461.16717	1481	
+462.21058	1210	
+462.75299	32114	2+
+467.23212	705	
+468.23541	868	
+469.23311	912	
+471.75085	2992	2+
+473.18561	1671	
+474.18911	847	
+475.25224	1171	
+476.24847	7765	2+
+477.24608	1292	
+480.22910	1603	
+480.76227	2464	2+
+482.23306	595	
+484.20956	682	
+485.27210	936	
+485.75948	6878	2+
+486.25807	6262	1+
+490.20675	12478	1+
+495.23849	541	
+496.24307	922	
+498.23260	594	
+500.23943	811	
+500.74355	799	
+501.24660	1342	
+501.75096	767	
+502.23819	884	
+502.75774	1142	
+503.29629	97816	1+
+506.77634	937	
+508.21508	7010	1+
+510.25588	4848	1+
+513.25831	729	
+514.27402	607	
+515.27095	609	
+516.28189	537	
+517.25442	1057	
+518.25007	538	
+519.24078	613	
+520.24934	791	
+521.25847	869	
+522.26590	547	
+525.25538	703	
+526.26034	1210	
+527.29422	8151	1+
+533.26970	1046	
+534.26291	800	
+535.27080	1196	
+535.77587	1190	
+536.26276	1367	
+536.76878	648	
+537.25293	646	
+538.25073	1260	
+539.28017	612	
+539.77084	658	
+540.26114	696	
+541.27313	648	
+543.27369	589	
+544.28397	3621	
+544.77706	12851	2+
+547.31924	1572	
+548.30436	1053	
+548.77028	1441	
+549.26783	974	
+551.27120	606	
+553.28974	18838	2+
+556.24380	1017	
+557.27702	1007	
+557.77103	8323	2+
+559.28097	1288	
+559.78464	926	
+560.29805	5478	1+
+561.29757	15114	1+
+561.81158	1177	
+562.29457	15730	2+
+564.83168	892	
+565.33570	23486	1+
+565.82267	7693	2+
+569.28499	554	
+573.26338	1027	
+575.36935	2237	1+
+577.29711	19918	1+
+585.28764	707	
+586.26526	885	
+593.29456	4026	1+
+597.28990	684	
+598.35983	1347	
+599.34599	3235	1+
+603.27890	4807	1+
+609.33013	725	
+609.83310	554	
+616.37652	80669	1+
+621.30217	7218	1+
+626.35600	739	
+630.34615	639	
+631.28837	656	
+634.31334	979	
+638.82604	771	
+639.30650	830	
+640.32500	648	
+641.37035	821	
+642.32980	1346	
+643.32755	574	
+647.30833	1395	
+648.30970	855	
+657.35993	790	
+658.31601	805	
+659.31744	547	
+660.32673	1395	
+661.32915	982	
+663.32964	646	
+664.29941	618	
+678.34617	30703	1+
+688.32596	637	
+690.31904	640	
+691.32139	4076	1+
+698.38384	5422	1+
+723.87438	588	
+724.36414	728	
+726.40991	944	
+727.41101	8337	1+
+744.43842	30248	1+
+749.38673	1066	1+
+752.39235	798	
+757.34926	1237	1+
+769.38486	632	
+776.45851	4801	1+
+780.37732	723	
+781.36751	595	
+784.43240	550	
+793.35265	293	1+
+795.42573	1882	1+
+807.40774	1432	
+813.46325	3193	
+814.45178	9778	1+
+825.41918	13786	1+
+831.47933	145010	1+
+876.43573	1256	1+
+880.45054	717	
+894.44249	2606	1+
+906.45477	635	
+912.45145	16141	1+
+924.49870	3138	1+
+934.46152	1295	
+935.45377	568	
+942.49443	7444	1+
+951.48967	455	1+
+960.51726	19263	1+
+970.51168	1274	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 357, +MSn(687.8723), 46.6 min
+PEPMASS=687.87224	60013
+159.07712	143	
+173.11274	328	1+
+175.08239	118	
+186.07972	534	1+
+188.13001	187	
+189.05530	214	
+197.09078	133	
+201.11035	396	
+203.10057	87	
+204.08084	813	1+
+212.10341	163	
+214.11364	453	1+
+216.09422	361	1+
+219.13688	276	
+221.09569	97	
+223.13444	124	
+226.15032	242	
+227.14922	321	1+
+229.12698	152	
+230.13134	466	1+
+234.12847	513	1+
+237.12577	143	
+242.15397	115	
+244.14098	325	1+
+248.15828	1590	1+
+252.12291	100	
+254.14965	2674	1+
+257.12863	243	
+258.13708	885	1+
+260.11136	961	1+
+262.12249	257	
+265.10907	128	
+268.13765	90	
+269.14000	127	
+271.16588	160	
+272.15509	485	1+
+274.12776	170	
+278.14834	117	
+283.16864	148	
+284.17008	352	1+
+286.14005	764	1+
+290.10832	146	
+292.15305	670	1+
+299.18164	314	1+
+301.18704	494	
+302.14660	965	1+
+304.19314	118	
+310.17475	508	
+311.17809	710	1+
+313.18489	598	1+
+316.18398	90	
+319.20018	2167	1+
+325.19827	154	
+326.15791	121	
+327.19143	356	1+
+329.17898	5064	1+
+332.14134	119	
+334.17531	168	
+337.20095	119	
+339.17861	109	
+341.16356	84	
+342.18333	125	
+343.18222	685	1+
+347.14665	375	1+
+350.18543	94	
+351.20109	188	
+354.15974	193	
+355.20020	723	1+
+356.16702	110	
+358.18315	142	
+359.15776	87	
+361.19018	174	
+362.19594	92	
+365.18275	92	
+366.20984	1050	1+
+371.18549	924	1+
+373.18488	1189	1+
+381.18868	149	
+382.20672	500	1+
+384.22447	4352	1+
+389.19110	810	1+
+396.20689	150	
+397.19316	151	
+398.20703	86	
+399.20408	300	
+400.20486	1348	1+
+405.05866	86	
+407.19164	147	
+411.19830	139	
+412.23136	96	
+413.20505	197	
+413.72608	629	2+
+415.20808	936	1+
+418.18360	623	1+
+418.73432	85	
+421.27891	109	
+423.24460	118	
+424.21825	181	
+425.19357	929	2+
+426.22584	718	1+
+428.16497	98	
+429.20700	139	
+430.21241	148	
+432.23977	1912	1+
+432.70426	113	
+435.16542	116	
+437.24338	220	
+438.24396	695	1+
+442.21517	5079	1+
+449.22684	128	
+452.26279	302	
+453.25158	780	1+
+455.25717	1673	1+
+458.25122	607	1+
+458.75977	122	
+459.20225	133	
+460.22560	3821	1+
+465.22199	126	
+467.19249	116	
+467.69022	104	
+468.22584	236	
+469.23849	616	1+
+471.24869	1534	1+
+472.72922	91	
+476.25294	132	
+477.22816	107	
+478.26141	110	
+481.23922	89	
+482.25547	156	
+483.24014	420	1+
+485.25837	518	
+486.24040	1937	1+
+487.77904	106	
+489.28812	1536	1+
+492.17038	129	
+493.24044	157	
+494.17521	88	
+494.72931	105	
+495.23500	179	
+496.24497	1697	1+
+498.69601	114	
+501.25727	446	1+
+503.26610	1793	1+
+508.25467	96	
+509.26839	410	1+
+511.22931	103	
+512.22916	114	
+513.25101	5355	1+
+516.74613	134	
+518.25568	146	
+522.33235	85	
+523.78777	1255	2+
+526.28276	1713	1+
+528.76842	89	
+531.26272	3775	1+
+534.26598	299	1+
+536.29380	88	
+537.30548	115	
+538.26228	105	
+539.28718	160	
+540.28525	106	
+541.25159	188	
+542.25405	199	
+543.26926	538	1+
+546.32372	6048	1+
+552.30262	1325	2+
+554.29979	180	
+555.29537	491	1+
+556.75583	89	
+557.27569	1600	1+
+565.33244	201	
+566.27686	739	1+
+569.31315	221	
+570.29380	1037	1+
+574.30160	1230	1+
+579.29804	109	
+580.26840	88	
+582.29318	350	1+
+584.29153	2462	1+
+588.29552	579	1+
+591.28940	119	
+592.30999	86	
+593.28815	129	
+594.34334	91	
+596.30007	120	
+597.31800	545	1+
+599.34708	244	
+599.82855	221	
+600.31882	787	1+
+602.30198	3671	1+
+607.25947	92	
+608.28874	270	
+608.84253	4210	2+
+611.29432	86	
+613.30246	174	
+614.27396	171	
+615.31040	540	1+
+617.36439	10010	1+
+623.27915	153	
+625.32506	133	
+626.33386	100	
+627.34250	629	1+
+630.32262	121	
+631.32454	158	
+632.29695	128	
+633.30423	137	
+636.27276	96	
+637.36953	110	
+640.29654	111	
+641.32021	1293	1+
+643.86735	89	
+645.37440	91	
+648.29977	123	
+650.35518	106	
+651.32891	85	
+652.35458	940	1+
+652.86264	105	
+656.31592	131	
+657.34403	152	
+659.32410	1619	1+
+663.84817	211	
+664.35002	100	
+665.30702	94	
+666.31878	118	
+667.29416	120	
+668.35173	144	
+669.34227	326	
+669.86189	1202	2+
+670.36281	1087	1+
+675.36496	117	
+678.26899	361	
+678.86963	1917	2+
+681.34054	544	1+
+684.80492	113	
+685.21637	488	1+
+685.40059	139	
+685.84558	146	
+686.32663	149	
+686.39633	102	
+686.82498	144	
+687.33233	320	
+687.88003	6158	2+
+688.37787	4258	1+
+690.85474	649	1+
+693.35177	127	
+693.89424	944	2+
+696.32463	88	
+698.36884	619	1+
+708.36862	92	
+710.32848	93	
+713.37961	281	1+
+715.37507	219	
+716.43486	3094	1+
+720.40736	98	
+722.38310	111	
+723.36363	130	
+727.38319	88	
+728.35669	128	
+729.36284	106	
+730.38402	545	1+
+736.34162	169	
+737.37261	102	
+739.34029	91	
+740.38762	1015	1+
+754.38955	95	
+755.41186	119	
+756.46262	96	
+758.39194	1457	1+
+772.42914	97	
+773.45385	14483	1+
+779.35786	126	
+785.38783	136	
+806.39722	153	
+807.41952	111	
+811.41762	167	
+824.39268	88	
+826.44488	1375	1+
+829.43557	829	1+
+836.42980	94	
+839.40630	89	
+841.41635	85	
+844.49258	10033	1+
+849.37985	198	1+
+852.41452	156	
+853.45212	116	
+854.42252	118	
+860.41055	117	
+866.43590	100	
+867.39988	168	
+868.42669	103	
+868.90958	97	
+869.44607	98	
+880.43658	238	
+882.40883	91	
+886.47167	94	
+887.48393	103	
+898.46998	132	
+903.50727	124	
+915.52858	8321	1+
+943.43875	88	
+979.51170	101	
+1046.56827	1394	1+
+1056.57333	97	
+1103.59797	2225	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 1197, +MSn(759.6966), 115.6 min
+PEPMASS=759.69661	105750
+186.10412	112	
+200.12978	116	
+201.11508	199	
+215.12847	573	1+
+217.13204	178	
+218.14654	3471	1+
+225.11230	155	
+229.12411	161	
+230.08661	111	
+231.09629	210	
+232.10636	155	
+234.12088	145	
+241.08227	343	
+242.13690	1947	1+
+243.13494	997	2+
+251.14776	886	1+
+259.09362	2528	1+
+289.16151	160	
+309.99744	123	
+315.16776	538	1+
+318.13360	115	
+330.12151	122	
+332.15995	208	
+333.18107	10471	1+
+350.21552	580	
+353.17657	967	1+
+354.68081	132	
+357.24899	1554	1+
+360.15877	206	
+370.19803	168	
+371.19182	511	
+372.18200	2231	1+
+385.21525	152	
+389.22620	227	
+390.24212	146	
+404.69264	1057	2+
+409.70252	597	
+410.20039	878	2+
+413.22020	117	
+413.69567	1540	2+
+418.70906	4084	2+
+423.21488	122	
+424.05212	110	
+424.19180	122	
+440.72768	157	
+441.22664	670	2+
+443.22132	109	
+446.21890	586	1+
+456.22055	927	2+
+458.23166	122	
+459.24831	160	
+461.20831	676	1+
+464.22185	18608	1+
+464.74963	110	
+465.72418	2987	2+
+469.21096	110	
+470.21269	4776	2+
+473.26107	117	
+475.25001	4621	2+
+479.21897	4692	2+
+481.29167	123	
+482.22796	812	1+
+485.26260	893	1+
+491.20823	168	
+492.20057	110	
+499.29634	155	
+499.79554	221	
+500.24981	1336	1+
+500.76712	249	
+503.22512	563	1+
+506.26448	205	
+506.78011	164	
+512.25439	134	
+515.26526	175	
+515.76685	111	
+517.28144	110	
+521.28257	151	
+521.76398	1499	2+
+526.75707	397	1+
+530.77244	233	
+531.26694	226	
+531.75749	167	
+532.25080	174	
+534.79631	346	
+535.30847	276	
+535.76053	12200	2+
+539.77245	2914	2+
+542.26539	148	
+543.29634	233	
+543.74664	200	
+544.31068	109	
+547.28849	138	
+547.80508	114	
+550.29467	178	
+553.24588	128	
+555.76691	119	
+556.24813	123	
+557.29591	562	2+
+559.31861	423	1+
+562.24799	169	
+563.14696	119	
+569.29669	137	
+570.30659	1029	1+
+575.79283	130	
+576.78453	124	
+577.30336	11408	1+
+577.79249	163	
+580.81267	244	
+581.79033	156	
+582.31042	204	
+583.34087	114	
+586.28784	1458	2+
+588.26712	165	
+589.28836	141	
+590.25776	415	
+591.27412	1194	1+
+591.77799	665	2+
+595.28672	2218	2+
+597.29583	526	1+
+599.27820	372	
+599.79027	341	
+600.27957	13399	2+
+603.27890	192	
+604.29543	5129	2+
+608.25800	688	2+
+610.30049	969	1+
+613.29804	1340	1+
+619.26067	570	1+
+622.30408	183	
+622.83703	127	
+623.33929	120	
+623.82737	146	
+624.31328	175	
+626.81953	140	
+628.31983	119	
+629.34750	154	
+629.80178	121	
+630.78463	117	
+631.31006	147	
+632.32766	137	
+632.87475	195	
+633.33833	185	
+634.80740	161	
+635.32186	224	
+637.82473	191	
+638.32260	176	
+641.85570	230	
+642.29647	189	
+642.80444	164	
+643.30102	124	
+644.33123	249	
+644.82704	830	2+
+647.25176	156	
+647.80114	146	
+649.30472	199	
+650.33384	120	
+650.81514	2595	2+
+653.82526	207	
+655.80508	2241	2+
+660.83658	3736	2+
+663.07854	123	
+664.30132	181	
+664.80298	18684	2+
+671.35358	207	
+672.41659	361	1+
+673.30939	110	
+674.35229	169	
+675.37445	175	
+676.35819	164	
+677.84090	132	
+679.35167	115	
+689.33735	114	
+689.89197	150	
+690.01782	419	3+
+691.29692	133	
+692.35847	124	
+693.33892	134	
+695.35443	241	
+697.44642	153	
+698.42549	170	
+698.86943	1051	2+
+701.37626	234	
+703.33084	178	
+704.38999	118	
+707.35278	765	
+707.84300	773	1+
+708.34235	13292	1+
+712.33910	1557	2+
+716.39360	139	
+719.29971	137	
+720.31536	216	
+720.83411	230	
+721.34764	8534	2+
+724.34821	180	
+726.36321	952	1+
+726.84885	223	
+728.33712	687	2+
+729.35919	1720	2+
+732.33765	110	
+734.38419	148	
+735.35605	141	
+736.36326	119	
+739.35273	2542	1+
+744.36217	525	1+
+746.41170	689	2+
+748.03728	146	
+748.40411	171	
+749.04836	128	
+749.38305	118	
+751.82728	121	
+752.40350	193	
+753.03687	1212	3+
+755.37990	160	
+756.08866	114	
+756.42711	231	
+757.39729	219	
+757.62012	132	
+757.83844	134	
+758.40343	360	
+758.74559	344	
+759.10415	358	
+759.38788	3939	3+
+761.40140	828	2+
+762.73573	114	
+763.40466	229	
+764.38571	910	2+
+765.09973	132	
+769.40839	112	
+770.37855	146	
+771.37886	204	
+772.35768	142	
+773.40417	138	
+776.36445	260	
+776.88365	1081	2+
+784.49747	472	
+785.37680	7884	2+
+794.36832	161	
+795.35192	192	
+801.39390	131	
+808.37801	2038	1+
+813.41920	256	
+818.40892	342	
+819.39351	1859	1+
+826.38407	3598	1+
+831.41118	158	
+836.41084	12679	1+
+836.88591	423	1+
+841.90431	1428	2+
+850.89545	4998	2+
+885.45678	167	
+886.48684	115	
+890.46588	222	
+891.44626	126	
+893.45849	213	
+893.92278	246	
+897.59888	120	
+898.46220	773	1+
+907.44493	3353	2+
+911.39748	134	
+912.49910	203	
+913.00629	158	
+914.45001	157	
+915.41642	153	
+929.44132	225	
+930.44109	521	1+
+939.41811	2308	1+
+949.49274	4403	1+
+957.43066	6601	1+
+972.96604	1049	2+
+976.49873	117	
+990.48264	144	
+1000.57780	141	
+1011.57709	181	
+1030.50110	178	
+1030.97479	174	
+1031.50744	186	
+1032.03398	115	
+1060.52750	122	
+1061.48406	231	
+1066.01033	127	
+1066.47287	140	
+1066.99831	110	
+1070.51379	2466	1+
+1078.53763	2784	1+
+1112.66418	145	
+1189.56617	613	1+
+1199.55187	841	1+
+1207.58359	2222	1+
+1320.67707	138	
+1328.59868	923	1+
+1441.64792	114	
+TITLE= Cmpd 736, +MSn(742.0258), 75.1 min
+PEPMASS=742.02585	165812
+159.08980	174	
+181.08178	124	
+186.07989	263	
+187.09802	716	1+
+201.10260	212	
+203.09432	94	
+204.08646	487	1+
+207.10135	106	
+211.13642	84	
+215.10495	263	
+218.14330	612	
+228.13904	110	
+229.11429	731	1+
+231.11088	774	
+232.13167	1667	1+
+246.11784	327	1+
+249.12688	2959	1+
+259.10837	1512	1+
+262.16651	94	
+263.11048	174	
+272.15881	328	
+274.12482	503	1+
+277.11952	2699	1+
+286.15185	158	
+290.17803	205	
+292.13272	472	1+
+300.16843	119	
+303.12083	867	1+
+311.17349	87	
+314.17049	107	
+316.16066	406	
+318.17833	578	1+
+325.19160	490	1+
+327.20373	110	
+329.16000	310	1+
+332.10718	104	
+333.16463	134	
+339.23765	494	1+
+342.15589	87	
+343.15875	219	2+
+344.15334	505	
+345.22670	536	1+
+346.12874	96	
+347.19049	676	1+
+352.67974	299	2+
+355.18185	262	1+
+358.15422	384	1+
+361.20337	86	
+362.18483	148	
+363.16547	464	1+
+366.15465	128	
+368.18478	264	2+
+373.17532	322	
+374.14586	2825	1+
+385.22920	110	
+387.18739	161	
+388.19823	1318	2+
+390.19969	83	
+392.15200	2915	1+
+397.19765	267	1+
+402.16826	85	
+408.19435	187	
+410.19253	103	
+415.20375	140	
+416.20251	592	2+
+417.21732	230	
+422.70608	93	
+425.21728	965	2+
+427.19339	508	1+
+430.69821	578	2+
+432.28406	169	
+434.20114	333	1+
+436.23697	649	2+
+440.25708	167	
+441.72704	163	2+
+443.21855	1876	2+
+445.21311	4227	2+
+446.21484	1751	1+
+452.22932	4728	2+
+455.19503	218	1+
+457.21462	116	
+458.23703	975	1+
+459.23443	350	2+
+462.22047	4049	1+
+468.28185	984	1+
+470.73924	150	
+471.23561	455	2+
+473.20804	7411	1+
+473.74271	102	
+478.26696	214	
+479.73515	83	
+480.26714	203	1+
+481.75145	859	2+
+485.26492	198	2+
+486.25371	1373	1+
+489.76778	91	
+490.24037	257	2+
+491.23499	4040	1+
+491.77179	138	
+493.28773	166	
+499.26008	319	2+
+502.25187	558	1+
+502.75462	84	
+503.20783	88	
+506.26577	506	1+
+509.70150	326	2+
+511.26317	274	1+
+513.27177	577	2+
+516.27131	178	
+517.22997	426	1+
+520.19345	175	
+521.20235	355	1+
+522.74814	117	
+523.25304	407	2+
+525.25314	540	1+
+525.75664	131	
+527.73076	116	
+528.24962	433	1+
+529.77740	92	
+530.74093	96	
+533.75985	4610	2+
+535.27433	1242	1+
+535.75603	444	9+
+538.72229	111	
+539.29367	1227	2+
+541.70083	117	
+542.26161	188	1+
+544.27532	849	2+
+545.22527	103	
+546.23923	119	
+546.79061	530	1+
+547.25253	84	
+548.23173	174	
+549.27774	541	2+
+553.15504	85	
+553.30745	107	
+554.27690	292	1+
+556.27330	367	1+
+558.30705	1017	1+
+561.78360	100	
+562.80312	1134	2+
+565.78727	386	
+566.28092	562	1+
+569.26728	370	2+
+570.78345	2276	2+
+572.63294	341	3+
+574.27745	261	
+575.30363	3357	1+
+578.62983	122	
+579.28557	1353	1+
+579.79483	2783	2+
+580.29672	1280	4+
+582.77780	453	1+
+583.29600	121	
+584.25407	447	1+
+585.92192	3637	3+
+587.79615	386	2+
+589.66585	84	
+591.81375	100	
+592.25182	957	1+
+594.81054	97	
+596.26228	168	
+597.31721	673	1+
+599.78228	117	
+602.25403	5768	1+
+603.62258	97	
+605.96479	137	
+606.82366	441	2+
+610.30632	281	1+
+611.64525	357	6+
+612.29681	380	1+
+612.75444	109	
+616.35435	228	3+
+617.03766	186	4+
+618.26293	243	1+
+620.27596	5448	1+
+621.76971	106	
+622.68409	83	
+622.83094	661	2+
+625.29237	88	
+625.78190	104	
+626.33886	136	
+628.27945	191	
+629.29739	590	1+
+629.82608	99	
+632.28115	549	2+
+632.76617	627	1+
+634.29647	115	
+635.32907	95	
+636.27585	239	1+
+636.39852	90	
+637.18040	144	7+
+638.29481	316	1+
+638.83423	85	
+639.79219	722	2+
+640.31638	1161	1+
+640.79691	697	2+
+643.81868	108	
+644.64412	90	
+644.96661	88	
+645.34618	114	
+645.97960	94	
+646.30466	1685	1+
+647.82074	262	
+649.99788	580	3+
+652.32147	2230	2+
+653.67359	97	
+654.32480	370	2+
+656.31977	94	
+657.30823	112	
+658.35195	108	
+658.65971	234	
+658.97641	1262	3+
+660.81875	1024	1+
+661.32081	2361	2+
+664.31558	387	1+
+666.32068	499	3+
+667.30457	686	3+
+667.74786	87	
+668.33703	261	
+668.78833	116	
+669.37222	177	
+669.83755	824	2+
+670.37882	1361	1+
+672.82138	281	1+
+673.61926	93	
+674.29118	887	1+
+677.87776	94	
+679.29663	124	
+679.74129	90	
+680.30500	533	3+
+682.33215	327	1+
+683.72592	379	2+
+684.80700	746	4+
+685.31023	855	1+
+686.83583	89	
+687.76613	109	
+688.28853	1088	2+
+689.73957	89	
+690.33445	575	2+
+693.34733	1024	2+
+694.70008	93	
+695.29583	97	
+695.90047	87	
+696.34235	111	
+697.84007	1515	2+
+698.33418	1187	1+
+698.99638	547	3+
+702.37400	1412	1+
+702.81833	128	
+703.65467	89	
+703.81698	347	1+
+704.34231	6470	1+
+705.99865	109	
+706.66913	264	1+
+707.68209	535	3+
+709.38924	928	1+
+712.80294	119	
+713.35000	134	
+713.78609	117	
+714.32161	532	2+
+716.34537	1629	2+
+716.35961	1571	1+
+718.84353	161	
+720.59615	542	4+
+720.84726	303	1+
+721.37492	440	2+
+723.33317	120	
+725.35369	3524	2+
+728.70060	84	
+730.02611	907	3+
+732.30657	201	
+732.85656	95	
+733.36053	544	3+
+734.84659	117	
+735.36229	3033	1+
+735.72656	90	
+736.02930	4871	3+
+737.90346	3022	2+
+738.62274	483	1+
+740.37407	551	
+740.61343	531	4+
+741.37030	642	
+742.03654	17503	3+
+742.70758	7140	6+
+743.89564	1859	2+
+744.42153	1504	4+
+744.88234	1840	1+
+745.22913	782	5+
+745.40636	2844	1+
+745.91059	3126	2+
+746.12795	92	
+746.71909	247	
+747.61193	88	
+748.01362	122	
+750.37002	94	
+751.41918	107	
+751.86658	1818	2+
+752.65796	94	
+754.39376	539	2+
+758.36831	104	
+759.88574	100	
+760.30091	84	
+760.86983	1362	2+
+767.41389	145	
+773.43904	86	
+774.39852	132	
+774.84982	121	
+775.38919	9052	1+
+781.37566	91	
+782.35803	348	2+
+784.39807	94	
+787.36657	93	
+789.32901	190	
+790.85978	97	
+792.39692	166	
+793.90793	1801	2+
+796.28307	212	
+797.25145	84	
+798.38085	122	
+799.38378	426	2+
+801.31821	91	
+801.90339	114	
+802.42359	147	
+802.92255	15579	2+
+805.50131	214	1+
+805.94539	112	
+811.39548	87	
+811.88225	417	2+
+813.39613	488	1+
+816.38893	270	
+816.90875	150	
+817.38469	576	1+
+821.41937	104	
+822.04668	928	3+
+824.41314	87	
+825.38857	817	2+
+829.39659	96	
+829.84269	200	1+
+830.43747	861	
+831.43164	1632	1+
+839.39575	191	1+
+847.45510	90	
+848.45609	117	
+849.42729	1993	1+
+858.44577	1495	2+
+860.38915	645	1+
+867.44125	7291	2+
+870.42178	141	
+871.46666	571	1+
+871.90234	89	
+876.39322	451	2+
+878.37925	2072	2+
+881.93675	118	
+882.44680	269	1+
+882.90840	116	
+884.48962	98	
+885.42983	857	1+
+895.44148	115	
+896.39596	98	
+897.46150	109	
+899.47692	92	
+901.48406	325	1+
+903.45136	3218	1+
+908.92563	302	2+
+916.97569	1939	2+
+917.46158	1029	1+
+924.35595	83	
+929.46465	93	
+935.48109	106	
+939.42540	112	
+940.44591	84	
+941.44235	86	
+947.46364	84	
+959.48647	467	1+
+962.49563	480	1+
+966.46724	93	
+974.49318	3399	2+
+978.51696	173	
+979.52985	100	
+995.46483	113	
+995.93771	105	
+996.47135	92	
+1020.57668	125	
+1025.55424	140	
+1028.94160	100	
+1030.53525	152	
+1031.52956	120	
+1045.49881	344	1+
+1049.57477	128	
+1066.51242	782	1+
+1069.50191	493	1+
+1077.51095	88	
+1079.50871	127	
+1124.59896	539	1+
+1137.50842	99	
+1140.55963	1021	1+
+1158.61139	571	1+
+1281.52850	166	
+1303.63566	271	1+
+1321.64611	140	
+TITLE= Cmpd 582, +MSn(590.6452), 63.2 min
+PEPMASS=590.64518	208523
+159.07516	11278	1+
+169.11384	263	
+170.04971	442	
+173.11246	373	
+175.10666	1007	
+185.05168	560	
+186.10854	272	
+187.07915	1725	
+188.07977	340	
+201.11376	585	
+215.10078	2408	1+
+217.07583	1194	
+226.15452	423	
+227.07621	769	
+235.13355	324	
+243.14532	20486	2+
+245.07733	6715	1+
+254.15181	406	
+263.14226	950	2+
+270.12385	537	
+271.65721	16451	2+
+281.11337	730	
+283.14504	454	
+288.14004	597	
+289.16404	5403	1+
+298.12410	1150	
+299.68191	1119	2+
+301.15349	645	
+311.16224	275	
+316.15057	3529	1+
+326.14677	250	
+327.20151	608	
+327.69674	286	
+328.20254	239	
+336.20683	904	
+341.20051	4859	2+
+343.16505	243	
+344.15117	2023	1+
+349.16630	338	
+350.20516	4234	2+
+355.14794	249	
+355.69345	279	
+356.18668	13784	2+
+364.69830	25329	2+
+369.19212	278	
+371.20867	302	
+372.18863	238	
+373.15854	270	
+376.73774	578	
+377.24643	390	
+385.15615	410	
+385.74330	379	
+386.24277	620	
+387.19072	1632	
+388.22511	3145	2+
+389.23314	762	
+390.73609	7186	2+
+396.22934	312	
+398.22118	236	
+399.22572	439	
+399.74090	2203	2+
+411.20354	266	
+411.70917	343	
+413.15329	537	
+414.23685	2937	1+
+420.21767	1109	
+420.71812	576	
+429.21978	3407	2+
+431.16214	1317	
+432.16236	482	
+439.21432	283	
+439.70760	265	
+444.23050	296	
+445.20500	948	
+446.21975	357	
+448.24901	4341	2+
+457.25695	6224	2+
+461.27312	305	
+462.25899	258	
+467.26950	488	
+468.25985	1296	
+468.72544	876	
+469.22925	633	
+470.26575	799	
+471.26597	328	
+472.24739	259	
+477.73071	1534	
+478.23734	1058	
+478.72278	319	
+479.19611	249	
+482.27858	260	
+483.26720	368	
+484.22414	388	
+485.28336	59339	1+
+485.75974	320	
+486.74178	4735	2+
+488.20096	1003	
+489.21515	396	
+497.25673	326	
+498.24217	437	
+498.77422	410	
+499.31921	1473	
+500.30209	890	
+502.23998	355	
+507.77969	877	
+508.27629	712	
+509.28933	275	
+510.25140	302	
+512.22526	310	
+512.77764	1094	
+513.26998	789	
+515.25466	333	
+516.23520	1358	
+517.23719	434	
+521.18863	412	
+521.77961	7740	2+
+524.28879	573	
+525.27725	2374	1+
+527.31860	11710	1+
+527.78134	713	
+530.23677	719	
+531.23398	316	
+534.25659	256	
+536.26832	1065	
+536.77784	598	
+537.26744	349	
+538.25612	284	
+539.29591	280	
+541.62934	396	
+541.78347	287	
+541.96521	645	
+542.30714	118146	1+
+542.78779	385	
+551.27404	713	
+552.26840	240	
+553.31011	368	
+554.27683	267	
+555.30579	262	
+556.28764	833	
+556.79047	499	
+557.28579	437	
+558.27484	247	
+565.27569	599	
+566.27459	375	
+569.29042	263	
+570.34996	703	
+571.29778	555	
+571.73932	251	
+572.27664	287	
+572.78171	254	
+575.78771	241	
+576.27969	264	
+576.77666	268	
+577.79174	383	
+578.64190	390	
+578.78123	277	
+578.97689	785	
+579.30225	331	
+580.32160	393	
+581.29572	262	
+582.80428	624	
+583.28842	480	
+583.70976	301	
+584.23638	515	
+584.64514	5081	3+
+584.78101	1313	
+585.79369	404	
+586.31092	667	
+586.79024	774	
+587.28812	1031	
+587.79228	370	
+588.28572	450	
+589.29488	422	
+589.69865	4558	1+
+590.21805	1408	
+591.21780	1530	
+591.79727	8758	2+
+594.31972	801	
+594.78932	546	
+595.29609	550	
+596.31406	258	
+597.30815	571	
+598.35655	12047	1+
+600.82043	4995	2+
+605.80973	764	
+606.31960	666	
+606.81646	314	
+607.31347	238	
+613.31436	370	
+614.30647	281	
+614.81970	6689	2+
+620.32101	260	
+620.82354	322	
+621.32466	294	
+622.31566	397	
+626.39924	281	
+629.32746	648	
+629.82906	328	
+630.31863	300	
+631.27981	708	
+632.28783	250	
+634.32671	684	
+634.81955	611	
+635.31253	353	
+638.33582	244	
+643.33147	8650	2+
+652.36309	312	
+654.36727	237	
+655.37090	533	
+656.34034	459	
+657.33843	264	
+666.33411	330	
+668.35158	252	
+671.40273	471	
+672.41190	258	
+678.36403	373	
+681.39374	7233	1+
+692.34579	324	
+699.40305	16735	1+
+711.36609	1235	1+
+726.31929	290	
+728.38933	31818	1+
+739.40746	236	
+754.44640	272	
+770.46518	569	
+771.43561	240	
+775.44294	350	1+
+780.46490	3056	1+
+798.47452	12593	1+
+839.40935	875	
+840.43044	582	
+857.43229	5216	1+
+895.49075	647	1+
+913.50662	11105	1+
+929.48512	237	
+954.44740	454	
+955.45023	460	
+972.47627	7910	1+
+1014.55894	299	
+1024.53406	566	
+1025.55066	510	
+1042.55194	19121	1+
+1071.52968	275	
+1156.58806	700	
+1157.60402	539	
+1158.56840	261	
+1228.63212	755	1+
+1285.65567	692	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 72, +MSn(428.2391), 26.6 min
+PEPMASS=428.23909	998365
+159.06232	5635	1+
+161.07525	1774	
+171.06568	3923	1+
+173.11119	7054	1+
+175.10289	1261	
+183.10287	4304	2+
+185.08708	939	
+189.07783	5645	1+
+192.60777	1450	
+193.10729	3602	2+
+197.14441	1228	
+199.17417	133816	1+
+201.11663	11094	1+
+206.12293	826	
+213.09252	831	
+213.11574	471	4+
+214.11581	4508	
+215.09783	7534	1+
+219.08306	1460	
+221.11038	789	
+222.12209	394	2+
+223.14635	1345	
+224.10726	1556	
+225.15311	1356	
+227.17299	36108	1+
+229.12047	1613	
+232.12574	1974	
+235.13800	814	
+242.12341	11292	2+
+243.12805	1431	
+244.12805	1846	
+244.64612	1099	
+245.13347	596	2+
+246.63161	5719	2+
+248.13870	803	
+249.11318	1645	
+249.63518	778	2+
+251.14138	1095	
+252.63563	3304	2+
+254.14973	6366	1+
+255.63872	20478	2+
+258.14593	1367	
+260.13318	22170	1+
+264.66399	782	
+266.14644	15009	1+
+269.16198	1990	
+270.16118	2109	
+272.16274	2219	
+273.15970	961	
+274.18250	1990	
+275.17058	1048	
+275.65918	1403	
+276.14395	857	
+277.66992	1885	
+278.16116	5360	2+
+283.15720	878	
+284.17008	39580	2+
+285.16536	7744	2+
+286.15361	1325	
+287.16378	1332	2+
+288.15985	2511	3+
+289.15806	846	
+290.15078	3933	2+
+293.13593	823	
+294.14433	881	
+295.13948	1469	
+296.19241	5743	1+
+298.16971	5951	2+
+299.15574	27134	2+
+301.15498	2336	
+302.16008	3457	2+
+303.14385	1245	
+304.16888	906	
+306.17564	1827	3+
+309.16906	791	
+309.66575	990	
+310.18230	1283	
+311.14099	16286	1+
+314.19585	7031	1+
+315.66574	795	
+319.16507	986	
+322.67589	1742	
+323.17570	1764	
+327.19450	1350	
+328.18666	2141	
+329.15067	33623	1+
+329.71466	1050	
+333.69156	1573	2+
+334.69578	1163	
+335.18954	1038	
+336.16998	1200	
+337.19185	1174	
+339.21320	807	
+340.17153	2118	
+341.18466	2560	
+342.19072	842	
+343.19601	1785	
+343.70583	850	
+345.20501	2464	
+346.16717	1219	
+346.69097	902	
+347.16872	9370	2+
+348.16884	1608	
+353.18480	1284	
+355.20773	5283	
+355.69804	10534	2+
+357.21169	1441	
+358.16966	4492	2+
+359.18435	1451	
+364.19075	13061	2+
+367.21304	4024	2+
+368.21715	1066	
+371.20117	3787	2+
+372.20706	1497	
+373.22464	26532	2+
+375.22001	1605	
+377.19593	875	
+378.20799	1413	
+379.20999	1161	
+380.18586	1392	
+381.19930	1399	
+381.86423	1279	
+382.18487	4858	2+
+383.20667	2118	
+384.21620	823	
+385.20730	9193	1+
+387.54209	7008	
+387.87218	13863	3+
+389.21509	9916	1+
+390.54576	1153	
+390.71444	1291	
+394.20730	1024	
+395.20802	4806	2+
+396.22276	2190	
+397.22842	2436	
+398.20352	2294	
+399.21473	19096	2+
+401.20648	921	
+401.72280	948	
+402.22260	865	
+404.20910	808	
+405.21391	817	
+406.21042	2146	
+407.20959	1167	
+409.23785	1318	
+410.22690	867	
+411.24784	1171	
+412.23674	1078	
+413.22164	19687	1+
+413.55520	3426	1+
+413.89098	1822	
+418.72343	5873	2+
+420.74065	1305	
+421.24475	6072	2+
+421.57588	1260	
+421.90896	921	
+422.23882	8328	3+
+422.71060	1109	
+423.21344	7472	
+424.22181	13629	2+
+425.22421	4441	2+
+426.22980	1695	
+427.23642	2055	
+427.73085	1579	
+428.24071	6120	
+428.57039	17898	3+
+428.74129	1312	
+429.77089	138330	2+
+431.73614	17680	2+
+433.23011	2256	
+434.21067	1144	
+436.25599	1339	
+440.25616	882	
+440.73386	29731	2+
+442.23619	20588	
+443.23691	7192	1+
+445.72993	870	
+446.23776	1003	
+447.22624	819	
+448.24147	958	
+449.23497	830	
+449.73957	96641	2+
+451.20749	13939	2+
+452.20821	4577	2+
+453.22313	1101	
+454.26078	1685	
+454.74090	1312	
+455.23953	1390	
+455.73090	972	
+456.23451	999	
+458.27236	1223	
+458.75982	7271	2+
+460.24464	13219	1+
+466.25317	1728	
+467.24531	4832	2+
+468.27305	3811	
+469.24050	13848	1+
+474.24342	2321	
+475.25299	986	
+476.25248	14341	2+
+478.23668	1148	
+480.25389	1413	
+481.25431	1057	
+483.23955	3159	1+
+485.25932	32345	2+
+487.27673	1908	
+488.25366	1187	
+489.25967	6369	1+
+492.25594	12798	1+
+496.26841	1247	
+497.26121	1005	
+497.75788	1885	
+498.26309	4636	1+
+501.26151	1408	
+501.75602	1325	
+502.26121	2549	
+502.75321	969	
+503.26212	1011	
+504.26398	12640	1+
+508.25504	886	
+509.29280	1091	
+510.27016	128761	1+
+510.76738	42296	2+
+514.25977	2427	
+515.26401	1089	
+516.25791	1194	
+519.29037	2534	
+519.76919	62259	2+
+522.28618	987	
+526.27092	1023	
+527.31443	2155	
+528.30147	2456	
+528.77449	170196	2+
+532.27949	5525	1+
+532.79730	865	
+533.76579	1202	
+536.28029	1631	
+537.30140	15007	1+
+545.32013	2034	
+546.29051	2224	
+547.28567	10409	1+
+553.31138	1032	
+555.31504	18492	1+
+561.28731	1271	
+562.29409	838	
+564.28335	2236	
+565.29739	1125	
+567.33288	4391	1+
+567.80730	903	
+571.32071	1427	
+572.31918	813	
+573.32029	9749	1+
+576.31053	11036	2+
+578.30199	1945	
+579.29427	20915	1+
+585.31570	33756	2+
+588.32861	1287	
+589.30624	2313	
+590.30081	7173	1+
+595.33214	7646	1+
+597.30421	181715	1+
+603.31288	661	1+
+615.32578	1060	
+616.35227	2218	
+617.35100	52434	1+
+622.35749	820	
+623.31970	1521	
+624.33566	1158	
+629.33253	1383	
+630.33052	1184	
+632.35367	881	
+639.34457	1103	
+640.36049	835	
+642.34670	938	
+647.33548	1941	
+648.33760	1727	
+650.36853	1353	
+651.31987	2152	
+652.32280	969	
+660.35647	1068	
+666.37585	3998	1+
+668.39018	2204	
+669.35281	1715	
+685.39003	1602	
+686.38600	1350	
+689.33891	963	
+690.36065	1267	
+692.37602	2639	
+693.33017	2585	1+
+710.38881	49024	1+
+715.33205	578	1+
+724.36936	902	
+727.37423	1714	1+
+733.41880	1422	1+
+741.39506	284	1+
+745.44201	15507	1+
+752.36032	1512	
+753.36071	823	
+755.39352	939	
+763.36247	837	1+
+770.37294	1049	
+779.41338	5910	1+
+789.40876	481	1+
+797.42217	59705	1+
+841.48223	371	1+
+847.43634	604	1+
+862.46500	1543	1+
+880.46044	4106	1+
+898.47187	33851	1+
+903.40914	243	1+
+910.43294	1209	
+951.49768	808	1+
+969.51137	5492	1+
+1020.52748	233	1+
+1038.53110	811	1+
+1056.54170	4080	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 875, +MSn(483.2538), 89.2 min
+PEPMASS=483.25374	16982
+155.07949	167	
+157.08688	317	
+158.07506	316	
+172.05681	496	
+175.10342	4431	1+
+177.09597	624	
+177.59012	138	2+
+183.10139	352	
+184.09871	178	
+185.14984	164	
+197.11776	656	
+199.10192	769	2+
+200.12300	1118	1+
+206.12910	586	
+207.63892	219	
+208.12306	166	
+211.11270	188	
+213.07963	472	
+214.08866	149	
+215.13682	2296	1+
+218.14016	1816	2+
+221.13227	1038	2+
+225.12638	600	
+226.12661	296	
+228.13285	1681	2+
+229.64619	367	
+230.13192	176	
+231.10540	1471	1+
+233.16646	383	
+234.62563	197	2+
+239.14618	238	
+240.13334	884	
+241.08298	2615	1+
+243.13133	3786	2+
+244.13686	522	
+246.14932	150	
+248.13933	218	
+249.12686	357	
+250.15007	438	
+252.15856	142	
+257.14620	1076	2+
+258.12768	196	
+259.09643	2839	1+
+261.16917	305	
+265.16969	245	
+268.12885	458	
+270.16903	158	
+271.14322	7957	1+
+273.65743	696	2+
+277.10932	330	
+281.14644	188	
+282.66121	991	2+
+284.83124	136	
+285.15842	1491	1+
+288.20520	6472	1+
+294.18715	184	
+296.18139	141	
+299.15296	180	
+303.66175	147	
+304.13603	268	
+306.11735	143	
+308.17249	345	
+309.17813	273	
+311.08415	138	
+312.17209	180	
+312.64195	200	
+313.14916	836	2+
+315.13905	138	
+321.65998	1248	2+
+324.14301	143	
+326.18039	374	
+327.18884	178	
+330.19531	534	2+
+337.16372	160	
+338.19688	174	
+339.20521	6683	2+
+342.20850	264	
+344.19818	390	
+345.20631	213	
+346.16176	160	
+351.18454	227	
+352.13066	415	
+353.14595	161	
+354.17297	1741	1+
+354.66347	163	
+356.22783	5252	1+
+359.65106	189	
+363.20462	197	
+366.21615	161	
+366.94473	192	
+367.04557	136	
+367.20430	280	
+368.18597	369	
+369.15276	1776	1+
+370.93138	187	
+371.23639	269	
+372.18299	1815	2+
+373.19491	361	
+375.20367	199	
+377.17873	332	
+377.66715	524	2+
+379.17773	206	
+382.16325	1078	1+
+384.21929	6105	1+
+386.18354	1733	2+
+388.15443	1191	1+
+393.20545	272	
+393.68394	142	
+394.75327	224	
+396.17138	170	
+397.19657	1690	1+
+400.19525	974	1+
+403.70872	260	
+409.25236	136	
+411.21304	217	
+414.19568	1682	1+
+418.24742	428	
+419.23737	424	
+420.23139	255	
+421.24553	158	
+425.16683	191	
+429.23298	196	
+430.18225	286	
+433.21960	185	
+433.71026	150	
+434.58820	135	
+435.27304	26795	1+
+436.11017	332	
+440.23589	168	
+441.25727	644	1+
+442.72522	255	2+
+443.78326	141	
+447.17711	147	
+448.17449	167	
+450.23322	1185	2+
+451.21132	346	
+452.14985	152	
+452.29266	210	
+453.22809	200	
+454.20605	209	
+455.25843	656	1+
+459.24611	1248	2+
+463.27061	284	
+464.26725	145	
+464.79005	139	
+465.20127	402	
+466.23053	228	
+467.21115	346	
+468.24398	2414	1+
+471.23303	135	
+473.31905	262	
+474.22894	250	
+477.23109	182	
+478.22429	414	
+479.24797	251	
+480.20943	240	
+481.23164	308	
+481.65213	222	
+482.27673	438	
+483.23271	2297	1+
+483.77864	386	
+485.25538	3375	1+
+485.66150	259	
+485.85535	222	
+486.64383	255	
+486.81258	176	
+488.78208	153	
+489.77086	153	
+490.18935	149	
+493.21540	144	
+494.22453	184	
+495.26087	1375	
+496.24246	3301	1+
+501.22214	1512	1+
+505.75130	157	
+507.25890	153	
+508.21492	597	
+510.27498	171	
+511.21342	542	
+512.21360	389	
+513.26817	5644	1+
+514.76114	139	
+522.27511	194	
+525.23056	334	
+526.22951	1141	1+
+529.25074	380	
+530.23686	144	
+534.31627	161	
+543.23519	1235	1+
+546.30758	6693	1+
+554.25370	149	
+561.26285	185	
+562.26069	221	
+564.31515	44659	1+
+564.75055	135	
+565.70261	158	
+571.25361	180	
+574.31008	215	
+578.32863	138	
+579.28334	479	
+580.29181	321	
+581.29397	263	
+583.28734	142	
+584.29412	133	
+594.30031	260	
+597.29754	1354	1+
+600.30764	233	
+601.29748	139	
+606.31193	163	
+607.27124	514	
+608.27928	260	
+612.27070	164	
+613.24908	140	
+614.30743	1238	1+
+623.28131	180	
+624.31148	1033	
+625.29105	3067	1+
+637.23271	179	
+638.28600	245	
+639.30603	213	
+640.26960	227	
+641.29423	236	
+642.31268	4307	1+
+648.35471	163	
+654.27805	373	
+655.26516	588	
+656.26166	156	
+657.30167	362	
+658.27896	265	
+659.38334	1372	1+
+664.87804	173	
+667.34365	145	
+672.29579	1330	1+
+677.40315	15632	1+
+682.39027	134	
+687.40092	162	
+708.33908	259	
+709.32292	265	
+710.40005	145	
+718.37144	211	
+725.34852	226	
+726.33687	637	
+727.36245	218	
+735.33275	187	
+736.33300	1115	1+
+740.36282	163	
+743.35869	1134	1+
+753.34184	1509	
+754.32703	5220	1+
+768.36125	214	
+770.43124	281	
+771.35980	7912	1+
+785.37036	454	
+788.43502	1596	1+
+806.44637	3764	1+
+848.39827	146	
+856.45870	230	
+866.46417	185	
+867.41631	403	
+868.42968	324	
+884.44316	1130	1+
+899.45917	388	1+
+917.48494	462	1+
+935.48451	1273	1+
+1013.45897	151	
+1047.52379	136	
+1064.55252	193	
+1065.51811	223	
+TITLE= Cmpd 207, +MSn(785.9179), 35.7 min
+PEPMASS=785.91791	103759
+168.05094	846	
+186.06702	3315	1+
+200.13280	1616	1+
+204.08177	9197	1+
+228.12926	2310	1+
+242.14767	176	
+243.14199	216	
+248.07130	222	
+249.16146	263	
+260.19112	1185	1+
+263.13345	229	
+277.15209	139	
+303.13061	167	
+313.22642	489	
+314.23651	137	
+341.22289	3046	1+
+357.19189	386	
+364.16370	1084	1+
+366.14662	2402	1+
+375.21190	144	
+391.20707	159	
+402.23773	337	
+403.17219	207	
+407.17527	334	
+408.23101	145	
+416.22818	371	
+427.25843	258	
+427.75239	140	
+444.22073	193	
+445.22144	158	
+446.25750	1391	1+
+454.30766	803	
+455.30621	262	
+459.19230	240	
+460.19626	319	
+471.23733	152	
+473.20061	147	
+474.21970	130	
+485.30693	793	
+486.30083	226	
+487.25595	126	
+488.26706	362	
+489.26016	167	
+491.25650	185	
+508.23735	424	
+509.23373	164	
+515.29074	287	
+515.72025	1979	
+516.22453	1257	
+516.71930	4907	2+
+519.24442	144	
+525.24603	172	
+527.28073	274	
+527.69691	259	
+528.21625	162	
+528.70633	187	
+529.23967	173	
+533.27623	187	
+534.26933	187	
+534.70604	166	
+535.69639	151	
+539.30626	462	
+540.28703	210	
+541.30146	140	
+542.29249	151	
+542.69324	183	
+543.27533	183	
+543.66892	189	
+544.22596	752	
+544.73614	564	
+545.23236	867	
+545.72746	495	
+546.23172	339	
+551.28867	179	
+552.28315	151	
+552.83226	141	
+556.23017	160	
+557.24148	212	
+558.30390	186	
+559.28375	285	
+560.30217	415	
+561.28925	897	
+562.28872	288	
+563.20123	195	
+564.23065	176	
+569.24360	307	
+569.33229	327	
+570.30881	192	
+577.25345	143	
+583.30708	183	
+584.29094	138	
+590.28869	132	
+590.82281	174	
+591.31871	234	
+607.29493	145	
+615.83496	351	
+616.31880	640	
+616.82671	381	
+617.32017	188	
+619.30235	137	
+620.33443	134	
+623.31968	211	
+632.29400	218	
+638.31041	151	
+640.36116	295	
+641.34644	179	
+642.32819	174	
+646.28503	128	
+648.29188	174	
+649.28936	171	
+654.33102	275	
+654.83147	131	
+655.31711	133	
+656.33441	185	
+656.82885	211	
+657.32834	179	
+660.33375	131	
+661.30604	173	
+663.83857	154	
+664.34775	165	
+664.84740	183	
+666.30888	141	
+669.32101	142	
+671.34832	142	
+672.36385	999	
+672.85969	2874	2+
+679.85625	143	
+685.39706	160	
+686.35236	129	
+689.35615	303	
+690.33128	396	
+691.33750	223	
+694.86291	131	
+697.31596	156	
+703.28298	134	
+705.35313	155	
+706.78811	150	
+720.32112	129	
+728.91280	165	
+729.39424	351	
+729.89165	205	
+731.36743	374	
+731.87715	194	
+732.38136	183	
+733.40566	190	
+733.90751	247	
+734.37980	301	
+734.87659	221	
+739.34746	147	
+742.32875	226	
+743.32439	212	
+754.39992	183	
+760.35838	219	
+761.38280	131	
+766.36918	152	
+767.35346	219	
+768.33131	170	
+768.87453	219	
+769.38318	289	
+770.38507	126	
+771.38019	170	
+772.38888	132	
+773.36652	128	
+774.35926	128	
+775.36036	145	
+776.90718	4392	2+
+781.40646	250	
+781.90517	275	
+782.39808	537	
+782.89912	374	
+783.39609	649	
+783.89687	2111	2+
+785.38190	2317	
+785.92749	130631	2+
+788.40788	7141	2+
+788.71033	270	
+789.74498	147	
+791.37911	289	
+791.46262	2779	1+
+791.90028	199	
+805.32403	184	
+806.35096	177	
+817.42144	169	
+818.43597	230	
+853.47872	239	
+854.48418	143	
+922.02338	370	
+922.53182	399	
+923.01823	235	
+923.51462	136	
+931.48193	200	
+932.47962	296	
+1002.54104	204	
+1003.51895	353	
+1004.52692	168	
+1011.52596	185	
+1023.54982	536	
+1024.07753	413	
+1024.55582	229	
+1025.06258	137	
+1030.43772	227	
+1031.45235	164	
+1032.43133	448	1+
+1087.46268	204	
+1088.45429	131	
+1089.45738	238	
+1090.44533	152	
+1117.56496	312	
+1118.54981	464	
+1119.55553	234	
+1125.09851	229	
+1125.60116	254	
+1126.09599	167	
+1126.59405	281	
+1230.65661	189	
+1231.64088	314	
+1232.67258	212	
+TITLE= Cmpd 1198, +MSn(1139.0413), 115.6 min
+PEPMASS=1139.04127	35714
+186.06697	101	
+204.08122	658	1+
+218.15805	107	
+243.13278	49	
+244.14801	53	
+246.22237	54	
+251.14872	164	1+
+274.09103	57	
+321.15376	58	
+325.11619	49	
+333.18005	293	1+
+339.22438	51	
+349.23383	60	
+350.19890	79	
+357.25298	112	
+361.18195	67	
+363.21490	51	
+366.15222	525	
+386.22623	51	
+403.21231	77	
+407.16634	198	
+411.21791	52	
+414.21908	132	1+
+422.91091	53	
+428.18724	63	
+450.19182	55	
+455.22002	60	
+458.21991	58	
+459.25228	57	
+462.23993	134	1+
+464.22820	304	1+
+470.31991	74	
+476.29331	53	
+480.28262	83	
+482.22868	52	
+485.25041	65	
+489.25799	153	1+
+492.24929	87	
+506.26005	61	
+516.27349	63	
+517.29339	65	
+519.28106	74	
+527.24775	64	
+528.21011	167	
+530.22998	65	
+531.27603	67	
+533.26067	72	
+536.28554	64	
+538.26136	61	
+546.29327	53	
+547.27119	114	
+556.27785	68	
+558.27866	57	
+567.32504	85	
+569.31436	82	
+573.33909	50	
+575.29770	52	
+577.31281	295	1+
+584.36969	64	
+584.85450	50	
+586.38917	58	
+588.21636	74	
+591.28306	52	
+594.35884	56	
+596.29058	131	1+
+601.34493	105	
+603.76938	49	
+608.32113	70	
+610.30278	208	1+
+613.28983	84	
+634.26092	57	
+639.31798	76	
+642.32708	127	
+645.27320	61	
+645.69784	58	
+647.30985	51	
+648.27876	66	
+648.89845	53	
+649.26542	88	
+651.86457	99	
+657.51323	54	
+662.35531	61	
+662.65258	67	
+663.38722	68	
+665.34001	63	
+669.36545	72	
+680.88636	56	
+684.39273	58	
+688.39727	74	
+689.31390	85	
+690.25527	54	
+691.34634	66	
+692.26103	50	
+697.82582	63	
+705.45498	56	
+708.32745	431	1+
+715.86714	95	
+720.86810	51	
+723.31208	61	
+723.81323	52	
+724.33712	69	
+725.38017	243	1+
+729.37254	67	
+730.37981	58	
+736.31255	60	
+737.29632	56	
+739.33837	151	
+741.40356	53	
+746.32342	52	
+748.32907	55	
+749.38571	55	
+750.81507	50	
+752.30818	66	
+769.41580	69	
+770.49326	53	
+771.45780	138	1+
+784.46852	80	
+787.39974	136	
+788.88140	51	
+791.37784	55	
+794.33014	78	
+797.91877	70	
+804.41933	74	
+807.92282	62	
+812.49865	51	
+817.93752	57	
+818.33864	175	1+
+821.08182	51	
+827.45839	220	1+
+829.42781	83	
+829.99761	73	
+831.45037	69	
+832.37338	177	1+
+836.41444	153	1+
+839.99869	73	
+849.84689	60	
+850.43848	65	
+851.77661	50	
+853.46598	59	
+874.71994	57	
+879.45280	56	
+882.78317	59	
+883.12336	150	1+
+883.75565	64	
+887.13603	74	
+891.15961	62	
+893.89203	66	
+898.52515	53	
+901.43356	83	
+903.55364	53	
+913.47898	52	
+916.73700	49	
+925.41887	53	
+926.46277	58	
+936.32494	51	
+939.92914	51	
+949.49739	82	
+951.49325	81	
+956.40132	57	
+957.45010	98	
+962.24731	54	
+973.06172	53	
+975.48281	61	
+977.52036	53	
+979.62809	64	
+989.48089	54	
+996.01011	66	
+1000.55753	81	
+1002.86138	59	
+1003.50586	68	
+1014.47728	51	
+1018.53806	49	
+1019.55891	54	
+1024.48755	51	
+1032.55672	98	
+1047.47530	52	
+1050.46109	52	
+1050.77269	60	
+1052.83591	57	
+1054.49573	51	
+1056.58009	51	
+1060.22130	57	
+1063.04664	60	
+1065.98145	64	
+1066.98258	79	
+1067.45511	69	
+1070.35707	64	
+1070.52062	56	
+1073.59406	92	
+1078.54663	197	1+
+1078.96389	57	
+1080.85322	49	
+1085.51386	64	
+1088.57092	61	
+1093.26795	101	
+1093.70242	60	
+1101.69695	57	
+1110.27813	89	
+1111.57026	50	
+1113.53491	76	
+1116.30722	76	
+1116.54939	54	
+1119.72494	58	
+1128.58448	53	
+1130.57950	83	
+1133.48916	52	
+1133.72142	298	3+
+1135.36036	127	
+1135.59531	406	3+
+1137.29030	918	3+
+1139.05306	12081	2+
+1142.39291	447	3+
+1143.59063	65	
+1144.28433	213	3+
+1144.55008	243	2+
+1146.67923	614	2+
+1146.92036	64	
+1164.81650	59	
+1199.56811	71	
+1208.58517	49	
+1211.65642	56	
+1241.74299	63	
+1248.64072	54	
+1314.55958	53	
+1325.53523	50	
+1339.03334	52	
+1395.84822	50	
+TITLE= Cmpd 39, +MSn(594.3056), 25.0 min
+PEPMASS=594.30561	305807
+155.07260	370	
+157.08131	359	
+172.09849	1425	
+173.11568	34216	1+
+175.10675	6062	1+
+182.08264	563	
+183.07162	2004	1+
+187.12601	617	
+199.09747	635	
+200.09853	3198	
+201.11542	21273	1+
+207.10960	419	
+214.13234	479	
+215.12585	750	
+216.11441	475	
+217.09836	406	
+218.14316	2816	1+
+225.11889	479	
+226.11063	2668	1+
+228.12474	700	
+230.13364	454	
+235.13190	514	
+237.11938	534	
+240.12798	791	
+242.14698	3071	1+
+244.12150	5264	1+
+246.18023	948	
+258.13947	697	
+262.13190	401	
+263.09532	1396	1+
+264.14388	303	2+
+265.12332	513	
+270.12648	620	
+270.15613	370	
+271.16114	500	
+284.14457	987	
+285.14238	466	
+288.20409	7748	1+
+294.15118	647	
+296.16556	479	
+297.14640	359	
+298.18553	568	
+301.18120	1275	2+
+302.17831	689	
+303.20276	380	
+311.16679	6143	1+
+315.13200	363	
+316.15466	362	
+327.16877	565	
+329.18526	23732	1+
+330.68109	480	
+337.16397	383	
+339.20229	2271	1+
+341.18047	2266	2+
+342.18337	594	
+343.68311	393	
+344.17552	380	
+345.18526	470	
+355.18522	1281	2+
+357.20500	714	
+359.19150	600	
+360.18753	360	
+363.14064	508	
+363.26046	355	
+365.19022	353	
+368.67940	457	
+372.19016	828	
+373.17609	440	
+377.18022	1788	2+
+381.15949	724	
+382.20081	1059	
+383.20685	1355	2+
+384.22315	369	
+385.68938	2214	2+
+394.70134	2607	2+
+398.18489	659	
+399.22256	959	
+400.21637	5683	2+
+401.21611	2452	1+
+404.20953	672	
+409.18611	518	
+413.19654	729	
+414.21862	447	
+416.25743	12901	1+
+417.73347	348	
+418.72812	474	
+421.71371	1288	2+
+423.20185	364	
+425.21557	922	
+426.20436	1609	2+
+427.17854	590	
+430.24063	718	
+431.22210	464	
+436.21111	350	
+440.23661	1298	2+
+442.22951	657	
+443.20590	665	
+444.18576	565	
+445.20705	581	
+446.19154	383	
+447.22207	362	
+448.20763	441	
+450.71396	393	
+452.22415	421	
+453.21480	384	
+454.22561	432	
+455.22439	383	
+456.20716	400	
+457.24598	444	
+458.24891	1149	2+
+459.23277	613	
+459.71180	789	
+460.22859	378	
+462.24950	380	
+463.22934	402	
+464.23731	430	
+465.21664	353	
+466.20663	657	
+467.22883	370	
+467.72048	358	
+468.21687	3905	2+
+470.22986	512	
+471.23230	428	
+472.22468	599	
+474.76332	2763	2+
+476.23076	15326	2+
+479.72812	387	
+480.23730	521	
+483.20727	631	
+484.26505	2164	2+
+485.24504	96050	2+
+488.24202	5298	2+
+491.24359	543	
+492.20198	406	
+493.23262	606	
+494.25107	36643	2+
+497.24317	390	
+499.23986	646	
+500.26657	516	
+501.25474	941	
+502.24559	502	
+503.25559	527	
+503.76630	539	
+504.25425	646	
+505.24740	452	
+506.26772	584	
+507.27004	487	
+507.78313	454	
+508.26819	397	
+508.74891	486	
+509.25266	6870	1+
+509.76626	2770	2+
+512.75556	499	
+518.27365	4981	2+
+520.24517	757	
+520.75119	403	
+521.25528	737	
+522.27197	482	
+523.26037	364	
+524.24324	371	
+524.77877	368	
+525.26031	437	
+526.24910	396	
+527.28049	3247	1+
+528.77335	422	
+529.26629	4818	1+
+529.77100	372	
+533.26445	2874	1+
+533.77631	691	
+537.22154	763	
+537.78046	2397	2+
+539.23420	542	
+540.26810	440	
+541.25115	499	
+541.80892	392	
+542.27525	4089	2+
+545.30145	16233	1+
+546.78991	7408	2+
+550.26461	417	
+550.78809	4975	2+
+554.26389	687	
+555.24201	5767	2+
+557.26358	563	
+559.28509	575	
+560.28295	539	
+562.26627	660	
+563.28366	747	
+564.24960	438	
+565.25716	589	
+566.27302	489	
+567.27094	545	
+567.79343	536	
+568.28013	837	
+568.76860	372	
+569.26537	462	
+571.30038	6646	1+
+571.78325	382	
+572.80705	364	
+575.28924	790	
+576.30239	881	
+576.79594	982	
+577.29036	3889	2+
+580.27482	424	
+581.26732	397	
+582.27981	471	
+583.26186	504	
+584.27539	459	
+584.74780	358	
+585.30195	2428	
+585.79709	7112	2+
+587.29528	6747	1+
+587.80999	2661	1+
+591.80433	499	
+592.31834	4893	1+
+592.81370	6251	2+
+593.80916	9898	1+
+594.31137	13305	1+
+594.81066	14243	2+
+596.32230	8965	
+596.82180	5149	
+597.33559	21633	2+
+600.31403	494	
+601.35513	389	1+
+603.30872	567	
+609.26881	367	
+610.23976	460	
+617.30320	451	
+618.29392	415	
+622.32074	552	
+624.32035	354	
+625.28949	985	
+626.28892	739	
+627.28680	413	
+641.33462	520	
+642.32238	4530	1+
+657.34846	570	
+659.34988	31888	1+
+666.25121	809	
+667.29244	419	
+667.84246	483	
+668.27956	422	
+670.32403	617	
+671.32880	464	
+681.35367	848	1+
+683.27203	742	
+684.28772	650	
+685.31676	549	
+689.32627	2191	1+
+701.31755	378	
+703.37516	365	
+709.36316	958	1+
+723.38692	772	
+724.39818	416	
+734.37650	8195	1+
+750.35647	355	
+753.35317	2157	1+
+765.40643	479	1+
+770.37148	6038	1+
+788.39540	34576	1+
+796.35739	634	
+797.36294	435	
+798.38391	358	
+799.42547	1847	1+
+817.42175	669	
+824.38901	518	
+835.43523	13389	1+
+841.41210	1003	
+842.42014	2703	1+
+851.40145	1417	1+
+859.43440	63497	1+
+870.41049	371	
+879.46594	221	1+
+915.49055	298	1+
+924.47921	507	
+935.42647	228	1+
+946.46625	410	
+948.51936	1656	1+
+951.45425	1416	1+
+967.52282	164	1+
+969.48201	1088	
+970.46650	9289	1+
+987.49487	22927	1+
+1035.54003	1431	1+
+1074.55364	253	1+
+1092.57254	1966	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 758, +MSn(847.7508), 76.8 min
+PEPMASS=847.75082	94230
+159.09700	313	1+
+168.05036	130	
+175.11292	112	
+186.06662	935	
+187.09653	1114	1+
+197.12168	91	
+201.11125	240	
+204.08160	3057	1+
+215.13024	392	
+232.13991	1328	1+
+246.17938	227	
+255.16823	227	
+263.13894	185	
+296.19250	90	
+297.12633	71	
+300.19229	2350	1+
+310.21264	974	1+
+314.21365	224	
+315.14770	80	
+319.17335	2255	1+
+325.18779	133	
+328.22266	965	1+
+342.21243	91	
+344.19066	657	1+
+349.14624	95	
+351.21417	114	
+357.16829	115	
+358.15543	97	
+359.23911	130	
+364.19151	160	
+366.15217	1263	2+
+367.13845	219	1+
+369.21394	1509	1+
+375.67188	362	2+
+387.22763	1953	1+
+399.29555	728	1+
+402.18285	78	
+406.20943	2494	1+
+414.19179	118	
+415.17863	120	
+416.22978	107	
+426.23826	182	
+427.29482	2847	1+
+432.21888	1717	2+
+434.23685	81	
+434.75693	67	
+435.20819	85	
+442.20645	73	
+443.24244	97	
+444.22861	77	
+446.20748	73	
+448.23347	161	
+454.28599	344	1+
+458.23986	417	1+
+464.28256	823	1+
+469.77846	101	
+471.26512	84	
+472.31577	486	1+
+473.73008	317	
+474.23425	417	2+
+480.25433	73	
+482.27211	9386	2+
+485.32957	101	
+486.25590	140	
+489.23850	97	
+492.25228	109	
+500.30755	2672	1+
+504.21249	68	
+507.25349	2280	1+
+519.24954	326	1+
+523.27116	395	2+
+524.32794	106	
+525.35137	92	
+526.80330	98	
+527.27050	67	
+529.35382	92	
+530.23570	69	
+531.23850	205	
+532.27728	2789	2+
+537.27465	119	
+539.31987	465	1+
+541.36294	527	1+
+545.26367	85	
+549.27183	128	
+550.27860	76	
+555.30452	344	1+
+556.78393	137	
+557.31677	1203	1+
+564.00416	68	
+565.26602	401	2+
+573.28062	122	
+575.29053	71	
+577.29658	93	
+585.28402	103	
+594.28260	69	
+594.80866	69	
+595.27238	84	
+599.34339	101	
+601.32277	115	
+602.80047	621	2+
+603.29456	807	1+
+604.79053	250	1+
+608.31844	80	
+610.37484	392	2+
+612.26434	134	
+613.80855	2640	2+
+621.29772	5499	1+
+628.31125	193	
+628.84966	138	
+630.27465	588	1+
+631.88057	5488	2+
+634.35540	100	
+635.29617	94	
+636.29789	138	
+637.42391	365	1+
+639.83194	115	
+640.84503	70	
+641.84547	90	
+642.31087	86	
+643.32002	69	
+644.31133	244	1+
+646.31028	126	
+646.80552	330	2+
+648.34999	85	
+650.36038	370	1+
+654.34574	112	
+654.83937	104	
+655.32208	68	
+657.29872	101	
+658.33118	1076	2+
+660.32718	88	
+662.34618	122	
+663.38129	76	
+664.31574	599	1+
+666.84230	73	
+668.36338	1162	1+
+672.31618	86	
+676.25834	72	
+677.83527	671	2+
+681.41010	339	
+681.88693	905	2+
+686.37152	2234	1+
+687.60618	80	
+690.31780	112	
+694.27009	128	
+695.29962	89	
+696.33429	359	1+
+696.83865	81	
+697.84470	255	
+698.35048	350	1+
+702.36560	90	
+703.37424	71	
+705.31784	132	
+706.35475	1492	2+
+709.40120	93	
+709.87731	68	
+710.43867	73	
+712.87794	78	
+716.34554	105	
+717.36261	94	
+721.86630	74	
+722.33308	92	
+724.91384	73	
+725.86827	530	2+
+728.37847	138	
+730.35050	496	2+
+731.29707	403	1+
+733.33993	586	1+
+735.85783	71	
+736.34992	90	
+737.88008	640	2+
+739.86173	3795	2+
+742.36274	308	3+
+744.34195	100	
+746.37400	83	
+746.83644	89	
+747.35764	117	
+748.36387	287	1+
+750.34270	7695	1+
+755.39332	71	
+756.99518	68	
+757.44801	71	
+758.38195	104	
+761.37260	76	
+762.33091	99	
+765.34277	356	1+
+767.42703	758	1+
+770.37279	691	2+
+773.39050	95	
+774.37081	80	
+775.32015	104	
+775.89700	126	
+776.35399	96	
+777.34084	67	
+779.57250	86	
+779.73079	643	3+
+780.90649	86	
+781.39570	191	
+783.37114	77	
+784.40199	91	
+785.44258	2029	1+
+786.03245	121	
+788.90739	97	
+789.39855	4476	2+
+793.36616	766	1+
+794.91777	116	
+798.39652	129	
+800.40499	84	
+803.40058	77	
+804.36672	78	
+805.37900	429	2+
+809.10307	70	
+810.41397	102	
+812.44384	80	
+814.38455	1393	2+
+816.06405	182	
+816.36349	589	1+
+817.89564	87	
+821.39154	104	
+822.41111	92	
+823.02182	889	2+
+826.41311	83	
+827.40720	309	1+
+828.92521	67	
+830.40290	89	
+830.91194	1256	2+
+835.49959	880	2+
+836.75294	93	
+838.33842	76	
+839.92157	2035	2+
+841.20991	126	
+841.42113	3356	3+
+843.94609	400	
+844.15898	159	
+844.45825	576	
+845.02468	18134	2+
+846.92646	6004	2+
+847.08020	5094	3+
+849.91905	602	2+
+850.67552	110	
+850.89755	1002	2+
+851.05678	129	
+853.02850	97	
+853.45078	873	3+
+860.38742	76	
+861.41004	96	
+863.43049	2918	1+
+867.45822	129	
+868.48837	114	
+869.45627	71	
+869.92364	138	
+870.44458	121	
+878.91499	1345	2+
+883.45853	72	
+887.45666	2447	2+
+890.42162	81	
+892.40330	478	1+
+896.47105	412	1+
+896.95962	75	
+905.43132	88	
+914.49110	1124	1+
+919.47847	113	
+919.90997	67	
+920.46022	104	
+928.45381	848	2+
+938.57093	562	1+
+946.44946	153	
+947.46122	339	1+
+960.97469	610	2+
+964.47770	5093	1+
+975.49563	76	
+979.44171	182	
+981.42885	66	
+983.52455	76	
+990.53923	91	
+992.95832	90	
+993.45691	133	
+994.41994	77	
+1001.51410	309	1+
+1007.46911	84	
+1012.47488	591	2+
+1018.49498	81	
+1021.48017	1800	2+
+1046.52402	81	
+1052.62088	101	
+1053.61564	97	
+1063.54729	1236	1+
+1068.59293	70	
+1069.01146	133	
+1069.53658	107	
+1070.04856	92	
+1078.02585	102	
+1078.48073	303	
+1079.49522	99	
+1104.06121	72	
+1112.53879	456	2+
+1121.56090	519	2+
+1129.52476	406	1+
+1161.48401	68	
+1179.56448	81	
+1226.62336	174	
+1227.64652	133	
+1262.75386	678	1+
+1315.65509	379	1+
+1478.66696	86	
+1578.82302	81	
+TITLE= Cmpd 871, +MSn(724.3762), 88.9 min
+PEPMASS=724.37624	328342
+157.08314	305	
+172.05889	494	
+175.10619	2202	1+
+183.10668	243	
+200.12971	2149	1+
+215.12797	128	
+225.15331	112	
+226.10339	135	
+228.13063	2059	1+
+240.12603	445	1+
+243.13826	1113	1+
+253.12391	131	
+257.15957	494	1+
+259.09490	138	
+262.10277	89	
+268.13786	164	
+271.14039	16948	1+
+285.15511	1470	1+
+288.20588	3023	1+
+295.13308	206	
+312.14245	101	
+313.15998	213	
+314.67763	108	
+322.15223	94	
+323.16279	124	
+325.68298	79	
+327.19691	83	
+329.16807	93	
+331.18154	86	
+337.16563	187	
+339.19584	1174	1+
+351.16836	147	
+355.16626	315	
+356.22896	8508	1+
+366.21371	124	
+367.20551	251	
+368.20766	194	
+369.17810	626	1+
+372.18512	247	
+373.19632	88	
+375.22965	110	
+382.17280	580	1+
+384.22489	6433	1+
+388.13366	199	
+392.19258	90	
+396.19026	129	
+397.17563	1214	1+
+400.18685	592	1+
+405.20037	95	
+414.20692	1714	1+
+422.18301	106	
+424.19587	86	
+425.15920	107	
+435.27417	8198	1+
+440.25540	167	
+441.21234	83	
+442.20086	137	
+443.25607	100	
+448.21454	84	
+449.19964	101	
+450.23086	1495	1+
+456.23658	77	
+457.20935	116	
+458.23316	122	
+467.24851	279	
+468.24218	2714	1+
+472.26093	125	
+474.25025	104	
+476.24304	80	
+477.24110	118	
+478.23598	905	1+
+483.22357	158	
+484.20539	100	
+485.26381	2742	1+
+489.17415	76	
+493.24394	81	
+495.25827	1157	
+496.24377	4159	1+
+501.22254	271	
+502.21656	196	
+503.29529	133	
+504.24928	77	
+508.23306	145	
+509.21350	99	
+511.20965	126	
+512.18999	124	
+513.26849	6118	1+
+518.27187	80	
+523.76861	447	2+
+525.21847	175	
+526.21456	749	1+
+529.23866	178	
+530.25359	150	
+532.78003	110	
+533.25695	121	
+534.26026	91	
+541.26304	83	
+542.79647	95	
+543.24729	670	1+
+545.30455	100	
+546.31010	277	
+546.78088	79	
+547.30481	130	
+551.29435	82	
+552.25418	93	
+553.32840	94	
+562.26074	90	
+563.22806	82	
+564.31560	9723	1+
+571.27726	140	
+571.82007	89	
+572.29592	120	
+573.25866	101	
+574.30467	108	
+579.27744	255	
+580.28677	997	2+
+582.28546	111	
+585.32528	91	
+586.29071	117	
+589.31427	2223	2+
+593.29327	100	
+594.29389	190	
+595.28461	86	
+596.28177	208	
+597.28436	329	
+598.28197	207	
+599.27435	174	
+600.27368	93	
+602.33977	98	
+606.28067	100	
+607.28286	289	
+608.28034	123	
+609.27849	135	
+612.27743	149	
+614.29436	1053	1+
+620.29377	86	
+620.77711	78	
+624.29938	576	
+625.28976	1731	1+
+628.32618	259	
+628.86183	97	
+629.31868	198	
+629.83228	144	
+630.26173	99	
+633.29090	78	
+637.31987	1295	2+
+640.31202	80	
+642.31231	2488	1+
+642.84105	86	
+646.33133	3873	2+
+650.37071	602	1+
+651.83272	91	
+653.27394	116	
+655.26276	496	1+
+657.32835	290	
+657.81171	246	
+658.32482	133	
+659.29234	110	
+660.30067	112	
+665.82264	256	
+666.32692	686	2+
+671.31385	120	
+672.27559	337	
+673.29324	185	
+673.87329	85	
+674.29682	101	
+674.84841	1792	2+
+677.39909	7208	1+
+688.38949	106	
+689.37074	88	
+693.32010	123	
+694.31392	111	
+697.85252	105	
+698.35525	222	
+701.36334	140	
+701.88413	91	
+702.32190	123	
+705.39132	116	
+705.85032	108	
+706.35729	1394	2+
+710.35737	87	
+712.33750	105	
+713.29571	84	
+715.36965	11248	2+
+720.86067	81	
+721.40555	157	
+721.94921	115	
+723.22442	119	
+723.38924	201	
+723.69699	153	
+723.84124	88	
+724.38216	40703	2+
+725.65558	122	
+727.37398	284	
+727.87047	190	
+728.35316	221	
+728.86836	81	
+729.37819	244	
+736.32899	250	
+738.38350	112	
+739.33298	84	
+743.36555	297	
+744.33875	154	
+750.30669	101	
+751.35070	95	
+753.33584	173	
+754.33911	1488	1+
+762.34613	82	
+764.37931	88	
+765.40329	87	
+768.38075	164	
+769.35582	132	
+771.35662	1502	1+
+785.36579	243	
+786.38534	114	
+788.42372	279	
+789.43438	123	
+800.34898	84	
+806.44517	7862	1+
+816.41566	93	
+839.41244	199	
+840.38992	83	
+849.44197	110	
+856.45505	163	
+857.41577	153	
+866.42923	155	
+867.42866	800	1+
+884.45353	812	1+
+898.39476	108	
+899.41502	80	
+914.44725	131	
+917.47822	863	1+
+935.48960	11936	1+
+968.47765	85	
+978.46886	84	
+996.46876	199	
+997.45259	125	
+1013.48970	904	1+
+1046.52995	919	1+
+1062.57318	81	
+1063.50997	88	
+1064.53502	10520	1+
+1074.52569	319	
+1075.53327	99	
+1076.50429	81	
+1143.57033	83	
+1159.56625	414	1+
+1175.57101	81	
+1177.62127	1761	1+
+1187.59795	111	
+1188.63859	112	
+1273.60337	112	
+1274.67063	115	
+1291.67111	166	
+1292.73473	135	
+1348.68955	562	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 752, +MSn(697.6842), 76.3 min
+PEPMASS=697.68418	239817
+172.06169	105	
+173.11520	1101	1+
+183.10086	280	
+186.07803	106	
+187.13299	256	
+197.12054	132	
+199.17335	4051	1+
+201.11523	3105	1+
+215.13440	475	
+217.09140	191	
+226.11987	99	
+227.17252	3854	1+
+229.12171	442	
+233.13677	99	
+234.12212	1875	1+
+237.12252	139	
+243.11570	310	1+
+245.09338	254	1+
+246.15997	132	
+247.08480	86	
+249.14457	125	
+260.19489	397	1+
+262.12043	2026	1+
+267.13338	212	
+268.19185	255	1+
+274.12231	110	
+277.13775	94	
+278.14844	172	
+283.15571	556	1+
+286.20727	87	
+287.14367	599	1+
+291.14205	1198	1+
+294.07460	93	
+296.19623	4218	1+
+302.11752	208	
+302.16947	691	1+
+310.19147	85	
+311.16395	108	
+312.14714	109	
+313.16938	94	
+314.20294	1088	1+
+315.17812	88	
+319.14507	2754	1+
+323.17977	146	
+328.18794	337	1+
+330.15620	157	
+334.69283	424	2+
+340.22605	1166	1+
+345.15302	78	
+346.17957	89	
+347.20543	431	1+
+348.15914	110	
+354.18512	83	
+356.18819	463	1+
+358.17446	657	1+
+361.19613	85	
+362.19439	314	1+
+366.17447	88	
+367.19188	353	1+
+370.24472	83	
+371.23432	101	
+374.23057	102	
+375.20936	1645	1+
+380.22444	165	
+381.19781	111	
+385.20658	544	1+
+387.25476	357	1+
+392.21020	483	2+
+394.18230	150	
+397.24643	735	1+
+400.20911	146	
+403.21642	270	1+
+407.25870	119	
+410.21531	144	
+414.21501	130	
+415.19418	381	1+
+415.25622	2132	1+
+418.24238	751	1+
+422.18731	116	
+423.20286	89	
+424.23044	112	
+425.22979	155	
+430.21362	130	
+431.22714	130	
+432.22785	1663	1+
+440.20064	133	
+441.23664	172	
+442.22103	111	
+444.27636	143	
+451.24752	152	
+452.27025	119	
+453.26925	79	
+454.21886	94	
+455.28399	457	1+
+456.73248	866	2+
+457.23481	1265	1+
+462.27246	203	
+462.76966	287	2+
+464.21202	86	
+465.28817	438	2+
+468.23532	121	
+469.27660	344	1+
+471.24957	706	1+
+474.24830	139	
+476.25109	1060	1+
+479.24119	166	
+480.26245	1516	1+
+487.32391	212	
+488.28049	556	1+
+491.26747	171	
+492.24918	110	
+495.22374	140	
+497.24480	122	
+498.28516	1789	1+
+503.26391	142	
+504.26959	121	
+505.27628	130	
+506.22912	80	
+509.24892	144	
+510.25669	103	
+511.26708	408	2+
+513.28990	1312	2+
+515.26296	264	
+516.28051	1560	1+
+522.25070	106	
+523.26143	82	
+525.90001	109	
+526.28662	107	
+527.26697	101	
+527.79569	256	
+528.29214	209	
+528.76969	148	2+
+530.26755	392	1+
+533.27855	1373	1+
+537.28645	144	
+538.29217	85	
+538.77291	95	
+539.30102	153	
+544.28922	83	
+548.26814	546	1+
+551.22073	133	
+553.27459	366	1+
+553.59871	342	3+
+555.29846	1399	1+
+556.80529	181	
+559.59709	141	
+559.94160	142	
+560.28809	659	1+
+560.81365	98	
+565.24319	80	
+566.29606	486	1+
+567.79645	85	
+569.29643	133	
+569.83398	1798	2+
+572.25431	82	
+574.28373	90	
+575.33706	109	
+576.29855	151	
+577.29962	101	
+577.79678	1432	2+
+580.28852	91	
+581.27768	167	
+581.63842	88	
+581.95395	82	
+584.32476	439	
+585.31461	1377	2+
+587.29660	448	3+
+588.29723	154	
+589.30700	102	
+590.27400	107	
+591.31247	113	
+593.28710	1171	3+
+597.31013	90	
+599.33428	79	
+601.38704	100	
+602.32200	112	
+603.83803	111	
+604.32215	119	
+604.79970	87	
+605.29579	820	1+
+610.30374	82	
+610.62766	96	
+611.29177	82	
+613.32017	100	
+615.80408	101	
+616.32052	425	1+
+618.97356	1339	3+
+620.31459	138	
+621.30275	152	
+623.29686	411	1+
+624.97505	902	3+
+626.33811	659	1+
+626.87988	141	
+630.98081	5889	3+
+633.30856	683	2+
+637.30495	125	
+639.27881	98	
+641.31666	100	
+641.84567	320	
+642.33220	3353	2+
+647.31348	112	
+647.97516	113	
+648.35221	680	2+
+651.33614	89	
+652.26699	152	
+653.30573	149	
+653.98600	500	3+
+659.29488	110	
+659.99419	949	3+
+661.33733	1154	1+
+666.34005	143	
+667.30172	99	
+668.37838	568	1+
+671.35656	114	
+672.34550	91	
+673.34082	102	
+677.35290	490	1+
+677.84854	90	
+679.36280	253	
+680.34027	891	1+
+682.88614	102	
+683.34182	490	2+
+685.68067	2427	3+
+687.32887	129	
+688.39373	121	
+688.84794	108	
+689.29191	83	
+689.37156	118	
+689.84583	146	
+690.33330	107	
+691.35141	4775	3+
+691.86391	2008	2+
+694.46084	649	4+
+695.40759	284	
+695.79678	81	
+696.37862	502	4+
+696.98237	112	
+697.38101	1547	
+697.68971	31313	3+
+698.69560	5252	6+
+699.89264	423	
+700.39323	13694	2+
+703.35669	162	
+703.72590	157	
+704.06968	147	
+704.38587	93	
+706.84414	3999	2+
+709.36712	80	
+716.32431	79	
+717.38367	107	
+718.37872	96	
+720.44721	82	
+721.40529	81	
+726.93469	98	
+737.33850	128	
+738.38020	81	
+744.38706	92	
+751.32711	106	
+753.29449	105	
+761.37956	92	
+765.36157	78	
+774.36212	79	
+775.35811	78	
+777.45364	1106	1+
+783.41312	500	1+
+788.37714	6312	2+
+791.38767	88	
+794.94331	106	
+795.41140	128	
+798.33857	86	
+800.45171	84	
+804.39842	467	1+
+809.42398	102	
+811.41130	81	
+812.44322	926	1+
+817.41542	119	
+820.94408	589	2+
+824.39721	92	
+829.39275	440	2+
+838.90118	5968	2+
+858.43193	99	
+865.43832	113	
+866.39690	96	
+867.02139	107	
+871.43245	155	
+871.91286	88	
+876.40030	80	
+877.48910	132	
+877.99536	169	
+878.48106	96	
+879.48246	168	
+880.44126	450	2+
+882.45614	84	
+888.51197	98	
+889.42701	8146	2+
+892.41765	129	
+910.40886	136	
+912.45769	654	1+
+924.53203	667	1+
+929.56906	200	1+
+937.45308	80	
+941.49062	887	1+
+945.96758	2934	2+
+980.47536	244	2+
+989.48765	2756	2+
+993.50160	104	
+1025.57253	1061	1+
+1056.53210	992	1+
+1138.66069	423	1+
+1169.62194	1553	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 75, +MSn(641.8547), 26.7 min
+PEPMASS=641.85466	516186
+157.07624	504	
+169.11566	1571	1+
+175.06196	2426	1+
+183.10960	407	
+185.08194	1727	1+
+191.10915	714	
+197.12157	1272	1+
+199.17393	38017	1+
+199.49184	254	5+
+201.11310	1949	1+
+213.09429	4694	1+
+218.14657	476	
+219.10785	1286	2+
+224.10532	473	
+226.14638	449	
+227.17242	22606	1+
+230.11076	2916	1+
+242.11333	1221	1+
+244.11376	649	
+246.62952	410	2+
+251.14472	464	
+254.13919	868	
+255.14584	3315	1+
+255.64103	660	
+260.19164	4404	1+
+262.12436	416	
+266.15755	593	
+269.14171	2829	2+
+272.15992	704	
+282.14332	370	
+283.17302	581	
+284.16802	6169	1+
+296.19843	3534	1+
+298.15741	487	2+
+300.13958	593	
+306.64018	1389	2+
+311.17251	12109	1+
+314.20919	7856	1+
+319.19496	762	
+320.17577	228	2+
+324.12594	399	
+325.16950	686	2+
+326.16170	3983	2+
+328.19437	379	
+329.15031	2012	1+
+332.19902	925	
+333.18143	725	
+333.68090	467	2+
+337.19159	376	
+339.23928	514	
+340.17097	549	
+341.15417	14744	1+
+342.67374	1380	1+
+345.20865	551	
+347.16596	880	
+349.22558	739	
+355.19281	5565	1+
+356.17685	3052	2+
+360.19390	701	
+364.17097	405	
+367.22792	4750	3+
+368.20495	2261	1+
+368.68755	2076	2+
+371.19935	437	
+371.65503	468	
+373.20319	2376	2+
+374.20339	467	
+375.22666	549	
+382.16992	366	
+382.70284	6189	2+
+385.22042	2114	2+
+386.23753	627	
+387.16298	710	
+390.20111	1137	2+
+395.20432	368	
+396.24447	4437	1+
+404.18165	1404	
+404.68968	890	2+
+406.20532	395	
+407.19474	438	
+409.26412	369	
+411.19081	385	
+413.20233	2642	2+
+414.23242	686	
+415.23964	472	
+416.21488	445	
+417.22503	379	
+421.19791	440	
+422.21208	722	
+423.22015	839	
+424.24584	7494	1+
+428.19195	1370	2+
+431.22850	510	
+431.71771	520	
+432.23086	553	
+433.23482	1221	2+
+434.23636	403	
+437.20843	3178	1+
+438.20819	1642	2+
+440.71403	2242	2+
+442.23523	3311	1+
+444.18553	1723	1+
+445.71575	6553	2+
+448.20515	363	
+449.22031	525	
+449.73815	7578	2+
+451.22004	928	
+452.21477	701	
+454.22064	546	
+455.22261	589	
+456.21463	701	
+457.21901	362	
+458.29687	1500	
+458.75397	3075	2+
+460.23207	2447	2+
+461.22805	839	
+462.19420	387	
+463.26602	474	
+466.23827	545	
+467.23573	680	
+467.76841	4953	2+
+469.24184	814	
+469.73831	1550	2+
+471.23700	414	
+472.24170	539	
+473.24077	1314	2+
+474.22800	3663	2+
+476.25578	930	
+477.23960	619	
+479.20335	1119	
+480.22288	7198	2+
+483.22169	363	
+485.25498	5076	2+
+486.27516	5424	1+
+489.23538	72180	2+
+492.25176	2048	1+
+494.24538	36799	2+
+497.21870	4347	2+
+498.21635	2169	1+
+501.23246	416	
+502.23902	528	
+503.23752	414	
+504.24771	473	
+505.23859	3115	1+
+509.26598	1070	
+510.26960	18596	1+
+510.75566	2120	1+
+514.24945	432	
+515.21792	11022	1+
+519.25945	926	
+519.76502	10283	2+
+524.26529	441	
+525.23856	464	
+528.29530	831	
+528.77420	45394	2+
+532.27861	851	
+532.78954	417	
+533.27907	728	
+533.76615	801	
+534.28621	6724	1+
+536.76590	476	
+537.27615	8844	1+
+544.25574	395	
+544.77159	427	
+545.27401	982	
+545.77630	4150	2+
+547.27362	766	
+549.31450	588	
+550.33824	1112	2+
+552.30285	644	
+553.27816	28247	2+
+555.29953	6522	1+
+556.78286	482	
+561.27325	543	
+563.27766	625	
+564.28329	575	
+565.26265	536	
+567.25553	659	
+567.80182	401	
+568.26389	382	
+569.27911	1535	3+
+570.27426	588	
+572.27885	634	
+573.32166	3098	1+
+574.95207	2492	3+
+576.28965	3715	1+
+576.80779	787	
+579.29385	2574	1+
+580.79998	447	
+581.29486	3695	2+
+583.28839	689	
+584.27765	531	
+585.31465	11743	2+
+588.30914	3578	2+
+589.80859	12768	
+590.30613	57032	2+
+593.27881	405	
+594.26871	629	
+595.30754	1882	1+
+597.30307	24326	1+
+602.33404	508	
+606.29724	2803	1+
+611.31760	545	
+612.27308	2710	1+
+615.28992	737	
+616.28188	367	
+617.28413	616	
+618.31389	725	
+619.32575	614	
+620.30929	672	
+621.30659	613	
+622.31126	403	
+623.31594	976	
+623.83182	5789	2+
+624.32317	4908	1+
+629.27600	613	
+630.29943	753	
+631.30444	754	
+631.83725	368	
+632.32837	823	
+632.84408	16883	2+
+635.30491	2425	1+
+638.32542	819	
+638.82793	914	
+639.34426	9000	1+
+639.83616	539	
+640.35104	11701	2+
+641.61829	959	
+641.85719	119893	2+
+644.83985	3152	1+
+645.36120	9421	1+
+649.33173	2821	1+
+651.31612	14766	1+
+658.38079	425	
+659.27157	620	
+660.33609	531	
+666.35452	2370	1+
+668.36700	3869	1+
+673.26874	364	
+675.32476	657	
+676.33051	972	
+677.32626	394	
+679.31058	385	
+683.32704	387	
+686.40161	782	
+687.38918	389	
+689.33014	383	
+690.33663	514	
+692.36213	889	
+693.33450	870	
+694.31299	428	
+698.32379	385	
+700.85795	3593	2+
+710.37423	12201	1+
+714.34801	673	
+715.33494	394	
+716.30650	531	
+717.31850	443	
+719.35375	467	
+720.36126	373	
+730.35836	413	
+731.35946	393	
+732.33882	388	
+734.34192	383	
+736.36783	4441	1+
+742.30941	532	
+743.29953	506	
+745.39911	607	1+
+747.37057	2510	1+
+752.33746	472	
+755.43332	920	
+756.40011	567	
+760.33313	493	
+762.35763	485	
+763.37134	477	
+764.39840	8590	1+
+769.43357	1219	1+
+773.41811	800	
+775.38564	376	
+779.39494	2657	1+
+789.35817	670	
+790.36410	709	
+791.34341	491	
+793.37455	8998	1+
+797.41609	17668	1+
+805.37677	476	
+806.39095	429	
+807.36669	1889	
+808.37209	4467	1+
+813.34479	548	
+814.34714	485	
+823.39804	550	
+824.41104	394	
+825.38234	10991	1+
+831.34264	782	
+832.35975	474	
+846.37175	657	
+847.36180	886	
+848.37281	544	
+849.36982	482	
+850.38276	362	
+851.40764	390	
+853.41503	264	2+
+855.37663	270	1+
+862.40882	888	
+863.38469	407	
+865.46237	153	1+
+870.93624	362	
+875.40910	603	1+
+880.42079	11305	1+
+890.42423	7821	1+
+896.44752	546	
+898.46903	15351	1+
+903.42450	570	
+904.41634	509	
+910.45080	668	
+911.44299	462	
+916.50067	876	1+
+919.45687	1417	1+
+921.43924	2526	1+
+928.47151	399	
+929.47253	444	
+934.52955	449	1+
+938.46935	4794	1+
+941.49094	617	
+942.49672	419	
+943.52599	581	
+945.47427	178	1+
+947.44872	1597	1+
+959.43849	4113	1+
+969.50269	6466	1+
+977.46349	24398	1+
+987.48348	4937	1+
+993.43012	567	1+
+1038.52276	2206	1+
+1056.54113	28139	1+
+1090.54532	406	1+
+1105.54904	3279	1+
+TITLE= Cmpd 220, +MSn(824.3852), 36.3 min
+PEPMASS=824.38516	93979
+175.10603	144	
+186.06797	237	
+204.08069	1047	1+
+208.07612	122	
+225.09599	2140	1+
+289.15373	182	
+289.18597	127	
+303.18256	272	
+324.17207	3448	1+
+343.19459	181	
+364.18129	141	
+366.15431	291	
+367.15241	142	
+377.19898	144	
+378.18675	185	
+379.18941	124	
+395.24626	122	
+406.17366	330	
+407.17571	129	
+419.22323	181	
+422.71534	116	
+423.24182	1876	1+
+426.23163	349	
+427.23466	153	
+433.21038	122	
+436.26241	150	
+445.27837	134	
+462.26309	379	
+466.23555	331	
+467.24959	117	
+472.25073	405	
+475.20477	125	
+480.26252	495	
+481.25883	263	
+487.23688	168	
+490.27250	2818	2+
+491.26680	1055	1+
+493.22126	486	
+511.25082	177	
+514.30309	209	
+515.71782	511	
+516.22314	269	
+516.71982	1251	2+
+518.30028	174	
+519.25517	209	
+532.29662	148	
+539.31135	219	
+542.20764	136	
+543.73512	144	
+544.23563	2589	
+544.73112	1704	
+545.22856	6262	2+
+551.29209	2160	1+
+552.82195	183	
+555.26334	144	
+556.21353	360	
+556.70245	159	
+557.22977	228	
+560.29186	153	
+560.80250	416	
+561.29989	353	
+562.26489	289	
+563.24368	244	
+564.22308	182	
+570.21077	130	
+571.20278	273	
+572.20918	238	
+572.69248	169	
+575.34746	488	
+576.34948	221	
+580.27684	1760	1+
+581.76530	126	
+584.27461	126	
+585.33267	1225	1+
+589.29202	124	
+596.32598	169	
+602.36224	148	
+603.35252	5958	1+
+608.31005	202	
+609.31293	366	
+613.80774	458	
+614.31245	323	
+616.28724	147	
+618.31807	153	
+618.77762	174	
+619.29575	216	
+620.38031	15377	1+
+620.78184	121	
+621.79834	143	
+624.80630	281	
+625.30598	209	
+625.79796	445	
+626.32532	409	
+626.79601	127	
+627.32041	177	
+627.78978	215	
+628.28187	155	
+631.84006	155	
+632.80341	172	
+637.27931	135	
+638.29882	135	
+638.97394	167	
+642.32773	170	
+652.81685	199	
+653.30546	125	
+654.32980	156	
+655.30323	163	
+656.84103	123	
+671.31868	118	
+672.33663	147	
+672.84189	130	
+679.29364	128	
+681.31277	161	
+681.80981	240	
+682.31086	157	
+688.33030	136	
+689.30116	121	
+690.88717	158	
+691.39544	189	
+691.91885	139	
+693.36432	1269	1+
+698.34307	152	
+700.38317	151	
+706.30471	156	
+717.33664	134	
+721.40401	1319	1+
+721.93205	262	
+724.30071	168	
+725.31998	177	
+732.35527	157	
+745.64721	122	
+749.30513	128	
+751.40313	169	
+757.38700	243	
+757.88154	169	
+758.37908	156	
+758.91246	147	
+759.37044	144	
+763.39852	124	
+765.30925	153	
+767.36146	133	
+767.90065	156	
+769.39086	127	
+770.36085	159	
+771.38810	133	
+771.86371	326	
+772.35607	295	
+772.86434	216	
+773.38812	171	
+773.88035	117	
+774.93547	120	
+776.38252	152	
+777.31586	346	
+778.43304	327	
+779.40731	157	
+790.33959	119	
+790.86182	131	
+791.36655	160	
+792.35201	131	
+795.33185	386	
+796.36017	249	
+796.71194	164	
+803.34704	143	
+805.31364	162	
+809.40866	127	
+810.36775	138	
+811.34958	140	
+811.90696	127	
+812.38996	149	
+813.39108	154	
+814.85811	122	
+815.38319	231	
+817.34057	145	
+817.76869	141	
+818.05884	118	
+818.39302	2549	3+
+820.41444	2934	2+
+821.92359	19723	2+
+824.39481	99594	3+
+826.74129	1007	
+826.95686	188	
+827.48938	2118	3+
+827.95210	3364	2+
+829.41042	33670	2+
+831.15118	195	
+832.37626	143	
+844.40622	261	
+845.37653	164	
+847.40092	128	
+847.89196	134	
+857.89439	126	
+863.48805	457	
+864.45429	233	
+875.88445	346	
+876.39822	407	
+876.90458	196	
+877.38861	146	
+932.46898	169	
+934.50675	148	
+960.95152	257	
+961.45200	184	
+961.94188	160	
+962.44639	177	
+965.45475	196	
+966.45568	135	
+979.53772	108	1+
+1021.55412	145	
+1024.96935	209	
+1025.47693	304	
+1026.45177	184	
+1030.43046	2679	
+1031.43171	1647	
+1032.43314	5174	1+
+1074.51564	327	
+1074.99635	239	
+1075.51259	204	
+1078.55376	189	
+1079.55259	124	
+1087.44873	205	
+1089.44985	549	1+
+1123.98786	164	
+1124.55951	135	
+1125.02722	192	
+1226.60588	216	
+1227.59915	156	
+TITLE= Cmpd 81, +MSn(610.3171), 27.0 min
+PEPMASS=610.31708	553347
+175.10584	482	
+187.12923	441	
+211.10648	418	
+212.12820	471	
+215.13654	855	
+217.08534	709	
+228.13042	1103	
+243.13148	570	
+244.14520	1355	2+
+261.14815	680	
+294.16676	598	
+295.17886	3183	1+
+301.66317	307	2+
+303.18173	742	
+306.66014	182	2+
+311.14394	505	
+313.18669	2393	2+
+324.15516	409	
+325.69719	679	
+329.68232	1036	2+
+344.17827	450	
+353.22048	465	
+357.18890	481	
+363.71192	538	
+366.20817	814	2+
+367.70168	1058	
+368.20878	538	
+371.20512	994	
+371.69103	527	
+372.19364	475	
+376.22410	823	
+376.73282	524	
+380.20798	2490	2+
+397.19752	513	
+399.19587	1351	
+416.25643	752	
+418.22427	1032	
+418.72920	501	
+422.20080	410	
+422.74818	4730	2+
+427.17772	140	10+
+428.72291	606	
+429.20972	562	
+429.71963	1637	2+
+432.77024	915	
+433.26416	756	
+436.75022	654	
+437.23443	553	
+438.72547	3275	2+
+441.20382	425	
+447.18245	1090	
+447.75056	5884	2+
+454.23892	456	
+457.22530	529	
+458.75857	1115	
+459.26052	894	
+463.23691	620	
+463.72566	568	
+468.74958	678	
+469.25225	792	
+470.24570	454	
+470.76266	525	
+471.26774	944	
+472.25425	610	
+473.24402	416	
+475.24442	450	
+478.26448	603	
+478.76484	830	
+479.24701	698	
+480.23090	1071	
+480.73216	619	
+481.20940	477	
+483.28011	806	
+486.26272	531	
+487.28312	3241	1+
+487.78016	1471	
+489.23798	5268	2+
+493.23689	1350	
+493.74266	651	
+494.25587	488	
+497.75997	652	
+498.26516	959	
+498.77377	431	
+505.24625	620	
+506.75588	504	
+507.26111	648	
+509.25635	429	
+517.28246	681	
+518.25525	525	
+519.25913	748	
+521.27024	1234	
+522.26747	448	
+522.77608	530	
+523.27163	561	
+525.23348	446	
+528.25193	708	
+530.28422	519	
+532.27267	609	
+535.65698	548	
+535.97982	866	
+536.29646	1400	
+536.64611	455	
+537.27788	498	
+539.25136	1227	
+540.26985	544	
+541.65708	514	
+541.98444	574	
+542.29849	440	
+544.31660	1233	
+545.29334	475	
+546.25613	1794	3+
+547.25622	480	
+548.26510	629	
+549.27486	457	
+549.78528	716	
+550.27686	691	
+551.26301	468	
+551.78075	462	
+552.30899	515	
+553.29753	471	
+554.75981	541	
+555.28200	425	
+556.28057	836	
+556.60510	739	
+556.78983	480	
+557.28918	959	
+558.28835	877	
+559.28749	619	
+560.28156	651	
+560.79567	8020	2+
+562.27036	1376	
+562.63293	443	
+562.76947	514	
+563.27039	792	
+564.95071	1408	
+565.28155	1361	
+565.61710	744	
+566.25734	514	
+567.27298	597	
+569.29386	855	
+570.95240	17218	3+
+573.29223	679	
+574.28215	523	
+575.26532	780	
+575.57400	573	
+576.27310	1407	
+576.62291	1324	
+576.95707	90559	3+
+578.92695	678	
+579.28186	752	
+580.26075	1060	
+580.57657	744	
+581.28000	454	
+584.29287	436	
+585.30222	624	
+587.30423	5245	1+
+588.76991	425	
+592.29659	428	
+593.30745	525	
+594.74920	423	
+595.32166	869	
+596.30509	677	
+597.28800	647	
+598.26266	414	
+598.65602	586	
+598.80218	441	
+598.97438	497	
+599.29657	1023	
+600.30818	414	
+600.81917	1030	
+601.31111	2469	3+
+601.80789	1068	
+602.31906	6395	1+
+602.82223	4570	2+
+604.64762	10805	3+
+605.78949	820	
+606.29674	938	
+606.82285	750	
+607.00287	492	
+607.31580	6069	
+607.64455	560	
+607.81577	11234	2+
+608.31813	17521	1+
+608.60711	452	
+609.31945	16298	3+
+609.67886	12134	7+
+610.32528	208376	3+
+611.81556	16211	2+
+612.31301	8015	1+
+613.82331	28989	2+
+618.32279	460	
+625.36611	3715	1+
+629.31446	470	
+630.31715	684	
+632.31915	529	
+637.84994	966	
+638.33318	1093	
+646.84836	1456	
+647.34791	1416	
+648.34941	424	
+649.33744	3274	1+
+656.37513	463	
+658.35737	3729	1+
+666.36181	522	
+668.33826	411	
+690.34767	664	
+691.34155	428	
+692.32948	716	
+714.37462	506	
+724.84984	423	
+726.40182	565	
+731.40907	2711	1+
+734.39965	1546	
+735.39302	929	
+736.89377	544	
+737.40776	458	
+742.38390	599	
+747.37696	840	
+748.36219	465	
+751.44820	615	
+752.42373	422	
+759.40869	3555	1+
+792.40972	423	
+793.37882	731	
+794.36579	426	
+801.41469	4801	2+
+812.40809	1512	
+813.40028	502	
+818.88056	379	2+
+835.44558	504	
+842.43408	431	
+844.48908	407	1+
+848.42217	907	
+849.43048	602	
+849.93438	473	
+850.42982	528	
+856.42782	470	
+858.43198	3764	1+
+858.44366	5856	2+
+864.48116	493	
+872.49204	467	
+876.44367	775	1+
+894.49384	1663	1+
+985.47932	748	
+TITLE= Cmpd 588, +MSn(764.3961), 63.5 min
+PEPMASS=764.39611	329352
+171.06574	223	
+173.11746	1147	1+
+175.10731	996	
+183.10201	748	
+186.06517	385	
+189.08190	293	
+193.08463	212	
+201.11832	3443	1+
+204.08594	415	
+218.13993	157	
+221.08846	384	
+228.09996	514	
+231.09473	135	
+238.15571	180	
+239.13604	245	
+240.12993	182	
+242.14430	166	
+245.12748	273	
+246.10861	761	1+
+249.15113	389	
+250.15919	221	
+256.15173	165	
+263.14240	163	
+266.15423	305	
+272.15288	214	
+273.12204	321	
+276.13262	238	
+277.14570	631	1+
+284.16292	5932	1+
+291.17628	125	
+294.14706	393	
+295.16645	245	
+296.17678	180	
+301.14856	201	
+302.17125	941	1+
+304.14024	1188	1+
+313.18503	165	
+314.18057	170	
+315.17338	870	1+
+319.16561	806	1+
+322.15291	5250	1+
+325.66247	156	
+326.17054	155	
+328.18859	137	
+329.15014	130	
+331.19452	256	
+332.19417	160	
+334.17943	1597	1+
+341.18549	2752	1+
+344.19966	256	
+345.15895	321	
+346.16010	377	
+349.19227	125	
+359.19973	3261	1+
+363.18336	152	
+364.16531	336	
+365.15714	150	
+373.17698	406	
+374.16712	648	1+
+379.21447	3371	1+
+381.18207	2496	1+
+389.22506	128	
+390.20234	303	
+391.16823	1958	1+
+402.19709	232	
+403.20331	283	
+405.17401	236	
+407.22941	979	1+
+409.18001	5822	1+
+415.18503	152	
+417.21800	380	
+418.20861	199	
+419.18510	249	
+420.21790	391	
+421.21469	227	
+427.24556	173	
+435.22936	1779	
+436.23331	15196	1+
+440.20730	131	
+442.21260	125	
+445.21952	158	
+446.21829	179	
+447.23663	1241	1+
+447.74264	124	
+454.27653	135	
+458.23003	2552	1+
+469.24176	129	
+470.25225	134	
+472.27526	365	
+473.26321	166	
+474.24647	152	
+476.25247	993	
+477.23711	2373	1+
+478.75195	1557	2+
+485.24956	135	
+486.23252	3691	1+
+492.23116	225	
+494.26385	10765	1+
+495.76385	191	
+500.28300	356	
+501.26397	195	
+502.26644	156	
+503.24590	375	
+503.77148	1112	1+
+504.24928	8580	1+
+512.25505	165	
+515.24273	129	
+517.24011	144	
+518.26117	1247	2+
+521.24381	177	
+522.25851	19014	1+
+527.30621	165	
+530.28498	248	
+531.26924	162	
+532.25083	264	
+533.27274	168	
+534.27242	181	
+535.30234	134	
+536.27522	1323	1+
+540.26787	301	
+540.59800	216	
+541.27462	186	
+545.29365	129	
+548.29939	266	
+549.31485	4751	1+
+555.30607	210	
+560.30061	179	
+561.24618	156	
+562.30555	226	
+568.28909	132	
+569.27772	227	
+570.28427	340	
+570.72350	201	
+571.29296	360	
+571.73103	233	
+572.29604	323	
+573.29400	188	
+576.30531	353	
+577.29883	147	
+578.30703	181	
+581.29616	160	
+582.31358	220	
+585.30753	2414	2+
+587.28850	876	1+
+589.32944	372	
+590.31527	1360	1+
+596.78749	176	
+597.32088	144	
+599.31694	2239	1+
+602.83273	145	
+603.30302	159	
+604.81393	277	
+605.29951	1578	1+
+605.79127	137	
+607.34330	4358	1+
+610.86416	204	
+611.32113	296	
+613.81940	1858	2+
+617.32545	3855	1+
+623.30322	1104	1+
+629.30942	266	
+630.28001	147	
+631.30616	197	
+632.34508	138	
+635.34355	8168	1+
+638.82592	136	
+642.33678	169	
+643.35531	128	
+646.34098	368	
+646.82420	569	
+647.32174	1098	2+
+650.33534	188	
+655.33746	12039	2+
+659.33047	128	
+660.35771	204	
+662.28833	130	
+663.36460	6478	
+663.92017	136	
+664.34316	20390	2+
+669.82812	142	
+674.31112	124	
+676.34560	125	
+679.31706	156	
+681.31759	198	
+684.38063	164	
+685.35625	133	
+686.38574	138	
+689.85484	1775	2+
+690.35368	1111	1+
+698.85462	393	
+699.35362	2034	1+
+699.85209	1211	2+
+706.35852	160	
+707.85585	7542	2+
+710.87430	134	
+716.33474	282	
+717.35163	182	
+718.37036	1870	1+
+724.37897	329	
+724.86715	214	
+729.36561	155	
+733.37489	200	
+734.35040	675	1+
+736.38905	1975	1+
+737.88724	258	
+738.90018	132	
+741.86770	167	
+742.37477	230	
+742.88826	124	
+744.41495	181	
+745.34951	164	
+745.84731	144	
+746.39260	9013	2+
+749.38342	154	
+752.35700	373	
+752.86187	156	
+753.35834	245	
+755.39214	7823	2+
+758.70475	138	
+759.40955	202	
+760.37664	172	
+760.81023	147	
+761.38505	760	1+
+761.90237	202	
+762.88454	925	2+
+764.40239	49270	2+
+767.35517	1872	2+
+769.39236	1251	2+
+770.72144	225	
+774.39248	306	
+775.39296	253	
+779.35569	198	
+780.38604	136	
+791.39516	153	
+792.40314	10327	1+
+811.41380	145	
+829.42543	249	
+830.39134	155	
+842.38206	135	
+847.42507	409	
+848.42652	237	
+849.42456	182	
+857.43414	129	
+865.44000	1286	1+
+874.43412	180	
+875.44806	511	
+876.42620	912	1+
+885.99756	206	
+886.46833	304	
+887.47530	156	
+891.45224	137	
+892.45784	268	
+893.45506	30048	1+
+951.49253	155	
+956.49662	1002	1+
+961.46361	242	
+979.48863	1114	1+
+988.46949	128	
+989.52619	220	
+1006.53910	13746	1+
+1035.51506	392	1+
+1074.56711	163	
+1075.54078	151	
+1092.56749	939	1+
+1149.58790	159	
+1169.60779	2038	1+
+1226.63151	2480	1+
+1327.69052	397	
+1328.65352	376	
+1414.71149	159	
+1415.72336	141	
+TITLE= Cmpd 748, +MSn(789.0604), 76.1 min
+PEPMASS=789.06034	660608
+168.05363	199	
+175.10323	160	
+185.15328	110	
+186.06786	1280	1+
+189.07388	87	
+199.14666	158	1+
+200.11747	123	2+
+204.08304	2684	1+
+213.13936	102	
+214.11683	472	1+
+226.11072	152	
+227.16909	130	
+228.13226	100	
+229.12375	160	1+
+234.14014	625	1+
+239.17266	76	
+243.12711	251	1+
+246.13650	249	1+
+256.13701	85	
+260.18572	82	
+263.13476	174	1+
+265.13001	273	1+
+269.11522	70	
+278.15842	175	1+
+281.13121	75	
+286.13626	147	1+
+295.11963	80	
+298.66821	137	2+
+302.15750	133	1+
+307.14475	73	
+316.12780	74	
+323.66919	80	
+326.18136	177	1+
+328.13774	340	1+
+334.16027	83	
+339.15671	83	
+341.20260	164	
+345.16330	564	1+
+348.16022	120	
+355.17313	95	
+357.21382	84	
+360.17950	113	
+362.19421	88	
+363.17889	367	1+
+366.14545	1180	
+367.22634	92	
+369.21146	80	
+375.20177	295	1+
+376.20271	240	2+
+385.23033	68	
+386.68899	117	
+387.20360	163	1+
+396.16891	104	
+399.22766	335	1+
+406.13893	74	
+412.24098	74	
+413.22153	131	
+413.63915	69	
+414.21827	385	1+
+414.72117	200	2+
+421.21383	73	
+422.72891	92	
+425.27054	73	
+426.22874	133	
+427.15806	101	
+429.18971	83	
+431.73704	100	
+434.21429	371	2+
+440.23389	120	2+
+441.27189	188	2+
+443.23281	69	
+445.21169	239	
+449.26849	102	
+452.19693	105	
+453.21568	189	1+
+455.23734	325	1+
+457.73126	255	2+
+459.21003	210	1+
+460.64549	72	
+463.02139	73	
+463.25821	258	1+
+468.16591	123	8+
+469.22546	71	
+470.23769	340	1+
+472.23497	370	1+
+476.27310	352	1+
+479.24868	271	1+
+484.20746	121	3+
+485.25192	123	
+485.89105	128	1+
+487.26210	101	
+488.27811	442	2+
+489.27401	123	
+491.27610	78	
+492.25755	208	1+
+494.87828	77	
+496.25062	207	2+
+497.23628	225	1+
+499.13547	107	
+501.28015	341	2+
+504.25064	180	1+
+505.74613	121	
+509.23859	571	2+
+511.23593	93	
+513.22563	68	
+514.26091	321	1+
+515.78829	73	
+516.21446	321	1+
+517.73326	490	2+
+518.25000	718	1+
+522.19963	119	
+522.31664	249	2+
+522.77712	141	1+
+524.27252	293	1+
+525.73512	110	
+526.74106	1088	2+
+528.75694	249	2+
+530.31283	154	1+
+532.26870	178	
+532.76420	76	
+533.29611	354	1+
+535.27418	245	
+537.79018	104	
+539.34769	223	1+
+542.26609	234	2+
+543.26577	158	1+
+544.72249	107	6+
+545.29314	373	
+545.78333	382	1+
+545.88256	110	
+546.79489	450	4+
+547.28383	391	1+
+550.25972	438	1+
+550.62882	69	
+551.52274	69	
+552.75107	136	1+
+554.22826	114	
+555.30544	163	
+555.72721	227	1+
+557.34670	138	
+558.24887	76	
+559.23699	112	
+560.25782	106	
+561.26178	244	1+
+565.23394	81	
+565.77843	81	
+568.25055	721	2+
+568.94839	202	3+
+570.80505	89	
+571.27391	388	1+
+572.26405	1035	1+
+573.74092	546	1+
+574.26275	552	2+
+576.25250	111	
+576.33365	126	
+576.93162	69	
+577.24557	241	1+
+578.77901	345	2+
+580.81822	178	1+
+582.25657	3840	2+
+585.26275	79	
+585.81043	161	1+
+586.47273	347	5+
+588.92302	75	
+591.30690	1071	1+
+591.80844	350	2+
+595.29272	415	1+
+595.57853	73	
+597.05781	243	4+
+598.80308	144	1+
+600.36292	156	1+
+601.83819	718	2+
+603.27057	139	
+604.36778	83	
+605.18113	370	1+
+605.80898	114	
+607.30193	553	1+
+610.79936	139	
+611.82764	151	
+612.30503	367	2+
+613.26953	386	1+
+616.28799	567	1+
+616.83875	250	4+
+620.76209	252	1+
+621.33942	115	
+621.76258	334	2+
+623.75086	255	4+
+624.80527	347	
+625.29564	419	1+
+626.84239	202	
+628.30838	160	
+628.79145	240	1+
+629.10440	74	
+630.31780	272	
+630.79751	666	2+
+632.32200	429	2+
+633.13698	141	6+
+634.30746	285	1+
+638.80144	2744	2+
+641.33851	363	1+
+642.92737	117	
+643.32791	295	1+
+643.78198	143	1+
+645.30539	220	1+
+645.99810	84	
+649.84667	239	2+
+650.84420	184	6+
+651.31398	351	2+
+652.86352	250	5+
+653.68214	292	3+
+653.78269	108	
+655.31656	389	2+
+657.29662	393	2+
+658.65757	74	
+658.80832	394	1+
+659.34706	696	2+
+659.54472	89	
+661.30779	147	
+662.33394	1753	1+
+662.98887	76	
+664.80175	466	2+
+666.84377	287	1+
+668.29327	459	1+
+669.84562	161	1+
+671.79374	178	1+
+672.33360	244	1+
+673.84176	488	1+
+675.33845	591	3+
+677.27444	303	5+
+678.30609	217	
+678.66034	96	
+678.85301	227	
+679.34951	647	2+
+681.71678	109	
+682.34627	702	1+
+682.81853	88	
+685.87534	75	
+686.36692	91	
+686.82152	644	1+
+687.32611	1211	2+
+690.17499	112	
+690.35612	120	
+691.39132	270	1+
+692.21982	105	
+693.28349	95	
+695.33855	104	
+695.82683	2419	2+
+698.24550	238	3+
+700.84029	118	1+
+701.33846	413	1+
+703.06151	130	1+
+704.87622	73	
+705.34689	316	1+
+706.84227	72	
+708.91511	370	2+
+709.71193	77	
+710.84413	95	
+710.96853	130	
+711.31883	548	3+
+711.97350	407	6+
+713.35807	76	
+713.72056	140	
+714.39514	286	2+
+716.32381	246	2+
+718.42336	143	1+
+719.73265	101	
+721.35176	290	2+
+721.86309	492	1+
+722.87749	534	2+
+724.80420	256	2+
+726.34471	696	1+
+728.72303	71	
+728.86508	321	2+
+730.35980	386	2+
+731.11079	80	
+732.37869	341	2+
+733.67320	84	
+734.35109	151	
+734.78467	188	1+
+735.05526	79	
+735.36141	304	1+
+736.87077	248	1+
+737.37398	200	
+737.82358	694	3+
+737.87009	497	4+
+741.42422	285	1+
+742.34755	268	1+
+743.35032	1506	2+
+746.22281	103	
+746.69452	254	5+
+746.69551	186	1+
+748.46110	319	5+
+749.36968	4433	1+
+749.87433	87	
+750.00169	118	
+750.38016	1514	3+
+751.39776	977	4+
+752.36992	3662	2+
+753.87813	479	4+
+754.68962	267	3+
+756.77941	179	1+
+757.34111	342	2+
+758.09667	94	
+759.35116	267	1+
+759.36226	344	5+
+760.39301	264	4+
+761.80613	81	
+762.96146	140	
+764.38478	731	2+
+766.24966	85	
+767.48425	76	
+767.83080	169	
+768.03997	792	3+
+768.87793	780	4+
+770.26715	94	
+770.52342	170	1+
+771.38741	337	1+
+771.57964	265	3+
+772.79407	346	2+
+774.38687	186	
+775.39358	348	2+
+775.80937	79	
+777.39717	384	2+
+777.73279	151	
+779.02079	237	1+
+779.38799	1104	1+
+780.41024	848	5+
+780.88302	1054	2+
+782.42203	1558	3+
+783.71879	1607	3+
+785.90442	1916	4+
+786.90744	600	
+787.43022	773	
+787.87240	2556	1+
+788.44323	3518	3+
+788.69040	131	
+789.39355	6354	1+
+790.07854	9112	3+
+791.86166	2053	2+
+793.36353	1075	4+
+793.39398	1696	1+
+793.90508	2109	2+
+795.40688	748	3+
+799.90639	227	1+
+800.38263	548	1+
+802.85562	68	
+806.37758	124	
+808.42948	365	1+
+808.90757	940	2+
+810.25436	68	
+811.38547	71	
+812.23514	69	
+818.47011	138	1+
+820.39240	186	4+
+822.37621	220	1+
+823.91467	70	
+824.53510	190	1+
+828.35696	142	
+830.44926	258	2+
+831.38259	240	2+
+833.73296	172	2+
+835.47722	341	1+
+838.39954	381	1+
+843.69739	348	4+
+849.37478	157	
+850.46373	130	1+
+852.41727	483	2+
+853.58068	85	
+854.41003	243	1+
+854.95366	75	
+859.89074	73	
+860.41684	126	
+861.68267	72	
+862.45799	2398	1+
+867.42131	295	1+
+868.02636	84	
+872.44863	70	
+876.46623	153	
+879.46753	133	
+883.46008	89	
+885.57961	69	
+886.91520	447	2+
+889.45587	95	
+893.26286	71	
+894.47023	74	
+895.44332	255	1+
+898.11120	70	
+906.48905	68	
+915.95314	86	
+916.45598	138	1+
+919.44999	117	
+920.35712	126	1+
+922.47057	304	1+
+928.14763	69	
+930.09622	255	3+
+931.63497	144	1+
+938.49247	76	
+939.39210	81	
+942.96554	107	
+946.43107	72	
+949.96936	76	
+951.61894	68	
+952.41378	70	
+953.51113	146	1+
+964.47090	100	
+975.54894	689	1+
+977.99884	69	
+988.46161	136	1+
+994.47681	72	
+1001.66182	79	
+1005.50861	268	1+
+1010.52750	76	
+1012.48182	72	
+1030.51962	82	
+1034.51140	144	
+1035.42095	91	
+1036.44483	171	
+1042.40321	68	
+1049.54127	75	
+1059.53373	101	
+1072.58198	122	
+1084.00854	71	
+1084.44818	74	
+1089.61573	301	
+1090.57148	178	
+1092.60711	75	
+1093.28383	83	
+1110.53230	114	
+1163.50587	437	1+
+1277.55625	82	
+TITLE= Cmpd 591, +MSn(509.9328), 63.7 min
+PEPMASS=509.93283	45836
+173.11595	2631	1+
+175.10557	1545	
+183.10405	1016	
+185.08676	437	
+187.13044	484	
+189.07737	835	
+190.09059	464	
+193.08545	712	
+200.13298	2798	
+201.11831	5835	1+
+203.10013	2607	1+
+213.08730	1334	
+215.13201	1234	
+221.08759	697	
+226.08170	1583	
+228.11890	2372	1+
+231.10045	4561	1+
+240.13549	456	
+244.09556	2559	1+
+246.10939	842	
+249.16104	1403	
+258.14667	688	
+262.12851	384	
+270.15725	747	
+275.16186	5169	2+
+277.14338	623	
+280.15298	1130	2+
+284.16342	1331	
+285.15976	501	
+294.15087	1623	
+295.14764	531	
+304.16173	698	
+305.16441	916	
+306.17490	646	
+311.17481	683	
+312.16390	605	
+315.16128	1341	
+315.66371	442	
+317.15971	435	
+318.17103	707	
+319.16883	502	
+322.15373	4774	2+
+323.16232	1016	
+323.66899	1638	2+
+326.16913	559	
+327.14363	552	
+332.18328	2829	2+
+334.19157	1966	2+
+335.18419	455	
+339.19472	976	
+341.18747	692	
+341.69380	474	
+342.19453	474	
+344.18861	542	
+345.14909	6841	1+
+345.69542	462	
+350.69177	513	
+351.18508	609	
+357.20804	954	
+358.20354	408	
+359.19827	1114	
+359.69467	8141	2+
+362.18213	490	
+363.17826	553	
+364.16635	568	
+368.69976	3396	2+
+373.16230	829	
+374.15031	560	
+379.20906	9250	2+
+380.20940	1942	
+381.18352	4692	1+
+388.19641	960	2+
+391.17340	2736	1+
+396.70520	1964	2+
+401.19429	414	
+402.22981	679	
+403.20062	465	
+406.20710	890	
+406.71635	439	
+407.23140	1067	
+407.69915	665	
+409.17939	7221	1+
+413.20911	1097	
+415.21177	690	
+415.70747	450	
+416.21544	401	
+417.21388	991	
+418.21058	590	
+419.20920	2725	2+
+420.21346	791	
+424.21505	6638	2+
+429.71412	1051	
+430.22533	1295	
+431.23508	468	
+432.23691	471	
+433.22108	598	
+435.22372	2413	2+
+436.23419	114800	1+
+438.72215	8297	2+
+441.19784	518	
+442.22508	672	
+446.21982	1162	
+447.23193	6324	2+
+453.23169	428	
+458.23306	3732	2+
+459.23135	1552	
+460.24217	555	
+463.21732	447	
+467.73368	500	
+468.23824	525	
+472.24587	669	
+472.73946	394	
+473.24644	481	
+476.25340	1259	
+477.24763	1567	
+478.23810	724	
+480.22319	384	
+481.23881	685	
+481.75682	524	
+486.24100	3334	2+
+487.22784	1267	
+488.23985	475	
+490.24462	2755	2+
+492.23120	863	
+493.22964	428	
+494.26272	10740	1+
+494.76998	458	
+495.76229	577	
+498.25771	716	
+499.24315	459	
+500.25909	613	
+501.25752	467	
+502.23978	456	
+503.29494	515	
+503.77672	1087	
+504.25193	8834	1+
+504.60034	619	
+506.56664	378	
+507.22128	7278	1+
+507.71103	1758	
+508.21426	6527	2+
+511.89830	1253	
+512.23878	1310	
+512.55518	1611	
+512.88851	1152	
+513.24575	1092	
+513.59244	394	
+514.25578	455	
+515.25871	458	
+518.26644	986	
+519.27136	493	
+520.27205	467	
+521.77949	438	
+522.26035	19306	1+
+524.78844	418	
+526.28298	500	
+532.28902	705	
+533.29224	523	
+534.23823	421	
+536.27289	975	
+539.29216	637	
+543.30211	403	
+546.26374	526	
+548.29037	587	
+549.31645	21010	1+
+553.27118	425	
+559.29869	4373	1+
+564.27648	380	
+568.30517	5770	1+
+576.29187	457	
+576.78817	677	
+577.29892	658	
+578.29939	407	
+585.29566	515	
+587.29093	905	
+588.28656	787	
+590.31943	1002	
+591.32019	481	
+599.31662	1648	
+600.31627	911	
+604.80197	495	
+605.29785	4744	1+
+605.80385	540	
+607.33196	4170	1+
+617.32307	3801	1+
+621.30488	642	
+623.30417	1314	
+624.30186	459	
+629.30371	591	
+630.30133	394	
+633.29994	396	
+635.34153	8145	1+
+643.30018	730	1+
+646.33070	7284	1+
+646.82369	668	
+655.32372	583	
+655.83479	1012	
+656.34217	719	
+656.85228	405	
+663.35929	28903	1+
+664.85206	473	
+667.37586	1581	1+
+672.33723	381	
+674.33663	1308	
+675.34251	571	
+681.32897	457	
+681.84372	405	
+682.35367	697	
+690.34628	1008	
+690.84840	536	
+691.35686	574	
+698.84832	506	
+699.34271	1200	
+699.84382	788	
+700.36933	1328	
+701.37759	500	
+708.37701	564	
+710.79707	419	
+711.79199	426	
+716.33050	691	
+717.34037	442	
+718.38207	5509	1+
+734.34804	1145	
+735.34752	834	
+736.39224	2117	1+
+752.34853	853	
+753.36007	412	
+757.41084	901	1+
+761.35559	446	
+762.34727	412	
+766.48607	588	
+774.39155	959	
+775.38554	6730	1+
+779.37133	414	
+792.40313	10054	1+
+803.38441	992	
+829.40715	545	
+830.39938	587	
+831.38906	464	
+837.41113	942	1+
+847.42282	2950	1+
+858.41857	399	
+865.44249	1698	
+866.41430	1495	
+867.52772	588	
+869.44017	230	1+
+875.43106	546	
+876.43702	5104	1+
+893.45658	8739	1+
+915.45885	333	1+
+943.45179	791	
+944.46504	665	
+961.47030	830	
+962.46146	928	
+971.47473	200	1+
+979.48197	4959	1+
+989.53004	584	
+1006.54607	892	
+1007.53391	495	
+TITLE= Cmpd 204, +MSn(524.2825), 35.5 min
+PEPMASS=524.28252	121118
+155.10117	348	
+175.11028	361	
+183.10336	5108	1+
+187.13047	225	
+199.17421	2625	
+200.13196	33224	1+
+211.10594	1225	1+
+215.12409	361	
+226.13432	500	
+227.17006	1847	
+228.13144	18133	1+
+232.13692	1304	1+
+235.10842	221	
+237.15965	256	
+242.18076	795	
+243.14286	407	
+246.11492	364	
+249.16132	282	
+253.00067	249	
+254.15788	833	
+255.00060	369	
+255.16767	782	
+260.19709	4827	1+
+265.15351	223	
+270.15767	4430	2+
+277.14641	230	
+279.17162	1374	1+
+282.16704	1911	1+
+296.20389	694	
+300.15278	383	
+301.12576	370	
+307.16584	651	
+308.17510	252	
+309.18899	245	
+313.21852	850	
+314.19522	321	
+323.20753	452	
+324.19096	1657	1+
+330.16744	240	
+331.19963	1920	1+
+338.16763	376	
+341.21918	7076	4+
+342.19219	2562	2+
+343.22059	451	
+350.24866	1120	1+
+355.20585	407	
+359.19970	689	
+360.18583	344	
+361.68768	266	2+
+367.19099	244	
+368.24304	252	
+378.20951	295	
+379.04198	240	
+380.15312	263	
+386.22588	261	
+394.20036	279	
+397.18930	219	
+401.14990	1748	2+
+402.24387	4608	1+
+402.65659	605	
+403.70861	233	
+409.22811	1394	2+
+410.15152	1752	2+
+410.88985	505	
+411.17602	3045	2+
+413.24164	444	
+414.22362	486	
+416.22110	413	
+416.70940	292	
+417.22857	251	
+418.23474	381	
+421.25238	294	
+421.73966	244	
+426.21675	248	
+428.22972	239	
+429.17325	315	
+430.17075	270	
+434.25838	238	
+438.24279	321	
+440.24187	308	
+442.56097	225	
+443.23417	364	
+445.20653	278	
+446.25552	1309	1+
+448.58149	2092	3+
+448.71546	222	
+450.15162	299	
+450.65043	351	
+451.15276	567	
+451.67050	255	
+452.22354	223	
+454.30122	754	
+457.73387	510	
+458.21297	530	
+458.66576	597	
+459.17771	3056	2+
+463.22023	246	
+464.24895	327	
+466.19192	10003	1+
+466.69777	7075	2+
+468.17898	6393	2+
+471.22935	282	
+471.72203	287	
+472.23038	358	
+472.65587	1706	2+
+473.66287	1513	2+
+475.26616	350	
+475.74949	7282	2+
+479.25400	287	
+480.24997	378	
+481.24971	260	
+482.22266	234	
+483.24891	550	
+483.75051	637	
+484.25605	674	
+484.76780	348	
+485.25215	304	
+486.27652	3378	3+
+488.25512	315	
+488.74086	623	
+489.24804	505	
+489.60421	5115	3+
+490.11852	315	
+491.10403	234	
+491.25857	304	
+491.76888	299	
+492.23741	293	
+492.77542	301	
+492.94213	253	
+493.25294	3243	2+
+493.61104	285	
+493.92789	283	
+495.26160	350	
+496.27081	342	
+497.21431	248	
+497.73865	1675	2+
+498.93795	3860	3+
+500.26886	363	
+501.23989	781	
+501.76795	13523	2+
+503.76949	3133	2+
+506.25384	2984	1+
+506.72395	542	
+506.92214	2573	3+
+508.13403	378	
+510.24437	2756	2+
+512.25955	500	
+512.62404	457	
+512.94077	21422	3+
+514.71510	1155	
+515.21383	2199	
+515.72374	10778	2+
+517.93443	646	
+518.28260	13998	3+
+521.28683	452	
+521.56374	372	
+521.76339	284	
+521.91923	326	
+522.24967	3064	1+
+522.78132	1390	
+523.72516	64261	1+
+524.23217	11234	
+524.94550	1582	
+525.26711	48416	2+
+526.53100	255	
+527.21581	7168	
+527.71377	20425	2+
+530.26002	455	
+534.25025	312	
+535.26329	384	
+536.28811	274	
+537.28924	392	
+538.26822	297	
+539.30807	7017	1+
+541.76035	328	
+542.28618	574	
+542.76378	381	
+543.27684	602	
+549.28903	361	
+550.28398	766	
+550.77316	2320	2+
+555.30352	459	
+557.30677	379	
+558.26941	517	
+559.28509	33371	2+
+562.29648	266	
+564.25243	463	
+564.78649	228	
+565.29024	326	
+569.30831	259	
+576.27394	235	
+582.26157	398	
+585.28501	257	
+590.30827	376	
+594.28295	1596	1+
+599.30416	261	
+602.34436	249	
+603.35006	234	
+604.33465	386	
+605.32957	236	
+606.31089	307	
+606.81906	1107	
+607.31452	4285	2+
+614.82734	236	
+615.30599	247	
+615.82587	63376	2+
+619.18336	285	
+620.82708	287	
+621.31931	585	
+622.31862	362	
+638.31668	275	
+639.31129	326	
+640.34296	266	
+645.18213	232	
+647.19066	256	
+648.32360	252	
+650.33238	225	
+654.28084	231	
+654.87083	245	
+655.35521	382	
+656.36221	326	
+662.34087	247	
+663.36119	731	
+663.85229	2941	2+
+669.36335	246	
+671.33727	773	
+671.87836	477	
+672.36859	92472	2+
+676.30154	383	
+677.34589	715	
+677.87484	242	
+681.43108	239	2+
+682.33415	228	
+683.37711	1275	1+
+689.34719	4920	1+
+704.36673	294	
+711.28085	605	
+720.38724	318	
+722.36809	2276	1+
+725.38632	335	
+725.88345	243	
+728.91114	5096	2+
+733.37743	663	
+733.90267	9462	2+
+743.32913	238	
+775.43439	834	
+776.41090	351	
+777.40820	278	
+784.37111	2315	1+
+790.35711	724	
+791.35297	405	
+801.29252	478	1+
+803.29086	477	
+804.32001	303	
+817.44894	1604	1+
+819.29576	1483	1+
+821.34477	2052	1+
+858.38227	360	
+903.45006	245	
+931.49625	610	
+932.38827	895	1+
+935.35068	813	1+
+944.30447	498	1+
+946.31847	531	1+
+971.46111	499	
+1002.52863	762	1+
+1084.53371	468	
+1099.54819	244	
+1100.53904	486	1+
+1117.55479	637	
+1118.57910	362	
--- a/tool_dependencies.xml	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    <package name="searchgui" version="1.14.1">
-      <repository toolshed="" name="package_searchgui_1_14_4" owner="galaxyp" changeset_revision="67de51d52907" />
-    </package>
-    <package name="peptide_shaker" version="0.20.1">
-      <repository toolshed="" name="package_peptideshaker_0_20_1" owner="galaxyp" changeset_revision="cfd55b6c4fa2" />
-    </package>
--- a/	Mon Sep 16 17:32:18 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Ensure repository contains license file.
-if [ ! -e "$LICENSE_FILE" ];
-    wget -O "$LICENSE_FILE"
-# Run repository specific update actions.
-if [ -f ];
-    ./
-wget -O
-# Create repository README
-if [ ! -e ];
-    echo "TODO: Document this tool repository." >
-cat >
-# If version file exists, update all tools to this version
-if [ -e "$VERSION_FILE" ];
-    # Replace tool version in each tool XML file   `
-    find -iname "*xml" -exec sed -i'' -e '0,/version="\(.\+\)"/s/version="\(.\+\)"/version="'$VERSION'"/1g' {} \;