view je-clip.xml @ 8:b2977ee0d42d draft

planemo upload for repository commit bc2365188e0dd0f20925884276a27914bb714280
author gbcs-embl-heidelberg
date Mon, 23 Apr 2018 05:46:19 -0400
parents 8b4ccdf5f7dd
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="je_clip" name="Je-Clip" version="@VERSION_STRING@">
    <description>clips Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) from fastq files</description>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
        <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" description="Tool exception" />
    <expand macro="version_command" />
    je clip

    ## Fastq inputs
    #if str( $library.type ) != "single":
    #end if

    #if str($ADD) == "false":
    #end if

    #if str( $library.type ) != "single":
    #end if

        <!-- single/paired -->
        <expand macro="single_or_paired_general">
            <param name="BPOS" type="select" label="Barcode read position (BPOS)" help="where are the barcodes.">
                <option value="READ_1" selected="true">READ_1 (beginning of read from the first fastq file)</option>
                <option value="READ_2">READ_2 (beginning of read from the second fastq file)</option>
                <option value="BOTH">BOTH (beginning of both reads)</option>
        <expand macro="barcode_len_option"/>
        <param name="ADD" type="boolean"
            label="Add matched barcode at the end of the read header (ADD)"

        <expand macro="common_options"/>

        <data name="BARCODE_RESULT_FILENAME" format="tabular" label="Je-Clipped Barcodes">
        <data name="OF1" format_source="input_1" label="Je-Clip OF1: ${on_string}"/>
        <data name="OF2" format_source="input_2" label="Je-Clip OF2: ${on_string}">
            <filter>library["type"] != "single"</filter>

            <!-- simple test on single end data -->
            <param name="type" value="single"/>
            <param name="input_1" value="file_1_sequence.txt" ftype="fastqsanger"/>
            <param name="LEN" value="6"/>
            <param name="ADD" value="false"/>
            <output name="BARCODE_RESULT_FILENAME" file="clip_barcode_result_file.txt"/>
            <output name="OF1" file="clip_dataset1_SE.fastq"/>
            <!-- more complex test on paired end data with different barcode for fwd/rev -->
            <param name="type" value="paired"/>
            <param name="input_1" value="file_1_sequence.txt" ftype="fastqsanger"/>
            <param name="input_2" value="file_2_sequence.txt" ftype="fastqsanger"/>
            <param name="LEN" value="6"/>
            <param name="BPOS" value="BOTH"/>
            <output name="OF1" file="clip_dataset1_PE.fastq"/>
            <output name="OF2" file="clip_dataset2_PE.fastq"/>

**What it does**

Je clip: Clips barcodes or Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) from the input fastq files
Input files are fastq files, and can be in gzip compressed format.

Author: Charles Girardot  (

Wrapper by: Jelle Scholtalbers (


**Know what you are doing**

.. class:: warningmark

  You will want to read the `documentation`__.

  .. __:


**Parameter list**

This is an exhaustive list of options::


    Input fastq file (optionally gzipped) for single end data, or first read in paired end data.


    Input fastq file (optionally gzipped) for the second read of paired end data.
    Default value: null.


    Length of the barcode sequences. When BARCODE_READ_POS == BOTH, two distinct lengths can
    be provided using the syntax LEN=X:Z where X and Z are 2 integers representing the
    barcode length for read_1 and read_2 respectively.


    Reads containing the sequence (i.e. UMIs) to clip:
      READ_1 (beginning of read from FASTQ_FILE_1),
      READ_2 (beginning of read from FASTQ_FILE_2),
      BOTH (beginning of both reads).

    Automatically set to READ_1 in single end mode and BOTH in paired end mode. Actually not
    relevant for single end data
    Default value: BOTH. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value.
    Possible values: {READ_1, READ_2, BOTH, NONE}


    Should clipped UMIs be added to the read header (at the end); apply to both barcodes when
    If ADD=true, the string ':barcode' is added at the end of the read header with a ':'
    added only if current read header does not end with ':'.
    If both reads of the pair contains a UMI (i.e. BARCODE_READ_POS == BOTH), the UMI from
    the second read is also added to the read header.
    Else, the header of the read without UMI receives the UMI from the other read.
    For example:
      @D3FCO8P1:178:C1WLBACXX:7:1101:1836:1965 2:N:0:
      @D3FCO8P1:178:C1WLBACXX:7:1101:1836:1965 2:N:0:BARCODE
    Default value: true. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value.
    Possible values: {true, false}


    Makes sure headers of both reads of a pair are identical.
    Read name (or headers) will follow the pattern (for both reads of a pair):
    This option only makes sense in paired end mode and ADD=true.Some (if not all) mappers
    will indeed complain when read headers of a read pair are not identical.
    When SAME_HEADERS=FALSE and the RCHAR is used, read headers look like this:

    SAME_HEADERS=true will instead generates the following identical header for both reads :
    Note that we also clipped the useless '1:N:0' amd '3:N:0' as they also result in
    different headers
    Important : this option will force RCHAR=: UNLESS you specify RCHAR=null ; in which case
    a space will be preserved i.e.:

    Default value: true.
    This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value. Possible values: {true,


    Replace spaces in read name/header using provided character.
    This is needed when you need to retain ADDed barcode in read name/header during mapping
    as everything after space in read name is usually clipped in BAM files.
    For example, with RCHAR=':':
      @D3FCO8P1:178:C1WLBACXX:7:1101:1836:1965 1:N:0:

    Default value: ':'. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value.


    Optional extra number of base(s) to be trimmed right after the barcode. These extra bases
    are not added to read headers.
    When running paired-end, two distinct values can be given using the syntax XT=X:Z where X
    and Z are 2 integers to use for read_1 and read_2 respectively. Note that even when
    BPOS=READ_1 or BPOS=READ_2, a X:Y synthax can be given to trim the read w/o barcode to
    end up with reads of identical length (note that this can also be operated using ZT). If
    a unique value is given, e.g. XT=1, while running paired-end the following rule applies :
      (1) BPOS=READ_1 or BPOS=READ_2, no trim is applied at the read w/o barcode
      (2) BPOS=BOTH, the value is used for both reads.
    Note that XT=null is like XT=0.
    Default value: 0. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value.


    Optional extra number of bases to be trimmed from the read end i.e. 3' end. These extra
    bases are not added to read headers.
    When running paired-end, two distinct values can be given here using the syntax ZT=X:Z
    where X and Z are 2 integers to use for read_1 and read_2 respectively. Note that even
    when BPOS=READ_1 or BPOS=READ_2, a X:Y synthax can be given to trim the read w/o barcode
    as to end up with reads of the same length (note that this can also be operated using
    XT). Note that if a single value is passed, the value always applies to both reads in
    paired-end mode without further consideration.

    Default value: 0. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value.


    Optional file name where to write clipped barcodes, default name is clipped_barcodes.txt.
    This file is automatically created if ADD=FALSE i.e. even if this option is not provided
    by user (and always created if this option is given).
    File format is tab delimited with:
    ``read header (col 1)   barcode from read_1 (col 2) barcode quality from read_1 (col 2)``
    + barcode + quality from read_2 (col 4 and 5 respectively) when relevant.
    Can either be a name (in which case the file will be created in the output dir) or a full path.
    Default value: null.

    <expand macro="citations"/>