2 #
3 # Copyright 2014 CIRAD
4 #
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 # (at your option) any later version.
9 #
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> or
17 # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
19 # MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 #
21 #
24 import optparse, os, shutil, subprocess, sys, tempfile, fileinput, ConfigParser, operator, time, random
26 def factorielle(x):
27 if x < 2:
28 return 1
29 else:
30 return x * factorielle(x-1)
32 def calcul_score_id(MAT, ORDRE, MARK, ORIENT, DIC_INDEX, NB):
33 #on cree l'ordre des markers
34 scaff_ordre = list(ORDRE)
35 ordre = []
36 for n in scaff_ordre:
37 liste = list(MARK[n])
38 if ORIENT[n] == 'REV':
39 liste.reverse()
40 ordre = ordre + liste
41 #on enregistre les positions relative des markers dans cet ordre
42 liste_ordre = {}
43 i = 0
44 for n in ordre:
45 liste_ordre[n] = i
46 i += 1
47 #on calcule le score
48 score = 0
49 while len(scaff_ordre) > 1:
50 scaff_fait = scaff_ordre[0]
51 del scaff_ordre[0]
52 # print scaff_fait, MARK[scaff_fait]
53 for n in MARK[scaff_fait]:
54 mark = DIC_INDEX[n]
55 for j in scaff_ordre:
56 for k in MARK[j]:
57 val = MAT[mark][k]
58 if val != 999999999:
59 score = score + ((1-(abs(liste_ordre[n]-liste_ordre[k])/NB))*val)
60 return score
62 def calcul_score_dif(MAT, ORDRE, MARK, ORIENT, DIC_INDEX, NB):
63 #on cree l'ordre des markers
64 scaff_ordre = list(ORDRE)
65 ordre = []
66 for n in scaff_ordre:
67 liste = list(MARK[n])
68 if ORIENT[n] == 'REV':
69 liste.reverse()
70 ordre = ordre + liste
71 #on enregistre les positions relative des markers dans cet ordre
72 liste_ordre = {}
73 i = 0
74 for n in ordre:
75 liste_ordre[n] = i
76 i += 1
77 #on calcule le score
78 score = 0
79 while len(scaff_ordre) > 1:
80 scaff_fait = scaff_ordre[0]
81 del scaff_ordre[0]
82 # print scaff_fait, MARK[scaff_fait]
83 for n in MARK[scaff_fait]:
84 mark = DIC_INDEX[n]
85 for j in scaff_ordre:
86 for k in MARK[j]:
87 val = MAT[mark][k]
88 if val != 999999999:
89 score = score + ((abs(liste_ordre[n]-liste_ordre[k])/NB)*val)
90 return score
92 def rear_fait(ORD, ORIENT):
93 mot = ''.join(ORD)
94 for n in ORD:
95 mot = mot+ORIENT[n]
96 return mot
98 def reorderient(ORDRE, ORIENT):
99 NEW_ORDRE = list(ORDRE)
100 NEW_ORIENT = {}
101 for n in ORIENT:
103 if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
104 #On travail sur 1 scaffold
105 pos = random.randint(0, (len(ORDRE)-1))
106 scaffold = NEW_ORDRE[pos]
107 if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
108 #On fait un deplacement de scaffold
109 pos_new = pos
110 while pos_new == pos:
111 pos_new = random.randint(0, (len(ORDRE)-1))
112 del NEW_ORDRE[pos]
113 if scaffold in NEW_ORDRE:
114 sys.exit('bug')
115 NEW_ORDRE.insert(pos_new, scaffold)
116 if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
117 #On fait en plus une reorientation
118 if NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] == 'FWD':
119 NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] = 'REV'
120 elif NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] == 'REV':
121 NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] = 'FWD'
122 else:
123 sys.exit('bug')
124 else:
125 #On fait juste une reorientation
126 if NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] == 'FWD':
127 NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] = 'REV'
128 elif NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] == 'REV':
129 NEW_ORIENT[scaffold] = 'FWD'
130 else:
131 sys.exit('bug')
132 else:
133 pos_debut = random.randint(0, (len(ORDRE)-2))
134 pos_fin = pos_debut
135 while (pos_debut + 1) >= pos_fin and len(NEW_ORDRE[pos_debut:pos_fin]) == len(NEW_ORDRE):
136 pos_fin = random.randint(1, len(ORDRE))
137 scaffold = NEW_ORDRE[pos_debut:pos_fin]
138 del NEW_ORDRE[pos_debut:pos_fin]
139 if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
140 #On fait un deplacement de scaffold
141 pos_new = pos_debut
142 while pos_new == pos_debut:
143 pos_new = random.randint(0, len(NEW_ORDRE))
144 if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
145 #On fait en plus une reorientation
146 for n in scaffold:
147 NEW_ORDRE.insert(pos_new, n)
148 if NEW_ORIENT[n] == 'FWD':
149 NEW_ORIENT[n] = 'REV'
150 elif NEW_ORIENT[n] == 'REV':
151 NEW_ORIENT[n] = 'FWD'
152 else:
153 sys.exit('bug')
154 else:
155 #On fait juste un deplacement
156 for n in scaffold:
157 NEW_ORDRE.insert(pos_new, n)
158 pos_new += 1
159 else:
160 #On fait juste une reorientation
161 for n in scaffold:
162 NEW_ORDRE.insert(pos_debut, n)
163 if NEW_ORIENT[n] == 'FWD':
164 NEW_ORIENT[n] = 'REV'
165 elif NEW_ORIENT[n] == 'REV':
166 NEW_ORIENT[n] = 'FWD'
167 else:
168 sys.exit('bug')
169 if len(NEW_ORDRE) != len(ORDRE):
170 sys.exit('bug')
171 return [NEW_ORDRE, NEW_ORIENT]
173 def __main__():
174 #Parse Command Line
175 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="python %prog [options]\n\nProgram designed by Guillaume MARTIN : guillaume.martin@cirad.fr\n\n"
176 "This program take in input a matrix containing maker linkage or divergence and the two output files of UPGMA.py and try to optimize the "
177 "scaffold order and orientation proposed by UPGMA.py.\n"
178 "The optimization is performed by calculating a score for the scaffold order, trying rearrangements (scaffold or scaffold group permutations "
179 "and/or inversion) followed by score re-calculation. If the new score is better than the previous, the new order is conserved; else, the previous "
180 "order is conserved. The program stops when more than a defined number of consecutive rearrangement (passed in --iter argument) do not improve the ordering.\n"
181 "This program output a file containing ordered scaffolds in a table format and a table file containing ordered markers relative to the scaffold order.\n"
182 )
183 # Wrapper options.
184 parser.add_option( '', '--mat', dest='mat', default=None, help='Matrix file with pairwise statistics between markers.')
185 parser.add_option( '', '--scaff', dest='scaff', default=None, help='The output file passed in --out1 argument of UPGMA.py. This file contains ordered and orientated scaffolds ate the end of UPGMA.py program.')
186 parser.add_option( '', '--mark', dest='mark', default=None, help='A table file containing in column 1: markers name, column2: scaffold name. This is the file generated by UPGMA.py in --out2 argument')
187 parser.add_option( '', '--iter', dest='iter', default='auto', help='Number of consecutive rearrangement tried without improvement to stop the improvement of the ordering and orientation (integer or auto). [default: %default]')
188 parser.add_option( '', '--type', dest='type', default='IDENT', help='Data type : IDENT (marker linkage) or DIF (recombination rate). [default: %default]')
189 parser.add_option( '', '--out1', dest='out1', default='UPGMA_ordered_opt_scaf.txt', help='Output file name of ordered scaffold. [default: %default]')
190 parser.add_option( '', '--out2', dest='out2', default='UPGMA_ordered_opt_mark.txt', help='Output file name of ordered markers. [default: %default]')
191 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
193 if options.scaff == None:
194 sys.exit('--scaff argument is missing')
195 if options.mark == None:
196 sys.exit('--mark argument is missing')
197 if options.mat == None:
198 sys.exit('--mat argument is missing')
201 #on enregistre dans une liste les markers dans l'ordre dans la matrice
202 os.system('echo "Registering scaffold order"')
203 file = open(options.mat)
204 index_mat = file.readline().split()[1:]
205 file.close()
207 # On enregistre l'orientation des scaffolds
208 os.system('echo "Registering scaffold orientation"')
209 dico_orient = {}
210 file = open(options.scaff)
211 for line in file:
212 data = line.split()
213 if data:
214 dico_orient[data[0]] = data[1]
215 file.close()
217 #on enregistre dans un dico les scaffolds et l'ordre des positions (dans la matrice) des marqueurs dans le scaffold. Dans une liste on enregistre l'ordre des scaffolds
218 os.system('echo "Registering scaffold order and markers order"')
219 file = open(options.mark)
220 dico_mark = {}#pour chaque cle = scaffold, on enregistre l'ordre des markers dans ce scaffold
221 liste_ordre = []#Ordre des scaffolds
222 dico_index = {}#position du markers dans la matrice
223 # dico_orient = {}#######
224 nb_mark = 0
225 for line in file:
226 data = line.split()
227 if data:
228 nb_mark += 1
229 if data[1] in dico_mark:
230 dico_index[index_mat.index(data[0])] = data[0]
231 if dico_orient[data[1]] == 'FWD':
232 dico_mark[data[1]].append(index_mat.index(data[0]))
233 elif dico_orient[data[1]] == 'REV':
234 dico_mark[data[1]].insert(0, index_mat.index(data[0]))
235 else:
236 sys.exit('bugggggg')
237 else:
238 dico_mark[data[1]] = []
239 dico_mark[data[1]].append(index_mat.index(data[0]))
240 dico_index[index_mat.index(data[0])] = data[0]
241 liste_ordre.append(data[1])
242 # dico_orient[data[1]] = 'FWD'################
243 file.close()
244 nb_mark = float(nb_mark)
246 #On verifie le nombre d'iteration
247 total_possible = ((float(len(liste_ordre)-1)**2)*2)+(len(liste_ordre))
248 if options.iter == 'auto':
249 iteration = total_possible
250 os.system('echo "The number of iteration is automatically estimated to the number of possible iterations in case of one scaffold repositioned : '+str(total_possible)+'"')
251 elif options.iter == 'all':
252 os.system('echo "All possible rearrangments are tested"')
253 else:
254 iteration = int(options.iter)
255 if iteration > total_possible:
256 os.system('echo "The number of iteration is over the number of possible iterations in case of one scaffold repositioned. It has been ajusted to : '+str(total_possible)+' if not the script can be in a infinite loop"')
257 iteration = total_possible
258 else:
259 os.system('echo "The number of iteration is under the number of possible iterations in case of one scaffold repositioned ('+str(total_possible)+'). You choose : '+str(iteration)+'"')
261 #on charge la matrice dans un dico
262 os.system('echo "Recording pairwise information"')
263 matrix = {}
264 info_scaff = {}
265 file = open(options.mat)
266 file.readline()
267 for line in file:
268 data = line.split()
269 if data:
270 if data[0] in matrix:
271 sys.exit("Warning there is redundancy in markers names, verify your data")
272 else:
273 matrix[data[0]] = map(float, data[1:])
274 file.close()
276 if options.type == 'IDENT':
277 #On essaye toutes les orientations possibles de cet ordre
278 os.system('echo "Looking for best orientation in this order"')
279 t0 = time.clock()
280 score = calcul_score_id(matrix, liste_ordre, dico_mark, dico_orient, dico_index, nb_mark)
281 os.system('echo "Reference score : '+str(score)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
282 for n in liste_ordre:
283 t0 = time.clock()
284 dico_reor = {}
285 for j in dico_orient:
286 if j == n:
287 if dico_orient[j] == 'FWD':
288 dico_reor[j] = 'REV'
289 elif dico_orient[j] == 'REV':
290 dico_reor[j] = 'FWD'
291 else:
292 sys.exit('bug')
293 # print n, dico_reor[j], dico_orient[n]
294 else:
295 dico_reor[j] = str(dico_orient[j])
296 score_reor = calcul_score_id(matrix, liste_ordre, dico_mark, dico_reor, dico_index, nb_mark)
297 os.system('echo "Reorient score : '+str(score_reor)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
298 if score < score_reor:
299 dico_orient = {}
300 for k in dico_reor:
301 dico_orient[k] = str(dico_reor[k])
302 score = score_reor
303 #On fait des rearrangements
304 os.system('echo "Performing rearrangements"')
305 iter = 0
306 fait = set()
307 fait.add(rear_fait(liste_ordre, dico_orient))
308 while iter < iteration:
309 t0 = time.clock()
310 iter += 1
311 REOR = reorderient(liste_ordre,dico_orient)
312 j = 0
313 while rear_fait(REOR[0], REOR[1]) in fait:
314 j += 1
315 REOR = reorderient(liste_ordre,dico_orient)
316 fait.add(rear_fait(REOR[0], REOR[1]))
317 score_reor = calcul_score_id(matrix, REOR[0], dico_mark, REOR[1], dico_index, nb_mark)
318 os.system('echo "iteration : '+str(iter)+'; Reoriented score : '+str(score_reor)+', best score : '+str(score)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
319 if score < score_reor:
320 dico_orient = {}
321 for n in REOR[1]:
322 dico_orient[n] = REOR[1][n]
323 score = score_reor
324 liste_ordre = list(REOR[0])
325 iter = 0
326 fait = set()
327 fait.add(rear_fait(liste_ordre, dico_orient))
328 #On fait une derniere etape pour voir ce qui est oriente et ce qui ne l'est pas
329 os.system('echo "Looking for orientated scaffolds and those who are not"')
330 os.system('echo "Reference score : '+str(score)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
331 dico_ordre_final = {}
332 for n in liste_ordre:
333 t0 = time.clock()
334 dico_reor = {}
335 nom_ord = n
336 for j in dico_orient:
337 if j == n:
338 if dico_orient[j] == 'FWD':
339 dico_reor[j] = 'REV'
340 else:
341 dico_reor[j] = 'FWD'
342 else:
343 dico_reor[j] = dico_orient[j]
344 score_reor = calcul_score_id(matrix, liste_ordre, dico_mark, dico_reor, dico_index, nb_mark)
345 os.system('echo "Reorient score : '+str(score_reor)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
346 if score < score_reor:
347 dico_orient = {}
348 for k in dico_reor:
349 dico_orient[k] = dico_reor[k]
350 score = score_reor
351 dico_ordre_final[n] = 'Ord'
352 elif score == score_reor:
353 dico_ordre_final[n] = 'NoOrd'
354 else:
355 dico_ordre_final[n] = 'Ord'
358 elif options.type == 'DIF':
359 #On essaye toutes les orientations possibles de cet ordre
360 os.system('echo "Looking for best orientation in this order"')
361 t0 = time.clock()
362 score = calcul_score_dif(matrix, liste_ordre, dico_mark, dico_orient, dico_index, nb_mark)
363 os.system('echo "Reference score : '+str(score)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
364 for n in liste_ordre:
365 t0 = time.clock()
366 dico_reor = {}
367 for j in dico_orient:
368 if j == n:
369 if dico_orient[j] == 'FWD':
370 dico_reor[j] = 'REV'
371 elif dico_orient[j] == 'REV':
372 dico_reor[j] = 'FWD'
373 else:
374 sys.exit('bug')
375 else:
376 dico_reor[j] = dico_orient[j]
377 score_reor = calcul_score_dif(matrix, liste_ordre, dico_mark, dico_reor, dico_index, nb_mark)
378 os.system('echo "Reorient score : '+str(score_reor)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
379 if score < score_reor:
380 dico_orient = {}
381 for k in dico_reor:
382 dico_orient[k] = dico_reor[k]
383 score = score_reor
384 #On fait des rearrangements
385 os.system('echo "Performing rearrangements"')
386 iter = 0
387 fait = set()
388 fait.add(rear_fait(liste_ordre, dico_orient))
389 while iter < iteration:
390 t0 = time.clock()
391 iter += 1
392 REOR = reorderient(liste_ordre,dico_orient)
393 while rear_fait(REOR[0], REOR[1]) in fait:
394 REOR = reorderient(liste_ordre,dico_orient)
395 fait.add(rear_fait(REOR[0], REOR[1]))
396 score_reor = calcul_score_dif(matrix, REOR[0], dico_mark, REOR[1], dico_index, nb_mark)
397 os.system('echo "iteration : '+str(iter)+'; Reoriented score : '+str(score_reor)+', best score : '+str(score)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
398 if score < score_reor:
399 dico_orient = {}
400 for n in REOR[1]:
401 dico_orient[n] = REOR[1][n]
402 score = score_reor
403 liste_ordre = list(REOR[0])
404 iter = 0
405 fait = set()
406 fait.add(rear_fait(liste_ordre, dico_orient))
407 #On fait une derniere etape pour voir ce qui est oriente et ce qui ne l'est pas
408 os.system('echo "Looking for orientated scaffolds and those who are not"')
409 os.system('echo "Reference score : '+str(score)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
410 dico_ordre_final = {}
411 for n in liste_ordre:
412 t0 = time.clock()
413 dico_reor = {}
414 nom_ord = n
415 for j in dico_orient:
416 if j == n:
417 if dico_orient[j] == 'FWD':
418 dico_reor[j] = 'REV'
419 else:
420 dico_reor[j] = 'FWD'
421 else:
422 dico_reor[j] = dico_orient[j]
423 score_reor = calcul_score_dif(matrix, liste_ordre, dico_mark, dico_reor, dico_index, nb_mark)
424 os.system('echo "Reorient score : '+str(score_reor)+'; time spent in calculation : '+str(time.clock()-t0)+'"')
425 if score < score_reor:
426 dico_orient = {}
427 for k in dico_reor:
428 dico_orient[k] = dico_reor[k]
429 score = score_reor
430 dico_ordre_final[n] = 'Ord'
431 elif score == score_reor:
432 dico_ordre_final[n] = 'NoOrd'
433 if dico_orient[n] == 'REV': #
434 dico_orient = {} #
435 for k in dico_reor: #
436 dico_orient[k] = dico_reor[k] #
437 else:
438 dico_ordre_final[n] = 'Ord'
439 else:
440 sys.exit('Wrong argument passed in --type')
442 #On genere le fichier pour matrix to orthodother
443 os.system('echo "Outputing ordonned markers"')
444 outfile1 = open(options.out1,'w')
445 outfile = open(options.out2,'w')
446 for n in liste_ordre:
447 outfile1.write(n+'\t'+dico_orient[n]+'\t'+dico_ordre_final[n]+'\n')
448 liste = list(dico_mark[n])
449 if dico_orient[n] == 'REV':
450 liste.reverse()
451 for j in liste:
452 outfile.write(dico_index[j]+'\t'+n+'\n')
453 outfile.close()
454 outfile1.close()
456 if __name__ == "__main__": __main__() |