diff src/lib/Utility.R @ 8:e9677425c6c3 default tip

Updated the structure of the libraries
author george.weingart@gmail.com
date Mon, 09 Feb 2015 12:17:40 -0500
parents e0b5980139d9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/lib/Utility.R	Mon Feb 09 12:17:40 2015 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+# This file is a component of the MaAsLin (Multivariate Associations Using Linear Models), 
+# authored by the Huttenhower lab at the Harvard School of Public Health
+# (contact Timothy Tickle, ttickle@hsph.harvard.edu).
+inlinedocs <- function(
+##author<< Curtis Huttenhower <chuttenh@hsph.harvard.edu> and Timothy Tickle <ttickle@hsph.harvard.edu>
+##description<< Collection of minor utility scripts
+) { return( pArgs ) }
+funcRename <- function(
+### Modifies labels for plotting
+### If the name is not an otu collapse to the last two clades
+### Otherwise use the most terminal clade
+### Names to modify for plotting
+  astrRet <- c()
+  for( strName in astrNames )
+  {
+    astrName <- strsplit( strName, c_cFeatureDelimRex )[[1]]
+    i <- length( astrName )
+    if( ( astrName[i] == c_strUnclassified ) || !is.na( as.numeric( astrName[i] ) ) )
+    {
+      strRet <- paste( astrName[( i - 1 ):i], collapse = c_cFeatureDelim )
+    } else {
+    strRet <- astrName[i]
+    }
+    astrRet <- c(astrRet, strRet)
+  }
+  return( astrRet )
+  ### List of modified names
+funcBonferonniCorrectFactorData <- function
+### Bonferroni correct for factor data
+### P-value to correct
+### Factors of the data to correct
+fIgnoreNAs = TRUE
+  vsUniqueFactors = unique( vsFactors )
+  if( fIgnoreNAs ){ vsUniqueFactors = setdiff( vsUniqueFactors, c("NA","na","Na","nA") ) }
+  return( dPvalue * max( 1, ( length( vsUniqueFactors ) - 1 ) ) )
+  ### Numeric p-value that is correct for levels (excluding NA levels)
+funcCalculateTestCounts <- function(
+### Calculates the number of tests used in inference
+  iMetadata = length(asMetadata)
+  iForced = length(setdiff(intersect( asForced, asMetadata ), asRandom))
+  iRandom = length(intersect( asRandom, asMetadata ))
+  if(fAllvAll)
+  {
+    #AllvAll flow formula
+    return((iMetadata-iForced-iRandom) * iDataCount)
+  }
+  #Normal flow formula
+  return((iMetadata-iRandom) * iDataCount)
+#Generates a given number of random colors
+tempNumberColors = 1
+### Number of colors to generate
+  adRet = c()
+  return(sapply(1:tempNumberColors, function(x){
+    adRGB <- ( runif( 3 ) * 0.66 ) + 0.33
+    adRet <- c(adRet, rgb( adRGB[1], adRGB[2], adRGB[3] ))
+  }))
+funcCoef2Col <- function(
+### Searches through a dataframe and looks for a column that would match the coefficient
+### by the name of the column or the column name and level appended together.
+### String coefficient name
+### Data frame of data
+astrCols = c()
+### Column names of interest (if NULL is given, all column names are inspected).
+  #If the coefficient is the intercept there is no data column to return so return null
+  if( strCoef %in% c("(Intercept)", "Intercept") ) { return( NULL ) }
+  #Remove ` from coefficient
+  strCoef <- gsub( "`", "", strCoef )
+  #If the coefficient name is not in the data frame
+  if( !( strCoef %in% colnames( frmeData ) ) )
+  {
+    fHit <- FALSE
+    #If the column names are not provided, use the column names of the dataframe.
+    if( is.null( astrCols ) ){astrCols <- colnames( frmeData )}
+    #Search through the different column names (factors)
+    for( strFactor in astrCols )
+    {
+      #Select a column, if it is not a factor or does not begin with the factor's name then skip
+      adCur <- frmeData[,strFactor]
+      if( ( class( adCur ) != "factor" ) ||
+        ( substr( strCoef, 1, nchar( strFactor ) ) != strFactor ) ) { next }
+      #For the factors, create factor-level name combinations to read in factors
+      #Then check to see the factor-level combination is the coefficient of interest
+      #If it is then store that factor as the coefficient of interest
+      #And break
+      for( strValue in levels( adCur ) )
+      {
+        strCur <- paste( strFactor, strValue, sep = c_sFactorNameSep )
+        if( strCur == strCoef )
+        {
+          strCoef <- strFactor
+          fHit <- TRUE
+          break
+        }
+      }
+      #If the factor was found, return
+      if( fHit ){break }
+    }
+  }
+  #If the original coefficient or the coefficient factor combination name are in the
+  #data frame, return the name. Otherwise return NA.
+  return( ifelse( ( strCoef %in% colnames( frmeData ) ), strCoef, NA ) )
+  ### Coefficient name
+funcColToMFAValue = function(
+### Given a column name, return the MFA values that could be associated with the name
+### String list of column names (as you would get from names(dataframe))
+### Data frame of data the column names refer to
+  lsMFAValues = c()
+  for(sColName in lsColNames)
+  {
+    axCur = dfData[[sColName]]
+    if(is.logical(axCur)){axCur=as.factor(axCur)}
+    if(is.factor(axCur))
+    {
+      lsLevels = levels(axCur)
+      if((length(lsLevels)==2) && (!is.na(as.numeric(lsLevels[1]))) && (!is.na(as.numeric(lsLevels[2]))))
+      {
+        lsMFAValues = c(lsMFAValues,paste(sColName,lsLevels[1],sep=c_sMFANameSep1),paste(sColName,lsLevels[2],sep=c_sMFANameSep1))
+      }else{
+        for(sLevel in levels(axCur))
+        {
+          lsMFAValues = c(lsMFAValues,sLevel)
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      lsMFAValues = c(lsMFAValues,sColName)
+    }
+  }
+  return(setdiff(lsMFAValues,c("NA",NA)))
+funcMFAValue2Col = function(
+### Given a value in a column, the column name is returned.
+aiColumnIndicesToSearch = NULL
+  lsColumnNames = names(dfData)
+  if(is.null(aiColumnIndicesToSearch))
+  {
+    aiColumnIndicesToSearch = c(1:dim(dfData)[2])
+  }
+  # Could be the column name
+  if(xValue %in% lsColumnNames){return(xValue)}
+  # Could be the column name and value
+  iValueLength = length(xValue)
+  for( iColIndex in c(1:length(lsColumnNames) ))
+  {
+    adCur = dfData[[lsColumnNames[iColIndex]]]
+    if(is.factor(adCur))
+    {
+      for(strValue in levels(adCur))
+      {
+        strCurVersion1 <- paste( lsColumnNames[iColIndex], strValue, sep = c_sMFANameSep1 )
+        strCurVersion2 <- paste( lsColumnNames[iColIndex], strValue, sep = c_sMFANameSep2 )
+        if((xValue == strCurVersion1) || (xValue == strCurVersion2)){return(lsColumnNames[iColIndex])}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Could be the value
+  for(iColIndex in aiColumnIndicesToSearch)
+  {
+    if(xValue %in% dfData[[lsColumnNames[iColIndex]]]){return(lsColumnNames[iColIndex])}
+  }
+  return(NULL)
+funcColorHelper <- function(
+### Makes sure the max is max and the min is min, and dmed is average
+dMax = 1,
+### Max number
+dMin = -1,
+### Min number
+dMed = NA
+### Average value
+  #Make sure max is max and min is min
+  vSort = sort(c(dMin,dMax))
+  return( list( dMin = vSort[1], dMax = vSort[2], dMed = ifelse((is.na(dMed)), (dMin+dMax)/2.0, dMed ) ))
+  ### List of min, max and med numbers
+funcColor <- function(
+### Generate a color based on a number that is forced to be between a min and max range.
+### The color is based on how far the number is from the center of the given range
+### From red to green (high) are produced with default settings
+### Number from which to generate the color
+dMax = 1,
+### Max possible value
+dMin = -1,
+### Min possible value
+dMed = NA,
+### Central value if you don't want to be the average
+adMax = c(1, 1, 0),
+### Is used to generate the color for the higher values in the range, this can be changed to give different colors set to green
+adMin = c(0, 0, 1),
+### Is used to generate the color for the lower values in the range, this can be changed to give different colors set to red
+adMed = c(0, 0, 0)
+### Is used to generate the color for the central values in the range, this can be changed to give different colors set to black
+  lsTmp <- funcColorHelper( dMax, dMin, dMed )
+  dMax <- lsTmp$dMax
+  dMin <- lsTmp$dMin
+  dMed <- lsTmp$dMed
+  if( is.na( dX ) )
+  {
+    dX <- dMed
+  }
+  if( dX > dMax )
+  {
+    dX <- dMax
+  } else if( dX < dMin )
+  {
+    dX <- dMin }
+  if( dX < dMed )
+  {
+    d <- ( dMed - dX ) / ( dMed - dMin )
+    adCur <- ( adMed * ( 1 - d ) ) + ( adMin * d )
+  } else {
+    d <- ( dMax - dX ) / ( dMax - dMed )
+    adCur <- ( adMed * d ) + ( adMax * ( 1 - d ) )
+  }
+  return( rgb( adCur[1], adCur[2], adCur[3] ) )
+  ### RGB object
+funcColors <- function(
+### Generate a range of colors
+dMax = 1,
+### Max possible value
+dMin = -1,
+### Min possible value
+dMed = NA,
+### Central value if you don't want to be the average
+adMax = c(1, 1, 0),
+### Is used to generate the color for the higher values in the range, this can be changed to give different colors set to green
+adMin = c(0, 0, 1),
+### Is used to generate the color for the lower values in the range, this can be changed to give different colors set to red
+adMed = c(0, 0, 0),
+### Is used to generate the color for the central values in the range, this can be changed to give different colors set to black
+iSteps = 64
+### Number of intermediary colors made in the range of colors
+  lsTmp <- funcColorHelper( dMax, dMin, dMed )
+  dMax <- lsTmp$dMax
+  dMin <- lsTmp$dMin
+  dMed <- lsTmp$dMed
+  aRet <- c ()
+  for( dCur in seq( dMin, dMax, ( dMax - dMin ) / ( iSteps - 1 ) ) )
+  {
+    aRet <- c(aRet, funcColor( dCur, dMax, dMin, dMed, adMax, adMin, adMed ))
+  }
+  return( aRet )
+  ### List of colors
+funcGetColor <- function(
+### Get a color based on col parameter
+) {
+  adCol <- col2rgb( par( "col" ) )
+  return( sprintf( "#%02X%02X%02X", adCol[1], adCol[2], adCol[3] ) )
+  ### Return hexadecimal color
+### Remove whitespace at the beginning or the end of a string
+### tempString String to be trimmed.
+  return(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$","",tempString))
+funcWrite <- function(
+### Write a string or a table of data
+### This transposes a table before it is written
+### String or table to write
+### File to which to write
+  if(!is.na(strFile))
+  {
+   if( length( intersect( class( pOut ), c("character", "numeric") ) ) )
+    {
+      write.table( t(pOut), strFile, quote = FALSE, sep = c_cTableDelimiter, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, na = "", append = TRUE )
+    } else {
+      capture.output( print( pOut ), file = strFile, append = TRUE )
+    }
+  }
+funcWriteTable <- function(
+### Log a table to a file
+### Table to write
+### File to which to write
+fAppend = FALSE
+### Append when writing
+  if(!is.na(strFile))
+  {
+    write.table( frmeTable, strFile, quote = FALSE, sep = c_cTableDelimiter, na = "", col.names = NA, append = fAppend )
+  }
+funcWriteQCReport <- function(
+### Write out the quality control report
+###  File name
+### List of QC data generated by maaslin to be written
+### Dimensions of the data matrix
+### Dimensions of the metadata matrix
+  unlink(strProcessFileName)
+  funcWrite( paste("Initial Metadata Matrix Size: Rows ",liMetadataDim[1],"  Columns ",liMetadataDim[2],sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Initial Data Matrix Size: Rows ",liDataDim[1],"  Columns ",liDataDim[2],sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("\nInitial Data Count: ",length(lsQCData$aiDataInitial),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Initial Metadata Count: ",length(lsQCData$aiMetadataInitial),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Data Count after preprocess: ",length(lsQCData$aiAfterPreprocess),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Removed for missing metadata: ",length(lsQCData$iMissingMetadata),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Removed for missing data: ",length(lsQCData$iMissingData),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Number of data with outliers: ",length(which(lsQCData$aiDataSumOutlierPerDatum>0)),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Number of metadata with outliers: ",length(which(lsQCData$aiMetadataSumOutlierPerDatum>0)),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Metadata count which survived clean: ",length(lsQCData$aiMetadataCleaned),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Data count which survived clean: ",length(lsQCData$aiDataCleaned),sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("\nBoostings: ",lsQCData$iBoosts,sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("Boosting Errors: ",lsQCData$iBoostErrors,sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("LMs with no terms suriving boosting: ",lsQCData$iNoTerms,sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite( paste("LMs performed: ",lsQCData$iLms,sep=""), strProcessFileName )
+  if(!is.null(lsQCData$lsQCCustom))
+  {
+    funcWrite("Custom preprocess QC data: ", strProcessFileName )
+    funcWrite(lsQCData$lsQCCustom, strProcessFileName )
+  } else {
+    funcWrite("No custom preprocess QC data.", strProcessFileName )
+  }
+  funcWrite( "\n#Details###########################", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite("\nInitial Data Count: ", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite(lsQCData$aiDataInitial, strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite("\nInitial Metadata Count: ", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite(lsQCData$aiMetadataInitial, strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite("\nData Count after preprocess: ", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite(lsQCData$aiAfterPreprocess, strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite("\nRemoved for missing metadata: ", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite(lsQCData$iMissingMetadata, strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite("\nRemoved for missing data: ", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite(lsQCData$iMissingData, strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite("\nDetailed outlier indices: ", strProcessFileName )
+  for(sFeature in names(lsQCData$liOutliers))
+  {
+    funcWrite(paste("Feature",sFeature,"Outlier indice(s):", paste(lsQCData$liOutliers[[sFeature]],collapse=",")), strProcessFileName )
+  }
+  funcWrite("\nMetadata which survived clean: ", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite(lsQCData$aiMetadataCleaned, strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite("\nData which survived clean: ", strProcessFileName )
+  funcWrite(lsQCData$aiDataCleaned, strProcessFileName )
+funcLMToNoNAFormula <-function(
+  dfCoef = coef(lMod)
+  astrCoefNames = setdiff(names(dfCoef[as.vector(!is.na(dfCoef))==TRUE]),"(Intercept)")
+  astrPredictors = unique(as.vector(sapply(astrCoefNames,funcCoef2Col, frmeData=frmeTmp)))
+  strFormula = paste( "adCur ~", paste( sprintf( "`%s`", astrPredictors ), collapse = " + " ), sep = " " )
+  return(try( lm(as.formula( strFormula ), data=frmeTmp )))
+funcFormulaStrToList <- function(
+#Takes a lm or mixed model formula and returns a list of covariate names in the formula
+#Formula to extract covariates from
+  #Return list
+  lsRetComparisons = c()
+  #If you get a null or na just return
+  if(is.null(strFormula)||is.na(strFormula)){return(lsRetComparisons)}
+  #Get test comparisons (predictor names from formula string)
+  asComparisons = gsub("`","",setdiff(unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(strFormula,"~"))[2]," ")),c("","+")))
+  #Change metadata in formula to univariate comparisons
+  for(sComparison in asComparisons)
+  {
+    #Removed random covariate formating
+    lsParse = unlist(strsplit(sComparison, "[\\(\\|\\)]", perl=FALSE))
+    lsRetComparisons = c(lsRetComparisons,lsParse[length(lsParse)])
+  }
+  return(lsRetComparisons)
+funcFormulaListToString <- function(
+# Using covariate and random covariate names, creates a lm or mixed model formula
+# returns a vector of c(strLM, strMixedModel), one will be NA given the existance of random covariates.
+# On error c(NA,NA) is given
+#Fixed covariates or all covariates if using an lm
+astrRandomCovariates = NULL
+#Random covariates for a mixed model
+  strRetLMFormula = NA
+  strRetMMFormula = NA
+  #If no covariates return NA
+  if(is.null(astrTerms)){return(c(strRetLMFormula, strRetMMFormula))}
+  #Get fixed covariates
+  astrFixedCovariates = setdiff(astrTerms,astrRandomCovariates)
+  #If no fixed coavariates return NA
+  # Can not run a model with no fixed covariate, restriction of lmm
+  if(length(astrFixedCovariates)==0){return(c(strRetLMFormula, strRetMMFormula))}
+  # Fixed Covariates
+  strFixedCovariates = paste( sprintf( "`%s`", astrFixedCovariates ), collapse = " + " )
+  #If random covariates, set up a formula for mixed models
+  if(length(astrRandomCovariates)>0)
+  {
+    #Format for lmer
+    #strRetFormula <- paste( "adCur ~ ", paste( sprintf( "(1|`%s`))", intersect(astrRandomCovariates, astrTerms)), collapse = " + " ))
+    #Format for glmmpql
+    strRandomCovariates = paste( sprintf( "1|`%s`", setdiff(astrRandomCovariates, astrTerms)), collapse = " + " )
+    strRetMMFormula <- paste( "adCur ~ ", strFixedCovariates, " + ", strRandomCovariates, sep="")
+  } else {
+    #This is either the formula for all covariates in an lm or fixed covariates in the lmm
+    strRetLMFormula <- paste( "adCur ~ ", strFixedCovariates, sep="")
+  }
+  return(c(strRetLMFormula, strRetMMFormula))
\ No newline at end of file