diff src/lib/MaaslinPlots.R @ 8:e9677425c6c3 default tip

Updated the structure of the libraries
author george.weingart@gmail.com
date Mon, 09 Feb 2015 12:17:40 -0500
parents e0b5980139d9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/lib/MaaslinPlots.R	Mon Feb 09 12:17:40 2015 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+# This file is a component of the MaAsLin (Multivariate Associations Using Linear Models), 
+# authored by the Huttenhower lab at the Harvard School of Public Health
+# (contact Timothy Tickle, ttickle@hsph.harvard.edu).
+inlinedocs <- function(
+##author<< Curtis Huttenhower <chuttenh@hsph.harvard.edu> and Timothy Tickle <ttickle@hsph.harvard.edu>
+##description<< Holds MaAsLin related plotting
+) { return( pArgs ) }
+funcPDF <- function(
+### Function to plot raw data with linear model information.
+### Continuous and integer variables are plotted with a line of best fit.
+### Other data is plotted as boxplots.
+### Linear model information
+### Pvalue to display
+### Qvalue to display
+### PDF file to create or to which to append
+### Project directory to place pdf in
+### Name of taxon
+### If a transform is used the appropriate of that transfor must be used on the residuals in the partial residual plots
+fDoResidualPlot = TRUE,
+### Plot the residual plots
+fInvert = FALSE,
+### Invert the figure so the background is black
+liNaIndices = c()
+### Indices of NA data that was imputed
+  if( is.na( strFilePDF ) )
+  {
+    strFilePDF <- sprintf( "%s-%s.pdf", strBaseOut, strName )
+    pdf( strFilePDF, width = 11, useDingbats=FALSE )
+  }
+  #Invert plots
+  adColorMin <- c(1, 0, 0)
+  adColorMax <- c(0, 1, 0)
+  adColorMed <- c(0, 0, 0)
+  if( fInvert )
+  {
+    par( bg = "black", fg = "white", col.axis = "white", col.lab = "white", col.main = "white", col.sub = "white" )
+    adColorMin <- c(1, 1, 0)
+    adColorMax <- c(0, 1, 1)
+    adColorMed <- c(1, 1, 1)
+  }
+  #Create linear model title data string
+  strTitle <- sprintf( "%s (%.3g sd %.3g, p=%.3g, q=%.3g)", lsCur$orig, lsCur$value, lsCur$std, curPValue, curQValue )
+  adMar <- c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1
+  dLine <- NA
+  strTaxon <- lsCur$taxon
+  if( nchar( strTaxon ) > 80 )
+  {
+    dCEX <- 0.75
+    iLen <- nchar( strTaxon )
+    if( iLen > 120 )
+    {
+      dLine <- 2.5
+      i <- round( iLen / 2 )
+      strTaxon <- paste( substring( strTaxon, 0, i ), substring( strTaxon, i + 1 ), sep = "\n" )
+      adMar[2] <- adMar[2] + 1
+    }
+  } else { dCEX = 1 }
+  #Plot 1x2 graphs per page
+  if(fDoResidualPlot){par(mfrow=c(1,2))}
+  # Plot factor data as boxplot if is descrete data
+  # Otherwise plot as a line
+  adCur <- lsCur$metadata
+  adY <- lsCur$data
+  # Remove NAs from data visualization if set to do so (if liNaIndices is not empty)
+  if(lsCur$name %in% names(liNaIndices)&&(length(liNaIndices[[lsCur$name]])>0))
+  {
+    adY <- adY[-1*liNaIndices[[lsCur$name]]]
+    adCur = adCur[-1*liNaIndices[[lsCur$name]]]
+    if(class(adCur)=="factor")
+    {
+      adCur = factor(adCur)
+    }
+  }
+  # Set the factor levels to include NA if they still exist
+  # This is so if something is not imputed, then if there are NAs they will be plotted (to show no imputing)
+  if( class( lsCur$metadata ) == "factor" )
+  {
+    sCurLevels = levels(adCur)
+    adCur = (as.character(adCur))
+    aiCurNAs = which(is.na(adCur))
+    if(length(aiCurNAs) > 0)
+    {
+      adCur[aiCurNAs]="NA"
+      sCurLevels = c(sCurLevels,"NA")
+    }
+    adCur = factor(adCur, levels = sCurLevels)
+  }
+  if( class( lsCur$metadata ) == "factor" )
+  {
+    astrNames <- c()
+    astrColors <- c()
+    dMed <- median( adY[adCur == levels( adCur )[1]], na.rm = TRUE )
+    adIQR <- quantile( adY, probs = c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE )
+    dIQR <- adIQR[2] - adIQR[1]
+    if( dIQR <= 0 )
+    {
+      dIQR <- sd( adY, na.rm = TRUE )
+    }
+    dIQR <- dIQR / 2
+    #Print boxplots/strip charts of raw data. Add model data to it.
+    for( strLevel in levels( adCur ) )
+    {
+      c_iLen <- 32
+      strLength <- strLevel
+      if( nchar( strLength ) > c_iLen )
+      {
+        iTmp <- ( c_iLen / 2 ) - 2
+        strLength <- paste( substr( strLength, 1, iTmp ), substring( strLength, nchar( strLength ) - iTmp ), sep = "..." )
+      }
+      astrNames <- c(astrNames, sprintf( "%s (%d)", strLength, sum( adCur == strLevel, na.rm = TRUE ) ))
+      astrColors <- c(astrColors, sprintf( "%sAA", funcColor( ( median( adY[adCur == strLevel], na.rm = TRUE ) - dMed ) /
+        dIQR, dMax = 3, dMin = -3, adMax = adColorMin, adMin = adColorMax, adMed = adColorMed ) ))
+    }
+    #Controls boxplot labels
+    #(When there are many factor levels some are skipped and not plotted
+    #So this must be reduced)
+    dBoxPlotLabelCex = dCEX
+    if(length(astrNames)>8)
+    {
+      dBoxPlotLabelCex = dBoxPlotLabelCex * 1.5/(length(astrNames)/8)
+    }
+    par(cex.axis = dBoxPlotLabelCex)
+    boxplot( adY ~ adCur, notch = TRUE, names = astrNames, mar = adMar, col = astrColors,
+      main = strTitle, cex.main = 48/nchar(strTitle), xlab = lsCur$name, ylab = NA, cex.lab = dCEX, outpch = 4, outcex = 0.5 )
+    par(cex.axis = dCEX)
+    stripchart( adY ~ adCur, add = TRUE, col = astrColors, method = "jitter", vertical = TRUE, pch = 20 )
+    title( ylab = strTaxon, cex.lab = dCEX, line = dLine )
+  } else {
+    #Plot continuous data
+    plot( adCur, adY, mar = adMar, main = strTitle, xlab = lsCur$name, pch = 20,
+      col = sprintf( "%s99", funcGetColor( ) ), ylab = NA, xaxt = "s" )
+    title( ylab = strTaxon, cex.lab = dCEX )
+    lmod <- lm( adY ~ adCur )
+    dColor <- lmod$coefficients[2] * mean( adCur, na.rm = TRUE ) / mean( adY, na.rm = TRUE )
+    strColor <- sprintf( "%sDD", funcColor( dColor, adMax = adColorMin, adMin = adColorMax, adMed = adColorMed ) )
+    abline( reg = lmod, col = strColor, lwd = 3 )
+  }
+  ### Plot the residual plot
+  if(fDoResidualPlot){funcResidualPlot(lsCur=lsCur, frmeTmp=frmeTmp, adColorMin=adColorMin, adColorMax=adColorMax, adColorMed=adColorMed, adMar, funcUnTransform=funcUnTransform, liNaIndices)}
+  return(strFilePDF)
+  ### File to which the pdf was written
+### Plot 1
+# axis 1 gene expression (one bug)
+# axis 2 PC1 (bugs and metadata)(MFA)
+# over plot real data vs the residuals (real data verses the prediction)
+# remove all but 1 bug + metadata
+### Plot 2
+#residuals (y) PCL1 (1 bug + metadata)
+#Plot 3
+### Can plot the residuals against all the variables in a grid/lattic
+funcGetFactorBoxColors = function(adCur,adY,adColorMin,adColorMax,adColorMed)
+  astrColors = c()
+  if( class( adCur ) == "factor" )
+  {
+    if( "NA" %in% levels( adCur ) )
+    {
+      afNA = adCur == "NA"
+      adY = adY[!afNA]
+      adCur = adCur[!afNA]
+      adCur = factor( adCur, levels = setdiff( levels( adCur ), "NA" ) )
+    }
+    dMed = median( adY[adCur == levels( adCur )[1]], na.rm = TRUE )
+    adIQR = quantile( adY, probs = c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE )
+    dIQR = adIQR[2] - adIQR[1]
+    if( dIQR <= 0 )
+    {
+      dIQR <- sd( adY, na.rm = TRUE )
+    }
+    dIQR <- dIQR / 2
+    for( strLevel in levels( adCur ) )
+    {
+      astrColors <- c(astrColors, sprintf( "%sAA", funcColor( ( median( adY[adCur == strLevel], na.rm = TRUE ) - dMed ) /
+        dIQR, dMax = 3, dMin = -3, adMax = adColorMin, adMin = adColorMax, adMed = adColorMed ) ))
+    }
+  }
+  return(astrColors)
+funcResidualPlotHelper <- function(
+### The dataframe to plot from
+### All covariates in lm (Column Names)
+### Y Axis: All the covariate which will be plotted together respectively * their beta with the residuals of the full model added. (These should dummied names for factor data; not column names).
+### X Axis: raw data of the covariate of interest. (Column Name)
+### Min color in color range for markers
+### Max color in color range for markers
+### Medium color in color range for markers
+### Standardized margins
+funcUnTransform = NULL,
+### If a transform is used the opposite of that transfor must be used on the residuals in the partial residual plots
+liNaIndices = c()
+### Indices of NA data that was imputed
+  # Get model matrix (raw data)
+  adCur = frmTmp[[sResponseFeature]]
+  # Make a formula to calculate the new model to get the full model residuals
+  strFormula = paste("adCur",paste(sprintf( "`%s`", lsFullModelCovariateNames ),sep="", collapse="+"),sep="~")
+  # Calculate lm
+  lmod = (lm(as.formula(strFormula),frmTmp))
+  # Get all coefficient data in the new model
+  dfdCoefs = coefficients(lmod)
+  # Get all coefficient names in the new model
+  asAllCoefNames = names(dfdCoefs)
+  # Get Y
+  # For each covariate that is being plotted on the y axis
+  # Convert the coefficient name to the column name
+  # If they are equal then the data is not discontinuous and you can use the raw data as is and multiply it by the coefficient in the model
+  # If they are not equal than the data is discontinuous, get the value for the data, set all but the levels equal to it to zero and multiply by the ceofficient from the model.
+  vY = rep(coefficients(lmod)[["(Intercept)"]],dim(frmTmp)[1])
+#  vY = rep(0,dim(frmTmp)[1])
+  #Here we are not dealing with column names but, if factor data, the coefficient names
+  for(iCvIndex in 1:length(lsCovariateToControlForNames))
+  {
+    sCurrentCovariate = lsCovariateToControlForNames[iCvIndex]
+    #Get the column name of the current covariate (this must be used to compare to other column names)
+    sCurCovariateColumnName = funcCoef2Col(sCurrentCovariate, frmTmp)
+    #This is continuous data
+    if(sCurrentCovariate == sCurCovariateColumnName)
+    {
+      vY = vY + dfdCoefs[sCurrentCovariate]*frmTmp[[sCurCovariateColumnName]]
+    } else {
+      #Discontinuous data
+      # Get level
+      xLevel = substr(sCurrentCovariate,nchar(sCurCovariateColumnName)+1,nchar(sCurrentCovariate))
+      # Get locations where the data = level
+      aiLevelIndices = rep(0,dim(frmTmp)[1])
+      aiLevelIndices[which(frmTmp[sCurCovariateColumnName] == xLevel)]=1
+      sCurrentCovariateBeta = dfdCoefs[sCurrentCovariate]
+      if(is.na(sCurrentCovariateBeta)){sCurrentCovariateBeta=0}
+      vY = vY + sCurrentCovariateBeta * aiLevelIndices
+    }
+  }
+  #TODO based on transform   vY = vY+sin(residuals(lmod))^2
+  if(!is.null(funcUnTransform))
+  {
+    vY = vY + funcUnTransform(residuals(lmod))
+  } else {
+    vY = vY + residuals(lmod) }
+  # Plot x, raw data
+  ## y label 
+  sYLabel = paste(paste("B",lsCovariateToControlForNames,sep="*",collapse="+"),"e",sep="+")
+  sTitle = "Partial Residual Plot"
+  adCurXValues = frmTmp[[sCovariateOfInterest]]
+  # If not plotting metadata that was originally NA then remove the imputed values here
+  if(sCovariateOfInterest %in% names(liNaIndices)&&(length(liNaIndices[[sCovariateOfInterest]])>0))
+  {
+    adCurXValues = adCurXValues[-1*liNaIndices[[sCovariateOfInterest]]]
+    vY <- vY[-1*liNaIndices[[sCovariateOfInterest]]]
+    if(is.factor(adCurXValues)){adCurXValues = factor(adCurXValues)}
+  }
+  # Set the factor levels to include NA if they still exist
+  # This is so if something is not imputed, then if there are NAs they will be plotted (to show no imputing)
+  # Do not forget to keep te level order incase it was changed by the custom scripts.
+  if( class( adCurXValues ) == "factor" )
+  {
+    vsLevels = levels(adCurXValues)
+    if(sum(is.na(adCurXValues))>0)
+    {
+      adCurXValues = as.character(adCurXValues)
+      adCurXValues[is.na(adCurXValues)]="NA"
+      adCurXValues = factor(adCurXValues, levels=c(vsLevels,"NA"))
+    }
+  }
+  # Scale to the original range
+  if(!(class( adCurXValues ) == "factor" ))
+  {
+    vY = vY + mean(adCurXValues,rm.na=TRUE)
+  }
+  # Plot Partial Residual Plot
+  # If we are printing discontinuous data
+  # Get the color of the box plots
+  # Plot box plots
+  # Plot data as strip charts
+  if(is.factor(adCurXValues))
+  {
+#    adCurXValues = factor(adCurXValues)
+    astrColors = funcGetFactorBoxColors(adCurXValues,vY,adColorMin,adColorMax,adColorMed)
+    asNames = c()
+    for(sLevel in levels(adCurXValues))
+    {
+      asNames =  c(asNames,sprintf( "%s (%d)", sLevel, sum( adCurXValues == sLevel, na.rm = TRUE ) ))
+    }
+    plot(adCurXValues, vY, xlab=sCovariateOfInterest, ylab=sYLabel, names=asNames, notch = TRUE,mar = adMar,col = astrColors, main=sTitle, outpch = 4, outcex = 0.5 )
+    stripchart( vY ~ adCurXValues, add = TRUE, col = astrColors, method = "jitter", vertical = TRUE, pch = 20 )
+  } else {
+    plot( adCurXValues, vY, mar = adMar, main = sTitle, xlab=sCovariateOfInterest, col = sprintf( "%s99", funcGetColor( ) ), pch = 20,ylab = sYLabel, xaxt = "s" )
+    lmodLine = lm(vY~adCurXValues)
+    dColor <- lmodLine$coefficients[2] * mean( adCurXValues, na.rm = TRUE ) / mean( vY, na.rm = TRUE )
+    strColor <- sprintf( "%sDD", funcColor( dColor, adMax = adColorMin, adMin = adColorMax, adMed = adColorMed ) )
+    abline( reg =lmodLine, col = strColor, lwd = 3 )
+  }
+funcBoostInfluencePlot <- function(
+# Plot to show the rel.inf from boosting, what to know if the rank order is correct, better ranks for spiked data.
+# Show the cut off and features identified as uneven.
+vstrUneven = c()
+  vsCol = rep("black",length(vdRelInf))
+  vsCol[which(vsPredictorNames %in% vstrKeepMetadata)]="green"
+  vsCol[which(vsPredictorNames %in% vstrUneven)] = "orange"
+  plot(vdRelInf, col=vsCol, main=sFeature, xlab="Index", ylab="Relative Influence")
+  legend("topright", pch = paste(1:length(vsPredictorNames)), legend= vsPredictorNames, text.col=vsCol, col=vsCol)
+funcResidualPlot <- function(
+### Plot to data after confounding.
+### That is, in a linear model with significant coefficient b1 for variable x1,
+### that's been sparsified to some subset of terms: y = b0 + b1*x1 + sum(bi*xi)
+### Plot x1 on the X axis, and instead of y on the Y axis, instead plot:
+### y' = b0 + sum(bi*xi)
+### Assocation to plot
+### Data frame of orginal data
+### Min color in color range for markers
+### Max color in color range for markers
+### Medium color in color range for markers
+### Standardized margins
+### If a transform is used the opporite of that transfor must be used on the residuals in the partial residual plots
+liNaIndices = c()
+### Indices of NA data that was imputed
+  #Now plot residual hat plot
+  #Get coefficient names
+  asAllCoefs = setdiff(names(lsCur$allCoefs),c("(Intercept)"))
+  asAllColNames = c()
+  for(sCoef in asAllCoefs)
+  {
+    asAllColNames = c(asAllColNames,funcCoef2Col(sCoef,frmeData=frmeTmp))
+  }
+  asAllColNames = unique(asAllColNames)
+  # All coefficients except for the one of interest
+  lsOtherCoefs = setdiff(asAllColNames, c(lsCur$name))
+  lsCovariatesToPlot = NULL
+  if(is.factor(lsCur$metadata))
+  {
+    lsCovariatesToPlot = paste(lsCur$name,levels(lsCur$metadata),sep="")
+  }else{lsCovariatesToPlot=c(lsCur$orig)}
+  # If there are no other coefficients then skip plot
+#  if(!length(lsOtherCoefs)){return()}
+  # Plot residuals
+  funcResidualPlotHelper(frmTmp=frmeTmp, sResponseFeature=lsCur$taxon, lsFullModelCovariateNames=asAllColNames, lsCovariateToControlForNames=lsCovariatesToPlot, sCovariateOfInterest=lsCur$name, adColorMin=adColorMin, adColorMax=adColorMax, adColorMed=adColorMed, adMar=adMar, funcUnTransform=funcUnTransform, liNaIndices=liNaIndices)