# HG changeset patch
# User goeckslab
# Date 1724849208 0
# Node ID 8001319743c045bfb5183cfc7b4dc9df9583e944
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/goeckslab/tools-mti/tree/main/tools/celesta commit 0ec46718dfd00f37ccae4e2fa133fa8393fe6d92
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 celesta.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/celesta.xml Wed Aug 28 12:46:48 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ Cell type identification with spatial information
+ macros.xml
+ echo "@VERSION@"
+ runmode['selected_mode'] == "plot_expression"
+ runmode['selected_mode'] == "assign_cells"
+ runmode['selected_mode'] == "assign_cells" and runmode['options']['save_rds']
+ runmode['selected_mode'] == "assign_cells" and len(runmode['plot_cells']) != 0
+ CD3+ T cells –> CD4+ T cells. The third number is a number assigned to the cell type,
+ i.e, cell type number. The middle number tells the previous lineage cell type number for the current cell type.
+ For example, the middle number for CD3+ T cells is 5, because it is a subtype of immune cells which have cell
+ type number assigned to 5.
+(3) Starting from column three, each column is a protein marker. If the protein marker is known to be expressed
+ for that cell type, then it is denoted by “1”. If the protein marker is known to not express for a cell type,
+ then it is denoted by “0”. If the protein marker is irrelevant or uncertain to express for a cell type,
+ then it is denoted by “NA”.
+`Name of anndata.obs key containing cell or nucleus centroid X position` -- if using output from MCMICRO, this would be 'X_centroid'
+`Name of anndata.obs key containing cell or nucleus centroid Y position` -- if using output from MCMICRO, this would be 'Y_centroid'
+`Choose whether to filter cells` -- Boolean whether to filter out cells with extreme low or high marker intensity that fall outside of thresholds (`CELESTA::FilterCells()`)
+`Set the low threshold for filtering cells` -- high_marker_threshold param in `CELESTA::FilterCells()`
+`Set the high threshold for filtering cells` -- low_marker_threshold param in `CELESTA::FilterCells()`
+**Run modes**
+1. Plot expression probabilities for markers in the cell type signature matrix
+ This run mode generates marker expression probability plots for every marker in the cell-type signature matrix.
+ **Additional inputs**
+ `Specify the point size for plotting cells` -- passed to `ggplot2::geom_point()` size param
+ `Specify the height of the figure (inches)` -- passed to `ggplot2::ggsave()` height param
+ `Specify the width of the figure (inches)` -- passed to `ggplot2::ggsave()` width param
+ **Outputs**
+ Collection of `.png` figures showing marker intensity probabilities as spatial scatter plots
+2. Run the cell type assignment
+ **Additional inputs**
+ `Define the maximum iterations allowed in the EM algorithm per round` -- passed to `CELESTA::AssignCells()` max_iteration param
+ `Define an ending condition for the EM algorithm` -- passed to `CELESTA::AssignCells()` cell_change_threshold param
+ `Provide a file mapping low/high anchor and index cell assignment thresholds to cell types` -- comma separated text file containing following information and formatting:
+(1) First column contains cell types to be inferred (same order as the cell type signature matrix)
+ Second column is named `anchor` and contains high or low thresholds for anchor cells
+ Third column is named `index` and contains high or low thresholds for index cells
+(2) In the `CELESTA::AssignCells()` function, it requires four vectors to define the high and low thresholds for each cell type. The length of the vector equals to the
+ total number of cell types defined in the cell-type signature matrix. We would suggest start with the default thresholds and modify them by comparing the results
+ with the original staining. The two vectors are required for defining the “high_expression_threshold”, one for anchor cells and one for index cells (non-anchor cells).
+ The thresholds define how much the marker expression probability is in order to be considered as expressed.
+(3) For the low thresholds, Normally 1 is assigned to this value unless there are a lot of doublets or co-staining in the data. The Low expression threshold default
+ values in general are robust, and thus we recommend testing the High expression threshold values.
+`Also save CELESTA object as RDS file` -- Boolean whether to output an RDS file in addition to the default h5ad output
+`Plot combinations of resulting cell type assignments` -- specify any combination of cell types from the cell type signature matrix to plot. This is a repeat element, and one plot will be generated per repitition. There are additional params to control plot aesthetic attributes
+`CELESTA assign cells output` -- The primary output, an h5ad file, with new columns containing cell type information. New columns are prepended with `celesta_`
+`CELESTA object RDS` -- optionally output CELESTA object as RDS for downstream analysis in R
+Optional collection of `.png` figures of spatial scatter plots color annotated by cell type assignment
+Visit github.com/plevritis-lab/CELESTA for full documentation
+ ]]>
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 celesta_assign_cells.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/celesta_assign_cells.R Wed Aug 28 12:46:48 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The main algorithim for CELESTA cell type assignment
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### Define command line arguments
+option_list <- list(
+ make_option(c("-i", "--imagingdata"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Path to imaging data"),
+ make_option(c("-p", "--prior"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Path to prior marker info file"),
+ make_option(c("-x", "--xcol"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Name of column in adata.obs containing X coordinate"),
+ make_option(c("-y", "--ycol"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Name of column in adata.obs containing Y coordinate"),
+ make_option(c("--filter"), action = "store_true", type = "logical", default = FALSE,
+ help = "Boolean to filter cells or not (default: no filtering)"),
+ make_option(c("--highfilter"), action = "store", default = 0.9, type = "double",
+ help = "High marker threshold if filtering cells (default: 0.9)"),
+ make_option(c("--lowfilter"), action = "store", default = 0.4, type = "double",
+ help = "Low marker threshold if filtering cells (default: 0.4)"),
+ make_option(c("--maxiteration"), action = "store", default = 10, type = "integer",
+ help = "Maximum iterations allowed in the EM algorithm per round"),
+ make_option(c("--changethresh"), action = "store", default = 0.01, type = "double",
+ help = "Ending condition for the EM algorithm"),
+ make_option(c("--highexpthresh"), action = "store", default = "default_high_thresholds", type = "character",
+ help = "Path to file specifying high expression thresholds for anchor and index cells"),
+ make_option(c("--lowexpthresh"), action = "store", default = "default_low_thresholds", type = "character",
+ help = "Path to file specifying low expression thresholds for anchor and index cells")
+### Functions
+anndata_to_celesta <- function(input_adata, x_col, y_col) {
+ #' Function to convert anndata object to dataframe readable by CELESTA
+ #' Coordinates columns in adata.obs are renamed to "X" and "Y", and placed at beginning of dataframe
+ #' Marker intensities are concatted columnwise to the X and Y coords. cols: X,Y,Marker_1,...Marker N
+ # initialize output as dataframe from adata.obs
+ celesta_input_dataframe <- data.frame(input_adata$obs)
+ # subset to X and Y coordinates from obs only
+ celesta_input_dataframe <- celesta_input_dataframe %>%
+ dplyr::select({{x_col}}, {{y_col}})
+ # rename X,Y column names to what CELESTA wants
+ colnames(celesta_input_dataframe) <- c("X", "Y")
+ # merge X,Y coords with marker intensities from adata.X
+ x_df <- data.frame(input_adata$X)
+ colnames(x_df) <- input_adata$var_names
+ celesta_input_dataframe <- cbind(celesta_input_dataframe, x_df)
+ return(celesta_input_dataframe)
+### Main
+# parse args
+opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list))
+# read anndata, convert to celesta format
+adata <- read_h5ad(opt$imagingdata)
+celesta_input_df <- anndata_to_celesta(adata, x_col = opt$xcol, y_col = opt$ycol)
+# read prior marker info
+prior <- read.csv(opt$prior, check.names = FALSE)
+# clean prior names and input dataframe names
+prior <- janitor::clean_names(prior, case = "all_caps")
+celesta_input_df <- janitor::clean_names(celesta_input_df, case = "all_caps")
+# instantiate celesta object
+CelestaObj <- CreateCelestaObject(
+ project_title = "",
+ prior_marker_info = prior,
+ imaging_data_file = celesta_input_df
+# if filtering is specified, filter out cells outside high and low thresholds
+if (opt$filter) {
+ print("filtering cells based on expression")
+ CelestaObj <- FilterCells(CelestaObj,
+ high_marker_threshold = opt$highfilter,
+ low_marker_threshold = opt$lowfilter)
+} else {
+ print("Proceeding to cell type assignment without cell filtering")
+# check for non-default expression threshold files
+if (opt$highexpthresh != "default_high_thresholds") {
+ # read high thresholds
+ print("Using custom high expression thresholds")
+ high_expression_thresholds <- read.csv(opt$highexpthresh)
+ hi_exp_thresh_anchor <- high_expression_thresholds$anchor
+ hi_exp_thresh_index <- high_expression_thresholds$index
+} else {
+ print("Using default high expression thresholds -- this may need adjustment")
+ hi_exp_thresh_anchor <- rep(0.7, length = 50)
+ hi_exp_thresh_index <- rep(0.5, length = 50)
+if (opt$lowexpthresh != "default_low_thresholds") {
+ # read low thresholds
+ print("Using custom low expression thresholds")
+ low_expression_thresholds <- read.csv(opt$highexpthresh)
+ low_exp_thresh_anchor <- low_expression_thresholds$anchor
+ low_exp_thresh_index <- low_expression_thresholds$index
+} else {
+ print("Using default low expression thresholds")
+ low_exp_thresh_anchor <- rep(0.9, length = 50)
+ low_exp_thresh_index <- rep(1, length = 50)
+# run cell type assignment
+CelestaObj <- AssignCells(CelestaObj,
+ max_iteration = opt$maxiteration,
+ cell_change_threshold = opt$changethresh,
+ high_expression_threshold_anchor = hi_exp_thresh_anchor,
+ low_expression_threshold_anchor = low_exp_thresh_anchor,
+ high_expression_threshold_index = hi_exp_thresh_index,
+ low_expression_threshold_index = low_exp_thresh_index,
+ save_result = FALSE)
+# save object as an RDS file for cell type plotting
+# for the time being, this is not exposed to Galaxy
+saveRDS(CelestaObj, file = "celestaobj.rds")
+# rename celesta assignment columns so they are obvious in output anndata
+celesta_assignments <- CelestaObj@final_cell_type_assignment
+celesta_assignments <- janitor::clean_names(celesta_assignments)
+colnames(celesta_assignments) <- paste0("celesta_", colnames(celesta_assignments))
+# merge celesta assignments into anndata object
+adata$obs <- cbind(adata$obs, celesta_assignments)
+# print cell type value_counts to standard output
+print("Final cell type counts")
+print(adata$obs %>% dplyr::count(celesta_final_cell_type, sort = TRUE))
+# write output anndata file
+write_h5ad(adata, "result.h5ad")
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 celesta_plot_cells.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/celesta_plot_cells.R Wed Aug 28 12:46:48 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot assigned cell type combinations with CELESTA
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# define command line args
+option_list <- list(
+ make_option(c("-r", "--rds"), action = "store", default = "celestaobj.rds", type = "character",
+ help = "Path to CelestaObj RDS"),
+ make_option(c("-p", "--prior"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Path to prior marker info file"),
+ make_option(c("-c", "--celltypes"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Comma-separated list of cell types to plot"),
+ make_option(c("-s", "--size"), action = "store", default = 1, type = "double",
+ help = "Point size for plotting"),
+ make_option(c("--width"), action = "store", default = 12, type = "integer",
+ help = "Width of plot (inches)"),
+ make_option(c("--height"), action = "store", default = 12, type = "integer",
+ help = "Height of plot (inches)"),
+ make_option(c("--dpi"), action = "store", default = 300, type = "integer",
+ help = "DPI (dots per inch) of plot")
+# parse args
+opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list))
+CelestaObj <- readRDS(opt$rds)
+cell_types_to_plot <- strsplit(opt$celltypes, ",")[[1]]
+# read prior marker info
+prior <- read.csv(opt$prior, row.names = 1)
+# get indices of cell types to plot from the prior marker table
+cell_type_indices <- which(row.names(prior) %in% cell_types_to_plot)
+# create output directory if it doesn"t already exist
+# create the cell type plot
+g <- PlotCellsAnyCombination(cell_type_assignment_to_plot = CelestaObj@final_cell_type_assignment[, (CelestaObj@total_rounds + 1)],
+ coords = CelestaObj@coords,
+ prior_info = prior_marker_info,
+ cell_number_to_use = cell_type_indices,
+ test_size = 1,
+ save_plot = FALSE)
+# create a unique output name for the plot based on the input cell types
+cell_types_cleaned <- paste(make_clean_names(cell_types_to_plot), collapse = "")
+output_name <- paste(c("plot_cells_", cell_types_cleaned, ".png"), collapse = "")
+# save to subdir
+# FIXME: may want to expose plotting params to galaxy
+ path = "cell_assign_plots",
+ filename = output_name,
+ plot = g,
+ width = opt$width,
+ height = opt$height,
+ units = "in",
+ dpi = opt$dpi
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 celesta_plot_expression.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/celesta_plot_expression.R Wed Aug 28 12:46:48 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot marker expression probabilities for cell assignment parameter optimization with CELESTA
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### Define command line arguments
+option_list <- list(
+ make_option(c("-i", "--imagingdata"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Path to imaging data"),
+ make_option(c("-p", "--prior"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Path to prior marker info file"),
+ make_option(c("-x", "--xcol"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Name of column in adata.obs containing X coordinate"),
+ make_option(c("-y", "--ycol"), action = "store", default = NA, type = "character",
+ help = "Name of column in adata.obs containing Y coordinate"),
+ make_option(c("--filter"), action = "store_true", type = "logical", default = FALSE,
+ help = "Boolean to filter cells or not (default: no filtering)"),
+ make_option(c("--highfilter"), action = "store", default = 0.9, type = "double",
+ help = "High marker threshold if filtering cells (default: 0.9)"),
+ make_option(c("--lowfilter"), action = "store", default = 0.4, type = "double",
+ help = "Low marker threshold if filtering cells (default: 0.4)"),
+ make_option(c("-s", "--size"), action = "store", default = 1, type = "double",
+ help = "Point size for plotting"),
+ make_option(c("--width"), action = "store", default = 5, type = "integer",
+ help = "Width of plot (inches)"),
+ make_option(c("--height"), action = "store", default = 4, type = "integer",
+ help = "Height of plot (inches)")
+### Functions
+anndata_to_celesta <- function(input_adata, x_col, y_col) {
+ #' Function to convert anndata object to dataframe readable by CELESTA
+ #' Coordinates columns in adata.obs are renamed to "X" and "Y", and placed at beginning of dataframe
+ #' Marker intensities are concatted columnwise to the X and Y coords. cols: X,Y,Marker_1,...Marker N
+ # initialize output as dataframe from adata.obs
+ celesta_input_dataframe <- data.frame(input_adata$obs)
+ # subset to X and Y coordinates from obs only
+ celesta_input_dataframe <- celesta_input_dataframe %>%
+ dplyr::select({{x_col}}, {{y_col}})
+ # rename X,Y column names to what CELESTA wants
+ colnames(celesta_input_dataframe) <- c("X", "Y")
+ # merge X,Y coords with marker intensities from adata.X
+ x_df <- data.frame(input_adata$X)
+ colnames(x_df) <- input_adata$var_names
+ celesta_input_dataframe <- cbind(celesta_input_dataframe, x_df)
+ return(celesta_input_dataframe)
+### Main
+# parse args
+opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list))
+# read anndata, convert to celesta format
+adata <- read_h5ad(opt$imagingdata)
+celesta_input_df <- anndata_to_celesta(adata, x_col = opt$xcol, y_col = opt$ycol)
+# read prior marker info
+prior <- read.csv(opt$prior, check.names = FALSE)
+# clean prior names, keeping a copy of originals for writing output
+prior_original_names <- colnames(prior)
+prior <- janitor::clean_names(prior, case = "all_caps")
+# clean input dataframe names
+celesta_input_df <- janitor::clean_names(celesta_input_df, case = "all_caps")
+# instantiate celesta object
+CelestaObj <- CreateCelestaObject(
+ project_title = "",
+ prior_marker_info = prior,
+ imaging_data_file = celesta_input_df
+# if filtering is specified, filter out cells outside high and low thresholds
+if (opt$filter) {
+ print("filtering cells based on expression")
+ CelestaObj <- FilterCells(CelestaObj,
+ high_marker_threshold = opt$highfilter,
+ low_marker_threshold = opt$lowfilter)
+} else {
+ print("Proceeding to marker expression plotting without cell filtering")
+# create output directory if it does not already exist
+# plot expression probability
+PlotExpProb(coords = CelestaObj@coords,
+ marker_exp_prob = CelestaObj@marker_exp_prob,
+ prior_marker_info = CelestaObj@prior_info,
+ save_plot = TRUE,
+ output_dir = "./marker_exp_plots")
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 macros.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/macros.xml Wed Aug 28 12:46:48 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ 0
+ 20.01
+ quay.io/goeckslab/celesta:@TOOL_VERSION@
+ 10.1038/s41592-022-01498-z
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 test-data/CD31_VASCULATURE_CYC_19_CH_3_exp_prob.png
Binary file test-data/CD31_VASCULATURE_CYC_19_CH_3_exp_prob.png has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 test-data/celesta_high_exp_thresholds.csv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/celesta_high_exp_thresholds.csv Wed Aug 28 12:46:48 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+tumor cells,0,0
+aSMA+ stroma,0.8,0.8
+immune cells,0.1,0
+CD3+ T cells,0.6,0.6
+CD15+ granulocytes,0.7,0.7
+B cells,0.95,0.95
+CD11c+ DCs,1,1
+CD68+CD163+ macrophages,0.7,0.6
+plasma cells,0.7,0.7
+NK cells,0.95,0.95
+CD8+ T cells,0.7,0.7
+CD4+ T cells,0.7,0.7
+CD4+ T cells CD45RO+,0.9,0.7
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 test-data/celesta_image.h5ad
Binary file test-data/celesta_image.h5ad has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 test-data/celesta_prior.csv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/celesta_prior.csv Wed Aug 28 12:46:48 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+,Lineage_level,CD31 - vasculature:Cyc_19_ch_3,CD34 - vasculature:Cyc_20_ch_3,Cytokeratin - epithelia:Cyc_10_ch_2,aSMA - smooth muscle:Cyc_11_ch_2,Podoplanin - lymphatics:Cyc_19_ch_4,CD45 - hematopoietic cells:Cyc_4_ch_2,CD15 - granulocytes:Cyc_14_ch_2,CD3 - T cells:Cyc_16_ch_4,CD20 - B cells:Cyc_8_ch_3,CD11c - DCs:Cyc_12_ch_3,CD163 - macrophages:Cyc_17_ch_3,CD68 - macrophages:Cyc_18_ch_4,CD38 - multifunctional:Cyc_20_ch_4,CD56 - NK cells:Cyc_10_ch_4,CD8 - cytotoxic T cells:Cyc_3_ch_2,CD4 - T helper cells:Cyc_6_ch_3,CD45RO - memory cells:Cyc_18_ch_3,FOXP3 - regulatory T cells:Cyc_2_ch_3
+tumor cells,1_0_2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+aSMA+ stroma,1_0_3,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+immune cells,1_0_5,0,0,0,0,0,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA
+CD3+ T cells,2_5_6,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,NA,NA,NA,NA
+CD15+ granulocytes,2_5_7,0,0,0,0,0,NA,1,0,0,0,0,NA,0,0,0,0,NA,0
+B cells,2_5_8,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+CD11c+ DCs,2_5_9,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+CD68+CD163+ macrophages,2_5_10,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,NA,0
+plasma cells,2_5_11,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0
+NK cells,2_5_12,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,NA,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0
+CD8+ T cells,3_6_13,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,NA,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,NA,0
+CD4+ T cells,3_6_14,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,NA,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,NA,NA
+CD4+ T cells CD45RO+,4_14_15,0,0,0,0,0,NA,0,NA,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,NA,1,0
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8001319743c0 test-data/plot_cells_vasculature.png
Binary file test-data/plot_cells_vasculature.png has changed