Mercurial > repos > greg > draw_circos
comparison @ 0:b73148507037 draft default tip
author | greg |
date | Wed, 15 Mar 2023 19:57:22 +0000 |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:b73148507037 |
1 #!/usr/bin/env python | |
2 | |
3 import argparse | |
4 import os | |
5 import subprocess | |
6 import sys | |
7 import tempfile | |
8 | |
9 import Bio.SeqIO | |
10 import numpy | |
11 import pandas | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 def format_kmg(number, decimals=0): | |
15 if number == 0: | |
16 return '0' | |
17 magnitude_powers = [10**9, 10**6, 10**3, 1] | |
18 magnitude_units = ['G', 'M', 'K', ''] | |
19 for i in range(len(magnitude_units)): | |
20 if number >= magnitude_powers[i]: | |
21 magnitude_power = magnitude_powers[i] | |
22 magnitude_unit = magnitude_units[i] | |
23 return ('{:0.' + str(decimals) + 'f}').format(number / magnitude_power) + magnitude_unit | |
24 | |
25 | |
26 def load_fasta(fasta_file): | |
27 sequence = pandas.Series(dtype=object) | |
28 for contig in Bio.SeqIO.parse(fasta_file, 'fasta'): | |
29 sequence[] = contig | |
30 return sequence | |
31 | |
32 | |
33 def nicenumber(x, round): | |
34 exp = numpy.floor(numpy.log10(x)) | |
35 f = x / 10**exp | |
36 if round: | |
37 if f < 1.5: | |
38 nf = 1.0 | |
39 elif f < 3.0: | |
40 nf = 2.0 | |
41 elif f < 7.0: | |
42 nf = 5.0 | |
43 else: | |
44 nf = 10.0 | |
45 else: | |
46 if f <= 1.0: | |
47 nf = 1.0 | |
48 elif f <= 2.0: | |
49 nf = 2.0 | |
50 elif f <= 5.0: | |
51 nf = 5.0 | |
52 else: | |
53 nf = 10.0 | |
54 return nf * 10.0**exp | |
55 | |
56 | |
57 def pretty(low, high, n): | |
58 rnge = nicenumber(high - low, False) | |
59 d = nicenumber(rnge / (n - 1), True) | |
60 miny = numpy.floor(low / d) * d | |
61 maxy = numpy.ceil(high / d) * d | |
62 return numpy.arange(miny, maxy + 0.5 * d, d) | |
63 | |
64 | |
65 def run_command(cmd): | |
66 try: | |
67 tmp_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=".").name | |
68 tmp_stderr = open(tmp_name, 'wb') | |
69 proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmd, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno()) | |
70 returncode = proc.wait() | |
71 tmp_stderr.close() | |
72 if returncode != 0: | |
73 # Get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large. | |
74 tmp_stderr = open(tmp_name, 'rb') | |
75 stderr = '' | |
76 buffsize = 1048576 | |
77 try: | |
78 while True: | |
79 stderr += | |
80 if not stderr or len(stderr) % buffsize != 0: | |
81 break | |
82 except OverflowError: | |
83 pass | |
84 tmp_stderr.close() | |
85 os.remove(tmp_name) | |
86 stop_err(stderr) | |
87 except Exception as e: | |
88 stop_err('Command:\n%s\n\nended with error:\n%s\n\n' % (cmd, str(e))) | |
89 | |
90 | |
91 def stop_err(msg): | |
92 sys.stderr.write(msg) | |
93 sys.exit(1) | |
94 | |
95 | |
96 def draw_circos(circos_conf, dnadiff_1coords_file, output_png_dir, reference, reference_sequence_lengths_file, tick_base_conf): | |
97 ofh = open('process_log', 'w') | |
98 ofh.write("circos_conf: %s\n" % str(circos_conf)) | |
99 ofh.write("reference: %s\n" % str(reference)) | |
100 reference_contigs = reference.index.tolist() | |
101 ofh.write("reference_contigs: %s\n" % str(reference_contigs)) | |
102 # Draw one circos plot for each of the contigs in the reference sequence. | |
103 for contig in reference_contigs: | |
104 ofh.write("contig: %s\n" % str(contig)) | |
105 contig_dir = os.path.join('circos_dir', contig) | |
106 os.makedirs(contig_dir) | |
107 # Pull the aligned regions out of the dnadiff 1coords file. | |
108 cmd = ' '.join(['cat', dnadiff_1coords_file, | |
109 '| awk \'$12 == "' + contig + '"\'', | |
110 '| awk \'{OFS = "\t";print $(NF - 1),$1,$2}\'', | |
111 '| bedtools complement -g', reference_sequence_lengths_file, '-i -', | |
112 '| awk \'$3 - $2 >= 25\'', | |
113 '| bedtools complement -g', reference_sequence_lengths_file, '-i -', | |
114 '| awk \'{OFS = "\t";print $1,$2,$3}\'', | |
115 '| awk \'$1 == "' + contig + '"\'', | |
116 '>', os.path.join(contig_dir, 'alignment.txt')]) | |
117 ofh.write("cmd: %s\n" % str(cmd)) | |
118 run_command(cmd) | |
119 # Pull the gap regions out of the dnadiff 1coords file. | |
120 cmd = ' '.join(['cat', dnadiff_1coords_file, | |
121 '| awk \'$12 == "' + contig + '"\'', | |
122 '| awk \'{OFS = "\t";print $(NF - 1),$1,$2}\'', | |
123 '| bedtools complement -g', reference_sequence_lengths_file, '-i -', | |
124 '| awk \'$3 - $2 >= 25\'', | |
125 '| awk \'{OFS = "\t";print $1,$2,$3}\'', | |
126 '| awk \'$1 == "' + contig + '"\'', | |
127 '>', os.path.join(contig_dir, 'gap.txt')]) | |
128 ofh.write("cmd: %s\n" % str(cmd)) | |
129 run_command(cmd) | |
130 cmd = ' '.join(['cat', reference_sequence_lengths_file, | |
131 '| awk \'$1 == "' + contig + '"\'', | |
132 '| awk \'{OFS = "\t";print "chr\t-",$1,$1,0,$2,"plasmid_grey"}\'' | |
133 '>', os.path.join(contig_dir, 'karyotype.txt')]) | |
134 ofh.write("cmd: %s\n" % str(cmd)) | |
135 run_command(cmd) | |
136 # Figure out the tick labels to use and where to place them. | |
137 # We don't want the last tick since this thing is circular. | |
138 tick_at = pretty(1, len(reference[contig].seq), 12).astype(int)[:-1] | |
139 tick_major = tick_at[1] - tick_at[0] | |
140 tick_minor = tick_major / 5 | |
141 cmd = ' '.join(['cat', tick_base_conf, | |
142 '| awk \'{sub("TICK_MAJOR", "' + str(tick_major) + '", $0);', | |
143 'sub("TICK_MINOR", "' + str(tick_minor) + '", $0);print}\'', | |
144 '>', os.path.join(contig_dir, 'tick.conf')]) | |
145 ofh.write("cmd: %s\n" % str(cmd)) | |
146 run_command(cmd) | |
147 tick_labels = [format_kmg(i) for i in tick_at] | |
148 tick_data = pandas.DataFrame() | |
149 for i in range(len(tick_labels)) : | |
150 tick_data = pandas.concat([tick_data, pandas.Series([contig, tick_at[i], tick_at[i], tick_labels[i]])], axis=1) | |
151 tick_data = tick_data.transpose() | |
152 tick_data.to_csv(path_or_buf=os.path.join(contig_dir, 'tick.txt'), sep='\t', header=False, index=False) | |
153 cmd = ' '.join(['cd', contig_dir, | |
154 '&& circos --conf', os.path.abspath(circos_conf)]) | |
155 ofh.write("cmd: %s\n" % str(cmd)) | |
156 run_command(cmd) | |
157 # Move the circos png file for the current | |
158 # contig to the collection output directory. | |
159 ofh.write("\nrenaming: %s to be named %s\n" % (str(os.path.join(contig_dir, 'circos.png')), str(os.path.join(output_png_dir, '%s.png' % contig)))) | |
160 os.rename(os.path.join(contig_dir, 'circos.png'), os.path.join(output_png_dir, '%s.png' % contig)) | |
161 ofh.close() | |
162 | |
163 | |
164 if __name__ == '__main__': | |
165 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
166 | |
167 parser.add_argument('--circos_conf', action='store', dest='circos_conf', help='Circos configuration file') | |
168 parser.add_argument('--dnadiff_1coords_file', action='store', dest='dnadiff_1coords_file', help='Dnadiff 1coords tabular file') | |
169 parser.add_argument('--output_png_dir', action='store', dest='output_png_dir', help='Directory for all circos png outputs') | |
170 parser.add_argument('--reference_file', action='store', dest='reference_file', help='Reference genome fasta file') | |
171 parser.add_argument('--reference_sequence_lengths_file', action='store', dest='reference_sequence_lengths_file', help='Reference sequence lengths tabular file') | |
172 parser.add_argument('--tick_base_conf', action='store', dest='tick_base_conf', help='Tick base configuration file') | |
173 | |
174 args = parser.parse_args() | |
175 | |
176 # Load the reference genome into memory. | |
177 reference = load_fasta(args.reference_file) | |
178 | |
179 draw_circos(args.circos_conf, args.dnadiff_1coords_file, args.output_png_dir, reference, args.reference_sequence_lengths_file, args.tick_base_conf) |