# HG changeset patch
# User greg
# Date 1533661510 14400
# Node ID 1868b79135908d74910188baf7f53af22e85bf14
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1868b7913590 .shed.yml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.shed.yml Tue Aug 07 13:05:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name: extract_ipm_date_interval
+owner: greg
+description: |
+ Contains a tool that extracts a date interval from the dataset collection produced by the insect_phenology_model tool.
+homepage_url: https://github.com/gregvonkuster/galaxy_tools/tree/master/tools/entomology/extract_ipm_date_interval
+long_description: |
+ Contains a tool that extracts a date interval from the (data) dataset collection produced by the insect_phenology_model
+ tool and zooms into the interval by producing plots with daily ticks on the x axis instead of weekly) tick marks. The
+ (data) dataset collection consisting of the restricted date interval is also produced.
+remote_repository_url: https://github.com/gregvonkuster/galaxy_tools/tree/master/tools/entomology/extract_ipm_date_interval
+type: unrestricted
+- Entomology
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1868b7913590 extract_ipm_date_interval.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extract_ipm_date_interval.R Tue Aug 07 13:05:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+option_list <- list(
+ make_option(c("--input_data_dir"), action="store", dest="input_data_dir", help="Directory containing .csv outputs from insect_phenology_model"),
+ make_option(c("--end_date"), action="store", dest="end_date", help="End date for date interval"),
+ make_option(c("--start_date"), action="store", dest="start_date", help="Start date for date interval"),
+ make_option(c("--script_dir"), action="store", dest="script_dir", help="R script source directory"),
+ make_option(c("--tool_parameters"), action="store", dest="tool_parameters", help="Users defined parameters for executing the insect_phenology_model inputs")
+parser <- OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] file", option_list=option_list);
+args <- parse_args(parser, positional_arguments=TRUE);
+opt <- args$options;
+get_new_temperature_data_frame = function(input_data_file) {
+ # Read a csv file to produce a data frame
+ # consisting of the data which was produced
+ # by the insect_phenology_model tool.
+ temperature_data_frame = read.csv(file=input_data_file, header=T, strip.white=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=",");
+ return(temperature_data_frame);
+parse_tool_parameters = function(tool_parameters) {
+ # Parse the tool parameters that were used to produce
+ # the input datasets found in input_data_dir. These
+ # datasets were produced by the insect_phenology_model
+ # tool.
+ raw_params = sub("^__SeP__", "", tool_parameters);
+ raw_param_items = strsplit(raw_params, "__SeP__")[[1]];
+ keys = raw_param_items[c(T, F)];
+ values = raw_param_items[c(F, T)];
+ num_keys_and_vals = length(keys);
+ for (i in 1:num_keys_and_vals) {
+ values[i] = restore_text(values[[i]]);
+ }
+ for (i in 1:num_keys_and_vals) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ if (endsWith(key, "cond")) {
+ value = values[i];
+ # Galaxy passes some input job parameters as json-like strings
+ # for complex objects like conditionals, so we should see if
+ # we can re-implement this using r-jsonlite if possible. An
+ # exception is currently thrown when we do this:
+ # params_hash = fromJSON(opt$tool_parameters);
+ # Error: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
+ # __SeP__adult_mortality__SeP____
+ # (right here) ------^
+ # Here is an example complex object parameter value, in
+ # this case the parameter name is plot_nymph_life_stage_cond.
+ # {"life_stages_nymph": ["Total"], "__current_case__": 0, "plot_nymph_life_stage": "yes"}
+ # This code is somewhat brittle, so a better approach is
+ # warranted if possible.
+ if (key == "merge_ytd_temperature_data_cond") {
+ val = grep("yes", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ # Get the location.
+ items = strsplit(value, "\"location\": ")[[1]];
+ location_str = items[2];
+ val = grep("\",", location_str);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ items = strsplit(location_str, "\",")[[1]];
+ location = items[1];
+ } else {
+ location = items[1];
+ }
+ if (location == "\"") {
+ location = "";
+ }
+ keys[i] = "location";
+ values[i] = location;
+ }
+ } else if (key =="plot_nymph_life_stage_cond") {
+ val = grep("yes", value);
+ if (length(val)==0) {
+ keys[i] = "plot_nymph_life_stage";
+ values[i] = "no";
+ } else {
+ # Get the value for "life_stages_nymph".
+ items = strsplit(value, "\"life_stages_nymph\": ")[[1]];
+ life_stages_nymph_str = items[2];
+ if (grep("],", life_stages_nymph_str)[[1]] > 0) {
+ items = strsplit(life_stages_nymph_str, "],")[[1]];
+ life_stages_nymph_str = items[1];
+ #life_stages_nymph_str = sub("^\\[", "", life_stages_nymph_str);
+ num_curent_keys = length(keys);
+ keys[num_curent_keys+1] = "life_stages_nymph";
+ values[num_curent_keys+1] = life_stages_nymph_str;
+ }
+ keys[i] = "plot_nymph_life_stage";
+ values[i] = "yes";
+ }
+ } else if (key =="plot_adult_life_stage_cond") {
+ val = grep("yes", value);
+ # The value of val is an integer if the pattern is not found.
+ if (length(val)==0) {
+ keys[i] = "plot_adult_life_stage";
+ values[i] = "no";
+ } else {
+ # Get the value for "life_stages_adult".
+ items = strsplit(value, "\"life_stages_adult\": ")[[1]];
+ life_stages_adult_str = items[2];
+ if (grep("],", life_stages_adult_str)[[1]] > 0) {
+ items = strsplit(life_stages_adult_str, "],")[[1]];
+ life_stages_adult_str = items[1];
+ #life_stages_adult_str = sub("^\\[", "", life_stages_adult_str);
+ num_curent_keys = length(keys);
+ keys[num_curent_keys+1] = "life_stages_adult";
+ values[num_curent_keys+1] = life_stages_adult_str;
+ }
+ keys[i] = "plot_adult_life_stage";
+ values[i] = "yes";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Strip all double qu0tes from values.
+ for (i in 1:length(values)) {
+ value = values[i];
+ value = gsub("\"", "", value);
+ values[i] = value;
+ }
+ return(hash(keys, values));
+prepare_plot = function(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, plot_std_error, insect, location,
+ latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector, replications, group, group_std_error, group2, group2_std_error,
+ group3, group3_std_error, sub_life_stage=NULL) {
+ # Start PDF device driver.
+ dev.new(width=20, height=30);
+ pdf(file=file_path, width=20, height=30, bg="white");
+ par(mar=c(5, 6, 4, 4), mfrow=c(3, 1));
+ render_chart(ticks, date_labels, chart_type, plot_std_error, insect, location, latitude, start_date, end_date,
+ total_days_vector, maxval, replications, life_stage, group=group, group_std_error=group_std_error, group2=group2,
+ group2_std_error=group2_std_error, group3=group3, group3_std_error=group3_std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ # Turn off device driver to flush output.
+ dev.off();
+restore_text = function(text) {
+ # Un-escape characters that are escaped by the
+ # Galaxy tool parameter handlers.
+ if (is.null(text) || length(text) == 0) {
+ return(text);
+ }
+ chars = list(">", "<", "'", '"', "[", "]", "{", "}", "@", "\n", "\r", "\t", "#");
+ mapped_chars = list("__gt__", "__lt__", "__sq__", "__dq__", "__ob__", "__cb__",
+ "__oc__", "__cc__", "__at__", "__cn__", "__cr__", "__tc__", "__pd__");
+ for (i in 1:length(mapped_chars)) {
+ char = chars[[i]];
+ mapped_char = mapped_chars[[i]];
+ text = gsub(mapped_char, char, text);
+ }
+ return(text);
+# Import the shared utility functions.
+utils_path <- paste(opt$script_dir, "utils.R", sep="/");
+params_hash = parse_tool_parameters(opt$tool_parameters);
+# Determine the data we need to generate for plotting.
+if (params_hash$plot_generations_separately == "yes") {
+ plot_generations_separately = TRUE;
+} else {
+ plot_generations_separately = FALSE;
+if (params_hash$plot_std_error == "yes") {
+ plot_std_error = TRUE;
+} else {
+ plot_std_error = FALSE;
+process_eggs = FALSE;
+process_nymphs = FALSE;
+process_young_nymphs = FALSE;
+process_old_nymphs = FALSE;
+process_total_nymphs = FALSE;
+process_adults = FALSE;
+process_previttelogenic_adults = FALSE;
+process_vittelogenic_adults = FALSE;
+process_diapausing_adults = FALSE;
+process_total_adults = FALSE;
+if (params_hash$plot_egg_life_stage == "yes") {
+ process_eggs = TRUE;
+if (params_hash$plot_nymph_life_stage == "yes") {
+ process_nymphs = TRUE;
+ # Get the selected life stages.
+ value = params_hash$life_stages_nymph;
+ val = grep("Young", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ process_young_nymphs = TRUE;
+ }
+ val = grep("Old", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ process_old_nymphs = TRUE;
+ }
+ val = grep("Total", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ process_total_nymphs = TRUE;
+ }
+if (params_hash$plot_adult_life_stage == "yes") {
+ process_adults = TRUE;
+ # Get the selected life stages.
+ value = params_hash$life_stages_adult;
+ val = grep("Pre-vittelogenic", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ process_previttelogenic_adults = TRUE;
+ }
+ val = grep("Vittelogenic", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ process_vittelogenic_adults = TRUE;
+ }
+ val = grep("Diapausing", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ process_diapausing_adults = TRUE;
+ }
+ val = grep("Total", value);
+ if (length(val)>0) {
+ process_total_adults = TRUE;
+ }
+if (params_hash$plot_egg_life_stage == "yes" & params_hash$plot_nymph_life_stage == "yes" & params_hash$plot_adult_life_stage == "yes") {
+ process_total = TRUE;
+} else {
+ process_total = FALSE;
+# FIXME: currently custom date fields are free text, but
+# Galaxy should soon include support for a date selector
+# at which point this tool should be enhanced to use it.
+# Validate start_date.
+start_date = format(opt$start_date);
+end_date = format(opt$end_date);
+# Calaculate the number of days in the date interval.
+start_date = validate_date(start_date);
+# Validate end_date.
+end_date = validate_date(end_date);
+if (start_date >= end_date) {
+ stop_err("The start date must be between 1 and 50 days before the end date when setting date intervals for plots.");
+# Calculate the number of days in the date interval.
+num_days = difftime(end_date, start_date, units=c("days"));
+# Add 1 to the number of days to make the dates inclusive. For
+# example, if the user enters a date range of 2018-01-01 to
+# 2018-01-31, they likely expect the end date to be included.
+num_days = num_days + 1;
+if (num_days > 50) {
+ # We need to restrict date intervals since
+ # plots render tick marks for each day.
+ stop_err("Date intervals for plotting cannot exceed 50 days.");
+# Display the total number of days in the Galaxy history item blurb.
+cat("Number of days in date interval: ", num_days, "\n");
+# Create the csv data files consisting of the date interval.
+input_data_files = list.files(path=opt$input_data_dir, full.names=TRUE);
+for (input_data_file in input_data_files) {
+ file_name = basename(input_data_file);
+ temperature_data_frame = get_new_temperature_data_frame(input_data_file);
+ start_date_row = which(temperature_data_frame$DATE==start_date);
+ end_date_row = which(temperature_data_frame$DATE==end_date);
+ # Extract the date interval.
+ temperature_data_frame = temperature_data_frame[start_date_row:end_date_row,];
+ # Save the date interval data into an output file
+ # named the same as the input.
+ file_path = paste("output_data_dir", file_name, sep="/");
+ write.csv(temperature_data_frame, file=file_path, row.names=F);
+# Extract the vectors needed for plots from the input data files
+# produced by the insect_phenology_model tool.
+total_days_vector = NULL;
+ticks_and_labels = NULL;
+latitude = NULL;
+input_data_files = list.files(path="output_data_dir", full.names=TRUE);
+for (input_data_file in input_data_files) {
+ file_name = basename(input_data_file);
+ temperature_data_frame = get_new_temperature_data_frame(input_data_file);
+ # Initialize the total_days_vector for later plotting.
+ if (is.null(total_days_vector)) {
+ total_days_vector = c(1:dim(temperature_data_frame)[1]);
+ }
+ if (is.null(ticks_and_labels)) {
+ # Get the ticks date labels for later plotting
+ ticks_and_labels = get_x_axis_ticks_and_labels(temperature_data_frame, date_interval=TRUE);
+ ticks = c(unlist(ticks_and_labels[1]));
+ date_labels = c(unlist(ticks_and_labels[2]));
+ }
+ if (is.null(latitude)) {
+ # Get the latitude for later plotting.
+ latitude = temperature_data_frame$LATITUDE[1];
+ }
+ if (file_name == "04_combined_generations.csv") {
+ if (process_eggs) {
+ eggs = temperature_data_frame$EGG;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ eggs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$EGGSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_young_nymphs) {
+ young_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPH;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ young_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPHSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_old_nymphs) {
+ old_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPH;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ old_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPHSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_nymphs) {
+ total_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPH;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ total_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPHSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_previttelogenic_adults) {
+ previttelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULT;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ previttelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULTSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_vittelogenic_adults) {
+ vittelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$VITADULT;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ vittelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$VITADULTSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_diapausing_adults) {
+ diapausing_adults = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULT;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ diapausing_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULTSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_adults) {
+ total_adults = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULT;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ total_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULTSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (file_name == "01_generation_P.csv") {
+ if (process_eggs) {
+ P_eggs = temperature_data_frame$EGG.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_eggs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$EGG.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_young_nymphs) {
+ P_young_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPH.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_young_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPH.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_old_nymphs) {
+ P_old_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPH.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_old_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPH.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_nymphs) {
+ P_total_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPH.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_total_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPH.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_previttelogenic_adults) {
+ P_previttelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULT.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_previttelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULT.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_vittelogenic_adults) {
+ P_vittelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$VITADULT.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_vittelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$VITADULT.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_diapausing_adults) {
+ P_diapausing_adults = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULT.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_diapausing_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULT.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_adults) {
+ P_total_adults = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULT.P;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ P_total_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULT.P.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (file_name == "02_generation_F1.csv") {
+ if (process_eggs) {
+ F1_eggs = temperature_data_frame$EGG.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_eggs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$EGG.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_young_nymphs) {
+ F1_young_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPH.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_young_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPH.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_old_nymphs) {
+ F1_old_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPH.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_old_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPH.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_nymphs) {
+ F1_total_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPH.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_total_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPH.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_previttelogenic_adults) {
+ F1_previttelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULT.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_previttelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULT.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_vittelogenic_adults) {
+ F1_vittelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$VITADULT.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_vittelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$VITADULT.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_diapausing_adults) {
+ F1_diapausing_adults = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULT.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_diapausing_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULT.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_adults) {
+ F1_total_adults = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULT.F1;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F1_total_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULT.F1.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (file_name == "03_generation_F2.csv") {
+ if (process_eggs) {
+ F2_eggs = temperature_data_frame$EGG.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_eggs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$EGG.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_young_nymphs) {
+ F2_young_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPH.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_young_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$YOUNGNYMPH.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_old_nymphs) {
+ F2_old_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPH.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_old_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$OLDNYMPH.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_nymphs) {
+ F2_total_nymphs = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPH.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_total_nymphs.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALNYMPH.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_previttelogenic_adults) {
+ F2_previttelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULT.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_previttelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$PRE.VITADULT.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_vittelogenic_adults) {
+ F2_vittelogenic_adults = temperature_data_frame$VITADULT.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_vittelogenic_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$VITADULT.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_diapausing_adults) {
+ F2_diapausing_adults = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULT.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_diapausing_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$DIAPAUSINGADULT.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total_adults) {
+ F2_total_adults = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULT.F2;
+ if (plot_std_error) {
+ F2_total_adults.std_error = temperature_data_frame$TOTALADULT.F2.SE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Create the pdf plot files based on the date interval.
+if (plot_generations_separately) {
+ chart_type = "pop_size_by_generation";
+ if (process_eggs) {
+ # Total population size by generation.
+ life_stage = "Egg";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "egg_pop_by_generation.pdf")
+ maxval = max(P_eggs+F1_eggs+F2_eggs) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_eggs, group_std_error=P_eggs.std_error, group2=F1_eggs,
+ group2_std_error=F1_eggs.std_error, group3=F2_eggs, group3_std_error=F2_eggs.std_error);
+ }
+ if (process_nymphs) {
+ life_stage = "Nymph";
+ if (process_young_nymphs) {
+ # Young nymph population size by generation.
+ sub_life_stage = "Young";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "nymph_pop_by_generation.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(P_young_nymphs+F1_young_nymphs+F2_young_nymphs) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_young_nymphs, group_std_error=P_young_nymphs.std_error,
+ group2=F1_young_nymphs, group2_std_error=F1_young_nymphs.std_error, group3=F2_young_nymphs,
+ group3_std_error=F2_young_nymphs.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_old_nymphs) {
+ # Old nymph population size by generation.
+ sub_life_stage = "Old";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "nymph_pop_by_generation.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(P_old_nymphs+F1_old_nymphs+F2_old_nymphs) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_old_nymphs, group_std_error=P_old_nymphs.std_error,
+ group2=F1_old_nymphs, group2_std_error=F1_old_nymphs.std_error, group3=F2_old_nymphs,
+ group3_std_error=F2_old_nymphs.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_total_nymphs) {
+ # Total nymph population size by generation.
+ sub_life_stage = "Total";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "nymph_pop_by_generation.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(P_total_nymphs+F1_total_nymphs+F2_total_nymphs) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_total_nymphs, group_std_error=P_total_nymphs.std_error,
+ group2=F1_total_nymphs, group2_std_error=F1_total_nymphs.std_error, group3=F2_total_nymphs,
+ group3_std_error=F2_total_nymphs.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_adults) {
+ life_stage = "Adult";
+ if (process_previttelogenic_adults) {
+ # Pre-vittelogenic adult population size by generation.
+ sub_life_stage = "Pre-vittelogenic";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop_by_generation.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(P_previttelogenic_adults+F1_previttelogenic_adults+F2_previttelogenic_adults) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_previttelogenic_adults,
+ group_std_error=P_previttelogenic_adults.std_error, group2=F1_previttelogenic_adults,
+ group2_std_error=F1_previttelogenic_adults.std_error, group3=F2_previttelogenic_adults,
+ group3_std_error=F2_previttelogenic_adults.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_vittelogenic_adults) {
+ # Vittelogenic adult population size by generation.
+ sub_life_stage = "Vittelogenic";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop_by_generation.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(P_vittelogenic_adults+F1_vittelogenic_adults+F2_vittelogenic_adults) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_vittelogenic_adults,
+ group_std_error=P_vittelogenic_adults.std_error, group2=F1_vittelogenic_adults,
+ group2_std_error=F1_vittelogenic_adults.std_error, group3=F2_vittelogenic_adults,
+ group3_std_error=F2_vittelogenic_adults.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_diapausing_adults) {
+ # Diapausing adult population size by generation.
+ sub_life_stage = "Diapausing";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop_by_generation.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(P_diapausing_adults+F1_diapausing_adults+F2_diapausing_adults) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_diapausing_adults, group_std_error=P_diapausing_adults.std_error,
+ group2=F1_diapausing_adults, group2_std_error=F1_diapausing_adults.std_error, group3=F2_diapausing_adults,
+ group3_std_error=F2_diapausing_adults.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_total_adults) {
+ # Total adult population size by generation.
+ sub_life_stage = "Total";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop_by_generation.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(P_total_adults+F1_total_adults+F2_total_adults) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=P_total_adults, group_std_error=P_total_adults.std_error,
+ group2=F1_total_adults, group2_std_error=F1_total_adults.std_error, group3=F2_total_adults,
+ group3_std_error=F2_total_adults.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total) {
+ life_stage = "Total";
+ # Total population size for egg, nymph and adult by generation.
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "total_pop_by_generation.pdf")
+ maxval = max(total_adults+eggs+total_nymphs) + 100;
+ # P == total_adults
+ # P.std_error == total_adults.std_error
+ # F1 == eggs
+ # F1.std_error == eggs.std_error
+ # F2 == ???
+ # F2.std_error == ???
+ # FIXME: testing demonstrates that P and F1 are properly assigned
+ # above, but F2 cannot be determined. F2 should undoubtedly be
+ # total_nymphs, but the data is not the same bewteen the output
+ # from the insect_phenology_model tool and the date interval from
+ # this tool. We won't plot the total until we get time to figure
+ # this out.
+ #prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ # params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ # params_hash$replications, group=total_adults, group_std_error=total_adults.std_error, group2=eggs,
+ # group2_std_error=eggs.std_error, group3=total_nymphs, group3_std_error=total_nymphs.std_error);
+ }
+} else {
+ chart_type = "pop_size_by_life_stage";
+ if (process_eggs) {
+ # Egg population size.
+ life_stage = "Egg";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "egg_pop.pdf")
+ maxval = max(eggs+eggs.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=eggs, group_std_error=eggs.std_error);
+ }
+ if (process_nymphs) {
+ life_stage = "Nymph";
+ if (process_young_nymphs) {
+ # Young nymph population size.
+ sub_life_stage = "Young";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "nymph_pop.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(young_nymphs+young_nymphs.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=young_nymphs, group_std_error=young_nymphs.std_error,
+ sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_old_nymphs) {
+ # Old nymph population size.
+ sub_life_stage = "Old";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "nymph_pop.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(old_nymphs+old_nymphs.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=old_nymphs, group_std_error=old_nymphs.std_error,
+ sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_total_nymphs) {
+ # Total nymph population size.
+ sub_life_stage = "Total";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "nymph_pop.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(total_nymphs+total_nymphs.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=total_nymphs, group_std_error=total_nymphs.std_error,
+ sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_adults) {
+ life_stage = "Adult";
+ if (process_previttelogenic_adults) {
+ # Pre-vittelogenic adult population size.
+ sub_life_stage = "Pre-vittelogenic";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(previttelogenic_adults+previttelogenic_adults.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=previttelogenic_adults,
+ group_std_error=previttelogenic_adults.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_vittelogenic_adults) {
+ # Vittelogenic adult population size.
+ sub_life_stage = "Vittelogenic";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(vittelogenic_adults+vittelogenic_adults.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=vittelogenic_adults,
+ group_std_error=vittelogenic_adults.std_error, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_diapausing_adults) {
+ # Diapausing adult population size.
+ sub_life_stage = "Diapausing";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(diapausing_adults+diapausing_adults.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=diapausing_adults, group_std_error=diapausing_adults.std_error,
+ sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ if (process_total_adults) {
+ # Total adult population size.
+ sub_life_stage = "Total";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "adult_pop.pdf", sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage)
+ maxval = max(total_adults+total_adults.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=total_adults, group_std_error=total_adults.std_error,
+ sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_total) {
+ # Total population size.
+ life_stage = "Total";
+ file_path = get_file_path(life_stage, "total_pop.pdf")
+ maxval = max(eggs+eggs.std_error, total_nymphs+total_nymphs.std_error, total_adults+total_adults.std_error) + 100;
+ prepare_plot(life_stage, file_path, maxval, ticks, date_labels, chart_type, params_hash$plot_std_error,
+ params_hash$insect, params_hash$location, latitude, start_date, end_date, total_days_vector,
+ params_hash$replications, group=total_adults, group_std_error=total_adults.std_error,
+ group2=total_nymphs, group2_std_error=total_nymphs.std_error, group3=eggs, group3_std_error=eggs.std_error);
+ }
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1868b7913590 extract_ipm_date_interval.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extract_ipm_date_interval.xml Tue Aug 07 13:05:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ from insect phenology model data
+ r-data.table
+ r-hash
+ r-optparse
+ eipmdi_log.txt;
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+ cp eipmdi_log.txt '$error_file';
+ exit 1;
+ len(value.split('-')[0])==4 and int(value.split('-')[0]) and len(value.split('-')[1])==2 and int(value.split('-')[1]) and len(value.split('-')[2])==2 and int(value.split('-')[2])
+ len(value.split('-')[0])==4 and int(value.split('-')[0]) and len(value.split('-')[1])==2 and int(value.split('-')[1]) and len(value.split('-')[2])==2 and int(value.split('-')[2])
+**What it does**
+Provides an agent-based stochastic model expressing stage-specific phenology and population dynamics for an insect species across geographic regions.
+**Required options**
+ * **Plot standard error** - add standard error lines to plot.
+ 10.3389/fphys.2016.00165
+ 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00103.1
+ 10.7289/V5D21VHZ
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1868b7913590 utils.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/utils.R Tue Aug 07 13:05:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+get_file_path = function(life_stage, base_name, sub_life_stage=NULL) {
+ if (is.null(sub_life_stage)) {
+ lsi = get_life_stage_index(life_stage);
+ file_name = paste(lsi, base_name, sep="_");
+ } else {
+ lsi = get_life_stage_index(life_stage, sub_life_stage=sub_life_stage);
+ file_name = paste(lsi, tolower(sub_life_stage), base_name, sep="_");
+ }
+ file_path = paste("output_plots_dir", file_name, sep="/");
+ return(file_path);
+get_year_from_date = function(date_str) {
+ date_str_items = strsplit(date_str, "-")[[1]];
+ return (date_str_items[1]);
+get_life_stage_index = function(life_stage, sub_life_stage=NULL) {
+ # Name collection elements so that they
+ # are displayed in logical order.
+ if (life_stage=="Egg") {
+ lsi = "01";
+ } else if (life_stage=="Nymph") {
+ if (sub_life_stage=="Young") {
+ lsi = "02";
+ } else if (sub_life_stage=="Old") {
+ lsi = "03";
+ } else if (sub_life_stage=="Total") {
+ lsi="04";
+ }
+ } else if (life_stage=="Adult") {
+ if (sub_life_stage=="Pre-vittelogenic") {
+ lsi = "05";
+ } else if (sub_life_stage=="Vittelogenic") {
+ lsi = "06";
+ } else if (sub_life_stage=="Diapausing") {
+ lsi = "07";
+ } else if (sub_life_stage=="Total") {
+ lsi = "08";
+ }
+ } else if (life_stage=="Total") {
+ lsi = "09";
+ }
+ return(lsi);
+get_mean_and_std_error = function(p_replications, f1_replications, f2_replications) {
+ # P mean.
+ p_m = apply(p_replications, 1, mean);
+ # P standard error.
+ p_se = apply(p_replications, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications);
+ # F1 mean.
+ f1_m = apply(f1_replications, 1, mean);
+ # F1 standard error.
+ f1_se = apply(f1_replications, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications);
+ # F2 mean.
+ f2_m = apply(f2_replications, 1, mean);
+ # F2 standard error.
+ f2_se = apply(f2_replications, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications);
+ return(list(p_m, p_se, f1_m, f1_se, f2_m, f2_se))
+get_tick_index = function(index, last_tick, ticks, tick_labels, tick_sep) {
+ # The R code tries hard not to draw overlapping tick labels, and so
+ # will omit labels where they would abut or overlap previously drawn
+ # labels. This can result in, for example, every other tick being
+ # labelled. We'll keep track of the last tick to make sure all of
+ # the month labels are displayed, and missing ticks are restricted
+ # to Sundays which have no labels anyway.
+ if (last_tick==0) {
+ return(length(ticks)+1);
+ }
+ last_saved_tick = ticks[[length(ticks)]];
+ if (index-last_saved_tick 0) {
+ prepend_end_norm_row = which(temperature_data_frame$DOY==prepend_end_doy_norm);
+ } else {
+ prepend_end_norm_row = 0;
+ }
+ if (append_start_doy_norm > 0) {
+ append_start_norm_row = which(temperature_data_frame$DOY==append_start_doy_norm);
+ } else {
+ append_start_norm_row = 0;
+ }
+ num_rows = dim(temperature_data_frame)[1];
+ tick_labels = list();
+ ticks = list();
+ current_month_label = NULL;
+ last_tick = 0;
+ if (date_interval) {
+ tick_sep = 0;
+ } else {
+ tick_sep = 3;
+ }
+ for (i in 1:num_rows) {
+ # Get the year and month from the date which
+ # has the format YYYY-MM-DD.
+ date = format(temperature_data_frame$DATE[i]);
+ # Get the month label.
+ items = strsplit(date, "-")[[1]];
+ month = items[2];
+ month_label = month.abb[as.integer(month)];
+ day = as.integer(items[3]);
+ doy = as.integer(temperature_data_frame$DOY[i]);
+ # We're plotting the entire year, so ticks will
+ # occur on Sundays and the first of each month.
+ if (i == prepend_end_norm_row) {
+ # Add a tick for the end of the 30 year normnals data
+ # that was prepended to the year-to-date data.
+ label_str = "End prepended 30 year normals";
+ tick_index = get_tick_index(i, last_tick, ticks, tick_labels, tick_sep)
+ ticks[tick_index] = i;
+ if (date_interval) {
+ # Append the day to label_str
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = paste(label_str, day, sep=" ");
+ } else {
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = label_str;
+ }
+ last_tick = i;
+ } else if (doy == append_start_doy_norm) {
+ # Add a tick for the start of the 30 year normnals data
+ # that was appended to the year-to-date data.
+ label_str = "Start appended 30 year normals";
+ tick_index = get_tick_index(i, last_tick, ticks, tick_labels, tick_sep)
+ ticks[tick_index] = i;
+ if (!identical(current_month_label, month_label)) {
+ # Append the month to label_str.
+ label_str = paste(label_str, month_label, spe=" ");
+ current_month_label = month_label;
+ }
+ if (date_interval) {
+ # Append the day to label_str
+ label_str = paste(label_str, day, sep=" ");
+ }
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = label_str;
+ last_tick = i;
+ } else if (i==num_rows) {
+ # Add a tick for the last day of the year.
+ label_str = "";
+ tick_index = get_tick_index(i, last_tick, ticks, tick_labels, tick_sep)
+ ticks[tick_index] = i;
+ if (!identical(current_month_label, month_label)) {
+ # Append the month to label_str.
+ label_str = month_label;
+ current_month_label = month_label;
+ }
+ if (date_interval) {
+ # Append the day to label_str
+ label_str = paste(label_str, day, sep=" ");
+ }
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = label_str;
+ } else {
+ if (!identical(current_month_label, month_label)) {
+ # Add a tick for the month.
+ tick_index = get_tick_index(i, last_tick, ticks, tick_labels, tick_sep)
+ ticks[tick_index] = i;
+ if (date_interval) {
+ # Append the day to the month.
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = paste(month_label, day, sep=" ");
+ } else {
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = month_label;
+ }
+ current_month_label = month_label;
+ last_tick = i;
+ }
+ tick_index = get_tick_index(i, last_tick, ticks, tick_labels, tick_sep)
+ if (!is.null(tick_index)) {
+ if (date_interval) {
+ # Add a tick for every day. The first tick is the
+ # month label, so add a tick only if i is not 1
+ if (i>1 & day>1) {
+ tick_index = get_tick_index(i, last_tick, ticks, tick_labels, tick_sep)
+ ticks[tick_index] = i;
+ # Add the day as the label.
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = day;
+ last_tick = i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Get the day.
+ day = weekdays(as.Date(date));
+ if (day=="Sunday") {
+ # Add a tick if we're on a Sunday.
+ ticks[tick_index] = i;
+ # Add a blank month label so it is not displayed.
+ tick_labels[tick_index] = "";
+ last_tick = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(list(ticks, tick_labels));
+render_chart = function(ticks, date_labels, chart_type, plot_std_error, insect, location, latitude, start_date, end_date, days, maxval,
+ replications, life_stage, group, group_std_error, group2=NULL, group2_std_error=NULL, group3=NULL, group3_std_error=NULL,
+ sub_life_stage=NULL) {
+ if (chart_type=="pop_size_by_life_stage") {
+ if (life_stage=="Total") {
+ title = paste(insect, ": Reps", replications, ":", life_stage, "Pop :", location, ": Lat", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ");
+ legend_text = c("Egg", "Nymph", "Adult");
+ columns = c(4, 2, 1);
+ plot(days, group, main=title, type="l", ylim=c(0, maxval), axes=FALSE, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ legend("topleft", legend_text, lty=c(1, 1, 1), col=columns, cex=3);
+ lines(days, group2, lwd=2, lty=1, col=2);
+ lines(days, group3, lwd=2, lty=1, col=4);
+ axis(side=1, at=ticks, labels=date_labels, las=2, font.axis=3, xpd=TRUE, cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ axis(side=2, font.axis=3, xpd=TRUE, cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ if (plot_std_error=="yes") {
+ # Standard error for group.
+ lines(days, group+group_std_error, lty=2);
+ lines(days, group-group_std_error, lty=2);
+ # Standard error for group2.
+ lines(days, group2+group2_std_error, col=2, lty=2);
+ lines(days, group2-group2_std_error, col=2, lty=2);
+ # Standard error for group3.
+ lines(days, group3+group3_std_error, col=4, lty=2);
+ lines(days, group3-group3_std_error, col=4, lty=2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (life_stage=="Egg") {
+ title = paste(insect, ": Reps", replications, ":", life_stage, "Pop :", location, ": Lat", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ");
+ legend_text = c(life_stage);
+ columns = c(4);
+ } else if (life_stage=="Nymph") {
+ stage = paste(sub_life_stage, "Nymph Pop :", sep=" ");
+ title = paste(insect, ": Reps", replications, ":", stage, location, ": Lat", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ");
+ legend_text = c(paste(sub_life_stage, life_stage, sep=" "));
+ columns = c(2);
+ } else if (life_stage=="Adult") {
+ stage = paste(sub_life_stage, "Adult Pop", sep=" ");
+ title = paste(insect, ": Reps", replications, ":", stage, location, ": Lat", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ");
+ legend_text = c(paste(sub_life_stage, life_stage, sep=" "));
+ columns = c(1);
+ }
+ plot(days, group, main=title, type="l", ylim=c(0, maxval), axes=FALSE, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ legend("topleft", legend_text, lty=c(1), col="black", cex=3);
+ axis(side=1, at=ticks, labels=date_labels, las=2, font.axis=3, xpd=TRUE, cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ axis(side=2, font.axis=3, xpd=TRUE, cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ if (plot_std_error=="yes") {
+ # Standard error for group.
+ lines(days, group+group_std_error, lty=2);
+ lines(days, group-group_std_error, lty=2);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (chart_type=="pop_size_by_generation") {
+ if (life_stage=="Total") {
+ title_str = ": Total Pop by Gen :";
+ } else if (life_stage=="Egg") {
+ title_str = ": Egg Pop by Gen :";
+ } else if (life_stage=="Nymph") {
+ title_str = paste(":", sub_life_stage, "Nymph Pop by Gen", ":", sep=" ");
+ } else if (life_stage=="Adult") {
+ title_str = paste(":", sub_life_stage, "Adult Pop by Gen", ":", sep=" ");
+ }
+ title = paste(insect, ": Reps", replications, title_str, location, ": Lat", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ");
+ legend_text = c("P", "F1", "F2");
+ columns = c(1, 2, 4);
+ plot(days, group, main=title, type="l", ylim=c(0, maxval), axes=FALSE, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ legend("topleft", legend_text, lty=c(1, 1, 1), col=columns, cex=3);
+ lines(days, group2, lwd=2, lty=1, col=2);
+ lines(days, group3, lwd=2, lty=1, col=4);
+ axis(side=1, at=ticks, labels=date_labels, las=2, font.axis=3, xpd=TRUE, cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ axis(side=2, font.axis=3, xpd=TRUE, cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3);
+ if (plot_std_error=="yes") {
+ # Standard error for group.
+ lines(days, group+group_std_error, lty=2);
+ lines(days, group-group_std_error, lty=2);
+ # Standard error for group2.
+ lines(days, group2+group2_std_error, col=2, lty=2);
+ lines(days, group2-group2_std_error, col=2, lty=2);
+ # Standard error for group3.
+ lines(days, group3+group3_std_error, col=4, lty=2);
+ lines(days, group3-group3_std_error, col=4, lty=2);
+ }
+ }
+stop_err = function(msg) {
+ cat(msg, file=stderr());
+ quit(save="no", status=1);
+validate_date = function(date_str) {
+ valid_date = as.Date(date_str, format="%Y-%m-%d");
+ if( class(valid_date)=="try-error" || is.na(valid_date)) {
+ msg = paste("Invalid date: ", date_str, ", valid date format is yyyy-mm-dd.", sep="");
+ stop_err(msg);
+ }
+ return(valid_date);