diff external_tools/darwin/lib/hh/scripts/hhmakemodel.pl @ 6:2277dd59b9f9 draft

author hammock
date Wed, 01 Nov 2017 05:54:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/external_tools/darwin/lib/hh/scripts/hhmakemodel.pl	Wed Nov 01 05:54:28 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1278 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+# hhmakemodel.pl 
+# Generate a model from an output alignment of hhsearch. 
+# Usage: hhmakemodel.pl -i file.out (-ts file.pdb|-al file.al) [-m int|-m name|-m auto] [-pdb pdbdir] 
+# (C) Johannes Soeding 2012
+#     HHsuite version 2.0.16 (January 2013)
+#     Reference: 
+#     Remmert M., Biegert A., Hauser A., and Soding J.
+#     HHblits: Lightning-fast iterative protein sequence searching by HMM-HMM alignment.
+#     Nat. Methods, epub Dec 25, doi: 10.1038/NMETH.1818 (2011).
+#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#     (at your option) any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#     We are very grateful for bug reports! Please contact us at soeding@genzentrum.lmu.de
+use lib $ENV{"HHLIB"}."/scripts";
+use HHPaths;   # config file with path variables for nr, blast, psipred, pdb, dssp etc.
+use strict;
+use Align;
+$|=1;  # force flush after each print
+# Default parameters
+our $d=7;     # gap opening penalty for Align.pm; more than 2 mismatches - 2 matches    ## previously: 1
+our $e=0.01;  # gap extension penatlty for Align.pm; allow to leave large gaps bridging uncrystallized regions  ## previously: 0.1
+our $g=0.1;   # endgap penalty for Align.pm; allow to shift SEQRES residues for uncrystallized aas to ends of alignment  ## previously: 0.9
+my $v=2;      # 3: DEBUG
+my $formatting="CASP";     # CASP or LIVEBENCH
+my $servername="My server";  # 
+my $MINRES=30;     # minumum number of new query residues required for a hit to be used as additional parent
+my $infile="";
+my $outfile="";
+my $outformat="fas";
+my $pickhits="1 "; # default: build one model from best hit 
+my $Pthr=0;
+my $Ethr=0;
+my $Prob=0;
+my $shift=0;       # ATTENTION: set to 0 as default!  
+my $NLEN=14;       # length of the name field in alignments of hhsearch-output 
+my $NUMRES=100;    # number of residues per line in FASTA, A2M, PIR format
+my $program=$0;        # name of perl script
+my $usage="
+hhmakemodel.pl from HHsuite $VERSION  
+From the top hits in an hhsearch output file (hhr), you can  
+  * generate a MSA (multiple sequence alignment) containing all representative 
+    template sequences from all selected alignments (options -fas, -a2m, -a3m, -pir) 
+  * generate several concatenated pairwise alignments in AL format (option -al)
+  * generate several concatenated coarse 3D models in PDB format (option -ts) 
+In PIR, PDB and AL format, the pdb files are required in order to read the pdb residue numbers 
+and ATOM records.
+The PIR formatted file can be used directly as input to the MODELLER homology modelling package.
+Usage: $program [-i] file.hhr [options]
+ Options:
+ -i   <file.hhr>        results file from hhsearch with hit list and alignments
+ -fas <file.fas>        write a FASTA-formatted multiple alignment to file.fas
+ -a2m <file.a2m>        write an A2M-formatted multiple alignment to file.a2m
+ -a3m <file.a3m>        write an A3M-formatted multiple alignment to file.a3m
+ -m   <int> [<int> ...] pick hits with specified indices  (default='-m 1')
+ -p   <probability>     minimum probability threshold (default=$Pthr)        
+ -e   <E-value>         maximum E-value threshold (default=$Ethr)        
+ -q   <query_ali>       use the full-length query sequence in the alignment 
+                        (not only the aligned part);
+                        the query alignment file must be in HHM, FASTA, A2M,  
+                        or A3M format.
+ -N                     use query name from hhr filename (default: use same  
+                        name as in hhr file)
+ -first                 include only first Q or T sequence of each hit in MSA
+ -v                     verbose mode (default=$v)
+Options when database matches in hhr file are PDB or SCOP sequences
+ -pir <file.pir>        write a PIR-formatted multiple alignment to file.pir 
+ -ts  <file.pdb>        write the PDB-formatted models based on *pairwise*  
+                        alignments into file.pdb
+ -al  <file.al>         write the AL-formatted *pairwise* alignments into file.al
+ -d   <pdbdirs>         directories containing the pdb files (for PDB, SCOP, or DALI  
+                        sequences) (default=$pdbdir)
+ -s   <int>             shift the residue indices up/down by an integer (default=$shift);           
+ -CASP                  formatting for CASP (for -ts, -al options) (default: LIVEBENCH  
+                        formatting)
+ Options when query is compared to itself (for repeat detection) 
+ -conj                  include also conjugate alignments in MSA (with query and  
+                        template exchanged) 
+ -conjs                 include conjugate alignments and sort by ascending diagonal  
+                        value (i.e. i0-j0)
+# Options to help extract repeats from self-alignments:
+# 1. default   2. -conj    3. -conj_diag   4. -conj_compact
+#     ABCD         ABCD         ---A            ABCD      
+#     BCD-         BCD-         --AB            BCDA
+#     D---         CD--         -ABC            CDAB
+#     CD--         D---         ABCD            DABC
+#                  ---A         BCD-
+#                  --AB         CD--
+#                  -ABC         D---
+# Variable declarations
+my $line;        # input line
+my $score=-1;    # score of the best model; at the moment: Probability  
+my $qname="";    # name of query from hhsearch output file (infile)
+my $tname="";    # name of template (hit) from hhsearch output file (infile)
+my $qnameline=""; # nameline of query
+my $tnameline;   # nameline of template
+my $pdbfile;     # name of pdbfile to read
+my $pdbcode;     # four-letter pdb code in lower case and _A if chain A (e.g. 1h7w_A)
+my $aaq;         # query amino acids from hhsearch output
+my @aaq;         # query amino acids from hhsearch output
+my @qname;       # query names in present alignment as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my @qfirst;      # indices of first residues in present alignmet as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my @qlast;       # indices of last residues in present alignmet as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my @qseq;        # sequences of querys in present alignment as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my @tname;       # template names in present alignment as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my @tfirst;      # indices of first residues in present alignmet as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my @tlast;       # indices of last residues in present alignmet as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my @tseq;        # sequences of templates in present alignment as returned from ReadAlignment()
+my $aat;         # template amino acids from hhsearch output
+my @aat;         # template amino acids from hhsearch output
+my $aapdb;       # template amino acids from pdb file
+my @aapdb;       # template amino acids from pdb file
+my $qfirst=0;    # first residue of query
+my $qlast=0;     # last residue of query
+my $qlength;     # length of query sequence
+my $tfirst=0;    # first residue of template
+my $tlast=0;     # first residue of template
+my $tlength;     # length of template sequence
+my $l=1;         # counts template residues from pdb file (first=1, like for i[col2] and j[col2]
+my $col1=0;      # counts columns from hhsearch alignment
+my $col2=0;      # counts columns from alignment (by function &AlignNW) of $aat versus $aapdb 
+my @i1;          # $i1[$col1] = index of query  residue in column $col1 of hhsearch-alignment
+my @j1;          # $j1[$col1] = index of template residue in column $col1 of hhsearch-alignment
+my @j2;          # $j2[$col2] = index of hhsearch template seq in $col2 of alignment against pdb template sequence
+my @l2;          # $l2[$col2] = index of pdb template seq in $col2 of alignment against hhsearch template sequence
+my @l1;          # $l1[$col1] = $l2[$col2]
+my $res;         # residue name
+my $chain;       # pdb chain from template name
+my $qfile;       # name of query sequence file (for -q option)
+my $qmatch;      # number of match states in alignment
+my $hit;         # index of hit in hit list
+my $k;           # index of hit sorted by position in alignment with query (k=1,...,k=@first-2)
+my %picked=();   # $picked{$hit} is defined and =$k for hits that will be transformed into model 
+my @remarks;
+my @printblock;  # block 0: header  block k: k'th hit
+my $keyword="";  # either METHOD for CASP format or REMARK for LIVEBENCH format
+my $conj=0;      # include conjugate sequences? Sort in which way?
+my $conjugate=0; # when query is compared to itself: do not include conjugate alignments
+my $onlyfirst=0; # include only first representative sequence of each Q/T alignment
+my $dummy;       # dummy
+my $addchain=1;  # 1: PDB files contain chain-id as in 1abc_A.pdb (not 1abc.pdb or pdb1abc.pdb etc.) 
+my $pdbdirs=$pdbdir; # default pdb directory with *.pdb files
+my $options="";
+# Processing command line options
+if (@ARGV<1) {die $usage;}
+for (my $i=0; $i<@ARGV; $i++) {$options.=" $ARGV[$i] ";}
+# Set options
+if ($options=~s/ -i\s+(\S+) / /g)    {$infile=$1;}
+if ($options=~s/ -q\s+(\S+) / /g)    {$qfile=$1;}
+if ($options=~s/ -ts\s+(\S+) / /ig)  {$outfile=$1; $outformat="TS";}
+if ($options=~s/ -pdb\s+(\S+) / /ig) {$outfile=$1; $outformat="TS";}
+if ($options=~s/ -al\s+(\S+) / /ig)  {$outfile=$1; $outformat="AL";}
+if ($options=~s/ -pir\s+(\S+) / /ig) {$outfile=$1; $outformat="PIR";}
+if ($options=~s/ -fas\s+(\S+) / /ig) {$outfile=$1; $outformat="FASTA";}
+if ($options=~s/ -a2m\s+(\S+) / /ig) {$outfile=$1; $outformat="A2M";}
+if ($options=~s/ -a3m\s+(\S+) / /ig) {$outfile=$1; $outformat="A3M";}
+if ($options=~s/ -p\s+(\S+) / /g)    {$Pthr=$1;}
+if ($options=~s/ -e\s+(\S+) / /g)    {$Ethr=$1;}
+if ($options=~s/ -s\s+(\S+) / /g)    {$shift=$1;}
+if ($options=~s/ -d\s+(([^-\s]\S*\s+)*)/ /g) {$pdbdirs=$1;}
+if ($options=~s/ -m\s+((\d+\s+)+)/ /g) {$pickhits=$1; }
+if ($options=~s/ -first\s+/ /ig)     {$onlyfirst=1;}
+# Self-alignment options
+if ($options=~s/ -conj\s+/ /ig) {$conj=1;}
+if ($options=~s/ -conjs\s+/ /ig) {$conj=2;}
+# Switch formatting and method description
+if ($options=~s/ -CASP\s+/ /ig) {$formatting="CASP";}
+if ($options=~s/ -LIVEBENCH\s+/ /ig) {$formatting="LIVEBENCH";}
+if ($options=~s/ -server\s+(\S+)/ /g) {$servername=$1;}
+# Set verbose mode?
+if ($options=~s/ -v\s+(\d+) / /g)  {$v=$1;}
+elsif ($options=~s/ -v\s+/ /g)    {$v=1;}
+# Read infile and outfile 
+if (!$infile  && $options=~s/^\s*([^-]\S+)\s*/ /) {$infile=$1;} 
+if (!$outfile && $options=~s/^\s*([^-]\S+)\s*/ /) {$outfile=$1;} 
+if ($options=~s/ -N / /ig)  {
+    $qname=$infile; 
+    $qname=~s/^.*?([^\/]+)$/$1/;    # remove path
+    $qname=~s/^(.*)\.[^\.]*$/$1/;   # remove extension
+    $qnameline=$qname;
+# Warn if unknown options found or no infile/outfile
+if ($options!~/^\s*$/) {$options=~s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/g; die("Error: unknown options '$options'\n");}
+if ($infile eq "")  {die("$usage\nError in $program: input file missing: $!\n");}
+if ($outfile eq "") {die("$usage\nError in $program: output file missing: $!\n");}
+my @pdbdirs = split(/\s+/,$pdbdirs);
+# Find query name in input file
+open (INFILE, "<$infile") || die "Error in $program: Couldn't open $infile: $!\n";
+while ($line=<INFILE>) {
+    if ($v>=3) {print("$line");}
+    if ($qname eq "" && $line=~/^Query:?\s*(\S+)(.*)/)     {$qname=$1; $qnameline=$1.$2;}
+    if ($line=~/^Match_columns:?\s*(\S+)/) {$qmatch=$1; last;}
+if (!($line=<INFILE>)) {die ("Error in $program: wrong format in $infile: $!\n");}
+# Prepare hash %pick with indices of hits that will be transformed into model
+# No Hit                             Prob E-value P-value  Score    SS Cols Query HMM  Template HMM
+#  1 153l   Lysozyme (E.C. 100.0       0       0  381.0  19.4  185    1-185     1-185 (185)
+#  2 1qsa_A Soluble lytic transglyc 100.0 2.1E-39 2.5E-43  225.8   8.3  149   21-182   423-600 (618)
+#  3 1ltm   36 kDa soluble lytic tr  95.9 3.5E-06 4.1E-10   50.3  11.0   95   28-122    76-221 (320)
+# option '-m m1 m2 m3': pick models manually
+my @pickhits = split(/\s+/,$pickhits);
+foreach $hit (@pickhits) {
+    if (!defined $picked{$hit}) {$picked{$hit}=$k;}
+    $k++;
+if ($outformat eq "AL" || $outformat eq "TS") {
+    &MakePairwiseAlignments();
+} else {
+    &MakeMultipleAlignment();
+# Construct AL or TS formatted alignment as a list of pairwise alignments
+sub MakePairwiseAlignments()
+    # Scan through query-vs-template-alignments from infile and create first (combination) model
+    $hit=0;   # counts hits in hit list
+    my $models=0;
+    while ($line=<INFILE>) {
+	if ($line=~/^>(\S+)/) {
+	    $hit++; 
+	    if ($Pthr || $Ethr || defined $picked{$hit}) {
+		# Found right alignment (hit)
+		if (defined $picked{$hit}) {$k=$picked{$hit};} else {$k=$hit;}
+		if ($line=~/^>(.*?)\s+E=.*$/) {
+		    $line=$1;         # remove E=1.3E-30 etc. at the end
+		} else {
+		    $line=~/^>(.*)/;
+		    $line=$1;
+		}
+		my $nameline=$line;
+		my $evalue;
+		$line=<INFILE>;
+		if ($line=~/Probab\s*=\s*(\S+).*E-value\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {$score=$1; $evalue=$2} 
+		else {$score=0; warn("WARNING: could not print score $line");}
+		if ($line=~/Aligned_cols=\s*(\S+)/) {;} else {warn("WARNING: could not find aligned_cols\n");}
+		if ($Pthr && $score<$Pthr) {last;}  # Probability too low -> finished
+		if ($Ethr && $evalue>$Ethr) {last;} # Evalue too high > finished
+		# Commented out in CASP format
+		if ($formatting eq "LIVEBENCH") {
+		    $printblock[$k] ="PFRMAT $outformat\n";
+		    $printblock[$k].="TARGET $qname\n";
+		}
+		$remarks[$k]="REMARK $k: $nameline\n";
+		$remarks[$k].="REMARK    $line";
+		&ReadAlignment();
+		$qfirst = $qfirst[0];
+		$qlast  = $qlast[0];
+		$aaq    = $qseq[0];
+		$tfirst = $tfirst[0];
+		$aat    = $tseq[0];
+		$tname  = $tname[0];
+		if ($v>=3) {
+		    for (my $i=0; $i<@qfirst; $i++) {
+			printf("Q %-14.14s %s\n",$qname[$i],$qseq[$i]);
+		    }
+		    printf("\n");
+		    for (my $i=0; $i<@tfirst; $i++) {
+			printf("T %-14.14s %s\n",$tname[$i],$tseq[$i]);
+		    }
+		    printf("\n");
+		}	    
+		# Extract pdbcode and construct name of pdbfile and return in global variables $pdbid and $chain
+		if (&ExtractPdbcodeAndChain($tname[0])) {next;}
+		if ($chain eq "[A ]") {$pdbcode.="_A";} elsif ($chain eq ".") {;} else {$pdbcode.="_$chain";}
+		# Read score (=probability)
+		$printblock[$k].="REMARK $nameline\n";
+		$printblock[$k].="REMARK $line";
+		$printblock[$k].="SCORE  $score\n";
+		$printblock[$k].="PARENT $pdbcode\n";
+		$printblock[$k].="MODEL  $k\n";
+		&WritePairwiseAlignments();
+		$printblock[$k].="END\n";
+		$models++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    $k=$#printblock;  # set $k to last index in @printblock
+    if ($k<0) {
+	$printblock[1]="PARENT NONE\nTER\n";
+	$printblock[1].="END\n";
+	if ($v>=1) {print("WARNING: no hits found for model!\n");}
+    }
+    close (INFILE);
+    if ($v>=2) {
+	printf("$models models built\n");
+    }
+    # Write model file header
+    #---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8
+    # Print header
+    my $date = scalar(localtime);
+    if ($formatting eq "CASP") {    
+	$printblock[0]="PFRMAT $outformat\n";
+	$printblock[0].="TARGET $qname\n";
+    }
+    $printblock[0].="REMARK AUTHOR $servername\n";
+    $printblock[0].="REMARK $date\n";
+#    $printblock[0].="REMARK J. Soeding \n";
+    # Add remarks
+    for ($k=0; $k<@remarks; $k++) {
+	if (defined $remarks[$k]) {
+	    $printblock[0].=$remarks[$k];
+	}
+    }
+    $printblock[0].="REMARK \n";
+    # Print @printblock into outfile
+    open (OUTFILE, ">$outfile") || die "Error in $program: Couldn't open $outfile: $!\n";
+    foreach my $printstr (@printblock) {
+	my @printarr=split(/\n/,$printstr);
+	if ($outformat eq "TS") {
+	    foreach $printstr (@printarr) {
+		printf(OUTFILE "%-80.80s\n",$printstr);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    foreach $printstr (@printarr) {
+		printf(OUTFILE "%s\n",$printstr);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    close (OUTFILE);
+    if ($outformat eq "TS") {
+	# Call MaxSprout to generate sidechains
+    }
+    return;    
+# Construct multiple alignment in FASTA, A2M, or PIR format
+sub MakeMultipleAlignment()
+    my @hitnames=();  # $hitnames[$k] is the nameline of the ihit'th hit
+    my @hitseqs=();   # $hitseqs[$k] contains the residues of the ihit'th hit
+    my @hitdiag=();   # $hitdiag[$k] = $qfirst[0]-$tfirst[0] 
+    my @conjnames=(); # $hitnames[$k] is the nameline of the ihit'th conjugate hit
+    my @conjseqs=();  # $hitseqs[$k] contains the residues of the ihit'th conjugate hit
+    my @conjdiag=();  # $hitdiag[$k] = $qfirst[0]-$tfirst[0] for conjugate alignments
+    my $new_hit;           # residues of new hit
+    my $i;                 # residue index
+    my $j;                 # residue index
+    my $k;                 # sequence index
+    $hitnames[0]="";
+    $hitseqs[0]="";
+    $hitdiag[0]=0;
+    $conjnames[0]="";
+    $conjseqs[0]="";
+    $conjdiag[0]=0;
+    open (INFILE, "<$infile") || die "Error in $program: Couldn't open $infile: $!\n";
+    $hit=0;  # counts hits in hit list
+    # Read one alignment after the other
+    while ($line=<INFILE>) {
+	# Found new aligment
+	if ($line=~/^>(\S+)/) {
+	    $hit++;
+	    # Is alignment selected by user?
+	    if ($Pthr || $Ethr || defined $picked{$hit}) {
+		if ($line=~/^>(\S+)(.*)/) {$tname=$1; $tnameline=$1.$2;}
+		else {die("\nError: bad format in $infile, line $.: code 1\n");}
+		$line = <INFILE>;
+		if ($line=~/Probab\s*=\s*(\S+).*E-value\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
+		    if ($Pthr && $1<$Pthr) {last;}  # Probability too low -> finished
+		    if ($Ethr && $2>$Ethr) {last;} # Evalue too high > finished
+		} else { die("\nError: bad format in $infile, line $.: code 2\n"); }
+		# Read next alignment with $aaq, $qfirst, @tseq, @first, and @tname
+		&ReadAlignment();
+		chomp($tnameline);
+		if ($tnameline=~/\S+\s+(.*)/) {$tname[0].=" $1";}  # template seed sequence gets its description
+		# Format sequences into @hitseqs and @hitnames
+		&FormatSequences(\@hitnames,\@hitseqs,\@hitdiag,\@qname,\@qseq,\@qfirst,\@qlast,\$qlength,\@tname,\@tseq,\@tfirst,\@tlast,\$tlength);
+		# Use conjugate alignments?
+		if ($conj>0) {
+		    &FormatSequences(\@conjnames,\@conjseqs,\@conjdiag,\@tname,\@tseq,\@tfirst,\@tlast,\$tlength,\@qname,\@qseq,\@qfirst,\@qlast,\$qlength);
+		}
+	    } # end: if ($Pthr>0 || defined $picked{$hit})
+	} # end: if ($line=~/^>(\S+)/)  # found new alignment
+    } # end while
+    close (INFILE);
+    # Insert full-length query sequence?
+    if ($qfile) {
+	$hitseqs[0]="";	
+	open (QFILE, "<$qfile") || die "Error in $program: Couldn't open $qfile: $!\n";
+	while ($line=<QFILE>) {
+	    if ($line=~/^>/ && $line!~/^>ss_/ && $line!~/^>sa_/ && $line!~/^>aa_/ && $line!~/^>Consensus/) {last;}
+	}
+	while ($line=<QFILE>) {
+	    if ($line=~/^>/ || $line=~/^\#/) {last;}
+	    $line=~tr/\n\.-//d; 
+	    $line=~tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+	    $hitseqs[0].=$line;
+	}
+	close(QFILE);
+	if ($v>=2) {printf("\nQ(full) %-14.14s %s\n",$qname,$hitseqs[0]);}
+    }
+    # DEBUG
+    if ($v>=3) {
+	printf("\nQuery    %-14.14s %s\n",$qname,$hitseqs[0]);
+	for ($k=1; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+	    printf("T hit %3i  %-14.14s %s\n",$k,$hitnames[$k],$hitseqs[$k]);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+	printf("\nQuery    %-14.14s %s\n",$qname,$conjseqs[0]);
+	for ($k=1; $k<@conjnames; $k++) {
+	    printf("T conj %3i %-14.14s %s\n",$k,$conjnames[$k],$conjseqs[$k]);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+    }
+    # Include conjugate sequences?
+    if ($conj>0) {
+	shift(@conjseqs);   # delete zeroth ("query") sequence of @conjseqs
+	shift(@conjnames);  # 
+	shift(@conjdiag);   #
+	# Sort by diagonals $hitdiag[], $conjdiag[]
+	&Sort(\@hitdiag,\@hitseqs,\@hitnames);
+	&Sort(\@conjdiag,\@conjseqs,\@conjnames);
+	# Append conjugate sequences to hitseqs
+	splice(@hitseqs,scalar(@hitseqs),0,@conjseqs);    
+	splice(@hitnames,scalar(@hitnames),0,@conjnames); 
+	if ($v>=3) {
+	    printf("\nQuery    %-14.14s %s\n",$qname,$hitseqs[0]);
+	    for ($k=1; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+		chomp($hitnames[$k]);
+		printf("T tot %3i  %-14.14s %s\n",$k,$hitnames[$k],$hitseqs[$k]);
+		$hitnames[$k].="\n";
+	    }
+	}
+  }
+    # Insert gaps:
+    my @len_ins; # $len_ins[$j] will count the maximum number of inserted residues after match state $j.
+    my @inserts; # $inserts[$j] contains the insert (in small case) of sequence $k after the $j'th match state
+    my $insert;
+    my $ngap;
+    # For each match state determine length of LONGEST insert after this match state and store in @len_ins
+    for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+	# split into list of single match states and variable-length inserts
+	# ([A-Z]|-) is the split pattern. The parenthesis indicate that split patterns are to be included as list elements
+	# The '#' symbol is prepended to get rid of a perl bug in split
+	$j=0;
+	@inserts = split(/([A-Z]|-)/,"#".$hitseqs[$k]."#");
+#	    printf("Sequence $k: $hitseqs[$k]\n");
+#	    printf("Sequence $k: @inserts\n");
+	foreach $insert (@inserts) {
+	    if( !defined $len_ins[$j] || length($insert)>$len_ins[$j]) {
+		$len_ins[$j]=length($insert);
+	    }
+	    $j++;
+#	    printf("$insert|");
+	}
+#	printf("\n");
+    }
+    # After each match state insert residues and fill up with gaps to $len_ins[$i] characters
+    for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+	# split into list of single match states and variable-length inserts
+	@inserts = split(/([A-Z]|-)/,"#".$hitseqs[$k]."#");
+	$j=0;
+	# append the missing number of gaps after each match state
+	foreach $insert (@inserts) {
+	    if($outformat eq "FASTA") {
+		for ($i=length($insert); $i<$len_ins[$j]; $i++) {$insert.="-";}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		for ($i=length($insert); $i<$len_ins[$j]; $i++) {$insert.=".";}
+	    }
+	    $j++;
+	}
+	$hitseqs[$k] = join("",@inserts);
+	$hitseqs[$k] =~ tr/\#//d; # remove the '#' symbols inserted at the beginning and end
+    }
+    # Remove columns at beginning and end with gaps in all sequences
+    my $remove_start;
+    my $remove_end;
+    my $len;
+    $hitseqs[0]=~/^(-*)/;
+    $remove_start=length($1);
+    $hitseqs[0]=~/(-*)$/;
+    $remove_end=length($1);
+    for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+	$hitseqs[$k]=~s/^.{$remove_start}(.*).{$remove_end}/$1/;
+    }
+    $len=($hitseqs[0]=~tr/a-zA-Z/a-zA-Z/);
+    # Prepare name line of query
+    if ($outformat eq "PIR") {
+	my $qnametmp=$qname;
+	$qnametmp=~tr/:/;/;
+	$qnameline=~/^\S+\s*(.*)/;
+	my $qnamelinetmp=$1;
+	$qnamelinetmp=~tr/:/;/;
+	$hitnames[0] = sprintf(">P1;%s\nsequence:%s:%4i: :%4i: :%s: : 0.00: 0.00\n",$qnametmp,$qnametmp,$remove_start+1,$len+$remove_start,$qnamelinetmp);
+    } else {
+	# outformat is "FASTA" or "A2M" or "A3M" or ...
+	$hitnames[0] = ">$qnameline\n";
+    } 
+    # If pretty diagonally sorted order is wanted...
+    if ($conj>0) {
+	if ($conj==2) {
+	    my $center = 0.5*(scalar(@hitseqs)-1);
+	    @conjseqs = splice(@hitseqs,$center+1,$center);
+	    splice(@hitseqs,0,0,@conjseqs);
+	    @hitseqs = reverse(@hitseqs);
+	    @conjnames = splice(@hitnames,$center+1,$center);
+	    splice(@hitnames,0,0,@conjnames);
+	    @hitnames = reverse(@hitnames);
+	    # Shorten namelines of all but first sequence
+	    my %count;
+	    for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+		if ($k==$center) {$k++;}
+		$hitnames[$k]=~/(\S{1,14})/;
+		if (!defined $count{$1}) {$count{$1}=0;}
+		my $count = ++$count{$1};
+#		printf("vorher: %s   ",$hitnames[$k]);
+		$hitnames[$k]=~s/^(\S{1,14}).*/$1:$count/;
+#		printf("nachher: %s\n",$hitnames[$k]);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {$hitnames[$k]=">$qname\n";}
+	}
+    }
+    # Remove gaps? Captialize?
+    if ($outformat eq "PIR") {
+	for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+	    $hitseqs[$k].="*";;                    # Transform to upper case
+	    $hitseqs[$k]=~tr/a-z./A-Z-/;           # Transform to upper case
+	    $hitseqs[$k]=~s/(.{1,$NUMRES})/$1\n/g; # insert newlines every NUMRES positions
+	}
+    } elsif ($outformat eq "FASTA") {
+	for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+	    $hitseqs[$k]=~tr/a-z./A-Z-/;           # Transform to upper case
+	    $hitseqs[$k]=~s/(.{1,$NUMRES})/$1\n/g; # insert newlines every NUMRES positions
+	}
+    } elsif ($outformat eq "A2M") {
+	for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {$hitseqs[$k]=~s/(.{1,$NUMRES})/$1\n/g;}    # insert newlines every NUMRES positions
+    } elsif ($outformat eq "A3M") {
+	for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {$hitseqs[$k]=~tr/.//d;$hitseqs[$k].="\n";} # Remove gaps aligned to inserts
+    }    
+    # Write sequences into output file
+    open (OUTFILE, ">$outfile") || die ("cannot open $outfile:$!");
+    for ($k=0; $k<@hitnames; $k++) {
+	print(OUTFILE "$hitnames[$k]$hitseqs[$k]");
+    }
+    close OUTFILE;
+    if ($v>=2) {
+	printf("%i sequences written to $outfile\n",scalar(@hitnames));
+    }
+# Format sequences into @hitseqs and @hitnames
+# & Call with FormatSequences(\@hitnames,\@hitseqs,\@qname,\@qseq,\@qfirst,\@qlast,\$qlength,\@tname,\@tseq,\@tfirst,\@tlast,\$tlength);
+sub FormatSequences()
+    my $p_hitnames = $_[0];     # typeglob to $hitname
+    my $p_hitseqs  = $_[1];     # ...
+    my $p_hitdiag  = $_[2];     # ...
+    my $p_qname   = $_[3];      # 
+    my $p_qseq    = $_[4];      # 
+    my $p_qfirst  = $_[5];      # 
+    my $p_qlast   = $_[6];      # 
+    my $p_qlength = $_[7];      # 
+    my $p_tname   = $_[8];      # 
+    my $p_tseq    = $_[9];      # 
+    my $p_tfirst  = $_[10];     # 
+    my $p_tlast   = $_[11];     # 
+    my $p_tlength = $_[12];     # 
+    my $i;
+    if ($v>=2) {
+	if (defined $picked{$hit}) {
+	    print("hit=$hit  picked=$picked{$hit} tname=$tname[0]");
+	} else {
+	    print("hit=$hit  picked=evalue<$Ethr tname=$tname[0]");
+	}
+	for (my $i=1; $i<@{$p_tname}; $i++) {
+	    print(", $tname[$i]");
+	}
+	print("\n");
+    }
+    my $qfirst = ${$p_qfirst}[0];
+    my $qlast  = ${$p_qlast}[0];
+    my $qlength = ${$p_qlength};
+    my $aaq = ${$p_qseq}[0];
+    @aaq = unpack("C*",$aaq); # needed for transforming template sequences into a3m based on query residues (NOT HMM match states!)
+    $aaq=~tr/.-//d;           # remove all gaps from query sequence
+    # For all template sequences in the present alignment
+    for (my $k=0; $k<@{$p_tname}; $k++) {
+	$tname =${$p_tname}[$k];
+	$tfirst=${$p_tfirst}[$k];
+	$aat   =${$p_tseq}[$k];
+	# Transform template residues into a3m format: 
+	# match states are those where query has residue (NOT where HMM has match state!)
+	# This makes sense since we want to build a model for the query sequence.
+	@aat = unpack("C*",$aat);
+	$aat="";
+	# Transform all columns with residue in query into match/delete states, all others to inserts
+	for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@aaq); $i++) {
+	    if ($aaq[$i]!=45 && $aaq[$i]!=46) { # no gap in query
+		if($aat[$i]==46) {
+		    $aat.="-";                  # transform '.' to '-' if aligned with a query residue
+		} else {
+		    $aat .= uc(chr($aat[$i]));  # UPPER case if aligned with a query residue (match state)
+		}
+	    } else {
+		if($aat[$i]!=45 && $aat[$i]!=46) { # no gap in template?
+		    $aat.=lc(chr($aat[$i]));       # lower case if aligned with a gap in the query (insert state) 
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if ($v>=2) {	
+	    printf("\nQ %-14.14s %s\n",$qname,$aaq);
+	    printf("T %-14.14s %s\n",$tname,$aat);
+	}
+	# Outformat is PIR? => read residues and indices from PDB ATOM records
+	if ($outformat eq "PIR") {
+	    # Extract pdbcode and construct name of pdbfile and return in global variables $pdbid and $chain
+	    if (&ExtractPdbcodeAndChain($tname)) {next;}
+	    # Read sequence from pdb file
+	    if (!open (PDBFILE, "$pdbfile")) {
+		die ("Error in $program: Couldn't open $pdbfile: $!\n");
+	    }
+	    $aapdb="";
+	    $l=0;
+	    my @nres;        # $nres[$l] = pdb residue index for residue $aapdb[$l]
+	    my $nres=-1e6;
+	    my $resolution=-1.00;
+	    my $rvalue=-1.00;
+	    while ($line=<PDBFILE>) {
+		if ($line=~/^REMARK.*RESOLUTION\.\s+(\d+\.?\d*)/) {$resolution=$1;}
+		if ($line=~/^REMARK.*R VALUE\s+\(WORKING SET\)\s+:\s+(\d+\.?\d*)/) {$rvalue=$1;}
+		if ($line=~/^ENDMDL/) {last;} # if file contains NMR models read only first one
+		if (($line=~/^ATOM\s+\d+  .. [ A](\w{3}) $chain\s*(-?\d+.)/ ||
+		    ($line=~/^HETATM\s+\d+  .. [ A](\w{3}) $chain\s*(-?\d+.)/ && &Three2OneLetter($1) ne "X") ) && 
+		     $2 ne $nres ) { 
+		    $res=$1;
+		    $nres=$2;
+		    $nres[$l]=$2;
+		    $res=&Three2OneLetter($res);
+		    $aapdb[$l++]=$res;
+		    $aapdb.=$res;
+		}
+	    }
+	    close (PDBFILE);
+	    if (length($aapdb)<=0) {die("Error: chain $chain not found in pdb file $pdbfile\n");}
+	    # Align template in hh-alignment ($aat) with template sequence in pdb ($aapdb)
+	    my $xseq=$aat;
+	    $xseq=~tr/-/~/; # transform Deletes to '~' to distinguish them from gaps '-' inserted by Align.pm   
+	    my $yseq=$aapdb;
+	    my ($jmin,$jmax,$lmin,$lmax);
+	    my $Sstr;
+	    my $score;  
+	    # The aligned characters are returend in $j2[$col2] and $l2[$col2]
+	    $score=&AlignNW(\$xseq,\$yseq,\@j2,\@l2,\$jmin,\$jmax,\$lmin,\$lmax,\$Sstr);  
+	    # DEBUG
+	    if ($v>=3) {
+		printf("Template (hh)  $xseq\n");
+		printf("Identities     $Sstr\n");
+		printf("Template (pdb) $yseq\n");
+		printf("\n");
+		if ($v>=4) {
+		    for ($col2=0; $col2<@l2 && $col2<1000; $col2++) {
+			printf("%3i  %3i:%s  %3i:%s -> %i\n",$col2,$j2[$col2],substr($aat,$j2[$col2]-1,1),$l2[$col2],substr($aapdb,$l2[$col2]-1,1),$nres[$l2[$col2]-1]);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }	
+            # check for reasonable alignment
+	    my $num_match = 0;
+	    for ($i=0; $i<@l2; $i++) {
+		if ($j2[$i] > 0 && $l2[$i] > 0) {
+		    $num_match++;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (($score/$num_match) < 1) {
+		print "WARNING! Match score with PDBfile (score: $score   num: $num_match   score/num:".($score/$num_match).") to low => $pdbfile not included!\n";
+		next;
+	    }
+	    # Assign a3m-formatted amino acid sequence from pdb file to $aapdb
+	    $aapdb="";
+	    my @xseq=unpack("C*",$xseq);
+	    my @yseq=unpack("C*",$yseq);
+	    for ($i=0; $i<@yseq; $i++) {
+		if(($xseq[$i]>=65 && $xseq[$i]<=90) || $xseq[$i]==ord('~')) { # if $aat has upper case residue or Delete state
+		    # Match state
+		    $aapdb.=uc(chr($yseq[$i]));
+		} else {
+		    # Insert state
+		    if ($yseq[$i]!=45) {$aapdb.=lc(chr($yseq[$i]));} # add only if not a gap '-'
+		}
+	    }
+	    # Remove overlapping ends of $aapdb
+	    $aapdb=~s/^[a-z]*(.*?)[a-z]*$/$1/;
+	    # Glue gaps at beginning and end of aligned pdb sequence and add sequence to alignment
+	    push (@{$p_hitseqs}, ("-" x ($qfirst-1)).$aapdb.("-" x ($qlength-$qlast)) ); # use ATOM record residues $aapdb!
+	    # Write hitname in PIR format into @hitnames
+	    my $descr;
+	    my $organism;
+	    my $struc=$pdbcode;
+	    if ($tnameline=~/^(\S+)\s+(.*)/) {$descr=$2; $descr=~tr/://d;} else {$descr=" ";}
+	    if ($tnameline=~/^(\S+)\s+.*\s+\{(.*)\}/) {$organism=$2;} else {$organism=" ";}
+	    if (length($chain)>1 || $chain eq ".") { # MODELLER's special symbol for 'chain unspecified'
+		$chain="."; 
+	    } elsif ($addchain && $chain ne " ") {
+		$struc.="_$chain";
+	    } 
+#	    push (@{$p_hitnames}, sprintf(">P1;%s\nstructureX:%4s:%4i:%1s:%4i:%1s:%s:%s:%-.2f:%-.2f\n",$struc,$struc,$nres[$lmin-1],$chain,$nres[$lmax-1],$chain,$descr,$organism,$resolution,$rvalue) );
+	    my $descrtmp=$descr;
+	    $descrtmp=~tr/:/;/;
+	    $organism=~tr/://d;
+	    push (@{$p_hitnames}, sprintf(">P1;%s\nstructureX:%4s: :%1s: :%1s:%s:%s:%-.2f:%-.2f\n",$struc,$struc,$chain,$chain,$descrtmp,$organism,$resolution,$rvalue) );
+	    push (@{$p_hitdiag}, $tfirst-$qfirst);
+	} else {
+	    # outformat is "FASTA" or "A2M" or "A3M" or ...
+	    # Write hitname in FASTA format into @hitnames
+	    push (@{$p_hitseqs}, ("-" x ($qfirst-1)).$aat.("-" x ($qlength-$qlast)) ); 
+	    push (@{$p_hitnames}, ">$tname\n" );
+	    push (@{$p_hitdiag}, $tfirst-$qfirst);
+	} 
+	if ($onlyfirst>0) {last;}  # extract only first (seed?) sequence in each alignment
+    } # end:  for (my $k=0; $k<@{$tname}; $k++)
+    # Paste aligned subsequence of query over $hitseqs[0] 
+    if (${$p_hitseqs}[0] eq "") {${$p_hitseqs}[0] = "-" x $qlength;}
+    if (!$qfile) {substr(${$p_hitseqs}[0],$qfirst-1,length($aaq),$aaq);}
+    return;
+# Read Alignment from infile (*.hhr file)
+# Results: 
+# $aaq:    query residues in present alignment 
+# $qfirst: index of first query residue in present alignment  
+# @tname:  template names in present alignmen
+# @tfirst: indices of first residues in present alignmet
+# @tseq:   sequences of templates in present alignment
+sub ReadAlignment() {
+    @qname=();     # name of $it'th query in this alignment
+    @qfirst=();    # index of first residue in $it'th query in this alignment
+    @qlast=();     # index of last residue in $it'th query in this alignment
+    @qseq=();      # residues of $it'th query in this alignment
+    @tname=();     # name of $it'th template in this alignment
+    @tfirst=();    # index of first residue in $it'th template in this alignment
+    @tlast=();     # index of last residue in $it'th template in this alignment
+    @tseq=();      # residues of $it'th template in this alignment
+    if ($v>=3) {printf("Searching for Q $qname vs T $tname\n");}
+    $line=<INFILE>;    
+    # Search for first line beginning with Q ot T and not followed by aa_, ss_pred, ss_conf, or Consensus
+    while (1) {
+	my $i; # index for query sequence in this alignment
+	# Scan up to first line starting with Q; stop when line 'No\s+\d+' or 'Done' is found
+	while (defined $line && $line!~/^Q\s(\S+)/) {
+	    if ($line=~/^No\s+\d/ || $line=~/^Done/) {last;}
+	    $line=<INFILE>; next;
+	} 
+	if (!defined $line || $line=~/^No\s+\d/ || $line=~/^Done/) {last;}
+	# Scan up to first line that is not secondary structure line or consensus line	
+	while (defined $line && $line=~/^Q\s+(ss_|sa_|aa_|Consens|Cons-)/)  {$line=<INFILE>;} 
+	# Read next block of query sequences
+	$i=0;
+        while ($line=~/^Q\s+/) {
+	    if ($line!~/^Q\s+(ss_|sa_|aa_|Consens|Cons-)/ && $line=~/^Q\s*(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\((\d+)/) {
+		$qname[$i]=$1;
+		if (!$qfirst[$i]) {$qfirst[$i]=$2;} # if $qfirst is undefined then this is the first alignment block -> set $qfirst to $1
+		if (!$qseq[$i]) {$qseq[$i]=$3;} else {$qseq[$i].=$3;}
+		$qlast[$i]=$4; 
+		if ($i==0) {$qlength=$5}
+		$i++;
+	    }
+	    $line=<INFILE>;
+	} 
+	if ($i==0) {
+	    die("\nError in $program: bad format in $infile, line $.: query block\n");
+	}
+	# Scan up to first line starting with T	
+	while (defined $line && $line!~/^T\s+(\S+)/) {$line=<INFILE>;} 
+	# Scan up to first line that is not secondary structure line or consensus line	
+	while (defined $line && $line=~/^T\s+(ss_|sa_|aa_|Consens|Cons-)/)  {$line=<INFILE>;} 
+	# Read next block of template sequences
+	$i=0;
+        while ($line=~/^T\s+/) {
+	    if ($line!~/^T\s+(ss_|sa_|aa_|Consens|Cons-)/ && $line=~/^T\s*(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\((\d+)/){
+		$tname[$i]=$1;
+		if (!$tfirst[$i]) {$tfirst[$i]=$2;} # if $tfirst is undefined then this is the first alignment block -> set $tfirst to $1
+		if (!$tseq[$i]) {$tseq[$i]=$3;} else {$tseq[$i].=$3;}
+		$tlast[$i]=$4; 
+		if ($i==0) {$tlength=$5}
+		$i++;
+	    }
+	    $line=<INFILE>;
+	} 
+	if ($i==0) {
+	    die("\nError in $program: bad format in $infile, line $.: template block\n");
+	}
+    } # end while ($line=<INFILE>)  
+#    if (!$qfirst)    {$qfirst=1;}  # if still $qfirst==0 then set $qfirst to 1
+#    for (my $i=0; $i<@tfirst; $i++) {
+#	if (!$tfirst[$i]) {$tfirst[$i]=1;}  # if still $tfirst[$i]==0 then set $tfirst to 1
+#    }    
+    # Check lengths
+    if (length($qseq[0])!=length($tseq[0])) {
+	print("\nError: query and template lines do not have the same length in $infile, line $.\n");
+	for (my $i=0; $i<@qfirst; $i++) {
+	    printf("Q %-14.14s %s\n",$qname[$i],$qseq[$i]);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+	for (my $i=0; $i<@tfirst; $i++) {
+	    printf("T %-14.14s %s\n",$tname[$i],$tseq[$i]);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+	exit 1;
+    }
+    if ($v>=3) {
+	for (my $i=0; $i<@qfirst; $i++) {
+	    printf("Q %-14.14s %s\n",$qname[$i],$qseq[$i]);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+	for (my $i=0; $i<@tfirst; $i++) {
+	    printf("T %-14.14s %s\n",$tname[$i],$tseq[$i]);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+    }	    
+    return;
+# Write Alignment to $printblock[$k]
+sub WritePairwiseAlignments() {
+    #Delete columns with gaps in both sequences
+    $aaq=uc($aaq);
+    $aat=uc($aat);
+    @aaq=split(//,$aaq);
+    @aat=split(//,$aat);
+    my $col=0;
+    for ($col1=0; $col1<@aaq; $col1++) {
+	if ($aaq[$col1]=~tr/a-zA-Z/a-zA-Z/ || $aat[$col1]=~tr/a-zA-Z/a-zA-Z/) {
+	    $aaq[$col]=$aaq[$col1];
+	    $aat[$col]=$aat[$col1];
+	    $col++;
+	}
+    }
+    splice(@aaq,$col); # delete end of @aaq;
+    splice(@aat,$col);
+    $aaq=join("",@aaq);
+    $aat=join("",@aat);
+    # Count query and template residues into @i1 and @j1 
+    for ($col1=0; $col1<@aaq; $col1++) {
+	if ($aaq[$col1]=~tr/a-zA-Z/a-zA-Z/) {
+	    $i1[$col1]=$qfirst++;  #found query residue in $col1
+	} else {
+	    $i1[$col1]=0;     #found gap in $col1
+	}
+	if ($aat[$col1]=~tr/a-zA-Z/a-zA-Z/) {
+	    $j1[$col1]=$tfirst++;  #found template residue in $col1
+	} else {
+	    $j1[$col1]=0;     #found gap in $col1
+	}
+    }
+    # DEBUG
+    if ($v>=3) {
+	printf ("col    Q  i1     T  j1\n");
+	for ($col1=0; $col1<@aaq; $col1++) {
+	    printf ("%3i    %s %3i     %s %3i\n",$col1,$aaq[$col1],$i1[$col1],$aat[$col1],$j1[$col1]);
+	}
+	printf ("\n");
+    }
+    # Read protein chain from pdb file
+# ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8
+# ATOM      1  N   SER A  27      38.637  79.034  59.693  1.00 79.70          # ATOM   2083  CD1 LEU A  22S     15.343 -12.020  43.761  1.00  5.00           C
+    # Extract pdbcode and construct name of pdbfile and return in global variables $pdbid and $chain
+    if (&ExtractPdbcodeAndChain($tname)) {next;}
+    # Read sequence from pdb file
+    if (! defined $pdbfile) {die ("Error in $program: Couldn't find pdb code in $tname\n");}
+    open (PDBFILE, "$pdbfile") || die ("Error in $program: Couldn't open $pdbfile: $!\n");
+    if ($chain eq "[A ]") {$pdbcode.="_A";} elsif ($chain eq ".") {;} else {$pdbcode.="_$chain";}
+    $aapdb=""; $l=1;
+    $line=<PDBFILE>; 
+    while ($line) {if ($line=~/^ATOM/) {last;} $line=<PDBFILE>;} # advance to ATOM records
+    my @nres;        # $nres[$l] = pdb residue index for residue $aapdb[$l]
+    my @coord;       # $coord[$l] = coordinates of CA atom of residue $aapdb[$l]
+    while ($line) {
+	if ($line=~/^ATOM\s+\d+  CA [ AB](\w{3}) $chain\s*(-?\d+.)   (\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/ ||
+	    ($line=~/^HETATM\s+\d+  CA [ AB](\w{3}) $chain\s*(-?\d+.)   (\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/ && &Three2OneLetter($1) ne "X") ) {
+	    $res=$1;
+	    $nres[$l]=$2;
+	    $coord[$l]=$3."  1.00";
+	    $res=&Three2OneLetter($res);
+	    $aapdb[$l]=$res;
+	    $aapdb.=$res;
+	    $l++;
+	}
+	elsif ($l>10 && $line=~/^ATOM\s+\d+  CA/) {last;}
+	elsif ($line=~/^ENDMDL/) {last;} # if file contains NMR models read only first one
+	$line=<PDBFILE>;
+    }
+    close (PDBFILE);
+    # Align template in hh-alignment ($aat) with template sequence in pdb ($aapdb)
+    my $xseq=$aat;
+    my $yseq=$aapdb;
+    my ($jmin,$jmax,$lmin,$lmax);
+    my $Sstr;
+    my $score;  
+    $xseq=~tr/-/~/d; # transform Deletes to '~' to distinguish them from gaps inserted by Align.pm   
+    #the aligned characters are returend in $j2[$col2] and $l2[$col2]
+    if ($v>=3) {
+	printf("Template (hh)  $xseq\n");
+	printf("Identities     $Sstr\n");
+	printf("Template (pdb) $yseq\n");
+	printf("\n");
+    }
+    $score=&AlignNW(\$xseq,\$yseq,\@j2,\@l2,\$jmin,\$jmax,\$lmin,\$lmax,\$Sstr);  
+    # DEBUG
+    if ($v>=3) {
+	printf("Template (hh)  $xseq\n");
+	printf("Identities     $Sstr\n");
+	printf("Template (pdb) $yseq\n");
+	printf("\n");
+	if ($v>=4) {
+	    for ($col2=0; $col2<@l2 && $col2<200; $col2++) {
+		printf("%3i  %3i  %3i\n",$col2,$j2[$col2],$l2[$col2]);
+	    }
+	}
+    }	
+    # DEBUG
+    # Construct alignment of $aaq <-> $aapdb via alignments $aaq <-> $aat and $aat <-> $aapdb:  
+    # Find $l1[$col1] = line of pdb file corresponding to residue $aat[$col1] and $aaq[$col1]
+    $col2=0;
+    for ($col1=0; $col1<@aaq; $col1++) {
+	if ($j1[$col1]==0 || $i1[$col1]==0) {$l1[$col1]=0; next;} # skip gaps in query and gaps in template
+	while ($j2[$col2]<$col1+1) {$col2++;} # in $j2[col2] first index is 1, in $col1 first column is 0
+	$l1[$col1] = $l2[$col2];
+	if ($v>=4) {printf("l1[%i]=%i  l2[%i]=%i\n",$col1,$l1[$col1],$col2,$l2[$col2]);}
+    }
+    if ($pdbcode ne "NONE") {
+	if ($outformat eq "TS") {
+	    for ($col1=0; $col1<@aat; $col1++) {
+		if ($i1[$col1]==0) {next;} # skip gaps in query
+		if ($j1[$col1]==0) {next;} # skip gaps in template sequence
+		if ($l1[$col1]==0) {next;} # skip if corresponding residue was skipped in pdb file
+		$printblock[$k].=sprintf("ATOM  %5i  CA  %3s  %4i    %-50.50s\n",$i1[$col1],&One2ThreeLetter($aaq[$col1]),$i1[$col1]+$shift,$coord[$l1[$col1]]);
+		if ($v>=4) {
+		    printf("ATOM  %5i  CA  %3s  %4i    %-50.50s\n",$i1[$col1],&One2ThreeLetter($aaq[$col1]),$i1[$col1]+$shift,$coord[$l1[$col1]]);
+		}
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    for ($col1=0; $col1<@aat; $col1++) {
+		if ($i1[$col1]==0) {next;} # skip gaps in query
+		if ($j1[$col1]==0) {next;} # skip gaps in template sequence
+		if ($l1[$col1]==0) {next;} # skip if corresponding residue was skipped in pdb file
+		$printblock[$k].=sprintf("%1s %3i    %1s %s\n",$aaq[$col1],$i1[$col1],$aat[$col1],$nres[$l1[$col1]]);
+		if ($v>=4) {printf("%1s %3i    %1s %s\n",$aaq[$col1],$i1[$col1],$aat[$col1],$nres[$l1[$col1]]);}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    $printblock[$k].=sprintf("TER\n");
+    return;
+# Extract pdbcode and construct name of pdbfile and return in global variables $pdbid and $chain
+sub ExtractPdbcodeAndChain() 
+    my $name=$_[0];
+    $name=~/^(\S+)/;
+    $name=$1;
+    # SCOP ID? (d3lkfa_,d3grs_3,d3pmga1,g1m26.1)
+    if ($name=~/^[defgh](\d[a-z0-9]{3})([a-z0-9_.])[a-z0-9_]$/) {
+	$pdbcode=$1;
+	if ($2 eq "_") {$chain="[A ]";} else {$chain=uc($2);}
+    } 
+    # PDB ID? (8fab, 1a0i)
+    elsif ($name=~/^(\d[a-z0-9]{3})$/) {
+	$pdbcode=$1;
+	$chain="[A ]";
+    }
+    # PDB ID? (8fab_A)
+    elsif ($name=~/^(\d[a-z0-9]{3})_(\S)$/) {
+	$pdbcode=$1;
+	$chain=$2;
+    }
+    # PDB ID? (1u1z_ABC)
+    elsif ($name=~/^(\d[a-z0-9]{3})_(\S\S+)$/) {
+	$pdbcode=$1;
+	$chain="[$2]";
+    }
+    # DALI ID? (8fabA_0,1a0i_2)
+    elsif ($name=~/^(\d[a-z0-9]{3})([A-Za-z0-9]?)_\d+$/) {
+	$pdbcode=$1;
+	$chain=$2;
+    }
+    else {
+	$pdbcode=$name;
+	$chain="A";
+#	return 1; # no SCOP/DALI/pdb sequence 
+    }
+    &FindPDBfile($pdbcode);
+    if ($pdbfile eq "") {
+	if ($v>=2) {print("Warning: no pdb file found for sequence name '$name'\n");} 
+	return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+# Resort arrays according to sorting array0:
+# Resort(\@array0,\@array1,...,\@arrayN)
+sub Sort() 
+    my $p_array0 = $_[0];
+    my @index=();
+    for (my $i=0; $i<@{$p_array0}; $i++) {$index[$i]=$i;}
+    @index = sort { ${$p_array0}[$a] <=> ${$p_array0}[$b] } @index;
+    foreach my $p_array (@_) {
+	my @dummy = @{$p_array};
+	@{$p_array}=();
+	foreach my $i (@index) {
+	    push(@{$p_array}, $dummy[$i]);
+	}
+    }
+# Convert three-letter amino acid code into one-letter code
+sub Three2OneLetter {
+    my $res=uc($_[0]);
+    if    ($res eq "GLY") {return "G";}
+    elsif ($res eq "ALA") {return "A";}
+    elsif ($res eq "VAL") {return "V";}
+    elsif ($res eq "LEU") {return "L";}
+    elsif ($res eq "ILE") {return "I";}
+    elsif ($res eq "MET") {return "M";}
+    elsif ($res eq "PHE") {return "F";}
+    elsif ($res eq "TYR") {return "Y";}
+    elsif ($res eq "TRP") {return "W";}
+    elsif ($res eq "ASN") {return "N";}
+    elsif ($res eq "ASP") {return "D";}
+    elsif ($res eq "GLN") {return "Q";}
+    elsif ($res eq "GLU") {return "E";}
+    elsif ($res eq "CYS") {return "C";}
+    elsif ($res eq "PRO") {return "P";}
+    elsif ($res eq "SER") {return "S";}
+    elsif ($res eq "THR") {return "T";}
+    elsif ($res eq "LYS") {return "K";}
+    elsif ($res eq "HIS") {return "H";}
+    elsif ($res eq "ARG") {return "R";}
+    # The HETATM selenomethionine is read by MODELLER like a normal MET in both its HETATM_IO=off and on mode!
+    elsif ($res eq "MSE") {return "M";} # SELENOMETHIONINE 
+    elsif ($res eq "ASX") {return "B";}
+    elsif ($res eq "GLX") {return "Z";}
+    else                  {return "X";}
+    # The following post-translationally modified residues are ignored by MODELLER in its default SET HETATM_IO=off mode
+#    elsif ($res eq "SEC") {return "C";} # SELENOCYSTEINE
+#    elsif ($res eq "SEP") {return "S";} # PHOSPHOSERINE 
+#    elsif ($res eq "TPO") {return "T";} # PHOSPHOTHREONINE 
+#    elsif ($res eq "TYS") {return "Y";} # SULFONATED TYROSINE 
+#    elsif ($res eq "KCX") {return "K";} # LYSINE NZ-CARBOXYLIC ACID
+# Convert one-letter amino acid code into three-letter code
+sub One2ThreeLetter {
+    my $res=uc($_[0]);
+    if    ($res eq "G") {return "GLY";}
+    elsif ($res eq "A") {return "ALA";}
+    elsif ($res eq "V") {return "VAL";}
+    elsif ($res eq "L") {return "LEU";}
+    elsif ($res eq "I") {return "ILE";}
+    elsif ($res eq "M") {return "MET";}
+    elsif ($res eq "F") {return "PHE";}
+    elsif ($res eq "Y") {return "TYR";}
+    elsif ($res eq "W") {return "TRP";}
+    elsif ($res eq "N") {return "ASN";}
+    elsif ($res eq "D") {return "ASP";}
+    elsif ($res eq "Q") {return "GLN";}
+    elsif ($res eq "E") {return "GLU";}
+    elsif ($res eq "C") {return "CYS";}
+    elsif ($res eq "P") {return "PRO";}
+    elsif ($res eq "S") {return "SER";}
+    elsif ($res eq "T") {return "THR";}
+    elsif ($res eq "K") {return "LYS";}
+    elsif ($res eq "H") {return "HIS";}
+    elsif ($res eq "R") {return "ARG";}
+    elsif ($res eq "U") {return "SEC";}
+    elsif ($res eq "B") {return "ASX";}
+    elsif ($res eq "Z") {return "GLX";}
+    else                {return "UNK";}
+# Find the pdb file with $pdbcode in pdb directory 
+sub FindPDBfile() {
+    my $pdbcode=lc($_[0]);
+    foreach $pdbdir (@pdbdirs) {
+	if (! -e "$pdbdir") {warn("Warning in $program: pdb directory '$pdbdir' does not exist!\n"); next;}
+	if (-e "$pdbdir/all") {$pdbfile="$pdbdir/all/";}
+	elsif (-e "$pdbdir/divided") {$pdbfile="$pdbdir/divided/".substr($pdbcode,1,2)."/";}
+	else {$pdbfile="$pdbdir/";}
+	if    ($pdbdir=~/divided.?$/) {$pdbfile.=substr($pdbcode,1,2)."/";}
+	if    (-e $pdbfile."pdb$pdbcode.ent")    {$pdbfile.="pdb$pdbcode.ent";}
+	elsif (-e $pdbfile."pdb$pdbcode.ent.gz") {$pdbfile="gunzip -c $pdbfile"."pdb$pdbcode.ent.gz |";}
+	elsif (-e $pdbfile."pdb$pdbcode.ent.Z")  {$pdbfile="gunzip -c $pdbfile"."pdb$pdbcode.ent.Z |";}
+	elsif (-e $pdbfile."$pdbcode.pdb")       {$pdbfile.="$pdbcode.pdb";}
+	else {next;}
+	return $pdbfile;
+    }
+    printf(STDERR "Warning in $program: Cannot find pdb file $pdbfile"."pdb$pdbcode.ent!\n"); 
+    return "";